
November 21, 2005

The Raelians want to establish an extraterrestrial embassy in Jerusalem

A major Israeli newspaper reported recently on the 40th anniversary of SETI that is the institute who's stated purpose is to explore, understand, and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe, all of this as part of its search for intelligent life beyond our own earth.

The Raelian movement, those that the SETI institute, have requested from several Israeli governments permission to establish an extraterrestrial embassy in Jerusalem, and they have received word from the present government that their request has been passed on to the official department at the Prime Minister's office.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A request by the Raelians to establish an extraterrestrial embassy in Jerusalem sounds like a science fiction movie, but it has an interesting prophetic significance, that is according to Bible prophecy.

For years there have been those who claim that there is life out in the universe who have a means of transportation and have been seen by those who make these claims as well as others here on our earth. Now, with a request by the Raelians to establish an embassy in Jerusalem for this extraterrestrial life, we need to think about this possibility of life out there in space, somewhere in the universe as it relates to the Bible and Bible prophecy.

Revelation 9:1-10 reveals an invasion from outer space by aliens in the form of locusts, which will take place during the seven year Tribulation Period in the future. Daniel 10:13, 20 speak of evil angels from outer space who will invade human leaders in the last days. And in Ephesians 6:12 it talks about evil angels being in the heavens and these evil creatures becoming very active during the End Times.

What seems to be a foolish request for an extraterrestrial embassy in Jerusalem is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.