
March 30, 2007

A former German FM is warning that Europe could become a playground for upcoming superpowers

Joschka Fischer, the former Foreign Minister (FM) of Germany and now a Professor at Princeton University, is warning that the rest of the world will not wait for Europe while it bickers over institutional reform and external policy issues, which is putting Europe at risk of becoming the playground for upcoming superpowers.

Fischer says in a very sober view of the EU's position in the world as it dusts itself off from 50th birthday celebrations, that the world is looking to China and India as the next superpowers to be, not Europe. Fischer believes that a weakened Europe will make it the playground of these other superpowers in the 21st century which means goodnight Europe.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The warning that Europe is fading and could become the playground for the world's superpowers is in contradiction of the prophetic scenario found in Bible prophecy for the Europeans.

This year, 2007, is the year of celebration in Europe as the EU marks its 50th birthday with the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome. German Chancellor Merkel, leader of the EU during this period of time, is exerting effort to having the EU constitution ratified and has called for an EU military force to be put in place. However, with all of this activity, the former German FM Joschka Fischer warns that if the Europeans don't quit haggling over non-essential issues, they will be passed by as a superpower and become the playground for the world's superpowers. The prophetic scenario for Europe in the Last Days reveals that, that will not be the case. Europe will become a superpower headed up by the world's dictator.

Daniel, an ancient Jewish prophet, wrote 2,500 years ago that the old Roman Empire would be revived and become the major power in the world, that's Daniel 7:8-9, 23-24. This same passage of prophetic truth foretells of the Antichrist, the leader of this superpower, who is referred to in this passage of Scripture as the 'little horn'.

Professor Fischer's warning may well motivate the EU; however, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

March 29, 2007

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has declared that the United States' presence in Iraq is Illegal

Saudi Arabia, reportedly a close ally of the United States, has slammed the "illegitimate foreign occupation" of Iraq, as Saudi King Abdullah declared that the United States' presence is an illegal act which should come to an end. The Saudi monarch said that "in beloved Iraq, blood is flowing between brothers, in the shadow of an illegitimate foreign occupation," which has resulted in an ugly sectarian civil war.

In the past, Saudi leaders, including the Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, has often criticized US foreign policy in Iraq, but have never described its presence there as illegitimate.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Saudi King Abdullah declaration that the United States' presence in Iraq is Illegal is a precursor to the prophetic scenario for Iraq in the Last Days.

At the recent Arab League summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the host, King Abdullah for the first time described the US as an illegal foreign occupier and must pull out of Iraq.

The king stated that the Arab leaders cannot allow forces from outside the Middle East to determine the future of the region.

Saudi Arabia's monarch called on Arab leaders to recover the trust of each other so that the winds of hope will blow and war-torn Iraq will recover.

King Abdullah urged Iraq to give Sunni Arabs a greater share of power in the war-ravaged country and prevent its break up. These declarations and demands from King Abdullah are setting the stage for the prophetic scenario for Iraq.

Iraq, which is Biblical Babylon, will come to prominence and power in the Last Days leading up to the Return of Jesus Christ, as foretold by John's prophecy found in Revelation 18. Daniel's description of the Antichrist, the false messiah, becoming the world leader, (Daniel 9:27, 11:36-45), places the Antichrist as the leader of the one world economic political government headquartered in Babylon.

Saudi King Abdullah's call for the winds of hope to blow over Iraq, does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

March 28, 2007

The Saudi FM says that if Israel rejects their peace offer, the matter goes into the hands of the lords of war

In opening statements at the Arab League meeting in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Foreign Minister (FM), Saud al Faisal, said that if Israel rejects the Arab peace initiative, it means that Israel is not interested in reaching a peaceful solution and the conflict goes into the hands of the "lords of war".

The Saudi plan, first approved at the Arab Summit in 2002, calls for the Arab world to recognize Israel in exchange for Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 borders and a Palestinian state with the Eastern section of Jerusalem as its capital. Israel has offered to accept the Saudi plan as a starting point for negotiations, but says that the plan must change the requirement for return of all Palestinians to Israel, a clause that the Arabs are refusing to change.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The declaration from the Saudi FM to Israel that the Jewish state must accept the Arab peace initiative or the "lords of war" take over, is a precursor to fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

At the Arab Summit in Beruit, Lebanon back in 2002, the Arab League approved the Saudi peace plan and told Israel there could be peace in the Middle East. Israel quickly rejected the proposal recognizing that a return to the pre-1967 borders of Israel would open the Jewish state up for total destruction. For the last five years the offer has been on the table and with the Arab League meeting in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi plan has once again surfaced as the only plan that the Arab world will consider and with no changes. Israel still has the same reservations they had five years ago, even in the face the threat from the Saudi FM that if they reject the plan, the "lords of war" will take over. This situation seemingly, is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Psalmist all wrote of this dilemma in Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11, and Psalm 83. Joel, another ancient Jewish prophet, revealed that a military militia would form to go to war with Israel with the intent to destroy the Jewish state, that's Joel 2:2-3.

The invasion would come when Israel believes there is peace in the Middle East, that's Ezekiel 38:8, 11.

March 27, 2007

British PM Tony Blair warns Iran as the US is in the largest demonstration of force in the Gulf since the invasion of Iraq

British PM Tony Blair has warned Iran that if efforts to secure the release of fifteen Royal Navy personnel is not successful, the Brits will enter a different phase. This pronouncement made as Downing Street said they could prove that the naval group had not ventured into Iranian waters.

Meanwhile, the US Navy is involved in military exercises just off the coast of Iran with more than ten thousand US personnel, the largest demonstration of force in the Persian Gulf since the invasion of Iraq in 2003. World leaders have speculated that Iran is either trying draw attention away from its nuclear program, or President Ahmadinejad is ready to spark the war that he believes could bring the Muslim messiah.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As tensions increase in the Persian Gulf, the prophetic scenario for this region of the world in the Last Days is coming better into focus.

The incident between Iran and Great Britain with the taking at gunpoint of fifteen UK naval personnel seems to be only intensifying as diplomatic maneuvering continues. With the stern warning from British PM Tony Blair, the pressure has been ratcheted up to a large degree. Iran, as past performance shows, is not one to back down to pressure. Couple this scenario with the fact that the US Navy is now involved with its largest military exercise in the Persian Gulf, just off the coast of Iran, and you have a mix that could explode at any moment, which by the way is just what Bible prophecy calls for in this region of the world during the End Times.

The Psalmist, in Psalm 83, wrote of an alignment of nations that will join forces to take on the Western world who backs and supports Israel. Ezekiel, an ancient Jewish prophet, has much to say about that same alignment of nations in Ezekiel 38, where the Middle Eastern states go to war and Iran is one of the major players, that's Ezekiel 38:5 when it mentions Persia - the biblical name for Iran.

End Time prophecies that will be fulfilled are coming better into focus today.

March 26, 2007

The presidents of Russia and China meet in Moscow to finalize trade, energy, and military partnerships

China's President Hu, on a state visit to Russia, finalized discussions on oil and gas deals to meet the needs of China's huge energy consumption and to solidify a strategic partnership that was first declared in the mid-1990's.

In concrete terms, China has bought tens of billions of dollars worth of Russian military technology and would like to buy a lot more Russian oil and gas. In recent years, China and Russia have strengthened diplomatic ties to counter-balance US influence in the world which has caused problems for strategic planners in Washington realizing China and Russia are a powerful combination.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The state visit by China's President Hu with Russia's President Putin in Moscow should cause students of Bible prophecy to sit up and take notice.

There has been a growing concern by the US and other world powers as they've watched China become one of the most powerful nations our world from an economic and military viewpoint. In addition, within several years China has grown to become one of if not the leading consumer of energy including gas and oil. It has not gone unnoticed that Russia has supplied China with military technology worth tens of billions of dollars and the transfer of such technology is continuing. The strategic talks held between the leaders of these two powerful nations in our world today should make every student of Bible prophecy think about how China and Russia play into the events of a future tomorrow.

Ezekiel, 2,500 years ago, wrote of Russia as a major player in the End Times prophetic scenario that seemingly is about to come to pass, that's Ezekiel 38:2 and following. John, the writer of the book of Revelation, wrote of the kings of the East making their way into Jerusalem for a confrontation with the returning Messiah, Jesus Christ, that's Revelation 16:12. The Bible teaches that Russia is the major player at the beginning of the seven year Tribulation Period of the future and China at the end of the seven years.

The stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

March 23, 2007

As the member states of the EU celebrate their 50th anniversary, there are many questions about its future

In Brussels, Rome, Berlin, and London, the EU celebrated with a party atmosphere the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome signed March 25, 1957 which brought about the common market of Europe and is today the EU.

Even as the year long celebration continues, there are many questions as to the future of this United States of Europe which includes one voice on foreign policy, a new voting system for the nation-states to fairly reflect their size, and the election of a permanent president to lead the EU into the future. The debate also continues over expansion of the EU to include new member states and in particular states in the Middle East, like Turkey, which will open the door for the Islamic states to become members of the EU.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the EU marks its 50th anniversary, the comparison to the old Roman Empire plays right into a scenario that fits Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The year long celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, the foundation for the EU, brings to the surface the many problems faced by this union of member states in Europe. The ratification of a constitution is uttermost in the minds of the EU leaders who want a treaty that will resolve some of these major hurdles. Two major factors must be dealt with which a constitution could take care: a new system for voting by the member states which would fairly reflect their size and the election of a leader; howbeit a very strong leader, to take the helm of this ship of state of state to guide it into the future. Bible prophecy has for 2,500 years revealed a scenario that seemingly is describing what we see happening in our world today.

Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet, recorded the interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel chapter 2 and the prophet's dream as well in Daniel chapter 7 which describes ten toes or ten horns that come to power and form the revived Roman Empire. The ten region solution for voting suggested by EU leaders would fulfill that prophecy. A strong leader to head up the EU which a constitution calls for would also set the stage for the one-world dictator, the Antichrist, the prophecy that Daniel gave 2,500 years ago; all prophecies that will be fulfilled.

A strong leader to head up the EU which a constitution calls for would also set the stage for the one-world dictator, the Antichrist, the prophecy that Daniel gave 2,500 years ago; all prophecies that will be fulfilled.

March 22, 2007

An Arab member of the Israeli Knesset has called for the liberation of Jerusalem by the Muslim world

At the Jerusalem First Conference, recently held in Ramallah in the area of Judea and Samaria, the chairman of the United Arab List - Israeli Knesset member Ibrahim Sarsour - called on all Arabs and Muslims to focus their energies on the future of Jerusalem and act in concert to become a torrent on the road to liberating Jerusalem.

Sarsour emphasized the religious importance of Jerusalem for the Muslims and said that Israel's plans for the Temple Mount and around the city must be resisted. The Arab Knesset member recalled how the Muslims liberated Jerusalem during the Crusades and said it could be done today, that the liberation of Jerusalem is not an impossible mission and it must be done.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call for the Muslim world to liberate Jerusalem by an Arab member of the Israeli Knesset is actually a call for the End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The status of Jerusalem for a negotiated peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians has always been pushed to the end of any agenda for peace talks between the two parties. Every Israeli PM from the very beginning of the modern-day state of Israel has said that Jerusalem is the undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish people. The Palestinian leadership as well has called for Jerusalem, if not all of it at least a portion of the holy city, to be the capital any future Palestinian state. With the call by an Arab member of the Israeli Knesset for the Muslim world to rise to the occasion and liberate the city of Jerusalem from the Israeli occupation, it has ratcheted up the discussion several notches.

This scenario is exactly what the ancient Jewish prophets wrote down 2,500 years ago would happen at the time of the end. Zechariah said that there would be those who would become arrogantly secure in their control of the city of Jerusalem, that's Zechariah 1:15. Joel, another Jewish prophet, wrote that a mighty Muslim militia would come to Jerusalem to liberate the holy city and take it away from the Jewish people, that's Joel 2:2-3.

The call for Muslims to liberate Jerusalem is indeed a call for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

March 21, 2007

Scientists call for "Evidence-Based" teaching of evolution in schools

A statement signed by 67 national science academies says evidence of the origins of life is being concealed, denied, or confused and the world's top scientists are calling for "Evidence-Based" teaching of evolution in schools.

These scientists say the key facts of evolution, which they claim is scientific evidence which has never been contradicted, also includes the fact that the earth is 4.5 billion years old and the onset of life was at least 2.5 billion years ago.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The world's top scientists believe that every classroom must teach "Evidence-Based" evolution to explain the origins of man, which is in reality a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the Last Days. There has been growing concern within the scientific community that children are not being taught basic facts on evolution and the nature of scientific inquiry.

The world's top scientists say in some countries the simple theory of evolution is denied in the teaching of children in schools. Now, these scientists want evidence based evolution taught in all schools.

I must remind you, it is indeed the theory of evolution and it never has been determined scientifically to be absolute. It is still a theory. This report is however, evidence that Jesus Christ is preparing to come back to the earth, seemingly in the near future. The Apostle Peter, in the content of his last book, II Peter 3:2-7, wrote that in the Last Days supposedly intelligent people will be willingly ignorant, or actually dumb on purpose, ignorant of the truth of the biblical account of Creation and the origins of all of life, all that is in our universe.

The denial by the world's top scientists that the God of the Bible created everything in six 24-hour days around 6,000 years ago is evidence that Jesus Christ is coming soon.

March 20, 2007

Jewish settlers plan to return to their settlement which was evacuated by the Israeli government

Evacuees from a Jewish settlement in the Northern part of Israel that the Israeli government evacuated during the Disengagement operation in the summer of 2005 say that they have Israeli public support to return to Homish and resettle this controversial piece of real estate.

In a recent poll, over half of the adult Israeli population say that the unilateral disengagement from Gaza and the settlements in Northern Israel was a mistake and sixty-eight percent believe an additional withdrawal from Judea and Samaria will lead to a rise in terrorism. Forty-two percent of the Israeli body politic say that the Israeli government should allow the evacuated settlers to return and resettle their demolished communities, which is what the former residents of Homish are planning to do.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As displaced Jewish settlers make plans to return to their demolished communities in Judea and Samaria, the prophetic scenario for this real estate comes better into focus.

In the summer of 2005, the then PM of Israel - Ariel Sharon- gave the order for the IDF to evacuate Jewish settlements in Gaza and a number of these communities in Northern Judea and Samaria. The Israeli government caved in to pressure from the US and the EU to give up this land that had been settled by mostly religious Jews who did so according to their understanding of Bible prophecy written by ancient Jewish prophets. PM Sharon in fact referred to these settlers as having a "messianic complex", their reason for resisting the Israeli government's disengagement from these lands. Now, the Jewish settlers are planning to return to their demolished communities again to build on land that they believe God has given them as He had promised in Bible prophecy.

They quote the ancient prophet Ezekiel who wrote 2,500 years ago that God would give them the land of their forefathers, that's Ezekiel 36:11, and that He would do so because He swore by His name He would do so, that's Ezekiel 36:22. In fact, the entire 36th chapter of the book of Ezekiel has 35 references to God's promise to the Jewish people about the land that would be theirs in the Last Days.

Resettlement of an evacuated Jewish settlement in Northern Judea and Samaria is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

March 19, 2007

Protesters and supporters of the Iraqi war face off across the world as the conflict moves into its fifth year.

It was four years ago that the United States Military and its allies invaded Iraq with what the military leaders called, "shock and awe," a strategy that did bring quick results as far as defeating the Iraqi military and bringing down Saddam's wicked regime. It was after the announcement from President Bush, on the deck of an aircraft carrier, that we had won the military aspect of the war when the insurgency intensified until what some term civil war broke out in Iraq.

Now with the elected government in place and working alongside the United States military under General Patraus, there is some glimmer of hope that this war-torn Middle Eastern state can be rebuilt.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Those who protest or support the Iraq war must look at the prophetic scenario for Iraq to know how this will all play out in the end according to Bible prophecy.

There have been successes and strategic mistakes in the Iraq war over the last four years according to all world leaders and even those in the United States Congress who totally oppose the war, the basis on which it was started, and the way to bring it to an end...soon. Several things are for sure - the man responsible for over 350,000 deaths of the Iraqi people has been removed from power, stood trial in a court of law, and executed for his crimes.

Now, the exasperating task of rebuilding this war-torn nation is under way with many pitfalls along the way. One thing is for sure, Iraq will come back to power and become the center of the world's government. I make that statement with no reservations because the Bible gives this as the scenario for Iraq which is Biblical Babylon. Revelation 13 and 18 reveal that Babylon will be the international headquarters for the antichrist, a world dictator who will lead this one-world economic, political, governmental system from a rebuilt Iraq. Jeremiah, Isaiah, and the writer of Revelation, John the apostle, all foretell the destruction of Babylon as the last event to happen before Jesus Christ returns to earth (Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 13-14, and Revelation 16).

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

March 16, 2007

Israeli officials believe the new Palestinian Unity government is purposefully misleading

The Unity government in the Palestinian Authority presented to the world recently was crafted in strategic ambiguity for the purpose of appeasing not only Hamas and Fatah, but also the Americans and the Europeans so that funds would once again begin to flow from these nations to the PA.

The agreement between Hamas and Fatah was drafted so that both parties can argue that neither party had totally abandoned its traditional positions and has not conformed to the three most important benchmarks: recognition of Israel, denouncing violence, and accepting all previous peace deals. However, included in the agreement is the right for Palestinians to continue their struggle with force against what they claim Israeli aggression.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recently formed Palestinian Unity government is basically a slight of hand gimmick to start the flow of funds to the PA, but actually moves the Israeli-Palestinian conflict closer to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

For a number of months, the two factions of the Palestinian body politic: Fatah and Hamas have been working on forming a so-called unity government. The Mecca agreement, a plan forged in concert with King of Saudi Arabia, brought the two parties to a more serious discussion of the unity government. With the announcement that the Palestinians had formed this long awaited compromise government, the world was at first hopeful for a new day; however with a closer look at the agreement, it is clear that it is missing the mark required by the quartet: The US, the EU, the UN, and Russia. The unity government weakens PA President Abbas and strengthens PM Haniyeh, the Hamas leader, and only unites the two for advancing the Palestinian militant struggle against the Jewish state of Israel. This new strategy actually fits the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for these two peoples in the Last Days.

A number of ancient Jewish prophets speak to the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ezekiel states that the Edomites, Palestinians of today, will kill the Jews and take their land, that's Ezekiel 35. Malachi says that the Palestinian will return to the land of Israel and build again only to be condemned by God, that's Malachi 1. Obadiah says that the Jews will destroy the Palestinians, that at the return of the Lord, and that's found in Obadiah verses 16-18.

The stage is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

March 15, 2007

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert admits Israel did not treat Ethiopian black immigrants as they should have

At a special ceremony held at Jerusalem's Mt. Herzl, the national cemetery where Israel's PM Ehud Olmert dedicated a monument to Ethiopian Jews who died during the immigration, the PM said Ethiopian immigrants did not find a rose paradise in the promised land and they were not treated well by the Israeli government and Israeli society.

At the ceremony dedicating a monument to the memory of 4,000 Ethiopian Jews who died on their way to Israel, the PM said that the state of Israel has invested great efforts and resources in absorbing the Ethiopian immigrants and he promised to keep investing as much as is necessary. During the three waves of the Ethiopian immigration, since 1983, over 75,000 Ethiopian Jews have immigrated to the land of Israel and over 20,000 still in Ethiopia awaiting permission to come home to Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Immigration of black Jews from Ethiopia to Israel over the last three decades is very significant as it relates to Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

Since 1983, there has been a concern for the plight of the black Jews of Ethiopia to the extent that nations of the world have been moved to make immigration to Israel for the Jews a high priority. Operation Solomon in May of 1991 provided for over 15,000 Ethiopian Jews to make their way to Israel in a twenty-four hour period. It was a major airlift involving over forty-two aircraft. The absorption process of the Ethiopian Jews had some bumpy roads, as admitted by Israel's PM. Even with all the problems surrounding the immigration of these Ethiopian Jews to Israel and the tragic story of over four thousand of them dying on the journey to Israel, this immigration has great prophetic significance.

The prophet Ezekiel wrote that God would search out the Jews wherever they had been scattered and bring them to the promised land, that's Ezekiel 34:11-31. The ancient prophet Zephaniah prewrote history and told of the Ethiopian being brought to Jerusalem in the Last Days, that's Zephaniah 3:10 along with Isaiah 66:20.

The monument ceremony and Israel's admission of not treating Ethiopian Jews well is a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

March 14, 2007

Israeli officials are calling for a law that would jail missionaries who proselytize individuals in Israel

A number of the Israeli Knesset, its parliament, has called for a bill that would establish a law that would jail missionaries who proselytize or witness to Jewish people for the purpose of converting them to Christianity.

Citing the statistics recently published that revealed a record number of Jews converting to Islam and Christianity, the Shas political party's knesset faction proposed the bill, an expansion of the current law against missionary activity which mandates six moths imprisonment for those who encourage children and teens under eighteen years of age to convert to Christianity. The proposed anti-missionary legislation would correct the old law which does not outlaw the missionizing of adults especially new Russian and Ethiopian immigrants who Israeli officials say have only a sparse Jewish education.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The newly proposed anti-missionary legislation in the Israeli parliament goes in the face of what Bible prophecy reveals will happen in the Last Days.

The Shas political party, an ultra-Orthodox religious party, has introduced new legislation in the Israeli Knesset that will make it a crime to try and persuade a Jewish person to consider the facts of the Jewish Bible so that they may convert to Christianity. Stating that they are not wanting to violate freedom of religion or freedom from religion, these Knesset members say they want to allow everybody to believe in their own religion and prevent harassment. The bill actually reads that Christians who are witnesses for their faith want to destroy every trace and memory of the people of Israel. How far from the truth that statement is as evidence by the Holy Scriptures.

The End Times scenario that is found in God's prophetic Word is that two witnesses, one of them the ancient Jewish prophet Elijah, will preach for three and a half years from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that's Revelation 11:3-10. And they will convert many Jews to Jesus Christ as Messiah and Saviour. There actually will be 144,000 male virgin Jews who will convert and travel the world to preach this good news to everyone on the earth, that's Revelation 7:3-9 which indicates literally millions will convert to Christ.

This will all be done before Jesus Christ comes back to the earth at His Second Coming, Matthew 24:14.

March 13, 2007

The UN Human Rights Council condemns Israel for its violations of international law

The UN Human Rights Council, meeting in Geneva recently, said that Israel has broken international laws in the disputed territories and must withdraw to the pre 1967 borders. In addition, they say the law has been violated by Israel's antiquities authority for construction of an access ramp to the Temple Mount's Mughrabi Gate.

The UN Human Rights Council, created last June to replace the Human Rights Commission because of faulty membership composition and the repeatedly singling out of Israel has continued to single out the Jewish state with eight anti-Israel resolutions and none against any other nation. Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Yitzhak Levanon, said that the UN's 47-member body, the Human Rights Council, is following the same pattern of the previous commission; although, it is looking into human rights violations in other parts of the world including Darfur, Sudan.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The decision by the UN Human Rights Council to condemn Israel for violations of international law is part of the big picture events during the End Times, that is according to Bible prophecy.

Since the inception of the UN itself, one-third of all its resolutions have been issued against the
Jewish state of Israel. The former Human Rights Commission, a UN body, was flawed by its faulty composition, its membership that consisted of an unfair number of states opposed to the very existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East. This new 47-member UN Human Rights Council is in lockstep with its predecessor as it issued its latest condemnations of Israel and placed the Jewish state under a permanent investigation of what they say is Israel's violation of international law.

Jesus Himself, had some things to say about this type of scenario for the End Times in His Olivet Discourse given in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago. Dr. Luke, the writer of the Gospel of Luke, recorded the words of Jesus Christ during His prophetic message on the Mount of Olives during Passion week, that was recorded in Luke 21. In Luke 21:24, Jesus said that Jerusalem would be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

The UN, which is a Gentile world power, along with all Gentile world leaders are making the prophecy of Jesus Christ come to pass.

March 12, 2007

The Israeli cabinet has approved the Peace Valley Project which includes the Red-Dead Canal

The Israeli government in a recent cabinet meeting gave the bureaucratic go ahead to the Peace Valley Plan presented by Vice Premier Shimon Peres, a plan that would be a joint Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian project to increase reasonable stability through economic development in the region.

The economic zone created would be along a three hundred mile stretch of land from the Red Sea in the South to the Yarmouth River in the North and would include a canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. The Red Sea to the Dead Sea conduit is intended to prevent the drying up of the Dead Sea which in present years has evaporated to a dangerously low level becoming a threat to tourism and industry related to the Dead Sea.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Peace Valley Plan and the Red-Dead Project proposed by the Israeli government are setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The Israeli government in a cabinet meeting recently determined that the Peace Valley Plan put forth by Vice Premier Shimon Peres will be a national project. Included in the 300 mile stretch of land going North from the Red Sea will be a canal or conduit that will bring water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, 1300 ft. below sea level, to replenish the Dead Sea waters evaporated over the last ten years. In fact, the Red-Dead conduit in the Peace Valley economic zone is a precursor to the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for those days before Jesus Christ, the Messiah, returns to earth.

A reading of Ezekiel 38 lays out the events foretold of an alignment of nations who come against Israel in the Last Days. Notice verse 13 in Ezekiel 38 where it talks about gold and silver as the spoil that draws Israel's enemies into the battle. Today there is no mining of gold and silver in Israel; however, scientists say there is much gold and silver in the depths of the Dead Sea. The Red-Dead Project would enhance the removal of these precious metals valued in the billions of dollars according to some analysts.

The Peace Valley Plan and the Red Dead Project do indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

March 09, 2007

Vatican says Hitler and Stalin were possessed by the Devil

Father Gabriele Amorth President of the International Association of Exorcists and Pope Benedict's caster out of demons claims that Germany's Adolph Hitler and Russian leader Jo Stalin were possessed by the Devil and he added that he was convinced that the Nazis were all possessed.

The Vatican's chief exorcist said of course the Devil exists which is why, according to Amorth, we need to defend society from demons. Father Amorth in the past has spoken out against the Potter books claiming that reading the novels of the teen wizard would open children's minds to dabbling with the occult and black magic.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Vatican's claim that Adolph Hitler and Jo Stalin were both possessed by the Devil is in fact confirmed by the End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

History records that Adolph Hitler and Jo Stalin were responsible for millions of people being killed during WWII. There is documentation from secular sources that Adolph Hitler was very active in the occult and would consult with demons before making many of his dastardly decisions that resulted in the death of millions. The claim by the Vatican that Hitler and Stalin were both possessed by the Devil has an interesting connection to Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The ancient Jewish prophet, Daniel wrote 2,500 years ago of two world leaders in the past that were possessed by the Devil as well, that's in Daniel 10. In Daniel 10:13, the prophet describes the Persian leader Haaman, spoken of in the Old Testament book of Esther, as being controlled by the Devil. Verse 20 of that same chapter in Daniel refers to the Greek leader Antiochus Epiphanes who desecrated the Jewish Temple in 168 BC as predicted by Daniel 11. II Corinthians 11:13-15 reveals that the Devil does have demons who he dispatches to control world leaders in the Last Days.

As the Last Days come more into focus, the Vatican claim is on target.

March 08, 2007

Jordan's King Abdullah says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the cause of all problems in the Middle East

Addressing a joint session of the US Congress, Jordan's King Abdullah told American lawmakers that they cannot stand on the sidelines as spectators, but they must get involved in helping to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict before the entire region breaks out in a major war.

The Jordanian monarch called for the political leaders of the US to focus more on the Israeli-Palestinian struggle than the Iraqi war. Abdullah says now is the time to work out a peace agreement for the Israelis and the Palestinians that will benefit both sides. Like his late father King Hussein, King Abdullah has a great interest in the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict due to the large Palestinian population that live in Jordan today.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

World leaders calling for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are looking for a quick fix, which will not happen according to Bible prophecy.

Jordan's King Abdullah made an impassioned plea to the joint Houses of the Congress as he called for greater US involvement in the Middle East peace process. The king said that a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the central issue in all of the problems in the Middle East. Abdullah said that the Iraq War is not as critical as the struggle between the Israelis and the Palestinians. King Abdullah's words echoed the statements of the new Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki Moon, who said that if there was a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, peace will follow in the Middle East.

Any quick fix in this situation will not happen according to the ancient Jewish prophet, Obadiah. Twenty-eight hundred years ago, Obadiah said that it will be the end of the seven year Tribulation Period before the Israelis will completely destroy the Palestinians at the time that the Messiah comes back to Jerusalem, that's Obadiah 16-18.

Malachi, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel all agree with Obadiah. These ancient Jewish prophets foretold the destruction of the Edomites by Israel. By the way, the Edomites are the descendants of Esau, they are the Palestinian people of today.

March 07, 2007

The Hamas leader says Israel will disappear from the world

The Hamas leader in exile, Khaled Mashaal, at a recent meeting in Tehran, Iran with the Iranian President Ahmadinejad said that Israel will eventually disappear from the world and that the Palestinian people should be prepared for that to happen.

Iran has given large sums of money to the Palestinian government and Mashaal received a pledge from the Iranian President Ahmadinejad and the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of continuing support.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Palestinian-Hamas leader, Khaled Mashaal, agrees with the Devil that Israel will disappear from this world, but not so says Bible prophecy.

As the Palestinian-Hamas leader in exile, Khaled Mashaal, stood alongside the Iranian President Ahmadinejad, the Palestinian leader said that the Jewish state of Israel will disappear and that his people - the Palestinian people - had better be prepared. The two leaders were discussing Iranian support, financial support, for the financially strapped Palestinian Authority (PA) due to the sanctions of the Hamas-led PA. These sanctions have stopped the flow of funds to the PA and Iran has become the lifeline for the Palestinian terrorists who want to see the Jewish state, the state of Israel, disappear from the world.

The writer of the prophetic book of Revelation wrote a similar scenario for the Last Days that can be found in Revelation 12 where it reveals the satanic drive to eliminate the Jewish state during the seven year Tribulation Period of the future, that's found in Revelation 12:13-17. Another Jewish prophet, Zechariah, speaks of two out of every three Jews that will be killed during that same period of time, that's Zechariah 13:8. The Jewish state and the Jewish people disappearing from the Earth is indeed the plan of Satan, but God will intercede and send Michael, the Archangel, to protect the Jewish people from complete annihilation, that's Daniel 12:1.

Khaled Mashaal, the Hamas leader, is in partnership with the Devil, but God will protect the Jewish people.

March 06, 2007

The world must understand Palestinian history before they can understand the present Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Professor Rashid Khalidi, a historian, says that the failure by the Palestinians to write down their own history has made it more difficult to advance their claim for a Palestinian state and he believes Palestinian history must be properly understood if the world is to comprehend the present Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The professor said that the prospect of the independent state that the Palestinians never had, a state that many expected to emerge from the Palestinian Authority, seems as distant as ever especially as rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah are unable to agree on the fundamental basis for a new coalition government.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement made by the historian, professor Rashid Khalidi that one must know Palestinian history to understand the present and indeed the future as well of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is right on target, according to Bible prophecy.

The unwritten history of the Palestinian people according to professor Khalidi is part of the cause for the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians; however, the statement that the Palestinian history has not been written may be true as it relates to current history, but is not correct as it relates to the history of the Palestinian people over the last 4,000 years.

That history of Esau who became Edom and thus the people known as the Edomites is recorded in the book of Genesis starting in Genesis 35 and can be traced throughout all of the historic books of the Bible. That history reveals a future for the Edomites who are today the Palestinian people; that future reflects the reality of the present-day Israeli-Palestinian conflict which will only intensify as we enter the End Times. Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the little prophetic book of Obadiah all tell of the efforts by the Edomites, the Palestinian people of today, to kill off the Jews and take the land that God has given to the Jewish people.

These End Time prophecies will indeed be fulfilled.

March 05, 2007

On the Jewish holy day of Purim, the leader of modern-day Persia threatens the Jews

Jews around the world have been celebrating the Jewish holy day of Purim from the historic events recorded in the Biblical book of Esther and as they gather together with their families these Jews recognized the modern-day threat that was prevalent in Biblical times as recorded in the book of Esther.

The book of Esther is historically unfolding during the period of the Persian Empire 2500 years ago. But many in the Jewish community say that with Iran and her president, Ahmadinejad, in the news as they are today and Ahmadinejad's statements calling for the destruction of the Jewish state and the Jewish people, they see many similarities to the book of Esther. They are saying that Iran is modern-day Persia and President Ahmadinejad seems to be very much like the villain of the book of Esther, the evil Haman.

Jimmy DeYoung's Prophetic Prospective

The days of the book of Esther, 2500 years ago, are actually playing out in our world today as the Jews are in danger of being completely annihilated - according to Bible prophecy.

The Biblical book of Esther which is read in the Jewish synagogues on the holy day Purim, a special Jewish holy day, tells the story of how the Persian King Ahasuerus wrote the law of the Medes and the Persians to have all the Jewish people in his kingdom killed. Had it not been for the king's Jewish wife Esther, who had come into the kingdom just at the right time, the Jews would have been annihilated. Haman's plan to eliminate all of the Jews worldwide would have come to pass.

If this story sounds familiar, it should. It is almost in lockstep with the activities of the leader of modern-day Iran, President Ahmadinejad. The Iranian president wants to remove all the Jews from the earth. Ahmadinejad fits the part of Haman in the plot of Esther.

The unseen hand of God both in the book of Esther and in real life will indeed protect the Jewish people from complete annihilation. Haman did not win and Ahmadinejad will not win either. God will protect his people for his purpose.

As the Jews celebrate the holy day of Purim and look at the same scenario of Esther's day unfolding in our world today as it relates Iran, the Persia of Biblical times, Bible prophecy is closer than ever to being fulfilled.

March 02, 2007

The German Chancellor says the EU needs a constitution that makes reference to Christianity and God

Following her recent audience with Pope Benedict, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the European Union needs a constitution that makes reference to Christianity and God.

Chancellor Merkel believes a redrafted treaty should include clear links to Europe's Christian heritage. Mrs. Merkel visited the Pope to discuss issues in European and international politics ahead of the Pope's visit to Germany.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An EU treaty, which is the constitution for the Union with references to its Christian heritage, is in line with the prophetic scenario in Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The late Pope John Paul worked diligently to have the formers of the European constitution include references to Europe's Christian heritage and the role it played in forming the union of European states known as the EU. As the Eu considers how to tackle the deadlock after the treaty rejection by French and Dutch voters last year, Spain, Italy, Poland, and now Germany are strong supporters of a reference to God in a new EU charter. The German Chancellor says that Europe needs a European identity in the form of a constitutional treaty and it should be connected to Christianity and God since Christianity has forged Europe in a decisive way. That is what will happen to bring together the European states and their formation of the EU. There will be a religious connection according to Bible prophecy.

John the Apostle prewrote history of the coming world-wide religion of the End Times as recorded in Revelation 17. This religion will be a mother-son cult that calls for co-equal worship of the Mother and the Son as was the case of the roots of this international religious system in Babylon 4,500 years ago.

With the fall of the Babylonian empire in 539 BC, the mother-son cult religion moved its headquarters to Pergamos before finally ending up in Rome, Italy which is exactly what Revelation 17:9 calls for in the Last Days.

March 01, 2007

A Muslim official in Jerusalem admits there were two previous Jewish temples on the Temple Mount

In contradiction to most of his colleagues, a former senior official of the Islamic Trust on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Islamic custodians on the temple Mount, says he has come to believe that the first and second Jewish temples existed and stood at the current location of the al Aqsa Mosque.

Supposedly, Islamic custodians passed down stories for centuries from generation to generation, indicating that the mosque was built at the site of the former Jewish temples. This former al Aqsa official says to admit the Jewish temples existed does not forfeit Islamic rights to the Temple Mount. He said that the present mosque completes the divine religion of Islam, the third and last religion.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by an Islamic official in Jerusalem that Jewish temples did once stand on the Temple Mount is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. The statements from a former senior leader of the Islamic Trust in Jerusalem, the custodians of the Temple Mount, that he believes there have been two Jewish temples on the Temple Mount is inline with all historic and archaeological evidence available today.

Though this statement is in contradiction to what the Islamic world declares, that there has never been a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount much less two previous temples, the belief of this former custodian of the holy site is based upon Islamic tradition passed down from generation to generation.

Not only has there been two previous Jewish temples on the Temple Mount in the past, there will be two additional Jewish temples on the Temple Mount in the future. Daniel 9:27 reveals a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the seven year Tribulation Period, a time of great judgment in the future. By the way, this is also confirmed by Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1-2.

Zechariah, another ancient Jewish prophet, wrote in chapter 1 verse 16 and chapter 6 verses 12 and 13 that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to Jerusalem and build His Temple where He will rule and reign from during the 1000 year Kingdom yet to come. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.