
March 06, 2006

Israel, Jordan, and the PA have signed an agreement to move ahead on the Peace Canal Deal

Governmental ministers from Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority have signed an agreement that will pave the way for the construction of a canal that will link the Red Sea and the Dead Sea which will generate electricity, provide fresh water for the thirsty region, and prevent the Dead Sea from drying up.

The Red-Dead Project will pipe water from 500 ft. above sea level at the Gulf of Aqaba in Jordan on the Red Sea coast to the Dead Sea, 1,300 ft. below sea level, to refill the Dead Sea which has been losing water over the years through evaporation, jeopardizing the Dead Sea industry a major part of the economy of both Jordan and Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Red-Dead Project, a joint project between Israel and Jordan, will help both nations economically now, but also it is preparing the region and will play a role in the prophetic scenario for the two states in the future according to Bible prophecy. Since the 19th century, there has been talk in the Israeli-Jordanian region about a way to refill the Dead Sea which has been losing water for hundreds of years.

Just over a year ago at an economic conference in Jordan, the two countries discussed the Red-Dead Project which has now been agreed to and is moving ahead. The wealth associated with the Dead Sea to both Jordan and Israel is a major factor in these two countries economically, and thus the reason to move ahead with the project.

Israeli engineers believe that they can use the water and its piping system to extract gold and silver from the bottom of the Dead Sea, which actually has washed down to this lowest spot on the face of the earth since the flood of Noah some 4,500 years ago. Bible prophecy does speak of the alignment of nations, revealed in Ezekiel 38, who will be drawn into Israel to take a spoil of gold and silver; Ezekiel 38:13.

The Dead Sea is the only place in Israel where there could be gold and silver, and the Red-Dead Project will prepare the region for this prophetic scenario to be fulfilled.