
November 02, 2005

UN's General Assembly declared Jan. 27th a commemorative day for the Holocaust

The United Nations' General Assembly has unanimously adopted a resolution declaring January 27th of each year, by the way that was the day in 1945 when Auschwitz was liberated, a worldwide day to commemorate the Holocaust.

Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman, presented this historic resolution to the United Nations who he believes bears a special responsibility to ensure that the Holocaust and its lessons are never forgotten. The unanimous vote on this first ever Israeli initiated resolution was passed less than a week after the United Nations Security Council censored a Muslim country for its statements against Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A United Nations General Assembly resolution establishing January 27th each year as the day for the worldwide commemoration of the Holocaust looks to the past, but a more horrific Holocaust will happen in the future, according to Bible prophecy. The UN General Assembly for the first time in 56 years has passed an Israeli initiated resolution, a resolution near to the heart of the Jewish state and to the Jewish people worldwide.

After ten months of preparatory work, two days of discussions, and an impassioned speech by Israel's United Nations Ambassador, the General Assembly unanimously adopted January 27th as the worldwide Holocaust rememberance day. The UN resolution rejects any denial of the Holocaust and calls for the United Nations to establish programs to encourage the world to engage in Holocaust rememberance activities, thus to make sure such an unspeakable atrocity as the Holocaust never happens again.

However, this UN resolution in place will not accomplish the goal of "never again for a Holocaust" according to Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah revealed 2,500 years ago that during the time of great judgment on the earth, the Tribulation Period yet to come, two of every three Jewish people will be killed in the worst Holocaust ever, Zechariah 3:8. The book of Revelation, in chapter 12:13-17, also predicted a massive persecution of the Jewish people in the future.

The UN resolution declaring January 27th as worldwide Holocaust rememberance day is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.