
May 31, 2006

Israel's UN Ambassador: WWIII has already begun

At a recent meeting of the Security Council at the UN, a meeting discussing the war on terrorism, Israel's UN Ambassador Dan Gillerman said that WWIII had already begun and he urged the former allied forces from WWII to act against the axis of terror consisting of Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hizbullah.

Syria responded that Israel was precipitating a third World War and that Israel was behind the eruption of both WWI and WWII.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The declaration by Israel's UN Ambassador that WWIII had already begun is evidence that the stage is being set for WWIII, that is according to Bible prophecy. At a recent routine meeting of the UN Security Council on fighting terrorism, Syrian and Iranian diplomats responded to the Israeli UN Ambassador's declaration that WWIII had already begun with blaming Israel not only for WWI and WWII, but accused Israel of being the source of terrorism in the Middle East by its continuing occupation of Arab lands.

This intense debate at the Un Security Council between these three Middle Eastern diplomats is an expression of the developing scenario that will indeed lead into WWIII which may or may not have already started.

Daniel, in chapter 11 verses 40-45 reveals that Syria, referred to as the king of the north, will make the first move to destroy Israel. Ezekiel mentions Persia, Ezekiel 39:5, as another Middle Eastern country to aggressively go after the destruction of Israel. Remember, Persia is the biblical name for modern day Iran. Syria and Iran are only two of the alignment of nations which come against Israel at the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation Period. Israel's UN Ambassador has the approaching war right, but maybe not the time yet.

Remember, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 30, 2006

Former VP Al Gore warns of a danger which could bring the end of civilization

Former US Vice President Al Gore admits to his failing to get his climate change message across as a politician and he promised to devote himself to the task of warning people around the world about an impending planetary emergency.

A recently released documentary film featuring the former US Vice President is based on lectures that Gore has been delivering and includes the message that the world was now facing a danger which could bring an end of civilization.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The warning from former US Vice President Al Gore that global warming could bring an end to civilization has an interesting connection to the Last Days scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. The documentary film, "An inconvenient Truth", based on lectures by former US Vice President Al Gore is the vehicle by which Mr. Gore has devoted himself to the task of warning the people of the world about what he calls an impending planetary emergency.

The former Vice President said that he believes the scientists that say there may be 10 years remaining to avoid crossing the point of no return. In speeches that Mr. Gore is delivering as he travels the world, he warns that we face the danger of the end of civilization, which is also the message of Bible prophecy. However, Bible prophecy reveals that the end of civilization as we know it today is over 1,000 years away, not 10 years as the former Vice President reports.

The prophetic scenario found in the Bible reveals that the Rapture of the followers of Jesus Christ is next, that's I Thessalonians 4 and Revelation 4:1-2. After Christians depart, there will be 7 years of judgment upon the earth with vast changes in the weather, but not the end of civilization, that's after the 1,000 years of a Kingdom on earth under the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and that's found in Revelation 20:4-6. The end of civilization is after the 1,000 years when the world is burned up and God gives us a new Heaven and new earth, that's found in Revelation 1:1 and II Peter 3:10.

The real truth is Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 29, 2006

Israel's First PM: The state of Israel is a refuge for every Jew

This year is the 100th anniversary of David Ben-Gurion's immigration to what was then Turkish Palestine and at an international conference at Ben-Gurion University in the Negev Dr. Yariv Ben-Eliezer, Ben-Gurion's eldest grandson, said that the Zionism his grandfather believed in would persist as long as the state of Israel continued to exist as a refuge to every Jew that wanted to come to Israel.

According to Ben-Eliezer, Ben-Gurion's vision of the land, to which he immigrated 100 years ago, was shaped by the Zionist ideology that pervaded his home in Poland. Ben-Eliezer said Ben Gurion's home taught that a Zionist mean living in Zion, Israel, not the diaspora.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

David Ben-Gerion's declaration that Israel was to be a refuge for every Jew was actually setting the stage for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy for the Jewish people and the state of Israel. David Ben-Gurion's immigration, or aliyah in Hebrew, to what was then called Palestine and controlled by the Turkish-Ottoman Empire was evidence of his understanding that as a Zionist he was to live in the land of his forefathers, the land of Israel.

Jews from around the world continue to make aliyah, which was Ben-Gurion's dream. This report, the reality of the partial fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the Jewish people and the land of Israel.

The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2,500 years ago that God would search out the world for the Jewish people, gather them into the land of Israel, make the land be fruitful, and the people, God's chosen people, to prosper in the land, that's Ezekiel 34:11-31 and Ezekiel 36. God has kept His promise for the sake of His holy name, that's Ezekiel 36:22.

In the Time of Jacob's Trouble, yet future, all Jews will make aliyah, they will immigrate to the land of their forefathers; a land of refuge for every Jew. Bible prophecy is now and will be fulfilled.

May 26, 2006

Chicken and egg debate unscrambled

The debate between academics, scientists, and philosophers, and even some chicken farmers over which came first, the chicken or the egg, a debate organized by the Disney movie making company to promote the release of their new film, "Chicken Little" on dvd, those debating have come to a conclusion: the egg came first.

Put simply, the reason is down to the fact that genetic material does not change during an animal's life; therefore, the first bird that evolved in prehistoric times into a chicken must have existed as an embryo inside an egg, this is according to these experts. In conclusion, the team debating the age old question said that eggs were around long before the first chicken, according to their research.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The debate over which came first, the chicken or the egg and the conclusion by a team of academics, scientists, and philosophers in England that the egg came first, is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days. The "Eggsperts" have come to the conclusion that during prehistoric times the egg was first, and then the chicken.

It is interesting to me that these scientists, academics, and philosophers would use the word "prehistoric", which is basically an oxymoron, it has no meaning. In truth there was only God before history.

The close companion of Jesus Christ, the Apostle Peter, in the last book that he wrote, II Peter 3 says that the world would be in the Last Days willfully ignorant of the fact that God created all things including the chicken on the fifth day of Creation, that's found in II Peter 3:5 and Genesis 1:22-23. Peter also said that in the Last Days these same people, the ones willfully ignorant, would deny the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, that's II Peter 3:3-4.

The announcement that the egg came before the chicken is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 25, 2006

Israelis marked Jerusalem Day with celebration and controversy

Yom Yerushalayim, Hebrew for Jerusalem Day, is the day that Israelis celebrate the liberation of Jerusalem 39 years ago and the reunification of the eternal city of the state of Israel.

For the last 39 years there have been celebrations in Jerusalem that include parades, family gatherings, a visit to the Western Wall, and the politicians making their speeches to commemorate the battle for Jerusalem during the Six Day War in 1967. During this festive celebration, the controversy surrounding Jerusalem continues and intensifies as the Palestinians claim Jerusalem is and will be the capital of their state, Palestine.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Even as Israelis celebrate the reunification of Jerusalem on Jerusalem Day this year, the controversy described for Jerusalem in the Last Days according to Bible prophecy comes better into focus. When the Israeli Defense Force paratroopers led by General Marcus stormed the lion gate of the old city of Jerusalem and rushed onto the Temple Mount, for the first time in almost 2,000 years, the city of Jerusalem was once again reunited East and West.

Israel's first PM David Ben-Gurion said that Jerusalem is the reunited, undivided, capital city of Israel and the Jewish people. Every PM of Israel has stated since that time that Jerusalem will never be divided again. Therein is the controversy that will surround Jerusalem and only intensify as we grow closer to the Last Days.

The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah wrote that Jerusalem would be a cup of trembling, that's Zechariah 12:2. And it means that those who control Jerusalem in the Last Days will become intoxicated with power over God's chosen city. Zechariah 1:14-16 says that the Lord is aggressively possessive of Jerusalem and he will someday come to Jerusalem to build His Temple.

Jerusalem Day 2006 in celebration and controversy is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

*Special Presentation: Jerusalem Day 2006 - Presentation of 39 years of a united Jerusalem by Jerusalem Online.

May 24, 2006

The US will seek international support to have Jewish settlers removed from their homes

At the first official visit to the White House for Israeli Prime Minister (PM) Ehud Olmert, the Jewish leader discussed with President Bush how to proceed with Olmert's plan to dismantle a number of Jewish settlements and displace hundreds and thousands of Jewish families from their homes where they have lived for over thirty years.

PM Olmert said, after his meeting with President Bush, that he was very satisfied with the understandings reached concerning his plan to withdraw from parts of Judea and Samaria. Before their meeting at the White House, diplomatic sources said that the US will seek international support for PM Olmert's withdrawal plan, adding that President Bush does not oppose the plan.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

International support for Israeli PM Olmert's plan to withdraw from Judea and Samaria is a step closer to a prophetic scenario for the Last Days that is found in Bible prophecy. At the recent meeting between Israel's PM Olmert and US President Bush at the White House, the agenda for their talks focused on Olmert's plan to dismantle Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria.

The two world leaders discussed how the Bush administration would work to get worldwide support for PM Olmert's convergence plan and the US President said he did not oppose the plan. This high level discussion is, as I said, a step in fact, a giant step closer to the scenario for this issue that is found in Bible prophecy.

The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote some 2,500 years ago that near the time of the Second Coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Jewish people would be so divided that they would form a second Jewish state called Judah, that's found in Ezekiel 37:15-23. The Israeli body politic is indeed divided on the PM's withdrawal plan and there are now Jewish people working to birth a second Jewish state.

Israeli-US politics and politicians are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 23, 2006

The Vatican's Chief Astronomer says Intelligent Design is not Science

The Director of the Vatican Observatory, George Coyne, said recently that Intelligent Design is not science and it does not belong in the science classroom. He added that Intelligent Design pretends to be science, but it is not science.

The Vatican's Chief Astronomer said that placing the Intelligent Design Theory alongside Evolution in school programs was wrong and was akin to mixing apples with oranges. Coyne's statements are in line with other critics of Intelligent Design who say it's merely Creationism, a literal reading of the Bible's story of Creation, camouflaged in scientific language.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Officials from the world's largest religious group declaring that Intelligent Design is Creationism camouflaged as science is a precursor to the time when Jesus Christ will return, that is according to Bible prophecy. The debate over the moves by public officials wanting to place the teaching of Intelligent Design in public schools has reached a level of great intensity.

Even the president of the United States, George W. Bush, has weighed in on the issue saying that Intelligent Design should be taught alongside the Theory of Evolution in the public classroom. Now, this declaration by the Vatican Chief Astronomer, a scientist as well as a religious leader, who says that Intelligent Design is not science and should not be in the science classroom.

The Apostle Peter warned true believers in Jesus Christ that in the last days there would be those who would be willfully ignorant in other words dumb on purpose and they would deny that the Lord created all things in the heavens and under the heavens, Second Peter 3:4-5. These same people would also deny the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Second Peter 3:3-4 and this would actually be a proof that we are in the days of His return.

Jesus Christ is coming and it could be today. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 22, 2006

Iraqi newspapers are calling for another dictator to replace the newly formed Iraqi government

Newspapers in Iraq received the announcement of a new government with a mixture of fear and resignation. In fact, several Iraqi newspapers are calling for a dictator, howbeit a benevolent dictator, to bring this war torn Middle Eastern country under control.

The consensus in the Iraqi media is that the sectarian and ethnic divisions within the new cabinet, approved finally after five months of heated debates in the parliament and ever increasing violence in the streets, is doomed to fail from the start.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The new Iraqi government is up and running; however, there are many Iraqis calling for a benevolent dictator to take charge of their war torn nation, which basically is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days. The democratic process in the Islamic nation of Iraq finally brought a government into place to lead this war torn nation into the future, or did it?

Right on the heels of PM Maleki's announcement of his new cabinet, many of the major newspapers in Iraq fear that their new Iraqi government will be short-lived and the nation will be plunged into more intense sectarian violence, even into a full blown civil war. There are more and more Iraqis calling for the return of a dictator to bring Iraq under control. This report is almost word-for-word a page out of Bible prophecy.

The Jewish prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah reveal that Iraq will be a major power in the Last Days in the Middle East. This nation will be known by its biblical name, Babylon, that's found in Isaiah 13-14 and Jeremiah 50 and 51. The New Testament prophet John the Apostle wrote Revelation 18 which says that the Antichrist, a world-wide dictator and by the way not a benevolent dictator, will come to power in Babylon, modern-day Iraq.

The Iraqi newspapers calling for a dictator to bring peace and quiet to their nation is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

May 19, 2006

A world-known religious leader attacks society's obsession with the Da Vinci Codes and the Gospel of Judas

The Archbishop of Canterbury has voiced strong concerns about today's world that is obsessed with the book and the movie the Da Vinci Code which he says encourages people to believe that the Christian faith is a series of conspiracies and cover ups.

The Archbishop, Dr. Rowan Williams, said that there is a tendency to treat biblical text as if they were unconvincing press releases from some official source whose intention is to conceal the real story. The church leader also rejected the recently discovered leather-bound papyrus believed to be the Gospel of Judas as the authentic writing of Judas, a disciple of Jesus, and said it was an effort to keep the world from finding out what really happened.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Society's fascination with bringing secrets to light as portrayed in "the Da Vinci Code" and "the Gospel of Judas" is evidence that we are living in the days of the Return of Jesus Christ, that is according to Bible prophecy.

Ron Brown's fictional novel, The "Da Vinci Code", has sold over 40 million copies and has been made into a Hollywood movie, because our world today has an unquenching appetite for the secret; howbeit, false stories behind the events of history.

The recent discovery of "the Gospel of Judas" is an authentic document, a document dating to the second century, but it was not the disciple of Jesus Christ who wrote "the Gospel of Judas," because right after Judas betrayed Jesus, he went out and hung himself. Both "the Da Vinci Code," which says Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had children by Him and "the Gospel of Judas" are tangible evidence that we are living in the days of the Lord's return to earth.

The Apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy that in the Last Days, men would want to learn but never come to the truth, that's II Timothy 3:7. Paul warned that false teachers would come and try to deceive, II Timothy 3:6; and from this form of godliness that denies the Lord, Paul said to turn away, that's II Timothy 3:5.

The world's obsessions with "The Da Vinci Code" and "the Gospel of Judas" are evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 18, 2006

Less than 25% of Christians have enough Bible knowledge to place key events in the order they appear

According to the results of a new survey by the Bible Society in the UK, less than a quarter of Christians possess enough knowledge of the Bible to be able to place key events in Bible history in the order that they appear.

The Bible Society carried out a survey of regular church-goers which reveals that 78% of those people were unable to put a series of ten popular Bible stories in order: events like Noah's Ark, Solomon's building of the Temple, Jesus feeding the five thousand and other similar incidents.
The survey, a quick-fire quiz style, was designed to assess the assumption that Christians possess an in-depth knowledge of the Bible.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A lack of Bible knowledge, and in particular Bible prophecy, will hinder the understanding of the times in which we live and the urgency of the moment, related to Bible prophecy and the End Times. Christian leaders in the world today believe that the significance of God's Word, the Bible, is for living out the Christian faith in our world today.

The shocking fact is that 75% of regular church goers do not even have enough Bible knowledge to recognize the order of events unfolded in the Bible. And even a larger percentage of those same people do not understand the times in which we're living as unfolded by Bible prophecy, which is actually 30% of the Bible's content. Jesus said that He would send the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, to teach us things to come, in other words prophecy; that's found in John 16:13.

Through the Apostle Paul, our Lord told us to study the scriptures, II Timothy 2:15, so that we could discern the times in which we live today. Jesus also said through the Apostle John, who wrote the book of Revelation, that the scriptures found in Revelation 4-22 will reveal those things to happen yet in the future.

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled and it behooves followers of Christ to understand the urgency of the moment by reading the Bible prophecy passages in His Word.

May 17, 2006

A global jihad tsunami is set to converge on the Middle East

The Middle East is currently standing before a global jihad tsunami that is according to the former Israeli Military Intelligence Chief. This was the message, the theme of his address at a conference on intelligence studies organized by the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University in Israel.

General Ze'evi told the conference that today, anyone can learn how to assemble a bomb in his home and they are consulting with religious leaders to find out whether it is permissible to drop a nuclear bomb or commit a suicide attack. The general said that Iran will soon have a missile with the ability to reach targets in Europe as well as the entire Middle East with a nuclear weapon, making Iran the world's greatest terrorist threat.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Statements from a military intelligence expert that the Middle East stands now before a global jihad tsunami is truly a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days. When the leaders of Israel's military intelligence branch told the Israeli government in 1996 that Iran was a bigger threat than Iraq, they were not believed.

Today, these same military intelligence experts say that Iran's determination to obtain nuclear capabilities is the most revolutionary development and threat against the Middle East, the West, and basically the entire world. This report, as I've already said, is a page out of Bible prophecy that daily seems to be coming closer and closer to fulfillment.

Daniel and Ezekiel, two ancient Jewish prophets, wrote some 2,500 years ago of a coalition of nations that would come against Israel to destroy the Jewish state, that's found in Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11:40-45. Zechariah and Joel, both ancient Jewish prophets, predicted a time when, like a tsunami, the largest army ever assembled will attack Israel, that's Zechariah 14:1-5 and Joel 2:2-3.

The threat of a global jihad tsunami is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

May 16, 2006

Over six million children will die from hunger or malnutrition this year

A United Nations agency, the Food and Agricultural Organization has warned that nearly six million children will die from hunger or malnutrition this year. The report issued by FAO estimates that 852 million people were undernourished during the time between 2000 and 2002. And in Subsaharan Africa, the number of malnourished people has risen to 203 million people.

This report on world hunger states that most of the hungry would survive if they had proper nourishment and that many deaths result from treatable diseases, but hunger and malnutrition have hindered that needed treatment.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The shocking report that six million children in our world this year will die of hunger is a stark reminder of the judgment of starvation that will come upon the earth in the future time of judgment the seven year Tribulation Period and this according to Bible prophecy.

At the World Food Summit in 1996, world leaders announced a plan to cut in half the number of hungry people in our world by 2015. The Food and Agriculture Organization, a United Nations Agency, says that the goal to cut starvation in half is more than likely to be broken. The evidence is so vivid. Six million children will die this year alone of hunger, and the numbers are increasing, not decreasing. Reducing hunger should be, but it is not the driving force for progress and hope, according to FAO.

This report is a stark reminder of the terrible time of judgment spoken of in Bible prophecy when starvation will be ramped in our world. Jesus Christ spoke of famine in His Olivet Discourse, Matthew 24:7, as one of the judgments upon the earth during the Tribulation Period. John, writing in the book of Revelation 6:5-6, spoke of the third judgment to be released at the beginning of the Tribulation Period, that judgment starvation.

This United nations report that six million children will die this year of hunger is a lead up to the time of judgment to come upon the earth. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 15, 2006

Israeli officials: A large scale evacuation from the West Bank will be difficult and violent

Any large scale evacuation of the Jewish settlers from Judea and Samaria, known to some as the West Bank, will spark violence and be much more difficult than the disengagement from the Gaza this past summer, according to Israeli officials.

In an effort to prevent violence when the largest pullout in Israel's history does take place, Israeli security people have plans to roundup Jewish extremists prior to the beginning of the evacuation.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As Israel looks to a major confrontation internally when PM Olmert's evacuation of Judea and Samaria takes place, the End Times scenario for the Jewish state of Israel comes better into focus, that is according to Bible prophecy. Israel's PM Ehud Olmert ran on a platform of evacuating almost 100,000 Jews from their homes in Judea and Samaria, the west Bank as some refer to it, and he was elected by Israelis who expect Olmert to follow through on his stated plan.

As Jewish settlers make plans and set strategies in place to fight Olmert's convergence plan, tensions increase to higher levels as implementation of the plan comes closer. The possibility of a civil war is an ever present danger in Israel over this issue, according to Israeli security people and some Jewish settlers say the only solution to this crisis is a second Jewish state, a scenario found in Bible prophecy.

Three ancient Jewish prophets: Jeremiah, Malachi, and Ezekiel all wrote about this scenario some 2,500 years ago, that's Malachi 2:10-15, Jeremiah 3:18, and Ezekiel 37:15-23. Two Jewish states, Israel and Judah, will be in place at the time of the Return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, back here to the earth.

The violent confrontation ahead for PM Olmert's convergence plan does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 12, 2006

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will work to revive the failed EU Constitution

In her first speech to the German Parliament on European policy, the Chancellor, Angela Merkel, said that the European Union's (EU's) greatest challenge is making it clear to ordinary citizens of Europe that they benefit from the EU's increased integration and expansion.

Merkel said when Germany takes over the EU's rotating prediency in 2007 it would work to promote the EU Constitution because Europe absolutely needs the Constitution to ensure the EU is effective and capable of action in our world today. Merkel believes that Europe needs to flex its economic muscles and prove it is capable of action on the world stage.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel to ratify the EU Constitution is actually a page from Bible prophecy for the Last Days. The failure of national referendums in France and the Netherlands to ratify the EU Constitution threw the EU into one of its most dificult periods in its 50 year history.

German Chancellor Merkel says that when Germany takes the presidency of the EU, they will work to promote the EU Constitution and its ratification. Merkel says that Europe must mount a world policy according to its own values.

Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet of 2,500 years ago, when the old Roman Empire would be revived in chapter 7 of his prophecy, Daniel spoke of the revived Roman Empire coming into place during the time of great Middle East conflict, when a world leader was needed to bring peace to this troubled area. Prophectically, the Rapture of Christians will be next, then the revived Roman Empire comes to power and out of the revived Roman Empire, a world dictator.

The ratification of the EU constitution that Counselor Merkel wants to see happen indeed is a page out of Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

May 11, 2006

A member of the European parliament : The same forces that hate Israel, hate Europe

European parliament member, Hannu Takkula of Finland, says that never before had the fate of Israel and Europe been so interconnected; he added that the same forces that hate Israel also hate Europe.

Takkula has called for Europeans to prevent the visit of Iranian President Ahmadinejad to Germany for the World Cup to take place in June noting that the Iranian President is clearly denounced by European leaders. European officials have compared comments and actions by Iranian President Ahmadinejad to Adolf Hitler and say as Europe was destroyed by AntiSemitism it will be destroyed again by AntiZionism.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A statement by a member of the European parliament that there is an interconnection between Israel and Europe and their fates is very true according to Bible prophecy. The world has been watching the continuing radical rhetoric of Iranian President Ahmadinejad about the Jewish state of Israel, how it is led by an evil regime, that Israel should be wiped off the map, and that the Jewish state will be destroyed.

This AntiSemetic, AntiZionist philosophy of Ahmadinejad has caught the attention of European leaders who see an interconnection to the fates of Europe and Israel in our day; however, Bible prophecy sees somewhat of a different scenario for the future for Europe and Israel.

The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel reveals how the revived Roman Empire, most likely the EU of today, will join forces with the world dictator known as the Antichrist to destroy the Jewish state in the Last Days, that's Daniel 7:7-8, 23-25. These passages of prophetic scripture indicate that next will be the completion of the revived Roman Empire, by the way keep watching the progress of the EU, and then the appearance of this powerful world leader known as the Antichrist who will be an AntiSemitic, AntiZionist leader.

Ahmadinejad is not the Antichrist but the stage is being set by all that is happening in our world today for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 10, 2006

Shimon Perez: Iran can also be wiped of the map

A former Israeli PM and the present Vice PM Shimon Perez said recently that the President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, should remember that Iran can also be wiped off the map.

This expression from Shimon Perez which did not include who should act against Iran if it continues with its development of a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction. Perez said the UN Security Council must take action against Iran and if they are incapable of doing so, they then endanger their existence as an important world body.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Iran will face a time of total destruction, but not at the hands of Israel that is according to Bible prophecy. The threat that Iran's nuclear weapons program imposes on the state of Israel, the middle East, and in fact the entire world is and has been the subject of discussions among world leaders.

Intense debates in the UN Security Council over how to deal with Iran have resulted in delaying a final showdown with the Iranians. Add to that mix, the insightful statements by Iran's President Ahmadinejad and you have a situation that is causing much concern in our world today. The shot fired across the bow by Shimon Perez, Israel's Vice PM, that Iran can also be wiped off the map as a response to Ahmadinejad's call for Israel to be wiped off the map, that statement has interesting prophetic significance.

The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote some 2,500 years ago that Iran, biblical Persia of Ezekiel 38:5, would join a coalition of nations to come against Israel in the Last Days to try to destroy the Jewish state, that's Ezekiel 38:1-17. Ezekiel also wrote that when the attack does happen those attacking nations, including Iran, will be destroyed; 5 out of every 6 of their peoples will be killed, that's Ezekiel 39:1-7.

The statement by Israel's Shimon Perez that Iran could be wiped off the map does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 09, 2006

Iran seeks to change the world order

Wiping Israel off the map is just one step in Iran's attempt to create a new world order, that is according to the head of Israel's military intelligence research division. He also said that Iran wants to be a superpower not only in the Middle East, but in the entire world.

General Yosef Kuperwasser, who is the Chief of Israeli Defense Force Military Intelligence, reported to a conference on power projection that Iran is at the forefront of global terrorism and provides manpower, monies, and munitions to Hezbollah in Lebanon, Alqaeda, Palestinian terror organizations, and is behind the attacks on US armed forces in Iraq. The IDF General said that obtaining nuclear power would establish Iran as a superpower on a global level and it would revive the Islamic revolution throughout the Middle East.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A nuclear-powered Iran as a superpower in our world today is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days. As world leaders work to contain the development of a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction (NWMD) in Iran and the UN debates what to do next, Iran continues to advance its technology closer to the point of completion of that NWMD.

Israel has said all along that Iran is very near production stage of a NWMD and Iran is very close to becoming a world superpower that could change the world order; in fact, that statement could well have been read from a prophetic passage in the Bible, Ezekiel 38:5.

Ezekiel's prophecy says that Persia, the biblical name for modern-day Iran, would be a coalition partner with a new world order that wants to destroy the Jewish state of Israel is also found in the prophetic passages; for example, Ezekiel 38:2-18 and Daniel 11:40-45.

Israel's assessment that Iran wants to be a superpower in global terror armed with a NWMD is a page out of Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

May 08, 2006

There are claims that a secret report on UFOs and aliens in space is a government cover up

A recently released secret report issued by the British ministry of defense concluded that there is insufficient evidence to indicate the presence of any genuine unidentified, aerial phenomenon, UFOs or aliens in outer space.

There was an immediate response from a number of sources that have reported what they considered documented evidence of absolute extraterrestrial activities in space, that this secret British report is another report to cover up the truth about UFOs because they are afraid of admitting that there is something beyond their control.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Even though the secret British report states there is no evidence of UFOs and aliens in our skies today, Bible prophecy does reveal that there is absolute evidence of present and future activity of such phenomenon. A confidential British Ministry of Defense report on Unidentified Flying Objects has concluded that there is no proof of alien-like forms.

This report acknowledges that people who claim to have had a close encounter are often difficult to persuade that they did not see what they thought they saw. Whether this is or is not a government cover up of the truth of UFOs and aliens in our skies as some claim, I cannot determine. What I can say, however, is that Bible prophecy does reveal that there are aliens, and could well be UFOs in the heavens today and there will be much more in the future.

Paul, the Apostle, wrote to the believers in Ephesus that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavens, that's Ephesians 6:12 . Principalities, powers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness, are indeed evil angels, demons under the control of Satan in the heavens today. These creatures, aliens in the true sense of the word, will invade earth during the coming time of judgment known as the Tribulation, that's found in Revelation 9:1-18 and 12:7-17.

According to Bible prophecy, current-day aerial phenomenon is preliminary activity that will precede the final fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

May 05, 2006

Hamas claims Israel's New PM Olmert has declared war against the Palestinians

A Hamas spokesman claims that PM Ehud Olmert's speech at the Knesset, when he and his cabinet were voted into power by the Israeli parliament, confirmed his hostile policy toward the Palestinian people and that his convergence plan was a declaration of war against the Palestinians.

The Hamas official condemned Olmert's plan to keep large settlement blocs under Israeli sovereignty and the setting of Israel's permanent borders as a plan of war against the Palestinians who will confront Israel with all available means including an armed struggle.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Hamas claim that Israeli PM Olmert's convergence plan is a declaration of war against the Palestinian people is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. As the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, voted approval of PM Ehud Olmert and his new cabinet, word comes from Hamas that Olmert's speech was in essence a declaration of war.

PM Olmert outlined his speech to the Knesset that he plans to disengage from many of the settlements in Judea and Samaria, he will annex some of the larger Jewish settlements, and he will set the permanent borders for the state of Israel. The new Israeli PM says this convergence plan will give Israel safe and secure borders for the future. Hamas says, however, that Olmert's plan is a declaration of war and that they will fight back with every means possible.

This present-day scenario does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled as laid out by many ancient Jewish prophets including: Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Malachi, and Obadiah. The main theme coming from these prophets is that the Palestinian people, biblical Edomites, descendants of Esau, will kill the Jews and take their land in the Last Days, that is the message of Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the little book of Obadiah.

The Hamas claim that Israel's PM Olmert has declared war against the Palestinian people is in reality the next step for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 04, 2006

As PM Olmert takes the helm of the Jewish state, he sets the agenda for Israel's future

After weeks of talks, Israel's PM designate Ehud Olmert, with a narrow majority of some 67 members of the 120 seat Gnesset, the Israeli parliament, comes to the helm of the Israeli government after serving as acting PM since former PM Ariel Sharon suffered a debilitating stroke back in January.

Israel's new PM outlined his plans for Israel which involves a withdrawal from parts of the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria and the unilateral setting of borders for the Jewish state, if the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority (PA) will not come to the negotiating table.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With the new Israeli government in place and PM Ehud Olmert's agenda on the table, it is evidenced that the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Israeli government opposition leader former PM Benjamin Netanyahu says that Olmert's agenda only strengthens Palestinian militancy.

The Palestinians take a very bleak view of the implications of Olmert's unilateral plans for naming the borders ,and more than half of Israel's body politic question the wisdom of withdrawing from more of Israel's land. PM Olmert takes the reigns of Israel's government at a key time in Israel's history and future. God's Word, the Bible, states that human government was put in place by God some 4,500 years ago, that's Genesis 9:6.

The prophetic Word of God states that the Lord will use human government to set the stage for His will to be accomplished, that's Daniel 9:13, 20 and Revelation 17:17. A unilateral naming of Israel's borders and no peace partner with the Hamas-led PA sets the stage for a scenario that's found in Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the book of Obadiah; a scenario that speaks of a conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Basically, it will be a battle between two brothers, Jacob and Esau. Disengagement of the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria sets the stage for a second Jewish state called Judah, this was foretold in Ezekiel 37:15-23.

Israel's new government does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 03, 2006

Israel's 58th Independence Day Celebrated

Israel marked its 58th birthday with independence day celebrations across the country with visits to military installations, family picnics, and scores of gatherings where Israelis came together to recall the historic events in the brief history of their Jewish state.

Politicians noted that with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, Jewish independence lost 2,000 years earlier was restored in the land of Israel, the birthplace of the Jewish people. Israeli political leaders, including PM Olmert, are upbeat on the future of the Jewish state even in light of the threats to Israel's existence coming from various sectors of the Arab and Islamic worlds, threats of annihilation, and the taking of the land of Israel from the Jewish people.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the Jewish nation of Israel celebrates its 58th birthday, the world has tangible evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled as it has been in the past. Unique in the world today has been the restoration of a Jewish nation among the nations of the world, the reestablished Jewish state of Israel 58 years ago by a vote of the other nations for such to happen.

As one celebrates Israel's 58th birthday, or even acknowledges that the Jewish people once again have a state of their own, the world can see tangible evidence that God's prophetic Word has been fulfilled, and that all remaining prophecies concerning the Jewish people will be fulfilled as well.

The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote some 2,500 years ago that God would find where the Jews had been scattered, gather them into the land of their forefathers, and make them to prosper in the land, that's Ezekiel 34:11-31. Ezekiel 36 records some 35 times that the Lord would give the Jewish people their land and that He would do that, not because they were Jewish, but for His Holy namesake, that's Ezekiel 36:22. These passages in Ezekiel are only a small portion of prophetic passages that promise the Jewish people a land and a state forever.

Israel's 58th birthday is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Independence Day greetings to the Jewish communities in the Diaspora

Related documents and websites

May 02, 2006

Israel stops to mourn those who died in defense of the Jewish state

As the sirens sounded for two minutes the nation of Israel fell silent as Jewish people stood to honor all of those who had given their lives in defense of the Jewish state in their many wars as well as those who had been killed in terrorist attacks.

Prime Minister Olmert has pledged to the bereaved families of the fallen that he would do whatever was within his power to strengthen Israel's security and to lead it towards the path of peace. Israel's Remembrance Day this year comes at a time when the Jewish state faces major threats from without and from within, those who want to eliminate the Jewish state and take the land of Israel for its own.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As Israel marks Remembrance Day, a day to honor Israeli soldiers killed in all of the wars of its brief history, the Jewish state faces the biggest potential for war that it has ever seen, that is according to Bible prophecy. The modern-day Jewish state of Israel has in its brief 58 year history seen many attempts by its enemies to destroy the state and to annihilate its people.

Even as the revived Jewish nation was announcing the conclusions of the UN's decision to establish a Jewish state, the war of independence was already in full force as the Arab world endeavored to end the reestablishment of the nation at its very outset. The Sinai War in 1956, the Six-Day War of 1967 when Israel was under attack at all borders, and even the '73 War, the Yom Kippur War, launched on Israel's holiest day, the Day of Atonement, all of these wars have failed to wipe out the Jewish state.

According to Bible prophecy, it's not going to get any better, only worse as the ancient Jewish prophets have revealed. Daniel, in Daniel 11, and Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 38, plus Jeremiah, Isaiah, Micah, and many others all wrote of the pending wars yet to come upon Israel.

Remembrance Day 2006 in Israel is only a reminder that there are many wars yet ahead in Israel's future and even more intense wars, that is according to Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

May 01, 2006

Iran's Judgment Day plan would turn parts of the Middle East into a living Hell

A London Arab Daily newspaper is reporting that Iran has recruited and funded at least eight Islamic fundamentalist terror organizations to undertake retaliatory strikes against US and British military and economic interests across the Middle East and perhaps in the US and Europe itself in the event Iran's nuclear facilities come under attack.

This plan, called the Judgment Day plan, has been the focus of most of Iran's visitors in the last four months. These terror leaders were told if they agreed to take part in the "Great Jihad", the great holy war, they would need to be ready for the great fight that would turn much of the Middle East into a living Hell.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Iran's plan to turn the Middle East into a living Hell, a plan referred to as the Judgment Day plan, is truthfully a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days in that region of the world. The latest announcement coming from Tehran is that fundamentalist terror organizations have agreed to fight the great war, the "Great Jihad", a great holy war.

The Judgment Day plan, as it is referred to by Iranian leaders as well as the leaders of at least eight terror organizations, will if executed as planned literally turn much of the Middle East into a living Hell. According to ancient Jewish prophets, Iran will play a part in the wars ahead during the judgment to hit the earth at the time of the Tribulation, but Iran's part will be early on in the seven years of the judgment to come, that's Ezekiel 38:5.

The truth of the matter is that the climax of seven years of judgment, mostly focused on the Middle East, the end game scenario will be the judgment day when all the nations of the world take on Jesus Christ at the battle of Armageddon, that's Zechariah 14:1-6 and Revelation 19:11-20.

Judgment Day is coming according to Bible prophecy and Iran's Judgment Day plan does set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.