
February 09, 2006

The biggest selling Iranian newspaper is running a contest for the most Anti-Semitic, Anti-Holocaust cartoon

Iran's biggest selling newspaper has chosen to tackle the West ideals of freedom of expression by launching a competition to find the twelve best cartoons about the Holocaust.

The graphics editor of the Iranian newspaper said that the deliberately inflammatory contest would test out how committed Europeans were to the concept of freedom of expression, adding that the West had published these sacrilegious cartoons on the pretext of freedom of expression.

Protests, some violent, have swirled through the Muslim world even as politicians sought diplomatic solutions to the growing and increasingly violent crisis in the Muslim world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A counterattack to the publication of a cartoon of Islam's prophet Mohammed by an Iranian newspaper that will publish Anti-Semitic, Anti-Holocaust cartoons is a precursor for things to come, according to Bible prophecy. Even as word comes that an Egyptian newspaper published the controversial cartoons depicting Mohammed as a terrorist some months ago, with no overreaction by the way by the Islamic world, an Iranian newspaper said that it will publish Anti-Semitic, Anti-Holocaust cartoons in retaliation.

This Tehran newspaper publication of cartoons defaming Judaism and the Holocaust will not be the first such cartoons published all across the Muslim world. Judaism and the Holocaust have been the target of many slanderous cartoons, articles, and editorials in the Islamic media across the world for many years.

Ironically, the ones defaming the truth of the Holocaust are to be participants in an alignment of nations to bring about an even greater Holocaust in the future. The ancient, Jewish prophet Zechariah revealed 2,500 years ago that during the Tribulation two out of every three Jewish people will be killed, Zechariah 13:8 and is yet to be fulfilled.

Ezekiel 38 ad Daniel 11:40-45 reveal the nations to lead this future Holocaust against the Jewish people and Iran is center stage, in fact the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.