
September 28, 2007

The Vatican has called on Moslems to reject violence and work for peace

As Moslems around the world mark the month long Islamic holy days of Ramadan, the Vatican has called on Moslems to reject violence and work for peace by entering into a dialog to help all escape from the endless spiral of conflict and violence.

The Vatican's top official in charge of relations with Moslems, Cardinal Tehran, has pledged to back the moderate forces within Islam and to help defeat extremist groups that encourage terrorism. The relations between the Vatican and Moslems were badly strained last year when Pope Benedict linked Islam to violence, which angered the Moslem world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by the Vatican for Moslems to reject violence and work for peace is a precursor for the End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

In the aftermath of a speech given by Pope Benedict where he linked Islam to violence, the Moslem world responded with anger and a threat of violence. Now, the Vatican is calling for the so-called moderate forces in Islam to begin a dialog and to reject violence and work for peace.

This call comes from the Vatican during the month long celebration of Ramadan. Ramadan is the holiest month on the Islamic calendar and celebrates the giving of the Koran to Mohamed. The Koran is the Islamic holy book and it actually refutes refutes the Bible, the holy book for the Jews and Christians, in addition to that, it denounces the people of the Book, the Bible, as non-believers. Then, the Koran calls for non-believers to convert or die.

Bible prophecy sets the scenario for the End Times. It is a scenario calling for a religious leader from Rome to confront Islam in the Last Days, Revelation 17. Daniel 9:27 reveals that this religious leader will also call for violence to stop and peace to be put in its place.

The call from the Vatican for Moslems to reject violence and to work for peace is surely a precursor for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.