
January 05, 2006

Israeli Prime Minister Sharon's massive stroke shocks the Jewish nation

Late Wednesday evening Israeli time, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had a massive stroke some eighteen days after his minor stroke and the Jewish state of Israel stands shocked at the prospects of the loss of one of the most decorated military men and controversial political leaders in Israel's history.

The position of Prime Minister has been filled by a close associate of Sharon, the former mayor of Jerusalem and present minister of finance in the Israeli cabinet, Ehud Olmert; a position Olmert can hold for one hundred days before before Israel must go to new elections. Israel's attorney general has ruled that the early elections will take place as scheduled on March 28th no matter the outcome of Prime Minister Sharon's grave illness.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Israeli Prime Minister Sharon being struck down by a massive stroke is evidence that the God of the Bible is in charge of the leadership of our world today. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has spent the last sixty years serving his nation Israel first, as a decorated military leader, the hero of many of Israel's previous military campaigns, and these last thirty years as one of Israel's most controversial political leaders.

In recent years, the world has witnessed Sharon change from a political hard-liner to an Israeli leader ready to make concessions, concessions never before made by any Israeli leader in order to bring peace to a war-torn region of the Middle East. Sharon's disengagement plan that was implemented this last summer divided the Jewish nation like never before. His resignation from a political party he co-founded thirty years ago caused an earthquake on the political landscape of Israel.

All that I have reported thus far is in line with God's Word as it relates to the leaders of the nations of this world. Romans 13:1 tells us that there is no political power, but those that were placed in power by God in His perfect plan for the world today. The God who ordained political power is the same God of prophecy, the One who sets in motion all events that will conclude history here on this earth.

A massive stroke suffered by Ariel Sharon is indeed evidence that God is still in charge. His prophetic Word will be fulfilled.