
December 30, 2005

The Hamas leader in the Bethlehem municipal council plans to implement a tax on all non-Muslims

In recent municipal elections in the little town of Bethlehem in Israel, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Fundamentalist terror group after their electoral victory say they intend to implement a special tax upon all the non-Muslim residents in the Palestinian territories reviving a tax applied through all of Islamic history to the second class Jewish and Christian citizens.

The Catholic mayor of Bethlehem formed a coalition with crucial support from the Muslims of Hamas to emerge victorious in the latest municipal election. The Hamas leader in Bethlehem exalts the suicide attacks against the Jews and asserts that these will continue until all of Palestine including the territories of Israel is under Islamic-Palestinian control.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The implementation of a special tax on all non-Muslim residents of Bethlehem is a foretaste of things to come, not only in Bethlehem but throughout the entire Middle East region and beyond according to Bible prophecy. With the shift in demographics in the little town of Bethlehem in the last decade, there is now a fear that the new ruling element in Bethlehem's municipal council, the Palestinian terror group Hamas, will move ahead to implement the Islamic law on all of the citizens of Bethlehem.

That would mean the placing in force of the special tax on all non-Muslims, meaning all Christians and Jews, a tax that has been applied down through Islamic history for the last 1300 years. The Hamas leadership in Bethlehem politics says if non-Muslims want to live in Bethlehem or any of the Palestinian areas, they must agree to live under Islamic rule.

As this story relates to Bible prophecy for the last days, I must mention that the word Islam is not used in the Bible; however, its philosophy and the End Time personalities mentioned in Bible prophecy have one common denominator, the Islamic faith. Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are some of the personalities listed by the ancient Jewish prophets for the last days, Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38. Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the book of Obadiah also include the Palestinians of today.

The philosophy of eliminating the Jewish state of Israel from the Middle East is the main theme of End Time prophecy and is in line with the politics of Hamas in the little town of Bethlehem. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.