
October 31, 2006

A cross-section of Jewish settlers in Israel formed a new organization to defend their homes, families, and land

Saying that, "No one is excited about starting a new movement", a cross-section of Jewish settlers met for the founding session of a new group named, Defenders of the Land - a meeting which was held at the Jewish settlement in Judea called, Beit El - a very historic site in the biblical history of the Jewish people.

Israeli Defense Force officers, political leaders including members of the Knesset, university officials, media people, and members of the Jewish settlers Youth Movement met together at a time that they believe is a time to meet a critical need for the very existence of the Jewish settlers for their homes, their families, and the land that God has given to them. The leaders of this new organization, Defenders of the Land said that if the Israeli government comes to expel the Jewish settlers, they will not go quietly. The government will have to use massive force against them.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The reality that there are Jewish settlers who want to defend their families, their home, and their land in Judea and Samaria - a land that God has given to them - against an Israeli government who wants to expel them from this land is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Since the end of the Six Day War in 1967, there has been a growing number of Jews who have moved into the area of Judea and Samaria, sometimes referred to as the West Bank. Now there are half a million Jews who live in the land that God promised to give the Jewish people in the Last Days. As the Jewish settler population continues to grow, the world is applying pressure to the Israeli government to expel all Jews from Judea and Samaria for the purpose of establishing a Palestinian state.

With the founding of a new movement- the Defenders of the Land- a cross-section of Jewish settlers are saying that they will not leave the land that God has given them which He promised to do in many prophetic passages of the Bible, especially in Ezekiel 34 and 36. Ezekiel 37 reveals that at the time the Jewish people return to the land, there would be a division among the Jewish people, that's Ezekiel 37:15-23. This prophetic passage says there will be two Jewish states, a result of this division: one will be called Israel, the other Judah.

This new Jewish settler movement is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

October 30, 2006

A Muslim official in Jerusalem admits there were two previous Jewish temples on the Temple Mount

In contradiction to most of his colleagues, a former senior official of the Islamic Trust on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Islamic custodians on the temple Mount, says he has come to believe that the first and second Jewish temples existed and stood at the current location of the al Aqsa Mosque.

Supposedly, Islamic custodians passed down stories for centuries from generation to generation, indicating that the mosque was built at the site of the former Jewish temples. This former al Aqsa official says to admit the Jewish temples existed does not forfeit Islamic rights to the Temple Mount. He said that the present mosque completes the divine religion of Islam, the third and last religion.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by an Islamic official in Jerusalem that Jewish temples did once stand on the Temple Mount is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. The statements from a former senior leader of the Islamic Trust in Jerusalem, the custodians of the Temple Mount, that he believes there have been two Jewish temples on the Temple Mount is inline with all historic and archaeological evidence available today.

Though this statement is in contradiction to what the Islamic world declares, that there has never been a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount much less two previous temples, the belief of this former custodian of the holy site is based upon Islamic tradition passed down from generation to generation.

Not only has there been two previous Jewish temples on the Temple Mount in the past, there will be two additional Jewish temples on the Temple Mount in the future. Daniel 9:27 reveals a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the seven year Tribulation Period, a time of great judgment in the future. By the way, this is also confirmed by Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1-2.

Zechariah, another ancient Jewish prophet, wrote in chapter 1 verse 16 and chapter 6 verses 12 and 13 that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to Jerusalem and build His Temple where He will rule and reign from during the 1000 year Kingdom yet to come. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

October 27, 2006

The largest Islamic television outlet in Europe says that Zionism is cancer

The London based Islam channel, the largest Islamic television outlet in Europe, posted a debate recently titled, "Why anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism", and it was filmed against a backdrop reading, "Zionism- The Cancer at the Heart of International Affairs."

The discussion was chaired by Alan Hart, a former BBC correspondent, who said that the propaganda used by the Jews is that Israel faces annihilation and they have fears of being pushed into the sea, which he said was a myth.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The declaration that Zionism is the cancer at the heart of international affairs is a precursor to the scenario for Israel in the Last Days, according to Bible prophecy. According to participants at the recent conference hosted by the Islam channel that informed honest debate on the Middle East has been stifled because of a fear of being accused of anti-Semitism.

One participant in the discussion, a former consultant of the Palestinian Authority, said that Zionism, the return of the Jews to Zion, to Israel, was a total disaster for the Arab world and that nothing positive or beneficial has come from it. The leader of the discussion said that it was a myth that Jews face annihilation and they have fears of being pushed into the sea.

However, according to Bible prophecy, an attempt to annihilate all Jews and push them into the sea is exactly what will happen, possibly in the near future. Daniel 11:40-45, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 all reveal that a coalition of Arab and Muslim states will endeavor to annihilate the Jews at the very beginning of the seven year period of time known as the Tribulation, a time of intense judgment. Zechariah 13:8 says that two out of every three Jews will be killed during that seven years. Revelation 12:13-17 says that Satanic forces will endeavor to kill all Jews everywhere.

These biblical truths are not a myth. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

October 26, 2006

According to one historian, October is the birth month of the earth

In the 1650's an Anglican bishop, James Ussher published his book, Annals of the World: The Origins of Time, a book described by many as the greatest history book ever written, a history that says the world was created in October, 4004 BC making the earth 6,010 years old.

This historic work is a record of the world from the Garden of Eden to the fall of Jerusalem in Ad 70, a work compiled by Ussher who traveled throughout Europe gathering much information from the actual historical documents.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Opposition to Bishop Ussher's calculations of time, the earth's age at around 6,000 years old is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

James Ussher inaugurated biblical history with secular sources to write his historic text, The Annals of the World, which was so highly regarded for its preciseness that the time line from this volume was included in the margins of many King James Version Bibles through the 18th, 19th, and 20th century. Many so-called scholars disagree with Ussher's calculations of time especially the evolutionists who need billions of years for their Theory of Evolution to show how life sprang from non life and mutated from one celled animals into human beings. A growing number of scientists say that both the Theory of Evolution and the Creation model, both used to explain the origins of man, must be taken by faith since the only record that we have of the event is found in the Bible written by Moses thousands of years ago. However, the debate is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

The New Testament writer, Peter stated that in the Last Days, people will deny the return of the Lord Jesus to earth because they will be willfully ignorant or in other words dumb on purpose that God did create the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. That was Peter's statement found in II Peter 3:3-9 which also includes the statement that the Lord is not slack concerning His promise that He will return to the earth.

Bishop Ussher's history of earth and the opposition to it is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

October 25, 2006

The world must understand Palestinian history before they can understand the present Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Professor Rashid Khalidi, a historian, says that the failure by the Palestinians to write down their own history has made it more difficult to advance their claim for a Palestinian state and he believes Palestinian history must be properly understood if the world is to comprehend the present Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The professor said that the prospect of the independent state that the Palestinians never had, a state that many expected to emerge from the Palestinian Authority, seems as distant as ever especially as rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah are unable to agree on the fundamental basis for a new coalition government.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement made by the historian, professor Rashid Khalidi that one must know Palestinian history to understand the present and indeed the future as well of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is right on target, according to Bible prophecy.

The unwritten history of the Palestinian people according to professor Khalidi is part of the cause for the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians; however, the statement that the Palestinian history has not been written may be true as it relates to current history, but is not correct as it relates to the history of the Palestinian people over the last 4,000 years.

That history of Esau who became Edom and thus the people known as the Edomites is recorded in the book of Genesis starting in Genesis 35 and can be traced throughout all of the historic books of the Bible. That history reveals a future for the Edomites who are today the Palestinian people; that future reflects the reality of the present-day Israeli-Palestinian conflict which will only intensify as we enter the End Times. Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the little prophetic book of Obadiah all tell of the efforts by the Edomites, the Palestinian people of today, to kill off the Jews and take the land that God has given to the Jewish people.

These End Time prophecies will indeed be fulfilled.

October 24, 2006

A Palestinian scholar in Jerusalem says that the Jews have no historic connection to the Temple Mount, the Western Wall, or the Holy Land

Palestinian scholar Dr. Hassan Khader, founder of the al Quds Encyclopedia, argues that the Jews have no ancient connection to the Temple Mount, Western Wall, or even a right to claim land in the Middle East as the land of their forefathers and thus a right for a modern-day state of Israel.

Dr. Khader teaches that the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall arrived some 1,400 years after the beginning of Islam when the Jews conquered Jerusalem and made the Western Wall into their special place of worship where they worship and pray.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A Palestinian scholar who denies a Jewish connection to the Temple Mount and even the Holy Land is producing evidence that the End Times are near, that is according to Bible prophecy.

The Palestinian scholar, Dr. Hassan Khader, teaches Palestinian youth that the Jews have no historical connection to Jerusalem or the Holy Land. Dr. Khader uses the Palestinian Authority Television to propagate what he says is the real history of the area known as the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. Not only does Khader praise the Palestinian terrorists for their violence and death to Jews, but encourages them to continue preventing the Jews from any access to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.

The teachings of this Palestinian scholar contradict the recorded history that can be found in the Bible. The Old Testament is a record of the Jewish connection not only to the land, but to the city of Jerusalem as well; a connection to Canaan which is modern-day Israel, that's Genesis 12-37 and the city of Jerusalem which includes the Temple Mount, and that's found in II Samuel 5:7. Ezekiel 34-37 reveals that God will give this land, the land of their forefathers to the Jewish people in the End Times. Zechariah 1:12-16 and 12:2-3 indicate that this piece of real estate will indeed be a land of conflict.

Palestinian teaching is today setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled in a soon coming tomorrow.

October 23, 2006

The Deputy PM of Iraq says the fate of his country is vital to the world's future

Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister (PM), Barham Saleh, in a meeting at number 10 Downing Street in London to meet with British PM Tony Blair said that the West cannot cut and run despite the growing anxiety over the relentless bloodshed in Iraq.

Saleh voiced concern at the growing pressure on the British and US governments to change directions in Iraq given the heavy death toll among coalition forces and Iraqis, and he said that Iraqi forces were gradually taking over responsibility for security; however, Iraq needed the enduring support of the international community. The Iraqi deputy PM said that the fate of Iraq is vital to the future of the Middle East and the whole world order, and that the international community must help to combat what he called a difficult onslaught by terrorists.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Deputy PM of Iraq is right on point with his statement that the fate of Iraq is vital to the future of the Middle East and the whole world order, that is according to Bible prophecy.

In recent days, the US has been taking a long look at the situation in Iraq, thus the reason that Iraq's Deputy PM was dispatched to London and other Western capitals to stop what Iraq's leadership believes would be a disaster. Barham Saleh's comment that the fate of Iraq is vital to the future of the Middle East and the whole world order fits a scenario found in Bible prophecy.

In the last 3 1/2 years of a coming 7 year long period of judgment, the world's dictator known as the Antichrist will move from Rome, Italy and leadership of a one-world religion, Revelation 17, to Jerusalem for a brief period of time in which he will enter the Temple in Jerusalem, II Thessalonians 2:4. Then, the Antichrist will go to Iraq, biblical Babylon found in Revelation 18, and setup a one-world, economic, political, governmental empire.

Iraq's fate is indeed vital to the future of the Middle East and the entire world.

October 20, 2006

Iran's President Ahmadinejad says that Israel will soon disappear

Speaking to a large demonstration in Iran on what they refer to as Jerusalem Day when Iranians show their support for the Palestinians, Iranian President Ahmadinejad warned that Muslims around the world will take revenge on states who support Israel against the Palestinians.

Ahmadinejad called Israel's leaders a group of terrorists and said that Israel no longer had any reason to exist and would soon disappear, suggesting that millions of Israelis should go back to their countries of origin. The Iranian president said that countries supporting Israel had imposed a group of terrorists on the Middle Eastern region and it was in the interest of these countries to distance themselves from these criminals stating that his warning was an ultimatum.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The disappearance of the Jewish people has been the plan of Satan for 4,000 years and today seems closer to a climax than ever before, that is according to Bible prophecy.

The Old Testament in the Bible is a record of what seems to be an orchestrated plan to rid the world of the Jewish people over a 2,000 year period of time. Exodus 17 reveals how the Amalekites tried to kill all the Jews as they made their way from the Egyptian bondage to the Promised Land. The book of Esther records the plan of Haaman to kill all Jews as dictated by a law of the Medes and the Persians. Since the time of Jesus when the Jews were scattered to the four corners of the earth, the Spanish Inquisition and Hitler's Holocaust are more modern-day efforts to eliminate the Jewish people.

The most recent statements by the radical Islamic President of Iran, Ahmadinejad that Israel will soon disappear brings Satan's plan right up to date. Bible prophecy reveals how in the Last Days, Jews will be killed, two out of every three according to Zechariah 13:8 and the Devil will play the role of leading the destruction of the Jewish state and the Jewish people, that scenario found in Revelation 12:13, 17 and also in Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83. In fact, Psalm 83:4 says that Israel's enemies will cut them off from being a nation and work to have their name forgotten forever.

God will intercede to protect the Jews, but before, Ahmadinejad's statement is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

October 19, 2006

Orthodox Jews in Israel say that a gay parade may lead to another war

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews protested in Jerusalem against holding the 2006 gay pride parade in Jerusalem and claimed that if the parade did take place, it could lead to another war, making note of the fact that the recent Israeli-Hezbollah war broke out as soon as the parade was announced back in July.

One of the leaders of the spirited protest, Rabbi Moshe Sternbach, said that Israel did not succeed in Lebanon due to the obscenity and promiscuity in the Holy Land and that Jews must act for the preservation of Jerusalem's sanctity. The religious Jewish protesters presented other signs, signs that they called divine that mentioned the account in the book of Genesis which tells of the total destruction of Sodom by God for similar activities.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The protest in Jerusalem against the proposed gay pride parade is interesting in light of what Jesus Christ said would happen just before He returned to earth.

The gay pride parade that has been planned to take place in Jerusalem this fall was to have taken place during the summer and was postponed due to the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict in July. Gay rights groups have set another date for the parade since the fighting has stopped. In light of the announcement for the parade to take place in Jerusalem, the ultra-orthodox Jewish community has rushed to the streets to protest any such activity to happen in what they term the holy city of Jerusalem. Organizers of this massive protest say that if the gay pride parade does takes place in Jerusalem, it may well start another war.

This report has an interesting relationship with what Jesus Christ said during the days leading up to his death in Jerusalem. The New testament writer, Luke recorded the words of Jesus who told His disciples that He would return to earth at a time that was as the times or the days of Lot, that's Luke 17:28-30. Luke 17:29 says that the day Lot went out of Sodom, God reigned fire and brimstone from Heaven that destroyed Sodom and all that lived there. That judgment 4,000 years ago was for the sin of sodomy, a sin that God will judge again.

When the days of Lot are replicated in our day, Jesus Christ will come.

October 18, 2006

Plans for the EU's 50th birthday party in 2007 focused on the organization's disunity

The European Union (EU) has ditched plans to hold big-style celebrations for its 50th birthday party next year and will have two limited pan-European festivals for 2007 according to officials from member states, the European Commission, and the European Parliament.

This European celebration will mark the 50th celebration of the signing of the 1957 Treaty Rome which is the basis of the EU of today, an organization of 25 member states who are at a place where the member states need to ratify their proposed constitution in order to move ahead. The fragmented EU birthday picture is evident as member states stress that participation in the year long birthday party should not be compulsory.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Even though the 50th birthday celebration for the EU is somewhat fragmented, there will be a unity of European states in the future, according to Bible prophecy.

The announcement by officials of the EU member states, the European Commission, and the European Parliament that they plan to cut back on the year long celebration of their 50th anniversary brings into focus the disunity that pervades the organization. The efforts to ratify a constitution fell apart when France and the Netherlands rejected the present constitution. Germany who will hold the presidency of the EU in 2007, the year of the 50th birthday of the organization, has already announced its priority would be to get the ratification process back on track. However, the fact that Europeans will recognize the 50th birthday celebration even as fragmented as it will be, is evidence that there is hope for a revival of the great days of European unity once seen in our world during the times of the Roman Empire.

Bible prophecy reveals that an End Times scenario includes the emergence of an old or revived Roman Empire. Daniel 7 lays out in advance the great Gentile world powers including: the Babylonian, the Medo-Persian, the Grecian, and the Roman Empires which have already come and gone as Daniel predicted. Daniel also spoke of the revival of the Roman Empire in the Last Days, that's Daniel 7:7-8, 23-24.

The 50th anniversary celebration in Europe of the signing of the Treaty of Rome to take place in 2007 is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

October 17, 2006

President Bush praises US Muslims for working to defeat terror

President George W. Bush welcomed Muslims living in the US and from Islamic nations that are helping end the war on terror to an iftar meal at the White House marking the end of the daily fast during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Attendees included ambassadors from Islamic nations, administration officials, and Muslim leaders in the US; guests that the President said he was proud to work with to defeat the terrorists and extremists and those who wanted a brighter future for millions of Muslims around the world. Ramadan is the Muslim 3o-day fast that marks the beginning of the Koran, the Islamic holy book to Mohammad, the prophet of Allah, the Islamic deity.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Celebration of the giving of the Koran, the Islamic holy book, reveals an End Times scenario that is different than the one found in Bible prophecy.

As Muslims around the world, actually 1/4 of the earth's population, celebrate the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, they confirm that their god Allah communicated to Mohammad how he wanted the Muslim world to live life today and in the future. Written in the 7th century, the Koran introduced the doctrine of abrogation, a doctrine that states that the Koran is the final word and supplants the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. The Koran states emphatically that Allah, the Muslim deity, has no son and that the person Jesus Christ never died and thus never resurrected from the dead. These Muslim doctrines contradict the Bible which states that Jesus was the Son of God in the flesh here on earth and that He died, he was buried, and resurrected on the third day.

The Koran gives an End Times scenario that is contradictory to Bible prophecy which states that Jesus Christ, not Allah, will return to the earth and rule from Jerusalem forever, that's found in Revelation 20:4-6 Daniel 7:10-24 and many other prophetic passages in the Bible.

Celebration of the giving of the Koran contradicts true Bible doctrine and Bible prophecy that will indeed be fulfilled.

October 16, 2006

Iraq has been proclaimed an Islamic state

According to Islamic websites, Iraq has been declared an Islamic state that will be ruled under Islamic Shariah Law; the announcement coming from a coalition of insurgent groups in Iraq including the al Qaeda organization, many tribal chiefs, and a number of Mujahideen groups.

Declaring the establishment of an Islamic state in Iraq, the spokesman said the new Islamic state of Iraq calls upon Muslims to provide financial support, men, and prayers. The announcement said that the new state includes Baghdad, and the provinces of Anbar, Kirkuk, Nineveh, and Babylon.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The declaration of the Islamic state of Iraq by a coalition of radical Islamic militants in Iraq is right in line with the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

As the efforts have progress to rebuild the war-torn nation of Iraq, there has always been the concern an Islamic republic could emerge instead of the democratic state that the world has been hoping for. Iran has wanted to export its Islamic republic to Iraq and has financed the insurgency for the purpose of creating an atmosphere for the implementation of an Islamic republic. A number of radical Shiite clerics including the strongest of these clerics, Muqtada al Sadr, have worked to undermine the implementation of a democratic state and prepare Iraq to become an Islamic state.

These efforts are right in line with the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. Iraq, known as Babylon in the Bible, will be the major player in the world during the last 3 1/2 years of the coming 7 year Tribulation Period, a period of great judgment upon the earth. Ancient Jewish prophets wrote this scenario some 2,500 years ago. For example, Isaiah, in Isaiah 13-14, Jeremiah in chapters 50-51, and Micah in chapter 4 of that prophetic book.

John, in the book of Revelation 18 and 16:17 and following said that the destruction of the Iraqi state, i.e. biblical Babylon is the last event before Jesus Christ returns to the earth.

October 13, 2006

Jews have become more at risk as Turkey is moving towards Islamic radicalism

Turkish Muslims, long known for their hospitality and peacefulness towards the Jewish people, are quickly becoming radicalized by the introduction of the Nazi inspired Arab hatred against the Jewish people, that according to the Jewish community now living in Turkey.

Attacks, violence, and anti-Jewish graffiti is becoming common in Turkish cities especially as Turkey has adopted the role of defending Islam against the West and also defending Iran, the nation that has been an adversary of Turkey for a number of years. Islamic Jihadists in Turkey, mostly Arabs that have immigrated to Turkey, have led large scale protests against the Jews in Istanbul and other major Turkish cities that called for the demise of the Jewish state of Israel and the murder of Jews.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The rise of radical Islam and anti-Semitism in Turkey is a precursor of the prophetic scenario for Turkey in the Last Days that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Throughout the centuries, the Sultans of Ottoman-Turkey never issued edicts against the Jewish people even though Turkey must be considered an Islamic nation with over 98 percent of its population adhering to the Islamic faith. Yet, today there is an alarming situation existing in Turkey that threatens to change the historic course of Turkish-Jewish relations. With the rise of radical Islam and anti-Semitism, Turkey is quickly becoming a playground for Islamic fascists that feed off the ferocious propaganda being disseminated from Arab countries and Iran.

Once again, current events are evidence that Bible prophecy scenarios for the Last Days are coming into better focus and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy is moving closer. The ancient Jewish prophet, Ezekiel wrote some 2,500 years ago that modern-day Turkey would be a major player in the End Times. Ezekiel 38:2, 6 mention Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Togarmah, the ancient four divisions of what is now modern-day Turkey. Ezekiel 38:5 lists Persia, modern-day Iran, as a partner with Turkey in a battle to the death against Israel.

The trends in Turkey towards Islamic radicalism are indeed precursors to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

October 12, 2006

Iran has transferred millions of dollars, weapons, and munitions to Iraq's Mahdi Army

General Richard Zahner, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Multinational Forces in Iraq, says that millions of dollars as well as weapons, military-grade explosives, and shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles have been transferred from Iran to the Mahdi Army in Iraq.

The Mahdi Army, one of Iraq's strongest militant militias under the leadership of radical Shiite Cleric Muqtada alSadr, has been trained and equipped in Iran and has been deployed as surrogates of Iran's revolutionary guard according to General Zahner. Zahner says this is a deliberate decision on the part of elements associated with Iran's government and the administration of President Ahmadinejad who are both encouraging unrest in Iraq through these militant surrogates.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Iran's training and equipping of the Mahdi Army in Iraq is a page out of Bible prophecy for the End Times as related to these two Middle Eastern nations.

US intelligence has claimed for a long period of time now that the government of Iran is fueling the insurgency in Iraq in an effort to see the elected Iraqi government fail with the implementation of a democracy in this war-torn nation. The Islamic Republic of Iran under the Supreme Council and President Ahmadinejad would like to export their form of government, a government under Islamic law, the Shariah Law to their neighbor, Iraq. Maqtada al Sadr, the radical Islamic cleric in Sadr City, has developed this Mahdi Army that is motivated by their Islamic religion and the desire to live under an Islamic Republic.

By the way, Mahdi is Arabic for Messiah, and the Mahdi Army in Iraq believes in the Islamic echataology that leads to Islamic world domination. This report is evidence of how Bible prophecy is nearing a time of fulfillment and is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy. Ezekiel 38:5 and Psalm 83 are prophetic passages of scripture that speak of Iran as a major player in the End Times. Persia, in Ezekiel 38:5, is Iran today and is listed as one of the coalition of nations that will come against Israel in the Last Days.

Iraq's role in Bible prophecy is described in Revelation 18, thus the players are on the End Times stage.

October 11, 2006

The study of Christianity has been introduced into Israel's public school system

High school students in Israel's public school system are now able to take matriculation exams in Christianity, a program currently open for Arab students only, but the Israeli Education Ministry says that in the future, Jewish students may also be allowed to take the courses in Christianity.

The studies formulated for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade Israeli students include a biography of Jesus, and chapters dedicated to the churches structure, rules of conduct while inside a church, and prayers. The new matriculation program was designed as part of the compulsory religious studies in schools, and the Christianity studies program was introduced into the curriculum this year.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The introduction of a curriculum on Christianity in Israeli public schools is a precursor to future events for Israel, that is according to Bible prophecy.

For a number of years, religious studies in the Israeli public school system was divided according to sectors: so that the Jewish sector studies Judaism, the Muslim sector, Islam, and the Christian sector, Christianity. Now, Israel's Education Ministry has included a new curriculum, one that includes Jesus and the Church, at present only available for Arab students both Muslim and Christian, but soon to be available for the Jewish students as well. It seems logical for all Israeli students, including Jews and Muslims, to study Christianity due to the fact that so many Christian pilgrims travel to Israel to visit their Christian roots. Jews and Muslims must be aware of the Christian perspective on this land.

These recent developments in the Israeli school system are indeed a precursor to End Time prophecy. Revelation 11:3-12 foretells of two witnesses in Jerusalem who will preach the way to Jesus Christ as Savior; this to happen during the first half of the seven years of judgment which is ahead. Revelation 7:4-9 indicates 144,000 Jewish evangelists will spread across the world with that same message. Isaiah 2:3 and Micah 4:2 reveal a time when the Word of the Lord will be published from Jerusalem to the entire world.

Teaching Christianity in Israeli public schools is indeed a precursor to Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

October 10, 2006

Thousands of Jews gathered at the Western Wall for the Priestly blessing as plans for a synagogue on the Temple Mount were revealed

During the three Jewish feast days that Jews are required to come to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, of which the Feast of Tabernacles is one, those Jewish men who say they are qualified to serve as priests in a future Temple gather at the Western Wall to receive the priestly blessing.

These Jewish worshippers and those of the priestly family received the priestly blessing and at the same time, an Israeli member of Knesset was unveiling a plan to build a synagogue on the Temple Mount for Jewish worshippers. Upon learning of the plan, a Palestinian member of Knesset said that this provocation would bring nothing but war and bloodshed.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Thousands gathering at the Temple Mount for the priestly blessings and the announcement of plans to build a synagogue on the Temple Mount are both events that may well set the Bible prophecy scenario for the Last Days in motion, sooner rather than later.

On an annual basis, since the Jews reunited the city of Jerusalem at the end of the 1967 Six Day War, there have been gatherings at the Western Wall adjacent to the Temple Mount for Jewish men who claim to be of the tribe of Levi, men qualified to be priests in a future Temple who have received the priestly blessings. This year is no exception, and during the Feast of Tabernacles, the largest gathering ever was witnessed by Christian and Jewish worshippers in Jerusalem for the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. Then, the announcement from a prominent Jewish political leader of plans to build a Jewish synagogue on the Temple Mount stirred a controversy both among the Jews and the Muslims. The Israeli government has shyed away from any mention of Jewish worship on the Temple Mount of any kind, much less the building of a Jewish place of worship on this holy site. There of course was immediate Muslim reaction to the planned synagogue, a statement of threat for war and bloodshed.

Zechariah, the ancient Jewish prophet said 2,500 years ago that the Temple Mount would be the focus of controversy in the Last Days; an intoxication to those who control it and also a heavy burden for those same people, that's Zechariah 12:2-3. The prophet also said that Jesus Christ would come back to build His Temple on the Temple Mount, that's Zechariah 1:16 and 6:12.

Priestly blessings and a planned synagogue on the Temple Mount do indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

October 09, 2006

Israel has cause for great concern over North Korea's nuclear test

The former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission, Uzi Eilam, says that Israel has cause to be very concerned about North Korea's nuclear test for a number of reasons; number one being the possibility that North Korea would share its nuclear know-how with Iran in return for a sizeable financial reward.

Another reason Eilam says the Israeli government must be concerned is that Syria, which is also under heavy international pressure, could look at North Korea's example and decide to actively push for its own nuclear capability. Eilam believes that the world must be concerned as well because North Korea's experiment means they now have successfully produced a device whose core is the heart of a nuclear bomb.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The successful testing of a nuclear device by North Korea has much prophetic significance for the Bible prophecy scenario of the Last Days.

Diplomacy has failed with North Korea and the world has witnessed the successful testing of an advanced nuclear device that could become a threat to the Middle East and in fact the entire world. Even China, North Korea's patron saint, could not keep this rogue state in the far East from taking the next step to have a nuclear weapon that could not only be used by the North Koreans, but terrorist groups and the states that sponsor terrorism around the world.

The scenario that could and most likely will develop is a page out of Bible prophecy, in fact several pages out of Bible prophecy. North Korea, a nation in need of financial help to provide for their people, could well make a deal with Iran to advance their nuclear program. Syria, who would love to have nuclear capability, could partner with North Korea and work to acquire the materials to become a nuclear state. Both Iran and Syria are states that will align themselves against Israel in the Last Days, that's Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38, and Daniel 11. Revelation 16:12 speaks of the kings of the East who will also come against Israel in the End Times and North Korea could be included in those kings.

North Korea's nuclear test is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

October 06, 2006

Jews from around the world and thousands of Christians gathered in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles

The last of the seven Jewish feast days, the Feast of Tabernacles, has attracted hundreds and thousands of Jews and Christians to Jerusalem for the annual celebration of this Jewish feast day which is one of the three pilgrim feast days for the Jewish people when they are required to return to Jerusalem to observe the days of the feast.

This is a very joyous holiday for the Jewish people marking the harvest of the dates, the olives, and the grapes and remembering the wanderings in the wilderness as the children of Israel made their way to the Promised Land living in a succoth, a thatched hut, during their travels. Jews will eat their meals, visit friends and family, and some even live in their succoth for the seven days for the Feast of Tabernacles.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As Jews and Christians gather in Jerusalem today for the Feast of Tabernacles celebration, it is a reminder that in the future, everybody on earth will do the same each year, that is according to Bible prophecy.

For the last several days Jewish families around the world, and especially in Israel, have been preparing their family succoth, their thatched hut, for the purpose of using it as the Bible dictates as a reminder of how the Lord protected the children of Israel during their forty years of wandering in the wilderness after the Exodus and before their entrance into the Promised Land. The succoth, a transportable housing for the Jews in the past, becomes a place of remembrance for Jews today, but also a reminder that in the future the whole world will join the Jews in celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles.

The ancient Jewish prophet, Zechariah reveals that after the Return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, back to the Mount of Olives, that's Zechariah 14:4, and when Jesus has rebuilt His Temple, Zechariah 6:12, then on a yearly basis the population of the earth, all of humankind will travel to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, that's Zechariah 14:16.

Jews celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles today is evidence that Jesus is coming to build His Temple and setup His Kingdom for a future celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles.

October 05, 2006

An Israeli company has discovered oil in the Dead Sea area

Dr. Eli Tenenbaum, an official from Genco, the national company responsible for drilling in the Dead Sea area, says they have discovered oil in the amount of oil that could reach commercial levels.

Tenenbaum said that the pressure in the area was very high and when they opened the tap, oil started flowing freely for several minutes, enough so that the workers washed their hands with the "black gold" they had discovered. Not far from the drilling site, the crew spotted an oil reserve that Tenenbaum described as "very attractive," which they believe contained between four and six million barrels of oil worth an estimated 300 million dollars.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The report of oil being discovered in the Dead Sea area of Israel has an interesting prophetic significance for the End Times according to Bible prophecy.

For years there have been reports of oil exploration taking place in Israel, first in the Dead Sea area, and also on the Mediterranean Coast between Tel Aviv and Hydra. Most of these reports were made by oil men with a Christian background, men who believed that the Lord, with the use of scripture, had led them to their drilling site. Now, an Israeli national oil company is reporting this discovery that has great potential. In fact, some petroleum engineers believe that there is a major oil fill in the Dead Sea area that could be a major producer in the near future. Many of the Middle Eastern oil producing nations are concerned that Israel could siphon off oil from their oil fill, especially if Israel was to take oil from the lowest spot on the earth, the Dead Sea, which could affect the oil supplies of these other nations.

Prophetically there is a connection, that connection found in Ezekiel 38 where it reveals the alignment of nations who come against Israel in the Last Days, all of which are oil producing nations.

Ezekiel 38:4, 12, 13 speak about the attraction for these nations to come against Israel to take a spoil, and indeed oil could be that spoil.

October 04, 2006

A Palestinian leader says PA President Abbas' ultimate goal is to destroy the Jewish state

A Palestinian terror group leader, who is also a member of President Abbas' Fatah party, says that the ultimate goal of the Palestinian Authority (PA) President is to destroy the Jewish state, and his stated recognition of Israel's right to exist is part of a political calculation.

The al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade leader says that the Fatah party does not recognize Israel and that any final accord that does not include flooding the Jewish state with millions of Palestinians will not be supported by the Fatah party.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The reality that all Palestinian leaders desire to destroy the Jewish state and flood Israel with Palestinians is a scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

Since the election of the Palestinian terror group Hamas to the leadership of the PA, the PA President Mahmoud Abbas has been publicly working to unite the two major Palestinian political parties, Hamas and Fatah. World leaders had stopped funding the PA because Hamas had refused to recognize Israel's right to be a state among the states in the Middle East. During a recent meeting with US President George W. Bush at the UN in New York City, the PA President said that Israel had a right to exist, and he wanted the Palestinians and Israel to work out a peaceful arrangement between the two parties.

The pronouncement by a Fatah party member that Israel's recognition by President Abbas was only political and that he wanted to see Israel destroyed, as is the case with Hamas, is a reality that is the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. Several ancient Jewish prophets reveal a time when the Palestinians would come to power, kill the Jewish people, and take the land that God had given to the Jews. These prophets include Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Malachi, and Obadiah. Malachi says that the Edomites, the present-day Palestinians, would come back to power, that's Malachi 1:3-4. Ezekiel said that these Palestinians would kill the Jews and take their land; they would do this with a joyful heart and a despiteful mind, that's Ezekiel 35 and 36:5.

Jeremiah and Obadiah said that the Palestinians would be the ones destroyed, not the Jews, that's found in Jeremiah 49:18 and Obadiah 15-20.

October 03, 2006

Because of Israel's war with Hezbollah Jewish settlers are increasing in population in Judea and Samaria

Peace Now, an organization in Israel that is considered by many to be an extremist left-wing organization, has issued a report saying that building in the Jewish settlements located in Judea and Samaria have increased this year by more than four times what it increased in the same period last year with hundreds of new housing units.

Peace Now also reports an increase in the population of Yesha, the Hebrew for the areas known as Judea and Samaria, a spokesman for the settlers said that Peace Now was continuing to try to cause a dispute between the Israeli government and the Jewish settlers and to cause a war between the Jews.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recently released report that claims Jewish settlers are building more than ever in the Jewish settlements and increasing in population is a precursor to a coming conflict between Jews in Israel that is spoken of in Bible prophecy.

The left-wing political organization in Israel, Peace Now, could actually spark a civil war between the Jews in Israel with their recently released report that claims an increase in population and building in the Jewish settlemets of Judea and Samaria. The truth is that there has been an increase in the population of the Jewish settlemets and much of that can be attributed to the expansion of the religious Jewish population in these Jewish settlements. The growth rate in Judea and Samaria is nearly three times higher than the rest of the country.

The effort by Peace Now to cause a dispute between the Israeli government and the Jewish settlers is something that will happen, according to Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophet, Ezekiel wrote that at the time of the end prior to the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, there would be a division of the Jews that had returned to the land of their forefathers. Ezekiel 37:15-23 reveals the presence of two Jewish states, Judah and Israel, these states to be up and operating in the Last Days. This division would come about as the Jews return to the land and continue until the Jewish Messiah comes to earth, that's Ezekiel 37:23.

This Peace Now report is possibly the tool to bring about the division that will occur.

October 02, 2006

Israel has come to a standstill to observe Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, the highest holy day on the Jewish calendar, is a day of prayer and fasting observed by the Jews around the world and a unique day here in the Jewish state of Israel.

The streets of Israel are empty of traffic; little children are riding their bikes in the usually busy thoroughfares as the Jewish families observe a 25 hour fast on this very solemn day in the life of the Jewish people. The state of Israel is on high alert and security is very tight as the Jews honor their God on Yom Kippur, the holy day following the New Year, and the ten awesome days when the Jews seek to be included in the Book of Life.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The observance of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, by Jews around the world and especially here in Israel has a past, present, and prophetic significance. During the times of the Tabernacle in the wilderness wonderings and the period of the first and second Temples here in Jerusalem, once a year on Yom Kippur, the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies in the Temple with the blood of the sacrificed animals and pour it on the Mercy Seat between the cherubs on the Ark of the Covenant. This ritual was for the covering of the sins of the Jewish people for another year.

Now, without a Temple here in Jerusalem, the Jews can only fast and pray during this sacred holy day for Jews around the world. The past and the present are significant, but the prophetic scenario surrounding Yom Kippur is essential for our understanding of the End Times. Yom Kippur, without a Temple in Jerusalem, will continue until the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to here on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ will return to the earth on the Jewish holy day of Rosh Hashanah, and during the ten awesome days, the Lord will build His Temple, have a battle at the Jezreel Valley, go to Petra and retrieve the surviving Jews, and bring them here to Jerusalem where He will enter the Holy of Holies on a future Yom Kippur, the day of salvation for the Jews at that time.

Yom Kippur today assures us that a future Yom Kippur will be fulfilled.