
August 31, 2010

NASA says that a coming solar storm could cause 20 times the damage of Hurricane Katrina

Richard Fisher, a leader with NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, says that the earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that is new to human history, adding that the sun is waking up from a deep slumber and in the next few years, we can expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. Fisher said that at the same time our society who has more technology that in the past has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms with GPS navigation, air travel, financial services, radio communications, and even our power grids that could be knocked out by intense solar activity.

The National Academy of Sciences has warned that a century class solar storm could cause 20 times more economic damage then Hurricane Katrina did several years ago.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The warning by NASA and The National Academy of Sciences that a soon coming solar storm could cause economic damage 20 times that of Hurricane Katrina is a precursor to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Leaders of NASA and The National Academy of Sciences are warning that our technological society must wake up to the fact that the sun is waking up from a deep slumber that could wreak havoc to our society today with all of its technology used in daily life. This report seems to be a page out of Bible prophecy and what the ancient Jewish prophets said would happen in the last days.

The book of Revelation is full of passages that foretell of this type of activity in our solar system. Revelation 6:12 speaks of the solar changes that affect the earth. Revelation 8:7-11 reveal ecological judgment on the earth from the heavens. John, who wrote the book of Revelation, wrote of the sun being destroyed by one third (Revelation 8:12). John also revealed that the sun will scorch man on earth to the extent that he will even blaspheme God for this judgment. These judgments upon the earth and earth dwellers happen in the seven year Tribulation period that is coming.

This warning from NASA is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

August 30, 2010

An Israeli rabbi calls on God to strike the Palestinian people and their leaders

In his weekly sermon, the spiritual leader of Israel's leading ultra-orthodox political party, Rabbi Yosef, said that the Palestinian people should perish from this world and he said that the Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, and the Palestinian people are evil people who God should strike with a plague. Prime Minister Netanyahu moved quickly to distance himself from the rabbis comments and the Prime Minister said that the rabbis words do not reflect the approach nor the position of the government of Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call for God to strike the Palestinian people and their leaders so that they would perish from the Earth is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

One of Israel's most influential rabbis has caused a firestorm and resulted in condemnation from not only the United States State Department but the Prime Minister of Israel as well. Rabbi Yosef is the spiritual leader of Israel's leading orthodox political party, the Shas Party, and a kingmaker in the formation of every coalition government in Israel. The rabbi, in one of his Sabbath sermons, said that the Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, should perish from this world and that the Palestinian people are evil, bitter enemies of Israel.

I likewise condemn the rabbi's statement. However, I must remind you that there is much said about the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians in Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophets Ezekiel, Malachi, Jeremiah, and Obadiah all wrote of the end of times as it relates to the descendants of Jacob, the Jewish people, and Jacob's twin brother Esau and his descendants, the Palestinian people. Ezekiel 35 says that the Palestinians would rise up and kill the Jews and take their land. Malachi wrote that God would call their borders the borders of wickedness (Malachi 1). Jeremiah and Obadiah both said that at the time of the second of Jesus Christ the descendants of Esau, the Edomites - the Palestinian people of today - would indeed perish from the Earth (Jeremiah 49:18; Obadiah 16-18).

I must remind you - Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

August 27, 2010

A Middle East expert says that the Arab lobby in Washington rules America

A new book by Middle East expert Mitchell Bard claims that the Arab lobby in Washington DC, headed up by the Saudis, has unlimited sources to try to buy what they usually cannot win on merits or their arguments. In response to the claim that the Israeli government also has a group that lobbies the United States government on Israel's behalf, Bard said that the Arab lobby is one of the strongest in America even stronger than the Israeli group and that the Arab world has many resources to call upon for influence in Washington.

Saudi officials let it be known that current US government officials can be hired following their retirement which many believe may help the officials adopt positions while in government to make themselves marketable to the Arab lobby.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The influence of the Arab lobby in the United States with its unlimited resources to buy what they cannot win on the merits of their arguments is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

There has always been pressure applied to all branches of government in the United States through what is called lobbying - advocates for a cause, who apply pressure on the Congress or the administration to go one direction instead of another. The media has complained about undue pressure from AIPAC, which is the Israeli lobby, while at the same time the Arab world has its own lobbying group in Washington headed up by the Saudis. With unlimited resources at their disposal, the Arab lobby does indeed make their wishes known to members of the United States government.

What is so interesting about this report is the list of nations found in Bible prophecy that will play a key role in the end times scenario which is revealed in the Bible. Daniel and Ezekiel, two of the ancient Jewish prophets, reveal in their prophecies these nations and most of them are members of the Arab world. Daniel points out that Syria and Egypt, referred to as the Kings of the North and the South in Daniel 11:40-43, that Syria and Egypt will join a coalition of nations to come and destroy the Jewish state of Israel in the last days. Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 38:5, mentions Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, and Libya as part of that same coalition. Even the Psalmist in Psalm 83 mentions Lebanon and Saudi Arabia in the alignment of Arab nations that will come against Israel.

Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

August 26, 2010

The leader of the Palestinian people says that the peace talks with Israel are a historic opportunity

After being forced to resume talks with the Israelis, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas believes that the negotiations with Israel are a historic opportunity to achieve peace between the two peoples and Abbas urged the Israeli government not to miss this historic opportunity.

Meanwhile, the Hamas faction of the Palestinian body politic call these talks illegitimate and continue to call for the armed struggle by the Palestinian people to liberate their state of Palestine.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Israelis and the Palestinians at the negotiating tables in Washington DC, working to come to a peaceful coexistence, may be a futile effort according to Bible prophecy.

For almost 30 years world leaders have been working to bring about peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. In 1993, both parties signed the Oslo Accords at the White House in Washington, a peace agreement that was flawed from the very outset. The Oslo Accords have never been normalized and since 1993, many Palestinians and Israelis have lost their lives in the ongoing conflict between the two peoples.

The history of this conflict is not only a modern-day phenomenon, but it dates back almost 4000 years. A study of Biblical history reveals that the Palestinians and the Jews of Israel have their origins in what the Bible records took place in the lives of Isaac and Rebekah 4000 years ago. Genesis 25:19-26 is the account of twin boys being born to Isaac and Rebekah - these boys were Jacob and Esau. God said the Rebekah (Genesis 25:23) that in her womb were two sons who would become two nations. History reveals that the two boys did become two nations. Jacob's descendants are the Jewish people of today and Esau's descendants the Palestinian people.

Bible prophecy foretells of these two boys and their nations being in conflict until the very end of days (Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the little book of Obadiah). Malachi says that the Palestinians will return to power and God will call their borders the "borders of wickedness". Ezekiel says that the Palestinians will kill the Jews and take their land. Obadiah foretells a resolution of the conflict when the Messiah Jesus Christ returns to Earth.

Talks of peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 25, 2010

Many Americans expect Jesus to return to earth by 2050

In the latest Pew Research Center survey, 41% of the Americans polled believe that Jesus Christ will return to the earth in the next 40 years and 46% of those polled said that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will probably or definitely not happen. The poll suggests that 58% of evangelicals believe that Jesus will return by 2050 and respondents with no college education were 3 times as likely as those with a college degree to expect the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the next 40 years.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

According to the latest survey many Americans expect Jesus Christ to return to the earth within the next 40 years which is confirmed by Bible prophecy.

The latest Pew Research Center poll indicates a large number of Americans believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth and that it could happen within the next 40 years. If the numbers in the survey results are correct, that means millions of Americans do believe what Jesus had to say before He left the earth almost 2000 years ago - that was that He would return.

Though this survey is not a vote on whether Jesus will return or not, those who believe that He will are in alignment with what Bible prophecy says except that it may be sooner than 2050. In fact, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ could happen in just 7 years because the second coming scenario found in Bible prophecy reveals that a 7 year time of judgment will precede the Lord's return to earth. That 7 years, the Tribulation period, will be recognized by events foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets. For example, the Jews will return to their homeland, Middle Eastern nations will align themselves against Israel, while at the same time there will be an effort to bring about peace in the Middle East, and talk and preparations to build a temple in Jerusalem will also be very prevalent (Ezekiel 37 - 46).

The next event is the Rapture when Jesus Christ calls all Christians into heaven before worldwide judgment breaks out and that could happen today because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 24, 2010

A Dutch political leader says that Jordan should change its name to Palestine

Geert Wilders is the political leader of the Party for Freedom in Holland and he believes that Jordan should be renamed Palestine, because this would end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle East and provide the Palestinian people their own homeland.

Wilders believes that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a conflict over territory but rather an ideological battle between the mentality of the liberated West and the ideology of Islamic barbarism.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by a Dutch political leader that Jordan should change its name to Palestine is actually very close to what the Bible says about this piece of real estate.

There has been a number of Israeli political leaders who have suggested that there is a Palestinian state and it is the state of Jordan. The facts are that over 2/3 of Jordan's population is Palestinian and if Jordan was a true democracy and not a monarchy, the Palestinians would indeed have a state in our world. This report thus far has been based upon political reality, but the past and the prophetic of this issue does say that Jordan should be Palestine

In Genesis 36, God sent Esau to Mount Seir which was at that time, the lower third of what we know as modern day Jordan. In Biblical times, God changed the name of this area from Mount Seir to Edom and God did this after He changed the name of Esau to Edom. As you trace through the Bible the history of Esau who was Jacob's twin brother, up and until today you will see that Esau's descendants are indeed the Palestinian people.

God told Rebbecca, the mother of Jacob and Esau before they were born as they struggled in her womb, that the two brothers would become two nations, Genesis 25:23. Jacob, of course, became the nation of Israel and Esau, the Palestinian people of today. God gave Esau and his descendants, the Palestinian people, at least a portion of modern day Jordan, Genesis 36:8.

The Dutch politician is pretty much on target. Jordan should be called Palestine, the homeland for the Palestinian people who are key players in the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

August 23, 2010

A British astronomer says that the end of the world as we know it could happen at any time

The British astronomer Chris Impey says astronomical intruders could provide a serious threat to our world as we know it and could cause global earthquakes, mile high tidal waves and the immediate killing of all large land animals.

The astronomer says that the "big one" as he described such an astronomical event happens every 100 million years which Impey said sounds like a safe buffer but he says there is good evidence that the next "big one" could happen at any time which has astronomers setting up ground based telescopes that scan the skies in search of some type of astronomical intruder.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The report from a British astronomer who says the end of the world is near is pretty much on target according to Bible prophecy.

The British astronomer Chris Impey who believes that astronomical intruders may be about to alter our world as we know it today and bring the world to an end has an interesting and informative paper that discusses what many have talked about for centuries. Although such an astronomical invasion happens only every 100 million years according to the astronomer, he still believes the next such event is about to happen.

Any student of Bible prophecy that has an understanding of the end of time events as revealed in the book of Revelation knows that the end of the world is at least 1,007 years into the future.

John, who received the message of his prophecy in Revelation from Jesus Christ, revealed that the next main event in Bible prophecy to be fulfilled will be the Rapture of the Church, Revelation 4:1. Revelation 4-19 is 16 chapters of detailed information about that seven year Tribulation Period that follows the Rapture. At the end of that seven years of tribulation, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will return to the earth to defeat all of His enemies, Revelation 19, and He then will setup His Kingdom for 1,000 years, Revelation 20:4-6.

That Kingdom is not now in place. It will be in place when Jesus returns to Jerusalem to build His Temple where He will rule and reign for that 1,000 years and then forever into eternity future.

August 20, 2010

The Mufti of Jerusalem says that Israeli control of Hebron, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem could start a religious war

Jerusalem's Mufti Mohammed Hussein, the highest ranking Islamic cleric in Jerusalem, says that Israeli sovereignty over Hebron, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem, three of the most important holy sites in Judaism, could start a religious war.

Hebron is the location of the burial site of the Jewish patriarchs. Bethlehem is where Jacob buried his wife, Rachel and in Jerusalem, the Temple Mount is the holiest site for the Jewish people and the location where Jews want to build a temple in the near future.

The mufti's says Israel's claim to these Jewish holy sites is an attempt to take over the religious sites and Moslems are now in a period of war, not with tanks and rockets, but a religious war.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by the mufti of Jerusalem that Israel's claim to their holy sites is a declaration of a religious war is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

The Israeli government has established a list of heritage sites in Israel, sacred sites that are a part of Jewish history. Included in that list are three locations that the mufti of Jerusalem says will be the cause for a religious war if Israel stands firm on their claims to these sites. The sites include Rachel's tomb in Bethlehem, Rachel being Jacob's wife who died in childbirth, Genesis 35. Genesis 23 is the record of Abraham paying cash money for the Mephilah Cave, the burial site for the patriarchs of the Jewish people: Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Israel's King David also paid cash money to Ornon the Jebusite for his threshing floor on Mt. Moriah, the site for the two previous Jewish temples in Jerusalem, I Chronicles 21.

The threat of a religious war between the Jews and the Moslems is setting the stage for an end of times conflict between these two peoples. The ancient prophet Joel, in Joel 2:2-3, warned that the largest militia ever formed on the earth will come to Jerusalem to take control of the Jewish holy sites. There is only one group of people today who could form such a militia and also people who want to control Hebron, Bethlehem, and the holy city of Jerusalem, that would be the Moslem people.

The Jerusalem mufti is right. There will be a religious war.

August 19, 2010

The last United States combat brigade has pulled out of Iraq

Seven years after the United States led the invasion of Iraq, the last combat brigade has pulled out of Iraq and turned over all combat responsibilities to the Iraqi military leaving the war torn nation with the task of rebuilding in the face of an ongoing security problem due to the insurgents. The United States State Department spokesman said that the United States involvement in Iraq was far from over including the some 50,000 US troops who will remain until the end of 2011 to advise Iraqi forces and protect US interests in the country.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The pullout of US troops in Iraq marks the end of war to some but to students of Bible prophecy it is another evidence of the end of days role that Iraq will play in the future.

The much debated and very controversial war in Iraq has drawn to a close with the last combat brigade leaving this war torn Middle Eastern nation seven years after US troops entered Iraq. The United States leaders politically and militarily are saying that the Iraqi people can now move ahead to become a major player in the nations of the Middle East. The United States remains ready to assist in the rebuilding process of Iraq and, in fact, will have a number of personnel to work alongside the Iraqis.

As I report this end of US combat activities in Iraq, I am reminded of the role that Iraq will play in the future according to the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. John the Apostle, author of the book of Revelation, reveals in chapter 18 the importance of Iraq, known as Babylon in Biblical times, that Iraq will be an economic center of the world in the last three and a half years of the seven year Tribulation period. A world dictator, the Antichrist, will control all commercial activity from his headquarters in Babylon, modern-day Iraq (Revelation 18, Revelation 13:16-17). In fact, the last thing to happen in our world is for Babylon, modern-day Iraq, to be destroyed and then Jesus Christ returns to the Earth (Isaiah 13 - 14, Jeremiah 50 - 51, and Revelation 16:17-20).

In Iraq the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 18, 2010

Rabbis mark the 5th anniversary of evacuating Jews from the Gaza Strip and destroying 30 synagogues

The committee of rabbis of the council of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria marked the 5th anniversary of evacuating some 20,000 Jews from their homes and farms in the Gaza Strip with a fast and the statement that this commemoration was not political but it has a religious meaning because Jews were separated from the land of Israel.

The rabbis said they wanted Israel's government to realize that Jews should not be expelled from the land of Israel and that they should understand the importance of Jews living in all of the land of Israel even the Gaza Strip.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The 5th anniversary of Jewish families being evacuated from their homes and farms in the Gaza Strip is a reminder that the connection between the Jews and the land of Israel will play a key role in the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

In the summer of 2005, the then PM of Israel, Ariel Sharon, gave the order to the IDF to evacuate over 20,000 Jews from their homes and farms in the Gaza Strip and then watched as 30 synagogues in the 21 Jewish settlements were destroyed. This was a heart wrenching time for the Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip as well as the members of the IDF, some of whom had family members in these settlements that they had to evacuate.

The Israeli government said that the disengagement from the Gaza was done to help bring to an end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In essence, the opposite has taken place and the Palestinian terrorists have used these evacuated settlements to launch attacks on the Jewish state.

This report is evidence of what the ancient Jewish prophets said would happen in the last days. Ezekiel wrote that God would give the Jewish people the land of their forefathers in the end of times, Ezekiel 34, 36, and 37. Ezekiel also wrote that the Palestinians, Edomites of Biblical times, would take this God-given land from the Jewish people, Ezekiel 35. God promised Abraham, Genesis 12 and 15 and Moses, Deuteronomy 30, that the Jewish people would have this land and forever. Thus, there is a connection between the Jews and the land of Israel.

August 17, 2010

Israel has eight days to hit Iran's nuclear site

John Bolton told Fox News that Israel has eight days to launch a preemptive strike against Iran's Busheir nuclear facility in order to stop Tehran from acquiring a functioning atomic plant.

Iran is to bring online its first nuclear power reactor built with Russian help when a shipment of nuclear fuel will be loaded into the plant core at which time it will be too late for Israel to launch a military strike against the facility because any attack would spread radiation and could affect Iranian citizens.

The former ambassador said that if Israel does not launch a preemptive strike, Iran will achieve something that no other opponent of Israel in the Middle East has and that is a functioning nuclear reactor.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that Iran can bring online a nuclear reactor which could be a major threat to Israel is a precursor to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for these two Middle Eastern nations.

Headlines around the world report that Iran is ready to bring online a nuclear reactor which could make it a nuclear threat to the entire Middle East, but in particular to the Jewish state of Israel. Israeli sources have revealed that they will not allow Iran to become a nuclear power with a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction. That being the case, the statement from John Bolton, the former US Ambassador to the UN, that Israel must strike Iran's nuclear reactor sooner rather than later has a ring of truth to it. The question is, will Israel launch a preemptive strike on Iran? Only the leaders of Israel can actually answer that question.

How this all plays out in Bible prophecy is a question answered by the Bible. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote that Iran, referred to as Persia in Ezekiel 38:5, would be a coalition partner in the alignment of nations that will try to destroy Israel in the last days. However, the prophetic passage does not mention that Israel will launch a preemptive strike against Iran. Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11, and Psalm 83 all speak of many other nations that will all be involved in this military conflict.

I actually cannot say that Israel will attack Iran. What I can say is God's prophetic plan will come to pass.

August 16, 2010

The search engine Yahoo and the Apple iPhone have divided the holy city of Jerusalem

Internet giant Yahoo and the Apple computer firm have decided not to wait for the Israelis and the Palestinians to decide on the final status talks and the determination of the borders of a Palestinian state and the status on the holy city of Jerusalem. In practice, these two giant firms have made the decision to divide Jerusalem into East and West.

On Yahoo weather page the iPhone user is offered two Middle East options when requesting weather information for Jerusalem, East Jerusalem and West Jerusalem, preempting the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and the dividing of the holy city of Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The action by Yahoo and the Apple computer firm to divide the holy city of Jerusalem is another evidence that this world is entering into the end of times as foretold in Bible prophecy.

As world leaders endeavor to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the issue of the final status of Jerusalem is at the top of every agenda in the peace process. The Palestinians say that they must have at least a portion of Jerusalem as the capital of their state called Palestine. The Israelis contend that Jerusalem is the undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish people and the holy city will not be divided again.

By the way, I must remind you that there is not a city called East Jerusalem or West Jerusalem, there is only Jerusalem. Once again the issue of Jerusalem and the controversy surrounding the holy city is front and center. King David named Jerusalem as the political capital of the Jewish people 3000 years ago, II Samuel 5. God has selected Jerusalem to dwell among the Jewish people forever, Psalm 132:13-14. Jesus Christ told the Jewish prophet Zechariah that He would return to Jerusalem to build His Temple where He would rule and reign in His Kingdom to come, Zechariah 1:16, 6:12-13.

God's plan for Jerusalem will override the division of the holy city by Yahoo and iPhone. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 13, 2010

A survey reveals less than 10% of all born-again Christians look at the world with a biblical perspective

George Barna, a pollster with an independent marketing research company, found in a recent survey that only 4% of the overall population of America and 9% of born-again Christians have a biblical world view, suggesting that many of the nation's moral and spiritual challenges are directly attributable to this fact.

For the purposes of the research, a biblical world view was defined as believing that absolute moral truth exists, that such truth is defined by the Bible, and that the Bible is accurate in all of its teachings.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A biblical world view based upon understanding Bible prophecy is essential for an understanding of the times we live in today.

Let's look at the provision in scripture for a biblical world view. All scripture is God breathed. That means it's inspired and is profitable for doctrine, for correction, and instruction in righteousness, that's II Timothy 3:16. God gave the scriptures to the Jew to preserve and communicate to mankind, Romans 3:1-2. And thus, we have His written Word for us today. Our blessings and understanding comes from God's provision of His heart, His mind, His thoughts in written form, the Bible.

Now, let's look at the priority for studying a biblical world view. The Apostle Paul wrote that we must study the Word of God, a workman that need not be ashamed, relying on God's Word for all of life's questions. We must rightly divide the Word of truth, the Bible, to ascertain its true meaning. These two principles, study and rightly dividing the Word of God, are instruction for the End Times and they come from Paul's exhortation to young Timothy found in II Timothy 2:15.

Finally, let's look at the prophetic scenario of a biblical world view. A study of Bible prophecy reveals the scenario for the Last Days with a seven year period of judgment in our world followed by the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to establish His Kingdom here on earth. However, preceding that seven years of judgment, those who are true born again Christians will be taken out of this world to be with Jesus Christ, that's the Rapture.

Allowing the Bible to form our world view prepares us for these future events and gives us evidence as to how close they may be.

August 12, 2010

Iraq's top military officer says that the US troop withdrawal is too soon and could cause security problems for his nation

Lt Gen Babaker Zebari, Iraq's top army officer, is criticizing as premature the planned US withdrawal and he warned that the Iraqi military might not be able to take charge for another a decade which is a warning that echoes the remarks made by Saddam Hussein's former foreign minister Tariq Aziz that the Americans were leaving Iraq to the wolves.

General Zebari told a defense conference in Baghdad that the Iraqi army would not be able to ensure Iraq's security until 2020 and that the US should keep its troops in Iraq until then adding that the problems will actually start after the 2011 pullout of US troops.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The planned withdrawal of US troops from Iraq has the Iraqi military leaders saying, "Not now", a statement that is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The US involvement in Iraq has from the beginning been very controversial and the planned of pullout of US troops being questioned by the Iraqi military leaders is only adding to the controversy. Iraq's top military officer has warned that the withdrawal is premature and will cause harm to the rebuilding of his war torn nation. The focus on Iraq since the first Gulf Crisis in 1991 has been almost a part of daily life in our world which is actually setting the stage for the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Iraq has a 4000 year history that dates back to the worldwide flood of Noah's day when Nimrod established the city of Babylon, Genesis 11. Biblical Babylon, modern day Iraq, has been a major player throughout world history and will be world headquarters for the economic power base in the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation Period, Revelation 18. The world dictator, the Antichrist, will be based in Iraq, Biblical Babylon, as he controls the economic, political, and governmental operations of this world, Revelation 13:16-17.

Iraq will continue to be on the front page of the news until God's prophetic plan for this world is fulfilled.

August 11, 2010

Over one billion Moslems around the world begin their month-long Ramadan fast

As the month-long fast of Ramadan begins for over one billion Moslems around the world, the summer heat in the Middle East, where the majority of Moslems live, this sweltering heat will present a real challenge to the devout as they observe the dawn to dusk fast.

Ramadan is the celebration of the giving of the Koran to the Moslem prophet Mohamed and the Moslem world recognizes the Koran as the final word from Allah, the Islamic god, and includes all the doctrine for the way of life for one fourth of the world's population.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As almost one fourth of the word's population celebrates the giving of their holy book, the Koran, to the Moslem prophet Mohamed, the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

One in every four people on earth believe that the final word from their deity, Allah, is found in the Koran, the holy writ of the Moslem world. Tradition says that the angel Gabriel gave the Koran to Mohamed 1400 years ago in Saudi Arabia and this is the book that explains the way of life for Moslems worldwide. A close study of the Koran will reveal many differences in the accounts of history as explained in the Holy Bible, the holy book for Jewish and Christian people. For example, in the Old Testament, the account of Abraham taking his son to a mountain to offer him as a sacrifice is different in these two holy books.

The Bible says that Abraham took Isaac to Mount Moriah which is actually the Temple Mount in Jerusalem today, Genesis 22. The Koran says that Abraham offered Ishmael in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The Bible says the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is the Savior of the world. However, the Koran says that Allah, the god of the Moslem people, had no son and that Jesus is only a prophet who never died.

The Koran says that the Mahdi, Arabic for Messiah, will come to setup a worldwide caliphate, a kingdom that will be located in Jerusalem. However, the Bible says Jesus Christ will be the Messiah who sets up His Kingdom in Jerusalem, Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 40-46, Daniel 7:13-14, and Revelation 20:4-6.

August 10, 2010

Iran has dug mass graves for US soldiers

A former commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard told the Associated Press(AP) Television News Service that Iran has dug mass graves for US troops should the US decide to implement America's military contingency plan to strike Iran in order to destroy Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction (NWMD).

The site of the mass graves in Iran's southwestern region is the same location used to bury the Iraqi soldiers under Saddam Husein's military action against Iran in the 1980's and the AP reports new graves have indeed been dug as claimed by Iran.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The report that Iran has dug mass graves in order to bury both Israeli and US soldiers if either nation launches a preemptive strike against the Islamic Republic is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

When the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff at the Pentagon said the US had a contingency plan to strike Iran's NWMD operation, the Iranians retaliated. In a show of morbid bravado, they dug new mass graves at the site used as a burial ground for the Iraqi soldiers killed in the 1980's war between Iran and Iraq. Iran claims they have no other choice if they are attacked by the US or Israel than to retaliate with force which would be the start of an extensive war in the Middle East.

This scenario was foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets 2500 years ago. As if these prophets, Daniel and Ezekiel, were pre-writing history, they recorded in their prophecies that there will be an extensive war in the Middle East and Iran will be right in the middle of it, Ezekiel 38:5 where Iran is referred to by the name Persia. All of the Middle Eastern Islamic states will join in this war with a focus on Israel and indeed many people will die, Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11. Ezekiel 39:2 states that five out of every six people in the nations that are involved in this war will be killed. Ezekiel 39:11-12 tell of the location where the dead from this war will be buried and it will take seven months to bury the dead.

Iran's warning of mass graves and retaliation is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 09, 2010

An Israeli military leader says an American trained and equipped Palestinian military could atack Israel

General Avi Mizrahi, the Israeli leader in the area of Judea and Samaria in Israel, says that Israeli soldiers face the potential challenge of being confronted by a Palestinian military force trained and equipped by the US and this force is capable of causing real damage to Israel.

This Palestinian military force was trained in Jordan by US General Keith Dayton and the Israeli military is preparing for a potential confrontation. US General Dayton has expressed belief that this Palestinian army would likely attack the Jewish state in the event that Israel does not give in to the demands of the world leaders for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The report of the Israeli military preparing for a confrontation with an American trained and equipped Palestinian army is a precursor to the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The IDF is now training for the potential battle that may occur if the Israeli government rejects the demands of the US and EU to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. US General Keith Dayton, the military trainer for this Palestinian army, said if Israel does not surrender Judea and Samaria to the Palestinians within the next two years, this Palestinian military force could turn their guns on the Israelis. This scenario is, as I said, the lead up to what Bible prophecy says will unfold in the last days.

Malachi said that the Edomites, the Palestinians of today, would rebuild and become a force in the Middle East, Malachi 1. Ezekiel wrote that when the Palestinians become a major force, they will kill the Jews, Ezekiel 35:5 and then take the land of the Jewish people, Ezekiel 35:10. Obadiah revealed in his prophecy that the Edomites, Palestinians of today, would become drunk with power and try to wipe out the Jews only to be defeated, Obadiah 15-18.

The Israeli military preparing for a conflict with a Palestinian army is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

August 06, 2010

A Russian naval official says that Russian warships will be docked in Syrian port cities

The Russian navy says they are planning to expand Syrian port city facilities in order to be able to dock Russian aircraft carriers and missile cruisers by no later than 2013 which would allow the Russian navy to supply logistics and maintenance service to the eastern Mediterranean. This project, when concluded, will enable the Syrian ports to accommodate a range of heavy warships including the aircraft carriers which has been a goal that Russia has sought after for a number of years.

This will also allow Moscow to increase naval patrols in the Mediterranean and the Arabian Gulf even as Russia continues to make its presence known in the Middle East region.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The expansion by the Russian navy into the Middle East and the establishment of naval operations in Syria's port cities is a step closer to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

As far back as 1971 Russia and Syria have had an agreement in place that today is allowing for the Russian navy to have a major presence in the Middle East and set up naval operations in the port cities of Syria. By the year 2013 Russia believes that it will be able to station heavy warships in Syrian ports including aircraft carriers and missile cruisers. When this project is completed the Russians will become a major player in the Middle East with this naval firepower in place.

This report is as close to the prophetic scenario for the last days that can be found in Bible prophecy as one could possible get without being the actual fulfillment of the prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophets Daniel and Ezekiel both wrote of Russia and Syria as key nations in the alignment of nations that will come against Israel in the last days. Ezekiel mentions Magog in Ezekiel 38:2 as the leader of this alignment. A close study of Biblical geography reveals that Magog is modern-day Russia. Daniel 11:40-41 mentions the king of the north which is the modern-day state of Syria and according to this passage, Syria will be the first nation to make its move towards destroying Israel.

With Russia moving its naval operations into the port cities of Syria, the prophetic scenarios of Daniel and Ezekiel are at the point of fulfillment possible in the very near future.

August 05, 2010

Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been named the world's most influential Jew

The Jerusalem Post, the world's largest English language newspaper, has published its first annual list of the 50 most influential Jews in the world and they have named Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as the world's most influential Jew. The prime minister's office issued a statement saying that Netanyahu was honored to be named to the top position of the top 50 Jews and that this honor demonstrates the historic change that Zionism has brought about in the condition of the Jewish people.

The Israeli prime minister said that a scattered powerless people has been able to reassert its national life in its own sovereign state in its ancestral homeland as a people among the family of nations in this world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recognition of Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as the world's most influential Jew is evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and will be fulfilled.

When one stops to consider Jewish leaders in our world today men like Ben Bernanke who is chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, and the founder of Google Sergey Brin among others, it is an honor for Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu to be named the world's most influential Jew.

The presence of a Jewish state among the nations of the world is impressive when you stop to consider that when the nation was founded in 1948 only 5% of the worlds Jewish population lived in the new state and today Israel contains the largest Jewish community in the world. This report is evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled.

The ancient Jewish prophet wrote of a time in history when there would be a Jewish state in their ancient homeland. Ezekiel in chapter 34 of his prophecy said that God would gather the Jews from wherever they had been scattered and bring them into the land that He had promised them. In fact, in Ezekiel 36 the prophet refers to the land 35 times and in verse 22 quotes the Lord as saying that this had to happen for His holy namesake. However, Ezekiel 38 and 39 speak of a troublesome time for Israel in the future but it also promises that the Jewish people will survive as well throughout eternity.

Israel's prime minister named as the world's most influential Jew is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 04, 2010

Thousands of Protestants are considering the Pope's offer to become Catholics

Church goers in a number of Anglican churches of England and around the world may take advantage of Pope Benedict's offer to change denominations if their bishops lead the way in protest of the Anglican church decision to use women priests in the churches.

With thousands of these church goers ready to crossover to Rome, the Anglican church, the Church of England, is expected to make a last ditch attempt to stop this from happening by offering concessions over the introduction of female bishops.

The church bishops who are leading this rebellion against Anglican leadership recently held secret meetings with papal advisers to discuss plans for Anglicans converting to the Roman Catholic Church in mass.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The possible conversion to the Roman Catholic Church by thousands of Protestants is a precursor to the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Because of the leadership of the Anglican church in England and their decision to install female bishops, there are now thousands of churchgoers that will follow their bishops and convert to Roman Catholicism if that decision is made. In a papal decision handed down by Pope Benedict, the Roman Catholic Church says it will accept these Anglicans if they decide to convert. The Episcopal church in America and Africa have also held discussions on following the Anglican bishops if the trend continues to install women as priests and bishops and also include homosexuals in church leadership.

This report is evidence of an end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy which will be played out seemingly in the near future. In Revelation 17, you can find revealed a one-word church that will be in place in the first half of the seven year Tribulation Period. This false church, according to Revelation 17:5, dates back to the Mother-son Cult founded in Babylon 4500 years ago. Verse nine of Revelation 17 says that the false church will be headquartered in a seven-hilled city, the city of Rome, Italy.

Please notice that I did not say the false church is the Roman Catholic Church. What I am saying, based upon scripture, is that the false church of Revelation 17 will be headquartered in Rome and up and operating in the first half of the Tribulation Period. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 03, 2010

The president of the European Central Bank is calling for a one world economic structure

Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, has called for global governance of all financial institutions saying it is extremely necessary if the world wants to prevent another financial crisis like what is happening today. Trichet emphasized that politicians, economists, and financiers must work together and collaborate on methods to create an international set of standards and that through this global governance the resiliency of the global financial system can be assured.

This call for global governance of all financial operations even national governments has been motivated by the economic problems of Greece and many other European nations as well as the United States.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call for global governance of all worldwide financial operations by the president of Europe's central bank is a precursor to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

At the height of the present world economic crisis there were many world leaders calling for an international economic structure to be put in place even though many world leaders say we are better off today financially, there are also many who doubt we can come back. The recent bail out of Greece with a record breaking total of 146 billion dollars is evidence that this world still is in bad shape economically. European economists say Greece was only the tip of the iceberg and that Spain, Portugal, and Italy may be next to fall financially with Great Britain and even the United States who could also follow suit.

This call for global governance of all financial operations is setting the stage for the prophetic scenario that can be found in the book of Revelation. Revelation 18 foretells of a one world economic structure that will be in place in the last half of the seven year Tribulation period and it will be headquartered in Babylon located in modern-day Iraq. The world leader - the Antichrist - will require all who want to buy or sell, in other words, to sustain life, they will be required to have an identification mark on their forehead or the back of their hand (Revelation 13:16-17). It seems very possible that a worldwide economic crisis could cause humankind to take this mark under an economic global governance. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 02, 2010

The president of the European Union says that religion must play a role in the operation of the European political structure

Herman Van Rompuy who is president of the European Council, made up of 27 states of the European Union, says that the European Union must be a union of values and that it needs spiritual and religious input into the daily operation of this major political structure as called for by the Lisbon Treaty, the constitution for the European Union. Article 17 of the Lisbon Treaty calls for continuing consultations between the leaders of the European Union and all religious organizations which is something that the Vatican in Rome has been trying to achieve for decades.

Even before the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty consultations were taking place and recently more than two dozen Christian, Jewish, and Moslem leaders met with the presidents of the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the leadership of the 27 member states that is called the European Council.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A clause in the Lisbon Treaty that calls for religions influence on the direction of the European Union is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

With the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty the 27 member states of the European Union were able to elect a president that could lead this major political structure into the future. A clause in the treaty, Article 17, actually calls for religion to have a role in the direction that the European Union and its leadership will take in our world today. European Union leaders have met with and will continue to meet with religions leaders for their input in the operation of the European Union and its role in global governance.

This report is, as I stated, a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days. The prophets Daniel and John both wrote of the revival of the Old Roman Empire and its role in the last days. Daniel revealed in Daniel 7:7 that the ten horns represent the Revived Roman Empire and John in Revelation 17:12 also speaking of the ten horns said they will come to power in the last days. A closer study of the ten horns indicates that the European Union is at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire. Revelation 17 details the fact that religion, the false church, that religion is a major player in the Revived Roman Empire during the seven year Tribulation period.

A clause in the Lisbon Treaty calling for a religious influence in the operation of the European Union is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.