
August 22, 2006

Muslims around the world mark the day their prophet Mohammad ascended into Heaven from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

August 22nd is the day that the Islamic world marks on its calendar that the Muslim prophet Mohammad ascended on his horse into the seventh heaven from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to meet with the Islamic god, Allah.

There was much speculation that the date would also be the day that Iranian President Ahmadinejad would spark the final conflict on earth to prepare the way for the Muslim Messiah.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The focus on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by the Islamic world as they mark the date Mohammad ascended into Heaven is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 22nd this year marks the date, almost 1300 years ago, that the Muslim prophet Mohammad ascended into Heaven to meet with Allah, the Islamic god. Even though there is debate among Islamic scholars as to whether this event ever took place, the majority of Muslims believe that Mohammad, riding on his horse, stepped off the rock underneath the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and went into Heaven to meet with Allah.

This tradition has been disputed by Jews and Christians as a total impossibility; however, it does leave the location of the rock on the Temple Mount as a very controversial site for all three of the major faiths: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Personally, I believe the story to be totally false, but it does bring into play a prophecy written 2,500 years ago by Zechariah. The ancient Jewish prophet said that Jerusalem, i.e. the Temple Mount, would be the center of controversy and intoxication to those who control the site and a very heavy burden in the Last Days, that's Zechariah 12:2-3. Zechariah also wrote that Jesus was aggressively possessive of this site and very much upset with those who are securely arrogant as they control the site. The prophet concluded by saying that Jesus will one day come back to this controversial site and build His Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that's Zechariah 1:12-16.

True Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.