
November 01, 2006

Despite a signed peace treaty, Egypt considers Israel an enemy state

Even though it's been 27 years since Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty - the Camp David Accords - the vast majority of Egyptians still see Israel as an enemy state.

The poll - made public recently - shows that 92% of those Egyptians responding to the poll conducted by an Egyptian state institute sees Israel as an enemy despite the lasting peace agreement between the two countries signed back in 1978. That same poll showed which countries have been crowned as friends of Egypt, a list that includes: Saudi Arabia, Libya, the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sudan, and Syria.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A 27-year old peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that is not working actually sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

In September of 1978, then US President Jimmy Carter brokered a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, two nations that had been mortal enemies for a number of years. The Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli PM Menachem Begin met with Jimmy Carter at the US Presidential Retreat in Camp David, Maryland and agreed to sign the first-ever peace treaty between Israel and any of her enemies. Hailed as a major breakthrough in efforts to bring peace to the Middle East, this treaty - the Camp David Accords - has not been able to bring about that long sought after peace. This recent poll that shows 92% of the Egyptians consider Israel an enemy state is evidence that though there is a peace treaty on the table between Israel and Egypt, it is not working. This then sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote of a time when there would be a peace treaty on the table not working, that's found in Daniel 9:27. This prophetic text says that the Antichrist will not sign but confirm a peace treaty, one that is not working. The Hebrew word for confirm found in the text is, "Gabar"which does indeed mean confirm and not sign.

A peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that is not working does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.