
February 27, 2009

After 30 years of a so-called peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, the two countries have not normalized their diplomatic relations

Thirty years after Israel's PM Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat signed their historic agreement, the Israeli government is finding it very difficult to find some Israeli to serve as the Jewish state's ambassador to Egypt and likewise, Egypt has run into difficulty with a diplomat to come to Israel.

One major evidence that Israel and Egypt have not normalized their peace treaty is that, in these 30 years, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has not made one official trip as a head of state to Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that Israel and Egypt have not normalized their peace treaty in 30 years is evidence that Bible prophecy is set to be fulfilled.

I will never forget the historic visit by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to Israel where he addressed the Israeli Knesset which led to the historic signing of the Camp David Accords, the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. This agreement is now 30 years old, however it has never been normalized. It is not a working agreement between two friendly nations. The fact that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has never officially visited Israel since the signing of the peace treaty speaks volumes to the present situation. The Egyptian-Israeli border is open to arms smuggling and terrorist traffic from the Egyptian side.

This is all evidence that Bible prophecy is near to fulfillment. The Bible speaks about a peace treaty the Antichrist will put in place at the beginning of the Tribulation Period, Daniel 9:27. I want you to notice that the Antichrist will not sign a peace treaty between Israel and her enemies, but instead confirm a peace treaty. The Hebrew word for confirm is "gabar" and it means to confirm, strengthen or make stronger. It does not mean to sign.

The Camp David Accord is on the table. It is not working. It is waiting for the Antichrist to confirm the treaty and make it work.

February 26, 2009

The Palestinians are in reconciliation talks to try and stop killing each other

In the office of the very powerful Egyptian intelligence chief, Omar Suleyman, in Cairo, Egypt, the two rival factions of the Palestinian people, Fatah and Hamas, renewed their efforts to create a unity government and to basically stop killing each other as they both focus on their common enemy the Jewish state of Israel. Solving the Hamas-Fatah differences is seen as an essential step if any Israeli-Palestinian peace deal were to happen, but many question whether Hamas really even wants a peace deal with Israel since Hamas refuses to recognize the right of the Jewish state to even exist.

The internal fighting between these two Palestinian factions came to a head in the summer of 2007 when Hamas fighters ousted the pro-Fatah security forces and overthrew the Palestinian Authority control in the Gaza Strip.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Though there is a division among the two factions of the Palestinian people of today, they will unite against their common enemy, the Jewish state of Israel, to kill the Jews and to take their land - according to Bible prophecy.

For the last two years, the two factions of the Palestinian people, Fatah and Hamas, have been killing each other and have not united in their plan to take the land of Israel from the Jewish people. The stated objective of Hamas as well as Fatah is to have all the land of the Jewish state as Palestine, a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital city. Ezekiel 35:5 and 10 says that the Edomites, the Palestinian of today, will kill the Jews and take the land that God has given the Jewish people. Malachi 1:3-4 reveals that the Palestinian people will build a nation with borders that God will call the "borders of wickedness." Obadiah, the ancient Jewish prophet, fortells of a time in the future when the descendents of Esau, the Palestinian people of today, will be defeated completely and forever. The prophet Jeremiah says they will be as Sodom and Gomorrah, as if they had never been and Obadiah says that this will come at the hands of the Jewish people.

Unity talks or not, the Palestinian people will unite against the Jewish state of Israel and the Jewish people. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

February 25, 2009

NASA-like technology will allow the world to see and read the Dead Sea Scrolls

The Israeli Antiquities Authority is working on a project that will allow scientists to use space age NASA-like technology to bring to light the faded scripts of thousands of fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest existing record of the Old Testament.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, Israel's greatest archaeological find, were found in 1947 by a Bedouin shepherd boy near the ancient Jewish community of Qumran on the shores of the Dead Sea, a factor that actually helped preserve these ancient manuscripts. This NASA-like technology will allow for the preservation of the entire collection of the Dead Sea Scrolls as well as the opportunity for scholars, religious leaders and any interested party to view these ancient manuscripts.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and now with NASA-like technology being used to read these ancient manuscripts, the world can read the words of ancient Jewish prophets who prewrote human history which is being played out today.

Scientists and skeptics have for years complained about not being able to have access to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Israel's Antiquity Authority has put in place a five year project that will give all interested parties the opportunity to view all the Dead Sea Scrolls and study the message found in these ancient manuscripts. Uniquely, all the books of the Old Testament are a part of the collection of scrolls except the book of Esther and there are multiple copies of many of the prophetic books. These prophetic books layout God's plan for the Jewish people for the "last days".

Time will not allow me to recite all prophetic scenarios, but only two examples. For example, the scroll of Ezekiel speaks of an "end time" regathering of the Jewish people to the land of their forefathers, Ezekiel 34-37. Jeremiah's scroll speaks of a terrible time in the future for the Jews, but promises that God will deliver the Jews from the "Time of Jacob's Trouble", Jeremiah 30-33.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are tangible evidence of Bible prophecy.

February 24, 2009

Two Israeli energy companies believe there is a major source of oil in the Judean Desert

Two Israeli energy companies: Genco Oil Explorations and Delek Energy Systems believe there is a major source of oil to be found in the Judean Desert near the southern end of the Dead Sea and they want to drill an exploratory hole 6,000 ft. deep to see if indeed they are correct.

The Israeli Parks Authority has in the past, granted permission for exploratory drilling, but environmental groups say any such drilling in this area would destroy the fragile ecosystem in this nature reserve which is the site of the potential oil source. Energy experts in Israel say there is oil around the Dead Sea because of its unique geological properties and in the area they would like to drill for oil near the Dead Sea, it is the likeliest place in Israel to find a major source of oil.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A major source of oil in Israel near the Dead Sea would play a key role in the "end times" scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

For a number of years there have been speculators that have claimed there were major sources of oil in the land of Israel. Some of these speculators even used the Bible to substantiate their claims as to where this oil source was located. Now, two mainstream Israeli energy companies believe they know exactly where to find this major supply of oil and want to drill an exploratory hole to prove their belief, but they have run into opposition from environmentalists. It is logical that there would be oil nearthe Dead Sea because of its unique geological properties, but the Bible also lends creedence to this speculation as evidence by Genesis 14:10.

Prophetically, the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote in Ezekiel 38:4 of a hook in the jaw of Israel's enemies that would bring them into the land of Israel to take a spoil, Ezekiel 38:13.

Geopolitical events in our world today seem to have a common denominator and it is oil. This potential oil source in Israel could be that hook which will draw Israel's enemy into the land.

February 23, 2009

The former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is the one million dollar peace man

The University of Tel Aviv, in Israel, has awarded the Peace Envoy for the Quartet, Tony Blair, a one million dollar prize for his efforts to make peace in the Middle East, a peace that would include the Islamic Palestinian terrorist organization, Hamas, as a partner in the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Quartet, which includes the United States, European Union, United Nations, and Russia, has empowered Blair, the former British Prime Minister, to do all that is necessary to bring about an agreement between the two parties, the Israelis and the Palestinians, and Blair has been in the forefront in pressuring Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians so that a deal can be worked out. Blair said that he will donate the one million dollar prize money to his foundation of faith, a foundation that Blair established to bring resolution to global problems through politics and religion.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that a world known political leader wins one million dollars for his efforts to bring peace to the Middle East is a precursor to the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

For decades, world leaders have been working to bring peace to the Middle East and especially to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With the appointment of a Middle East Peace Envoy that represents the Quartet, Tony Blair has been making some progress - slowly but surely. This statement has been affirmed by the reward of a one million dollar prize recently awarded to Tony Blair, the Quartet Middle East Peace Envoy.

This whole scenario is very familiar to any student of Bible prophecy and especially to those who understand the prophecies of the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel chapter 7 and 9. Chapter 7 of Daniel speaks of a worldwide leader who comes to power out of the Revived Roman Empire, the European Union of today, and becomes the world leader to establish peace in the Middle East (Daniel 7:7-8;23-24). Daniel 9:27 reveals that the world leader known by 27 different names but best known as the antichrist, will indeed establish peace between Israel and her Arab Muslim neighbors with a peace agreement. Now I am not saying that Tony Blair is that antichrist - that peace maker. However, I am saying that Tony Blair is a perfect prototype of the one to come.

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

February 20, 2009

A radical Iraqi Islamic cleric wants the United States out of Iraq and right now

A prominent anti-American Shiite Muslim cleric said that he hopes recent countrywide elections in Iraq will unite Iraqis to push out the United States military as the occupiers of this war-torn nation. The radical Islamic cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, the outspoken critic of US presence in Iraq, and the leader of the Mahdi army militia in Iraq says that Iraq has turned a new page after the elections which he hoped will be a gate of liberation, a gate to serve the Iraqis and not keep occupiers to divide Iraqis.

Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi militia has been active in pushing the anti-American campaign and his followers won enough positions in regional governments to help unify politicians, military members, and religious supporters in this effort to have American troops to leave behind their efforts to rebuild this war-torn nation.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The calls by a radical Muslim cleric for the United States to withdraw from Iraq today is a precursor for a major confrontation in a future tomorrow according to Bible prophecy.

The radical Iraqi Islamic leader, the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, has increased his volume in a call for what he claims to be the occupiers Iraq, the United States military, and he wants them to pull out of Iraq and do it right away. This ongoing campaign by al-Sadr to have the US forces leave Iraq is playing right into the hands of the new US administration which wants to withdraw troops from Iraq to fulfill a campaign pledge. Military leaders, however, say that there is an appropriate time to leave when the job is done.

This conflict and confusion is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. The Bible reveals that Iraq, Biblical Babylon, will be the location for the world dictator, the antichrist, to be headquartered for the last half of the seven year period of judgment ahead (Revelation 18). This world leader, the antichrist, will set up a global economic structure headquartered in Babylon that will follow a global economic crisis (Revelation 13:16-17).

A religious leader, radical Islamic cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, calling for conflict and confusion in Iraq is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

February 19, 2009

Two hundred Islamic clerics and scholars meeting in Istanbul have called for a holy war against Israel

In a meeting hall crowded with over two hundred Sunni Muslim sheiks and scholars in Istanbul, Turkey, senior officials of the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas and these Turkish Muslim clerics called for a "jihad", a holy war, against Israel over the recent war in Gaza. "Gaza is a gift", according to one Sunni religious leader, "Gaza gives us power, it solves our differences, it has united Muslim front against Israel the Zionists, and the Gaza war with Israel was a victory for Hamas and the Muslim world over the Jewish state" according to these clerics.

This group of Turkish Muslim clerics and scholars that met with Hamas officials said that Gaza is a legitmate third jihadist front, the first two being Afghanistan and Iraq, and they concluded that the intensity of the Israeli attacks had awakened all Muslims thus the call for jihad against Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call for jihad against Israel by two hundred Turkish Islamic clerics and scholars is a page out of many pages in Bible prophecy.

For a number of years, radical Islamic clerics in the Muslim world have called for jihad against the Jewish state of Israel. Islam has the doctrine of the "house of Islam" which means that once a nation has been under Islamic control that piece of land can never be controlled by a non-Muslim government. Israel is not only controlling the land, once in the "house of Islam" but the Jews are prospering in that nation. This situation sets the stage for Islamic holy war against the Jewish state.

Several ancient Jewish prophets wrote of this prophetic scenario thousands of years ago. Joel wrote that the largest army ever assembled will come against Israel in the last days (Joel 2:3-4) and only the Islamic world could put together that size of a militia. Ezekiel wrote that Turkey would be a leader of this attack (Ezekiel 38:2,6) where Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Togarmah are modern-day Turkey. Daniel 11 and Psalm 83 mentions the rest of the nations that will form this Islamic jihad that the Turkish clerics and scholars have called for.

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

February 18, 2009

As the race for the next PM of Israel heats up, one candidate says Israel must give up half of land

Two Israeli political leaders are vying for the position of Prime Minister (PM) in the next Israeli government, the present Foreign Minister (FM) Tzipi Livni, head of the Kadima political party and the former PM Benjamin Netanyahu, head of the Likud party.

Both candidates are doing everything they can to gain the support of the smaller political parties to be able to form a coalition government.

Netanyahu has taken a hard line stand and said there will be no division of the city of Jerusalem and no unilateral pull back from the territories, in particular, the area of Judea and Samaria which is a large piece of real estate in the center of Israel that Tzipi Livni says must be given back in order to achieve peace with the Palestinians. The amount of land Livni is ready to give up is actually half the land of Israel and is the very biblical heartland of the Jewish people of which a portion is the Temple Mount, sacred to all Jews everywhere.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

For a PM of Israel to agree to give up half the state itself and in particular, the biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria is an affront to the God of the Jewish people.

For almost two decades, there has been in play in the Middle East peace process, the concept of land for peace. In other words, the Jews give up some of their God-given land and the Palestinians will give the Jews peace. This concept has never worked and will not work in the future. There are several reasons this approach will not work including the pre-written history of Bible prophecy for the Jewish state in the future.

God told the Jewish people the land they live on today and ten times that land will actually not be Jewish land, but God's land, Leviticus 25:23 and the Jews will only live on the land as caretakers. God promised the land they now occupy and much more in the Land Covenant found in Deuteronomy 30; however, that land only comes to the Jewish people in the Kingdom Period to come, Ezekiel 47 and 48.

No Israeli PM has the right to give up half the land Israel has today or in the future.

February 17, 2009

The Russians announced in Jerusalem that they will hold a Middle East Peace conference later this year

Russian Foreign Minister (FM) Sergey Lavrov on a visit to Jerusalem to meet with Israeli leaders has announced that his government will hold a Middle East peace conference in Moscow later this year, a conference that the FM said will be a followup to the 2007 Annapolis Conference.

The Israelis are pleased with the balance and even the positive role played by the Russians during the recent war in Gaza and Israel would prefer that Russia host an international Middle East conference rather than the French who have also expressed an interest in a Middle East Peace Summit.

The Russian FM told Israeli leaders they would not invite Hamas, nor would they push a Syrian track at the Middle East conference and it would take place in a positive atmosphere.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The idea of a Middle East peace summit being held in Moscow and hosted by the Russians seems to be contradictory to the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the End Times.

The idea of a Middle East peace summit being hosted by Russia and held in Moscow was first floated in 2008. At first rejected by Israel, there has been a change of attitude among the Israeli leaders who are looking very favorably on such a conference taking place in Moscow; however, this possibility of a peace summit in Russia, as I said, seems to contradict Bible prophecy.

Russia, known as Magog in Bible prophecy, Ezekiel 38:2, will be the leader of a coalition of states, nations that will rise up to slaughter the Jews and to destroy the state of Israel, Ezekiel 38:2-6, Daniel 11:40-44 and Psalm 83. Interestingly, this attack from this alignment of nations led by Russia will happen when Israel is dwelling safely at peace in the land, Ezekiel 38:8, 11.

Though a Middle East peace conference in Moscow seems to contradict Bible prophecy, it actually sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

February 16, 2009

The Israeli Defense Force is preparing to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat

The chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Force has prepared a report that declares, for the first time in years, that the state of Israel is under and existential threat from Iran, which the defense establishment says is a threat to the very existence of the Jewish state. The threat consists of information on Tehran's nearly obtained nuclear capability, its existing ballistics aptitude, and proven embassary fighting in the form of funding for Hamas, Hezbullah, and other terrorist organizations.

The Israeli Defense Force chief of staff, General Gabi Ashkenazi, defines the Iranian peril as the number one threat that the Israeli Defense Force is now preparing for in this next year and the military leader says that this is the case because of the methods employed by other governments including the sanctions and negotiations which have failed and Israel must to that which is necessary to defend its very existence.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The evaluation by the Israeli Defense Force that Iran is the number one threat to the Jewish state is a page out of Bible prophecy.

For a number of years the world has watched as the Iranians have been developing a nuclear weapon of mass destruction and have only been willing to talk about this threat and put in place sanctions that have completely failed. Now, the Obama Administration wants to have a sit down conversation with the leaders of Iran and try to negiotiate this threat away. Meanwhile, the chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Force and the Israeli military establishment are preparing a way to defend and deal with the Iranian threat which is the number one threat to the very existence to the Jewish state.

As I mentioned, this scenario is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days. 2500 years ago, the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel and also the Psalmist wrote about the Iranian threat. Ezekiel wrote, in Ezekiel 38:5, that the Persians would be one of the alignment of nations that will rise up to destroy the Jewish state in the last days. By the way, Persia is modern-day Iran. Psalm 83 states that the leader of this alignment of nations will call for the total destruction of Israel and that her name be forgotten for ever.

Iran, Israel's number one threat, will indeed play their end time role as Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

February 13, 2009

The European Union says that the next Israeli government could complicate the Middle East Peace Process

European leaders are urging any future Israeli government to stick to the two state solution to the Middle East peace process amid concerns in Europe that a new right wing coalition in the next Israeli government could complicate the Middle East peace process.

The most recent Israeli election resulted in the right wing block as the big winner with the best opportunity to form the next Israeli government and this nationalist camp has been the part of the body politic of Israel that has held a hard line in security matters, the division of the city of Jerusalem, and any further evacuations of the Jewish settlements.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that the European Union is urging the next Israeli government to move ahead with the Middle East peace process is actually a scenario that seems to be coming from the pages of Bible prophecy.

With the Israeli elections over and the political process of forming a new Israeli government ongoing, there is concern among world leaders that this new Israeli government could be made up of the right wing block of the political structure of Israel. This potential has caused world leaders in the United States, the United Nations, and the European Union to fear a right wing Israeli government that could bring the Middle East peace process to a grinding halt. The European Union leaders are so concerned that they are urging the Israeli people to reject a new Israeli government that would drag their feet in the peace process.

This scenario fits the prophetic plan that will unfold in the last days. 2500 years ago, the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote that the Revived Roman Empire would bring forth a leader that would actually work out a peace plan between the Jewish state and their neighbors, their enemies, the Arab Muslim nations around them (Daniel 7:7). There will be a peace in the Middle East in place at the beginning of the seven year Tribulation, a time of judgment on the Earth (Daniel 9:27).

The European Union's involvement with internal Israeli politics is like reading a page out of the prophetic scriptures - prophecy that will indeed be fulfilled.

February 12, 2009

An Israeli archaeologist has unearthed biblical proof of the prophet Jeremiah in the ancient City of David

Dr. Eilat Mazar, professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the leader of the archaeological team digging at the City of David, has unearthed proof of another biblical story, this time a story of one of the ministers of King Zedekiah from the period of the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem.

A completely in tact seal impression or "bula" bearing the name of Pashur was uncovered only a few feet away from a second such seal which was found three years ago, this first seal also belonging to a minister of King Zedekiah. Dr. Mazar remarked that this archaeological find is absolutely fantastic and very special, and again gives proof of the authority and authenticity of the biblical account of the city of Jerusalem and the Babylonian captivity of the Jewish people.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Archaeological proof of the biblical book of Jeremiah has a historic significance as well as a profound prophetic significance for the Last Days.

The archaeological find of two different seal impressions with the names of two ministers in the court of the Jewish King Zedekiah dates back some 2,600 years ago and is of great historic significance. The two ministers are two of a number of men who encouraged King Zedekiah to put the prophet Jeremiah to death because he had prophesied that the king should surrender Jerusalem to the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar instead of fighting the invading army, Jeremiah 38:1-4.

Jeremiah 50-51, which reveals the total destruction of Babylon, is for today or at least in the near future as it relates to the modern day name for Babylon, the nation of Iraq. Revelation 18 reveals that Babylon, modern day Iraq, will be the international headquarters for the one-world, economic, political, governmental system led by the one-world dictator, the Antichrist.

All that we see unfolding in Iraq today is indeed setting the stage for the prophecies in Jeremiah against Babylon. The archaeological find in Jerusalem is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

February 11, 2009

The Israeli elections are over, but there is no winner yet as two parties are claiming victory

Israeli voters turned out in large numbers to elect the next Israeli government and as of right now, there is no clear cut winner with both FM Livni's Kadima party claiming victory with one more mandate than Likud, the party of the former PM Benjamin Netanyahu, who says they can form a coalition government.

Israel is a parliamentary system of government and with 61 seats in the Knesset needed to form a government, several parties must come together in a partnership in order to elect the PM and the next government. All the 'backroom horse training' will now begin to see who can bring together the political parties to have a simple majority of legislative seats in the Knesset to be able to name the next PM of Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The next Israeli government is a human effort to lead the Jewish state into the future, but God has a better plan for the Jewish people in the future, according to Bible prophecy.

Democracy in the Middle East is on display in the Jewish state of Israel as these most recent elections have revealed to the world. Though no clear outcome has been determined, the human government in Israel will form a government most likely in the next couple of days.

God Himself put human government in place 4,500 years ago after the worldwide flood, Genesis 9:6. God then brought to the world His plan for a theocracy when He brought forth the Jewish people 4,000 years ago, Genesis 12. Though there has been a mix of human government and a theocracy down through the centuries, God's plan is for the Jewish Messiah to setup a theocratic Kingdom in Israel, Daniel 7:13-14 and II Samuel 7. That Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, is coming and according to present current events and Bible prophecy that could be very soon, Matthew 24:30-31.

The next Jewish government may see the Messiah, Jesus Christ, come to setup His Kingdom.

February 10, 2009

The Islamic movement in Israel says seminars on the Jewish Temple are a danger to Islamic site

Islamic movement spokesman Zahi Nujidat says seminars offered by a Jewish organization on the third Temple endangers the al Aqsa Mosque, a holy site for the Islamic world.

This three-part seminar held throughout Israel with tens of thousands in attendance, included a virtual tour of the Temple Mount, an explanation of the daily Temple life as well as a job description for the kohanim, the priests. The Islamic spokesman said the seminars are a serious threat and a drastic move toward the establishment of a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in place of al Aqsa Mosque which is the third holiest site in Islam.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Islamic outcry over seminars on the third Temple, being attended by tens of thousands of Jews in Israel, is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy

An ultra-Orthodox Jewish movement has been holding seminars on the third Jewish Temple that have angered the Islamic movement in Israel who claims these seminars present a danger to their Islamic holy site, the al Aqsa Mosque. Al Aqsa is the third holiest site in Islam, while at the same time it is the holiest site in Judaism and the location of the next Jewish Temple that is being prepared for right now. Both Islam and Judaism say they cannot share the Temple Mount. Only one religion can control the worship on this sacred piece of real estate; therefore, there will be a conflict over this site as was foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets.

Zechariah wrote 2,500 years ago that the Temple Mount would become intoxicating to those who control this spot and it would be a burdensome weight, Zechariah 12:2-3. The Psalmist wrote that the Lord has chosen this spot to dwell among the Jewish people forever, Psalm 132:13-14. Jesus will come to build His Temple on the Temple Mount, Zechariah 6:12, just after the Antichrist has built a Temple there and desecrated it, Daniel 9:27.

Conflict over the Temple Mount and a coming Temple does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

February 09, 2009

The German Chancellor calls on the Pope to clarify the Vatican's stance on the Holocaust

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has called on the German-born Pope to make a public statement clarifying the Vatican's stance on the horrific Holocaust in light of the fact that Pope Benedict lifted the excommunication of a bishop who denies that six million Jews were killed. Chancellor Merkel made the rare demand of clarification and initiated the conversation that has been characterized as a common deep concern about a perpetual warning about the Holocaust for all of humanity.

The pope's action had revived strained relations between the Vatican and Jews who have accused the Vatican of not speaking out against the Holocaust during World War II and to do whatever they could to prevent the senseless slaughter of the Jewish people.

Jimmy’s Prophetic Prospective on the News

Concerns over the denial of the holocaust by a Catholic bishop should be a reminder of the worst Holocaust yet to come - according to Bible prophecy.

There have been, over the decades, since the World War II Holocaust under Hitler, a number of prominent deniers that the Holocaust ever happened. Among these Holocaust deniers are the Iranian President Ahmadinejad and the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. In recent days, this has become a controversy in the Catholic Church as the Pope lifted the excommunication of a bishop who has been a Holocaust denier. This motivated the German Chancellor to take action and urge the Pope to clarify the Vatican's stance on the Holocaust.

The evidence of the horrific slaughter of six million Jews during World War II is overwhelming. But let me remind you that there is another Holocaust coming for the Jewish people according to one of the ancient Jewish prophets. This next Holocaust will be the worst that the Jewish people have ever seen and will see the slaughter of eight million Jews. That means that two of every three Jews on the Earth today will be killed and and that number comes from the Jewish prophet Zechariah. In Zechariah 13:8, we see the prophecy of this coming Holocaust.

Holocaust deniers or not, the prophecy of this coming slaughter of the Jewish people cannot be denied. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

February 06, 2009

PA President Abbas tells the European Parliament that the Israeli war in Gaza was a war crime and he wants the EU to get involved in the Middle East

Speaking to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, told the members of the parliament that the Israeli war in Gaza was a war crime and has urged Europe to play a bigger role in the Middle East renewing his calls for the European Union to be peacemakers and election monitors in the Middle East.

Jimmy’s Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, while addressing the European Parliament, called for the European Union to become more involved in the Middle East. That, basically, is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

Though the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was uncharacteristically quiet during the recent Gaza war and even condemned Hamas for instigating the war, the Palestinian leader is now saying that the Israeli war on Gaza was a war crime and he wants the international community to get involved. Abbas used the Gaza war to call for the European Union to become more involved in the Middle East. The Palestinian leader wants the European Union to take a definite part in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

This present scenario is very close to the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel reveals that in the last days, the "ten horns" (Daniel 7:7), and the "little horn" (Daniel 7:8) will be fulfilled by the Revived Roman Empire, today's European Union, and the Antichrist who will come to power as the leader of the Revived Roman Empire - the European Union of today. This worldwide leader, the Antichrist, will establish peace in the Middle East (Daniel 9:27). The Revived Roman Empire will play a major role in Bible prophecy.

The call by the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for the European Union to become more involved in the Middle East and, in particular, as it relates to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

February 05, 2009

The tough United States economy is causing Jews to obey the Bible and move to Israel

With a strong Israeli economy, and the dropping stock markets in the US, Israeli officials believe that we are on the brink of a new wave of immigrants that will moving to Israel. In Israel, the economic situation has a great future, with the tourist trade and high technology industries doing well and growing rapidly. Israel’s economy looks to have a bright future, especially when compared to the approaching recession in the United States.

It is believed that with this financial crunch, especially the very religious “Ultra-orthodox” Jewish community will awaken and remember the biblical imperative of immigration to Israel.

Jimmy’s Prophetic Prospective on the News

It doesn’t matter whether Jewish people move to Israel because of a financial crunch, or because the Bible says they must. The end result is that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Over the last hundred years, Jews from all over the world have moved to Israel. The reborn Jewish state has seen some great periods of Aliyah. Aliyah is the Hebrew word for Jewish people immigrating back to Israel. The big wave of immigration during the 1990s was from Russia - with about 1.3 million Russian Jews immigrating to Israel. There was another wave from Ethiopia, which spanned several years. Following World War II and the Holocaust, Jews from Europe came in great numbers to help establish the Jewish State.

This report is evidence that Bible prophecy is indeed in the process of being fulfilled. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote some 2,500 years ago that the Lord would find the Jews where ever they had been scattered and gather them back to Israel. The Lord says 18 times in Ezekiel 34 that He will find His people and bring them into the land. Ezekiel 36, which refers 35 times to the land of Israel, says that the Jewish people would be brought back into the land of their forefathers - the land where they are living today - the Jewish state of Israel.

Even though it may be because of the financial crunch in the United States today, Jews are making ready to move to the land of Israel, and thus fulfill Bible prophecy.

February 04, 2009

The quest for peace in the Middle East is intensifying as the US and EU increase efforts in the region

The newly appointed Middle East Peace Envoy for the US, George Mitchell told the US leaders he wants to setup a permanent office in Israel so he can have a hands on presence in the region in an effort to bring about a peaceful resolution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Meanwhile, former British PM Tony Blair has for months been setup with a suite of offices in Jerusalem as he works to bring peace to the region as the peace envoy for the Quartet, the US, EU, UN and Russia and to some extent Blair has been effective, especially in the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Bible says when everyone is talking about peace, especially in the Middle East, the world is ready for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

From day one of his administration, President Obama has been involved in the peace process in the Middle East. The new president made phone calls to four of the Middle Eastern leaders to encourage them to work harder at the peace process and within 24 hours, the Obama administration had named a peace envoy to the region, George Mitchell. Tony Blair, the Quartet's Middle East Peace Envoy is already up and operating in Jerusalem with some degree of success so far. French President, Sarkozy wants in on the action and is setting up a global summit on the Middle East to be held in Paris within the next month.

With all this energy focused on peace in the Middle East, I am reminded of what the Apostle Paul wrote in I Thessalonians 5:3. He said, when they say peace and safety, sudden destruction is coming. The next major peace in the Middle East will be when the Antichrist confirms the peace treaties already on the table but not working, Daniel 9:27. Ezekiel 38:8, 11 says that is when Israel comes under attack, sudden destruction by the enemies of the Jewish state.

The flurry of activities by world leaders to bring peace to the Middle East is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

February 03, 2009

Benjamin Netanyahu says if elected Israel's next PM, he will not divide Jerusalem

In the days leading up to the Israeli elections, the rhetoric on the campaign trail is intensifying and the candidates for PM are letting out all the stops to gather the needed votes to get a majority in the Knesset, Israel's legislative body who actually elects the PM.

Former PM Benjamin Netanyahu has promised Israeli voters if he is elected, he will not divide the city of Jerusalem, but keep the city united, which means the Palestinians would not be able to have some portion of Jerusalem as the capital for their state of Palestine.

Netanyahu told a group of reporters from around the world that the Jews did not return to Jerusalem after praying for it to be rebuilt for 2,000 years in order to give it up.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With the status of Jerusalem at the center of the upcoming Israeli elections, the evidence is strong that the End Times scenario for the holy city is moving very close to being fulfilled.

With the candidates for PM in the upcoming elections in Israel vying for every vote, the statement by a former PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, that if elected, he will not divide Jerusalem, the body politic of Israel must now decide if Jerusalem is indeed the major issue in this election. Another candidate for PM, the present FM, Tzipi Livni has been negotiating with the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Palestinian negotiator told the US Middle East Peace Envoy George Mitchell that Livni is ready to give a portion of Jerusalem for a Palestinian capital city.

The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah wrote 2,500 years ago that Jerusalem would be intoxicating to those who control it, a cup of trembling, Zechariah 12:2. The prophet also said it would be a heavy weight, a "burdensom stone" for those who wanted to control Jerusalem, Zechariah 12:3. Zechariah 12:3. Jesus told Zechariah that He would come back to Jerusalem and build a Temple there, Zechariah 1:16.

It does not really matter who the next PM of Israel is, Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

February 02, 2009

Libya's Colonel Gaddafi claims to be the king of kings

The African Union, a union of all the nations on the African continent, meeting in Ethiopia has elected Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi as the next leader of the African Union and to what many member states thought was an obvious choice, there are some delegates that are very uneasy about this election. Col. Gaddafi was elected by the heads of state in a closed-door session for a one year period with the election coming after the African Union summit debated a Libyan backed proposal to set up a single government, the United States of Africa.

Gaddafi, who wants a single African military force and a single currency for the African Union, arrived at the summit with the title, "king of kings" - a title bestowed on the Libyan leader by more than 200 African kings and traditional rulers of Africa.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is not the king of kings but his nation will play a key role in the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

One of the most controversial world leaders is Col. Muammar Gaddafi the long time leader of Libya. Gaddafi has, in the past, aligned himself with many radical Islamic leaders but then he made inroads with the western nations as he gave up his ambitions for a nuclear weapon of mass destruction in Libya.

With the election of the 53 nations African Union to make Col. Gaddafi their new president, once again the spotlight is on this controversial personality. Arriving at the African Union summit, Gaddafi claimed to be the king of kings. First, let me remind you that Col. Gaddafi's nation, Libya, is mentioned in the Bible as one of the nations that will align themselves against Israel in the last days (Ezekiel 38:5). Libya or "Phut" in Biblical terms can be found in numerous other locations in the Biblical scenario for the last days. But no place in the Bible is the leader of Libya referred to as the "king of kings" - that designation reserved for Jesus Christ at His return to Earth (Revelation 19:16, 1:5, and 17:14).

Col. Gaddafi is not the king of kings - Jesus Christ is the King of Kings. Bible prophecy will be fullfilled.