
March 28, 2008

Middle East Peace Envoy Tony Blair tells Israel to drop it's indifference and skepticism about the prospects for peace with the Palestinians

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, now the Middle East Peace Envoy for the Quartet, has told the Israeli's that they need to make a psychological shift from indifference and skepticism about the prospects of progress with the Palestinians to an active determination to make it happen on the right terms.

Blair, in an interview with the Jerusalem Post, said that Israel, which will be 60 years old next May, would absolutely still be here in another 60 years but that to guarantee it's long-term security, he believes that Israel needs a viable Palestinian state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recent exhortation to Israel from Middle East Peace envoy Tony Blair, that Israel can have peace with the Palestinians, has positive and negative prophetic significance, that is according to Bible prophecy.

After serving a number of years as the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair was named as the Middle East Peace Envoy for the Quartet, which includes the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia.

The peace envoy believes that the Israeli's and the Palestinians can co-exist in the Middle East into the future. This thought pattern displayed by Blair is in contradiction to Bible prophecy.

The ancient Jewish prophet's wrote that the Jews, descendants of Jacob, and the Palestinians, descendants of Esau will continue to fight each other until the Messiah, Jesus Christ comes back to earth, Malachi 1:2-4, Ezekiel 35 and Obediah.

Tony Blair's position as Middle East Peace Envoy is a prototype for a leader who will come to power out of the Revived Roman Empire, that would be the European Union, today, and will indeed establish a peace; howbeit a short-term peace between the Jewish state of Israel and it's Arab and Moslem neighboring states. This scenario is found in Daniel 7 and also Daniel 9:27.

Let me hasten to say; however, I do not believe that that leader, the Antichrist, will be fulfilled by Tony Blair, but indeed he is a perfect prototype. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.