
January 31, 2006

Vladimir Putin: The world cannot solve the nuclear security problems without Russia

Vladimir Putin, in defending Russia's presidency of the world economic Group of Eight, said that Russia understands the problems of developing nations and its participation in the G-8 is absolutely organic.

The Russian president asked if anyone could imagine solving nuclear security problems without the involvement of Russia, a key nuclear power.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the world watches the Kremlin, under Russian President Vladimir Putin, take tight control of his nation, a scenario is unfolding that seems to match the Last Days scenario recorded in Bible prophecy. More and more world leaders and political pundents have been voicing concern about the aggressiveness of Vladimir Putin to to take control of the government of Russia and the people of his nation.

Putin's greatest political achievement of 2005 was bringing Chechnya back into the fold after more than a decade of conflict. Nevertheless, human rights watchers say that abuse including abductions by government forces as well as rebels are rampid in Chechnya. Vladimir Putin proudly proclaims that Russia's position on the Middle East differs from that of the US and the EU. Putin says that Russia has never declared Hamas a terrorist organization, but quickly added that Russia does not support and accept everything that Hamas has done.

As is the case with the news stories that we cover on this broadcast, this story is a definite match for the scenario laid out for the End Times and found in Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophet, Ezekiel wrote of a place called Magog, Ezekiel 38:2. Magog, the leader of a coalition of nations that can only be described as the nations of the Middle East today. This alignment between the nations will come against Israel to endeavor to eliminate the Jewish state in the Last Days. Magog of Ezekiel 38:2 is the modern-day nation of Russia, the leader of the alignment of nations talked about in Ezekiel 38.

Vladimir Putin's powerful presidency in Russia is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 30, 2006

The UN has a plan for peace by ending all nation-states

The UN has a draft of a visionary proposal put together by the UN Development Program to bring about world peace by ending nation-states in our world as we know them today; a plan, endorsed by the way, by prominent world figures including: Nobel laureates, bankers, politicians, and economists.

The UN says an unprecedented outbreak of cooperation between countries, applied through six specific financial tools, would serve as pretty much a cure-all for the world's ills. The authors of this ambitious plan don't expect nations to fold up right away, but to start the ball rolling today for the future.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A UN plan to bring an end to nation states as we know them today, a plan to bring about world peace is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days. World leaders have for decades been looking for a way to bring about world peace, to fight global terrorism, to stop the spread of pandemic disease, and to have a world economically prosperous.

Over five decades ago, the UN was formed to help establish peace in our world through the cooperation of all the member states. Efforts by the UN have been foiled by elements in this world that only want to continue conflict in order to help foster their plans for world domination. Now, a draft visionary proposal from the UN to bring an end to nation-states as we know them and thus bring about world peace.

This report is almost word-for-word the scenario described in Bible prophecy for the End Times. The ancient Jewish prophet, Daniel prewrote history in Daniel 9:27 where we read that the coming world leader, the Antichrist, will bring about world peace, howbeit a pseudo peace that will be short lived. This Antichrist will also setup a nationless world that he rules over from Babylon, Revelation 18.

The new UN draft visionary plan for world peace in a nationless world is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 27, 2006

The Vatican has renewed its ban on homosexuals serving as priests

The Vatican has published long awaited guidelines which reaffirm that active homosexuals and supporters of gay culture may not become priests: guidelines that make no reference to current priests only people about to join a seminary.

The Vatican document describes homosexual acts as grave sins that cannot be justified under any circumstances and it would be gravely dishonest for a candidate to hide his own homosexuality. One Church official says that it is right for the Church to take a stand on certain issues, especially on the issue of homosexuality. The church is taking a step in the right direction.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recently released document by the Vatican that calls homosexual acts grave sins has focused the world on a lifestyle that has a connection to the End Times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. The recently released document on homosexuality issued from the Vatican did not come from the Pope; however, Pope Benedict did approve the guidelines drafted by the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education back in August.

Homosexuals had already been barred from the priesthood in a 1961 document issued by the Vatican and this most recent document is a renewal of those guidelines already in place. The guidelines specifically address the issue urging candidates for the priesthood to tell the truth and reminding them that all homosexual acts are grave sins.

As I have stated, this issue addressed by the Vatican document has a connection to End Times scenario of Bible prophecy. In fact, Jesus addressed the issue in a statement recorded in the Gospel of Luke when the Lord was telling his disciples what to look for at the time of His return to earth, His Second Coming. Luke 17:28-30 records the Lord's warning that when you see our day as it was in the days of Lot when the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of sodomy, that is a day when He would come again. Daniel 11:37 also eludes to the fact that the Antichrist would be a Sodomite.

This Vatican document on homosexuality sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 26, 2006

High Palestinian turnout in their historic election for new parliament

In a larger than expected turnout, 1.5 million Palestinians, eligible voters, went to the polls for the first time in ten years to vote on the new Palestinian parliament in what many world leaders are calling an historic vote for the Palestinian people.

The two big winners in the election of 132 Palestinian parliament members were the Fatah party and the Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas, who participated in national elections for leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA) for the very first time. Unofficial results show that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party survived the challenge by Hamas to take control of the Palestinian legislative body, a result that was being watched very closely by the United Nations, the US, and the European Union.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The historic election of a Palestinian parliament to lead the Palestinian Authority (PA) into the future is evidence that the prophetic scenario for the Palestinian people that is found in Bible prophecy is closer to fulfillment than ever before. The last election held by the PA in Israel was in 1996, some ten years ago, and at a time when the present Palestinian parliament was elected along with Yasser Arafat and his election to be chairman of the PA.

Arafat is gone, Mahmoud Abbas, his right-hand man for over 40 years, is the head of the PA and has watched his own political party, Fatah, lose ground to the rival Hamas political party in the newly elected Palestinian parliament. This report is tangible evidence that the ancient Jewish prophets could predict the End Times.

Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi, and Obadiah all spoke of the descendants of Esau, the Palestinian people of today, that these descendants would come back to power after almost 2,000 years and become a major world player; that's found in Jeremiah 49, Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the book of Obadiah.

These historic Palestinian elections do indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 25, 2006

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is on his first state visits to China and India

Saudi King Abdullah met with the President of China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing for a first-ever state visit between these two men and he signed five agreements including one on oil and another on economic, trade, and technical cooperation.

While in the Far East, King Abdullah also met with the leaders of India holding talks on energy and economic ties; these talks between the world's leading oil exporter and energy hungry India. Both China and India, with their ever increasing need for oil, are working to sure up their relations with Saudi Arabia to make certain of a steady oil source in the future.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A news story that speaks of a state visit to China and one to India by the King of Saudi Arabia seems like a page out of Bible prophecy, which would reveal the scenario for these nations in the Last Days. For the very first time as the King of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah traveled in the Far East and firmed up deals with both China and India to provide them with oil that will be needed as these two most populated nations move into the 21st century.

Oil rich Saudi Arabia looks to become even richer when the oil starts to flow into the Far East. China has been firming up the sea lanes leading to Saudi oil fills and have even secured these lanes with military packs with the nations along these routes. India, which could actually surpass China as the most populated nation in the world, has been playing catchup for arrangements to have their ever-increasing oil needs met.

As I said, this report is like a page out of Bible prophecy, even to the extent of the issue of oil. In the book of Revelation 16:12 it speaks of the Kings of the East as major players near the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Both China and India are considered to be Kings of the East. Saudi Arabia, the Ishmaelites of Psalm 83, will also play a key role in the Last Days drama in both the Middle East and the Far East.

Saudi King Abdullah's visits to China and India are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 24, 2006

A Muslim cleric says his Muslim militia will defend Iran from Israel

Muqtada al Sadr, the controversial hardline Muslim cleric in Iraq, says that his Mahdi army will step forward to defend Iran if it comes under attack from Israel in a preemptive strike against Iran's threat of a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD).

Sadr says the force of his Mahdi army will defend the interests of Iraq and in fact, all Islamic countries. The radical cleric says that his Mahdi army is beyond the Iraqi army, it was established to defend Islam. Sadr himself is the leader of an Iraqi political party that holds a number of seats in the newly elected Iraqi government and several cabinet posts as well.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A Muslim militia led by a radical Muslim cleric who says that they are ready to defend Islam is a precursor to things to come in the Last Days, according to Bible prophecy. Muqtada al Sadr, the radical Muslim cleric in Iraq that formed a Muslim militia, the Mahdi army as Sadr calls it, is quickly becoming more influential in Iraq, especially after Iraq's last elections.

Mahdi means messiah in Arabic, and the Mahdi army, the messiah's army under the leadership of a rising star in the radical Muslim world could become a force to be reckoned with in the near future. Muqtada al Sadr's Mahdi army has regrouped after its struggles against the massive US military might, and now is ready to defend Iran against an attack from Israel and in fact, they are ready to defend Islam around the world.

A mighty Muslim militia dedicated to the Muslim messiah is a force that the prophet Joel said would become the largest military might in the history of the world, Joel 2:2-10. This mighty Muslim militia will gather to attack Israel and, in particular, the city of Jerusalem, Joel 2:3; but they will be defeated as they approach Jerusalem, Ezekiel 39:2-6.

Muqtada al Sadr's Mahdi army ready to defend Islam is indeed a precursor to Joel's prophecy, a prophecy that will be fulfilled.

January 23, 2006

The Vatican's Chief Astronomer says Intelligent Design is not Science

The Director of the Vatican Observatory, George Coyne, said recently that Intelligent Design is not science and it does not belong in the science classroom. He added that Intelligent Design pretends to be science, but it is not science.

The Vatican's Chief Astronomer said that placing the Intelligent Design Theory alongside Evolution in school programs was wrong and was akin to mixing apples with oranges. Coyne's statements are in line with other critics of Intelligent Design who say it's merely Creationism, a literal reading of the Bible's story of Creation, camouflaged in scientific language.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Officials from the world's largest religious group declaring that Intelligent Design is Creationism camouflaged as science is a precursor to the time when Jesus Christ will return, that is according to Bible prophecy. The debate over the moves by public officials wanting to place the teaching of Intelligent Design in public schools has reached a level of great intensity.

Even the president of the United States, George W. Bush, has weighed in on the issue saying that Intelligent Design should be taught alongside the Theory of Evolution in the public classroom. Now, this declaration by the Vatican Chief Astronomer, a scientist as well as a religious leader, who says that Intelligent Design is not science and should not be in the science classroom.

The Apostle Peter warned true believers in Jesus Christ that in the last days there would be those who would be willfully ignorant in other words dumb on purpose and they would deny that the Lord created all things in the heavens and under the heavens, Second Peter 3:4-5. These same people would also deny the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Second Peter 3:3-4 and this would actually be a proof that we are in the days of His return.

Jesus Christ is coming and it could be today. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 20, 2006

Israel's acting PM Ehud Olmert has declared war on Jewish settlers

Israel's acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, determined to finally honor a commitment to the United States to tear down Jewish settlement outposts, has declared war against lawless Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria and ordered the Israeli Defense Force to start with the Jewish outposts in Hebron, the world's oldest Jewish community.

Yesha, the Jewish Settlers Council, fears that this Olmert declaration of war against the Jewish outposts is a sign of the total evacuation of all Jewish communities in the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The declaration of war against the Jewish settlers and Jewish settlements by Israel's acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is simply a precursor to the scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the last days. Following the Six-Day War in June of 1967, the then housing minister in the Israeli government, Ariel Sharon, urged Jews to move into the buffer zones setup by the Israeli Defense Force and act as the first line of defense for Israel against their Arab enemies.

Today, over 500,000 Jews live in the disputed territories, sometimes referred to as the West Bank, and have over 200 Jewish communities called settlers. Ehud Olmert has been an outspoken critic of the Jewish settlers, having called for their removal in the past and now has declared war on these Jewish settlers, but this time as the acting Prime Minister of Israel.

Bible prophecy does reveal that in the last days there will be those who will rise up and endeavor to take the land from the Jewish people that God has given them in fulfillment of His promise to the Jewish people. Ezekiel 35:10-12 is one of many passages that says there will be those who take from Israel God-given land; however, this passage says that those taking the land will be Edomites, the Palestinians of today.

Israel's acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert taking the land to give it to the Palestinians is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled, sometimes by strange methods.

January 19, 2006

Pope Benedict is worried by a global upsurge of AntiSemitic activity

Pope Benedict meeting with Rome's chief rabbi recently expressed pain and worry over fresh outbreaks of AntiSemitism and called for Jews and Christians to wage a united battle against hate.

Pope Benedict said that Jews and Christians have a common mission to denounce and combat hate, injustice, and violence that is at the heart of AntiSemitism.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Pope Benedict's expressed concerns about the global upsurge in AntiSemitism is in conflict with a future world religious leader who will lead the way in AntiSemitic activities, that is according to Bible prophecy. Many Jewish leaders have been warning that there is a definite upsurge in AntiSemitism around the world and now Pope Benedict has joined the chorus to decry these acts of violence against Jews in our world today.

AntiSemitism has been on the increase in Europe for the last two years and many have attributed this upsurge in European AntiSemitism to the population increase in the Muslim communities across Europe. Pope Benedict, who is only the second pope to visit a Jewish synagogue, has been working to draw attention to the hatred and violence in our world which fosters AntiSemitism, so he says, and now urges a joint mission between Jews and Christians to combat this rise in AntiSemitic activity which the Jewish community welcomes as well.

Interestingly, Bible prophecy reveals that during the future time of Jacob's Trouble another world leader known as the Antichrist, a false messiah, will come to power and will endeavor to annihilate all Jews around the world. Revelation 12:13, 17, reveals that persecution of Jews will intensify near the middle of the seven years of judgment yet to come called the Tribulation. This effort to kill off all Jews will result in two of every three Jews being killed, Zechariah 13:8.

The Pope's call to fight AntiSemitism should remind us of a future world religious leader's role in a time of major AntiSemitic activity. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 18, 2006

New study calls for international supervision of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

According to a recently released study carried out by a Jerusalem think tank, Israelis and Palestinians should allow the international community to supervise Jerusalem's Temple Mount and the city's other holy sites.

The document, titled "Jerusalem's Historic Basin - a Situation Report and Alternatives for a Solution," states that continued full Israeli sovereignty would be rejected by the Palestinians and the international community. The study reveals that Israeli officials in fact receive international sovereignty on the Temple Mount as a desecration and they will endeavor to fight the implementation of such a plan.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

International sovereignty of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is not only opposed by Israeli officials but is also opposed by God, that is according to Bible prophecy. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem has been the center of Israeli-Palestinian conflicts since Israel gained control of the Temple Mount during the Six-Day War in 1967.

Israeli officials are opposed to international control of the Temple Mount, especially Jerusalem's Mayor Uri Lupolianski who says the proposal is an irresponsible political plan that is simply unacceptable for the most holy site in Judaism which would, as a result of the plan, fall under international control.

Bible prophecy presents a scenario for the End Times that seems to be the next step regarding the Temple Mount. Daniel 9:27, 11:45, both reveal the Antichrist, the one-world, false messiah, will control the Temple Mount during the seven-year Tribulation Period. Zechariah 12:2 says that the Temple Mount will be the center of controversy during that same time period. Also in Zechariah 1:14-16, we see that God's possessiveness of the Temple Mount will lead the Lord to build a Temple there where Jesus Christ, the Messiah, will rule and reign from during the Millennial Kingdom.

A plan to internationalize the Temple Mount in Jerusalem does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 17, 2006

Russia and China are working on a nuclear program agreement with Iran

As world leaders focus on the defiance of Iran and its refusal to stop development of its nuclear weapons program, Russia and China are working on securing an agreement with Iran that might bring an acceptable solution to this standoff.

In Europe: the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, are calling for an emergency meeting of the United Nation's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, they want the issue referred to the United Nation's Security Council which is in line with US policy as well. Meanwhile in Israel, acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says that Israel will not allow a nation with hostile intentions, like Iran has for Israel, to have Weapons of Mass Destruction(WMD).

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Russia and China working together to stop Iran's development of a nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) has an interesting link to the End Times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. Iran's defiance to the pressures of the world as it relates to their nuclear program and the development of a Nuclear WMD has brought together some very interesting partners focused on this issue.

The US has joined their voice with the European Union and especially the United Kingdom, France, and Germany in an effort to curtail Iran's buildup of a nuclear arsenal. Now, Russia and China have partnered to see if they can first, stop the implementation of UN's sanctions on Iran and second, to work with Iran to help develop a nuclear program that would not be a threat to the entire world. Meanwhile, Israel says no way will it allow Iran to have a Nuclear WMD that would strike them with intensity.

This present-day scenario has an interesting link to the prophetic scenario of Bible prophecy. Russia, the Magog of Ezekiel 38:2, who is a major player at the beginning of the seven year Tribulation Period and China, the Kings of the East, Revelation 16:12, a major player at the end of the Tribulation Period working with Iran who is the Persia Ezekiel 38:5. Add to that mix Israel, the focus of all of Bible prophecy, and the stage is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 16, 2006

The Iranian Government questions the authenticity of the Holocaust

In a move that is certain to stir international anger, Iran has announced plans to stage an international conference to examine the scientific aspects of the Holocaust and its repercussion. This official Iranian statement follows a series of inflammatory remarks by Iran's President Ahmadinejad who has described the murder of six billion Jews by the Nazis in the Second World War as a myth and called for Israel to be wiped off the map.

At this point of time it is not clear who would attend such a conference sponsored by Iran, it seems clear that the announcement of the conference will trigger suspicions that Iran's aim is to deny that the Holocaust happened.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Iran's denial that the Holocaust ever happened does not change history, nor the future when the world's worst Holocaust will take place according to Bible prophecy. Iran's President Ahmadinejad has been unashamedly outspoken since his election to not only deny the scientific evidence of the Holocaust, but proclaim that six million Jews were not killed by Hitler and the Nazis during World War II.

Ahmadinejad's rhetoric has intensified over the last several months and has been reinforced by official Egyptian newspapers, the Palestinian leadership in Israel, and various other anti-Semites around the world. This present-day scenario is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Bible prophecy reveals that persecution of the Jews will intensify near the midway point of the seven year Tribulation Period, a time of judgment upon the earth in the future, Revelation 12:13, 17. The ancient Jewish prophet, Zechariah says that during that same time, two out of every three Jews on earth will be killed, a slaughter of Jews worst than the World War II Holocaust.

Iran's call for a conference to question the authenticity of the Holocaust is another step in setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 13, 2006

Six million children will die from hunger or malnutrition this year

A United Nations agency, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has warned that nearly six million children will die from hunger or malnutrition this year. The report issued by FAO estimates that 852 million people were undernourished during the time between 2000 and 2002. And in Subsaharan Africa, the number of malnourished people has risen to 203 million people.

This report on world hunger states that most of the hungry would survive if they had proper nourishment and that many deaths result from treatable diseases, but hunger and malnutrition have hindered that needed treatment.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The shocking report that six million children in our world this year will die of hunger is a stark reminder of the judgment of starvation that will come upon the earth in the future time of judgment the seven year Tribulation Period and this according to Bible prophecy.

At the World Food Summit in 1996, world leaders announced a plan to cut in half the number of hungry people in our world by 2015. The Food and Agriculture Organization, a United Nations Agency, says that the goal to cut starvation in half is more than likely to be broken. The evidence is so vivid. Six million children will die this year alone of hunger, and the numbers are increasing, not decreasing. Reducing hunger should be, but it is not the driving force for progress and hope, according to FAO.

This report is a stark reminder of the terrible time of judgment spoken of in Bible prophecy when starvation will be ramped in our world. Jesus Christ spoke of famine in His Olivet Discourse, Matthew 24:7, as one of the judgments upon the earth during the Tribulation Period. John, writing in the book of Revelation 6:5-6, spoke of the third judgment to be released at the beginning of the Tribulation Period, that judgment starvation.

This United nations report that six million children will die this year of hunger is a lead up to the time of judgment to come upon the earth. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 12, 2006

Norway is preparing a doomsday seed bank

The Norwegian government is planning to hollow out a cave on the ice bound island of Spitzbergen to hold a seed bank designed to withstand global catastrophies like nuclear war or natural disasters that would destroy the earth's source of food.

There are presently 1400 seed banks around the world, but a large number of these are located in countries that are either politically unstable or that face threats from the natural environment. The Norwegian seed bank vault will preserve the seeds below freezing behind high security blast proof doors with the number of seeds and types of seeds in the bank determined by the country using the seed bank.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A seed bank dsigned to protect the earth's source of food from global catastrophe or natural disaster is a precursor to a scenario for the last days that can be found in Bible prophecy. With 1400 seed banks around the world, it is clear that world leaders are concerned about the destruction of humankind's source of food.

The Norwegian plan to build a doomsday vault inside a mountain on an arctic island is an indication that these world leaders are not satisfied with the present seed preservation program. The plan to build this vault to hold all known varieties of the world's crops designed to withstand global catastrophies like nuclear war and all natural disasters is evidence of a terrible time to come.

The truth is, Bible prophecy does speak of a day when the waters of the ocean and the rivers of the lands will be totally polluted by blood, Revelation 16:3-4. John the Revelator also records the prophecy of a judgment that will see one-third of the trees on earth destroyed and all the grass burned up, Revelation 8:7. Bible prophecy also speaks of famine, people starving because of no food, Matt 24:7, Revelation 6:5-6.

Norway's doomsday seed bank is man's effort to respond to God's judgment and in the end, God's judgment will prevail. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 11, 2006

Israeli President Moshe Katsav: Salvation of the Dead Sea is a national priority

The receding water level of the Dead Sea has had a negative impact on the Israeli environment and salvation of the Dead Sea is a national priority according to statements made by Israeli President Moshe Katsav at a regional conference in Israel as they discussed the future of the Dead Sea.

There has been an awareness of the Dead Sea problem for more than a century and over the years various Israeli government ministries and regional councils have attempted to find a solution to the problem but to no avail. Several solutions have been proposed in the past, most notably the construction of a canal for transporting water from either the Mediterranean Sea or the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, but as of yet no solution has been decided upon.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Israeli President Moshe Katsav calling the salvation of the Dead Sea a national priority has an interesting connection to Bible prophecy that focuses on this area of the world for the last days. Since the late 1960's, Israeli officials have been urging the powers that be to focus on the Dead Sea and the major problems surrounding this most unique body of water in Israel.

The Dead Sea is actually the lowest spot on earth with its surface at 1300 feet below sea level and daily this piece of water is losing more and more of its resources, a water that is seven times saltier than any ocean on the earth. One project that has been proposed to resolve the Dead Sea problem is the Red-Dead project, which would bring water through a conduit from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, hoping to revitalize this great national resource. The Dead Sea works located at the southern end of the Dead Sea needs this Red-Dead project to move forward or another solution must be found. The Dead Sea is the leading source of national revenue for the little state of Israel.

An End Times scenario found in Bible prophecy is actually the solution for the Dead Sea problem as recorded by the ancient Jewish prophets: Joel, Ezekiel, and Zechariah. When the Temple stands on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem water will issue out of the Temple complex and flow down to the Dead Sea, Joel 3:18, Zechariah 14:8, and Ezekiel 47.

These prophecies will be fulfilled at the end of the seven year Tribulation Period and after the Lord Jesus Christ returns to the earth which, according to other Bible prophecies, could be in the near future. A Dead Sea problem now will be resolved as Bible prophecy is fulfilled.

January 10, 2006

Yasser Arafat's spirit is still alive and still fighting Israeli's with rockets

Abu Oudai, a leader of the Palestinian terror group al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, says that they have a new rocket named after the late PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, that is capable of reaching Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, warning that his group's missiles will be launched from Judea and Samaria into major Israeli cities.

Oudai says that the new rocket, called Arafat 1, will prove to the Israelis that Yasser Arafat's spirit is still alive and that he is continuing to fight them and hit them even after his death. The al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is the military wing of Yasser Arafat's Fatah party, a political party headed up today by Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the Palestinian Authority, and the brigades has carried out scores of suicide bombings, shootings, and rocket attacks from Gaza.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The spirit of Yasser Arafat is alive and still fighting the Israelis attacking with a new rocket called Arafat 1, that is according to a leading terrorist in Israel. It is a scenario that can be found unfolding in the End Times, according to Bible prophecy. For over forty years, the late Yasser Arafat led attack after attack on the Jewish people and the state of Israel; wanting to destroy the Jewish state in the Middle East and rid the world of Jewish people.

As a vehicle to accomplish his goal, Arafat established the al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the year 2000 as the military wing of his political party, Fatah. Upon his death, Arafat was replaced by his long time number two man, Mahmoud Abbas, not only as the leader of the Palestinian Authority, but also the leader of Fatah and thus the commander of the al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Now, one of the officials of the brigades says that Arafat 1, a powerful rocket, will target major Israeli cities like Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, a proof that Arafat's spirit still lives and still wants to kill Jewish people.

This scenario sounds like a page out of Bible prophecy as written by Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Malachi, or Obadiah. All of these ancient Jewish prophets speak of a time when the descendants of Esau, the Palestinians today, will endeavor to destroy the Jewish state, take the land that God has given to the Jewish people, and kill all of the Jews. That scenario is found in Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the entire book of Obadiah.

The Arafat 1 rocket being fired into major Israeli cities is evidence that the spirit of Esau is alive today. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 09, 2006

More than two million Muslim pilgrims are tracing the journey made by Mohammad

The annual pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia began with more than two million Muslims going to Mount Arafat to perform the central rite of the Hajj as they traced the journey of the Islamic prophet Mohammad.

Muslims from all over the world including more than 1.5 million foreign pilgrims from 177 different nationalities had made their way to Saudi Arabia and into Mecca where Saudi officials said the kingdom had prepared itself to deal with major potential emergencies during the Hajj including fires, stampedes, torrential rains, food poisoning, terror attacks, and even chemical attacks. The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and a once-in-a-lifetime obligation for all devout, able bodied Muslims with the means for the journey.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by millions of Muslims is only one of the doctrines of the Islamic faith that has prophetic implications for the End Times, that is according to Bible prophecy. As one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith, the Hajj, a trip to Mecca, Islam's most holy site, is a dream and almost always becomes a reality for every Muslim of the world.

Other key factors of the Islamic faith is that Allah is the only true god, that Mohammad is Allah's sent prophet and his representative to the Muslim people and that the Koran is the book that Allah has given to the Muslim people, their holy book. Let me remind you that Allah is not the same god as the God of the Christians and the Jews and that conclusion is reached by Allah's statement in the Koran that he has no son, while the Christian God has a Son and His name is Jesus Christ.

As the Hajj is a pillar of the Islamic faith, so is the eschatology of Islam a key factor to the ultimate goal of Islam: that a messiah will come to convert all of humankind to Islam and setup a world dominion all under the theocracy of Allah. Of course, the conflict is that God's prophetic Word reveals that Jesus Christ will be the Messiah who comes to setup His Kingdom on earth to rule and reign from Jerusalem as the Supreme Being that will not be Allah, the Islamic god.

The annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca by more than two million Muslims is evidence that this world is on a collision course. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 06, 2006

The use of the internet is becoming a daily experience in Iraq

Before Saddam's ouster from power in Iraq, his Ministry of Information building housed members of Saddam's intelligence agency who worked around the clock blocking websites, emails, and chat rooms hindering all communications with the outside world through the internet.

Now, Iraqis can be in contact with the world and this is true through the spread of internet cafes scarce during the time of Hussein's rule but now spreading throughout Iraq with thousands of Iraqis packing these cafes to check their emails and chat despite fears that any public place can be attacked. Internet cafes however, are not the only outlet in Iraq. Many distributors are now selling wireless connections to private homes and buisinesses as the internet spreads across the state of Iraq.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The spread of the internet across Iraq in this post-Saddam era is a sign of things to come in this Middle Eastern nation, that is according to Bible prophecy. Under the tightly controlled policed state of the ex-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, members of Saddam's intelligence agency worked around the clock to block all internet traffic from the outside world to his fellow citizens in Iraq.

Intelligence officers would monitor websites and whenever they found a suspicious domain, they would block it. Now, internet restrictions are of a different sort with restrictions for entering a pornographic site and any sites that contradict Islam and its traditions.

The spread of the internet across Iraq is, as I stated, a sign of things to come according to Bible prophecy. Revelation 18 reveals a scenario where Babylon, the biblical city on the shores of the Euphrates River in Iraq, will become the headquarters for the one-world, economic, political, governmental system that will be headed up by the Antichrist in the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation.

In order to control the world, the internet will be used and with Iraq becoming the Silicon Valley of the Middle East, as former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has predicted, the stage is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 05, 2006

Israeli Prime Minister Sharon's massive stroke shocks the Jewish nation

Late Wednesday evening Israeli time, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had a massive stroke some eighteen days after his minor stroke and the Jewish state of Israel stands shocked at the prospects of the loss of one of the most decorated military men and controversial political leaders in Israel's history.

The position of Prime Minister has been filled by a close associate of Sharon, the former mayor of Jerusalem and present minister of finance in the Israeli cabinet, Ehud Olmert; a position Olmert can hold for one hundred days before before Israel must go to new elections. Israel's attorney general has ruled that the early elections will take place as scheduled on March 28th no matter the outcome of Prime Minister Sharon's grave illness.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Israeli Prime Minister Sharon being struck down by a massive stroke is evidence that the God of the Bible is in charge of the leadership of our world today. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has spent the last sixty years serving his nation Israel first, as a decorated military leader, the hero of many of Israel's previous military campaigns, and these last thirty years as one of Israel's most controversial political leaders.

In recent years, the world has witnessed Sharon change from a political hard-liner to an Israeli leader ready to make concessions, concessions never before made by any Israeli leader in order to bring peace to a war-torn region of the Middle East. Sharon's disengagement plan that was implemented this last summer divided the Jewish nation like never before. His resignation from a political party he co-founded thirty years ago caused an earthquake on the political landscape of Israel.

All that I have reported thus far is in line with God's Word as it relates to the leaders of the nations of this world. Romans 13:1 tells us that there is no political power, but those that were placed in power by God in His perfect plan for the world today. The God who ordained political power is the same God of prophecy, the One who sets in motion all events that will conclude history here on this earth.

A massive stroke suffered by Ariel Sharon is indeed evidence that God is still in charge. His prophetic Word will be fulfilled.

January 04, 2006

Muslim clerics in Jerusalem say Israeli digs at the Temple Mount will inflame tensions

The Supreme Islamic Association and al Aqsa Association for contruction of holy shrines have accused Israeli authorities of involvement in excavations underneath the Temple Mount and that they building a synagogue three hundred yards away from the Dome of the Rock, which could cause instability to the Islamic worship center, the al Aqsa Mosque.

The Mufti of Jerusalem, Shiekh Zabri, the top Muslim cleric in the holy land, called on Israel to halt work on the archaeological project near the Islamic holy site, saying that continuing the dig will inflame tensions in the Middle East region between Arabs and Jews. Israel's chief rabbi at the Western Wall says there was no new synagogue at the site and the archaeological dig did not go into the temple compound area.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Muslims clerics threatening a major conflict on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem if Israel does not stop an archaeological dig near the Temple Mount is a foretaste of things to come, according to Bible prophecy. For a number of years the Mufti of Jerusalem, Shiekh Zabri, has said there is no evidence that there has ever been a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Several months ago, Zabri said that the Jews had no right to the area of prayer for the Jewish people, the area at the Western Wall. Now the Mufti, Shiekh Zabri, has joined with other Muslim clerics in the Middle East to accuse Israel of doing an archaeological dig underneath the Temple Mount and threatening the stability of Islam's third holiest site the al Aqsa Mosque located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

This most recent claim by the Mufti of Jerusalem is a part of what seems to be an ongoing campaign to rid the Temple Mount of any Jewish presence ever. This Muslim strategy is a perfect fit for the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the End Times. Zechariah, the ancient Jewish prophet wrote 2,500 years ago that one day Jesus Christ would return to Jerusalem to rebuild His Temple on the Temple Mount, Zechariah 1:16, 6:12. Zechariah 1:14-15 reveals that before the Lord returns to build His Temple, there will be enemies of the Jewish people who are aragantly secure about their control of the Temple Mount area.

These recent developments indeed are setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 03, 2006

Pope Benedict calls for everyone to unite to combat enemies of world peace

On New Year's Day at the Vatican in Rome, Italy, Pope Benedict warned that terrorism and fanatic fundamentalism threatened world peace and he called for individuals, governments, and institutions to work together to combat these enemies of peace in a world even more marked by the vast phenomenon of globalism.

Tens of thousands of people standing under a carpet of umbrellas to guard against a downpour came to hear Pope Benedict issue New Year's Day greetings on the day the Catholic church celebrates annually as its world day of peace, January 1st every year. The Pope called terrorism and fanatic fundamentalism the most insidious threats to peace and he said that entire populations, international organizations, as well as world powers must assume responsibility to promote peace in the world today.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A world known religious leader in Rome calling for everyone to work for peace in our world today is a page from Bible prophecy for the last days. Pope Benedict, on January 1st, World Peace Day, calling for world leaders, international organizations, and even individuals around the world to rise up against terrorism and fanatic fundamentalism is exactly along the lines for the last three decades of Benedict's predecessor, Pope John Paul, who annually called for world peace.

Pope Benedict has joined other world leaders like: United States President George W. Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and Saudi Arabian king, King Abdullah in a call to fight terrorism and fanatic fundamentalism; what these leaders say are the enemies of peace in our world today.

As I stated earlier, a world-reknown religious leader from Rome calling for world peace is a page out of Bible prophecy for the End Times. The ancient Jewish prophet, Daniel revealed in Daniel 9:27 that during the seven year Tribulation Period, a time of trouble upon the earth in the future, a religious leader from Rome will surface and establish a world-wide peace; that individual will be the Antichrist, a false messiah, that indeed does setup a period of peace howbeit a short-lived peace

The only true peace on this earth will come when Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace comes back, but until then only a pseudo peace will take place on earth. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.