
June 14, 2006

Iraq implements massive security plan after Bush's surprise visit

In a six-hour surprise secretive visit to Baghdad, President George W. Bush met with Iraqi PM Maliki, addressed the security issues with the Iraqi PM and the Bush war cabinet via satellite conferencing, and told the US troops they were on a historic mission.

The day following President Bush's visit to Baghdad, the new Iraqi government implemented tough new security measures in Baghdad in an effort to win back control of the streets.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The secretive surprise visit to Iraq by US President George W. Bush and the implementation of new security measures in Iraq are both precursors to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in this war torn country. President Bush, on his whirlwind trip to Iraq, encouraged Iraq's new government to move quickly to take advantage of this window of opportunity after the death of the insurgency leader al Zarqawi, and promised the military support needed to take back the streets of Baghdad, and in fact the streets of all of Iraq and then to move forward in the rebuilding of their country.

All agree that this war torn nation must be secure in order to rebuild this Middle Eastern country, a nation that is a key player in the End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The ancient Jewish prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Micah, and even the New Testament Apostle John, all prewrote the history of Iraq, biblical Babylon, more than some 2,000 years ago; a history that includes Iraq as the superpower in the Middle East and the headquarters for the coming world leader, the Antichrist, who will lead a one world political, economic, governmental system out of Babylon, the literal Babylon located on the shores of the Euphrates River some 68 miles SW of Baghdad. This scenario foretold in Isaiah 13 and 14, Jeremiah 50 and 51, Micah 4, and Revelation chapters 16 and 18.

The whirlwind of President George Bush to Iraq is indeed a step closer to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.