
December 31, 2008

2008 Goes out with conflict in the Middle East and 2009 seems to be headed towards outright disaster

The Middle East will end 2008 in conflict, the Gaza Strip as the main focus and the prospects for 2009 look even more perilous as the region seems to be headed towards outright disaster.

All peace efforts put forward by the US, the EU and even the UN seem to have failed to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which has intensified in recent days.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As we leave 2008 and enter 2009, the prospects of Bible prophecy being fulfilled is so much greater than ever before with the conflict ridden Middle East seemingly headed towards a disaster.

The lead story on this last day of 2008 is the increasingly dangerous conflict in the Gaza Strip between Israel and the Palestinians. Though things seem to be getting better in Iraq, there is still a long journey ahead for this war torn nation. What was relatively calm in Afghanistan seems to have flared up and now looks more and more like a major trouble spot. There is no let up by the Iranians to develop a Nuclear WMD as the world stands by and watches. I say the world standing by and watching, but only the nation of Israel is standing there realizing something must be done to stop Iran from getting a Nuclear WMD even if they have to do it alone.

This report is like a page out of Bible prophecy, or should I say several pages out of Bible prophecy. As it relates to the Israelis and the Palestinians in the Gaza, that can be found in Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1 and the little book of Obadiah. Iran and Afghanistan are mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 referred to there as Persia. The Iraqi situation which has been the focus of the world for a number of years, is the scenario about Babylon mentioned in Isaiah 13-14, Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 16 and 18.

Today's Iraq is biblical Babylon as mentioned, which must be completely destroyed and this to happen as the last event to take place before Jesus returns to the earth. These Bible prophecies will be fulfilled and maybe in 2009.