
December 30, 2005

The Hamas leader in the Bethlehem municipal council plans to implement a tax on all non-Muslims

In recent municipal elections in the little town of Bethlehem in Israel, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Fundamentalist terror group after their electoral victory say they intend to implement a special tax upon all the non-Muslim residents in the Palestinian territories reviving a tax applied through all of Islamic history to the second class Jewish and Christian citizens.

The Catholic mayor of Bethlehem formed a coalition with crucial support from the Muslims of Hamas to emerge victorious in the latest municipal election. The Hamas leader in Bethlehem exalts the suicide attacks against the Jews and asserts that these will continue until all of Palestine including the territories of Israel is under Islamic-Palestinian control.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The implementation of a special tax on all non-Muslim residents of Bethlehem is a foretaste of things to come, not only in Bethlehem but throughout the entire Middle East region and beyond according to Bible prophecy. With the shift in demographics in the little town of Bethlehem in the last decade, there is now a fear that the new ruling element in Bethlehem's municipal council, the Palestinian terror group Hamas, will move ahead to implement the Islamic law on all of the citizens of Bethlehem.

That would mean the placing in force of the special tax on all non-Muslims, meaning all Christians and Jews, a tax that has been applied down through Islamic history for the last 1300 years. The Hamas leadership in Bethlehem politics says if non-Muslims want to live in Bethlehem or any of the Palestinian areas, they must agree to live under Islamic rule.

As this story relates to Bible prophecy for the last days, I must mention that the word Islam is not used in the Bible; however, its philosophy and the End Time personalities mentioned in Bible prophecy have one common denominator, the Islamic faith. Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are some of the personalities listed by the ancient Jewish prophets for the last days, Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38. Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the book of Obadiah also include the Palestinians of today.

The philosophy of eliminating the Jewish state of Israel from the Middle East is the main theme of End Time prophecy and is in line with the politics of Hamas in the little town of Bethlehem. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 29, 2005

The Palestinian mastermind of the Munich Massacre says he has no regrets

The Palestinian who masterminded the Munich Olympics Massacre of eleven Israeli athletes says he has no regrets about the kidnapping that ended in the deaths of these Israeli athletes who he claims were not Israeli civilians, but instead Israeli soldiers responsible for killing Palestinians.

Mohammad Daoud who led Black September, the PLO splinter group that carried out the 1972 attack at the Munich Olympics, said Steven Spielberg's film Munich did not reflect reality, it doesn't look at both sides but instead serves the Zionist side alone. Daoud, who now lives in Damascus, Syria where he keeps a low profile, says that he is till a target of Israel's Mossad and he is reconciled to the fact that one day he will be a martyr, a life he chose as a Palestinian revolutionary.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement from the Palestinian mastermind of the Munich Massacre that he has no regrets for killing those Israeli athletes in 1972 is a precursor to the End Times scenario for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that is according to Bible prophecy.

The Munich Massacre in 1972 that resulted in the deaths of eleven Israeli Olympic athletes stunned the world at that time; and with the recent release of the Steven Spielberg film Munich, which tells the story of this horrific crime, the film has refreshed our thinking about the intensity of this conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The film depicts the Israeli retaliation against the Palestinian terrorists who carried out this mission and how the Israelis targeted these killers and followed through in the elimination of most of the Palestinian terror team.

This unfolding story has its roots in Bible history and Bible prophecy. Genesis 25, 27, 36, 37 reveal the biblical history of the start of the conflict between Esau and Jacob, twin brothers who both become nations. Jacob becomes the Jewish nation and Esau, the Palestinians.

Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the little Old Testament book of Obadiah, reveal the prophetic aspect of this story where these Jewish prophets lay out the End Times scenario for this conflict with the Palestinians trying to kill the Jews and the Jews winning at the end when the Messiah returns, which is Jesus Christ at His Second Coming. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 28, 2005

Jews worldwide are celebrating a miracle in their Temple

The headline reported a miracle in the city of Jerusalem in the Jewish Temple, but let me hasten to say that headline is not for today, but on this same date on the Jewish calendar, Kislev 25, some 2169 years ago.

The day when on the third anniversary of the desecration of the Jewish temple by Antiochus Epiphanes in 168 BC on Kislev 25, three years later the Jewish people celebrated the reconsecration of that Temple. As the Jewish warriors entered the Temple after defeating Antiochus Epiphanes, they found a flask of oil, enough to relight the seven branch candelabra or the Menorah for only one day, but according to Jewish tradition it stayed lit for eight days and thus the Jewish holy day of Chanukkah.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

There is a prophetic significance to the Jewish holy days of Chanukkah according to the prophecies in the Bible concerning the desecration of the Jewish Temple. The miracle of Chanukkah and the observance of the eight day Jewish holy days is the record of God raising up the Jewish warriors, the Maccabees, to defeat Antiochus Epiphanes and then the reconsecration of the Temple on Kislev 25, 165 BC, exactly three years to the day after the Temple was desecrated.

These feast days are also referred to as the Feasts of Dedication and the Feasts of Lights. An interesting fact about Chanukkah and its date Kislev 25, the Jewish month of Kislev corresponding to the Christian calendar month of December which is the date that was chosen by an early church council for the birthdate for Jesus Christ, December 25, Christmas Day. Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet in his prophecy, Daniel 11:30-32, foretold the desecration of the Temple by Antiochus Epiphanes and referred to it as the abomination of desolation, a prophecy given 360 years before the fact.

The events at the Temple in 168 BC on Kislev 25, the Temple's destruction, is a prototype or a prophecy of that to come during the coming seven year Tribulation Period when the Antichrist will enter the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem as god desecrating the Temple, the abomination of desolation, Second Thessalonians 2:4.

As Jews celebrate Chanukkah, a celebration of victory in the past, all of us must stop to remember the future events at the Temple according to Bible prophecy, which by the way will indeed be fulfilled.

December 27, 2005

The Arab world's inaugural meeting of its new parliament is an historic occasion

The Arab world's first regional parliament recently held its inaugural meeting in Cairo, Egypt with eighty-eight members: four from the parliaments or advisory councils of each Arab League member which Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak called a historic occasion which opens new horizons for joint Arab action.

The new Arab parliament will be based in Syria, meet twice a year, and is part of a package of institutional changes promoted by Amr Moussa, Secretary General of the Arab League, as a way to make the Arab League stronger and more effective. Arab League officials say the parliament will eventually have power through direct elections similar to those held for the European parliament to establish an Arab Security Council to handle regional disputes.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The new Arab parliament is a precursor to the coalition of nations that will rise up to try and destroy Israel in the last days, that is according to Bible prophecy. For a number of years, the Arab League has been in place and has represented the different Arab governments. Now, this newly formed Arab government has plans to become the major political power source in the Arab world.

The new interim parliament has five years to draft the arrangements for a permanent Arab parliament which will then gain the power of an Arab security council that then will be able to handle regional disputes. This newly formed regional parliament will follow the example of the European parliament and the African parliament as it becomes a major political, economic, military power in the Middle Eastern region.

The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel states that Syria and Egypt will come together to attack Israel in the last days, Daniel 11:40-44. And then they will be joined by against Libya, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia. Ezekiel, another ancient Jewish prophet confirms these major players in military action against Israel, Ezekiel 38. The psalmist in Psalm 83:6 also includes Saudi Arabia in the alignment of nations that come against the Jewish state of Israel.

The newly formed Arab parliament is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, possibly in the near future.

December 23, 2005

The actual location of the birth of Christ has prophetic significance

The ancient Jewish prophet Micah foretold the birthplace for the coming Messiah seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Micah said that the Son of God would be born in the little insignificant village near Jerusalem called Bethlehem. History records that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was indeed born in Bethlehem, not in Nazareth where He was raised, not in Capernaum where He conducted His ministry, not even in Jerusalem where He was crucified, buried, and ressurrected, but Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.

However, the actual location of the birthplace of Jesus Christ is also found in the prophecy of Micah, the location was Migdal Edar which in Hebrew is the tower of the flock, Micah 4:8. The tower of the flock was where the shepherds would watch over their flock from the second story and where they birthed the newborn lambs in the lower portion of the two story tower there in the fields of Bethlehem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The actual birthplace of Jesus Christ in the little town of Bethlehem has a prophetic significance both in the past and the future. The past significance of Migdal Edar: Migdal Edar, the tower of the flock mentioned in Micah 4:8, is the watchtower where the priestly shepherds would watch over their flocks in the shepherd's fields there at Bethlehem.

It was in the lower portion of this watchtower that the birthing of the lambs would take place. The shepherds would wrap the newborn lambs in swaddling clothes to protect the body of the lambs which would be offered as sacrifice at the Temple just four miles away in Jerusalem. Wrapped in swaddling clothes to keep the new lambs without spot or blemish, they would be laid in a manger until they had calmed down.

The prophetic significance of Migdal Edar: the priestly shepherds in their fields near Bethlehem on that Christmas Eve knew where to go to find the newborn Messiah, Jesus Christ. He would be found where the angel had told them, wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger in the lower floor of the tower of the flock, Migdal Edar, and He would be there as the Lamb to be sacrificed to take away the sin of the world. Micah 4:8 also speaks of the fact that this One born in the tower of the flock, Migdal Edar, Jesus Christ would setup His dominion, His Kingdom in Jerusalem, only several miles from where He had been born.

The actual site, Migdal Edar, for the cradle of Jesus Christ, would also reveal the prophecy for where Jesus Christ the Messiah would wear His crown as the King of kings and the Lord of lords for a coming future kingdom right here on earth.

December 22, 2005

Christmas Day, December 25th, has a past and prophetic significance

A church council that met in the year 325 AD decided that the date December 25th would be the designated date for the celebration of the birth of the Son of God, the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This date conformed to the date marking the desecration of the Temple in Jerusalem by Antiochus Epiphanes in 168 BC on Kislev 25, Kislev being the Jewish month of December.

Interestingly, Kislev 25, December 25th, three years to the date after the Temple was desecrated, marks the time that the Temple was reconsecrated by the Macabees in Kislev 25 or December 25th, 165 BC. Finding a flask of oil it good for lighting the Menorah for only one day, it stayed lit for eight days, thus the Jewish holy day of Chanukkah, also known as the Feast of Dedication or the Feast of Lights. Jesus Christ celebrated the Jewish holy day Chanukkah in John 10:22 and as the Light of the world, John 8, 9, 11; the church council chose December 25th, the time for the Feast of Lights, as Christmas Day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day, December 25th, should remind us of Bible prophecy that has been fulfilled and is yet to be fulfilled. December 25th and Bible prophecy fulfilled: The prophet Daniel, 360 years before it happened, prophesied the desecration of the Temple in Jerusalem, Daniel 11:30-32. On December 25, 168 BC Antiochus Epiphanes committed the abomination of desolation, the desecration of the Temple fulfilling Daniel's prophecy.

December 25th and Bible prophecy yet to be fulfilled: the abomination of desolation in the Temple in Jerusalem by Antiochus Epiphanes was the prototype of a future event in history. During the coming seven year period known as the Tribulation, in fact at the midway point of the Tribulation, the Antichrist will cause the sacrifice to cease in the Temple standing in Jerusalem as prophesied by Daniel 9:27.

The Antichrist, energized by Satan, will enter the Temple and claim to be the true God, thus the abomination of desolation.

Celebrating Christmas on December 25th reminds us of prophecy fulfilled two thousand years ago with the birth of Christ and prophecy yet to be fulfilled.

December 21, 2005

Armed Palestinian terrorists stormed the mayor's office in the little town of Bethlehem

About twenty members of a Palestinian terror group, al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, stormed the office of the mayor of Bethlehem located on Manger Square in the birthplace of Jesus Christ.

With a number of these armed men on the rooftops of one of the adjoining buildings, one of the Brigade members said that they made this raid at this time and this location to draw international attention to the issue at a time when the eyes of the world are turned towards Bethlehem during this Christmas season. This was another evidence that the Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas has failed to tame security chaos in the Palestinian areas where armed men act with impunity, often in the name of resistance to Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An armed siege on the mayor's office on Manger Square in the little town of Bethlehem by Palestinian terrorists speaks of a scenario in this area during the End Times, according to Bible prophecy. Back in 2002 Palestinian terrorists entered the Church of Nativity, took siege of this traditional site for the birth of Jesus Christ, and held off the Israeli army for five weeks before surrendering.

This most recent siege of the mayor's office located right there near the Church of Nativity on Manger Square once again has drawn world-wide attention to the terristic activities of some Palestinians who have no respect for human life and are locked in a struggle to the death with the Jewish state of Israel. This report is evidence that Bible prophecy is in the process of being fulfilled.

Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Obadiah, all Jewish prophets speak of the End Times when the Palestinians, the modern-day name for descendants of Esau, will return to the land, kill the Jewish people, and endeavor to take the land that God gave to the Jewish people as their home, Jeremiah 49, Ezekiel 35, and the book of Obadiah.

All three of these prophets say the Edomites, today's Palestinians will return, rebuild, and retaliate against the Jewish people as we approach the End Times and the Lord's return. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 20, 2005

An official Egyptian government newspaper denies the Holocaust

The al Masaa newspaper, an official newspaper of the Egyptian government, says there were no massacres of the Jews during WWII and that the gas chambers were intended for disinfecting clothing. In fact, Nazi leader Adolph Hitler was not against the Jews and had allowed Jews to immigrate to the Holy Land during his first years in power.

The newspapers defended Iranian President Ahmadinejad saying that he did nothing more than state the truth. The article stated that Iranian President Ahmadinejad had posed a logical and proper question to the Western countries who planted a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The denial of the Jewish Holocaust during WWII by an official Egyptian government paper and a defense of Iranian President Ahmadinejad's similar statements about the Holocaust is setting the stage for a far worse Holocaust in the future for the Jewish people that is according to Bible prophecy.

Over the last sixty years, there have been many voices that deny the massacres of the Jewish Holocaust during WWII. In fact, the recent statement by Iranian President Ahmadinejad calling the Holocaust a "myth" is right in line with that same plane in the official Egyptian government newspaper. In the face of one of the most documented events in history, Holocaust deniers have spread their lies even claiming that the Jewish leadership during WWII helped coordinate the massacres in an effort to push the Jews to immigrate to Palestine.

Denying the Jewish Holocaust of WWII is preparing the world for a future Holocaust of the Jewish people that will be far worse than the last one. The next Jewish Holocaust during the seven year Tribulation will see two out of every three Jews on earth killed, that is according to the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah, Zechariah 13:8. Satanic forces will endeavor to kill all the Jews at that time, according to Revelation 12:13, 17.

Denying the Holocaust of the past does indeed set the stage for the future Holocaust. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 19, 2005

Israelis are willing to divide the city of Jerusalem for peace with the Palestinians

A recent poll taken among Israelis showed that they are deadlocked over withdrawing from some parts of Jerusalem in the future with 49 percent of those polled willing see parts of Jerusalem and 49 percent against giving up any part of their holy city.

Those opposed to such a withdrawal said that it would be a victory for terrorism. Prime Minister Sharon's new political party platform seems to be calling for not only the withdrawal from 90 percent of Judea and Samaria but also concessions to the Palestinian demand that Jerusalem be the capital of a Palestinian state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Israeli body politic deadlocked on whether to divide the city of Jerusalem is a precursor to the scenario for Jerusalem in the last days, according to Bible prophecy. Since the Six-Day War in 1967, the leaders of Israel have said that they will never again divide their holy city, the city of Jerusalem. Every prime minister of Israel has said that Jerusalem is the undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish people with no exceptions.

But now, there seems to be one leader, Prime Minister Sharon, who may be willing to cede some portion of Jerusalem to the Palestinians for a capital of their state of Palestine. One of the Prime Minister's confidants in his new political party, Mayor Sharif, has suggested that the Kadima party platform will allow for a divided Jerusalem. With the recent release of a national poll in Israel it is clear that the body politic of the Jewish state of Israel is divided down the middle on whether to give up some portion of their holy city of Jerusalem.

This actually fits the prophetic scenario that can be found in Zechariah 12:2-3. This scenario for the last days, a prophecy that says Jerusalem will be the major controversy during the End Times and a heavy burden for the Jewish people. The prophet Zechariah also said in Zechariah 1:12-16 that the Lord is jealous for Jerusalem and He promises to return to the holy city to build a temple there and dwell among His people forever.

Dividing the city of Jerusalem today, does set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled in a future tomorrow.

December 16, 2005

Sixteen Asian leaders formed a regional association to develop a stronger voice in world affairs

Asian leaders have agreed to create a new united regional association, a sixteen nation association that will widen its circle of cooperation among Asian nations that are working on combating Asia's economic, security, and political problems.

The new regional association membership includes nations like: China, India, South Korea, and even Australia and New Zealand, all nations that are making an effort to develop a stronger voice in world affairs. China is the driving force behind this new regional association and one question the group will have to address in the near future is Russia's desire to join the group, which is somewhat of a confrontation to China.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The new sixteen member Asian regional association wanting a stronger voice in world affairs is a precursor to a scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. China watchers have been observing this most populated nation of the world become a major economic power and at the same time, building up its military might. Almost half of the world's population would be included in this newly formed association, making it a force to be reckoned with today and into the future as well.

Though China, India, and the other fourteen members of this new Asian association are not mentioned in Bible prophecy, they are included in the End Times scenario that can be found in the book of Revelation. Revelation 16:12 mentions the kings of the East that will make their way into Jerusalem at the end of the seven year Tribulation Period to join with the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and Satan to fight the Battle of Armageddon.

Bible prophecy also reveals that most of the Islamic world will be already destroyed by the time China and the other kings of the East join the Satanic trinity to go against Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, Ezekiel 38, 39; Daniel 11; Revelation 16.

This new powerful, regional Asian association recently formed does help to set the stage for the End Times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

December 15, 2005

The Iraqis have turned out to vote in an historic election

Iraqis vote for their first full-term government since the US led invasion in 2003 amid tight security and with a high turnout, especially among the Sunni Arabs who boycotted the last election.

Some 15 million Iraqis were eligible to vote and Iraqi President Talabani called the election day a celebration for Iraqi voters who were living a historic moment. There were some 6,655 candidates in 307 political parties and 19 coalitions buying for the new full-term parliament made up of 275 seats: a parliament who will lead this war-torn nation into the future.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The historic landmark vote in Iraq to elect its 275 member national assembly who will lead this war-torn nation into the future is a stage setting event for the End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. The removal of a vicious dictator, Saddam Hussein, from leading Iraq into the future coupled with the iraqi people freely voting for their new leadership is a history making event by anyone's standards.

The world must wait; however, and see how this new Iraqi government will actually come together, especially in light of a constitution that calls for Islam to be the major religion of the land. This historic vote and the desire to rebuild its nation, a part of the body politic of Iraq, is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Iraq, which is the modern-day name for biblical Babylon, must be a major player on the world stage, because the ancient Jewish prophets foretold of a time when the Antichrist, a one-world leader, will be headquartered in Babylon, which is on the shores of the Euphrates River in Iraq. And that leadership taking place in the last 3 1/2 years of the coming Tribulation Period, Jeremiah 50, 51; Isaiah 13,14; Revelation 18, 16:17 and following.

The Iraqi national elections have a historic significance as well as a prophetic significance. These Bible prophecies will be fulfilled.

December 14, 2005

The Iranian President Ahmadinejad is calling for a Jewish state in Alaska

For a third time in a week, Iranian President Ahmadinejad claims that the Holocaust is a myth, that Europeans used this myth to create a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world and that there should not be a Jewish state in the Middle East, but either in Europe, the United States or Canada.

The Iranian President, speaking to thousands of people in Southern Iran, said that the world has created a myth in the name of the Holocaust and they consider it to be above Allah, religion, and the prophets. Ahmadinejad said the oppressed Palestinian nation should not have to pay the price for a Jewish state; there should be a Jewish state in Europe, the United States, or even in Alaska.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by Iranian President Ahmadinejad for a Jewish state in Alaska is in total contradiction to God's plan for a Jewish nation, but it is in lockstep with Bible prophecy for the last days. Iranian President Ahmadinejad is denying that there ever was a Jewish Holocaust, that it is a myth, and he is calling for a Jewish state somewhere other than in the Middle East.

Ahmadinejad says that a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world is in the face of Allah, Islam, and all the prophets. But, wait a minute, is a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world in contradiction of the prophets, the ancient Jewish prophets, the ones given their proclamation by the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Is a Jewish state in the Middle East in contradiction to these prophets?

Ezekiel says that God will bring the Jewish people back to the land of their forefathers and they will prosper in that land, Ezekiel 34, 36, 37. Jeremiah says that, in fact, when the Jewish people come back home, the Lord will give them their old language to speak, Jeremiah 31, the renewed Hebrew verse 23.

Isaiah, Daniel, and Obadiah, just to name a few Jewish prophets, say that God has given the Jewish people a land right where it is today, not in Alaska as Ahmadinejad has called for. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 13, 2005

The IDF Chief of Staff says Iran will be at a point of no return by March

The IDF Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Dan Halutz, says that Iran was approaching the point of no return in its nuclear development of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), and that by next March Iran would have the technological capability to manufacture nuclear weapons.

General Halutz, speaking to the Israeli Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committees, said that Iran could build their nuclear WMD within one to two years.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Iran with a nuclear WMD, which Israel says is possible within the next two years, is a threat to Israel, the Middle East, and many parts of the world, plus it is a page out of Bible prophecy. Recently, the Chief of Military Intelligence in Israel brief government officials that Iran could have a nuclear WMD within two years. The Intelligence Chief also said that Israel will have to consider military action against Iran to stop the Iranian development of this nuclear WMD.

Now, the Chief of Staff of the IDF, General Dan Halutz, says that by next March, Iran will have the nuclear know-how to build this WMD. As this drama is unfolding, the UN and the EU are trying to work with Iran to head off the development of a WMD. As I report this story, I cannot forget the scenario for the last days found in Bible prophecy, a scenario that includes Iran as a major player.

Ezekiel, the ancient Jewish prophet some 2,500 years ago, prewrote history and included Iran on the world stage at the time of the end, Ezekiel 38. The fifth verse includes Persia, which is the biblical name for modern-day Iran.

Iran's rhetoric, research, and resources for a potential nuclear WMD within two years does set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

December 12, 2005

The Palestinian Authority claims the Western Wall is Muslim property

The Palestinian Authority's office for religious affairs in Jerusalem claims that the Western Wall, revered by Jews for generations as the last structural remnant of the second Temple, is Muslim property with the Palestinian Authority's website attempting to negate Jewish ownership of the Western Wall.

Rabbi Chaim Richman, Director of the International Department of the Temple institute, said that the Palestinian Authority claim to the Western Wall is part of a campaign to totally eradicate and destroy all Jewish connection to the Temple Mount, the city of Jerusalem, and the land of Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Muslim claim of ownership of the Western Wall in Jerusalem, prayer site for the Jews down through the generations, has great prophetic significance, that is according to Bible prophecy. The Jewish people since the second century AD have gone to the western Wall to offer their three daily prayers because of the beloved Rabbi Akiva, the spiritual leader of the revolt back in the 130's AD.

Rabbi Akiva claimed that the Song of Solomon, a book in the Old testament, revealed that the Jewish Messiah was behind the Western Wall, and thus the reason for Jews offering their daily prayers at the Western Wall. The Islamic Trust in Jerusalem, custodians of the Temple Mount, have for years claimed there is no evidence that Jews were ever on the Temple Mount, and now they claim that the Western Wall is owned by the Muslims and the Jews have no right to be there.

Rabbi Richman's statement that this Muslim claim is part of a plan to eradicate all Jewish connections to the Temple Mount, the city of Jerusalem, and the land of Israel is in concert with the words of the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah.

Zechariah 12:2-3 talk about Jerusalem as a place of controversy. Zechariah 1:12-16 actually discusses the Messiah's jealousy of the Temple Mount, His displeasure with these Muslim claims today, and His promise to return to the Temple Mount, and build His Temple there. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 09, 2005

The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has the blue robe for the High Priest

In a press release put out by the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, an organization of Orthodox Jews who have done the research on the details that are needed to rebuild the Temple, train the priests to operate the Temple, and prepare all the implements needed to operate the Temple, now says that they have completed their work on the blue robe for the High Priest.

Rabbi Chaim Richman says that the garment of the High Priest will be on display at the Temple Institute in Jerusalem in the near future, along with all the other items that have been made ready to operate the Temple when it has been rebuilt. Rabbi Richman says that the completion of the blue robe is a major step towards preparations for the Holy Temple in our time.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The announcement from the Temple Institute in Jerusalem of the completion of the blue robe for the High priest is, as the Temple Institute reports, a major step towards the rebuilding of the Temple in our time, a very significant announcement prophetically, according to Bible prophecy. For years, the Temple Institute in Jerusalem has been at the forefront of preparing everything needed to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

In 1999, I produced a documentary entitled, "Ready to Rebuild" which has been aired nationwide in America and in some selected locations around the world. This television documentary revealed how advanced these Orthodox Jews were in their preparations to rebuild the Temple.

They have trained the priests, they have all the priestly garments in storage, they have also made the Temple implements needed to operate the Temple, the four-thousand harps needed for Temple music are almost completed, and now the announcement of the blue robe, a garment that the High Priest wears in his duties at the Temple. The work of the people at the Temple Institute over almost two decades has prepared them to rebuild the Temple, install the priests and reinstitute worship at a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

This report indeed helps us to see the stage has been set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

December 08, 2005

Israeli government has an interactive website for new immigrants to learn Hebrew in their homes

The Immigrant Absorption Ministry of the Israeli government recently unveiled an interactive website for new immigrants to learn Hebrew at their own pace and in their own homes, an initiative aimed at helping newcomers to improve their language skills.

The Israeli government hopes that the new Hebrew language website which has tabs for English, Russian, French, Spanish and Arabic speakers will be used by Jews around the world who plan to immigrate to Israel. The Israeli Minister of Immigrant Absorption said that it is of the utmost importance to strengthen the language skills of immigrants as a part of enabling them to be a part of the Israeli society.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Learning Hebrew online on the internet is in reality a fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the last days. For almost 2,000 years the Hebrew language was considered a dead language, not used for commerce, education, or even daily conversation. In the late 1800's, a Jewish man named Eleazar ben Yehudah and his new wife immigrated to Israel from Europe. Ben Yehudah told his wife, "We are God's chosen people, living in God's chosen land; therefore, we must speak God's chosen language, Hebrew".

The new Israeli immigrant set out to make biblical Hebrew conversational, even inventing new Hebrew words. Ben Yehudah developed a Hebrew dictionary which included his new Hebrew words and he also developed the method of teching Hebrew, the Ulpan. Now, the Israeli government has put ben Yehudah's method of teaching Hebrew on the internet to help all learn the Hebrew language.

The reality of this story is that one man revived the Hebrew language after almost 2,000 years, which is exactly what the Bible said would happen. Jeremiah 31:23 reveals God's promise to give to the Jewish people their language when they returned to their land. The prophet Zephaniah said that in the last days God would return the pure language, Hebrew, to the Jewish people, Zephaniah 3:9.

Hebrew being taught on the internet in Israel is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 07, 2005

The Roman Catholic Church hierarchy of the British Isles deny Creation and the Second Coming of Christ

The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church of the British Isles has published a teaching document instructing the faithful that some parts of the Bible are not actually true and warned their five million worshippers that they should not expect total accuracy from the Bible.

The bishops of the church said that students of the bible should not expect to find in scripture full scientific accuracy or complete historic precision and they deny that the account of Creation found in Genesis 1 and 2 was actually true. The bishops also refuted the apocalyptic prophecies of the book of Revelation which they say is symbolic language to be respected but not interpreted literally.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With the hierarchy of the Catholic Church denying the biblical account of Creation and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, they are actually fulfilling Bible prophecy. The document published by the bishops of the Roman Catholic Church of the British Isles, England, Wales, and Scotland, has officially made the statement denying the Creation account of Genesis 1 and 2, a truth that Jesus Christ Himself confirmed.

The motivation for the decision by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is that these clergy want a contemporary message to reach a contemporary world, a world that cannot accept the literary interpretation of the Bible. This report is like reading from the pages of Bible prophecy from a book written by the so called leader of the Catholic Church, the Apostle Peter.

In the last book that Peter wrote, Second Peter, and the last chapter of this book, chapter three, Peter warns of what will happen in the End Times, people will deny the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Second Peter 3:4. Peter also wrote that these same people will deny the biblical account of Creation, they will be willfully ignorant or dumb on purpose, Second Peter 3:5.

Peter was right on target as he described the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church of the British Isles and their denial of the truth in the Bible. Just the fact that I made this report is evidence that we are quickly approaching the time of the Lord's return. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 06, 2005

South Africa will be the first African nation to legalize same sex unions

Recently, South Africa's highest court ruled that preventing gay marriage is unconstitutional, paving the way for South Africa to become the first to legalize same sex unions on a continent where homosexuality remains largely taboo.

This high court decision in South Africa follows the lead of countries like New Zealand, who in 2004 approved civil unions between gay couples and in 2005, Canada legalized same sex marriage. It was Denmark back in 1989 which became the first country to grant same sex partners the same rights as married couples; however, church weddings between same sex partners are not allowed.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As country after country makes provision for same sex marriages, one must be reminded about how Jesus approached this scenario as a part of the world scene in the last days, that is according to Bible prophecy. Around the world, many nations are making laws to allow for same sex marriage, granting the same rights as heterosexual married couples.

In June of 2005, Spain not only allowed for gay couples to marry, but that they would be allowed also to adopt children. The debate on same sex marriage continues in the United States with states like California and New York having their laws challenged by law makers who have even performed gay marriage ceremonies. The approval for same sex partners to marry, have the same rights as heterosexual couples, and even adopt children, as this debate continues to spread one must remember what Jesus said and in fact what He did about this issue thousands of years ago.

In the Gospel of Luke 17:28-30, Jesus Christ said that the days of His Second Coming will be like it was in the days of Lot, a time when the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. The account of that event written by Moses and recorded in Genesis 19 reveals that Jesus Christ brought destruction on these people because of sodomy, homosexuality.

The words of Jesus Christ seem to indicate when you see the days of lot and Sodom replicated, that's when he will come again. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 05, 2005

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has invited the Pope to visit Bethlehem

Mahmoud Abbas, the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, held a private meeting with Pope Benedict at the Vatican and gave the Pope a passport to enter Bethlehem on his upcoming trip to Israel. The Meeting between was the first meeting between the two men.

In the twenty minute meeting between Abbas and Benedict the two discussed the Middle East peace process and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the Pope stressing the need to integrate all components of the Palestinian people into the peace process. A reference to extremist elements like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. The Palestinian leader briefing journalists after his meeting with the Pope, stated that Pope Benedict with his symbolic weight can carry out a decisive role for peace in the Middle East.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Pope Benedict discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas at the Vatican in Rome, has an interesting significance for the End Times scenario found in Bible prophecy. In 1982, the late Pope John Paul held the first of many meetings with the late Yasser Arafat, a meeting that sparked protest in Israel and across the Jewish world.

John Paul consistently championed rights for the Palestinian people. It is strange to see such a revered religious leader meeting with a known terrorist leader and to some extent encouraging his cause. However, it is not so strange when one adds to the equation the prophetic scenario that can be found in God's Word for the End Times for these two entities, the Vatican and the Palestinians.

Bible prophecy says a religious leader from Rome will come into the Middle East to help with the peace process, which is the event that starts the seven year Tribulation Period, a time of judgment on earth that follows the Rapture of the Church, Daniel 9:27, 11:40-45, First Thessalonians 2:4, Revelation 17.

A meeting at the Vatican in Rome between Pope Benedict and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas does indeed help set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

December 02, 2005

Russia has signed an agreement that will equip Iran for war

Russia has signed an agreement with Iran to deliver 29 of its Tor M-1 anti-missile systems to them, a system that could intercept cruise missiles and airborne missiles that the United States, Israel, and other western countries might use in an effort to keep the terrorist sponsoring nation from developing nuclear weapons or using them.

This report comes at a time when the Chief of Israeli Military Intelligence is telling the Israeli Knesset Iran will be a nuclear weapon ready state within two years and that Israel must consider taking military action against Iran. Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says his country cannot accept Iran with nuclear weapons, they are a danger to Israel, the Middle East, and other countries around the world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Russia equipping Iran for war is a page out of Bible prophecy for the End Times and should get world attention. For a number of years Russia has transferred nuclear technology and technicians to Iran for, as they say, the purpose of building nuclear power plants. The Israelis have during this same time gone public with warnings that this nuclear technology was for the purpose of developing a nuclear weapon.

The United Nations, the European Union, and the United States have also been working to stop any nuclear program in Iran that could develop nuclear weapons of mass destruction, mostly to no avail. Even threats to take Iran to the United Nations Security Council has not slowed down Iran's nuclear weapons development program.

The news that Russia will supply Iran with a missile shield system to stop any preemptive strike on its nuclear program has added great concern to the mix. This report is like reading from the pages of Bible prophecy from the prophetic message of the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel. In Ezekiel 38, the prophet reveals that two of the main players in the End Times scenario laid out in scripture will be Russia, the Gog in verse two, and Iran, the Persia in verse five. These two nations align themselves with other Arab and Islamic nations to come against Israel with a fatal blow to the Jewish state.

Even though the Lord intercedes on Israel's behalf, Russia equipping Iran for war sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

December 01, 2005

As millions mark world AIDS day, the UN calls for world leaders to continue their fight against AIDS

Marking the official launch of world AIDS day, the United Nations said there will be no excuses in meeting commitments for the treatment and care of those with the virus and the prevention of the spread of AIDS.

The total number of people with HIV has reached an estimated all-time high of 40.3 million people, almost half of those being women with SubSaharan Africa remaining the hardest hit region home to 25.8 million people with HIV which is two-thirds of all the people infected. The AIDS epidemic has claimed over 3 million lives in 2005 with more than half a million children dying with this dreaded disease, the AIDS epidemic continues to grow with increasing numbers being affected by the deadly virus.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As millions mark world AIDS day, we must be reminded that this deadly disease at its highest level of those infected only foreshadows the pandemic spread of disease in the last days according to Bible prophecy. World AIDS day is a harsh reminder of the devastation that the HIV virus has caused across the world.

The call for the care of and treatment for those inflicted with HIV is coupled with the efforts to prevent the spread of this dreaded disease by the United Nation's demands that world leaders not forget their commitments to fight AIDS. Many new regions of the world have in recent days become aware of the potential for catastrophic results if they do not get this problem under control; places with massive populations like China and India. With numbers over 40 million people inflicted with HIV, it is at its highest level ever.

Bible prophecy speaks of pandemic disease in the last days that will take the lives of millions of people. Jesus, in the Olivet discourse recorded in Matthew 24, said that pestilence, pandemic disease will be a sign of His soon return. The book of Revelation 6:7-8 gives the number of those who die from starvation, war, and pandemic disease at one-fourth of the world's population, that would be 1.5 billion people.

Marking world AIDS day is a reminder, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 30, 2005

Iraq's many holy sites attract pilgrims from around the world

A recent report on the BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation, website mentioned that thousands of Shiite Muslims from the United Kingdom have visited the Shia holy sites in Iraq even though the situation is dangerous for foreign visitors in war-torn Iraq.

The Iraqi cities of Najaf and Karbala are home to some of the most sacred shrines of the Shia branch of Islam and they are leading centers for scholars of Islamic theology. To Jews and Christians there are remains of biblically significant locations in Iraq as well including the cities of Nineveh, Ur of the Chaldeas, and the age old city of Babylon.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The draw of sacred holy sites for Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Iraq is a precursor to a time when one of these holy sites will be the leading city on earth, that is according to Bible prophecy. As the war-torn nation of Iraq endeavours to conquer and subdue the insurgents, elect its national leadership and rebuild its nation there are plans already in place for marketing the holy sites of Iraq to the religious-minded in our world today.

In the Shia Muslim world their holiest sites and most scholarly scholars are located in two cities that have been at the center of intense conflict during the last three years, that would be Najaf and Karbala. Ur of the Chaldeas, birthplace of Abraham, is a revered site to the Jewish world and Babylon has a history that is part of Judaism's 4,000 year old history. In fact, Babylon will play a role in the End Times scenario in our world in what could be the very near future.

Babylon, a city that has been on the shores of the Euphrates River for 4,500 years, will be the international headquarters for the one-world, economic, political, governmental system of the Antichrist, that is according to Bible prophecy found in Revelation 18. The ancient Jewish prophet Jeremiah in chapters 50 and 51 reveals that Babylon will be destroyed, and then according to Revelation chapters 16 and 18, Jesus Christ will return to the earth.

Iraq's rebuilding today will prepare Babylon to attract the world to its leadership in a future tomorrow. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 29, 2005

The Vatican has renewed its ban on homosexuals serving as priests

The Vatican has published long awaited guidelines which reaffirm that active homosexuals and supporters of gay culture may not become priests: guidelines that make no reference to current priests only people about to join a seminary.

The Vatican document describes homosexual acts as grave sins that cannot be justified under any circumstances and it would be gravely dishonest for a candidate to hide his own homosexuality. One Church official says that it is right for the Church to take a stand on certain issues, especially on the issue of homosexuality. The church is taking a step in the right direction.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recently released document by the Vatican that calls homosexual acts grave sins has focused the world on a lifestyle that has a connection to the End Times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. The recently released document on homosexuality issued from the Vatican did not come from the Pope; however, Pope Benedict did approve the guidelines drafted by the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education back in August.

Homosexuals had already been barred from the priesthood in a 1961 document issued by the Vatican and this most recent document is a renewal of those guidelines already in place. The guidelines specifically address the issue urging candidates for the priesthood to tell the truth and reminding them that all homosexual acts are grave sins.

As I have stated, this issue addressed by the Vatican document has a connection to End Times scenario of Bible prophecy. In fact, Jesus addressed the issue in a statement recorded in the Gospel of Luke when the Lord was telling his disciples what to look for at the time of His return to earth, His Second Coming. Luke 17:28-30 records the Lord's warning that when you see our day as it was in the days of Lot when the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of sodomy, that is a day when He would come again. Daniel 11:37 also eludes to the fact that the Antichrist would be a Sodomite.

This Vatican document on homosexuality sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 28, 2005

Asian world leaders announce the US can't defeat China

The overwhelming assessment by Asian officials from Australia, Japan, and South Korea is that the United States military simply cannot defeat China. The United States would be unable stem a Chinese conventional attack and China would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons even at the risk of a massive US retaliation.

One Chinese official said that the United States military could not encounter a wave of millions of Chinese soldiers prepared to die in any onslaught against US forces realizing that after 2000 casualties the US military would be forced to withdraw.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

For a number of years the Chinese have been preparing themselves to become a superpower economically and militarily. A recent trip to the Far East by US President George W. Bush has focused world attention on this region of the world to the extent that there are those now speaking publically about what has been discussed privately by Asian leaders. China would defeat the United States in a conventional or nuclear war.

This current scenario has students of Bible prophecy taking notice of how the stage is being set for the endtime scenario for the Far East as recorded in Bible prophecy.

In the book of Revelation, John reveals that the Euphrates River will be dried up to make way for the Kings of the East to travel to Jerusalem for the campaign of Armageddon. This is found in Revelation 6:12.

Almost half of the world's population lives in the Far East and a strong military in that region will indeed be a major player on the world stage at the time of the end. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 27, 2005

Thanksgiving Day is evidence that the US government and the Bible can work in harmony

The United States of America stops today to give thanks for all the blessings and freedoms that we have and this day is a special day set aside by the United States government to do exactly what the Bible calls for us all to do, give thanks in all things.

Families will gather for the traditional Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and dressing, the young men and even some of us old guys will break out in the annual game of touch football and the ladies, well they'll be there to cheer us on, and in fact heal up any of the bruises sustained in the afternoon free-for-all. Those of us with loved ones on a far away battlefield will thank God for their protection and ask God for their safe return to the family circle for next Thanksgiving: and all of this on a day of thanksgiving required by the Bible and set aside by decree of our own government.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Today is a day set aside for all of us to be thankful, but as we move closer to the time of the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, our world will become more and more unthankful, that is according to Bible prophecy. The principle of thanksgiving: there are over 100 locations in the Bible where the scriptures speak of thanks and thanksgiving. We are told to give thanks in all things for it is the will of God in Christ Jesus, First Thessalonians 5:18.

The product of thanksgiving: interestingly when we stop to give thanks, the end result is to our own personal benefit. Paul, an apostle, in a letter that he wrote to the Philippians, states that giving thanks brings us true joy. Paul also wrote the people in Colosse that giving thanks helps us to abound in the faith, a faith that is needed for all of life Colossians 2:7.

The prophecy of unthanksfulness: as we approach the time of the Second Coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Paul reminded us that he wrote a letter to Timothy to tell him that people would be unthankful at that time, Second Timothy 3:2.

Unthankfulness is one of the major signs of the last days and as those days approach we need to be looking up in anticipation of His coming, but also in thanksgiving as well. Remember on this day of thanksgiving, unthankfulness is an indicator, a trend, a sign of the judgment that is coming, that is according to Bible prophecy.

November 25, 2005

PM Ariel Sharon has caused a political earthquake in Israel

The political landscape in Israel has been turned upside-down with the political earthquake in the Jewish state caused by Prime Minister Sharon. His request to dissolve the Knesset and form a new political party after leaving the Likud party, which he co-founded over 30 years ago, has taken the nation to early elections.

Sharon has named his breakaway political party "Forward" that will include new members from the two main parties, Labor and Likud, plus others from smaller political organizations.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An earthquake on the political landscape of Israel has great significance in a scenario for the last days according to Bible prophecy.

Journalists and students of history have often said that there is never a dull moment in the politics of the Jewish state of Israel. The recent earthquake caused by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon when he announced his resignation from the Likud party and formed a new political party sent shockwaves throughout Israel as well as the Middle East.

The older Sharon has moved towards the center in body politics of Israel from what was a hawkish approach to governing as he moves into the twilight years of his public service.

This shakeup in Israeli politics is a reminder of how human government plays a key role in current events especially those events that move this world into the scenario for the last days that can be found in Bible prophecy. Romans 13 tells us that God puts in power who he wants to be there. Revelation 17:17 reveals that God will use world leaders to accomplish his will in the last days.

November 23, 2005

Six million children will die from hunger or malnutrition this year

A United Nations agency, the Food and Agricultural Organization has warned that nearly six million children will die from hunger or malnutrition this year. The report issued by FAO estimates that 852 million people were undernourished during the time between 2000 and 2002. And in Subsaharan Africa, the number of malnourished people has risen to 203 million people.

This report on world hunger states that most of the hungry would survive if they had proper nourishment and that many deaths result from treatable diseases, but hunger and malnutrition have hindered that needed treatment.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The shocking report that six million children in our world this year will die of hunger is a stark reminder of the judgment of starvation that will come upon the earth in the future time of judgment the seven year Tribulation Period and this according to Bible prophecy.

At the World Food Summit in 1996, world leaders announced a plan to cut in half the number of hungry people in our world by 2015. The Food and Agriculture Organization, a United Nations Agency, says that the goal to cut starvation in half is more than likely to be broken. The evidence is so vivid. Six million children will die this year alone of hunger, and the numbers are increasing, not decreasing. Reducing hunger should be, but it is not the driving force for progress and hope, according to FAO.

This report is a stark reminder of the terrible time of judgment spoken of in Bible prophecy when starvation will be ramped in our world. Jesus Christ spoke of famine in His Olivet Discourse, Matthew 24:7, as one of the judgments upon the earth during the Tribulation Period. John, writing in the book of Revelation 6:5-6, spoke of the third judgment to be released at the beginning of the Tribulation Period, that judgment starvation.

This United nations report that six million children will die this year of hunger is a lead up to the time of judgment to come upon the earth. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 22, 2005

The Vatican's Chief Astronomer says Intelligent Design is not Science

The Director of the Vatican Observatory, George Coyne, said recently that Intelligent Design is not science and it does not belong in the science classroom. He added that Intelligent Design pretends to be science, but it is not science.

The Vatican's Chief Astronomer said that placing the Intelligent Design Theory alongside Evolution in school programs was wrong and was akin to mixing apples with oranges. Coyne's statements are in line with other critics of Intelligent Design who say it's merely Creationism, a literal reading of the Bible's story of Creation, camouflaged in scientific language.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Officials from the world's largest religious group declaring that Intelligent Design is Creationism camouflaged as science is a precursor to the time when Jesus Christ will return, that is according to Bible prophecy. The debate over the moves by public officials wanting to place the teaching of Intelligent Design in public schools has reached a level of great intensity.

Even the president of the United States, George W. Bush, has weighed in on the issue saying that Intelligent Design should be taught alongside the Theory of Evolution in the public classroom. Now, this declaration by the Vatican Chief Astronomer, a scientist as well as a religious leader, who says that Intelligent Design is not science and should not be in the science classroom.

The Apostle Peter warned true believers in Jesus Christ that in the last days there would be those who would be willfully ignorant in other words dumb on purpose and they would deny that the Lord created all things in the heavens and under the heavens, Second Peter 3:4-5. These same people would also deny the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Second Peter 3:3-4 and this would actually be a proof that we are in the days of His return.

Jesus Christ is coming and it could be today. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 21, 2005

The Raelians want to establish an extraterrestrial embassy in Jerusalem

A major Israeli newspaper reported recently on the 40th anniversary of SETI that is the institute who's stated purpose is to explore, understand, and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe, all of this as part of its search for intelligent life beyond our own earth.

The Raelian movement, those that the SETI institute, have requested from several Israeli governments permission to establish an extraterrestrial embassy in Jerusalem, and they have received word from the present government that their request has been passed on to the official department at the Prime Minister's office.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A request by the Raelians to establish an extraterrestrial embassy in Jerusalem sounds like a science fiction movie, but it has an interesting prophetic significance, that is according to Bible prophecy.

For years there have been those who claim that there is life out in the universe who have a means of transportation and have been seen by those who make these claims as well as others here on our earth. Now, with a request by the Raelians to establish an embassy in Jerusalem for this extraterrestrial life, we need to think about this possibility of life out there in space, somewhere in the universe as it relates to the Bible and Bible prophecy.

Revelation 9:1-10 reveals an invasion from outer space by aliens in the form of locusts, which will take place during the seven year Tribulation Period in the future. Daniel 10:13, 20 speak of evil angels from outer space who will invade human leaders in the last days. And in Ephesians 6:12 it talks about evil angels being in the heavens and these evil creatures becoming very active during the End Times.

What seems to be a foolish request for an extraterrestrial embassy in Jerusalem is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 18, 2005

Israel is making ready for Pope Benedict to visit in the coming year

Pope Benedict responded positively to an invitation extended by Israeli President Katsav when the two met recently at the Vatican and if everything works out this would be the second papal visit to Israel in a six year span.

The late Pope John Paul made an historic journey to Israel in 2000 visiting, Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum and the Western Wall at the Temple Mount. Although Pope Benedict has received many invitations to visit foreign countries, the incentive to visit Israel seems to be the recent discovery in Megiddo of the remains of what is believed to be the oldest Christian church in Israel dating back some eighteen centuries.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Another Papal visit to Israel, the second in a six year span, is a reminder of another famous world-religious leader who will come to Israel to rule from Jerusalem according to Bible prophecy. Pope Benedict's profound interest in the recent discovery in Megiddo of the remains of what is believed to be the oldest church Israel and maybe the entire Middle East, seems to be the reason for what could be another papal visit to Israel in the coming year.

Pope John Paul's historic visit to Israel in the year 2000 marked a significant change in Israeli-Vatican relations. Pope Benedict's positive response to Israel's invitation to visit the Jewish state seems to be opening the way for the visit to take place.

This second papal visit is another reminder of a future world-wide religious leader from Rome who will come to Jerusalem to setup his power base. That religious leader, referred to in the scriptures as the Antichrist, will leave Rome at the mid-way point of the seven year Tribulation Period, which is a terrible time of judgment in the future, and establish a presence in Jerusalem even entering the Jewish temple and claiming to be as God, Revelation 17:16-17 Daniel 27, and Second Thessalonians 2:4.

A potential papal visit to Israel in the near future is a foreshadow of the visit by Antichrist to Jerusalem, also possibly in the near future, according to Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

November 17, 2005

Radicals threaten to burn Christians to death if they do not reconvert to their former religion

There are at least sixty Christians in Northern India that will be burned to death if they refuse to return to Hinduism according to a threat issued by a group of radical Hindus who recently severely beat the group's pastor after accusing him of forcibly converting Hindus.

The radical group, the World Hindu Council has been blamed for waves of attacks against Christians and other religious minorities since the rise of the Hindu Nationalist Party in the late 1990's. The attackers forced the pastor to sign a document stating his willingness to participate in a ceremony in which all Christians would convert back to Hinduism or be burned to death.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A threat to burn Christians to death who refuse to denounce their faith is a foretaste of things to come in the last days according to Bible prophecy. In Northern India local police have refuse to deal with a threat to a pastor and his church members from a radical Hindu group who say they will burn the Christians to death if they do not reconvert to Hinduism.

The pastor, spiritual leader of almost sixty recent converts to Christianity from Hinduism, says that these church members converted to Christianity of their own free will; that contradicts the claims of a radical Hindu group who that says these Hindus have been forced to convert to Christianity. The radical Hindus say the Christians must convert back to Hinduism or be burned to death.

This report must remind the world that those who have embraced Christianity are and will be in the future under threat of their lives for their faith. Prophetic passages in the Bible have many predictions of the martyrdom of believers up to and during the seven year Tribulation Period of the future.

Revelation 6:9-11 speaks of believers having their lives taken from them for their faith. Revelation 20:4 also reveals this coming martyrdom to believers as well. Many believers will die of starvation during the time of judgment because they refuse the mark of the Antichrist, which means they cannot buy needed food.

The threat from these radical Hindus to burn Christians to death for converting to Christianity is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 16, 2005

The European Union has taken a first step toward becoming a military power

The European Union is building its own spy satellite system allowing Brussels to ensure nations and private individuals are obeying its policies, but also this spy satellite system will support the European Union's first steps towards becoming a military power.

The management of these satellites will be under the European Space Agency and will play a key role in the implementation, review, and monitoring of European Union policies plus provide authorities with necessary elements for a European security and defense policy. The European Union's invitation to China to become a major investor in this spy satellite system has caused great concern in the United States and other nations.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recent development of a spy satellite system by the European Union (EU), a boost to the EU's efforts to become a military power is a precursor to the fulfillment of a scenario found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

As the European Union continues to make and take steps towards becoming the major economic power in the world, they have now made a major move towards becoming a military power as well, the announcement of the development of a spy satellite system by the European Union, a system that can monitor whether member states comply with the European Union policy has alerted the world to a major advancement for the EU.

United States' concerns about China's role in the development of this spy satellite system also has world leaders taking notice. The European Union as an economic and military power in our world is in line with a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days. Daniel 7 reveals the revival of the old Roman Empire which is an economic and military power in the last days that will be headed up by a one world ruler known as the Antichrist, Daniel 7:7-8, 23-25.

The European is at least the infrastructure for the revived Roman Empire, if not the actual fufillment of Daniel's prophecy. The European Union's new spy satellite system is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

November 15, 2005

Russia and Belarus have drawn up a draft constitution that would unite the two countries

A draft constitution submitted to national leaders of Russia and Belarus if approved would unite the two nations as a new country and potentially establish a way for Russian President Vladimir Putin to stay in power after his second term expires.

The draft constitution of this new country, after approval by both nation's legislative bodies, would then go to national referendums in both countries in order to bring this mega state together. Recent cabinet changes by Vladimir Putin have fueled speculation that he is paving the way to succeed himself, especially in light of the unification of Russia and Belarus which would bring about the adoption of a new constitution opening the way for Putin to retain power.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The unification of Russia and Belarus would not only open the way for Putin to retain power, but the new country that would result from this unification would expand the power base for a nation with a key role in the End Times, that is according to Bible prophecy. The so-called Russia-Belarus union has been under discussion for years and the recent draft constitution submitted to the legislative leaders of both Russia and Belarus could hasten the progress even ahead of Russia's 2008 presidential elections.

A recent shuffle in Putin's cabinet was evidence of the Russian President's desire to have this unification come together and have the opportunity to retain power as the leader of this new mega-state. This report does focus on a scenario in the political arena that has a similarity to a prophetic scenario for the last days in the life of Russia.

Ezekiel, the ancient Jewish prophet, wrote 2,500 years ago that Russia, Magog in Ezekiel 38:2, would be the leader of a coalition of nations that would come against Israel in the last days. The other nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 who partner with Russia already have a working relationship with Russia.

This move to unify Russia and Belarus only enhances the potential for the prophetic scenario of Ezekiel 38 to be fulfilled.

November 14, 2005

The use of the internet is becoming a daily experience in Iraq

Before Saddam's ouster from power in Iraq, his Ministry of Information building housed members of Saddam's intelligence agency who worked around the clock blocking websites, emails, and chat rooms hindering all communications with the outside world through the internet.

Now, Iraqis can be in contact with the world and this is true through the spread of internet cafes scarce during the time of Hussein's rule but now spreading throughout Iraq with thousands of Iraqis packing these cafes to check their emails and chat despite fears that any public place can be attacked. Internet cafes however, are not the only outlet in Iraq. Many distributors are now selling wireless connections to private homes and buisinesses as the internet spreads across the state of Iraq.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The spread of the internet across Iraq in this post-Saddam era is a sign of things to come in this Middle Eastern nation, that is according to Bible prophecy. Under the tightly controlled policed state of the ex-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, members of Saddam's intelligence agency worked around the clock to block all internet traffic from the outside world to his fellow citizens in Iraq.

Intelligence officers would monitor websites and whenever they found a suspicious domain, they would block it. Now, internet restrictions are of a different sort with restrictions for entering a pornographic site and any sites that contradict Islam and its traditions.

The spread of the internet across Iraq is, as I stated, a sign of things to come according to Bible prophecy. Revelation 18 reveals a scenario where Babylon, the biblical city on the shores of the Euphrates River in Iraq, will become the headquarters for the one-world, economic, political, governmental system that will be headed up by the Antichrist in the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation.

In order to control the world, the internet will be used and with Iraq becoming the Silicon Valley of the Middle East, as former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has predicted, the stage is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 12, 2005

Palestinians mark the first anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death

Thousands of Palestinians mark first anniversary of the death of Yasser Arafat, their iconic leader, who even in death embodies their struggle for independence and statehood at the burial site in Ramallah of the man who guided Palestinian aspirations for four decades.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority surrounding Arafat's death with many Palestinians convinced that the late Palestinian leader was poisoned, and that at the hands of the Israelis. On this anniversary of Arafat's death many Palestinians are saying that they will follow his footsteps until they fulfill their former leader's dreams, those dreams to hoist the Palestinian flag on the walls, minurets, and churches of the old city of Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The first anniversary of the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is a reminder that the Palestinian people have a past, a present, and a prophetic significance that is according to Bible prophecy. For over forty years the late Yasser Arafat had the key role in bringing the Palestinian people to the point of independence and their own state, something they never had in the past.

Arafat, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, was also known as the man who developed the modern-day methods of terrorism, for example: the bombing of airplanes, suicide bombers and attacks on major targets in the world. If one traces the lineage of Esau of biblical times 4,000 years ago, they will come to the conclusion that the descendants of Esau, the Edomites, are the Palestinian people of today.

Any observer of current events must say that the Palestinians are at the center of all discussions about peace in the Middle East and the war on terrorism. That's past and present. Prophetically, the prophet Malachi reveals that the Edomites, the Palestinians, will return to rebuild, Malachi 1:4. The ancient Jewish prophet Obadiah says that they will be destroyed as if they had never been, Obadiah 16-18.

The first anniversary of Arafat's death is a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 10, 2005

Al Qaeda attacks 3 Jordanian hotels because they had been turned into a backyard for enemies of the "faith"

According to a message posted on the internet by the terror group al Qaeda of Iraq, they claimed the responsibility for the triple bomb attack on hotels in Amman, Jordan with over fifty people killed, mostly Jordanians, and hundreds injured.

Al Qaeda, in their internet message, said that the hotels were chosen which the Jordanian despite had turned into a backyard for enemies of the faith, the Jews and the Crusaders.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The worst terror attack in Jordan's history is in contrast to what will happen inthis Middle Eastern nation in the future according to Bible prophecy. The Jordanian born terrorists, al Zarqawi, the leader of the insurgency in Iraq has now expanded his terrorist tennacles into his native country and has killed many of his own countrymen.

Jordan a key ally to the United States and the European Union has long been the potential target for a terrorist attack because of its role in the Middle East as a nation wanting to coexist with the Jewish state of Israel. In fact, the al Qaeda statement that King Abdullah and Jordan had made this nation a backyard garden for the enemies of the Islamic faith, referring to the Jews and the Crusaders the meaning the Christians of the west, seems to be the main motivation for this horrific attack on the nation of Jordan and the Jordanian people.

This report is somewhat in contradiction to what Bible prophecy reveals for Jordan in the last days. Daniel 11:41 predicts that Jordan, in Biblical terms: Edom, Moab and Ammon, will escape the wrath of the Antichrist during the first stages of the seven year Tribulation Period. Matthew 24:16 and Revelation 12:6 speak of a place prepared by God to protect the Jewish people during this future time of judgment, and that place will be Petra in Southern Jordan.

A terrorist attack on Jordan today is indeed in contrast to its future, according to Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

November 09, 2005

Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the US are telling Israel how to have peace with Middle East neighbors

Following the uproar that Iranian President Ahmadinejad's call to wipe Israel off the map caused around the world, the Iranian Foreign Minister has now declared that his government has a plan for a solution to the Iranian-Palestinian conflict which has the Palestinian people including the Jews holding an international referendum on how to solve the conflict.

At the same time, the new Saudi ambassador to the United States says that the Saudis will be willing to normalize relations with Israel only after Israel adopts the Arab League's Peace Initiative which calls for full withdrawal to the 1967 borders in Israel. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Condolezza Rice is to visit the Middle East in an effort to promote democracy across the volatile region and endeavor to bridge the gap between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Saudi Arabian King Abdullah several years ago offered a peace proposal to the Israelis that called for the Jewish state to in essence divide itself in half. The plan also called for Israel to redivide the city of Jerusalem and give back the Temple Mount, land most sacred to the Jewish people.

Ironically, after Iranian President Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be wiped off the map, Iran now floats a one-sided plan for peace, a peace not needed by the way if Israel has been wiped off the map. The United States at the same time making another effort as Secretary of State Rice visits the region.

This entire scenario sets the stage for the biblical scenario for the last days in prophecy when the Antichrist, a false messiah, comes on the scene to establish a peace between Israel and her enemies, Daniel 9:27.

The Saudi plan, Iran's Peace Initiative, and Secretary of Sate Rice visiting the Middle East has set the stage in fact for this Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 08, 2005

A Jewish first Temple period artifact was discovered in piles of rubble from Jerusalem's Temple Mount

A world famous archaeologist from Israel, Dr. Gabriel Barkay recently announced the discovery of a 2,600 year old artifact amidst the piles of rubble discarded by the Islamic trust, rubble from the construction of a large mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The artifact, a small seal or a bulla as it is referred to, predates the destruction of the first Temple and is the first of its kind from the time of Israel's King David.

Archaeologist Gabriel Barkay and his team have been sifting through tons and tons of rubble discarded and thrown into a Jerusalem city garbage dump where they have found scores of history rich artifacts from the first Temple period.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The discovery of an artifact that dates back to the time of King David found in the rubble from the Temple Mount is a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. After sifting through tons and tons of rubble containing artifacts from the first and second Temple periods of Jewish history, the famous Israeli archaeologist Gabriel Barkay discovered a seal, a bulla that connects to the time of King David, the second king of Israel.

This major archaeological find is solid evidence of several things: first, that King David was actually a king of Israel; second, it proves a presence of Jewish people on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which has been denied by the Muslim world. In fact, the Mufti of Jerusalem told me that there is no evidence that there was ever a Jew on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

This recently discovered first Temple period artifact reminds one of the truth of King David and the covenant God made with him that one of his sons would one day rule and reign from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Second Samuel 7. In fact, Jeremiah, an ancient Jewish prophet promised that as long as there was a day and a night, thus the sun and the moon in operation, God's promise to David would come to pass, Jeremiah 33:14-21.

The discovery of a small seal or bulla from the rubble off the Temple Mount that refers to King David is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 07, 2005

Israeli Archaeologists have found the oldest church in the holy lands at the site of Armageddon

During the construction of a new cell block at one of Israel's maximum security prisons Israeli archaeologists claim to have unearthed the remains of the oldest church in the holy lands with an inscription on the mosaic floor in ancient Greek dedicating the building to the memory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Megiddo is described by religious scholars and archaeologists as one of the most important biblical sites in Israel. Archaeologists say that this is an extremely dramatic discovery because such an old building of this type has never been found in Israel or anywhere else in the entire region.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recently discovered church at Megiddo in the Jezreel Valley in Israel reveals a look into the past and into the future as well according to Bible prophecy. Megiddo, a significant archaeological site at the head of the Jezreel Valley in Israel, has long been a showplace of 26 different civilizations that have controlled this strategic site at the crossroads of Israel.

Megiddo has been the scene of three millennia of battles including battles led by Alexander the Great and Napoleon among others. It was also the scene of the last calvary charge of the first World War when the British military leader General Allenby defeated the Turks of the Ottoman Empire leading to the surrender of the Middle East after some 400 years of dominance.

Many Bible teachers, students of Bible prophecy, believe that Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley will be the location of the battle of Armageddon, the final showdown between good and evil. The facts are that Bible prophecy does reveal that this area where archaeologists have found the oldest church in the Middle East, Megiddo is the area described by Zechariah as the valley of the mountains, Zechariah 14:5, where the Battle of Armageddon will be concluded, Revelation 16:13-16.

The remains of an ancient church at Megiddo does cause us to look to the past, but it should also cause us to look to the future according to Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

November 04, 2005

Chinese Scientists say they have evidence of a massive black hole

Researchers at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory have captured radio waves emitted just beyond the edge of a mysterious object, a giant object in the center of our galaxy and have identified it as a super massive black hole.

Black holes are formed when matter from a dying star collapses under its own gravity and sucks in everything around them including light and is considered among of the most mysterious objects in the universe. Astronomers who have long suspected the presence of a black hole in the center of the galaxy believe it is four million times more massive than our sun.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The discovery of a super massive black hole in the center of the galaxy is evidence that sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Researchers at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory using a system of ten radio telescopes spread across the United States have been able to gather evidence of a super massive black hole at the center of the galaxy identifying the mysterious object that has long been in the heavens unidentified by scientists.

According to Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, these black holes actually twist time and space around as they spin. This reported research suggests the black hole is as wide as the radius of the earth's orbit and four million times more massive than our sun. Black holes have been described as the ultimate victory over gravity because of their ability to suck stars and other galactic objects into their center.

Black holes may well be the answer to the prophetic question of the whereabouts of the bottomless pit described in Bible prophecy. The bottomless pit has been the prison for the evil angels that caused the flood some 4,500 years ago in the days of Noah, Revelation 9:1-2. This bottomless pit is also the prison for the Devil, for Satan for 1,000 years during the future Kingdom Period, Revelation 20:1-3.

The discovery of a super massive black hole at the center of the galaxy could be the bottomless pit, either way Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 03, 2005

Israelis believe there could be another political murder in the near future

Ten years after the assassination of the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin there is a disturbing statistic reported by the Israel Democracy Institute that 84 percent of Israelis believe that another political murder could be possible.

At a state ceremony held at Israel's President's residence in Jerusalem, Dalia Rabin, daughter of the slain Israeli leader, said after ten years the lessons of the assassination of her father had not been learned yet. Israel's President Moshe Katsav renewed his message to the nation that political assassination is a phenomenon that can neither be forgotten nor tolerated.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The possibility of another political murder in Israel, ten years after the assassination of the late Yitzhak Rabin, is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. The assassination of Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabinin in November 1995 marked a sad day in the short history of modern day Israel. The asalent, it has been believed for this last decade, was a part of the right wing element of the body politic of Israel and he remains in prison with no hope for parole.

In recent days because of his controversial decision to disengage the Israeli Defense Force from the Gaza Strip and to dismantle the 21 Jewish settlements there, Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has been under threat of political assassination and has been under tight security. A recent poll indicates another political murder is indeed a possibility.

What this report does is remind us of what the Bible says about human government and God's use of human government, especially in the last days. God established human government according to Genesis 9:6 4,500 years ago and He places those He wants in leadership in their positions of authority, Romans 13:1-2. Bible prophecy reveals that God will use human government, in other words world leaders, to accomplish His will in the End Times scenario that seems to be unfolding even today, Revelation 17:17.

The tenth anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination is a reminder, God is still in charge and Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 02, 2005

UN's General Assembly declared Jan. 27th a commemorative day for the Holocaust

The United Nations' General Assembly has unanimously adopted a resolution declaring January 27th of each year, by the way that was the day in 1945 when Auschwitz was liberated, a worldwide day to commemorate the Holocaust.

Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman, presented this historic resolution to the United Nations who he believes bears a special responsibility to ensure that the Holocaust and its lessons are never forgotten. The unanimous vote on this first ever Israeli initiated resolution was passed less than a week after the United Nations Security Council censored a Muslim country for its statements against Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A United Nations General Assembly resolution establishing January 27th each year as the day for the worldwide commemoration of the Holocaust looks to the past, but a more horrific Holocaust will happen in the future, according to Bible prophecy. The UN General Assembly for the first time in 56 years has passed an Israeli initiated resolution, a resolution near to the heart of the Jewish state and to the Jewish people worldwide.

After ten months of preparatory work, two days of discussions, and an impassioned speech by Israel's United Nations Ambassador, the General Assembly unanimously adopted January 27th as the worldwide Holocaust rememberance day. The UN resolution rejects any denial of the Holocaust and calls for the United Nations to establish programs to encourage the world to engage in Holocaust rememberance activities, thus to make sure such an unspeakable atrocity as the Holocaust never happens again.

However, this UN resolution in place will not accomplish the goal of "never again for a Holocaust" according to Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah revealed 2,500 years ago that during the time of great judgment on the earth, the Tribulation Period yet to come, two of every three Jewish people will be killed in the worst Holocaust ever, Zechariah 3:8. The book of Revelation, in chapter 12:13-17, also predicted a massive persecution of the Jewish people in the future.

The UN resolution declaring January 27th as worldwide Holocaust rememberance day is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.