
November 28, 2005

Asian world leaders announce the US can't defeat China

The overwhelming assessment by Asian officials from Australia, Japan, and South Korea is that the United States military simply cannot defeat China. The United States would be unable stem a Chinese conventional attack and China would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons even at the risk of a massive US retaliation.

One Chinese official said that the United States military could not encounter a wave of millions of Chinese soldiers prepared to die in any onslaught against US forces realizing that after 2000 casualties the US military would be forced to withdraw.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

For a number of years the Chinese have been preparing themselves to become a superpower economically and militarily. A recent trip to the Far East by US President George W. Bush has focused world attention on this region of the world to the extent that there are those now speaking publically about what has been discussed privately by Asian leaders. China would defeat the United States in a conventional or nuclear war.

This current scenario has students of Bible prophecy taking notice of how the stage is being set for the endtime scenario for the Far East as recorded in Bible prophecy.

In the book of Revelation, John reveals that the Euphrates River will be dried up to make way for the Kings of the East to travel to Jerusalem for the campaign of Armageddon. This is found in Revelation 6:12.

Almost half of the world's population lives in the Far East and a strong military in that region will indeed be a major player on the world stage at the time of the end. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.