
November 12, 2005

Palestinians mark the first anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death

Thousands of Palestinians mark first anniversary of the death of Yasser Arafat, their iconic leader, who even in death embodies their struggle for independence and statehood at the burial site in Ramallah of the man who guided Palestinian aspirations for four decades.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority surrounding Arafat's death with many Palestinians convinced that the late Palestinian leader was poisoned, and that at the hands of the Israelis. On this anniversary of Arafat's death many Palestinians are saying that they will follow his footsteps until they fulfill their former leader's dreams, those dreams to hoist the Palestinian flag on the walls, minurets, and churches of the old city of Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The first anniversary of the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is a reminder that the Palestinian people have a past, a present, and a prophetic significance that is according to Bible prophecy. For over forty years the late Yasser Arafat had the key role in bringing the Palestinian people to the point of independence and their own state, something they never had in the past.

Arafat, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, was also known as the man who developed the modern-day methods of terrorism, for example: the bombing of airplanes, suicide bombers and attacks on major targets in the world. If one traces the lineage of Esau of biblical times 4,000 years ago, they will come to the conclusion that the descendants of Esau, the Edomites, are the Palestinian people of today.

Any observer of current events must say that the Palestinians are at the center of all discussions about peace in the Middle East and the war on terrorism. That's past and present. Prophetically, the prophet Malachi reveals that the Edomites, the Palestinians, will return to rebuild, Malachi 1:4. The ancient Jewish prophet Obadiah says that they will be destroyed as if they had never been, Obadiah 16-18.

The first anniversary of Arafat's death is a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.