
March 23, 2007

As the member states of the EU celebrate their 50th anniversary, there are many questions about its future

In Brussels, Rome, Berlin, and London, the EU celebrated with a party atmosphere the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome signed March 25, 1957 which brought about the common market of Europe and is today the EU.

Even as the year long celebration continues, there are many questions as to the future of this United States of Europe which includes one voice on foreign policy, a new voting system for the nation-states to fairly reflect their size, and the election of a permanent president to lead the EU into the future. The debate also continues over expansion of the EU to include new member states and in particular states in the Middle East, like Turkey, which will open the door for the Islamic states to become members of the EU.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the EU marks its 50th anniversary, the comparison to the old Roman Empire plays right into a scenario that fits Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The year long celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, the foundation for the EU, brings to the surface the many problems faced by this union of member states in Europe. The ratification of a constitution is uttermost in the minds of the EU leaders who want a treaty that will resolve some of these major hurdles. Two major factors must be dealt with which a constitution could take care: a new system for voting by the member states which would fairly reflect their size and the election of a leader; howbeit a very strong leader, to take the helm of this ship of state of state to guide it into the future. Bible prophecy has for 2,500 years revealed a scenario that seemingly is describing what we see happening in our world today.

Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet, recorded the interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel chapter 2 and the prophet's dream as well in Daniel chapter 7 which describes ten toes or ten horns that come to power and form the revived Roman Empire. The ten region solution for voting suggested by EU leaders would fulfill that prophecy. A strong leader to head up the EU which a constitution calls for would also set the stage for the one-world dictator, the Antichrist, the prophecy that Daniel gave 2,500 years ago; all prophecies that will be fulfilled.

A strong leader to head up the EU which a constitution calls for would also set the stage for the one-world dictator, the Antichrist, the prophecy that Daniel gave 2,500 years ago; all prophecies that will be fulfilled.