
April 13, 2006

The US's control of internet traffic worries world

The decision by the United States to indefinitely retain oversight of the main computers that control all Internet traffic has caused growing concern from foreign officials. These officials say that the growing use of the Internet brings about the debate of whether or not it is of benefit to everyone for one country to maintain the checks on the Internet.

The US's declaration to continue the control of the Internet is in response to rising security threats and increased reliance on the Internet globally for communication and commerce.

Internet users around the world interact with big US computers that act as the master directories. These supercomputers direct email traffic and web browsers from the users computers to the servers where the websites or other data is stored. With a single attack against these supercomputers, someone could make some or all of these sites unreachable.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A central control center for Internet traffic which is now located in the US, will one day play a key role in a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. World leaders are voicing concern about the control of all Internet traffic resting in the hands of one country. In the face of these concerns the US has released an official document stating that they will indefinitely retain oversight of the computers controlling Internet traffic.

The truth of the matter is that one day, in the not too distant future, the Internet traffic control center will be out of the hands of the US, and in the hands of the one-world, economic, governmental, and political leader - the Antichrist.

The apostle John, in his prophecy - the book of Revelation, wrote that there will be a day when all communications and commerce will be under the control of the Antichrist, or his associate, the False Prophet. That is found in Revelation 13:16-17. Both of these men are members of the satanic trinity. This one-world leader will be headquartered in the literal city of Babylon. This is spoken of in Revelation 18, which also reveals that the Antichrist will control international communications and commerce.

Concerns voiced by world leaders today that the United has these controls will not be revived when they learn that the control will actually shift into the hands of the Antichrist. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.