
May 29, 2009

Jews in Jerusalem and around the world stayed up all night to study the Bible

Early Friday morning tens of thousands of Jewish worshipers went to the Western Wall in Jerusalem at the Temple Mount for their morning prayers in honor of the holy day of Shavuot, the Jewish feast day of Pentecost, the Feast of Weeks with many of them having spent the night engrossed in study of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. This Jewish feast day has an agricultural connection in accordance with the Biblical command to bring the first fruits of the wheat harvest to the temple. But without a temple in Jerusalem, the emphasis has been on celebrating the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai some 3500 years ago - thus the all night study of the Bible.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Even though the Jewish people celebrate Shavuot, the Feast of Pentecost, on the wrong day of the week, Jesus Christ has and will fulfill all all seven of the Jewish feasts on the right day - according to Bible prophecy.

God gave the seven Jewish feast days to the Jews before they had entered the Promised Land and He was very detailed with his instructions found in the Old Testament book of Leviticus 23. I mentioned that the Jews observe Pentecost, Shavuot, on the wrong day according to the command given in Leviticus 23. Leviticus 23:15-16 says that Pentecost should be observed on the day after the Sabbath, which would be Saturday, and in fact the seventh sabbath after the feast of Firstfruits which the Jews no longer observe. The feast should be celebrated on Sunday - not Friday.

It is interesting to note that Jesus was crucified on Passover, buried on Unleavened Bread, and He resurrected on Firstfruits, the first three Jewish feast days. Acts 2 says that the Day of Pentecost was when the Holy Spirit came upon the Church. Jesus actually fulfilled the first four Jewish feast days on the proper day called for in the Bible. Jesus the Messiah will come back to Earth on the Feast of Trumpets, go into the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement, and begin His reign during His Millenial Kingdom on the Feast of Tabernacles.

Jews celebrating the Feast of Pentecost is indeed a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 28, 2009

Jewish rabbis gathered in the Jewish settlements to reject President Obama's plan for Israel

Religious leaders in Israel gathered in Judea and Samaria, often referred to as the West Bank, to reject the demand by the Obama Administration to stop all building in Jewish settlements and, in fact, the demand to evacuate these Jewish communities and they urged Israeli Defense Force soldiers to refuse to follow evacuation orders given by the Israeli government. The rabbis called on the Israeli government to call off any removal of Jewish families and their homes from the area of Judea and Samaria because it is a violation of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible and that each soldier must accept the words of God rather than the anti-semitic order to uproot Jews from the land of Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The demand by the Obama Administration to stop building in Judea and Samaria and to evacuate this God-given land, will lead to a second Jewish state in Israel according to Bible prophecy.

The Obama Administration seems to believe that the Jewish settlements are an impediment to a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President Obama and his foreign affairs team have made it clear that their must be no building in the Jewish settlements and that they want these settlements evacuated.

The end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy reveals that the Jews would return to the land of their forefathers in fulfullment of the promise that God made to the Jewish people referring to this land (Ezekiel 36:8-12 and 37:7-10). However, these same passages of prophecy speak of a second Jewish state in this land in the last days (Ezekiel 37:15-23). One of these Jewish states will be called Israel - the other will be called Judah. The state called Israel is in place right now and the continuing efforts to force Jews off of this God-given land in Judea and Samaria, will eventually force the Jews to form a second Jewish state which, in fact, is now under discussion and in the planning stages.

Rest assured, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 27, 2009

An Islamic leader claims that Israeli PM Netanyahu is preparing to rebuild the Jewish Temple

At a conference held in Doha Qatar, an Islamic cleric told the attendees that the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu may try to build the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and he said that when the Jews build the Temple, they will do so upon the destruction of the al Aqsa Mosque, a site sacred to Moslems.

Sheikh Salah said the solution to the Jewish threat against Jerusalem is a complete mobilization of the Arab world including the religious leaders who need to act and recruit the Moslem masses to confront their duty towards the problem in Jerusalem and al Aqsa Mosque.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The claim by a Moslem cleric that Israeli PM Netanyahu will try to rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem has an interesting connection to what Bible prophecy says about that coming Temple.

My experience with the Israeli government is that they steer clear from any action or statements that refer to the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Israeli political leaders recognize this issue as very controversial and that it could lead to a major conflict. Israeli religious leaders, however, recognize that the Bible does speak of the previous Jewish Temples and a coming Temple to be built in Jerusalem.

Three thousand years ago, King Solomon built the first Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, II Chronicles 3. That Temple, destroyed by the Babylonians, was rebuilt by Jews returning from the Babylonian cativity under the leadership of Zerubbabel, Ezra 1-6. The Temple in Jerusalem during the time of Jesus, Herod's Temple, was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. Bible prophecy reveals there will be another Temple in Jerusalem, in fact, two more temples. Jesus, when He returns, will build His Temple, Zechariah 6:12. But, before that time, during the Tribulation Period, there will be a Temple built in Jerusalem, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4 and Revelation 11:1.

Preparations for this next Temple are ready.

May 26, 2009

The Palestinian Authority wants to give control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to the global Islamic community

The Minister of Jerusalem Affairs in the Palestinian Authority(PA) says the PA favors transferring control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to the Organization of Islamic Conference made up of the 57 member states of this global Islamic organization.

The PA would accept the management of the Temple Mount by the Saudi based Organization of Islamic Conference whose 57 member states includes Iran and other Islamic members who have called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth. The Israeli government officially has the sovereign control of the old city of Jerusalem which includes the Temple Mount, but Israel has given custodial responsibilities to the PA of this site, the most sacred site in all of Judaism.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The question of control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be the major controversy in the Last Days according to Bible prophecy.

For the PA and the Organization of Islamic Conference to even consider taking control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the al Aqsa Mosque as they refer to this site, is beyond imagination in our world today. The Temple Mount is the most sacred piece of real estate in the world to the Jewish people and for the Global Islamic Community to claim sovereign control of this holy site in the heart of the capital city of Israel is considered by the Jewish state to be outrageous.

The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah wrote 2,500 years ago that what we see happening today would be the case when Jesus Christ returns to the earth to build His Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Zechariah 12:2 says that Jerusalem will be the center of controversy at this time. Zechariah 1:14-16 reveals that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will be agressively possessive of Jerusalem, He will be angered by the arrogant security of those who think they control the Temple Mount and Jesus will come and build His Temple on this holy site and rule and reign from that Temple forever.

Any claim by the global Islamic community will be set aside. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 25, 2009

Automated killer robots could unleash a robot arms race that will be a threat to humanity

According to university professor Noel Sharke, the keynote speaker at Great Britain's Royal United Services Institute, the autonomous gun-toting robots developed for warfare could easily fall into the hands of terrorists, and could unleash a robot arms race that will pose a threat to humanity.

Intelligent machines deployed on battle fields around the world, from mobile grenade launchers to rocket firing drones, can already identify and lock onto targets without human help. There are thousands of military robots on the ground in Iraq as well as unmanned aircraft and military leaders are calling for autonomous robots as soon as possible.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An autonomous gun-toting robot in the hands of a terrorist in our world today could well be one aspect of the End Times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

The warning from a top expert on Artificial Intelligence that an autonomous gun toting robot in the hands of a terrorist could bring about a robot arms race that will be a threat to humanity, has not deterred military leaders around the world to back away from their need of for these robots that would allow for a risk free war.

Several countries led by the US, have already invested heavily in robot warriors developed for use on the battlefield. South Korea and Israel both deploy armed robot border guards while China, India, Russia, and Great Britain have all increased the use of military robots. These autonomous, gun-toting robots may well be the robot warriors that will fulfill many aspects of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

Jesus Christ in His Olivet Discourse said that one indication of His soon return would be war and rumors of war, Matthew 24:6. John the Apostle and author of the book of Revelation said that the second judgment to be released on humankind during the Tribulation Period would be war and death, Revelation 6:3-4. John also wrote that one-fourth of the Earth's population will be killed, many of them by wars in the future, Revelation 6:7-8.

Autonomous, gun-toting robots may well set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 22, 2009

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says that Jerusalem will never again be divided

On the day that Israel marks the 42nd anniversary of the reuniting of the city of Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu vowed to never divide the city of Jerusalem and he pledged to keep the city as the capital of Israel united and under Israeli sovereignty. Netanyahu also said that Jerusalem has always been a Jewish city, will always be a Jewish city and that it will never again be partitioned or divided.

The reunification of Jerusalem took place during the Six Day War, 42 years ago, and since then, Netanyahu added, only under Israeli sovereignty has Jerusalem ensured the freedom of religion and and freedom of access for the three religions to the holy places.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Jerusalem Day, marking the reunification of this holy city 42 years ago, is a reminder of the past, the present, and the prophetic significance to the most important city in the world - according to Bible prophecy.

Parades, political speeches, and fireworks marked the 42nd anniversary of Jerusalem being reunited during the Six Day War in 1967. The recapturing of Jerusalem, after almost 2000 years, allowed the Jewish people to return to the city and to return the city to Jewish control which first began 3000 years ago when the Jewish King David captured this Jebusite stronghold and named it the political capital of the Jewish people (II Samuel 5). King David made Jerusalem the spiritual capital of the Jewish people when he brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem as recorded in II Samuel 6. Down through the centuries, Jerusalem has been in and out of the hands of the Jewish people, but King David did receive a promise from God, the Davidic Covenant, that Jerusalem would be the eternal undivided capital of the Jewish people forever (II Samuel 7).

The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah foretold of today when Jerusalem would be a city of controversy (Zechariah 12:2). However, the prophet also wrote that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, would return and build His temple in Jerusalem where He would rule and reign forever (Zechariah 1:16, 6:12-13).

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 21, 2009

Thousands of Islamists have called for a caliphate, a worldwide Islamic kingdom

Some eighty thousand Islamists recently came together from around the world, meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia to press for the re-establishment of a caliphate. a world-wide kingdom across the Moslem world.

The event was organized by the liberation party which was founded in Jerusalem in the 1950's by a Palestinian religious scholar and experts believe the group ideologically is in concert with the Jihadist, Islamic holy war groups, and they are using peaceful means that are purely tactical.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by thousands of Islamists for a world-wide Islamic kingdom today is a precursor for confrontation with the Messiah, Jesus Christ, in a soon-coming tomorrow, that is according to Bible prophecy.

In the last two years Iranian President Ahmadinejad has repeatedly said that we are now living in the apocalyptic age, a time near to the coming of the Islamic Mahdi, the Islamic Messiah.

Now, the Moslem in the street is joining with this Islamic leader to call for revival of the caliphate, a world-wide Islamic kingdom that would be under Sharia Law, the Islamic Law and answer to Allah, the Islamic deity.

In a recent conference held in Jakarta, Indonesia, the largest Moslem gathering in the world of this type, some eighty thousand Moslems and their leaders, called for the caliphate to be re-established.

This scenario that I have just described will bring about a universal confrontation in the future as we draw close to the time when Jesus Christ will come to earth to establish His kingdom, a physical kingdom in our world that will be headquartered in the Middle East from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The ancient Jewish prophets, especially Daniel and Ezekiel, speak about the Lord's kingdom that will be established and will be in existence forever, (Daniel 7:13-14). Ezekiel wrote of the temple that will be located in Jerusalem that Jesus will build and as Messiah it will be His seat of authority and He will establish His earthly kingdom, His universal kingdom, from that spot, (Ezekiel 40-46 with special attention on Ezekiel 43:1-7).

The call by thousands of Moslems for a caliphate, a world-wide Islamic kingdom, is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

May 20, 2009

The former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld used passages from the Bible on White House intelligence briefings

It has been reported that former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld routinely used militaristic passages from the Bible on the cover pages of White House intelligence documents to curry favor with President George W. Bush despite the concerns about the incendiary impact on Islamic opinion if they were made public.

These passages of Scripture appeared on the front page of top secret intelligence summaries prepared by the Pentagon for President Bush and the briefing documents were so sensitive that they were often hand delivered by Rumsfeld to the White House.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The use of Biblical passages on the covers of intelligence reports for the White House would have been proper if they had used the appropriate passages from Bible prophecy.

The recent report that former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld used biblical passages as the cover page to White House intelligence briefing documents could have caused a massive uproar among the Islamic world if it had been revealed during the war in Iraq under President Bush.

One example of what we are talking about would be the passage from I Peter stating, "It is God's will that by doing good, you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men", this passage was included with a photo of Saddam Hussein delivering a speech. Another image showing tanks roaring through the dessert to topple Saddam's regime had a passage from Ephesians which stated that we should put on the whole armor of God to stand against evil.

From the pages of Bible prophecy, there are indeed passages that relate to the destruction of modern day Iraq, biblical Babylon. These passages include Isaiah 13-14 and Jeremiah 50-51. In Revelation 18 it says that Babylon, modern day Iraq, will be destroyed in one hour, Revelation 18:10, 17, 19. Interestingly, Revelation 17:17 says God will put into the hearts of world leaders to take actions that will accomplish His will.

All of the aforementioned prophecy passages will have fulfillment in the coming seven year Tribulation period, but rest assured Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 19, 2009

The US President told the Israeli PM to stop building in the land God gave the Jewish people

In the recent meeting at the White House in Washington, US President Barack Obama and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu met to discuss the way forward in the region as they talked about two volatile in the Middle East: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the threat of Iran with a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction.

The US president said that for the time being, he wants Israel to restrain from launching a preemptive attack on Iran and President Obama told PM Netanyahu that Israel must stop building in the biblical areas of Judea and Samaria in the Jewish state of Israel and prepare to give up this land to a Palestinian state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that a US president would tell Israel they cannot build on the land God gave them and they must prepare to give this land up for a Palestinian state is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

In the first official meeting between the leaders of the US and Israel, the line was drawn in the sand by US President Obama when he told Israeli PM Netanyahu that the Jewish state must stop all building and in fact any type of expansion of the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. In addition to that, he made known that he wants Israel to evacuate these areas he calls occupied territories.

Leviticus 25:23 says the land is God's land and He will give it to whom He pleases. Deuteronomy 30 says God made a covenant with the Jewish people and He cannot break it and must give them this land. Ezekiel 36 says the land in question is the land of the forefathers of the Jewish people and in particular Judea and Samaria where the Jewish settlements are located today. Ezekiel 35:10-14 reveals that the Palestinians will try to take this land from the Jewish people in the Last Days.

President Obama's statements and actions as it relates to the Jewish state of Israel and the land of the Jewish people is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

May 18, 2009

An Islamic leader in Israel denies the Jewish temples ever existed in Jerusalem

The al Aqsa Mosque, known as the Temple Mount to the Jewish people, was never the site of a Jewish Temple according to the head of the Islamic movement, Sheikh Raad Salah who said that the claims of the Jews are a big lie and they have no right to even one speck of dirt on the location.

The sheikh said he believes that Moslems are at a critical time in history, that al Aqsa is in danger and Jerusalem is in danger and the Moslem world must save al Aqsa, free Jerusalem and end the Israeli occupation. Sheikh Salah believes that Jerusalem is not only houses, it is faith, it is history, it is a present, a future, an eternal right that the Moslems will not relinquish.

Jimmy DeYoung's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An Islamic leader that says there was never a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and then says that piece of real estate actually belongs to the Moslems is playing a role that was foretold in Bible prophecy.

It sounds like an echo chamber here in Jerusalem as one Islamic leader after another makes the statement that there was never a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount, a fact disputed by both Biblical and secular history. Islamic leaders claim that there is no archaeological evidence of a previous Jewish presence on the Temple Mount. With total disregard for Biblical history, these Islamic leaders make claims that can be easily disproved.

The Bible reveals that King Solomon built the first Jewish Temple on Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount, almost 3,000 years ago, II Chronicles 3:1. There is the Biblical account of the building and the dedicatory service of the second Jewish Temple built in Jerusalem around 2,500 years ago, Ezra 6. Jesus told the ancient prophet Zechariah that He would return to Jerusalem to build His Temple on the Temple Mount, Zechariah 1:16 and Zechariah 6:12. However before that, conflict and controversy would surround the Temple Mount, Zechariah 12:2.

An Islamic leader claiming that there has never been a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 15, 2009

A Washington insider says that an Iran with nuclear capability would transform the power balance in the Middle East and set the region for nuclear war

Anthony Cortisman, a former director of intelligence assessment for the Secretary of Defense, who is now a top strategic guru at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, says that if Iran achieves it's goal of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction the entire power-balance of the Middle East will be changed and it will set the stage for a nuclear war in the region.

Cortisman says that theoretically it is possible that the Israeli State, economy and organized society would survive such an almost mortal blow; however, Iran would not survive in the normal sense of the term.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The possibility of a nuclear war in the Middle East, should Iran acquire a nuclear weapon of mass destruction, is very viable says one strategic planner; however, Bible prophecy has additional information about this possible scenario for the Middle East as well.

Anthony Cortisman the strategic guru in Washington says that a nuclear confrontation between Iran and Israel would kill millions of Iranians and leave Israel crippled, but the Jewish State would survive.

This scenario that at this point in time is possible, if all intelligence from the region is correct, is only in the mind's of the analyst. But from the pages of Bible prophecy this potential war, nuclear or not, will take place according to the ancient Jewish prophets.

Ezekiel mentioned Iran specifically as a nation that will form a coalition with other nations to attack Israel and endeavor to destroy the Jewish State, that's in Ezekiel 38:5 where Iran is referred to as Persia.

Bible prophecy does not mention that nuclear weapons will be used but the prophets do say that the total destruction of the Jewish State is on the agenda of the alignment of nations against Israel in the last days, as found also in the prophetic books of Daniel, Joel and Micah.

The assessment that there could be a nuclear war in the Middle East and soon is close to what Bible prophecy calls for in the last days. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 14, 2009

Pope Benedict, on a visit to Bethlehem, calls for a Palestinian state

During his visit to the Bible lands, Pope Benedict visited the traditional site for the birthplace of Jesus Christ, the little town of Bethlehem, and during his religious pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity, the Pope called for the Palestinian right to a homeland in the Palestinian areas. The Pope said that the Palestinian people have every right to have a state in the land of their forefathers, and at the same time, he urged the Palestinians not to resort to violence and terrorism, but instead to work for a just and lasting peace in the region.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Pope Benedict's call for a Palestinian state where there never was a Palestinian state is a precursor to the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

On his religious pilgrimage to the Bible lands, Pope Benedict has caused some controversy among the Moslem and Jewish communities and also with his political statements among some of the Israeli leaders as well. What has caused controversy is calling for the right of the Palestinian people to have their state of Palestine and doing this in the Palestinian areas. Though history is silent about a Palestinian state ever being in place in what is today Israel, the history of God's Word tells us the past and prophetic significance of these people, the Palestinian people who are actually descendants of Esau, the twin brother of Jacob.

God gave Jacob what is today Israel (Genesis 37:1) and he sent Esau to live in what is today the lower third of Jordan which in Biblical times was known as Edom (Genesis 36:8-9). The ancient Jewish prophet Malachi said that the Palestinian people would return to build a homeland and that God would call this a wicked place (Malachi 1:1-6). Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Obadiah, other Jewish prophets, also foretold of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that would happen in the last days (Ezekiel 35, Jeremiah 49, and the little book of Obadiah).

Pope Benedict's call for a Palestinian state today is a precursor for Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled in a future tomorrow.

May 13, 2009

A landmark archaeological discovery found in the British museum gives proof of Old Testament truth

An expert on ancient Babylon, Dr. Michael Jersey of Vienna, has discovered a small clay tablet located in the British museum that is a landmark archaeological discovery and provides proof of the Old Testament's veracity.

Though the tablet was unearthed near Baghdad in 1920, only recently has it been deciphered by Dr. Jersey which led to the discovery of the records of a donation of gold by the chief eunuch of King Nebuchadnezzar. Dr. Jersey quickly consulted Jeremiah 39 where he found the man's name listed as one of Nebuchadnezzar's top ministers who actually took part in the destruction of the first Temple in Jerusalem 2,500 years ago.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An ancient Babylonian tablet found in the British museum is evidence that the nation of Iraq will be destroyed forever according to Bible prophecy.

A recent discovery in the British museum by an expert on ancient Babylon gives a direct link to the Bible and the Babylonian history under King Nebuchadnezzar. The Babylonian tablet gives the name of one of Nebuchadnezzar's top ministers which is the same name of Nebuchadnezzar's men found in Jeremiah 39. This Old Testament passage used by the archaeologist is the account of King Nebuchadnezzar's siege of the city of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC.

It was that destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem 2,500 years ago that God said would be the reason He would destroy the Babylonians, the modern-day Iraqis, forever, Jeremiah 50:28, 51:11. However, before the Babylonians and the literal city of Babylon are destroyed, this nation and the city of Babylon will become the headquarters for the one-world, economic, political, governmental system led by Antichrist, Revelation 18.

Of course, that war-torn nation must be rebuilt and become the power center of the world before the destruction as recorded in Revelation 16:17-21.

May 12, 2009

Jordan's King Abdullah says there is either peace now or there will be war in the Middle East next year

Jordan's King Abdullah, the first Middle East leader to meet President Obama at the White House, says America is putting together a very ambitious peace plan for the Middle East aimed at ending 60 years of conflict between Israel and the Arabs and the King is working to bring the parties together.

The king says failure to reach agreement could draw the world into a new Middle East war next year, a conflict between the Arab nations, the other Moslem nations and the Jewish state of Israel.

King Abdullah said the details will come out in the meetings President Obama will have with Israeli PM Netanyahu and PA President Abbas later this month.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement from Jordan's King Abdullah that it is either peace now or war next year in the Middle East is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

During the meeting between US President Obama and Jordan's King Abdullah recently held at the White House, the two leaders started to develop a plan for a comprehensive peace agreement in the Middle East between the Jewish state of Israel and its Arab and Moslem neighbors. In recent days, King Abdullah has been very vocal about the urgency of this peace plan and in fact has made the dramatic warning that failure to bring the parties together and come to an agreement on a plan would mean war in the Middle East in the next 12 to 18 months.

This scenario, as I said, is a page out of Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophets Daniel and Ezekiel wrote 2,500 years ago there would be an alignment of nations, Daniel 11:40-45, Ezekiel 38, that these nations would come to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. The nations mentioned by these two Jewish prophets include the Arab and Moslem nations in the Middle East today. Ezekiel 38:8, 11 reveals that this war will happen when Israel is dwelling in their land safely, after a peace treaty has been agreed to by all the parties.

Peace indeed is a precursor to the war in the Middle East according to Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

May 11, 2009

Pope Benedict makes a landmark visit to Israel

Pope Benedict, the head of the Catholic Church, and an internationally known religious leader on his visit to Israel, called for peace in the Middle East with a focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and he said that both peoples, the Israelis and the Palestinians must have their own homeland living in peace and security. In what was termed a landmark visit, the Pope told the Jewish people that antisemitism must be stopped wherever it is found and during a visit to the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, Pope Benedict said that he pledged to honor the memory of the 6 million Jewish victims of the Nazi genocide.

The Pope said that the eyes of the world are upon the peoples of the Middle Eastern region as they struggle to achieve a just and lasting solution to the conflicts that have caused so much suffering.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An internationally known religious leader calling for peace in the Middle East while in the city of Jerusalem sounds very much like a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

Pope Benedict, in his first visit to the Middle East region as Pope, has made some very interesting statements that have some people cheering and others almost fighting mad. The Moslem world had been offended by Pope Benedict's statements concerning the founder of Islam, the prophet Mohammad. The Jewish people were very concerned about Germany being his homeland and the fact that the Pope, as a boy, had been a member of the Hitler Youth Movement.

However, as a student of Bible prophecy, what has been interesting to me, is that this world known religious leader came to Israel and started talking peace - trying to work out a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The ancient Jewish prophets, Daniel and John the Apostle, both prewrote history of a time when a religious leader from Rome will come to Jerusalem and bring together a peace agreement between the Jewish people and their enemies, actually the Arab and Moslem nations (Daniel 9:27, Revelation 6:1-2, and Revelation 17).

Let me make certain that you understand - I do not believe that the Pope is the Antichrist, the one that will bring about this peace. However, this report is indeed very similar to the scenario that will come to pass. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 08, 2009

The Supreme Moslem Council says that the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Jewish

Over a decade ago the Chief Moslem cleric for the Palestinian Authority (PA) Mufti Sabri stated that the claim of the Jewish people to the right of control over Jerusalem is false and that the Islamic world only recognized Islamic supervision over Jerusalem.

However, it is now known that this absolute claim to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is not absolute according to a document recently discovered, published by the Supreme Moslem Council back in 1925 which states that the Temple Mount is the site of Solomon's Temple and this is beyond dispute.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The discovery of a Moslem document stating that the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Jewish is in line with biblical history and the "endtime" scenario for Bible prophecy.

I personally stood in the office of Sheikh Sabri, the Mufti of Jerusalem, and heard this chief Moslem cleric for the PA state there was never a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and that this site was a Moslem holy site dating back 6,000 years. With his statement, which is part of a campaign to convince the world that the Jews have no claim to the Temple Mount, the Mufti, Sheikh Sabri, contradicted Jewish and biblical history but it is now known that the Mufti contradicted his own Supreme Moslem Council.

The Islamic document discovered recently that states the Temple Mount was the site of Solomon's Temple, the Temple built by Israel's third king, is in perfect harmony with Bible history, II Chronicles 3-5. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem was also the site of the second Jewish Temple built by the Jews who returned from Babylon led by Zerubbabel, Ezra 1-6. This sacred site to the Jewish people, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, will also be the site of the next Temple to be built there as well, that is according to Bible prophecy, Zechariah 1:14-16, 6:12.

However, until that Temple of the Messiah is built, controversy will surround this holy site, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as indicated by this newly discovered Moslem document.

May 07, 2009

Scientists are preparing a robotic submarine to dive to the deepest part of the ocean

A robotic submarine is undergoing final preparations to dive to the deepest known part of the ocean which is called the Challenger Deep some 3600 feet deep in the Pacific Ocean near the island of Guam. The Challenger Deep is the deepest abyss on Earth. In fact, it is deeper than Mount Everest is high, and at that depth, pressure reached 1100 times the pressure on the surface which makes the engineering and building of such a vehicle a huge challenge.

The mission is more than just proving new technology. Scientists believe that this new robotic submarine will allow them to see all kinds of new life forms in novel habitats and they are expecting the unexpected.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The robotic submarine that will take scientists to the deepest part of the ocean may not find what God has put there as it relates to the future - according to Bible prophecy.

British scientists are preparing a robotic submarine to be used in a dive to the deepest part of the ocean which they hope will reveal new scientific discoveries. The Challenger Deep in the west Pacific near the island of Guam is the site to be explored and these marine biologists can only anticipate the new discoveries they may find in this endeavor.

As I am reporting this anticipated scientific event, my mind goes back to the passage of scripture that is found in the Old Testament - a prophetic passage in the last chapter of Micah. The ancient Jewish prophet in the context is acknowledging the sins of his people, the Jewish people (Micah 7:9). The prophet also warns the enemies of the Jewish people in the last days that when the Lord is finished chastising His people, then God will take care of the enemies of the Jewish people (Micah 7:10). In this same context, God tells the prophet that He will take the sins of the Jews and cast them into the depths of the deepest sea (Micah 7:19). It is in this context that Micah reveals the time of this prophecy to be when the Jewish people have cattle grazing on the Golan Heights - that is Bashan in verse 14. And I have to report, that is happening today.

The robotic submarine dive into the deepest part of the ocean does indeed attract our attention to the fact that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 06, 2009

An Israeli official tells US Vice President Joe Biden to have some respect for the land of the Bible

In a speech to a convention in Washington, DC, the US Vice President Joe Biden said Israel must stop building in Judea and Samaria and in fact should dismantle existing outposts in the West Bank allowing for freedom of movement for the Palestinian people.

These remarks from Vice President Biden drew a response from a member of the Israeli Knesset, Ketzaleh Katz, that the vice president should be a bit more careful when giving instructions to a sovereign democratic state and should have more respect for the Bible, the people of the Bible and the land of the Bible.

Katz said Mr. Biden's nation is barely 230 years old and Israel is a land where Jews have lived for thousands of years building their holy temples and holy places in the very areas that the vice president says Israel should freeze, locations like Shiloh, Beth-el and the Temple Mount in the old city of Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An exhortation from an Israeli official to the US Vice President about having more respect for the land of the Bible has very interesting connections to Bible prophecy.

US Vice President Joe Biden did not mix his words with uncertainty as he addressed the pro-Israeli Convention in Washington, DC recently and when he said Israel must stop bulding on the land most Israeli Jews believe God gave to them. These statements by the US vice president evoked a response from a member of the Israeli Knesset that the vice president must have more respect for the Bible, the people of the Bible and the land of the Bible.

In the Bible, Leviticus 25:23, God says the land is His land and He has chosen the Jewish people to be caretakers of the land. The ancient Jewish prophet, Ezekiel revealed in Ezekiel 36:22 that God gave the Jewish people this land for His holy namesake, when He could sware by nothing greater, He promised the Jews this land in His name. Enemies of the Jews in the Last Days will endeavor to try to take this land from the Jewish people, Ezekiel 35:10-12.

Vice President Biden's statement does indeed move us closer to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

May 05, 2009

The former US Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich says the Obama Administration is endangering Israel

The former Speaker of the US Congress, Newt Gingrich, told the American Public Affairs Committee the Obama Administration is on a collision course with Israel and is endangering the Jewish state referring to reports about President Obama's approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Gingrich called President Obama's program of engagement on Iran a "fantasy" and his Middle East policies very dangerous to Israel, a clear adoption of weakness, the weakest since Jimmy Carter.

The former Speaker of the House said that there is almost an eagerness to take on the Israeli government to make a point with the Arab world instead of sending the message to Israel that the US is for the survival of Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

If former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich is correct that the Obama Middle East policies endanger the Jewish state of Israel, this has a great prophetic significance, that is according to Bible prophecy.

In the political arena, the politicians make many claims that may not be completely accurate and some times they are even used to manipulate public opinion. On the Obama Administration's Middle East policy question, there is the recent evaluation of former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich that President Obama's Middle East policies are endangering the Jewish state of Israel which is a legitimate question that needs to be answered. No one should support everything the secular state of Israel does, but no nation should put the Jewish state in harm's way.

The Jewish state of Israel was reborn after almost 2,000 years as a fulfillment of Bible prophecy, Ezekiel 34 and 37. God has given the Jews a piece of real estate as He promised He would, Ezekiel 36. Bible prophecy does call for a number of nations to do all they can to destroy the Jewish state, Ezekiel 38.

America should be very careful who's side they are on and remember, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 04, 2009

Jewish men are being fitted for priestly garments so that they can serve in a soon coming Jewish temple

The Temple Institute ( started preparing to build a third Temple on Jerusalem's Mount Moriah, the site of the Dome of the Rock, by inaugurating a workshop that manufactures priestly garments to be worn by the Jewish priests who will serve in a third Jewish Temple to be built in Jerusalem.

Rabbi Yehuda Glick, Director of the Temple Institute, said when the Temple is rebuilt, Kohanim, members of the priestly family, must wear the proper outfit to perform the obligations at the Temple. Priestly garments have not been worn since the destruction of the second Temple by the Romans in 70 AD and cannot be functional until a third Temple is constructed.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Preparing priestly garments for Jewish men to wear as they serve in a third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem is evidence as to how close we are to the Return of Jesus Christ.

As the Temple Institute in Jerusalem prepares the priestly garments for those who claim to be members of the priestly family, the final steps for restoring Temple worship in a third Temple are being taken. Years of diligent research has been done to create the garments in accordance with Jewish law. Politically, those preparing to build the third Temple have a nightmarish situation with the Dome of the Rock on Al Aqsa Mosque, Islam's third holiest site, sitting on the spot where the next Jewish Temple is to be rebuilt

Even though the building site for the next Jewish Temple is a major hurdle, those preparing for the rebuilding of the third Temple say God will take care of that problem and these same Jews say they have everything else ready to operate the next Jewish Temple. This next Jewish Temple to stand on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is not the one Jesus Christ will build, Zechariah 6:12, but will be the Temple of the seven year Tribulation Period spoken of in Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, Revelation 11:1 and II Thessalonians 2:4.

As evidenced by this report all preparations have been made for the next Temple in Jerusalem.

May 01, 2009

The Iraqi government has launched a project to renovate the burial site of the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel

The Iraqi government has launched a project to renovate the burial site of the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel located south of Baghdad and the country's ministry of tourism and antiquities says it hopes to eventually repair and renovate other Jewish sites across the entire country. The Jewish community in Iraq was once one of the largest and most prominent Jewish communities in the Middle East which, after the establishment of a Jewish state in 1948, more than 120,000 Iraqi Jews moved to Israel in the 1950's in a clandestine operation called Operation Ezra and Nehemiah.

The Iraqi government says that the tombs of Daniel, Ezra, Nahum, and Jonah are also located in Iraq and the ministry of tourism will reestablish their sites as sacred spots for Jewish and Christian pilgrims.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The burial sites of several ancient Jewish prophets are evidence to their existence and a reminder of the prophecies of these prophets for the end times.

As war-torn Iraq continues to rebuild, there is a plan that is being put forth by the Iraqi ministry of tourism and antiquities that will most likely draw many Jewish and Christian pilgrims to this area. In addition to Biblical sites like Babylon and Ninevah, the prophets that had connection to these two cities are men who served in this region of the world and lived out their lives in what was once a major crossroad for Biblical events. This reality is what the Iraqi government wants to promote to the world to draw tourists to their nation.

What is interesting to me as a student of Bible prophecy, is that these prophets, Nahum, Jonah, Daniel, and Ezekiel all had the ministry of pre-writing the history of today, or in other words, the last days prophecies that are unfolding even as I speak. Nahum and Jonah focused on Ninevah which is the modern-day northern area of Iraq, the oil rich area. Daniel and Ezekiel were both captives in Babylon in southern Iraq and both spoke of what would happen in these areas in the last days. Even John the apostle, the writer of the book of Revelation, foretold of the end times activities in Iraq, Biblical Babylon (Revelation 18).

Remember, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.