
November 29, 2005

The Vatican has renewed its ban on homosexuals serving as priests

The Vatican has published long awaited guidelines which reaffirm that active homosexuals and supporters of gay culture may not become priests: guidelines that make no reference to current priests only people about to join a seminary.

The Vatican document describes homosexual acts as grave sins that cannot be justified under any circumstances and it would be gravely dishonest for a candidate to hide his own homosexuality. One Church official says that it is right for the Church to take a stand on certain issues, especially on the issue of homosexuality. The church is taking a step in the right direction.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recently released document by the Vatican that calls homosexual acts grave sins has focused the world on a lifestyle that has a connection to the End Times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. The recently released document on homosexuality issued from the Vatican did not come from the Pope; however, Pope Benedict did approve the guidelines drafted by the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education back in August.

Homosexuals had already been barred from the priesthood in a 1961 document issued by the Vatican and this most recent document is a renewal of those guidelines already in place. The guidelines specifically address the issue urging candidates for the priesthood to tell the truth and reminding them that all homosexual acts are grave sins.

As I have stated, this issue addressed by the Vatican document has a connection to End Times scenario of Bible prophecy. In fact, Jesus addressed the issue in a statement recorded in the Gospel of Luke when the Lord was telling his disciples what to look for at the time of His return to earth, His Second Coming. Luke 17:28-30 records the Lord's warning that when you see our day as it was in the days of Lot when the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of sodomy, that is a day when He would come again. Daniel 11:37 also eludes to the fact that the Antichrist would be a Sodomite.

This Vatican document on homosexuality sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.