
December 31, 2008

2008 Goes out with conflict in the Middle East and 2009 seems to be headed towards outright disaster

The Middle East will end 2008 in conflict, the Gaza Strip as the main focus and the prospects for 2009 look even more perilous as the region seems to be headed towards outright disaster.

All peace efforts put forward by the US, the EU and even the UN seem to have failed to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which has intensified in recent days.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As we leave 2008 and enter 2009, the prospects of Bible prophecy being fulfilled is so much greater than ever before with the conflict ridden Middle East seemingly headed towards a disaster.

The lead story on this last day of 2008 is the increasingly dangerous conflict in the Gaza Strip between Israel and the Palestinians. Though things seem to be getting better in Iraq, there is still a long journey ahead for this war torn nation. What was relatively calm in Afghanistan seems to have flared up and now looks more and more like a major trouble spot. There is no let up by the Iranians to develop a Nuclear WMD as the world stands by and watches. I say the world standing by and watching, but only the nation of Israel is standing there realizing something must be done to stop Iran from getting a Nuclear WMD even if they have to do it alone.

This report is like a page out of Bible prophecy, or should I say several pages out of Bible prophecy. As it relates to the Israelis and the Palestinians in the Gaza, that can be found in Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1 and the little book of Obadiah. Iran and Afghanistan are mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 referred to there as Persia. The Iraqi situation which has been the focus of the world for a number of years, is the scenario about Babylon mentioned in Isaiah 13-14, Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 16 and 18.

Today's Iraq is biblical Babylon as mentioned, which must be completely destroyed and this to happen as the last event to take place before Jesus returns to the earth. These Bible prophecies will be fulfilled and maybe in 2009.

December 30, 2008

Israel says it is ready for weeks of action against Hamas in the Gaza Strip

According to the Deputy Defense Minister in Israel, the Israeli military has made preparations for long weeks of action, a statement that confirms PM Olmert's declaration that what has happened so far in Gaza is the first of several stages of military action.

Israeli jets have continued their fierce air assaults on Gaza, the most intense attacks in decades, in order to stamp out militant rocket attacks by the Hamas terrorists on Israel. The US and Great Britain continue to blame Hamas for the conflict with Egypt and Jordan uncharacteristically quiet as there are demonstrations against Israel in the streets of the Arab world, but not much coming from Arab leadership.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The ongoing conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians made manifest in the Gaza Strip was foretold over 2,500 years ago by the ancient Jewish prophets.

As the focus of the world is on the Gaza Strip today, everyone must remember this conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has been going on for decades. From Israel's beginning in 1948 as a modern day nation among the nations of the world, the Palestinians have been doing all they can to keep Israel from becoming a state that could live in peace and security in the Middle East.

I said a moment ago this conflict had been going on for decades, I must correct that, this conflict has actually been going on for a millennia, around 4,000 years, since even before the birth of Jacob and Esau while these two boys were in their mother's womb, Genesis 25:22. In verse 23 of that passage, the Lord says to Rebekah, the twin boys' mother, this conflict would continue as the boys both became nations. A study of God's Word would help you to understand the Palestinian people today are the decendants of Esau and the modern day Jewish state of Israel the decendants of Jacob. The prophetic passages found in Jeremiah 49, Malachi 1, Ezekiel 35 and the little prophetic book of Obadiah reveal that this conflict will continue until Jesus Christ comes back to settle the dispute.

The military action in Gaza is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

December 29, 2008

Ahmadinejad: World's problems due to the rejection of Allah

The Iranian President Ahmadinejad, in a recent telecast seen throughout all of Europe, said that the world's problems are rooted in a rejection of Allah, the Islamic god, and if Jesus Christ lived today, He would stand up against any world powers that act as bullies. Ahmadinejad said that the crises in security, the family, morality, politics, security, and the world economy have come about because the prophets have been forgotten, Allah has been forgotten, and some world leaders are estranged from Allah.

Tehran has accused the world of trying to destabilize the Islamic Republic of Iran and to do all possible to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions of developing a nuclear weapon of mass destruction.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by Iranian President Ahmadinejad that the world's rejection of the Islamic god Allah, is the basis for all of the world's troubles, is not correct politically, or prophetically - according to Bible prophecy.

The very vocal president of Iran, President Ahmadinejad, has, over the last several years, denied that there was ever a Jewish Holocaust, that Israel must be wiped off the Earth, and that the Jewish state is near to a complete collapse. This radical rhetoric from the radical Muslim leader has now hit a higher pitch as he says that god, the Islamic god Allah, is very displeased with the world's rejection of the Islamic deity and thus there are many problems. However, the true God of the Bible and the people of the Bible, the Jews and the Christians, this one true God is indeed displeased with rejection of His plan for all of human kind.

Revelation 16 is evidence that even in a very troubled time, the Great Tribulation, and faced with intense judgment, men will not repent and turn to Jesus Christ (Revelation 16:8-11). It is not rejection of the Islamic god Allah but rejection of the true God of the Bible that brings judgment upon the world. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 26, 2008

Russia is planning to supply missiles to Iran, Syria, Libya and Venezuela

A Moscow based newspaper reported that Russia has started fulfilling orders for air defense missile systems to seven countries including Syria, Libya, Iran and Venezuela, missiles that will be delivered within the next three years.

Russian officials are reporting that these are only defensive missiles that will not change the strategic balance in the Middle East and that they are standing by their agreement reached with Israel not to sell weapons in the region that could be used against the Jewish state. Meanwhile, the Israeli officials are saying these weapons being sold by Russia, these defensive weapons including surface to air missiles, would make it more difficult for Israel to launch a preemptive strike against one of its Middle East enemies.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Russia selling missiles to Middle Eastern nations like Iran, Libya and Syria is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days according to the ancient Jewish prophets.

For the last year, there have been rumors that Russia would sell anti-defense missiles to Iran so they could stop any attack on their nuclear program that is developing a WMD. Now, the reports coming out of Moscow reveal that Russia will be offering these missiles in sales to other Middle Eastern nations as well, including Libya and Syria. Both Israel and the US have protested these sales to the supposed enemies of the Jewish state of Israel. Israeli officials sent military leaders to Russia to try and prevent this transfer of military armament that could be used against the Jewish state.

This report, as I mentioned, is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days. The ancient Jewish prophets Daniel and Ezekiel both speak about the nations listed in this report, Russia, Libya, Iran and Syria. Daniel 11 says that Syria will be the first of the aligned nations to come against Israel, Daniel 11:40-43. Ezekiel 38:2-6 mentions Russia, Libya and Persia, modern day Iran, as nations that will arm themselves to attack Israel.

Russian arms sells to Iran, Libya and Syria is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

December 25, 2008

There's been a miraculous mysterious birth reported to have taken place in a shepherd's field near Bethlehem in Israel

We have a report of a birth taking place in an open field near the little Arab village of Bethlehem. The shepherds are reporting they have found the newborn babe with His parents; the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger, a food trough for the animals.

There are also reports that last night, their were Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) in the skies over and around Bethlehem. Some of the shepherds are saying that the UFOs were actually angels and this host of angels were actually singing joyful songs of the long awaited Jewish Messiah. There are unconfirmed reports that this little baby is the One that has been spoken of by the ancient Jewish prophets for hundreds of years, the one to be born in Bethlehem and to become the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, the Son of God.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The birth of Jesus Christ fulfilled all the prophecies in the Bible for the presence of God with us - Emmanuel - and it does actually set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

For over 2,000 years the story of the birth of Christ - which is recorded in four chapters of the Bible Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2, actually only 168 verses - has been responsible for authors writing so many books that one library could not contain all of the volumes. The composers have penned the music and lyrics for musical manuscripts with Jesus Christ as the theme of these musical numbers, the most used theme in all of music history.

Though Jesus never traveled more than 100 miles from His hometown, men and women have traveled to the far reaches of this earth to tell others the story of this man, the God-man born 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem. It is interesting to note that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, started in a cradle, a manger, He carried His cross to where they would crucify Him, but death could not keep Him, He arose from the dead 3 days later. As He left this world to go back to Heaven, He promised that He would come again to earth, this time wearing a crown.

This God-man, Emmanuel - God with us - came by way of the cradle to the cross and soon He will come wearing a crown; Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who has and will fulfill Bible prophecy.

December 24, 2008

The Israeli Defense Force is pulling its soldiers out of the little town of Bethlehem

Over the weekend the Israeli Defense Force began scaling back it's operations in Bethlehem and the cities outlying areas as the arrival of more than 60 thousand Christian pilgrims began, which will actually double the population of the little town of Bethlehem.

As thousands of Christian pilgrims and tourist began crossing from Jerusalem into Bethlehem, the Israeli Defense Force pulled it's forces out of the city and suspended operations saying they wanted the pilgrims and the Palestinians to have the opportunity to enjoy and benefit from the
holiday season.

Christians pilgrims from around the world will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this Christmas eve at the Church of Nativity in Manger Square and these festivities will be broadcast around the world from the little town of Bethlehem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Christmas Eve celebration in the little town of Bethlehem is evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and will be fulfilled in the future.

With the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Christmas, buying the gifts, the family coming to visit and, of course, the big Christmas dinner, often we forget about the real reason for the season.

The town fathers in the little town of Bethlehem both Christians and Moslems will be very busy on this Christmas Eve as the world watches on a special sattelite telecast from Manger Square and the Church of the Nativity. They will be watching the festive celebrarion of the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Bible reveals over three hundred prophecies of the first coming of Jesus Christ which were all fulfilled in absolute detail by the one who claimed to be the Son of God. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ did prove that the babe born in Bethlehem was who He said He was and will do what He said He will do. He will come back to earth once again.

Our world today seems to be ready to fulfill all of the prophecies of His Second Coming. And it could be today that Jesus Christ calls us to be with Him.

At Christmas time we look back to the birth of Jesus Christ but we must look forward to His coming. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 23, 2008

Pope Benedict says saving humanity from homosexuality is as important as saving the rainforest

Pope Benedict in an address to the senior staff at the Vatican said defending God's Creation is not limited to saving the environment, but must also include protecting man from self destruction.

The Pope compared saving humanity from homosexual behavior is just as important as saving the rain forest and he rejected the gender theory which he says blurs the distinctions between male and female and could lead to self destruction of the human race. Gay groups and activists have reacted angrily after the Pope's comments on the gay lifestyle and these activists say the Pope's comments are irresponsible, unacceptable and hurtful.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Pope Benedict's statement that we must defend God's Creation as it relates to the human race or face self destruction is correct Biblically and prophetically as well.

Whatever your religious concerns are about Pope Benedict, you must compare his statements on sodomy, homosexuality, with the Bible and Biblically, the Pope is correct about the distinction between male and female and their sexual activity.

God's Word sets the standard for male/female relations in Genesis 2:21-24. The Bible talks about unnatural affections for the same sex in Romans 1:21-32. The Apostle Paul sent young Timothy, a partner in ministry, to churches in that day to tell them that in the Last Days there will be those men who are lovers of their own selves, unholy, without natural affections, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, even some of them having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof, II Timothy 3:1-5.

Pope Benedict's statement that we must defend God's Creation, humanity in order to make certain this world does not self destruct is right on target Biblically and prophetically. In Romans 1, the Word of God says that in the Last Days men will worship the Creation instead of the Creator.

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 22, 2008

Jewish people in Jerusalem and around the world are celebrating the rededication of the Jewish temple

The eight day Jewish holy day Hanakkuh is the time that Jews around the world mark the rededication of the second temple in Jerusalem after the Greek leader Antiochus Epiphanes had desecrated the temple by slaughtering a pig on the temple alter. Over a three year period of time, the Jews grew strong enough to overthrow the Greek leader and the Maccabees ran Antiochus out of Israel and cleansed the temple and restored temple worship and practices.

In fact, the flask of virgin olive oil they used to relight the seven branched candelabra, the Menorah, stayed lighted for eight days - thus the Jewish holy days of Hanakkuh.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Jewish holy days of Hanakkuh remind us of an event that will be repeated in the future - according to Bible prophecy.

Jewish people around the world for the eight days of Hanakkuh will light a candle each day to mark the overthrow of Antiochus Epiphanes and the reconsecrating of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem over two thousand years ago.

The Maccabees rose up against the Greek leader Antiochus and after three years were able to return to temple worship and practice on Kislov 25, the Jewish month of December. Interestingly, the early church fathers selected December 25 to celebrate Christmas based upon the fact of the feast of dedication taking place on December 25, 165 B.C.

Antiochus Epiphanes had slaughtered a pig on the temple alter and stopped Jewish worship in what was referred to as the Abomination of Desolation. This event in history is a prototype of things to come, according to God's Word found in the prophetic book of Daniel. In fact, Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet, 360 years before the fact foretold the act by Antiochus (Daniel 11:21-35). Daniel also prewrote history about the Abomination of Desolation that will take place at the midway point of the Tribulation Period in the future (Daniel 9:27).

There will be a temple in Jerusalem desecrated once again, a temple that the Jewish people are right now prepared to build. History will be repeated - Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 19, 2008

Benjamin Netanyahu says that Iran is the greatest historical challenge facing the world today

Benjamin Netanyahu, the front runner in the Israeli elections to be held next year and meeting with French President Sarkozy in Paris, said that Iran, should it cross the terribly dangerous threshold of obtaining a nuclear weapon of mass destruction, will become the greatest historical challenge facing the world today. Netanyahu said we have never had a situation in the history of this world in which a radical regime, with a retrograde idealogy and known ambitions for the use of force, to get access to weapons of mass destruction and the former Prime Minister of Israel called upon world leaders to make sure that this does not happen.

Netanyahu's visit to Paris came at a time when a report was released raising new warning signs about Iran's progress toward a nuclear weapon of mass destruction.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the world stands by and watches Iran develop a nuclear weapon of mass destruction, the end time scenario that is found in Bible prophecy on this issue is ready to be fulfilled.

How many times have you read in the paper or on the internet or heard on radio or television that Iran is about to have a nuclear weapon of mass destruction? Now major players in the intelligence community are saying that we are quickly approaching the time when Iran will be armed with a nuclear weapon of mass destruction.

Former Israeli Prime Minister and most likely the next Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, is telling everyone who will listen and especially world leaders that Iran with a nuclear weapon of mass destruction is the greatest historical challenge the world has ever faced. This scenario being played out in our world today was actually written about 2500 years ago in the prophetic book written by the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel.

The name, Persia, found in Ezekiel 38:5 is the Biblical name for modern-day Iran, a major player in the last days. A partner with Iran during these activities leading up to the judgment time upon the Jewish people and the entire world will be Russia, also found in Ezekiel 38:2. Iran will be in the forefront of nations aligned against Israel at the time of the end (Psalm 83 and Daniel 11).

The world should pay attention to Benjamin Netanyahu's warning about Iran because Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

December 18, 2008

Tourism in Israel hits a record high for 2008

The tourism industry in Israel had a record year in 2008 according to the ministry of tourism which said that 2.8 million tourists had arrived in Israel, a 35% increase in tourism over 2007. The minister of tourism said that 2008 will be Israel's all time record year for tourism and generated over 5 billion dollars to the Israeli economy and produced an additional 4000 jobs for Israelis.

Jewish and Christian pilgrims from all over the world have traveled to Israel during 2008, many of them to see the actual sites spoken of in the Bible and also to celebrate the 60th birthday year of the Jewish state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A record breaking year for tourism in Israel is a tangible evidence that Bible prophecy has been and will be fulfilled.

When it's all said and done, 2008 will be the very best year in the history of modern-day Israel for tourism. 2008 marks a 35% increase in tourism over 2007 and indicates that Jewish and Christian pilgrims are very interested in their connection to the Biblical history that is on display in the land of Israel. A tour to Israel today is to visit Israel past, touch Israel today, and visualize Israel future.

The fact that I am talking about a record breaking year for Israeli tourism is evidence that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.

2008 marks the 60th birthday of the Jewish state of Israel which is unique to Bible prophecy. In fact, it is a fulfillment of the prophetic words of the ancient Jewish prophet of Ezekiel. The prophet wrote that the Jewish people would be regathered from around the world in the last days (Ezekiel 37:7). The bones coming together in this passage is actually a fulfillment of prophecy as Jews around the world regather to the land of their forefathers.

When Ezekiel spoke of flesh covering these bones, (verse 8) that was speaking of a nation being restored. Ezekiel 34 reveals, 18 times, that the Lord said this would happen and it has.

A record breaking year for tourism during Israel's 60th birthday is indeed tangible evidence that Bible prophecy is and will be fulfilled.

December 17, 2008

Israeli experts believe there may be a major oil source in the Dead Sea area

The Israeli National Parks Council has granted three major petroleum companies in Israel permission to do exploratory drilling for oil in the Judean Desert Nature Reserve in the Dead Sea region to see if there is a major source of oil in the lowest location on the Earth.

Led by Ginko Oil Company, the three companies believe that this is the best chance for Israel to find oil, a much needed commodity in the Jewish state of Israel which relies on the Arab world to supply Israeli oil needs.

The geological department at Hebrew University says that the fact that oil has been found previously in this area near the Dead Sea could mean that there is more in the region.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The potential for a major source of oil in the Dead Sea area in Israel is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Over the years, there have been a number of petroleum wildcatters, speculators, that have suggested various locations in Israel where oil could be found. Many of these speculators even used the Bible to help convince investors to get on board searching for this oil.

Now, three very legitimate companies in Israel have received permission to do exploratory drilling in a nature reserve near the Dead Sea that could be a major source of oil, a natural resource much needed in Israel. Should these companies and this exploratory drilling prove to be successful and they find a major source of oil in Israel, it will be that which prepares the way for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Ezekiel 38 mentions several times that the invading armies that come to destroy Israel in the last days will be coming, in fact, be lured into Israel to take a spoil and maybe that spoil is oil. These prophetic passages in Ezekiel 38 are verses 4, 12, 13, and 16.

The potential for a major oil source in the Dead Sea region of Israel does indeed help set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

December 16, 2008

The UN Secretary General says Israel and the Palestinians are setting the stage for a peace agreement

Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the UN, says progress toward Middle East peace is being made somewhat below the radar by Israeli and Palestinian negotiators and they are setting the stage for peace.

The UN Chief recently convened the so-called Quartet, the UN, US, EU and Russia for a meeting to discuss with Arab partners the possibility of a Middle East peace agreement. Ban Ki Moon's efforts in the Middle East peace process are a continuation of his initial pronouncement when he was selected to lead the UN, when he declared that his main goal was to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that the leader of the UN says the stage is being set for peace in the Middle East is evidence that we are very close to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

After several years as Chief of the UN, Ban Ki Moon is ready to move ahead with his plan to bring a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Moon's statement, when he was first selected to lead the UN that his main goal was peace in the Middle East, is now coming into better focus. According to the UN Secretary General, there has been some behind the scenes efforts going on between the Israelis and the Palestinians and the stage is now set for a peace agreement between these two parties.

This scenario is a page right out of Bible prophecy where a world leader leading a worldwide governmental operation goes into the Middle East with a peace agreement. This prophetic scenario is found in the writings of the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel. Daniel 7 speaks of the revived Roman Empire being led by the Antichrist who goes to the Middle East and confirms a peace agreement with Israel and her neighbors, Daniel 9:27.

Ban Ki Moon's statement is that the stage is set for peace in the Middle East is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 15, 2008

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says that Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria are an obstacle to peace

Following a meeting with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said that the Jewish settlements in the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria are the largest obstacle to a Middle East peace deal and this issue must be resolved if the peace process is to go forward. Brown said that there must be a two state solution with a Palestinian state that is secure and viable economically and an Israeli state with secure borders plus peace and stability.

British Prime Minister Brown is only one of many voices among world leaders that are calling for the evacuation of the Jewish settlements in order to get a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to remove the Jewish settlements from Judea and Samaria in order to make a peace deal is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has joined the chorus of world leaders that are calling for the Jewish settlers to be evacuated from the Biblical heartland of the Jewish state of Israel. It is interesting to see that not one world leader, maybe with the exception of several Israeli political leaders, but not one world leader is saying that the Jews have a right, a Biblical right, to live in the land of their forefathers.

Many of the Jews living in the area of Judea and Samaria say they are there because the land is God's land and only He can say who can live where in the land of Israel. That statement, that the land is God's land, is absolutely correct according to Leviticus 25:23. That verse also says to the Jewish people that they are only strangers and sojourners on the land. In other words, the Jews are the caretakers of God's land.

The Jewish people have been promised this land according to God's promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and those promises can be found in Genesis 15, 26, and 35. The truth be known, no world leader can circumvent God's promises. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 12, 2008

According to a Palestinian terrorist, CNN's extensive coverage of the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca is a defeat for Christians

In a report from World Net Daily, a Palestinian terrorist leader in the Gaza Strip says that the extensive coverage of the annual Hajj, which is the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, this coverage by CNN has been a defeat to Christians and proves it is only a question of time before Islam will be shining all over the world.

CNN aired several live reports from this year's Hajj including a live shot of the end of the pilgrimage in which hundreds of thousands of Muslims encircled the Kaaba, the holiest building in Mecca. They did this seven times to celebrate Abraham's offer of his son Ishmael in sacrifice.

The hajj is the largest annual pilgrimage in the world and the fifth pillar in Islam which requires every able-bodied Muslim to travel to Mecca, Saudi Arabia at least once in his lifetime.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Millions of Muslims traveling to Mecca on a pilgrimage that celebrates a contradiction of the Bible is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

According to Islamic history the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, which traces the travels of Abraham to Arabia in order to offer his only son Ishmael in sacrifice, is one facet of the pillars of faith for all Muslims. Muslim history has Abraham as their prophet making this trip to offer Ishmael as a sacrifice and their god, the Islamic god Allah, gives Abraham a substitute for Ishmael. This record of history is in total contradiction to the Bible of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Moses wrote, inspired by the Holy Spirit, in Genesis 22 of what really happened. According to the Holy Scriptures, Abraham took his second son Isaac, not the first son Ishmael, to Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, not Mecca in Arabia there to be offered in sacrifice. This conflict in the record of Abraham's obedience to the Lord is evidence that a false religion can be used to motivate one fourth of the world's population to reject God's chosen people and, in fact, do all they can to eliminate all of God's chosen people.

Revelation 12:13-17, Zechariah 13:8, and other prophetic passages foretold this scenario for the last days over 2000 years ago. These are prophecies that will indeed be fulfilled.

December 11, 2008

An internationally renowned Jewish author and inspirational speaker says that we should be preparing for the coming of the Messiah

Internationally renowned Jewish inspirational speaker and author, Esther Jungreis, is warning that the world is feeling the birth pangs of the Messiah and she warns that time is limited to prepare for the dark prophecies surrounding his arrival.

Jungreis, the founder of a Jewish outreach organization and author of many books, says that many people feel fear as global turbulent events begin to make their mark on Jews and their allies around the world. Jungreis tells her audiences and writes in her books that God is bringing the world closer to redemption with these labor pains which is a part of the process of the arrival of the Messiah.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The warning for the Jewish people to prepare for the coming of the Messiah by a Jewish inspiriational speaker and author is right in line with Bible prophecy for the last days.

According to Jewish history, there has been a number of times down through the centuries that the Jewish people have been warned to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. The New York City rabbi, the late Revi Sneerson, was presented by his followers as the Messiah. But as I mentioned, he is the late - the dead - Revi Sneerson. Esther Jungreis is now telling her Jewish audiences to prepare for the coming of the Messiah.

I believe Jungreis is correct. The Messiah is about to come - but for the second time. The Messiah I am referring to is Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the Jewish people and, in fact, the entire world. The Bible says that the Messiah will come back to Earth when the Jewish people are returning to their homeland, Israel. The Muslims of the world want to drive the Jewish people from their lands when their is talk and effort to bring peace to the Middle East and when the Jews are preparing to rebuild their temple (Ezekiel 34 - 46).

All prophecies that will be fulfilled before the Messiah comes back to Earth are at that point of being fulfilled.

December 10, 2008

A group of American Christian leaders have launched a campaign against Christians who support Israel

What the media refers to as leftist American Christian leaders have launched a full-scale public relations campaign against Christians who support Israel who these Christian leaders call, "Christian Zionists."

A brochure being distributed to approximately 45 million Americans charges that Christian Zionists foster fear and hatred of Muslims and non-western Christians and can lead to the dehumanization of Israelis and Palestinians. These church leaders that oppose the Christian Zionists claim that the security of the United States is being harmed because the absence of a Palestinian state encourages terrorist attacks against the United States as well as Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

American churches divided in their support for the Jewish state of Israel is a forerunner to the prophetic scenario in the Bible for the End Times.

When American church leaders launch a full-scale public relations campaign against the element of the American Christian community that wholeheartedly supports the Jewish state of Israel, the world stands by and watches as the body of Christ moves away from total support to God's plan for the End Times.

The definition of a Christian Zionist is a true born again believer in Jesus Christ that accepts the prophetic scenario found in God's Word for the Jewish people in the last days. 2500 years ago, the ancient Jewish prophets wrote that in the last days, God would bring Jews from the four corners of the Earth to the land of their forefathers, the land of Israel (Ezekiel 34, 36, 37 Deuteronomy 30, and Jeremiah 31).

Revelation 17 speaks of a false religion in the last days that would fall under satanic influence and oppose the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East and God's fulfillment of His promises to the Jews.

God promised Abraham, Genesis 12 and 15, that there would be a Jewish nation on the land that they now live on and they would live there forever. In spite of the public relations campaign launched by leftist American church leaders against these prophecies, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 09, 2008

The EU has threatened to wipe England off the map and create a united Europe

The EU from their Brussels headquarters, is talking about a plan that would wipe England off the map and create a united Europe according to British officials who say the EU has revised a map that would divide up England and create a European superstate via the backdoor.

The plan would actually split England into three sections with additional land from other countries to create traditional regions, an endeavor by the EU to boost trade between the European nations. The EU has already named the three regions and selected the nations that would make up the regions which includes England, France, Ireland, Wales, and parts of Portugal, Spain and Scotland.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the EU moves ahead with a plan to setup regions in Europe made up of the member states of the EU, the student of Bible prophecy can see better the prophetic scenario found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

Over the years, the EU has come to its present membership of 27 different nations. Add to these 27 member states the 17 or 18 new states from the Mediterranean Union that has recently been formed and you have 44 to 45 member states that would make up a future EU, a powerful, political, economic, governmental force in our world. Libya's Colonel Gaddafi said recently this united Europe including the Middle Eastern states looks like the old Roman Empire which is the goal of the EU leaders. Gaddafi is pretty much on target. The ancient borders of the old Roman Empire match the borders of the expanded EU, a step closer to Bible prophecy being fulfilled.

Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet, in chapters 2 and 7 of his prophecy, wrote 2,500 years ago of the revived Roman Empire as the major player in the Last Days and that would include the 10 toes of Daniel 2 and the 10 horns of Daniel 7.

The potential for regions in the EU, 10 regions as they are calling for, is indeed a scenario found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

December 08, 2008

Olmert: Israel must give up the Golan, Judea, Samaria, and Temple Mount

In a farewell interview, the outgoing Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, said that in order for Israel to have peace with the Palestinians, the Jewish state must give up the Old City of Jerusalem and its biblical heartland. This heartland is Judea and Samaria, often referred to as the West Bank, and the Old City includes the Temple Mount.

The "lame duck" PM also said that in order to make peace with Syria, the Israeli government must give up the Golan Heights. Many military say that the Golan is essential for keeping the peace and protecting the Jewish resident of northern Israel.

Opposition political leaders in Israel say that Olmert's plan would allow for the establishment of Iranian and Hamas bases in the Golan Heights and the area of Judea and Samaria - the heart of the Jewish state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

For the Prime Minister of Israel to offer to give up the Golan Heights, Judea, Samaria, and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in order to make peace with the Syrians and the Palestinians is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The outgoing Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, says that in order to make peace with two of its worst enemies the Jewish state must give up its heartland Judea and Samaria, and the Golan Heights, strategic to security in northern Israel. This offer made by PM Olmert contradicts the Bible and the promised that God made to the Jewish people.

The Abrahamic Covenant, the Land Covenant, and the Davidic Covenant - God's promises to the Jewish people - all state that Israel will be given the land of their forefathers and this land will belong to the Jewish people forever.

Ezekiel 34 reveals 18 times that God will bring the Jews into their land in the Last Days. Ezekiel 36, some 35 times, says that the land will belong to the Jewish people. Ezekiel 36:22 states that God does this for His holy name's sake. Ezekiel 35 says that the Edomites, the Palestinians of today, will kill the Jews and endeavor to take the land.

December 05, 2008

The Israeli Defense Force has evacuated Jewish families from a peace of real estate that God gave to Abraham some 4000 years ago

In a surprise move, the Israeli Defense Force moved into Hevron and evacuated a number of Jewish families that claim legal ownership to a home purchased from a Palestinian owner and this Israeli government move has sparked violent acts on both sides of the controversy from the Israelis and the Palestinians.

The Jewish community in Hevron says that will continue to purchase land and buildings in Hevron which they claim has belonged to the Jews for 4000 years since Abraham arrived there and actually paid cash money for this piece of property.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The evacuation of Jews from Hevron, the oldest Jewish community in the world, is a precursor to an end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

As I stated earlier, the community of Hevron is the oldest Jewish community in the history of our world and this is documented by none other than the Bible (Genesis 13:18). Abraham arrived in the Promised Land from Ur of the Chaldees and set up his home in Hevron. The Jewish patriarch even purchased a burial site for his wife Sarah and paid in today's money some 750,000 dollars for a cave where he and Sarah are buried along with Isaac and Jacob and their wives (Genesis 23).

When Joshua led the Children of Israel into the Promised Land 3500 years ago, God gave Caleb the community of Hevron (Joshua 14).

For the first 7 years of the reign of King David's 40 year leadership of the people of Israel, David ruled and reigned from Hevron (II Samuel 5).

This is a brief history of the Jewish community of Hevron, a name that is used 73 times in the Bible.

This recent evacuation of the Jewish families from their legal residency in Hevron by the Israeli government, is a lead up to the end times events that were foretold many centuries ago. Ezekiel 36 mentions God's plan for the Jews and the land that He has given them which they will possess forever and that promise was made to Abraham in Hevron.

The controversy surrounding Hevron today, is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

December 04, 2008

Middle East Peace Envoy Tony Blair tells Barack Obama the time is right for a Middle East peace agreement

Tony Blair, the former British PM and now the special Peace Envoy to the Middle East for the Quartet, offered praise for President-elect Obama's selections to lead his National Security team and told him that the time is right for a fresh push for progress in the Middle East peace process.

Blair praise Hilary Clinton as the choice for Secretary of State and said that General James Jones as Obama's National Security Adviser made the National Security team a very, very strong team. As the Middle East Peace Envoy for the Quartet, Blair believes the Obama team can make substantial progress in the near future to help bring about peace in the Middle East, a goal he believes the International Community wants to see fulfilled.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Middle East Peace Envoy Tony Blair believes the new Obama National Security team can help him bring about a peace agreement in the Middle East which is actually a page out of Bible prophecy.

After stepping down as PM of Great Britain, Tony Blair became the special Middle East Peace Envoy for the Quartet and was given the assignment of bringing resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which he believed would lead to peace in the Middle East. Blair now believes that a fresh, new push by the Obama team will help the parties involved to come to an agreement.

If Tony Blair and the Obama team are sucessful, we wil see the prophetic scenario that is called for in Bible prophecy come into better focus. The ancient, Jewish prophet Daniel wrote 2,500 years ago that a world leader from Europe, the area of the revived Roman Empire, indeed would bring peace to the Middle East, Daniel 9:27. Please do not misunderstand. I am not saying Tony Blair is that world leader spoken of in Bible prophecy as the Antichrist; however, I would say Tony Blair is doing everything Bible prophecy calls for.

Tony Blair is a perfect protoype of that world leader and is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

December 03, 2008

Lebanon has recognized the state of Palestine

The Lebanese government has put the process to form full diplomatic relations with what it is calling the state of Palestine and is elevating the office of the PLO in Beirut to the status of an embassy.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is regarded by the Arab League as the sole representative of the Palestinian people and the PLO is currently headed by Mahmoud Abbas who is also the President of the PA that is located in Israel. Lebanon believes that the show of support Abbas who is facing tough times due to a split in the Palestinian people and a running battle between Fatah and Hamas, that this support will help Abbas.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An Arab nation, Lebanon recognizing the state of Palestine is in lockstep with Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

Even though there has never been a state of Palestine, for the seventy years the Middle East leaders have been calling for the Jewish people to give the state of Palestine back to the Palestinian people. Someone said, "If you tell a lie long enough, it seems to become what people consider the true". Now, Lebanon is helping to continue that lie. Every Middle East peace process that has been tried has also called for the two-state solution, Israel and Palestine. A study of history will not reveal a state of Palestine, however it will reveal the Ottoman Empire controlling the place today called Israel from 1515 to 1917. Then, the British took control of the area until the UN granted the Jewish people a state called Israel.

The ancient Jewish prophets Malachi, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Obadiah all reveal that in the Last Days the Edomites, descendants of Esau, the Palestinian people today would rise up and build a nation even with specific borders, Ezekiel 35, Jeremiah 49, Malachi 1 and Obadiah.

Lebanon's recognition of the state of Palestine is indeed a step closer to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

December 02, 2008

After 30 years of a so-called peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, they have not normalized diplomatic relations

Thirty years after Israel's PM Menachem Bagen and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat signed their historic agreement, the Israeli government is finding it very difficult to find some Israeli to serve as the Jewish state's ambassador to Egypt and likewise, Egypt has run into difficulty with a diplomat to come to Israel.

One major evidence that Israel and Egypt have not normalized their peace treaty is that, in these 30 years, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has not made one official trip as a head of state to Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that Israel and Egypt have not normalized their peace treaty in 30 years is evidence that Bible prophecy is set to be fulfilled.

I will never forget the historic visit by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to Israel where he addressed the Israeli Knesset which led to the historic signing of the Camp David Accords, the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. This agreement is now 30 years old, however it has never been normalized. It is not a working agreement between two friendly nations. The fact that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has never officially visited Israel since the signing of the peace treaty speaks volumes to the present situation. The Egyptian-Israeli border is open to arms smuggling and terrorist traffic from the Egyptian side.

This is all evidence that Bible prophecy is near to fulfillment. The Bible speaks about a peace treaty the Antichrist will put in place at the beginning of the Tribulation Period, Daniel 9:27. I want you to notice that the Antichrist will not sign a peace treaty between Israel and her enemies, but instead confirm a peace treaty. The Hebrew word for confirm is "gabbar" and it means to confirm, strengthen or make stronger. It does not mean to sign.

The Camp David Accord is on the table. It is not working. It is waiting for the Antichrist to confirm the treaty and make it work.

December 01, 2008

US President-Elect Barack Obama has nominated his rival, Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State

Following weeks of speculation as to what role the former first lady would play in the Obama administration, the President-Elect Obama has nominated his former rival, Hillary Clinton, to be the next Secretary of State. At a news conference in Chicago, Mr. Obama also announced the nominees for other key national security positions which included the present Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, to stay in the Obama administration and retired general James Jones as the National Security Advisor.

Mr. Obama said that the time has come for a new dawn of American leadership to overcome the challenges of the 21st century.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The hand picked leaders of the next US administration led by President-Elect Obama, will make decisions that will set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The body politic of America, in the last national election, selected Barack Obama to lead the United States into the future at least for the next four years. The President-Elect has selected many of the members of his administration that will help him lead America as the superpower in our world today.

There are some new faces in the next administration but you will notice a number of familiar faces as well. The key positions of Secretary of State to be filled by Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense with Robert Gates being held over from the Bush administration, will assist the president in making decisions that will set the world stage for the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Remember, God set in motion human government (Genesis 9:6). Romans 13:1 says that those who are in leadership in human government are placed there by God. Revelation 17:17 also reveals to us the principle that God uses world leaders to set the stage on this Earth today so that His will might be done. God's word does reveal a prophetic scenario for the end times that will come to pass on this Earth seemingly in the very near future.

The new Obama administration will indeed be used by the Lord to bring about the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.