
May 31, 2007

A Russian diplomat says US plan for a missile defense system is reigniting an arms race

Speaking at a meeting of G8 Foreign Ministers (FM) in Germany, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov said that the US plans to erect a missile defense system in former Soviet-bloc countries is reigniting a Cold War-style arms race.

The US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice said that the Russian President Vladimir Putin has already noted that Moscow's own strategic defense could easily overpower the US missile defense system.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The festering conflict between the US and Russia over a US missile defense system is a stage setting incident that is part of a prophetic scenario that will unfold in the Last Days, according to Bible prophecy.

The US announced several months ago that they planned to erect a missile defense system in the area of the former Soviet-bloc with the stated purpose of defense against any Iranian missile strike. Almost immediately, Russia responded that they rejected the idea of a missile defense system in that area so close to Russia. After a Russian missile test firing recently, President Putin claimed that Russian missiles could penetrate any missile defense system. Now, with the Russian claim that the US missile defense system, if erected in Eastern Europe, would reignite an arms race between the two superpowers, the stage is set for a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The name Russia is not found in Bible prophecy, but according to the scholarship of biblical geography, the name Magog in Ezekiel 38:2 is Russia. The hermeneutical principle, hermeneutics meaning the science of Bible interpretation, is who was the author writing about when he wrote his book. Ezekiel was referring to a nation called Magog, located North of the Caspian and Black Sea, which is Russia today. Ezekiel prewrote history 2,500 years ago and revealed that Russia would be a major player during the End Times and lead an alignment of nations against the Jewish state of Israel.

The tough rhetoric from the Russian FM is indeed evidence that the stage setting process is underway.

May 30, 2007

The Israeli High Court has rejected a Muslim burial site next to the Temple Mount

In a ruling by the Israeli High Court of Justice, it upheld the decision by Israeli Public Security Minister Avi Dichter to ban Muslim burial sites on the grounds immediately Southeast of the Temple Mount which is designated as part of a national park.

The area, which borders the Eastern Wall of the Temple Mount, is believed to have contained important archaeological artifacts from the first temple period which is an extremely sensitive area in that the Temple Mount is considered Judaism's holiest site and the third holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The proposed Muslim burial site that has been rejected by Israel's High Court of Justice, has prophetic significance in light of the End Times scenario for the Temple Mount found in Bible prophecy.

The Israeli High Court of Justice decision to uphold a ban on any new Muslim burial sites next to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a major decision by Israel in the preservation of Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount. On a site that has never been a cemetery, the Muslim's have endeavored to establish a Muslim burial site in order to prevent any excavations of the surrounding area next to the Temple Mount that will contradict the Muslim claim that there has never been a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, which is Judaism's holiest site on Earth.

The prophetic significance to this unfolding scenario could be, and in fact, is indeed found in the pages of Bible prophecy. Zechariah said that the Temple Mount in Jerusalem would be a very sensitive location in the Last Days, Zechariah 12:2. The Psalmist said that the Lord has chosen this location to dwell among His people forever, Psalm 132:13-14. Ezekiel revealed the future temple that will stand on this spot, a temple built by Jesus Himself, Ezekiel 40-46.

The Muslim desire for a burial site next to the Temple Mount is indeed a step towards the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

May 29, 2007

The Israeli cabinet has approved the Peace Valley Project which includes the Red-Dead Canal

The Israeli government in a recent cabinet meeting gave the bureaucratic go ahead to the Peace Valley Plan presented by Vice Premier Shimon Peres, a plan that would be a joint Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian project to increase reasonable stability through economic development in the region.

The economic zone created would be along a three hundred mile stretch of land from the Red Sea in the South to the Yarmouth River in the North and would include a canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. The Red Sea to the Dead Sea conduit is intended to prevent the drying up of the Dead Sea which in present years has evaporated to a dangerously low level becoming a threat to tourism and industry related to the Dead Sea.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Peace Valley Plan and the Red-Dead Project proposed by the Israeli government are setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The Israeli government in a cabinet meeting recently determined that the Peace Valley Plan put forth by Vice Premier Shimon Peres will be a national project. Included in the 300 mile stretch of land going North from the Red Sea will be a canal or conduit that will bring water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, 1300 ft. below sea level, to replenish the Dead Sea waters evaporated over the last ten years. In fact, the Red-Dead conduit in the Peace Valley economic zone is a precursor to the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for those days before Jesus Christ, the Messiah, returns to earth.

A reading of Ezekiel 38 lays out the events foretold of an alignment of nations who come against Israel in the Last Days. Notice verse 13 in Ezekiel 38 where it talks about gold and silver as the spoil that draws Israel's enemies into the battle. Today there is no mining of gold and silver in Israel; however, scientists say there is much gold and silver in the depths of the Dead Sea. The Red-Dead Project would enhance the removal of these precious metals valued in the billions of dollars according to some analysts.

The Peace Valley Plan and the Red Dead Project do indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 28, 2007

The UN is drafting a treaty that will determine how to deal with thousands of asteroids that could hit the Earth

The Association of Space Explorers, a professional body of Astronauts and Cosmonauts, have put together a document for the UN which is a draft treaty to determine what would have to be done if a giant asteroid was on a collision course with the Earth.

The document would set out global policies including who should be in charge of plans to deflect any object, and at the moment NASA is monitoring some 127 near Earth objects that have a possibility of hitting the Earth. The National Space Agency estimates that there are about 20,000 potential threatening asteroids and out of these thousands there will be without question many that might hit the Earth with enough speed to cause possible major damage.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The potential for thousands of asteroids hitting the Earth might sound like science fiction, but in truth, it is a page out of Bible prophecy.

There is concern at the UN as to how to handle the danger of a giant asteroid hitting the Earth and causing a real catastrophe. Astronauts and Cosmonauts, all members of the Association of Space Explorers, are helping to draft the document to handle the danger of asteroids hitting the Earth. At first, you might have thought I was speaking of some type of science fiction scenario, but the truth is, this is a page out of Bible prophecy.

In the last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, the writer, the Apostle John, wrote of coming judgments that will affect the Earth. Revelation 8:7 speaks of objects from outer space that will destroy the trees and burn up the grass. Revelation 8:8 reveals the account of a great mountain, possibly a giant asteroid, that will turn the sea to blood, kill one-third of the fish in the sea, and destroy one-third of the ships on the oceans at that time. As you continue to read through the book, Revelation 16:1-11 gives more such judgments that will come upon the Earth.

The UN's concern for how to handle potentially dangerous asteroids is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy.

May 25, 2007

Jewish settlers call for Israel to reoccupy evacuated Jewish settlements in northern Gaza

With the military activity intensifying in the Gaza Strip, the Jewish settlers are calling for Israel to launch a ground offensive in the northern Gaza Strip to reoccupy the area of the 25 Jewish settlements that were evacuated in the summer of 2005.

The settler's council says that Israel must clear the area from Hamas terrorists who are manufacturing kassam rockets and launching them into Israel Proper. In a leaflet distributed by the settlers, they addressed the errors of disengagement stating that in spite of the pain over the injustice and terrible mistakes of disengagement, the situation is repairable.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by Jewish settlers in Israel for their government to reoccupy the northern Gaza Strip is a page from the pages of Bible prophecy.

As the conflict in the Gaza Strip intensifies, there is somewhat of a consensus in the body politic of Israel that something must be done to stop the terror attacks and the missile attacks that originate in the Gaza Strip. The Jewish settlers have called for their government to launch a ground offensive into the northern Gaza Strip to reoccupy the area of the 25 Jewish settlements that were evacuated in the summer of 2005. Most Israelis believe that disengagement of the Gaza has been a failure. Ariel Sharon once said that the Jewish settlers that lived in the Gaza had a messianic complex, that they believed that God had given them the land. Now, these Jewish settlers believe that the only way to live safely in Israel is to reoccupy that God-given land.

Bible prophecy seems to agree, as foretold in Ezekiel 36 where God told the Jewish people that He would give them this land and it would be a means for the Jewish people to prosper, which they were doing before evacuation. Ezekiel 35 said that the Edomites - the Palestinian people of today - would kill the Jews and take the land, which also is happening today.

Reoccupying the northern Gaza Strip would indeed be a step closer to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

May 24, 2007

Pope Benedict has profound respect for Islam

Pope Benedict expressed his esteem and profound respect for members of the Islamic faith in a meeting recently with diplomatic envoys from some 20 Muslim countries and he added that Christians and Muslims must reject violence.

The Pope's statement was the fourth statement to try and make amends to Muslims without actually apologizing directly for a speech at a university in his native country Germany last September where he expressed his belief that religion goes together with reason, not with violence.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The confrontation between the Muslim world and the religious leader of Rome is a scenario that has great significance in light of Bible prophecy.

When the Pope, in a speech last September, referred to Mohammed - the founder of Islam and its main prophet - as a man of violence, it incited outbreaks of violence among Muslims across the world. Even though this Muslim outcry has diminished somewhat, Pope Benedict is still making statements to try and relieve the tensions between himself and the Islamic world.

This scenario being played out today is very similar to a scenario for a future day as found in Bible prophecy. Revelation 17 is the prophecy of a one world church, howbeit a false church, that will be headquartered in Rome during the first half of the 7 year Tribulation Period of the future. There will be a religious leader of this false church in Rome that will be the Antichrist. According to another prophet, Ezekiel, the Islamic world will be in power at the beginning of this 7 years, according to Ezekiel 38:1-6, but it will be almost completely eliminated soon after they attack Israel, Ezekiel 39:1-6. The removal of the Islamic world will set the way clear for the future false church to appear which the Islamic world would never embrace because of their religious beliefs.

The tension between Pope Benedict and Islam is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 23, 2007

Jews in Jerusalem and around the world mark the Jewish feast day of Shavuoth

Many Jewish people both in Israel and around the world mark the day of Pentecost, Shavuoth, by staying up all night to study the Bible; and in Jerusalem, there is the widespread custom of going early to the Western Wall for Shavuoth early morning prayers.

Prayers at the Western Wall are often accompanied by dancing and singing and the reading of the book of Ruth as Jews mark not only the harvest of the wheat crops, but also the tradition that the law, the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, were given to Moses on this day.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Jewish celebration of the Feast of Shavuoth, the Feast of Pentecost, is a reminder that Jesus will deal with the Church before He deals with the Jewish people, that is according to Bible prophecy.

Shavuoth this year, as every other year in recent history, is a time when Jewish people visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem since it is the only remnant of the temple complex left as a place to remember biblical times when the Jewish farmers would bring the first fruits of their wheat harvest to the temple. Because there is no temple now in Jerusalem, the traditions of studying the Torah all night, reading the book of Ruth, and dancing and singing at the Western Wall have replaced those activities that were dictated by Levitical law.

The day of Pentecost recorded in Acts 2 was a time when the newly formed church came into existence, according to church doctrine; and in the message that the Apostle Peter preached that day, there was a glimpse of what would happen after the Rapture when Jesus would take His Church into Heaven. Joel 2:29 and following reveals events that take place after the removal of the Church in the Rapture, when Jewish people greet their Messiah, that same Jesus Christ that they have rejected for some 2,000 years. The events of Joel 2 and 3 are yet to be fulfilled; it will be a time of great trouble for the Jewish people.

Shavuoth, or the Feast of Pentecost, this year seems to be a time when Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

May 22, 2007

A wealthy Arab leader wants to put his city on the educational and economic world map

Speaking at the world economic forum held in Jordan recently, Sheikh Mohammed al Maktoum - Vice President and PM of the United Arab Emirates, a Persian Gulf state - announced a 10 billion dollar donation to develop high quality research programs and centers and support for research in higher education institutions, the path to creating a generation of leaders in the Middle East.

Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, is already referred to as the business capital of the Middle East and the sheikh wants to add to its leadership by developing an environment that brings researchers, students, scientists, investment professionals, and policy makers all within the same community.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As Dubai in the United Arab Emirate becomes an economic, scientific, educational center in the Middle East, there is evidence that Bible prophecy for such a center in that region is closer to fulfillment than ever before.

With half of the Arab world's population under the age of 20 and with the illiteracy rates still alarmingly high, the recent 10 billion dollar donation from Sheikh Mohammed al Maktoum is sure to create generations of leaders in the region. Sheikh Mohammed's goal is to put together an environment for policy makers to come together with educational leaders and the economic financial leadership of the region and become a major force in our world.

The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote that during the End Times, knowledge will increase, Daniel 12:4. Another Jewish prophet, the Apostle John, wrote in the book of Revelation that the economic center of the world will be in the Middle East, Revelation 13:16, 17 and 18:3-16. John wrote that this educational economic center will be in the Middle East at the great city of Babylon, Revelation 18.

Dubai is quickly becoming a prototype of the city Bible prophecy described.

May 21, 2007

A senior Hamas leader says Israel will be wiped off the map

In the aftermath of IDF aerial attacks on the infrastructure of Hamas in the Gaza Strip including the political leadership of Hamas, a senior Hamas leader in Gaza says that it is signed and sealed within Hamas that Israel will be wiped off the map.

Israeli radio is reporting that Hamas says they will use rockets and missiles as the means of removing Israel from the picture and replacing it with a Palestinian state. Meanwhile, members of the Hamas-led PA are calling for suicide attacks and other violence against IDF troops in the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the strikes on Hamas infrastructure.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call for Israel to be wiped off the map by militant Hamas leaders is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The phrase, "Israel will be wiped off the map", first used by Iran's President Ahmadinejad is now being echoed by the Islamic, militant, Hamas terrorist who control the PA - the government of the Palestinian people. In light of the Israeli Air Force attacks on the Hamas infrastructure and intentional attacks on Hamas political leaders, these calls for more suicide attacks and a ratcheting up of violence aimed at Israel, which includes threats from Hamas that Israel will be wiped off the map, moving closer to reality.

This scenario is not new. It was actually written some 2,500 years ago by the ancient Jewish prophets. One of those prophets, Ezekiel, wrote how the Palestinians - the descendants of Esau -would rise up to kill the Jews and take their land, Ezekiel 35:5 and 10. Another of those prophets, Malachi, prewrote history in his first chapter where he said that Esau's extended family - again the Palestinian people of today - would come back to power and rebuild. Malachi added that the Lord said He would call their borders the borders of wickedness and have indignation against these people forever, Malachi 1:1-5.

The call by Hamas to wipe Israel off the map is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 18, 2007

The President of the European Commission warned Russia about EU Unity

Speaking at the conclusion of the EU-Russian Summit, the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, told Russia that any problems it has with an independent EU state will be a problem with the whole of the EU.

The EU-Russian Summit was to be focused on disputes between Moscow and Brussels over the status of Kosovo, energy supplies, and trade, but it was overshadowed by Moscow's conflict with countries including Estonia and Poland. The President of the European Commission with the backing of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who now holds the EU's rotating presidency, told Russia that the EU was based on principles of solidarity.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recently held EU-Russian Summit was a stage where two major players in the End Times came together to discuss the future, a future that has already been foretold in Bible prophecy.

The EU has over the last decade become a major player in word affairs and is presently expanding into what could well be the play caller on the international field of world events. In that same ten years, Russia - under the leadership of Vladimir Putin - has surfaced as the mover and shaker in Middle East arms supply and security, and with President Putin at the head of state it looks to continue expanding its influence.

This scenario described in this report sounds very similar to a prophetic scenario for the Last Days that can be found in Bible prophecy. Russia is set in prewritten history to be the leader of a coalition of nations, most of them in the Middle East today who will move to destroy Israel, Ezekiel 38:2-6. The EU is at least the infrastructure for the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy pertaining to the revived Roman Empire, Daniel 7:8-26.

Daily, these two world powers, Russia and the EU, move closer to the prophetic scenario as described by the ancient Jewish prophets.

May 17, 2007

The number of religious believers in China could be three times higher than estimated

In a recent survey taken by the Chinese State Media it has been revealed that more than thirty percent of the people of China above the age of sixteen consider themselves as "religious", which could be three times higher than what the Chinese officials had estimated.

This report suggests that three hundred million people nationwide in China could be religious, compared to the official figure of one hundred million, allowing this report to back up suspicions that religion has been enjoying a resurgence in China over the past twenty years and this as the communist party disapproval of the exercise of religion has eased up somewhat.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recent survey taken in China of the country's religious beliefs revealed that even an atheistic nation is vulnerable to the spread of the truth as will be the case across the entire world in the future days of judgment, that according to Bible prophecy.

Reports in recent years coming out of Communist China indicated there were millions of Christians in the underground church that were being jailed or persecuted for their beliefs. Hundreds of missionaries have worked closely with this underground church to distribute Bibles, to witness to Chinese people in the street, and to otherwise try to spread the message of Christ to a needy people. Now, the official Chinese media are reporting that the government's estimates may be way off with three times what they had estimated as the number of believers in China. What's unique about this report is that it is similar to the report that will come out of the Tribulation Period, a seven year period of judgment yet in the future, the time between the Rapture of the Church and the return of Jesus Christ to Earth.

The book of Revelation tells of two witnesses, two preachers, that will be located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the first half of the Tribulation Period and they will have a ministry that will turn people to Christianity and Jesus Christ, that's Revelation 11:3-7. Revelation 7:4-9 speaks of one hundred and forty four thousand Jewish men coming to Christ and then they will spread across the world to preach the gospel to everyone on Earth.

In fact, Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 that when everyone on Earth had heard the gospel during that seven year Tribulation Period, He would return to the Earth to setup His Kingdom.

May 16, 2007

Jerusalem Day 2007 marks the 40th anniversary of the reunification of the city of Jerusalem

The nation of Israel marked the reunification of the divided city of Jerusalem with parades, fireworks, and prayers at the Western Wall as the Jewish people stopped to remember the historic event 40 years ago as the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) captured the Temple Mount and reunited the city after almost 2,000 years.

Israelis remembered how Israeli paratroopers broke through the Lion's Gate on their way to the Temple Mount with some 18 year old soldiers that had never seen the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem's old city leading the way. After 40 years under Israeli sovereignty, the Temple Mount still remains at the center of controversy as the Palestinians claim the Temple Mount as their sacred place and the Jews say that Jerusalem is the eternal, undivided capital city of the Jewish people.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The undivided city of Jerusalem has a past, present, and prophetic significance.

As Israel marked the 40th anniversary of the reunification of the city of Jerusalem, it is rich with past history. According to Orthodox Jewish scholarship, for over 5,700 years the Jews have believed that Jerusalem is the place of Creation. The stone underneath the Dome of the Rock, the Foundation Stone, is the actual place where God created man in the Garden of Eden. As one observes the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the continuing debate over the ownership of the Temple Mount, it is resolute that Jerusalem is the place of controversy.

In the prophetic passages of the Bible, it is evident that the Revelation is what will happen to Jerusalem which is the place for Christ. Psalm 132:13-14 states that the Lord has chosen an earthly Jerusalem to be the seat of power where Jesus will rule and reign forever. Ezekiel 37:26-28 both reveal that Jerusalem will be the site of a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount and it will be there forever.

There is indeed truth in the statement of Israel's first PM David Ben-Gurion who said that Jerusalem is the undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish people.

May 15, 2007

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert has met with Jordanian King Abdullah in Petra and invited Arab leaders to meet for peace talks

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert told reporters at a press conference in Petra in Southern Jordan that Israel is ready to invite Arab leaders without preconditions from either side to discus the Arab Peace Initiative and to find ways to implement the plan.

Olmert told the conference that Israel was ready to sit down and talk about the Arab Initiative carefully and that the Jewish state is willing to listen to Arab views. Israeli PM Olmert and Jordan's King Abdullah held rare high level talks on the sidelines of the conference held in Petra, the city carved into the rose red stone and built by the Nabataean culture some 2,500 years ago.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that an Israeli PM held a news conference in Petra and invited the Arab leaders in the Middle East to discuss peace is a page directly from Bible prophecy.

The ongoing peace process in the Middle East has risen to another level with the Arab League presenting a peace initiative to the Israelis for consideration. With the announcement by Israeli PM Olmert that Israel is ready to discuss the Arab peace plan and has invited the Arab leaders to come to Israel to do so is very newsworthy and prophetic significant. Add to that invitation by PM Olmert the fact that he offered the proposal to meet from a press conference in Petra and it sounds like a passage from the pages of Bible prophecy.

The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote that the peace process would be in focus at the beginning of the seven year Tribulation, a time of Jacob's Trouble, that's Daniel 9:27 where it says that the coming false Jewish messiah, the Antichrist will set up such a peace. The rose red city of Petra will also be the location where God has provided a safe haven for the Jewish people in the last half of the coming time of judgment, that's Revelation 12:6 and Isaiah 63:1-6.

PM Olmert's call for peace talks while in Petra does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 14, 2007

Dozens of rabbis have gone onto the Temple Mount in an unprecedented visit

Dozens of rabbis visited the Temple Mount recently in order to increase awareness and emphasize the Jewish linkage to this most sacred piece of real estate in Judaism. It was the first time such a large group of rabbis have visited the Temple Mount because of a decision to permit Jewish entry into the Temple Mount if they do so subject to Jewish law restrictions.

The restrictions on visiting the Temple Mount in the past were based on the conclusions that the exact location of the previous temples and the Holy of Holies is unknown, meaning that Jews could unknowingly set foot in forbidden areas.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The unprecedented visit to the Temple Mount by dozens of rabbis recently does indeed draw attention to the significance of this sacred site for the future according to Bible prophecy.

Until a recent visit by dozens of rabbis to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, religious Jewish had been restricted by Jewish law from even setting foot on the most sacred piece of real estate to the Jewish people. Realizing that the Muslim leaders have been calling for thousands of their followers to go onto the Temple Mount to aggressively assert their control over the area, the rabbis have now called for Jews to enter the Temple Mount as well.

As the Jews visit the Temple Mount, it does bring awareness to the site that will play a key role in End Time prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah wrote 2,500 years ago that Jerusalem and in particular the Temple Mount, will be the center of controversy in the Last Days, that's Zechariah 12:2-3.

Zechariah 1:14-16 reveals the Lord's displeasure with those who are arrogantly secure in controlling the Temple Mount, i.e. the Muslim world, and that He will be aggressively possessive of the site where He will one day build His Temple, maybe a day very soon.

May 11, 2007

A radical Islamic cleric calls for Moslems to flood the Temple Mount

Sheikh Raad Salah, one of the leaders in Israel of the Islamic movement, is working hard to ensure that thousands of Moslems arrive every day in Jerusalem's Old City to pray at al Aksa Mosque, located on the Temple Mount, and he's calling for Arab clan leaders to bring their entire extended families to the mosque.

Salah is telling Moslems that demonstrating a strong presence on the Temple Mount is the best defense against Israeli aggression and the Islamic leader has called for all mosques to be closed on Fridays to force Moslems onto the Temple Mount. Salah believes that Jerusalem will fall into Moslem hands by heavenly promise and that such a conquest will result in no sign of a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The radical Moslem cleric who wants to flood the Temple Mount with Moslems so that no Jewish presence will remain is headed for a major surprise according to Bible prophecy.

Sheikh Raad Salah is the radical Islamic cleric who led the fight to stop Israel from building a ramp entrance onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Now, Salah is calling for Moslems to flood onto the Temple Mount to make certain there is no Jewish presence there for now. This is part of an overall plan to make the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the third holiest site in Islam, a more sacred location, even possibly the holiest site in the Islamic faith. Islamic fiction writers for over a decade have been writing about the Moslem messiah coming to Jerusalem and setting up his headquarters on the Temple Mount.

The truth of the matter is that Islamic eschatology does call for a messiah that will be headquartered in Jerusalem; however, the conflict comes about when Jewish and Christian eschatology come into play. The ancient Jewish prophets reveal a scenario where the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to Jerusalem, that's Zechariah 14:4. He will build a Temple on the Temple Mount, Zechariah 6:12 and then setup a Kingdom from that spot which will last forever, that's Daniel 7:13-14.

Ezekiel 38 and 39 reveal that the Moslem world will come to Jerusalem and there be completely eliminated by the true Messiah, Jesus Christ who will be the Victor.

May 10, 2007

Deadly attack on UN sponsored school spreading Christianity

According to an extremist Islamist group in the Gaza Strip who carried out a deadly attack on a UN school in the Gaza, they did so because the UN is spreading Christianity and trying to convert Muslims under the cover of an international organization.

This attack was the latest in a string of violence against Christians and non-Muslim establishments in Gaza since Israel withdrew from the territories with similar attacks reported in Ramallah, Nazareth, and Bethlehem. There are some analysts who believe that these recent bombings of secular and Christian institutions in these Palestinian areas in Israel indicate that Hamas may well be seeking to impose Islamic rule on the Palestinian population.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Islamist extremists attacking and killing students of a UN sponsored school in the Gaza Strip for spreading Christianity is a foretaste of things to come according to Bible prophecy.

It has been reported by international media outlets that Muslim extremists have attacked churches, Christian schools, and individual Christians for spreading the good news of their faith, and now the report of an attack of a UN sponsored school in the Gaza Strip. The leaders of this Islamist group say they have established a military wing of their group to target individuals, establishments, and groups that it claims are corrupting Islam.

This report is evidence of an atmosphere that will be prevalent during the coming seven year Tribulation period. There will be many people left on earth after the removal of Christians from the earth at the Rapture of the Church. There will be people who will become believers in Jesus Christ during that time, that's Revelation 7:9. One hundred and forty-four thousand male virgin Jews will spread across the world preaching the good news that Jesus Christ is coming, that's Revelation 7:4-7. The forces of Satan under the Antichrist, those who say that God has no Son, these demonic controlled people will kill many believers in Jesus Christ, that's Revelation 6:9 and 20:4-6.

Islamist attacks on those spreading the Gospel indicate that Bible prophecy is near to being fulfilled.

May 09, 2007

The Dead Sea is quickly approaching a major catastrophic disaster

The Minister of Water in the Jordanian government says that a Dead Sea disaster is quickly approaching what is being termed a catastrophe which would harm the entire surrounding ecosystem of the Dead Sea as well as the economy from its minerals extracted from the Dead Sea and the site as a world culture and religious heritage.

The famous salty sea which lies at the earth's lowest point is shrinking at a point of three feet a year, and has been doing so for the past twenty-five years. Jordan, the Palestinians, and the Israelis are involved in a joint project, the Red-Dead Project, that would bring water from the Read Sea to the Dead Sea to help replenish its water supply; however, the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and continuing violence have put the brakes on the Red-Dead Project.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The catastrophic disaster that could result from the drying up of the Dead Sea is beyond political, it's prophetically significant.

With the slow down of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process comes the potential for not only a political disaster, but an ecological disaster as well. The recently suggested Red-Dead Project has the potential to not only revive the peace process, but be a fix to the ecosystem in the Dead Sea region and the economic situation in the area as well. The Dead Sea, the lowest spot on the face of the earth, some 1,400 ft. below sea level, is one of the greatest economic providers for the Jordanians and the Israelis, and could be a great source of revenue for the Palestinians in the future. The financial benefit to the Jordanians, the Israelis, and the Palestinians is enormous if the three parties can quit fighting and sit down together to work on the Red-Dead Project.

Bible prophecy indicates, however that these three parties will not be able to work together, that's found in Malachi 1:1-4, Ezekiel 35, and the little prophetic book of Obadiah. However, Bible prophecy seems to be pointing to the great wealth in the Dead Sea that could well be the hook in the jaw to bring Israel's enemies into the Jewish state and may be the source for the gold and silver of Ezekiel 38:13.

A solution for the potential catastrophe at the Dead Sea will indeed play a part in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

May 08, 2007

The burial tomb of King Herod has been found in Israel just outside of Jerusalem

In a search that took more than 30 years, a professor at Hebrew University, Ehud Netzer, says that he has located the burial tomb of Herod the Great at a site several miles outside of Jerusalem and near to Bethlehem.

Named the "King of the Jews" by the Roman Emperor before the birth of Christ, Herod is remembered for his expansion of the second Jewish temple here in Jerusalem and the slaughter of all baby boys two years of age and younger at the time of the birth of Christ. Hillel Geva, the archaeologist who excavated the Jewish Quarter in the old city of Jerusalem told me that this discovery of Herod's tomb is second only to the Dead Sea Scrolls in Israeli archaeological significance.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The discovery of Herod's burial tomb just outside of Jerusalem has great archaeological importance, but also prophetically it is very significant.

If confirmed, the discovery of the tomb for Herod the Great will rank as a major archaeological discovery. Herod, the Roman appointed governor of the province of Judea during the times Christ, was known as Herod the Great because of his great building accomplishments. Known as the "King of the Jews", Herod built five palaces for himself including Masada, the Herodian, the site of his burial, and probably his greatest accomplishment, Herod refurbished the building of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem which took over forty two years. Herod's Temple, as it was known, was referred to by the rabbis who said "If you had never seen Herod's Temple, you have never seen a beautiful building."

I did at the beginning say that this is a great archaeological discovery, but it also has a significant connection to End Time prophecy. Herod, who was an Edomite, a descendant of Esau, is claimed by present-day Palestinians as one of their forefathers. Herod was in the family line from Esau to Amalek, Agag, Haman, then through Herod and down to the Palestinians of today. Jeremiah 49, Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the little book of Obadiah tell us that Esau's descendants through Herod will also be involved in killing Jewish people.

That heritage extends today to the Palestinians who are involved in killing Jews as well.

May 07, 2007

The Turkish Parliament has failed to elect a president

Turkey's parliament has failed for a second time to elect the Islamist-rooted governing party's candidate for president and the Turkish Foreign Minister (FM) Abdullah Gul has withdrawn his candidacy after the vote was rendered invalid.

The governing party's leader PM Tayip Erdogan has called for early elections in July and has proposed electoral reforms including new legislation that would have the president elected directly by the Turkish people instead of by the parliament. Hundreds and thousands of Turkish protesters backed by the Turkish military have been opposed to FM Gul's election because of his strong Islamist ideology which is also the same as the Turkish PM.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The failed attempt to have an Islamist candidate elected as president of Turkey is evidence that human government is involved in the stage setting for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

In the face of massive demonstrations in Turkey opposing the election of an Islamist to become the new Turkish president, Turkey's FM Abdullah Gul has withdrawn his candidacy for president of a largely secular Islamic state. The Turkish military has placed itself as the custodian for a secular Islamic state in the Middle East, the state of Turkey. When FM Gul, a member of the Islamist political party of the now Turkish PM Erdogan, failed to get enough votes to be elected for the second time, the FM withdrew from the presidential race.

This report has revealed the Islamist party as a political party wanting to lead Turkey into an Islamic republic. The report also reveals the role that both Turkey and human government will play in the Last Days as recorded in Bible prophecy. Ezekiel 38:2, 6 mention Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Togarmah which are the biblical names for modern-day Turkey. Revelation 17:17 shows that human government has a powerful impact during the End Times as well. Human government was ordained by God - Genesis 9:6 - and has been used to set the stage for the End Time events of Bible prophecy.

Both Turkey and human government have moved the Middle East region into a place where Bible prophecy can be fulfilled.

May 04, 2007

The Israeli people are facing the threat of a nuclear holocaust

The former US speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, warned the Jewish people of Israel that they face the threat of a nuclear Holocaust, adding that he thought Israel's existence was under threat again for the first time in some forty years.

The reference to forty years by the former speaker was to the time in 1967 of Six Day War when Israel was in great danger, and he said Israel is now in that same danger and Israelis are underestimating how dangerous the world is becoming. Gingrich said that the enemies are determined and it's very clear that the problems are larger and more immediate than the political system of Israel is capable of dealing with.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The warning from the former speaker of the House of Representatives to the Israeli people that they are facing the threat of a nuclear Holocaust is right in line with Bible prophecy for the last Days.

The Herzliya Conference in Israel which gathers politicos, media people, academics, and military personnel to discuss threats to not only the Israelis, but all of us around the world, has some very shocking news. At this most recent conference, the former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, warned Israelis that there is an ever increasing threat of a nuclear Holocaust. The speaker also added that this potential Holocaust could take place within the next five years.

The word 'Holocaust' has real meaning to every Jew in Israel, they all have a family member that was affected by the Holocaust of WWII. During the Holocaust of WWII, one out of every three Jews on Earth was killed. In the Holocaust to come, described in the book of Zechariah 13:8, two out of every three Jews will be killed this time, that's eight million Jews that will die.

The warning from Newt Gingrich that this Holocaust could happen within the next five years is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 03, 2007

The Iranian leadership believes that they are now entering the Apocalyptic Age

Speaking at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the renown scholar and historian Bernard Lewis told his audience that Iranian President Ahmadinejad and the leadership of Iran believe they are now entering the Apocalyptic Age which will result in the triumph of their messianic figure.

Lewis said that Iran is a mortal threat and reminded those attending his lecture that Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, has an End Times scenario reminding them that holy war is a part of the Islamic religion and part of holy law. Lewis then added that the threat of many Iranians perishing in a war did not deter the Iranian leadership. They believe that death this way would give Iranians a free pass to the Islamic heaven.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The thinking by the Iranian leadership that they are now entering the Apocalyptic Age actually conforms to the End Times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

The recent statement by the renown scholar and historian, Bernard Lewis, that Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Iran's leadership believe they are entering the Apocalyptic Age is evidence that the Islamic world does have an eschatology, a theology that has an End Times scenario. The outdated concepts of M.A.D (Mutually Assured Destruction) prevalent during the Cold War years, are irrelevant when it comes to Iran and its leadership. The Iranian president and his circle see such a scenario as an incentive, not a deterrent.

This apocalyptic desire of the radical Shiite Muslim is at the center of much of what's happening in the Middle East today and does fit into Bible prophecy. The ancient, Jewish, New Testament Prophet John wrote the book entitled, "The Apocalypse", or better known as the book of Revelation which describes the End Time Apocalyptic Age. Revelation 4:2 - 19:10 describes the seven year period of massive judgment on the face of the Earth. Revelation 19 describes the "Mother of all battles", "The apocalyptic war", the Battle of Armageddon.

Ahmadinejad is correct, we are indeed entering the Apocalyptic Age.

May 02, 2007

The Doomsday clock has been moved two minutes closer to the midnight hour

A group of scientists assessing the dangers to civilization have now added climate change to the prospects of nuclear annihilation as the greatest threats to humankind and the Doomsday Clock located in Chicago now stands at five minutes to the hour of midnight.

The directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist held discussions to assess this idea of doomsday threats to civilization and felt that the growing global nuclear instability has led humanity to the brink of a second nuclear age and that the threat posed by climate change is second only to that posed by nuclear weapons.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The assessment by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists that we are closer to the midnight hour on the Doomsday Clock goes along with the prophetic scenario for the Last Days that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The concept timepiece, the Doomsday Clock devised by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, was first featured by the magazine some sixty years ago shortly after the US dropped its Atomic Bomb on Japan. According to the scientists, the threats most worrisome included: Iran's nuclear ambitions, North Korea's detonation of an Atomic Bomb, the presence of twenty-six thousand launch-ready weapons by America and Russia, and the inability to secure and halt the international trafficking of nuclear materials such as highly enriched uranium and plutonium.

The concept of a Doomsday Clock does draw ones attention to the reality of the End of the World scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. The seventeen ancient Jewish prophets in the Old Testament Scriptures reveal the Last Days scenario that alerts all students of Bible prophecy that Doomsday is quickly approaching; however, the Bible does not for the annihilation of all of humankind. Revelation 6:8-9 and 9:15 does however tell us that in the future Day of Judgment, one-half of Earth's population will die in a catastrophic way. Death and destruction is ahead for this Earth and its population according to the prophetic passages of Scripture.

The truth be known, that Doomsday clock may be a bit slow.

May 01, 2007

A new Noah's Ark is ready to sail

Johan Huibers, a creationist from the Netherlands, has built a replica of the biblical Ark of Noah as a testament to his faith in the literal truth of the Bible and the account of the worldwide flood some 4,500 years ago as recorded in the Bible.

Some have brought attention to the time of completion of the ark in light of the global warming issue; however, Huibers said he wasn't worried about another biblical flood since according to the Bible book of Genesis, the rainbow is the sign of God's promise never to flood the world again. Huibers said that he hopes the Noah's Ark project will renew interest in Christianity and the literal truths found in the Bible, especially in light of the times in which we live today.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The replica of Noah's Ark built by a Dutch creationist living in the Netherlands is a reminder of what Jesus said about the Days of Noah as it relates to the End Times, that is according to Bible prophecy.

After working for two years, Johan Huibers' construction of the Ark of Noah's day is only about half as large as the original Noah's Ark built 4,500 years ago, but its builder wants to remind the world of how it was in Noah's Day. The builder of the new Noah's Ark is a creationist and student of the Bible which he studies as literal and he wants to remind the world how it was in Noah's day and show the similarities to our day.

The Bible records the words of Jesus referring to the Days of Noah when He said that as the days of Noah were so it shall be in the days of the return of the Lord to earth, that's Matthew 24:37-42. Those days were days of multiple marriages, murder carried out for religious reasons, the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, the thoughts of man's heart were evil continually and man repented not, that's when the worldwide flood came as judgment upon the earth, and that's recorded in Genesis chapters 6, 7, and 8.

Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24, said "As it was in those days, so shall it be in the days of the coming of Jesus Christ back to the earth", Ark or no Ark.