
May 06, 2008

75% of Israel's population believe they will be in a major war within the next five years

Seventy-five percent of Israel's population believe they will be at war with at least one Arab state within the next five year and seventy percent of Israelis believe there will be no agreement with the Palestinians in the near future, or in fact in the distant future.

A nation that stands on the brink of its seventh decade of independence is worried about security issues with the most serious threat that the Israelis face today believed to be the Iranian nuclear program. The mass majority of the Jewish state, seventy-five percent, say no to giving up the Golan Heights and eighty-three percent oppose handing over the Old City of Jerusalem, which includes the Temple Mount, to the Palestinians even for peace.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Israel on the brink of its seventh decade of independence also believes it is on the brink of a major war which is confirmed by Bible prophecy.

The miracle of the rebirth of a Jewish nation among the nations of the world sixty years ago must be noticed by all students of prophecy. The fact is, this type of an event has never happened before in all of history, the regathering of a people scattered across the entire world. These regathered people, the Jewish people now living in their original homeland in a prosperous nation for sixty years; however they have much concern about the future and the potential for a war with the Arab world.

This concern by the Israelis is well founded in the ancient Scriptures written by the ancient Jewish prophets. Almost every Jewish prophet, more than twenty in number, pre-wrote the history that the Jewish state faces in what they believe will happen in the next five years. Daniel, in Daniel 11:40-46, Ezekiel, in chapter 38 and Joel in Joel 2 all speak of a massive Arab army that will attack the Jewish state. Micah in chapter 7 says that the enemies of Israel will be destroyed by God when they attack the Jewish state. However, before that victory, terrible time will come upon the Jewish state of Israel as revealed in the recent survey.