
May 19, 2008

Tony Blair says that he will be the president of Europe if they give him the power

As the EU prepares to name the first permanent president of the member-states, 27 of them now and sure to include additional states in the future, one name keeps surfacing as the very first European president, Tony Blair, the former PM of Great Britain.

French President Sarkozy, German Chancellor Merkel, Gordon Brown, current PM of the UK, and even US President George W. Bush have suggested Tony Blair would make a great president of Europe. In response to these suggestions, the former UK PM said that he is increasingly willing to put himself forward for the job if it comes with real power to make a difference.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The EU with a permanent powerful president is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The former PM of the UK, Tony Blair, is today the Middle East Peace Envoy for the Quartet, the US, EU, UN and Russia. Blair has an office in Jerusalem where he has been playing a major role in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. This European leader has been holding discussions with some of his oldest allies on how he could mount a campaign to become the first full-time president of the European Council. The President of the European Council is a post created under the Lisbon Treaty and he would chair Europe's chief decision making body. The EU-Lisbon Treaty to be implemented in 2009 would set in place a perfect prototype of the political power and position that is called for in Bible prophecy.

Daniel, an ancient Jewish prophet, revealed 2,500 years ago a scenario that calls for the revival of the old Roman Empire. It will have a leader known as the Antichrist, a very powerful political leader, Daniel 9:7-24. Do not misunderstand me now, I am not saying that the EU is the revived Roman Empire and that Tony Blair is the Antichrist, what I am saying is that both the EU and Tony Blair are perfect prototypes of what Bible prophecy calls for in the Last Days.