
August 07, 2006

Religious leaders in Saudi Arabia say that Hezbollah is the party of Satan and Muslims should not pray for them

A senior Saudi Islamic figure, Sheikh Safar al Hawali, has issued a fatwa, a religious ruling, forbidding support of any kind for Hezbollah, which Hawali says is not the party of Allah, but the party of Satan.

Al Hawali's fatwa was joined by a fatwa issued by a Kuwaiti sheikh which condemned the imperialist aspirations of Iran by means of Hezbollah.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The declaration by a Saudi-Islamic leader that Hezbollah is the party of Satan has a unique relationship with God's prophetic scenario for the Last Days in the Middle East. Saudi Sheikh al Hawali's fatwa stating that Hezbollah is the party of Satan, not the party of Allah, exemplifies the prevailing historic rift between the Sunnis and the Shiites, the two sects of Islam today.

The Wahhabi stream of Islam found in Saudi Arabia believes that the Shiites are apostates in the Islamic world. The Wahhabists seek to cleanse Islam from innovations and deviations which, according to them, violate Islam at its very core. Interestingly, al Hawali's fatwas bring his country, Saudi Arabia, into conflict with Iran for its involvement and financing of Hezbollah. The fatwa issued stating that Hezbollah is the party of Satan has a unique connection to the scenario for the Last Days that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Daniel 10:13 and 20 indicate that Satanic forces will take control of world leaders in the Last Days. Revelation 12: 7-17 by Satan and his evil angels. Satan and his angels will be thrown out of Heaven forever. Revelation 12:7-17 reveals the scenario of a battle in the heavens between the good angels led by Michael the Archangel and Satan and his evil angels. Satan and his angels will be thrown out of Heaven forever. Revelation 12:13 and 17 says that Satan and his army will move to destroy the Jewish people from the earth.

The fatwa issued by the Saudi Shekh al Hawali that Hezbollah is the party of Satan does indeed fit the scenario for Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.