
November 28, 2008

An expert on terrorism says thet terror attack on Mumbai is evidence that terrorism has truly become a war

David Autman, an expert on terrorism, says that the terror attack on Mumbai should serve as a sign to decision makers and strategic planners in recognizing that terrorism has become a war and accepted approaches to terrorism are a mistake. Autman says that today a terrorist army is not meant only to sting the enemy, but that in the end, it has the ability to be victorious in addition to drawing attention to a special cause and the world is slow to prepare for this growing threat.

Terrorist experts say that the events in Mumbai must act as a warning and a turning point in the world's treatment of the local terrorist armies based in various parts of the world and that there is a threat to the world's stability as a whole.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The lack of a serious approach to the war on terrorism by world leaders is a precursor to the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

After 9-11 and the attack by 19 terrorists on the Twin Towers in New York City, world leaders, for a period of time, were conscious to the threat of terrorism and that there needed to be an all out confrontation of terrorism. George W. Bush even used the term, "a war on terrorism", and the United States President launched a campaign to combat terrorism. However, the farther away we get from 9-11 and the reality that terrorists could strike near us and not some faraway place, the less intense the war on terrorism has become. Terrorists are a military unit attacking innocent people and they must be dealt with as any other enemy in a full-fledged war according to terrorist experts.

Jesus told his disciples during His Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 that just before He returns to the Earth, there will be wars and rumors of wars, nation against nation, and kingdom against kingdom (Matthew 24:6-7). The second major judgment upon the Earth when the Tribulation Period is underway will be wars all over the Earth (Revelation 6:3-4).

The terrorist attack on Mumbai must be a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled and sooner rather than later.

November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day is evidence that the US government and the Bible can work in harmony

The United States of America stops today to give thanks for all the blessings and freedoms that we have and this day is a special day set aside by the US government to do exactly what the Bible calls for us all to do, give thanks in all things.

Families will gather for the traditional Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and dressing, the young men and even some of us old guys will break out in the annual game of touch football and the ladies, well they'll be there to cheer us on, and in fact heal up any of the bruises sustained in the afternoon free-for-all. Those of us with loved ones on a far away battlefield will thank God for their protection and ask God for their safe return to the family circle for next Thanksgiving: and all of this on a day of thanksgiving required by the Bible and set aside by decree of our own government.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Today is a day set aside for all of us to be thankful, but as we move closer to the time of the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, our world will become more and more unthankful, that is according to Bible prophecy. The principle of thanksgiving: there are over 100 locations in the Bible where the scriptures speak of thanks and thanksgiving. We are told to give thanks in all things for it is the will of God in Christ Jesus, I Thessalonians 5:18.

The product of thanksgiving: interestingly when we stop to give thanks, the end result is to our own personal benefit. Paul, an apostle, in a letter that he wrote to the Philippians, states that giving thanks brings us true joy. Paul also wrote the people in Colosse that giving thanks helps us to abound in the faith, a faith that is needed for all of life Colossians 2:7.

The prophecy of unthankfulness: as we approach the time of the Second Coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Paul reminded us that he wrote a letter to Timothy to tell him that people would be unthankful at that time, II Timothy 3:2.

Unthankfulness is one of the major signs of the last days and as those days approach we need to be looking up in anticipation of His coming, but also in thanksgiving as well. Remember on this day of thanksgiving, unthankfulness is an indicator, a trend, a sign of the judgment that is coming, that is according to Bible prophecy.

November 26, 2008

French President Sarkozy wants to be the Emperor of Europe

Many Europeans leaders believe French President Sarkozy wants to continue as permanent President of the EU when it comes time for him to give up his term in the rotating presidency of the EU.

Many are saying Nicholas Sarkozy wants to be the Emperor of Europe and his aides are working actively on ways to perpetuate his EU leadership into 2009 and beyond by using the Eurozone, NATO, the New Mediterranean Union, Middle East Diplomacy, and the lead role in European-Russian discussions. "Super Sarko", as European leaders refer to President Sarkozy, has called a number of summits during his hyperactive EU presidency and has pushed for a global solution for the financial crisis that the world is now facing.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The desire of French President Sarkozy to be Emperor of Europe is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

During his tenure as temporary President of the EU French President Sarkozy has been very active in his leadership of the EU amid the international economic crisis that has hit almost every nation of the world. The US and the EU have been especially hard hit and President Sarkozy has led several financial summits looking for a solution to this global crisis. In fact, a number of times, the French President has joined and even led the call for a worldwide economic structure to bring this world out of this crisis and prevent another. Now, it seems that Sarkozy, who has relished his role as leader of the EU, wants to be the Emperor of Europe.

Bible prophecy does indeed call for a powerful leader to lead the revived Roman Empire into the future. This leader will be the one who will bring peace to the Middle East and setup a global financial system, Daniel 7, Revelation 13:16-17 and Revelation 18.

With the EU as at least the infrastructure for the revived Roman Empire and the presidency of the EU as similar to the leadership role of the Antichrist, it does seem that President Sarkozy's desire to be Emperor of Europe sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 25, 2008

A number of nations are calling for an international economic power structure

The UK and Germany believe that a new international system regulating the financial sector of our world must be constructed to prevent a repeat of another global banking crisis in the future and it would be an international authority that will make the traffic rules for financial markets.

Great Britain's financial minister Alister Darling said just as one government cannot combat terrorism, so one government cannot deal with the consequences of globalization. There is now a need for a global system of financial regulation. China has also called for a world order to battle a financial tsunami, a financial order no longer dependent on the US, but one that would create a diversified currency and a financial system that would be a fair and just financial world order.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by Great Britain, Germany and China for a new worldwide financial order, one not dependent on the US, is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The economic crisis that has been created in the US has affected every financial market around the world and has motivated some world leaders to look for an alternative to the US as the foundation of a world economy. With world leaders now looking for a system to fix this global economy, the calls for an international regulator of the global financial markets is similar to a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Revelation 18 is a prophecy of just such an international financial system, a new world financial order that will be in place for the last 3 1/2 years of the seven year Tribulation Period. This one world economic system will be headquartered in Babylon, which is modern day Iraq, also found in Revelation 18. The leader of this economic system will be the Antichrist which rules and reigns from Babylon. This economic system will ultimately be destroyed, Revelation 16:17-20, Isaiah 13, 14 and Jeremiah 50, 51, but that will happen only after Jesus Christ, the Messiah returns to the earth.

The present worldwide financial crisis is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 24, 2008

Israeli President Shimon Peres says that Iran wants to convert the Middle East into one religious bloc

The normally soft-spoken and peace-loving Israeli President, Shimon Peres, says that the Iranian leadership's grand design is to convert the Middle East into one religious bloc and that Iran's leadership is obsessed with the quest for a regional religious domination. Peres says that this quest is supported by long range missiles, enriched uranium, and fanatic incitement - all enhanced by the excessive price of oil.

The Israeli president says that Iran is attempting to impose their version of Islam on everyone and whoever disagrees is deemed a heretic and is doomed to disappear.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Iran's desire to have their brand of Islam as the dominant religious belief of all the Middle East is in lockstep with the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

The radical rhetoric of Iran's President Ahmadinejad is only the public display of the true beliefs of the Supreme Council in Iran that allows Ahmadinejad to be their front man. The Supreme Council in Iran is made up of a number of ayatollahs, high ranking Shiite Muslim clerics.

The truth be known, all political, economic, and even military decisions are made by the Supreme Council. All Iranian religious leaders believe that the world is now in the Apocalyptic Age and that the Muslim messiah, the Mahdi, is about to appear. Islam does have an eschatology, a belief in end time events.

Bible prophecy, though not mentioning the word "Islam", does describe the religious foundation of the many Middle East nations that have aligned themselves to attack Israel, (Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83). The prophetic book of Joel, in chapter 2, reveals a mighty army in the last days, the largest ever assembled in the history of this world, that will come to Jerusalem to take over the Jewish state and set up a caliphate, a world-wide kingdom.

Iran's desire to convert the Middle East states to their brand of Islam is in lockstep with Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

November 21, 2008

Israeli President Shimon Peres says that his nation is on the verge of a civil war

During a state visit to England and when Shimon Peres was knighted, the Israeli president told the members of British Parliament that his nation would have difficulty dismantling the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria without causing a civil war in Israel.

Peres told the British Parliament that he and the present Israeli government had responded positively to the Arab peace initiative, the Saudi Peace Plan, which calls for the Jewish settlements to be evacuated returning Israel to the pre-1967 Six Day War borders.

Based upon experience, the Israeli president believes that the Jewish settlers will go to war before they destroy their homes and leave Judea and Samaria, a portion of Israel, that the Jewish settlers believe is God given.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by the Israeli President Shimon Peres that Israel is on the verge of a civil war is a precursor to the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The former Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, told United States President George Bush several years ago that Israel was about to go to a civil war. Sharon was not talking about a war between Jews and Palestinians but a war between Jews and fellow Jews. Now with the Israeli President Shimon Peres echoing the former prime minister, the situation has become very serious.

In light of recent Israeli government decisions to evacuate Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and plans to do the same in Judea and Samaria, a potential for a civil war in Israel is very high. One Israeli official even said that right now there is a state within a state in Israel.

Bible prophecy actually calls for a second Jewish state during the end times (Malachi 2 and Ezekiel 37:15-23). The "two sticks" in Ezekiel 37, Israel and Judah, are the two Jewish states that will be in existence at the time of the return of Jesus Christ after the seven year Tribulation period.

The potential civil war in Israel is indeed a precursor to Bible prophecy being fulfilled.

November 20, 2008

Iran already has enough nuclear material for one atomic bomb

According to nuclear experts who have analyzed the latest report from global atomic inspectors, Iran has now produced roughly enough nuclear material to make, with added purification, a single atomic bomb. A routine update from the International Atomic Energy Agency which has been conducting inspections of Iran's main nuclear facility states that the Iranians clearly have enough enriched uranium for at least one nuclear bomb.

However, nuclear experts say that Iran would have to further purify the fuel and put it into a warhead design, a technical advance that Western experts are unsure Iran has yet achieved.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that nuclear experts say that Iran now has enough material to make one atomic bomb is evidence that Bible prophecy is ever so close to being fulfilled.

The world has been standing by watching as Iran has manipulated the United Nations inspectors just long enough to achieve its goal of enriching enough uranium to make a nuclear weapon of mass destruction. Now the latest report from the United Nations inspectors has led nuclear experts to conclude that Iran can now produce at least one atomic bomb.

This report is solid evidence that the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy is as I said, ever so close to fulfillment. From Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 we learn that Iran is a major player in the last days. Israeli President Shimon Peres said recently that Iran is obsessed with its quest for a Middle East region religious bloc with its Islamic faith at the center of this bloc.

All Middle Eastern nations have a healthy fear of Iran. However, they all are to some extent into this dominant religious bloc. The ancient Jewish prophet Joel revealed the formation of a major military army, the largest ever formed on the Earth that will attack Israel at the beginning of the seven year Tribulation Period (Joel 2).

Iran's capability to have a nuclear weapon of mass destruction right now does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 19, 2008

Hamas called on Egypt to send its army into Jerusalem to liberate the al Aqsa Mosque

The Egyptian FM suggested recently that Egyptian soldiers should take over the security in the Gaza Strip. The Hamas spokesman, Ismail Radwan said Arab countries should send their armies to the Israeli capital and take over Jerusalem which the PA wants as its capital for the state of Palestine.

The call by Hamas for the Arab world to liberate al Aqsa Mosque located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem means the most sacred spot on earth to Judaism, the Temple Mount, could see the armies of the Arab world take action against the heart of Israel and the Jewish people. Hamas, the Palestinian-Islamic terror organization, has bitterly objected to the ongoing talks between the PA President Mahmoud Abbas and the Israelis and wants the Arab and Islamic world to make plans for a conquest of Jerusalem and that to take place very soon.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by Hamas for the Arab and Islamic world to send its armies into Jerusalem to liberate the Temple Mount is a scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the "end times".

Rejecting the suggestion from Egypt's FM that the Egyptian army should take over security in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has called for what could become a major conflict in the Middle East. The Hamas spokesman has called for the Arab and Moslem world to enter Jerusalem and liberate the al Aqsa Mosque which is located on the Temple Mount, a holy site to both the Moslems and the Jews. Arab and Moslem armies on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem would signal to any student of Bible prophecy that the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ was very close at hand.

The ancient Jewish prophet Joel said that in the "last days" a mighty militia, the largest army ever formed on earth, would come to Jerusalem to take it from the Jewish people, Joel 2:1-4. There is only one group of people that could form such a military might and that is the Islamic peoples as revealed in Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83. However, before the major battle over Jerusalem takes place, Jesus Christ will call for Christians to join Him in the heavens, Revelation 4, I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and I Corinthians 15:51-53.

November 18, 2008

Scientists say that the global oil reserves could run out within four years

There is a group of scientists based in London that have challenged the major review of global oil reserves and they are warning that oil supplies will start to run out in only four years time, a report that governments and oil companies are not ready to admit according to the scientists.

Dr. Colin Campbell, the head of this delegation of scientists says that world consumption of oil will catch and then out strip the discovery of new reserves even as oil reserves are depleted affecting the world economy.

A survey of the four countries with the biggest reported reserves Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Kuwait reveals major concerns especially since consumption is increasing by 2 to 3 million barrels a day, each year.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The depletion of global oil reserves within the next four years may well speed up the fulfillment of the End Times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Two-thirds of the world's oil reserves lie in the Middle East and increasing demand will have to be met with massive increases in supply from the region. Scientists now believe that within four years global oil reserves will begin to run out.

This report if correct could have a major impact on the Middle East region and in particular the major oil producers in the region Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. In reality, the sale of oil by these middle eastern nations has been the key factor in the influence of these nations who lead the war against the Jewish state in the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Psalm 83, Daniel 11, and Ezekiel 38 reveal the Middle Eastern nations that attack Israel in the Last Days. In the book Joel chapter 2 there is a description of the mighty militia that will go to Jerusalem to set up its world empire.

Daniel 9:27 and 11:45 reveals that a world economic leader will come to power. Revelation 18 says that he will be headquartered in the midst of these oil rich nations, nations about to deplete their oil resources.

The time seems short until Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

November 17, 2008

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has called on the world to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon of mass destruction

At a recent conference of Jewish leaders from around the world held in Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told those attendees that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not terminated its pursuit of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction and that the free world must do whatever it can to prevent a nuclear Iran. Olmert told the Jewish leaders that Iran cannot become nuclear - Israel cannot afford that to happen - and that the free world must not accept a nuclear Iran.

Prime Minister Olmert did not give specific warnings about a possible Israeli action against Iran, but he did say that together the world can meet the challenge to stop Iran from attaining a nuclear weapon of mass destruction.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for the world to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power comes even as the rumors increase of an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran, a scenario that could well lead to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

There has been much speculation over the last several months that after the United States presidential elections, Israel might mount a preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear program. These rumors of such a strike have been fueled recently by the public remarks of many leaders in Israel. Prime Minister Olmert's most recent warning to the world that Iran must be stopped from developing a nuclear weapon of mass destruction only enforces what many believe will happen sooner rather than later.

Even the talk of a military action by Israel on Iran fits the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for these two nations. Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 mention Iran as an enemy of the Jewish state of Israel. Psalm 83:4 sounds exactly like what Iranian president Ahmadinejad called for - Israel to be destroyed and her name forgotten forever.

The warning from Israeli Prime Minister Olmert to the world to prevent a nuclear Iran is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 14, 2008

World leaders from the top twenty developed and emerging economies meet to develop a global fix for the global crisis

A group of world leaders from the top twenty developed and emerging economies that represent 85% of the world's economy and two-thirds of it's population are meeting in Washington D.C. to discuss how to contain the worldwide financial crisis.

In preliminary meetings around the world, these leaders have already discussed how a new global financial structure must be put in place to take care of these present problems and make sure that this does not happen again. All of the leaders agree that there is a need for urgency and that the proper action now could stimulate growth in all economies, but this can only be done through an agreement to bring about a global financial structure and have it in place in the very near future.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The leaders from the top twenty developed and/or emerging economies meeting in Washington to put in place a global financial structure to confront a worldwide financial crisis is a precursor to a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

This weekend in Washington D.C. the leaders of twenty nations will meet to set in place a global structure to help cure the present international financial crisis and at the same time, take care of any future financial problems. In regional meetings around the world, these leaders have already discussed plans for what they believe will be a new world order financially - a plan that must take control of the economies of this present world.

If you think this sounds similar to what Bible prophecy calls for in the last days, you are right. Revelation 13:16-17 reveals a financial plan where those who want to buy or sell must have a special mark on the forehead or the right hand. This same passage in Revelation states that the Antichrist, a one world leader, will take the lead of this new economic structure and that the headquarters for this new economic system will be in Babylon which is modern-day Iraq (Revelation 18).

World leaders at an economic summit in Washington are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 13, 2008

The Saudi Interfaith Conference at the United Nations has called for a law that would consider an attack on Islam as blasphemy

As Saudi Arabian King Abdullah led an interfaith conference at the United Nations in New York City, there were claims that the meeting was a front to promote a global law against blasphemy which two religious freedom writers say would crush religious freedom around the world.

The claims are that Saudi King Abdullah pushed for a proposal sponsored by the 56 member organization of Islamic Conference, that wants a law that guarantees respect of religion but is actually a coded way of granting religious leaders the right to criminalize speech and activity that they deem to insult religion.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Interfaith Conference held at the United Nations and hosted by Saudi King Abdullah is a reminder of the part that religion will play in the future according to Bible prophecy.

Many believe it ironic to have Saudi King Abdullah host the Interfaith Conference at the United Nations in New York City instead of Saudi Arabia where the king does not allow for the public practice of any religion except Islam. The fact is that the king has a government agency in Saudi Arabia that patrols his country with whips to inforce the law. The claims that this United Nations conference was just a front to implement a global law against blasphemy seems to hold water when you understand the Saudi practice. It is reported that King Abdullah wants a global law that will criminalize any public statement or action against Islam and consider these attacks as blasphemy.

This scenario unfolding around the world is setting the stage for the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy on this issue. Revelation 17 speaks of a one world religion that will be in place during the first half of the seven year Tribulation period. This one world religion will not include Islam which is an exclusive religion and will not join a global religion led by the Antichrist from Rome, Italy (Revelation 17:9). In fact, Ezekiel 39:1-6 indicates that Islam will be rendered inoperative in order that the one world religion will be able to come to power under Antichrist.

This Interfaith Conference at the United Nations is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 12, 2008

The Supreme Moslem Council says the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Jewish

Over a decade ago the Chief Moslem cleric for the Palestinian Authority(PA) Mufti Sabri stated that the claim of the Jewish people to the right of control over Jerusalem is false and that the Islamic world only recognized Islamic supervision over Jerusalem.

However, it is now known that this absolute claim to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is not absolute according to a document recently discovered, published by the Supreme Moslem Council back in 1925 which states that the Temple Mount is the site of Solomon's Temple and this is beyond dispute.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The discovery of a Moslem document stating that the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Jewish is inline with biblical history and the "endtime" scenario for Bible prophecy.

I personally stood in the office of Shiekh Sabri, the Mufti of Jerusalem, and heard this chief Moslem cleric for the PA state there was never a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and that this site was a Moslem holy site dating back 6,000 years. With his statement, which is part of a campaign to convince the world that the Jews have no claim to the Temple Mount, the Mufti, Sheikh Sabri, contradicted Jewish and biblical history but it is now known that the Mufti contradicted his own Supreme Moslem Council.

The Islamic document discovered recently that states the Temple Mount was the site of Solomon's Temple, the Temple built by Israel's third king, is in perfect harmony with Bible history, II Chronicles 3-5. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem was also the site of the second Jewish Temple built by the Jews who returned from Babylon led by Zerubbabel, Ezra 1-6. This sacred site to the Jewish people, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, will also be the site of the next Temple to be built there as well, that is according to Bible prophecy, Zechariah 1:14-16, 6:12.

However, until that Temple of the Messiah is built, controversy will surround this holy site, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as indicated by this newly discovered Moslem document.

November 11, 2008

Ceremonies across the globe are marking the 90th anniversary of the end of WWI on this Veteran's Day

At Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, DC, ceremonies were held to honor the many American men and women who have died in service to the US on this Veteran's Day 2008, one of many ceremonies around the world to honor the brave young men and women and at the same time to mark the 90th anniversary of the end of WWI.

In France, at the cemetery in Verdun, French President Sarkozy marked Armistice Day by giving tribute to the millions who died during the four year conflict of WWI, soldiers from Europe, the US, Africa, Australia and Asia.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

On Veteran's Day 2008, the world stops to remember their loved ones who gave their lives to defend liberty and to remember the end of WWI; however, this day reminds us of more wars to come that is according to Bible prophecy.

Veteran's Day in America, is a national holiday, a time to remember the Veteran's of all US wars and the sacrifices these brave young men and women made for the rest of us to be able to enjoy freedom. This Veteran's Day, November 11th, also marks the end of WWI 90 years ago. WWI was to be the last war, but as history has taught us, that would not be the case.

In fact, Jesus Christ taught in the Olivet Discourse on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago that as the age would draw to an end and before He would return to the earth, the world could expect wars and rumors of wars, nations against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms, Matthew 24:6 and 7. Revelation 19 reveals the prophecy of the "mother of all wars", the Battle of Amageddon, which takes place at the end of a seven year Tribulation Period, a terrible time of judgment yet to come.

Our world today, Veteran's Day 2008 and all the wars and rumors of wars around this world today, seems to indicate we are moving closer to the fullfillment of these prophecies.

November 10, 2008

The Prime Minister of Great Britain says it is time to build a global society

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says says that the international financial crisis has given world leaders a unique opportunity to create a truly global society and that the United States and Europe are key to forging a new world order. Brown said that the United States and Europe can and must provide leadership to lead the global effort to build a stronger and more just international order at this unique time in this global age.

Prime Minister Brown mentioned that terrorism, extremism, the global economy, and tackling poverty and disease are among the challenges that world leaders face today which a new global society, a new world order, can help to fix.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for a new world order, a global society, is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the last days.

One world leader after another has called for an international financial structure to help bring resolution to the global financial crisis. In one meeting after another in different regions of the world, this same group of world leaders say that the economic world is not all that needs to be fixed. This has prompted the British prime minister to call for a new world order, a global society that he believes will fix many of the world's problems.

This scenario being played out right now on the world stage is moving in lock step with the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the end times. The ancient Jewish prophets called for a one world religion and economic governmental political system to be in place in the seven years that lead up to the return of Jesus Christ to the Earth.

Revelation 17 describes the worldwide false religion. Revelation 18 sets forth the economic political governmental structure for a one world superpower. The prophecies in Daniel 7, 9, and 11 reveal the leader of both the worldwide religion and the economic superpower, the Antichrist.

The stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 07, 2008

Israeli experts believe there may be a major oil source in the Dead Sea area

The Israeli National Parks Council has granted three major petroleum companies in Israel permission to do exploratory drilling for oil in the Judean Desert Nature Reserve in the Dead Sea region to see if there is a major source of oil in the lowest location on the Earth.

Led by Ginko Oil Company, the three companies believe that this is the best chance for Israel to find oil, a much needed commodity in the Jewish state of Israel which relies on the Arab world to supply Israeli oil needs.

The geological department at Hebrew University says that the fact that oil has been found previously in this area near the Dead Sea could mean that there is more in the region.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The potential for a major source of oil in the Dead Sea area in Israel is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Over the years, there have been a number of petroleum wildcatters, speculators, that have suggested various locations in Israel where oil could be found. Many of these speculators even used the Bible to help convince investors to get on board searching for this oil.

Now, three very legitimate companies in Israel have received permission to do exploratory drilling in a nature reserve near the Dead Sea that could be a major source of oil, a natural resource much needed in Israel. Should these companies and this exploratory drilling prove to be successful and they find a major source of oil in Israel, it will be that which prepares the way for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Ezekiel 38 mentions several times that the invading armies that come to destroy Israel in the last days will be coming, in fact, be lured into Israel to take a spoil and maybe that spoil is oil. These prophetic passages in Ezekiel 38 are verses 4, 12, 13, and 16.

The potential for a major oil source in the Dead Sea region of Israel does indeed help set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 06, 2008

World leaders are concerned about Russian threats to place missiles in Europe and to dock their navy in the Middle East

The European Union is concerned with reports that Russia is planning to set up missile launching bases in Europe or at the European borders - missiles that have a range to hit any European target. There is also concern among world leaders that the Russian naval fleet will station some of their ships in Middle Eastern ports including Libya and Syria with the prospect of other ports in the Mediterranean region with access to the entire Middle East.

These concerns are compounded by the rumor that Vladimir Putin may be plotting his path back to the presidency of Russia to take place some time in 2009.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The aggressiveness of the Russian government on the world stage today is a precursor to the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

When Vladimir Putin stepped out of the presidency of Russia and became the Russian Prime Minister, many questions followed about Putin's real plan for the future. Now there are rumors coming out of Russia that Vladimir Putin may return to the presidency as early as 2009. If you couple this report with the moves being made by the Russian military to put in place missile launching bases within range of all European capitals and that the Russian naval fleet will have ships docked in the Middle East,you can understand the concern of world leaders.

However, Bible prophecy students know that these recent developments are all part of the prophetic scenario found in Bible prophecy for the last days. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote - in fact, prewrote - history, some 2500 years in Ezekiel 38:2 where it says that Russia, Magog in the text, would be a major player in the End Times.

The aggressiveness of Russia today is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled in a future tomorrow.

November 05, 2008

The world has witnessed an historic election in the US and world leaders are planning for the future

The body politic of America went to the polls in record numbers and have elected the first Black President of the US, a history making event that will impact the entire world.

World leaders are saying that this US election of Barack Obama as president will help in the resolution to a number of global problems including the Iraq War, the Middle East conflict and the worldwide economic crisis. Many of the Arab and Moslem nations are very optimistic about a new direction in US policy and relations as it fits their plans for the future.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The reactions of world leaders to the historic US election of Barack Obama as president reflects politcal and prophetic significance for the future.

European leaders have voiced an enthusiastic response to the election of Barack Obama and say they look forward to working with the next US president to fix the global financial crisis. The mostly Black African continent responded with joy and pride as they watched what had been considered somewhat of a racist nation elect its first Black president. Middle Eastern states and their leadership have said they are pleased to see the change in the American administration and expect a new Middle East policy to come out of Washington.

These reactions to the American presidential election will indeed have a political significance in the future, but also a prophetic significance. The leader of the free world, the US president, will make decisions that will prepare this world for God's plan for the future as laid out in the prophetic scenarios that can be found in Bible prophecy. Ancient Jewish prophets prewriting history as to what will take place in the End Times as the Lord will use the next US president to set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled, Romans 13, I Timothy 2 and Revelation 17:17.

November 04, 2008

Millions of Americans will vote today in one of the most historic US elections

Americans are voting today in one of the most historic elections in US history. Democrat Barack Obama could become the first African American President, Republican John McCain could become the oldest President elected to a first term and Sarah Palin could be the first woman elected Vice President.

Polling places across America are packed with eager voters waiting to cast their vote for the next leader of the free world, President of the US. These voters are willing to stand in line for hours if need be to exercise their franchise to vote in this presidential election. People around the world watch these US elections to see which way America will go and world leaders are eager to see the next leader of the free world as well.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The man elected President of the US will play a key role in the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

After almost three years of campaigning, the presidential elections in the US are about to be completed. Hundreds and millions of dollars have been spent to promote and or denounce one candidate or the other in this period of historic spending in this presidential election. It is expected that at the end of election day, a record number of people will have cast their vote for their choice for president. This process, the election of the American leader to take the US into the future, is a part of God's plan to lead the world into His plan for the future as found in Bible prophecy.

God instituted human government 4,500 years ago as recorded in Genesis 9:6. God instructs Bible-believing Christians to be obedient to those elected and He reminds all of us that He, God is the One who puts people in their political positions, Romans 13:1. The Lord reveals in Revelation 17:17 that He will use world leaders to have His will played out in the Last Days.

The US Presidential election will indeed help set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 03, 2008

European leaders await the new American president in a time of financial crisis

Leaders in the European Union and in fact all of Europe await the new United States president whether it be Barack Obama or John McCain because Europeans know that the winner will significantly shape United States - European Union relations at a time of the deteriorating global financial crisis.

US elections are watched closely on the other side of the Atlantic for their enormous impact especially at a time when Europe needs America to help tailor a global reform of the financial sector. European leaders say that the transatlantic agenda will be dominated by the global financial crisis and the poor economic prospects for both continents.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The United States presidential election this year will have a major impact on Europe, the Middle East, and, in fact, the entire world - not only politically but prophetically as well.

Millions of American citizens will go to the polls in this presidential election year to cast a vote for the man they desire to lead the United States into the next four years. The results of this election for president will indeed impact our world.

With the financial crisis worldwide, the next United States leader will make decisions that the European leaders hope will move the world toward a global financial structure to bring the world out of the crisis and set the financial world on a solid foundation - at least that is the hope of European leaders. Middle Eastern leaders watch closely as well realizing that the man in the White House does indeed impact the volatile Middle East.

Let me share several prophetic thoughts with you. Bible prophecy speaks of how the financial structure of this world will be controlled by a world leader, a one world leader, the Antichrist from his headquarters in Babylon, the modern-day state of Iraq. These are prophecies that are found in Revelation 13 and 18. The conflict in the Middle East will also be center stage in the last days (Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11, Psalm 83, Obadiah, Malachi 1, and many other passages).

The world indeed will be impacted by this next United States presidency. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.