
August 31, 2007

Israeli PM Olmert has agreed to give up the entire Biblical and strategic heartland of Israel

According to a report in Arutz 7, an Israeli media source, PM Ehud Olmert has agreed in writing to hand over the entire Biblical and strategic heartland of Israel to the Palestinian Authority (PA) so that the Palestinians can establish their state of Palestine.

This report, based on Palestinian sources, says that Israel presented Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the PA, a draft of an agreement of principles that calls for most of the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria to be demolished and the inhabitants to be expelled plus Israel agrees to re-divide Jerusalem giving the Palestinians a capital city and control of the Temple Mount.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An Israeli agreement to hand over the Biblical heartland of the state of Israel is setting the stage for many facets of Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Thirty-five hundred years ago, God gave the Jewish people the promised land as they crossed the Jordan River into what is today modern-day Israel. The Lord gave Joshua and the Israelites the center part of what is today is referred to as the West Bank, or Biblically known as Judea and Samaria. In fact, at the center of this geographical location God established the Jewish capital and had the Jews erect a tabernacle to house the Ark of the Covenant. Now, the Israeli government is preparing to give this Biblical heartland to the Palestinian people for their state.

This scenario is right out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days. Ezekiel, Obadiah and Malachi, all ancient Jewish prophets, warned that the Edomites, the Palestinian people of today would take the land that God had given the Jewish people, Ezekiel 35, Obadiah and Malachi 1. Ezekiel also wrote that God would give the Jews the land of their forefathers and that would happen just prior to the coming of the Messiah, Ezekiel 34, 36.

Bible prophecy does not reveal that an Israeli government would give the land up, but the present Israeli government's actions are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 30, 2007

Turkey's newly elected president and the Turkish military get off to a shaky start

Abdullah Gul, the newly elected president of Turkey, had a very shaky first encounter with the staunchly secularist Turkish army when the top brass broke with tradition and failed to salute him at a military ceremony.

Gul who is deeply mistrusted by the hardline secularists in Turkey, a primarily Moslem state, was elected president despite strong objections by the army because of his political Islamist past.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The election of an Islamist to president of Turkey is a precursor to an End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

When the ruling Islamist-rooted political party in Turkey first nominated Abdullah Gul for the presidency in April 2007, the opposition parties boycotted the vote and the army warned that it could and it would intervene to defend Turkey's secular order. Hardline secularists in Turkey backed by the Turkish military suspect Gul and his political party of harboring ambitions to undermine the separation of state and religion and they fear that with Gul in the presidency, the way to the end of the present Turkish government has been paved. When the leaders of the Turkish military pointedly failed to give the customary salute start to President Gul, who is also commander and chief of the armed forces, it became very clear it would not be an easy start to Gul's presidency because of his Islamist past.

Bible prophecy describes a scenario for the Last Days which includes Turkey as a major player in an Alignment of Nations that rise up to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. Ezekiel 38:2, 6 lists four names that are four names of the four-way division of modern-day Turkey in Biblical times. Meshech and Tubal, verse 2 and Gomer and Togarmah, verse 6 are today Turkey who in the Last Days align themselves with a number of Arab and Islamic nations who desire to destroy Israel.

An Islamist-Turkish president does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 29, 2007

A wealthy Arab leader wants to put his city on the educational and economic world map

Speaking at the world economic forum held in Jordan recently, Sheikh Mohammed al Maktoum - Vice President and PM of the United Arab Emirates, a Persian Gulf state - announced a 10 billion dollar donation to develop high quality research programs and centers and support for research in higher education institutions, the path to creating a generation of leaders in the Middle East.

Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, is already referred to as the business capital of the Middle East and the sheikh wants to add to its leadership by developing an environment that brings researchers, students, scientists, investment professionals, and policy makers all within the same community.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As Dubai in the United Arab Emirate becomes an economic, scientific, educational center in the Middle East, there is evidence that Bible prophecy for such a center in that region is closer to fulfillment than ever before.

With half of the Arab world's population under the age of 20 and with the illiteracy rates still alarmingly high, the recent 10 billion dollar donation from Sheikh Mohammed al Maktoum is sure to create generations of leaders in the region. Sheikh Mohammed's goal is to put together an environment for policy makers to come together with educational leaders and the economic financial leadership of the region and become a major force in our world.

The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote that during the End Times, knowledge will increase, Daniel 12:4. Another Jewish prophet, the Apostle John, wrote in the book of Revelation that the economic center of the world will be in the Middle East, Revelation 13:16, 17 and 18:3-16. John wrote that this educational economic center will be in the Middle East at the great city of Babylon, Revelation 18.

Dubai is quickly becoming a prototype of the city Bible prophecy described.

August 28, 2007

A leading Israeli archaeologist says the Moslems have committed a barbaric action on Jerusalem's Temple Mount

Dr. Gabby Barkai, one of Israel's leading archaeologists, has claimed that the Moslems have committed barbaric actions on the most sensitive place in archeology for the Jewish nation, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Dr. Barkai said that the dig on the Temple Mount, with tractors and heavy equipment as part of infrastructure work to repair faulty electrical lines on the ancient compound recently, was the most damaging to date and must be stopped.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the Moslems do damage to Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Last Days scenario found in Bible prophecy draws ever so close to fulfillment.

For over a month, Muslim workers from the Islamic Trust that has custodial rights to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem have been digging on this very sensitive site using tractors and heavy equipment that many say is doing horrific damage to the Temple Mount. Both Dr. Gabby Barkai and Dr. Eilat Mazar, leading archaeologists in Israel say that this is a barbaric act that must not happen and must be stopped.

According to decades old regulations in place at the Temple Mount, Israel maintains overall security control at the site while the Islamic Trust is in charge of day-to-day administration of the ancient compound. The Israeli government has overlooked the broad-scale Islamic construction on the site which has resulted in archaeological damage because of the political sensitivities involved.

This report is evidence that the Last Days scenario found in Bible prophecy is near fulfillment. I am speaking of the prophet Zechariah, for example, when he wrote that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount would be a heavy weight for those controlling the compound and the center of controversy in the Last Days, Zechariah 12:2-3. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel said that the site will house the holy Jewish temple forever, Ezekiel 37:26, 28.

Moslem destruction on the Temple Mount is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 27, 2007

Jewish settlers in Hebron are considering establishing a second Jewish state

The Jewish community in Hebron, Israel has been warning other Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, that the recent eviction of two Jewish families from their homes in the Hebron Marketplace may have laid the groundwork for future violent clashes with Israeli security forces.

This Israeli government evacuation in Hebron has sparked talk of the state of Judah, a second Jewish state, as an alternative to Israeli rule in the event of a mass withdrawal from the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, the West Bank.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Israeli government evacuations of Jewish settlers from their homes has created the potential for a second Jewish state in the Middle East which is actually the End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Because of the mass media coverage of two Jewish families being evacuated from their homes in Hebron, Israel by some 3,000 Israeli security forces, the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, now believe that this same thing might well happen to them. Former PM Ariel Sharon with his evacuation of the Jewish settlers, some 9,000 of them from the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2005, developed a division in the body politic of Israel that is increasing with this most recent evacuation of Jews from their homes on what is traditionally Jewish land. In fact, Hebron is the oldest Jewish community in the world, dating back 4,000 years to the times of Abraham who established Hebron as a Jewish community.

These recent evacuations have set the stage for the prophecy of Ezekiel to be fulfilled. In Ezekiel 37:15-23 it speaks of two Jewish states in the Last Days, one named Israel, the other named Judah. A knowledge of current events among the Jewish settlers and a search of the internet will reveal how close this second Jewish state may well be.

With this recent incident in Hebron, Jewish settlers in the ancient Jewish city are now discussing the possibility of a second Jewish state, the state of Judah.

August 24, 2007

Infectious diseases are spreading around the globe faster than ever before

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning that states infectious diseases are emerging more quickly and spreading faster around the globe than ever and are becoming increasingly difficult to treat.

The UN said in its annual world health report that an outbreak or epidemic in one part of the world is only a few hours away from becoming an imminent threat somewhere else because billions of people are moving around the planet every year. The UN agency warned that there was a good possibility of another major scourge like AIDS, SARS, or Ebola fever with the potential of killing millions appearing in the coming years.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The potential for the rapid spread of an infectious disease around the globe in the coming years is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The WHO and the UN in their annual world health report have issued warnings in the past, but this most recent report should get the attention of world leaders and in fact, everybody on planet Earth. As billions of people move around the globe, the spread of infectious disease has become faster than ever and this potential will only increase not decrease.

The director general of WHO says that mass travel is facilitating the rapid spread of infectious diseases which no country can shield itself from an invasion thereof. This alarming report is not meant to scare anybody, but for all to realize the potential disaster ahead and understand the prophetic significance of this report.

Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse, warned of pestilence would be an indication of His soon return to the Earth. Pestilence is in essence pandemic disease, that means infectious diseases spreading rapidly across the Earth. Revelation 6:7-8 is the prophecy of the Fourth Seal Judgment which will take place on the Earth during the first half of the seven year Tribulation Period, and that judgment is death.

With infectious diseases as one reason for one-fourth of the Earth's population dying, the rapid spread of infectious diseases across the globe is indeed setting te stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 23, 2007

A number of Middle East countries are speeding up their Middle East development projects

In recent months, a number of Arab countries have boosted their nuclear programs in what experts believe to be a response to Iran's aggressive drive to acquire nuclear weapons with these Arab nations saying they are simply developing nuclear technology for peaceful means.

Analysts however, point out that most of the nations in question are in possession of huge oil reserves or they have access to natural resources which can easily be used to produce the needed power thereby eliminating the need for the costly development of nuclear facilities. Experts argue that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Libya and Turkey are speeding up their nuclear development due to the interest of global powers competing to sell their nuclear technology.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The nuclear surge in the Middle East should alarm the world and help us to realize the geopolitical ramifications of these developments especially in light of Biblical prophecy.

The world has been focused on Iran's nuclear development program that experts claim has positioned Iran to have a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction (NWMD) within a short period of time, maybe within the next one or two years. Now, there is a growing concern with the nuclear surge in the Middle East as a number of nations rush to develop their own nuclear capabilities. Experts are particularly curious as to the nuclear programs in a region which holds approximately 25% of the Earth's oil resources.

Some experts stress that peaceful nuclear technology can easily be converted to serve a nuclear weapons program. The list of nations who are developing these nuclear programs are the same countries on the list of nations that align themselves for an attack on the Jewish state of Israel in the Last Days.

The ancient Jewish prophets Daniel and Ezekiel and the Psalmist list the nations that will be included in this coalition of enemies against Israel, Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83. Under the guise of fear of the Iranian nuclear threat these Middle East nations are developing an arsenal that could be used against Israel.

August 22, 2007

A new Noah's Ark is ready to sail

Johan Huibers, a creationist from the Netherlands, has built a replica of the biblical Ark of Noah as a testament to his faith in the literal truth of the Bible and the account of the worldwide flood some 4,500 years ago as recorded in the Bible.

Some have brought attention to the time of completion of the ark in light of the global warming issue; however, Huibers said he wasn't worried about another biblical flood since according to the Bible book of Genesis, the rainbow is the sign of God's promise never to flood the world again. Huibers said that he hopes the Noah's Ark project will renew interest in Christianity and the literal truths found in the Bible, especially in light of the times in which we live today.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The replica of Noah's Ark built by a Dutch creationist living in the Netherlands is a reminder of what Jesus said about the Days of Noah as it relates to the End Times, that is according to Bible prophecy.

After working for two years, Johan Huibers' construction of the Ark of Noah's day is only about half as large as the original Noah's Ark built 4,500 years ago, but its builder wants to remind the world of how it was in Noah's Day. The builder of the new Noah's Ark is a creationist and student of the Bible which he studies as literal and he wants to remind the world how it was in Noah's day and show the similarities to our day.

The Bible records the words of Jesus referring to the Days of Noah when He said that as the days of Noah were so it shall be in the days of the return of the Lord to earth, that's Matthew 24:37-42. Those days were days of multiple marriages, murder carried out for religious reasons, the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, the thoughts of man's heart were evil continually and man repented not, that's when the worldwide flood came as judgment upon the earth, and that's recorded in Genesis chapters 6, 7, and 8.

Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24, said "As it was in those days, so shall it be in the days of the coming of Jesus Christ back to the earth", Ark or no Ark.

August 21, 2007

There is a report that Israeli PM Olmert is ready to give up control of the Temple Mount

The Arab officials who are negotiating an agreement with Israeli PM Olmert have made it clear that they will not accept any final peace arrangement with Israel unless the Jewish state forfeit's the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site.

A spokesperson for Israeli PM Olmert said the PM's office had no comment; however, an Israeli newspaper is reporting that Olmert is willing to discus joint Israeli-Arab control over the Temple Mount compound. A chief Arab negotiator said there will be no peace agreement with Israel unless the Arabs have complete sovereignty over the Temple Mount, then the Arabs will make assurances for Jewish visits to the site.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An Israeli government that is willing to give up any portion of the Temple Mount is in contradiction to God's plan for this sacred spot according to Bible prophecy.

After the Six Day War in 1967, the Israeli government gave up custodial rights to the Temple Mount to an Islamic Trust. Even though the Jewish people control the Temple Mount, Judaism's most holy site, the Israelis thought it a strategic diplomatic move to give control to the Moslems; however, Israel does still have sovereignty over the site. With word that the present Israeli government is willing to give up sovereignty over the Temple Mount and the Arabs demanding that they do so in order to get a peace agreement, the stage is set for the prophetic scenario found in Bible prophecy to unfold.

God has chosen the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as the place where He will dwell among the Jewish people forever, Psalm 132:13-14. Jesus, in a pre-incarnate appearance before Zechariah, told the ancient Jewish prophet that He would return to Jerusalem and build His temple on the Temple Mount, Zechariah 1:16, 6:12. Zechariah also said that Jerusalem, and in particular the Temple Mount, would be a place of controversy at the time of the End, Zechariah 12:2.

August 20, 2007

Pope Benedict, during his visit to the Moslem country of Turkey, calls the divisions among Christians, "a scandel to the world."

In a meeting with the religious leader of the Orthodox churches worldwide at his ancient enclave in Turkey, a Muslim country, Pope Benedict called the divisions among Christians a scandal to the world.

The Pope also appeared to send conflicting signals to Turkey's political establishment as he recalled the deep roots of Christianity in Europe, this after the Pope's endorsement for the Muslim nation to become a member state in the European Union (EU). This meeting between Pope Benedict and Patriarch Bartholomew is part of Benedict's plan to fully unite these two ancient branches of Christianity which split nearly 1,000 years ago.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The ecumenical goal of Pope Benedict to unite the Catholic Church with the Orthodox Church after a 1,000 year split is a precursor to a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The very controversial trip to the Muslim country of Turkey by the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict, has included a political significance as well as a religious significance. The Pope's trip to Turkey has been an endeavor to mend fences between the Papacy and the Muslim world. Included in the Pope's pronouncements of his desire to develop closer relationships between the Muslim and Christian world, Benedict also has endorsed Turkey's effort to to become a member state in the EU which would make them the first Muslim state in the EU. Calling the divisions in the Christian world a scandal, the Pope also moved forward in his goal to reunite the Christian world under one umbrella.

This scenario is a perfect match for what will be the plan of Antichrist during the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation Period as found in Revelation 17, a one-world religion headquartered in Rome, Italy. This worldwide ecumenical church of the future coming together with the approval of the revived Roman Empire of which the EU is is a prototype.

The Pope's statements while in Turkey seem to be setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 17, 2007

Russian and Chinese military forces hold dramatic war games

A series of dramatic war games have been held in the Ural Mountains of Russia at the close of the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization between the Russians and the Chinese military forces and also included military personnel from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The events marked the culmination of a nine day exercise that has been dubbed "Peace Mission 2007" and is seen as a display of strength again st the West an exercise held for the first time in Russia and by far the largest joint military exercise that has been held by China and Russia to this date. These two former Cold War rivals have developed what they call a strategic partnership with the curbing of the US dominance in world affairs at the top of their agenda.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A series of dramatic war games held jointly by China and Russia draws attention to an End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

It is not the first time that China and Russia have held joint war games, but this time it is by far the largest of such exercises ever held and for the first time the military exercises were held in Russia's Ural Mountains. The bill for this joint military exercise was mostly footed by Russia and they expected the symbolism of this event to strike a cord well beyond the region, particularly in Washington. Attending the summit as an observer of the military exercises was Iranian President Ahmadinejad with the possibility of joining with China and Russia as a full member in the future.

The report of these joint military exercises between Russia and China is evidenced that the End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy is drawing closer and closer. Both Russia and China will have a major role in the Last Days and during the seven year Tribulation Period that leads up to the Return of Jesus Christ back to the Earth. Russia, the Magog of Ezekiel 38:2 will be the leader of the Alignment of Nations that will come against the Jewish state of Israel at the first of the seven year period. China, the Kings of the East in Revelation 16:12, is the major player at the end of the Tribulation Period just before the Second Coming of Jesus.

These dramatic joint war games between Russia and China, held in Russia, do indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 16, 2007

Evangelicals are joining with the Vatican to create a code of conduct for conversions

Evangelical groups have recently joined efforts spearheaded by the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and mainstream Protestant churches to create a common code of conduct for religious conversions that would, so they say, reserve the right of Christians to spread their religion while avoiding conflict among different faiths.

The World Council of Churches, the Vatican and now the World Evangelical Alliance have joined together to create this code that aims to ease tensions with Muslims, Hindus and other religious groups that fear losing adhearance. Muslims, Hindus and some religious groups often will resort to punishments as extreme as imprisonment and even death for converts from their faith and foreign missionaries who endeavor to convert these peoples.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The creation of a code of conduct for conversions put together by the Vatican, the Orthodox and Evangelicals is a precursor to an End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

In recent meetings between the Vatican, the Orthodox Church leaders and so-called Evangelical leaders, the creation of a code of conduct on conversion is being prepared so that tensions with Muslims, Hindus and other religious groups will be removed. Evangelization has caused concern among the branches of the church because of the vigor with which Evangelical congregations have led the drive for conversions at home and around the world. Some conservative Christian leaders say that the blurring of the command to evangelize the world with the message that Jesus is the only way and must be preached in all of the world is not only dangerous, but it is a sign that Bible prophecy for the Last Days is coming into focus.

John the Revelator, who wrote Revelation 17 about a coming false church, warned that this type of scenario would come to pass right after the Rapture. Paul, the Apostle, wrote of a time when there would be a turning away from the power of the Word of God to false teaching about the true doctrines of the Bible, II Timothy 3:1-7.

A so-called code of conduct on conversions that hinders the spread of the true Gospel is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 15, 2007

Ultra-Orthodox Jews are expanding the population of the West Bank by large numbers

The Jewish settler population in Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, is growing twice as fast as the rest of the population in other areas in Israel and the Ultra-Orthodox community is responsible for the major portion of the annual growth in these disputed territories.

In the areas where the Ultra-Orthodox move in to establish their young families, the annual growth rate is five to six times more than Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv's growth respectively and twice as much as the growth of many other Jewish settlements. The Ultra-Orthodox rabbis sanctioned living in these settlements assuming that these territories would be annexed to Israel sometime in the near future.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The expanding population of Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Judea and Samaria is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy for these religious Jews and the land of their forefathers.

Since the end of the Six Day War in June of 1967, Jews both religious and secular have been moving into the area of Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, building their homes and raising their families. These disputed territories have increased in population over the years to nearly 500,000 people in two hundred Jewish settlements.

Now, the Israeli government is reporting that the fastest growth of population in any area of Israel is this area referred to as the West Bank, but known Biblically as Judea and Samaria.

As I mentioned, this report is a page out of the prophetic passages in God's Word. The Ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2,500 years ago that in the Last Days God would give the land of the forefathers of the Jewish people to the Jews of today, Ezekiel 36. Ezekiel the prophet was actually told to preach to the land that would bring forth man and animal and multiply them on the land, Ezekiel 36:11. Ezekiel 36:6-22 reveals what God would do with the land for the Jews and in verse 22 tells us that would be done for His holy namesake.

August 14, 2007

Mexico has launched a giant telescope that they say will give us clues about the creation of the Universe

Mexican President Vicente Fox has inaugurated a giant telescope that they say could help scientists uncover clues about the creation of the universe as it picks up radio waves that have been supposedly traveling through space for nearly the 13 billion years.

The director of the National Astrophysics Institute in Mexico said at the inauguration of the giant telescope that it would allow scientists to make discoveries about the formation and evolution of galaxies and stars and about the origin of the universe itself. President Fox said that this telescope will put Mexico in the scientific, investigative vanguard in astrophysics.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The announcement by Mexican President Vicente Fox of its new giant telescope and its potential to uncover clues about the creation of the universe has an interesting connection with Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

Vicente Fox, the president of Mexico, has inaugurated the most important scientific and technological project in the history of his country, the giant telescope that could help uncover clues to the creation of our universe. The telescope which resembles a gigantic satellite dish, sits high in the mountains where the air is so thin, that the scientists working at the site have to have bottle oxygen on hand in case of an emergency. The National Astrophysics Institute in Mexico believes that this new telescope will help mankind to discover the formation and the evolution of galaxies, the stars, and even the universe itself.

This investigation into the origins of the universe is evidence that modern day science does not accept the account of Creation, the origins of this universe and all that is in it, as found in the Bible in Genesis 1. This is actually what Peter the Apostle said would happen in the Last Days. Men would be willfully ignorant or dumb on purpose about God's creative act for everything that is, that's found in II Peter 3:1-8.

A denial of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is also coupled with this denial that God created this world.

August 13, 2007

Thousands of Islamists Have Called for a Caliphat, a World-Wide Islamic Kingdom

Some eighty thousand Islamist recently came together from around the world, meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia to press for the re-establishment of a caliphat. a world-wide kingdom across the Moslem world.

The event was organized by the liberation party which was founded in Jerusalem in the 1950's by a Palestinian religious scholar and experts believe the group idealogically is in concert with the Jihadist, Islamic holy war groups, and they are using peaceful means that are purely tactical.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by thousands of Islamists for a world-wide Islamic kingdom today is a precursor for confrontation with the Messiah, Jesus Christ, in a soon-coming tomorrow, that is according to Bible prophecy.

In the last two years Iranian President Ahmadinejad has repeatedly said that we are now living in the apocolyptic age, a time near to the coming of the Islamic Mahdi, the Islamic Messiah.

Now, the Moslem in the street is joining with this Islamic leader to call for revival of the caliphat, a world-wide Islamic kingdom that would be under Sharia Law, the Islamic Law and answer to Allah, the Islamic deity.

In a recent conference held in Jakarta, Indonesia, the largest Moslem gathering in the world of this type, some eighty thousand Moslems and their leaders, called for the caliphat to be re-established.

This scenario that I have just described will bring about a universal confrontation in the future as we draw close to the time when Jesus Christ will come to earth to establish His kingdom, a physical kingdom in our world that will be headquartered in the Middle East from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The ancient Jewish prophets, especially Daniel and Ezekiel, speak about the Lord's kingdom that will be established and will be in existence forever, that's Daniel 7:13-14. Ezekiel wrote of the temple that will be located in Jerusalem that Jesus will build and as Messiah it will be His seat of authority and He will establish His earthly kingdom, His universal kingdom, from that spot, that's Ezekiel 40-46 with special attention on Ezekiel 43:1-7.

The call by thousands of Moslems for a caliphat, a world-wide Islamic kingdom is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

August 10, 2007

The World Bank is preparing to fund a project to keep the Dead Sea alive

Scientists report that the Dead Sea, located in the Jordan Valley of Israel, is receding at an astonishing rate of 3 feet per year which has brought together Israel, Jordan and the PA in an effort to stop the demise of the Dead Sea which is economically important to the entire region.

The World Bank has raised the funds for a feasibility study to look into transferring seawater from the Red Sea at the Southern border of both Israel and Jordan to the Dead Sea, a study to determine the economic feasibility of the Red-Dead Project and to conclude what environmental impact it would have on the region. The Dead Sea is known as a terminal body of water with its primary source of water being the Jordan River and this water supply has been declining sharply for the last thirty years so that the water level of the Dead Sea is dropping rapidly.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Red-Dead Project, an effort to stop the Dead Sea from dying, could well set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

For a number of years, Israeli officials have been concerned about the demise of the Dead Sea with its rapid rate of evaporation and the continuing decease in the water from the Jordan River, the only water source for the Dead Sea. Several rescue projects had been proposed over the years to turn this environmental and economic disaster around. Now, with the World Bank joining with Israel, Jordan and the PA, there seems to be a potential for reversing the present trend of this region being depleted of its life giving water and the economic value it brings to all parties in the region. The Red-Dead Project, which would pump water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, could restore not only the water needed for the region, but firm up the economic importance of the Dead Sea to all parties involved.

In light of Bible prophecy, the Red-Dead Project could play a key role in preparing the region for the scenario called for in God's Word for the Last Days. Ezekiel 38 reveals that the Russian-led coalition of nations that will come against Israel at the beginning of the Tribulation in an effort to destroy the Jewish state will also come to take unto themselves an economic spoil, Ezekiel 38:12. Ezekiel 38:13 even mentions gold and silver as a part of that spoil which could be a result of the economic power revitalized by a restored Dead Sea.

August 09, 2007

A political leader in the Netherlands has called for a ban on the Koran in his country

A member of the Dutch Parliament and the leader of the Dutch Freedom Party, member of the parliament Geert Wilders, has called for a ban on the Koran in the Netherlands describing the Islam holy book as a "fascist" text that exhorts followers to kill and rape.

Wilders compared the Koran to Adolf Hitler's autobiography Mein Kampf and said that the Koran has no place in a constitutional state when the Koran itself calls on Moslems to oppress, persecute and kill Christians, Jews and all non-believers. The Dutch member of parliament says that for years he has said that there is no such thing as a moderate Moslem, which in the Koran calls for Moslems to establish Islamic states if need be by force.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recent claim by a Dutch political leader that the Koran calls for Moslems to kill non-believers and establish an Islamic world-wide kingdom by force is a precursor to the scenario for the Last Days as found in Bible prophecy.

Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch parliament in the Netherlands has for years said that there is no such thing as a moderate Moslem. Now, the Dutch member of parliament has called for the Koran to be banned in his country because it does call for Moslems to kill non-believers like Jews and Christians and allows for the beating of women and even the rape of women.

These shocking accusations are in the face of those in the Moslem world that say the militant Moslems have kidnapped a peaceful religion. This debate will continue in the secular and religious worlds, but the Bible does speak to the issue when discussing Islamic beliefs.

John the Apostle, wrote in I John 4:3 that anyone who says Jesus Christ is not the Son of God in the flesh is the spirit of Antichrist. The ancient Jewish prophets Ezekiel, Daniel and the Psalmist wrote of an Alignment of Nations that will come against the Jewish state of Israel in the Last Days in an effort to destroy them, and the lowest common denominator is their Islamic faith. Ezekiel 39:1-6 reveals these nations will be destroyed early on in the seven year Tribulation Period, but until then, terrorism spreading across the world under the guise of Islam.

August 08, 2007

Scientists say the Arctic was once a tropical paradise

Scientists have found with first of its kind core samples dug up from the deep beneath the Arctic Ocean floor that 55 million years ago, according to their estimates, an area near the North Pole was practically a subtropical paradise.

The scientists say their findings are a glimpse backward into a much warmer than thought polar region heated by runamuck greenhouse gases that came about naturally.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The supposed scientific study that revealed the Arctic was a tropical paradise 55 million years ago also reveals that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. A recent article in Nature Magazine featuring the report of researchers finding that millions of years ago the average temperature in the Arctic near the North Pole was 74 degrees Fahrenheit concludes that this Northern region was somewhat of a subtropical paradise.

Interestingly, these research scientists say they knew of this thermal event but can only suggest that perhaps massive releases of methane from the ocean or lots of volcanic eruptions caused the Arctic to have this greenhouse effect.

According to the biblical account of Creation, this scientific report is only partially true. The Arctic was once a tropical paradise. The Genesis account of Creation says that all the foliage that makes up a tropical region was actually brought into existence on the third day of Creation, that's Genesis 1:9-13. According to the biblical account of the worldwide Flood, that took place 1,500 years after Creation, there was no winter until after the Flood, when seasons first appeared, that's Genesis 8:22. Thus, the first 1,500 years after Creation there was indeed a greenhouse effect over all the earth, including the Arctic near the North Pole; the whole earth was a tropical paradise.

According to II Peter 3:3-8, these scientists who appear to be willfully ignorant of what really happened in the past, are evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 07, 2007

Israeli government forces forcibly expelled Jewish families from the oldest Jewish community in history

The expulsion of two Jewish families from their homes in Hevron located in Israel has been completed forcibly evicting the Jews from their homes built on the site of the former Hevron marketplace with the Israeli army destroying the homes so that the Jewish families could not return.

A spokesman for the Hevron Jewish community, Noam Amon, said that despite the eviction, the struggle for the Hevron Marketplace built upon the ruins of the city's old Jewish Quarter is not over, the families will be back in their homes. A number of IDF soldiers refused to participate in the expulsion and IDF leaders say these soldiers will be disciplined for failing to follow orders, orders which the soldiers say called for them to evict Jewish people from Jewish property.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With the IDF forcibly evicting Jewish families from their homes in Hevron, the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The situation in Hevron, the oldest Jewish community in the history of the world dating back some 4,000 years ago to the times of Abraham, a situation where the Jews have been expelled from Jewish property by their own Jewish government.

History records a Jewish presence in Hevron down through the centuries including the second king of Israel, King David, reigning over Judah for seven years from Hevron, II Samuel 5:1-5. In 1929, the Moslems slaughtered many Jews in the Hevron and expelled the rest of them from the city, which has become the basis upon which these Jewish settlers claim a right to their homes in the Hevron Marketplace.

This action in Hevron by the Israeli government has divided the body politic of Israel and is setting the stage for a second Jewish state which the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel calls for in his prophecy which is Ezekiel 37:15-23, the two sticks in this passage as the two Jewish states.

The IDF expulsion of Jews from their homes in Hevron does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 06, 2007

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met in Jericho with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss the creation of a Palestinian state

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert became the first Israeli Prime Minister to visit a Palestinian town since the outbreak of violence 7 years ago, meeting for three hours with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Jericho to talk about the creation of a Palestinian state.

Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said that the Palestinians hoped the two leaders would set up the outlines for a final peace deal to be presented to the United States sponsored Middle East Peace Conference upcoming later this year.

The four core issues between the Israelis and the Palestinians for a future peace deal are the final borders of a Palestinian state, the division of Jerusalem, the removal of all Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria and the fate of Palestinian refugees.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The leaders of Israel and the Palestinians meeting in Jericho to discuss the creation of a Palestinian state is a pre-cursor to the end times scenario for these two peoples that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Prime Minister Ehoud Olmert meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss the creation of a Palestinian state and holding that meeting in Jericho is a major development in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The fact that this meeting took place in Jericho the first city that God gave to the Jews as they entered the Promised Land 3,500 years ago is ironic in that it is the sight where the Jews are now talking about giving up that God given land.

Bible prophecy speaks of the Palestinians, the Edomites, descendants of Esau of Biblical times, and reveals that in the last days they would come to take the land of the Jewish people, God given land, Ezekiel 35:10-14.

Malachi 1 reveals that when the Edomites, the Palestinians of today, when they set their borders, God will call their borders the borders of wickedness and He will tell them He has indignation against them forever.

The meeting in Jericho between Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 03, 2007

Russia has planted their flag under the North Pole

Russian explorers have planted their country's flag on the seabed some 14,000 feet below the North pole in an attempt to further Moscow's claim to the Arctic, an expedition in search of geological evidence to backup Moscow's claim to the resource-rich Arctic seabed.

Russian explorers traveling aboard two mini-submarines on what is believed to be the first expedition of its kind planted the rust-proof titanium metal flag on the Arctic seabed and then collected scientific samples on a risky journey back to the surface. Several countries, including the US and Canada, reject Russia's claim to the North Pole which is not currently regarded as part of any single country's territory and is therefore administered by the International Seabed Authority.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Russia's claim of ownership of the North Pole and its resource-rich Arctic seabed is another evidence of the End Times role that Russia plays in the Last Days, according to Bible prophecy.

Any Russian watcher must admit that Vladimir Putin has been making political moves that seem to indicate the Russian President's desire to bring his nation back to superpower status and regain the influence they had during the Cold War. In fact, the term, "Cold War", has surfaced in Putin's political rhetoric as it relates to many issues on the world scene today. Putin's rejection of US anti-missile bases in Europe, the Kosovo Plan by the US and the UN, the acceptance of terrorist organizations as co-equals and the transfer of nuclear technology and technicians to Iran has placed Putin at odds with many world leaders.

These steps by Vladimir Putin have also uniquely set the stage for an End Time scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. Ezekiel 38:2 lists Russia, Magog in the text, as the leader of a coalition of nations that come against Israel in the Last Days. The nations that Russia today has embraced in both political and military partnerships are also mentioned in Daniel 11:40-43 and Psalm 83.

The seemingly in-your-face planting of a Russian flag at the North Pole is evidence that the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 02, 2007

A Christian leader refers to an End Time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy as speculative and that converting Jews is not a goal

An official with Christians United for Israel, a pro-Zionist Christian group, says that Christian Zionists do not support Israel based on a speculative End Times scenario in the future but it is based on God's biblical covenants with the people of Israel in the past.

This same official stated that conversion of Jews to Jesus Christ was not the organization's goal and reports indicate that Jewish groups have embraced Christians United for Israel under the influence of large contributions to fund raising campaigns by groups under CUFI's founder John Hagee's control.

Janet Parshall, a Christian talk show host, said that the Christian Zionist movement has a kind of blind support for Israel, that Israel can do no wrong and she charged some of the leaders in the movement foster that Jews could be saved outside of Jesus.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An End Times scenario for the Jews that does not include Jesus Christ is totally contradictory to the Bible and will lead to another Holocaust.

Recently, two different letters referring to Israel today arrived at the White House for President Bush with two different opinions about what should politically be the US approach to the Jewish state and their relationship with the Arab neighbors. The letters indicated a division among Christians as to how we should or should not support the Israeli government. There has been a growing movement among Bible believing Christians as to their support for Israel and whether we as Christians should back away from trying to lead Jews to Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Lord and Savior.

God's Word is plain about all people, both Gentiles and Jews, they must come to salvation by way of the cross and through Jesus Christ, John 14:6. It is because of the covenants that the Lord made with the Jewish people that there is and End Times scenario that is unfolding today as prophesied in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Rejection of the fact that God has a plan for the Jews in Bible prophecy is anti-biblical and will indeed lead to the fulfillment of all prophecy including the persecution and ultimate slaughter of the Jewish people.

August 01, 2007

Saudi Arabia and Syria say they will attend the Middle East peace conference

In what is considered somewhat of a diplomatic coup, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice has announced that Saudi Arabia has agreed to attend the international peace conference to be held later this year and the Saudi announcement comes on the heels of the FM of Syria saying that they also will attend the conference.

Condoleeza Rice, traveling throughout the region meeting with Middle Eastern leaders, is doing the ground work for the upcoming peace conference that at first, was not accepted as a real possibility to bring Israel and its Arab neighbors to the table to negotiate a comprehensive peace agreement. The fact that Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern nations will join the conference with Israel in attendance is a real diplomatic advancement in the efforts to bring peace to the region.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The potential for an international peace conference with Arabs and Jews at the same table is a precursor to the scenario for the Last Days that can be found in Bible prophecy.

When President Bush announced his desire to host an international Middle East peace conference in the region, it was not well received by many Middle Eastern leaders. Interestingly, the EU FMs and even the new Middle East peace envoy for the Quartet, Tony Blair, echoed the desire to see peace negotiations back on track after several years of going nowhere. The first response by Saudi Arabia and Syria and even the Arab League was that this conference would actually accomplish no advancement in a comprehensive peace in the Middle East unless Israel was willing to return to pre-1967 borders which had been a no-starter for the Israelis. Now, PM Olmert is sending signals that the Saudi plan is at least a beginning point for negotiations.

Talk of peace in the Middle East that could become a reality has long been desired by world leaders, but is looking more and more like the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days. Daniel 9:27 reveals a peace, howbeit a pseudo peace, that will be in place after the Rapture and at the time of the appearance of a world leader who can bring it all together, a world leader known as the Antichrist. Ezekiel 38:8, 11 indicate that it is during this short-termed peace that the nations who will attend this international peace conference will attack Israel.