
February 15, 2006

4,000 pastors, scholars, and religious activists are meeting in Brazil at the gathering of the World Council of Churches

With a host of troubles on their agenda, the World Council of Churches is meeting in Brazil with 4,000 pastors, scholars, and religious activists representing more than 500 million followers to discuss many internal rifts, how to ease the growing discord with Islam, and their shrinking congregations.

The World of Churches agenda acknowledges that today's global climate is a religious tinder box which can lead to confrontation and conflict.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A meeting of 4,000 religious leaders representing more than 500 million followers is an event that is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. The World Council of Churches (WCC) with congregations that number more than 500 million people is only a part of the total congregation around the religious world.

The Roman Catholic Church, with more than one billion people, is not a full WCC member although it does cooperate closely with the WCC. The agenda for the WCC conference in Brazil is loaded with troublespots that include: same sex marriages, conflicts with Islam, and shrinking congregations. The falloff of attendance in these mainline denominations is mainly due to the stunning growth of Penacostals which some experts believe account for more than one-third of all the followers in these churches. Interestingly, this gathering of religious leaders to discuss their multiple problems is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

John the apostle, who wrote the prophetic New Testament book of Revelation, reveals that in the first half of the seven year Tribulation Period which is yet future, there will be a worldwide church headquartered in Rome and under the leadership of the Antichrist. This worldwide church will encompass all the religions of the world and have a powerful influence on humankind.

This Tribulation church will not be the true Church, but a false replica of the real. The stage is being set for John's prophecy in Revelation to be fulfilled.