
February 17, 2009

The Russians announced in Jerusalem that they will hold a Middle East Peace conference later this year

Russian Foreign Minister (FM) Sergey Lavrov on a visit to Jerusalem to meet with Israeli leaders has announced that his government will hold a Middle East peace conference in Moscow later this year, a conference that the FM said will be a followup to the 2007 Annapolis Conference.

The Israelis are pleased with the balance and even the positive role played by the Russians during the recent war in Gaza and Israel would prefer that Russia host an international Middle East conference rather than the French who have also expressed an interest in a Middle East Peace Summit.

The Russian FM told Israeli leaders they would not invite Hamas, nor would they push a Syrian track at the Middle East conference and it would take place in a positive atmosphere.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The idea of a Middle East peace summit being held in Moscow and hosted by the Russians seems to be contradictory to the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the End Times.

The idea of a Middle East peace summit being hosted by Russia and held in Moscow was first floated in 2008. At first rejected by Israel, there has been a change of attitude among the Israeli leaders who are looking very favorably on such a conference taking place in Moscow; however, this possibility of a peace summit in Russia, as I said, seems to contradict Bible prophecy.

Russia, known as Magog in Bible prophecy, Ezekiel 38:2, will be the leader of a coalition of states, nations that will rise up to slaughter the Jews and to destroy the state of Israel, Ezekiel 38:2-6, Daniel 11:40-44 and Psalm 83. Interestingly, this attack from this alignment of nations led by Russia will happen when Israel is dwelling safely at peace in the land, Ezekiel 38:8, 11.

Though a Middle East peace conference in Moscow seems to contradict Bible prophecy, it actually sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.