
August 29, 2008

Barak Obama launches an historic campaign

The Democratic National Convention witnessed an historic event as America's first Black man to receive the nomination to run for President of the US, Barak Obama, launched his historic campaign in front of some 75,000 people at Mile High Stadium in Denver, Colorado.

The spectacular event of Obama's acceptance speech played out in a stadium usually reserved for the National Football League, concluded a week of partisan politics at the Democratic National Convention and set the stage for the Republican National Convention to take place next week. Both candidates for President of the US believe that they are the one to lead America into the next four years, four years that look to be a rough ride with the world scene as it is today and seemingly becoming more dangerous moment by moment.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The election of a US President will indeed impact the world and help set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

As the two major candidates for President of the US square off in the days leading up to the November election date, citizens of the US will hear from both candiates high sounding rhetoric plus accusations that the other candidate has no clue as to how to move this nation into the next four years. By the time election day rolls around, most US voters will be bored with all the campaign slogans and the continual stream of TV spots explaining why their candidate is the best for President.

This scenario is actually how politics works and it's part of a process for selecting the person to become a world leader and the US President, the outgrowth of God's establishment of human government found in Genesis 9:6. Romans 13 reveals that the one selected to lead America in the future will be the one the Lord has put in place, Romans 13:1. In Revelation 17:17, the student of Bible prophecy comes to an understanding that God uses world leaders to accomplish His will, which is evidenced in Bible history and predicted for Bible prophecy.

The world stage is set today and the actors for the last drama to be played out are quickly moving into place, the curtain is about to go up on the last act before the Lord's return.

August 28, 2008

NASA-like technology will allow the world to see and read the Dead Sea Scrolls

The Israeli Antiquities Authority is working on a project that will allow scientists to use space age NASA-like technology to bring to light the faded scripts of thousands of fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest existing record of the Old Testament.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, Israel's greatest archaeological find, were found in 1947 by a Bedwin shepherd boy near the ancient Jewish community of Kumran on the shores of the Dead Sea, a factor that actually helped preserve these ancient manuscripts. This NASA-like technology will allow for the preservation of the entire collection of the Dead Sea Scrolls as well as the opportunity for scholars, religious leaders and any interested party to view these ancient manuscripts.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and now with NASA-like technology being used to read these ancient manuscripts, the world can read the words of ancient Jewish prophets who prewrote human history which is being played out today.

Scientists and skeptics have for years complained about not being able to have access to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Israel's Antiquity Authority has put in place a five year project that will give all interested parties the opportunity to view all the Dead Sea Scrolls and study the message found in these ancient manuscripts. Uniquely, all the books of the Old Testament are a part of the collection of scrolls except the book of Esther and there are multiple copies of many of the prophetic books. These prophetic books layout God's plan for the Jewish people for the "last days".

Time will not allow me to recite all prophetic scenarios, but only two examples. For example, the scroll of Ezekiel speaks of an "end time" regathering of the Jewish people to the land of their forefathers, Ezekiel 34-37. Jeremiah's scroll speaks of a terrible time in the future for the Jews, but promises that God will deliver the Jews from the "Time of Jacob's Trouble", Jeremiah 30-33.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are tangible evidence of Bible prophecy.

August 27, 2008

Condoleeza Rice on a visit to Israel applied pressure on Israeli leaders to divide the city of Jerusalem

On her recent trip to Israel, US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice worked at a crazy pace to get an agreement for a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria with the city of Jerusalem as the capital of both Israel and the Palestinian state, and all of this to be done before January 2009.

Rice has been pressing the Israeli government to sign a document by the end of the year that would divide the city of Jerusalem giving the eastern section of the city to the Palestinians and this Palestinian state capital would include the Temple Mount a very sacred and holy site to the Jewish people.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The US pressure on Israel to divide the city of Jerusalem is a major step forward to a Palestinian state and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

US President George W. Bush wants an agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians by January 2009 and he has dispatched Secretary of State Rice to Jerusalem to make that happen. US pressure on the Israeli government is not only focused on the agreement that allows for a Palestinian state, but also the reversal of what happened in 1967 when Israel reunited the city of Jerusalem. The Palestinians are demanding that some part of Jerusalem must be the capital of a state of Palestine and they want the eastern section of the city which includes the Old City, the Jewish Quarter and the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount is the most sacred piece of real estate in the universe to the Jewish people and they say it must be the undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish people.

Bible prophecy agrees with the Jews and foretells of the controversy that will surround Jerusalem in the "last days", Zechariah 12:2-3. Zechariah also reveals that the Lord will return to Jerusalem to build His Temple from which He will rule and reign in the thousand year Kingdom to come, Zechariah 1:16, 6:12-13.

US pressure to divide Jerusalem does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 26, 2008

Two Israeli energy companies believe there is a major source of oil in the Judean Desert

Two Israeli energy companies: Genco Oil Explorations and Delek Energy Systems believe there is a major source of oil to be found in the Judean Desert near the southern end of the Dead Sea and they want to drill an exploratory hole 6,000 ft. deep to see if indeed they are correct.

The Israeli Parks Authority has in the past, granted permission for exploratory drilling, but environmental groups say any such drilling in this area would destroy the fragile ecosystem in this nature reserve which is the site of the potential oil source. Energy experts in Israel say there is oil around the Dead Sea because of its unique geological properties and in the area they would like to drill for oil near the Dead Sea, it is the likeliest place in Israel to find a major source of oil.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A major source of oil in Israel near the Dead Sea would play a key role in the "end times" scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

For a number of years there have been speculators that have claimed there were major sources of oil in the land of Israel. Some of these speculators even used the Bible to substantiate their claims as to where this oil source was located. Now, two mainstream Israeli energy companies believe they know exactly where to find this major supply of oil and want to drill an exploratory hole to prove their belief, but they have run into opposition from environmentalists. It is logical that there would be oil nearthe Dead Sea because of its unique geological properties, but the Bible also lends creedence to this speculation as evidence by Genesis 14:10.

Prophetically, the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote in Ezekiel 38:4 of a hook in the jaw of Israel's enemies that would bring them into the land of Israel to take a spoil, Ezekiel 38:13.

Geopolitical events in our world today seem to have a common denominator and it is oil. This potential oil source in Israel could be that hook which will draw Israel's enemy into the land.

August 25, 2008

A campaign across Judea and Samaria is calling for a second Jewish state

There is a campaign underway in Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, to choose a flag and anthem for the new Jewish state that is being planned in the event the Israeli government follows through on promises made at the Annapolis Peace Summit to withdraw all Jews from the settlements in Judea and Samaria.

The initiative, published in the pamphlet, "Our Land of Israel", which is distributed in synagogues on the Sabbath, is offering a prize of several thousand shekels to be awarded to the participant whose design is adopted. Rabbi Dov Wolpe, the spokesperson for this initiative, says the only solution is to declare the establishment of an autonomous Jewish state in Judea and Samaria that will unite the Jewish settlements as a state to be.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The very serious initiative to establish a second Jewish state in Judea and Samaria is in perfect harmony with the End Time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

In the aftermath of the Middle East Peace Summit held in Annapolis, Maryland, there is a major move among rabbis in the Judea and Samaria region to establish a second Jewish state as an alternative to the proposed withdrawal of the Jewish settlements from the region. The possibility of a second Jewish state in Judea and Samaria has been discussed for a number of years, but the concessions made by the Israeli government to the Palestinians to remove the Jewish settlers for a future Palestinian state has now put in motion a serious plan to erect this state to be.

As I previously mentioned, this initiative is in perfect harmony with Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophets, Malachi, Jeremiah and Ezekiel all wrote about a second Jewish state during the End Times near the time of the Coming of the Messiah, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Malachi 2, Jeremiah 3 and Ezekiel 37. Ezekiel wrote that the two states would be called Israel and Judah, Ezekiel 37:15-23.

August 22, 2008

The US military will quit Iraq by 2012

US and Iraqi negotiators have reached an agreement on a proposal calling for a complete US military withdrawal from Iraq by 2012 - a deal that must be approved by both sides and it's a deal that was reached during the recent trip to Baghdad by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The Iraqi government wants the option of keeping the American forces in cities and towns if in 2011 Iraq sees a need for US forces to remain in order to firm up the security situation on the ground.

Secretary Rice and Prime Minister Maliki said that their ultimate goal is to have Iraqi forces responsible for the security of Iraq and this agreement will lay the foundation that is needed for making certain that the work is completed that so many have sacrificed so much to accomplish.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The United States - Iraq agreement for the American troops to withdraw from Iraq sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

On the campaign trail, both US presidential candidates have offered their plan for a resolution of the United States involvement in the Iraqi war. Both sides want to see the United States military leave Iraq and return home - and their advisers have different ideas as to how this may be accomplished. The plan that seems to be coming together between the United States and Iraq may be the answer to a very tough situation. Whatever may happen in the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and when it actually does happen will come about eventually.

However, there is something that we can know for sure about the story in Iraq, when the troops withdraw the story will not be complete. Bible prophecy describes a world headquarters for a one world, political, economic, governmental system that will be headed up by a powerful world leader known in Biblical terms as the Antichrist. That is found in Revelation 18. Today's Iraq is Biblical Babylon and the end time scenario for Babylon is first to come to power in the last 3 1/2 years of the 7 year Tribulation period and then to be completely destroyed. That is found in Isaiah 13 - 14, Jeremiah 50 - 51, and Revelation 16 and 18.

The withdrawal of American troops from Iraq will indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 21, 2008

Global Jihad is on the rise

Islamic expert and historian Bernard Lewis and former CIA director James Woolsey, both speaking at the Herzliya Conference in Israel, warned that global Jihad was on the rise, with Lewis adding that the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979 signified the first major victory in the global Islamic push toward that goal.

Lewis said that the whole Arab and Muslim world is experiencing the second stage of the Islamic revolution in Iraq and James Woolsey lamented the fate of Europe which he sees as already having been compromised in what he calls World War IV, the third having been the Cold War. Both Lewis and Woolsey warned that the Iranian Shiite sect is not the only threat posed by Islam, they included the radical Wahabism of the Sunni sect of Islam as well.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The warning of a global Jihad, a worldwide holy war, from a former director of the world's largest intelligence agency has a similarity to the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the End Times.

At the Herzliya Conference in Israel, a gathering of academics, politicos, military personnel and the media, the warning of a global Jihad on the near horizon rang out through the meeting halls of the conference confirmed by two experts on Islam. All of the Islamic world, including the Shiite sect as well as the Sunni sect are preparing for what the ancient Jewish prophet Joel revealed would happen in the Last Days.

Joel, in chapter 2:2-3, reveals the prophecy of the largest military militia ever to move on the Earth, they will make their way towards Jerusalem to destroy the Jewish state. This army will be a Muslim army as confirmed by the nations involved in the alignment of nations found in Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83. Ezekiel 38:18-39:6 says that this Muslim militia involved in global Jihad will be destroyed early on in the seven year Tribulation Period soon after the Rapture.

The warning of the rise of global Jihad is evidence we're quickly approaching the time when Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 20, 2008

Syria's President Bashur Assad says Israeli aid to Georgia encourages Syrian-Russian military agreements

On a visit to Moscow, Syrian President Bashur Assad said the fact that Russia's conflict with Georgia in which Moscow says Georgia used Israeli supplied military equipment, underlined the need for Russia and Syria to strengthen their military cooperation.

Assad used the visit to expand military ties with Russia whose arm sales to the Middle East state have angered the US and Israel and this visit comes at a time when Russia is considering closer ties with the Arab world. President Assad told Russia his country would deploy Russian missile systems in Syria in response to the US missile shield in Europe.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Syria's military cooperation with Russia in today's world is a precursor to an alignment between these two countries in a prophetic future tomorrow.

On the hills of the Russian-Georgian conflict and all of its ramifications, the visit by Syria's President Bashur Assad to Moscow put a spotlight on an alignment between two nations that are major players in the Last Days according to Bible prophecy. During the former Soviet Union days, the Arab world was sold military equipment in order to fight against Israel. Now, Russia is considering the renewal of this transfer of military weapons and technology that could arm Syria and all of the Arab nations to the extent that they could stand up to Israel's military might.

This scenario was foretold in Bible prophecy by the ancient Jewish prophets Daniel and Ezekiel 2,500 years ago. The Magog of Ezekiel 38:2 is modern day Russia and the King of the North in Daniel 11:40-42 is modern day Syria. Daniel's prophecy reveals that Syria will be the first nation to make a move against Israel before all of the other Arab and Islamic states join in the battle, Daniel 11:40-44.

This meeting in Moscow between Syria and Russia is indeed a precursor to the End Times scenario found in Bible prophecy.

August 19, 2008

A landmark archaeological discovery found in the British museum gives proof of Old Testament truth

An expert on ancient Babylon, Dr. Michael Jersey of Vienna, has discovered a small clay tablet located in the British museum that is a landmark archaeological discovery and provides proof of the Old Testament's veracity.

Though the tablet was unearthed near Baghdad in 1920, only recently has it been deciphered by Dr. Jersey which led to the discovery of the records of a donation of gold by the chief eunuch of King Nebuchadnezzar. Dr. Jersey quickly consulted Jeremiah 39 where he found the man's name listed as one of Nebuchadnezzar's top ministers who actually took part in the destruction of the first Temple in Jerusalem 2,500 years ago.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An ancient Babylonian tablet found in the British museum is evidence that the nation of Iraq will be destroyed forever according to Bible prophecy.

A recent discovery in the British museum by an expert on ancient Babylon gives a direct link to the Bible and the Babylonian history under King Nebuchadnezzar. The Babylonian tablet gives the name of one of Nebuchadnezzar's top ministers which is the same name of Nebuchadnezzar's men found in Jeremiah 39. This Old Testament passage used by the archaeologist is the account of King Nebuchadnezzar's siege of the city of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC.

It was that destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem 2,500 years ago that God said would be the reason He would destroy the Babylonians, the modern-day Iraqis, forever, Jeremiah 50:28, 51:11. However, before the Babylonians and the literal city of Babylon are destroyed, this nation and the city of Babylon will become the headquarters for the one-world, economic, political, governmental system led by Antichrist, Revelation 18.

Of course, that war-torn nation must be rebuilt and become the power center of the world before the destruction as recorded in Revelation 16:17-21.

August 18, 2008

Israel's Stake in the Russia-Georgia Conflict

As the conflict between Russia and Georgia unfolded, it became clear that there was an "Israeli factor" in the conflict. This was evidenced by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) training of the Georgian military and much of the armament used by Georgia being purchased from Israel.

There was a large Jewish community in Georgia that was airlifted by Israel's national airline El Al out of the war-zone and into Israel - somewhat of a forced immigration to the Jewish state.

It is now also known that much of the oil that Israel uses domestically and militarily comes through the oil pipeline that comes from the Caspian Sea through Georgia and Turkey to the port city of Haifa, Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Russian-Georgian conflict and its impact on both Europe and the Middle East is a precursor to a scenario found in Bible prophecy.

The world watched as the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took charge of the Russian military, which seemed to come alive in the Blitz they made into Georgia. There is no one who believes that this conflict just happened - but instead it was orchestrated by Russian leaders to reassert their nation as a major player on the world stage.

The conflict has caused ripples across Eastern Europe and the Middle East as one reporter put it, "This is Russia 'back to the future'." But don't forget the Israeli factor in this conflict. Bible prophecy reveals that Russia will lead a coalition of Arab and Islamic states against Israel at the very onset of the Tribuation period, (Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11). Ezekiel 39:2-6 states that this Russia-lead coalition will be wiped out by a heavenly invasion, leaving only 1/6 of the Islamic world intact. Until then, Russia and the Islamic nations will be major players on the world scene.

August 15, 2008

Pope Benedict says that the Roman Catholic Church is the one church that Jesus Christ established on earth

In a document issued by the Vatican's congregation for the doctrine of the faith, it contained Pope Benedict's assertion that the Roman Catholic Church is the one church that Jesus Christ established on earth.

The Pope's statement also said that other Christian denominations cannot be called "churches" in the proper sense of the word, a comment that has prompted condemnation and confusion from Protestants and the Orthodox.

The pronouncement from the Vatican said that Pope Benedict was trying to clarify teachings from the second Vatican council of 1962-1965 which the current Pope attended and has been very concerned over its liberal interpretations.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Pope Benedict's statement that the Catholic Church is the church that Christ established on earth has a prophetic significance that is played out during the End Times according to Bible prophecy.

Pope Benedict, the very conservative leader of the world-wide Catholic Church, has made another very controversial statement. Last summer, the Pope angered the Muslim world when he referred to Islam as a dangerous religion.

This summer, the Pope's new assertion that the Catholic Church is the church that Jesus Christ establish here on earth has brought about condemnation and confusion. What is interesting is that the Pope's assertion parallels the prophecy found in the book of Revelation about a one-world church in the future.

John the Apostle, who wrote Revelation, wrote in Revelation 17 of a one-world church coming to power in the first half of the Tribulation Period and being led by the Antichrist. That church described in Revelation 17 will be headquartered in Rome, Italy and will be the only church of that time in history.

John, in Revelation 17, describes in detail that coming false church during the Tribulation Period. Hear me please now, I did not say that the Catholic Church is that false church of Revelation 17.

I have only reported the latest news from the Vatican which does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 14, 2008

Jordanian border officials forbid religious Jews to enter Jordan with a Bible

Jordanian border officials refused to allow a group of religious Israeli tourists that were carrying religious objects, such as their Bibles, to enter the country and said it was a safety measure to avoid potential terror threats.

The Israeli tourists were detained at the border crossing and were notified of the new regulations that prohibits entry into Jordan with Jewish prayer books, Bibles or the Talmud, which is extra-Biblical Jewish writing. The Jewish tourists said it was very demeaning to have such a negative experience in what is build as a friendly country; however, a Jordanian security official said the decision was taken only for security reasons.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recent incident where Jordanian border officials stopped religious Jews from entering Jordan with Bibles is in contradiction to the directive that Jesus gave the Jewish people for the End Times.

A group of religious Jews wanting to visit Jordan recently was somewhat humiliated as they thought they were being singled out because they were Jewish when they were not allowed to enter Jordan with their Bibles, Talmud and other religious items. Even though Jordanian border officials said it was a matter of security for the Israeli tourists, it was noticed that Christians were allowed to enter the country with such items. The vast majority of the Israeli Jewish tourists decided that as proud Israelis they would not enter Jordan unless they could do so with their religious objects including their Bibles. This report is in contrast to what will happen during the seven year Tribulation Period, the future time of Jacob's Trouble, the time of judgment yet to come.

Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse recorded in Matthew 24, told the Jews who saw the Temple in Jerusalem being desecrated during this time of judgment, the Abomination of Desolation of Matthew 24:15, to flee towards the mountains in Southern Jordan to a place called "Petra". This would be a place prepared by God to protect the Jewish people during the Tribulation, Revelation 12:6. Isaiah 63:1-6 gives proof that this special place is indeed Petra.

In the future period of judgment Jews will not be stopped at the Jordanian border.

August 13, 2008

Scientists say that the global oil reserves could run out within four years

There is a group of scientists based in London that have challenged the major review of global oil reserves and they are warning that oil supplies will start to run out in only four years time, a report that governments and oil companies are not ready to admit according to the scientists.

Dr. Colin Campbell, the head of this delegation of scientists says that world consumption of oil will catch and then out strip the discovery of new reserves even as oil reserves are depleted affecting the world economy.

A survey of the four countries with the biggest reported reserves Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Kuwait reveals major concerns especially since consumption is increasing by 2 to 3 million barrels a day, each year.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The depletion of global oil reserves within the next four years may well speed up the fulfillment of the End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Two-thirds of the world's oil reserves lie in the Middle East and increasing demand will have to be met with massive increases in supply from the region. Scientists now believe that within four years global oil reserves will begin to run out.

This report if correct could have a major impact on the Middle East region and in particular the major oil producers in the region Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. In reality, the sale of oil by these middle eastern nations has been the key factor in the influence of these nations who lead the war against the Jewish state in the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Psalm 83, Daniel 11, and Ezekiel 38 reveal the Middle Eastern nations that attack Israel in the Last Days. In the book Joel chapter 2 there is a description of the mighty militia that will go to Jerusalem to set up its world empire.

Daniel 9:27 and 11:45 reveals that a world economic leader will come to power. Revelation 18 says that he will be headquartered in the midst of these oil rich nations, nations about to deplete their oil resources.

The time seems short until Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

August 12, 2008

The Palestinians have proposed a one state solution that could mean the end of a Jewish state in Israel

The Palestinian negotiators for the Israeli-Palestinian talks are saying Israel's strategy in negotiations could force the Palestinians to abandon their goal of a two state solution and instead work towards a single state for Israelis and Palestinians in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

Israeli leaders fear such an agreement would spell the end of the Jewish state of Israel because of the demographics which indicates the growth rate of the Palestinian people is much greater than that of the Jewish people. Even with the Israeli offer to withdraw from over 90% of Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, the Palestinians say the Israeli strategy for negotiations is not allowing the Palestinians to have their own state with connecting borders and Jerusalem as its capital, thus the proposal for a single bi-national state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With the recent suggestion of a single bi-national state of Israel made up of Israeli Jews and Palestinians, the world moves ever so close to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

With both the Israelis and the Palestinians frustrated with the ongoing negotiations between the two peoples there is an idea that is being floated by the Palestinian negotiator of a single bi-national state instead of the two state solution. This state, Israel, would have both Jewish and Palestinian citizens and the two peoples would have equal status in the state. The Israeli Jews believe this type of solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would only destroy the Jewishness of the state and because demographics bring about the demise of a Jewish state in the Middle East.

Bible prophecy spoke to this issue some 2,500 years ago when the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote that the Edomites of biblical times, the Palestinians of today, would take the state of Israel and the land from the Jewish people and make it their state, Ezekiel 35. Malachi, another Jewish prophet, in chapter 1 of his prophecy said that when the Palestinians did establish this state, the Lord would call their borders the borders of wickedness and have indignation against the Palestinian people.

These passages of prophetic truth fit the Palestinian plan for a one state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

August 11, 2008

The conflict between Georgia and Russia is more than a fight for human rights; it is more about regional and world power

The world has been watching as the conflict between the mighty Russian military and the very small military forces of Georgia, both former members of the old Soviet Union, as they both say it is a war over the small regional province of South Ossetia and the Russian citizens in this break away state in Georgia.

Georgia, late last week, moved to bring South
Ossetia back into the fold and in the process killed several Russian peacekeepers which gave Russia the much wanted excuse to move troops and military armament into the area.

World leaders have called on the two states to come to an agreement on a ceasefire, even as military operations continue on the ground, with many being killed and thousands being wounded and/or made to flee their homes to get out of of harms way.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Russia's aggressive military action against Georgia is evidence that the pre-written history, written by the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel, is near to fulfillment.

Over the weekend the conflict between Russia and Georgia heated up with both sides accusing the other as being the blame for the conflict. Meanwhile, the world watches as the two nations discuss a ceasefire, even as the fighting continues.

The truth of the matter is that Russian's Prime Minister Putin, who took hands-on control of the military operation, is moving to assert the Russian dominance in the region and this particular conflict is a part of Putin's strategy to take over the entire region, as was the case during the time the old Soviet Union.

This scenario is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days as reported in Ezekiel 38. In Ezekiel 38:2 the Magog in the passage is modern day Russia, and the Gog is the leader of this world power in the last days.

I cannot say that Vladimir Putin is the Gog of Ezekiel 38:2, but I can say that
he is a perfect prototype of the one who will lead Russia and a coalition of Arab and Islamic nations, against the Jewish state of Israel.

Ezekiel's prophecy is coming into better focus each and every day, and the conflict between Russia and Georgia is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 08, 2008

Sunday marks the destruction of both the first and second Jewish Temples in Jerusalem

Sunday is Tish B'Av, the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av, the day which in 586 BC the Babylonian army under King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and it also marks the day, Tish B'Av in 70AD, that General Titus led the Roman army to destroy the second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

Jews will gather at the seven gates leading into the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to read the biblical book of Lamentations and pray for a Jewish Temple to be on the Temple Mount next year on Tish B'Av. The desire to rebuild the Jewish Temple has caused a number of Jews to work at making preparations for the next Temple by preparing the implements to be used at the Temple when it is in full operation and to train all the men who will perform those activities at the Temple.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the Jews mourn the destruction of both their first and second Temples on this Tish B'Av, they also pray for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem which is called for in Bible prophecy, and by the way, all preparations have been made for this Temple to be rebuilt.

Jews, on the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av, Tish B'Av, go to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to read the book of Lamentations as they mourn over the destruction of the two previous Jewish Temples in the holy city. For almost 2,000 years, there has been no Temple on Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Zechariah 6:12 reveals to us that the Branch, a name for Jesus Christ, will come back to build His Temple. That Temple, the Messiah's Temple as described in Ezekiel 40-46, will be where Jesus Christ will rule and reign during the Millennial Kingdom in the future. However, before Jesus builds His Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Antichrist will help the Jewish people erect a Temple on the Temple Mount, Daniel 11:45. This Temple will be the one desecrated by the Antichrist during the Tribulation Period which follows the Rapture. All preparations have been made for this next Temple to be built.

Tish B'Av and Jewish prayers for the next Temple do indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 07, 2008

The last official airlift of Ethiopian Jews have arrived in Israel marking the end to an era

The era of large scale Ethiopian-Jewish immigration to Israel has come to a close with the last official airlift of Ethiopian Jews arriving recently at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport bringing to an end a state organized campaign which began 30 years ago.

Israeli officials say there will no longer be immigration on the scale of "Operation Moses" or "Operation Solomon" which were both major missions to bring Ethiopian Jews to Israel by air and sea in the 1980's and the 1990's.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The arrival of hundreds and thousands of Ethiopian Jews in Israel over the last 30 years has been at least the partial fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The latest arrival of Ethiopian Jews at Ben Gurion Airport brought to an end the era of major movements of immigration by the Jews of Ethiopia. The two major airlifts, "Operation Moses" in the 1980's and the historic airlift in 1991,"Operation Solomon", brought starving Ethiopian Jews to their homeland of Israel. I covered the events of "Operation Solomon" in May of 1991 when the Israeli government moved 15,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel from Addas Ababa in a 24 hour period using some 42 aircraft with 28 of them in the air at one time. One big jumbo jet that normally carries around 400 people took out all of the seats and put 1,087 Ethiopian Jews on the airplane for the flight to Israel. By the way, while that flight was in the air, there were seven babies born on the plane before it arrived in Israel.

The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel said the Lord would find Jews from around the world and bring them into Israel during the End Times, Ezekiel 34:11-14. Another Jewish prophet, Zephaniah said there would be Jews from the African nation of Ethiopia that would come to the land of their forefathers in the Last Days, Zephaniah 3:10.

The arrival of Ethiopian Jews in Israel is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 06, 2008

A wealthy Arab leader wants to put his city on the educational and economic world map

Speaking at the world economic forum held in Jordan recently, Sheikh Mohammed al Maktoum - Vice President and PM of the United Arab Emirates, a Persian Gulf state - announced a 10 billion dollar donation to develop high quality research programs and centers and support for research in higher education institutions, the path to creating a generation of leaders in the Middle East.

Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, is already referred to as the business capital of the Middle East and the sheikh wants to add to its leadership by developing an environment that brings researchers, students, scientists, investment professionals, and policy makers all within the same community.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As Dubai in the United Arab Emirate becomes an economic, scientific, educational center in the Middle East, there is evidence that Bible prophecy for such a center in that region is closer to fulfillment than ever before.

With half of the Arab world's population under the age of 20 and with the illiteracy rates still alarmingly high, the recent 10 billion dollar donation from Sheikh Mohammed al Maktoum is sure to create generations of leaders in the region. Sheikh Mohammed's goal is to put together an environment for policy makers to come together with educational leaders and the economic financial leadership of the region and become a major force in our world.

The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote that during the End Times, knowledge will increase, Daniel 12:4. Another Jewish prophet, the Apostle John, wrote in the book of Revelation that the economic center of the world will be in the Middle East, Revelation 13:16, 17 and 18:3-16. John wrote that this educational economic center will be in the Middle East at the great city of Babylon, Revelation 18.

Dubai is quickly becoming a prototype of the city Bible prophecy described.

August 05, 2008

An Israeli archaeologist has unearthed biblical proof of the prophet Jeremiah in the ancient City of David

Dr. Eilat Mazar, professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the leader of the archaeological team digging at the City of David, has unearthed proof of another biblical story, this time a story of one of the ministers of King Zedekiah from the period of the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem.

A completely in tact seal impression or "bula" bearing the name of Pashur was uncovered only a few feet away from a second such seal which was found three years ago, this first seal also belonging to a minister of King Zedekiah. Dr. Mazar remarked that this archaeological find is absolutely fantastic and very special, and again gives proof of the authority and authenticity of the biblical account of the city of Jerusalem and the Babylonian captivity of the Jewish people.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Archaeological proof of the biblical book of Jeremiah has a historic significance as well as a profound prophetic significance for the Last Days.

The archaeological find of two different seal impressions with the names of two ministers in the court of the Jewish King Zedekiah dates back some 2,600 years ago and is of great historic significance. The two ministers are two of a number of men who encouraged King Zedekiah to put the prophet Jeremiah to death because he had prophesied that the king should surrender Jerusalem to the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar instead of fighting the invading army, Jeremiah 38:1-4.

Jeremiah 50-51, which reveals the total destruction of Babylon, is for today or at least in the near future as it relates to the modern day name for Babylon, the nation of Iraq. Revelation 18 reveals that Babylon, modern day Iraq, will be the international headquarters for the one-world, economic, political, governmental system led by the one-world dictator, the Antichrist.

All that we see unfolding in Iraq today is indeed setting the stage for the prophecies in Jeremiah against Babylon. The archaeological find in Jerusalem is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 04, 2008

There are Hundreds of Millions of Believers in China

In a recent survey taken by the Chinese State Media it has been revealed that more than thirty percent of the people of China above the age of sixteen consider themselves as "religious", which could be three times higher than what the Chinese officials had estimated.

This report suggests that three hundred million people nationwide in China could be religious, compared to the official figure of one hundred million, allowing this report to back up suspicions that religion has been enjoying a resurgence in China over the past twenty years and this as the communist party disapproval of the exercise of religion has eased up somewhat.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recent survey taken in China of the country's religious beliefs revealed that even an atheistic nation is vulnerable to the spread of the truth as will be the case across the entire world in the future days of judgment, that according to Bible prophecy.

Reports in recent years coming out of Communist China indicated there were millions of Christians in the underground church that were being jailed or persecuted for their beliefs. Hundreds of missionaries have worked closely with this underground church to distribute Bibles, to witness to Chinese people in the street, and to otherwise try to spread the message of Christ to a needy people.

Now, the official Chinese media are reporting that the government's estimates may be way off with three times what they had estimated as the number of believers in China. What's unique about this report is that it is similar to the report that will come out of the Tribulation Period, a seven year period of judgment yet in the future, the time between the Rapture of the Church and the return of Jesus Christ to Earth.

The book of Revelation tells of two witnesses, two preachers, that will be located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the first half of the Tribulation Period and they will have a ministry that will turn people to Christianity and Jesus Christ, that's Revelation 11:3-7. Revelation 7:4-9 speaks of one hundred and forty four thousand Jewish men coming to Christ and then they will spread across the world to preach the gospel to everyone on Earth.

In fact, Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 that when everyone on Earth had heard the gospel during that seven year Tribulation Period, He would return to the Earth to setup His Kingdom.

August 01, 2008

Summer camps in the Gaza Strip are teaching Palestinian children to fire rockets

Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip on their annual summer camp vacation can choose between Hamas and Islamic Jihad summer camps, both offering militant type training, Koran classes and lessons on political prisoners.

Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad are Palestinian Islamic terrorist organizations that are involved in an armed struggle with Israel and these two terrorist groups are holding hundreds of summer camps with tens of thousands of Palestinian children learning how to fire rockets and other militia type training.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Summer camps that teach Palestinian children to be radical Islamic militant terrorists is preparation for the next generation to be the fulfillment of the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

With hundreds of summer camps teaching tens of thousands of Palestinian children to become Islamic militant warriors, the face of the Middle East is not going to change from the terroristic activities to the peaceful coexistence that world leaders are calling for in this conflict-prone region. Training a child to fire a rocket, to learn how to wage war and be committed to the 'holy war' philosophy of Islam is indeed preparing a generation that will take the armed struggle between the Palestinians and the Israelis to a new level.

This conflict dates back to a struggle in the womb of Rebekkah, the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau, Genesis 25:22-23. In this passage, the Lord told Rebekkah there were two nations in her womb and they would be in conflict until the end of time. If you trace these two sons, Jacob and Esau, throughout the Scriptures you will see that they become the Jewish people from Jacob and the Palestinian people from Esau. Bible prophecy teaches that these two people will indeed be in conflict until Jesus Christ returns, Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49 and Obadiah.

Summer camps led by Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip are preparing the next Palestinian generation to be the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.