
November 14, 2005

The use of the internet is becoming a daily experience in Iraq

Before Saddam's ouster from power in Iraq, his Ministry of Information building housed members of Saddam's intelligence agency who worked around the clock blocking websites, emails, and chat rooms hindering all communications with the outside world through the internet.

Now, Iraqis can be in contact with the world and this is true through the spread of internet cafes scarce during the time of Hussein's rule but now spreading throughout Iraq with thousands of Iraqis packing these cafes to check their emails and chat despite fears that any public place can be attacked. Internet cafes however, are not the only outlet in Iraq. Many distributors are now selling wireless connections to private homes and buisinesses as the internet spreads across the state of Iraq.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The spread of the internet across Iraq in this post-Saddam era is a sign of things to come in this Middle Eastern nation, that is according to Bible prophecy. Under the tightly controlled policed state of the ex-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, members of Saddam's intelligence agency worked around the clock to block all internet traffic from the outside world to his fellow citizens in Iraq.

Intelligence officers would monitor websites and whenever they found a suspicious domain, they would block it. Now, internet restrictions are of a different sort with restrictions for entering a pornographic site and any sites that contradict Islam and its traditions.

The spread of the internet across Iraq is, as I stated, a sign of things to come according to Bible prophecy. Revelation 18 reveals a scenario where Babylon, the biblical city on the shores of the Euphrates River in Iraq, will become the headquarters for the one-world, economic, political, governmental system that will be headed up by the Antichrist in the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation.

In order to control the world, the internet will be used and with Iraq becoming the Silicon Valley of the Middle East, as former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has predicted, the stage is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.