
January 31, 2007

A cross-section of Jewish settlers in Israel formed a new organization to defend their homes, families, and land

Saying that, "No one is excited about starting a new movement", a cross-section of Jewish settlers met for the founding session of a new group named, Defenders of the Land - a meeting which was held at the Jewish settlement in Judea called, Beit El - a very historic site in the biblical history of the Jewish people.

Israeli Defense Force officers, political leaders including members of the Knesset, university officials, media people, and members of the Jewish settlers Youth Movement met together at a time that they believe is a time to meet a critical need for the very existence of the Jewish settlers for their homes, their families, and the land that God has given to them. The leaders of this new organization, Defenders of the Land said that if the Israeli government comes to expel the Jewish settlers, they will not go quietly. The government will have to use massive force against them.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The reality that there are Jewish settlers who want to defend their families, their home, and their land in Judea and Samaria - a land that God has given to them - against an Israeli government who wants to expel them from this land is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Since the end of the Six Day War in 1967, there has been a growing number of Jews who have moved into the area of Judea and Samaria, sometimes referred to as the West Bank. Now there are half a million Jews who live in the land that God promised to give the Jewish people in the Last Days. As the Jewish settler population continues to grow, the world is applying pressure to the Israeli government to expel all Jews from Judea and Samaria for the purpose of establishing a Palestinian state.

With the founding of a new movement- the Defenders of the Land- a cross-section of Jewish settlers are saying that they will not leave the land that God has given them which He promised to do in many prophetic passages of the Bible, especially in Ezekiel 34 and 36. Ezekiel 37 reveals that at the time the Jewish people return to the land, there would be a division among the Jewish people, that's Ezekiel 37:15-23. This prophetic passage says there will be two Jewish states, a result of this division: one will be called Israel, the other Judah.

This new Jewish settler movement is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 30, 2007

The Iranian leadership believes that they are now entering the Apocalyptic Age

Speaking at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the renown scholar and historian Bernard Lewis told his audience that Iranian President Ahmadinejad and the leadership of Iran believe they are now entering the Apocalyptic Age which will result in the triumph of their messianic figure.

Lewis said that Iran is a mortal threat and reminded those attending his lecture that Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, has an End Times scenario reminding them that holy war is a part of the Islamic religion and part of holy law. Lewis then added that the threat of many Iranians perishing in a war did not deter the Iranian leadership. They believe that death this way would give Iranians a free pass to the Islamic heaven.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The thinking by the Iranian leadership that they are now entering the Apocalyptic Age actually conforms to the End Times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

The recent statement by the renown scholar and historian, Bernard Lewis, that Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Iran's leadership believe they are entering the Apocalyptic Age is evidence that the Islamic world does have an eschatology, a theology that has an End Times scenario. The outdated concepts of M.A.D (Mutually Assured Destruction) prevalent during the Cold War years, are irrelevant when it comes to Iran and its leadership. The Iranian president and his circle see such a scenario as an incentive, not a deterrent.

This apocalyptic desire of the radical Shiite Muslim is at the center of much of what's happening in the Middle East today and does fit into Bible prophecy. The ancient, Jewish, New Testament Prophet John wrote the book entitled, "The Apocalypse", or better known as the book of Revelation which describes the End Time Apocalyptic Age. Revelation 4:2 - 19:10 describes the seven year period of massive judgment on the face of the Earth. Revelation 19 describes the "Mother of all battles", "The apocalyptic war", the Battle of Armageddon.

Ahmadinejad is correct, we are indeed entering the Apocalyptic Age.

January 29, 2007

The mayor of Moscow calls the Gay Pride Parade Satanic

The mayor of Moscow, Russia Yury Luzhkov says that he will never allow a Gay Pride Parade to take place in Moscow despite pressure from the West, referring to the unprecedented pressure that came from the West last year to sanction the Gay Pride Parade.

The mayor of Moscow describes the parade as Satanic, stating that he has not allowed the parade to take place in the past and he's not going to allow it to take place in the future. Mayor Luzhkov, speaking at the Kremlin Palace, said that the religious thinkers in the West have reached a crisis in faith because they have tried to promote gay relationships under the cover of creativity and freedom of expression.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The refusal to allow for a Gay Pride Parade in Moscow by the mayor of that city is evidence of how Bible prophecy is coming closer to fulfillment in our day.

Moscow's mayor, Yury Luzhkov, is standing strong against pressures from the West who want him to allow for a Gay Pride Parade in his city. The mayor, who was addressing leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church at the Kremlin Palace, said that some European nations bless single sex marriages and introduce sexual guides in schools, which he says are a deadly poison for the children. The Moscow District Court upheld a Moscow government resolution prohibiting the Gay Parade as opposition to the planned event was strong in Russia, especially from the Russian Orthodox Church and other religious leaders.

This report seems to be moving this world closer to the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. Jesus Christ, when speaking on the issue of His Second Coming, told His disciples that they would notice society returning to the days of Lot who lived in Sodom some 4,000 years ago, that's Luke 17:28-29.

Jesus said that because of sexual activity that the God of Heaven rejected, hellfire and brimstone fell from heaven and destroyed the city and the society. The Lord told His disciples when you see those days again, that would mark the time of His return to earth. By the way, remember, the Rapture takes place some seven years before His return.

January 26, 2007

A recent report suggests that Muslim suicide bombers are directed by commands in the Koran

According to a report on Pentagon Intelligence Analyst, their preliminary finding is that the Islamic holy book, the Koran, is driving Muslim after Muslim to become suicide bombers revealing that the Koran says dying while fighting the infidels in the cause of Allah reserves a special place and honor in paradise and it earns special favor with Allah.

So concludes a Pentagon briefing paper titled, "Motivation of Muslim Suicide Bombers." In public, the US government has made an effort to avoid linking the terrorist threat to Islam and the Koran while dismissing suicide terrorists as crazed heretics who pervert Islamic teaching.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

This report of a Pentagon briefing paper that connects Muslim suicide bombers to their Islamic faith and their holy book is a reminder of many martyrs who will die in the future as they stand for their faith, that is according to Bible prophecy.

With suicide bombings spreading from the Middle East into Europe and in fact around the world, the Pentagon appointed intelligence analysts to pinpoint what's driving Muslim after Muslim to do the unthinkable. Though politically explosive, the findings reveal that the Muslim suicide bombers are in fact students of the Islamic holy book, the Koran which is the motivation for these Muslim martyrs and as strange as it sounds makes these bombers rational actors on the Islamic stage. Martyrdom of those who stand for their faith in the face of adversity has been down through history, and will be in the future a reality.

Bible prophecy reveals that many believers in Jesus Christ during the seven year period of judgment on earth in the future will become martyrs for their faith. The book of Revelation chapter 6 verses 9-11 indicates there will be a number of souls slain for the Word of God, the Bible and their testimony. Revelation 12:12-17 indicates that Jewish believers in Jesus Christ will also be killed, and Revelation 20:4 says that Tribulation Saints will even be beheaded for their witness of Jesus Christ and for His Word, and because they refused to worship the Devil.

Martyrdom by believers for their faith is a reality for the future.

January 25, 2007

The Israeli people are facing the threat of a nuclear Holocaust

The former US speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, warned the Jewish people of Israel that they face the threat of a nuclear Holocaust, adding that he thought Israel's existence was under threat again for the first time in some forty years.

The reference to forty years by the former speaker was to the time in 1967 of Six Day War when Israel was in great danger, and he said Israel is now in that same danger and Israelis are underestimating how dangerous the world is becoming. Gingrich said that the enemies are determined and it's very clear that the problems are larger and more immediate than the political system of Israel is capable of dealing with.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The warning from the former speaker of the House of Representatives to the Israeli people that they are facing the threat of a nuclear Holocaust is right in line with Bible prophecy for the last Days.

The Herzliya Conference in Israel which gathers politicos, media people, academics, and military personnel to discuss threats to not only the Israelis, but all of us around the world, has some very shocking news. At this most recent conference, the former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, warned Israelis that there is an ever increasing threat of a nuclear Holocaust. The speaker also added that this potential Holocaust could take place within the next five years.

The word 'Holocaust' has real meaning to every Jew in Israel, they all have a family member that was affected by the Holocaust of WWII. During the Holocaust of WWII, one out of every three Jews on Earth was killed. In the Holocaust to come, described in the book of Zechariah 13:8, two out of every three Jews will be killed this time, that's eight million Jews that will die.

The warning from Newt Gingrich that this Holocaust could happen within the next five years is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 24, 2007

The EU is ready for more military action under the EU flag in 2007

The European Union's (EU) top diplomat, Javier Solana, stated in Brussels recently that after the EU military success in the Congo this last year, the EU is ready for more military action under the Eu flag in 2007 with Kosovo, Bosnia, Lebanon, and Afghanistan at the top of its defense agenda for the next six months.

The EU is now is now ready for the beginning of a European army, a permanently standing EU force that could number in the thousands and is already replacing NATO forces in some areas of our world. Apart from building up battle group capacity, the German EU presidency will focus on managing the EU dominated force in Lebanon, the peacekeeping force to be a buffer between Hezbollah and Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The buildup of the EU military forces to develop a standing battle group in Europe is in sink with the scenario found in Bible prophecy for the revival of the old Roman Empire.

For several years now, the EU has been working towards putting in place a military operation for its member states, at first as a peacekeeping force, but ultimately as a permanent, combat ready fighting force. A key component to this ambition is the major peacekeeping force administering the cease fire in Lebanon. This report sounds as if it is directly from the pages of Bible prophecy.

Daniel 7:23-25 reveals that the revived Roman Empire will emerge out of the Gentile world of Europe with the Antichrist as its leader. Daniel 7:38 says this Antichrist will honor the god of forces, a phrase describing the power of a military force. Revelation 17 prophesies of the revived Roman Empire as the leader of world events during the first half of the Tribulation Period.

The efforts to develop a standing army in Europe beginning in 2007 is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 23, 2007

Two experts on Islam have warned participants at a conference in Israel that global Jihad is on the rise

Islamic expert and historian Bernard Lewis and former CIA director James Woolsey, both speaking at the Herzliya Conference in Israel, warned that global Jihad was on the rise, with Lewis adding that the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979 signified the first major victory in the global Islamic push toward that goal.

Lewis said that the whole Arab and Muslim world is experiencing the second stage of the Islamic revolution in Iraq and James Woolsey lamented the fate of Europe which he sees as already having been compromised in what he calls World War IV, the third having been the Cold War. Both Lewis and Woolsey warned that the Iranian Shiite sect is not the only threat posed by Islam, they included the radical Wahabism of the Sunni sect of Islam as well.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The warning of a global Jihad, a worldwide holy war, from a former director of the world's largest intelligence agency has a similarity to the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the End Times.

At the Herzliya Conference in Israel, a gathering of academics, politicos, military personnel and the media, the warning of a global Jihad on the near horizon rang out through the meeting halls of the conference confirmed by two experts on Islam. All of the Islamic world, including the Shiite sect as well as the Sunni sect are preparing for what the ancient Jewish prophet Joel revealed would happen in the Last Days.

Joel, in chapter 2:2-3, reveals the prophecy of the largest military militia ever to move on the Earth, they will make their way towards Jerusalem to destroy the Jewish state. This army will be a Muslim army as confirmed by the nations involved in the alignment of nations found in Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83. Ezekiel 38:18-39:6 says that this Muslim militia involved in global Jihad will be destroyed early on in the seven year Tribulation Period soon after the Rapture.

The warning of the rise of global Jihad is evidence we're quickly approaching the time when Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 22, 2007

A new National Security strategy for the US that could replace the UN has been launched

A high powered bipartisan group has launched a new national security strategy for the US that could cut back sharply on the United Nations or could even replace the UN.

The strategy is known as the Princeton Project which includes over 400 participants. The Princeton Project would absorb the rising powers like China, India, Brazil and others into a law based global and economic and diplomatic structure that avoids open conflicts through economic means.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The establishment of a new security strategy based on a global, economic, and diplomatic structure is a precursor to a scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

Recent world problems have given rise to a suspicion that the network of international institutions put in place right after WWII are in need of major reforms. The UN, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and NATO all have been criticized for not being able to meet the needs of our world today. The threats of global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, pandemics, the rise of Asia, the energy crisis, and threats emanating from the Middle East are becoming too numerous to count and to be dealt with by present institutions. With the emergence of the Princeton Project, a high-powered bipartisan group, which has devised a strategy that will seek to chart a long term course for the future.

This present-day scenario sounds almost identical to a prophetic scenario for the End Times that can be found in Bible prophecy. Daniel, an ancient Jewish prophet, wrote of a revised Roman Empire similar to the United States of Europe, or the EU that would become a global power, that's Daniel 7:24-27. John, the Apostle wrote of a one-world economic, political, governmental structure that would come to power in the last three and a half years of during of the seven year Tribulation Period. This one-world system would be headquartered in Babylon, modern-day Iraq and headed up by the world dictator known as Antichrist, this scenario revealed in Revelation 13:12-18 and Revelation 18.

The Princeton Project is indeed a precursor to Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

January 19, 2007

China is facing international criticism over a weapons test that was carried out on a space satellite

The US, Canada, Australia, and Japan have expressed much concern over China's test of an anti-satellite system launched at China's space center as it destroyed the Chinese Polar Orbit weather satellite orbiting at more than five hundred miles above the Earth.

While the technology is not new, the test does underline the growing capabilities of China's armed forces which means that China now has technology to shoot down a spy satellite operated by other nations. There are growing concerns internationally about China's rising military, especially in light of Beijing's closely guarded secret defense spending which has grown rapidly in recent years.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The test firing by China of a weapon used to destroy a satellite in space is a stark reminder that there will be a major role played by the Chinese in the Last Days, that is according to Bible prophecy.

The Chinese have been, in the last several years, accelerating their military readiness and weapons arsenal. The Chinese have agreements with all of the oil producing nations of the Middle East and have secured the waterways from the Middle East to the Far East to keep China's oil supply flowing. The military budget for China is a closely guarded secret, but most analysts believe China has become a superpower militarily. Now, if the reports are true, China has a capability for warfare in space.

Bible prophecy does not name China anywhere in the prophetic Scriptures, but does elude to them as one of the kings of the East as recorded in Revelation 16:12. Revelation 16 reveals the release of the seventh vial judgment that takes place at the end of the Tribulation Period, a seven year period of judgment yet future. Vial judgment number six is at a time near the return of Jesus Christ, a time when all the armies of the world will be gathering at Jerusalem, that's Zechariah 14:2. The kings of the East, which includes China, will go to join with the Antichrist to endeavor to defeat Jesus when He returns to Jerusalem.

China does have a major role in the End Times.

January 18, 2007

The Doomsday clock has been moved two minutes closer to the midnight hour

A group of scientists assessing the dangers to civilization have now added climate change to the prospects of nuclear annihilation as the greatest threats to humankind and the Doomsday Clock located in Chicago now stands at five minutes to the hour of midnight.

The directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist held discussions to assess this idea of doomsday threats to civilization and felt that the growing global nuclear instability has led humanity to the brink of a second nuclear age and that the threat posed by climate change is second only to that posed by nuclear weapons.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The assessment by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists that we are closer to the midnight hour on the Doomsday Clock goes along with the prophetic scenario for the Last Days that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The concept timepiece, the Doomsday Clock devised by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, was first featured by the magazine some sixty years ago shortly after the US dropped its Atomic Bomb on Japan. According to the scientists, the threats most worrisome included: Iran's nuclear ambitions, North Korea's detonation of an Atomic Bomb, the presence of twenty-six thousand launch-ready weapons by America and Russia, and the inability to secure and halt the international trafficking of nuclear materials such as highly enriched uranium and plutonium.

The concept of a Doomsday Clock does draw ones attention to the reality of the End of the World scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. The seventeen ancient Jewish prophets in the Old Testament Scriptures reveal the Last Days scenario that alerts all students of Bible prophecy that Doomsday is quickly approaching; however, the Bible does not for the annihilation of all of humankind. Revelation 6:8-9 and 9:15 does however tell us that in the future Day of Judgment, one-half of Earth's population will die in a catastrophic way. Death and destruction is ahead for this Earth and its population according to the prophetic passages of Scripture.

The truth be known, that Doomsday clock may be a bit slow.

January 17, 2007

The study of Christianity has been introduced into Israel's public school system

High school students in Israel's public school system are now able to take matriculation exams in Christianity, a program currently open for Arab students only, but the Israeli Education Ministry says that in the future, Jewish students may also be allowed to take the courses in Christianity.

The studies formulated for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade Israeli students include a biography of Jesus, and chapters dedicated to the churches structure, rules of conduct while inside a church, and prayers. The new matriculation program was designed as part of the compulsory religious studies in schools, and the Christianity studies program was introduced into the curriculum this year.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The introduction of a curriculum on Christianity in Israeli public schools is a precursor to future events for Israel, that is according to Bible prophecy.

For a number of years, religious studies in the Israeli public school system was divided according to sectors: so that the Jewish sector studies Judaism, the Muslim sector, Islam, and the Christian sector, Christianity. Now, Israel's Education Ministry has included a new curriculum, one that includes Jesus and the Church, at present only available for Arab students both Muslim and Christian, but soon to be available for the Jewish students as well. It seems logical for all Israeli students, including Jews and Muslims, to study Christianity due to the fact that so many Christian pilgrims travel to Israel to visit their Christian roots. Jews and Muslims must be aware of the Christian perspective on this land.

These recent developments in the Israeli school system are indeed a precursor to End Time prophecy. Revelation 11:3-12 foretells of two witnesses in Jerusalem who will preach the way to Jesus Christ as Savior; this to happen during the first half of the seven years of judgment which is ahead. Revelation 7:4-9 indicates 144,000 Jewish evangelists will spread across the world with that same message. Isaiah 2:3 and Micah 4:2 reveal a time when the Word of the Lord will be published from Jerusalem to the entire world.

Teaching Christianity in Israeli public schools is indeed a precursor to Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

January 16, 2007

Israel and Syria have reached an agreement on the Golan Heights in secret meetings

Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, is reporting that a series of meetings took place in Europe between the Syrians and the Israelis and the two parties formulated an understanding for a peace agreement between Syria and Israel.

As part of the agreement, Israel would withdraw from the Golan Heights to the binds of June 4, 1967 with the timetable for the withrawal to remain for open discussions. Both Israeli officials and Syrian officials are denying that any such agreement of understanding is on the table and they even deny that there have been any meetings between the two states.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Reports of secret meetings between Israel and Syria and the agreement of understanding, the result of these meetings, are setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

According to some sources, the Syrians have been sending positive signs of an interest to go to the negotiating table with the Israelis and talk about a comprehensive peace agreement between these two Middle Eastern states. Israel has downplayed these signs and said only after Syria breaks with Hezbollah, Iran, and Hamas, will they even consider holding talks on subjects like peace and the Golan Heights. At the same time, Syrian military forces have been building up in the area near the Golan Heights at the Israeli-Syrian border with the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) on alert for this potential threat. Now, with the report of secret meetings between these two parties, the drama of the Last Days is moving closer to the final act.

Syria, refered to as the king of the North in Daniel 11:40-41, is the Middle Eastern state that will make the first move against the Jewish state of Israel. Syria will be joined initially by Egypt, Daniel 11:40-43, where Egypt is refered to as the king of the South. After this initial coalition of states, a number of other states will join with Syria and Egypt to move to destroy Israel, that's found in Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83.

The conflicting reports of Syria's intent to go to the negotiating table with Israel or to make changes with its military is evidence that the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 15, 2007

An aqueduct dating back to the Second Temple Period has been found in Jerusalem

Opposite the Western Wall, where millions of Jewish worshipers and tourists come each year to visit, archaeologists have uncovered an aqueduct that brought water to the holy Temple in Jerusalem some two thousand years ago.

The never before excavated area is situated behind the Western Wall police station, adjacent to the Western Wall Plaza in the heart of the old city of Jerusalem, one of the most sacred sites for the Jewish people. This new archaeological find uncovers a missing link in the ancient water system which channeled water from Solomon's Pools near Bethlehem directly to the national focal point of Jewish worship, the Temple Mount.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recent archaeological find in the old city of Jerusalem is evidence that the Jews were on the Temple Mount in the past and will be so again in the future, that is according to Bible prophecy.

For years, the Muslims who are the custodians of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem have said that there is no evidence that there was ever a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount. In fact, in recent months, the Mufti - Sheikh Zabri - has said that the location at the Western Wall where Jewish worshipers come to pray had no connection to the Jewish people and actually was a Muslim holy site. Jewish scholars have debated these Muslim claims, and now the most recent archaeological find, the aqueduct that brought water from Bethlehem to the Temple during the time of the Second Temple two thousand years ago, is evidence that these Jewish scholars were correct. This Jewish-Muslim controversy is an episode in the drama that will play out surrounding the Temple Mount and Jerusalem in the Last Days.

Zechariah, the ancient Jewish prophet, wrote twenty-five hundred years ago that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in the Last Days would be the center of controversy, that's found in Zechariah 12:2-3. He also wrote that the Lord was aggressively possessive of this site and would one day come back to build a Temple on this site where He would dwell among His people - the Jewish people - forever, that's Zechariah 1:12-16.

This most recent archaeological find near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 12, 2007

There is a mosque in London that is teaching there will be a future mass extermination of Jews

British television on a documentary focusing on Muslim extremism reported that the leading mosque in London, which is the focal point for Islam throughout Great Britain - the Regency Park Mosque - is teaching that there is coming a time of mass extermination of the Jewish people.

The mosque has distributed a dvd which depicts a Muslim cleric imitating the sounds of a pig and referring to the Jewish people who will be killed on the coming day of judgment. The dvd also proclaims that the UN and Christian missionaries conspired to inject AIDS virus in inoculations against diseases in Africa.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The proclamation of a mass extermination of the Jewish people by a leading Islamic mosque in London England is a precursor to the scenario that reveals millions of Jews will indeed be killed in the future, that is according to Bible prophecy.

The London Central Mosque, an Islamic cultural center which educates Muslim children, has distributed a dvd that proclaims the mass extermination of Jewish people and teaches that this is a good thing as it relates to the Islamic world. This latest reference to extermination of the Jewish people is part of a mosaic that is being pieced together in the radical Islamic world. Calls for the total extermination of Jews by militant Islamic terror leaders, and the radical rhetoric of Iranian President Ahmadinejad calling for Israel and the Jewish people to be removed from the earth has set the stage for the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

Jeremiah, the ancient Jewish prophet, spoke of a Time of Jacob's Trouble, Jeremiah 30:7, a time yet in the future when the Jews would come near to total extermination. Zechariah, another Jewish prophet, revealed that two out of every three Jews will be killed during the Tribulation Period, the seven years of judgment that is ahead. Daniel, one more of those Jewish prophets, said that it will be the worst time in the history of the Jewish people, that's Daniel 12:1. Ultimately, the Jewish Messiah will intercede to save the Jewish people from complete extermination, that's Zechariah 14:1-4.

The proclamation from the London mosque is indeed a precursor to Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

January 11, 2007

The Syrian Foreign Minister says peace in the Middle East is impossible in light of President Bush's announcement to send more troops into Iraq

Middle Eastern leaders listened to President Bush unveil his revised plan for Iraq, but one leader - Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk al Shara is saying that in light of the US President's announcement to send more troops into Iraq it will be impossible to achieve peace the Middle East.

A key goal of the Bush policy speech on Iraq was to encourage Iran and Syria to work towards stability in the region and the President made it clear to Iran and Syria the importance of playing constructive roles in the rebuilding of Iraq. The Iraqi PM Nouri al Maliki has assured President Bush that the Iraqi government will crack down on all insurgents and violence making no differentiation between the Shiites, the Sunnis, and any other type of illegal militia.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Instability in Iraq is part of a scenario for this Middle Eastern state that is found in Bible prophecy, which also tells us there is a day of stability coming.

US President George W. Bush went before the nation to unveil his revised Iraqi policy that included taking responsibility for mistakes made over the last three years. As President Bush stated, there is no silver bullet for the solution for the conflict in Iraq; however, Mr. Bush says that the Maliki government is on board and both governments believe they must succeed. This instability in Iraq will stabilize according to Bible prophecy, but the end result is disastrous.

Iraq, which is biblical Babylon, has a prewritten history found in Bible prophecy recorded by the ancient Jewish prophets. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Micah, and the Apostle John reveal the End Times scenario for Iraq, which is biblical Babylon. Revelation 18 says that Iraq will be the worldwide headquarters for a one-world, economic, political, governmental system headed up by Antichrist. Micah says that Iraq will play a key role in the Last Days, that's Micah 4:9-10. Isaiah 13 and 14, Jeremiah 50 and 51, and Revelation 16 says that ultimately Babylon - modern day Iraq- will be destroyed.

There will be a temporary stability in Iraq before Bible prophecy is fulfilled.

January 10, 2007

The Jewish population has increased in Judea and Samaria in contradiction to Israeli policy

According to figures released by the Israeli Interior Ministry there has been an increase in the Jewish population of Judea and Samaria over the last last year; however, the statistics did not indicate how many of the additional residents were children in the Jewish settlements and how many had moved there from other places.

Another factor that played into the population increase was the immigration from the English speaking West with more than three thousand immigrants from the US and Canada coming to Israel with many of these new immigrants having a religious connection to Judea and Samaria. The fastest growth rate was among the very religious Jews already living in Judea and Samaria with additional Jews from Jerusalem moving to the area because of biblical beliefs.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The increasing population in Judea and Samaria, with most of that increase among the very religious Jews, is a page out of Bible prophecy for the End Times.

The former PM of Israel, Ariel Sharon, once accused the religious Jews of having a Messianic complex, referring to their belief that God was preparing them for the coming Messiah by giving them the land that He had promised to give them before the Messiah would come. In conversations with religious residents of Judea and Samaria, one will determine that indeed they are living in the land that God has given them, even in these troublesome times. Among these residents of Judea and Samaria, there is a stubbornness about them that says they will never leave the land that God has given them.

This present scenario is a page out of Bible prophecy for the time just prior to the coming Messiah. Ezekiel 34:11-31 states eighteen times that the Lord will find the Jews scattered across the four corners of the Earth and bring them into the land of Judea and Samaria. Ezekiel 36 some thirty-five times refers to this promised land and said that it will prosper under the Jewish caretakership.

The population increase is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 09, 2007

The new UN Secretary-General wants a stronger UN

The new UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon told the UN Security Council recently that the UN must strengthen its capacity to deal with the unprecedented threats to peace and security that it faces in 2007.

Ban said that he was taking the reigns of the UN at one of the busiest periods in history citing the crisis in Sudan's Darfur region, the continuing in the Middle East, and the future of Serbia's Kosovo prophets. The new Secretary-General added that terrorism, AIDS, and absence of the rule of law in various parts of the world, and proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) also challenge UN capabilities.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The pronouncement by the incoming UN Secretary-General that the UN must be stronger is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Over fifty years ago the nations of the world came together to form a worldwide political institution, the UN, for the purpose of resolving conflicts, combating world hunger and disease, and in general giving all the nations of the world, no matter their size, a say in world events. There has been a debate as to the effectiveness of the mission of the UN and now the newly appointed Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, wants to make the UN stronger, giving it some real punch. Ban quotes the problems of the world: terrorism, AIDS, Middle East conflict, and regional wars, as the motivation for his call to strengthen the power of the UN. This scenario, a strong worldwide political body to take care of the needs of this world, fits a scenario for the Last Days that can be found in Bible prophecy.

John the Apostle the human author of the book of Revelation, prewrote the history of just such a political body. This one world, economic, political, governmental system would be headquartered in Babylon, which is modern-day Iraq, and it would control the course of this world, manage conflicts, and command commitment to the world leader, who at that time will be the Antichrist, that's found in Revelation 18 and 13:12-18.

The call for a stronger UN does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 08, 2007

Israel plans a nuclear strike on Iran

The Sunday Times based in London England, had a story that said Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran's Uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons using low yield nuclear bunker busters.

The Sunday Times story was based upon contacts with Israeli military sources; however, Jerusalem officials refused to comment on the report, and there was speculation that Israel may be trying to scare Iran or conjole the US into taking stronger action. Iran came out strongly in response to the report declaring that any attack would be met with a response that the attackers would regret.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Sunday Times report that Israel has a secret plan to use nuclear weapons to attack Iran's nuclear weapons program is somewhat of a precursor to the scenario of Bible prophecy for both of these nations.

For several years now there has been speculation that Israel would attack the Iranian nuclear program as they did the Iraqi nuclear program back in the 1980's. Israel has always said they do not want to do this alone, but also told the world if no one else steps up to deal with Iran's nuclear program that is developing a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD), Israel would go it alone. The report in the London-based Sunday Times seems to indicate that Israel is ready to do what needs to be done. Tehran has responded by saying, as they have been saying all along, that they will strike any attacker, especially Israel and render devastating damages to those who come after Iran. This unfolding scenario is a lead-up to the prophetic scenario found in Bible prophecy for both Iran and Israel in the Last Days.

The Psalmist in Psalm 83:6 and the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel 38:5, both mention Iran by its biblical name as a major player at the beginning of the yet future seven year Tribulation Period and a member of an alignment of nations that attack the Jewish state of Israel. Both of these passages, Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 say that the attack on Israel will be to remove the Jewish state from the Earth.

This report indicates that the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 05, 2007

French President Chirac says the Middle East has become the epicenter of international tensions at the gates of Europe

In what is likely one of his last major foreign policy addresses, French President Chirac has called for an international conference to help restore Middle East stability saying that at the gates of Europe, the Middle East has become the epicenter of international tensions.

The French president said that war in Iraq set off upheavals whose effects have not yet been fully played out, adding that the conflict in the wider region could produce a confrontation on an unimaginable scale. Chirac said that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict crystallizes all these resentments and added that the international community had to act to restore the peace process by reviving the so-called Quartet's Road Map Peace Plan.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Increasing calls by world leaders to revive the Quartet's Road Map Peace Process in the Middle East is a precursor to the Last Days scenario for this region that is found in Bible prophecy.

In a meeting between German Chancellor Merkel and US President Bush, the two world leaders said they must play a role in reviving the Road Map Peace Process proposed by the Quartet which is made up of the US, the Eu, the UN, and Russia. British PM Tony Blair, during his recent trip throughout the Middle East, also said that there must be a major effort to restart the Quartet's Peace Plan. Now, French President Chirac is joining the chorus of world leaders who believe the tensions in the Middle East demand that the Quartet's Road Map Peace Process be revived and great effort must be put forward to bring an early resolution of the Israeli peace conflict and the other Middle East tensions.

This scenario is a stage-setter for the prophetic scenario that can be found in God's Word for this region at this time. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel prewrote history as he foretold of the time that a peace maker would step forward to bring peace to the Middle East. That peace maker is known as the Antichrist in Scripture and Daniel's prophecy of Daniel 9:27 reveals that it will be a short-lived peace that is put in place. Daniel 7:7-8 reveals that this Antichrist comes out of the revived Roman Empire which is the EU today.

French President Chirac's call for Middle East peace does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 04, 2007

A group of United Airlines employees have reported a UFO hovering over O' Hare's International Airport

A flying saucer-like object hovered low over Chicago's O' Hare International Airport for several minutes before bolting through thick clouds with such intense energy that it left an eerie hole in the overcast skies according to a number of United Airlines employees who observed the phenomenon.

The FFA said that its air traffic control tower at O' Hare did receive a call from a United supervisor asking if controllers had spotted a mysterious elliptical-shaped craft motionless over the concourse of the United terminal. Some of the witnesses to the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) have said they are upset that neither the government nor the airline is probing the incident that they say could interfere with O' Hare's radar and other equipment and air traffic in the area.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The sighting of a UFO in the sky over Chicago's O' Hare International Airport may well be a prelude to phenomenon that will happen in the future according to Bible prophecy.

For a number of years there have been reports of UFOs in the skies over all the earth, many of these sightings documented and filed with government agency. Much of the time it turns out to be the observance of a unique weather condition, some aircraft in a strange flight pattern, or just an illusion that cannot be really explained. This most recent incident over O' Hare International Airport in Chicago by a number of United Airlines employees does lend credence to those who believe they have really witnessed an object from outer space. I must say that I believe in UFOs, aliens from outer space that will hover over the earth until sometime in the future they decide to land on our planet. Now, I base that belief on God's Word and the prophetic passages that foretell of such an invasion by alien creatures, not creatures from another planet, but evil angels in the form of aliens invading the earth.

Revelation 19:1-19 reveals the appearance of evil angels that invade the earth during the coming Tribulation Period, that future seven years of judgment. The biblical description of these evil angels, these aliens from outer space, will take the form of locusts with the face of a man, the hair of a woman, and a scorpion-like stinger. This description recorded in Revelation 9:7-10 indeed does fit the definition of an alien, one from outer space.

The sightings of UFOs do indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 03, 2007

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson prophesies of a mass killing to take place late in 2007

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson, in his annual tradition of prognostication, says that God told him that a terrorist attack on the US would result in mass killings late in the year 2007.

The controversial Robertson said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities and possibly millions of people will be effected by the attack which should take place sometime after September of this year. In response to some who have said that Robertson's prophecies had not always been fulfilled, the television evangelist said the heavy spring rains and flooding in New England partly fulfilled his prediction last May that a storm and possibly a tsunami would crash into America's coastline in 2006.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The so-called prophecies given by religious broadcaster Pat Robertson over the last several years and now the warning of mass killings in late 2007 set the stage for true Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Pat Robertson predicted in 2004 that President Bush would easily win re-election; however, Bush won 51 percent of the vote that Fall defeating Democratic Senator John Kerry. In 2005, Robertson said that President Bush would have victory after victory in his second term, which would be a real stretch of the imagination. The religious broadcaster said himself that he has only a relatively good track record and that sometimes he misses on his predictions.

The Bible sets up a standard for a true prophet of God, that's found in Deuteronomy 18:20-22. A test for a true prophet, one who speaks for God, must have his predictions come true in all of the details, not just close, with no misses or the prophet is not of God. Jesus Christ warned of false prophets in the Last Days during His teaching on the Mount of Olives as recorded in Matthew 24. In Matthew 24:4-5 also in verses 11 and 24, the Lord said that during the terrible time of Tribulation preceding His Second Coming, that there would be false teachers, false prophets and they would become very visible. Based upon scripture, all of us must judge each self-proclaimed prophet by God's standard, not our standard.

Prophets that proclaim they speak for God, but yet do not meet the standard set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 02, 2007

The new UN Secretary General says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the core of solving all the problems in the Middle East

In an interview with a South Korean newspaper, the new Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) - Ban Ki-Moon - says that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the core of solving all the problems in the Middle East.

Ban said that if the issues with the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians go well, in other words resolution of the conflict, other issues in the Middle East including: Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, are likely to follow suit. The new Secretary General's position is widely at variance with Jerusalem's position which is that the roots of the problems in the Middle East are: terrorism, Islamic radicalism, and extremism and hatred of the West.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The UN's new Secretary General is correct, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is key to resolving the problems in the Middle East, that is according to Bible Prophecy.

The newly appointed Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-Moon, in his first day on the job stated that his main focus would be a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; he said it is key to resolving all the problems of the Middle East. The truth is that the UN Secretary General is correct for the long term, but not necessarily the short term.

Bible prophecy reveals a seven year period of time yet future, howbeit near future, when the Middle East conflict will explode involving nations like Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, and others. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will extend throughout the seven year Tribulation Period, that's found in Obadiah 15-18. Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the book of Obadiah reveal the prophecies pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has actually been going on for almost 4,000 years, since the days of Esau and Jacob, the twin brothers of Isaac and Rebekah, who were told by the way of the long-lasting conflict. This conflict will be resolved at the return of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem, that's found in Obadiah 18.

Ban Ki-Moon's assessment is correct, but the resolution of the conflict is at least seven years into the future.

January 01, 2007

Saddam Hussein has been executed, Iran is near to having a nuclear weapon, and other headlines from 2006

The headlines for 2006 focus on the war in Iraq, Iran's development of nuclear weapons, and President Ahmadinejad's rhetoric calling for the total destruction of the Jewish state of Israel. In Israel. the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues with no end in sight. There is a prospect of a civil war among the Palestinians and among the Jewish people as well. The Jews are divided over the evacuation of the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria.

On the European continent, the coming together of the European Union and its member states forming a major economic and political power is growing closer as the EU celebrates its 50 anniversary in the year ahead.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The current events of the year 2006 have set the stage for the scenario for the End Times found in Bible prophecy to be fulfilled in 2007.

The radical rhetoric of Iranian President Ahmadinejad calling for Israel to be removed from the Earth has a close connection to Bible prophecy. A nuclear powered Iran in the hands of Ahmadinejad would present a grave danger to the entire world. On a daily basis one can see the Islamic world aligning themselves against the Jewish nation. During the new year of 2007, the low-key celebration of the 50th anniversary of the European Union puts in place the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire.

This look at current events is evidence that the world is set for the final drama in history to unfold - a drama that is described in Bible prophecy. Add to that the execution of Saddam Hussein. Revelation 18 speaks of the headquarters of a one world governmental, economic, politcal system located in Babylon, which is modern day Iraq. The leader of that one world system is the Antichrist who comes out of the Revived Roman Empire. The last thing that happens before Jesus Christ steps down in Jerusalem is the destruction of Babylon and that one world system, Revelation 16:17-22.

As we look into 2007, the world is set for these Bible prophecies to be fulfilled.