
January 31, 2012

There has been a resurgence of the violent Neo-Nazi extremism in Germany

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Police in Germany have uncovered a gang of extremists which is believed to be the tip of the iceberg in the existence of a brown shirt faction symbolic of Hitler's brown shirt police who stalked the streets of Germany after Hitler's ascension to power and his persecution of the Jews.

For the first time since the reunification of East and West Germany, the nation faces large scale extremist right extremism according to the leading newspaper in Berlin.

Legislators in Germany have urged a ban on the radical national democratic party which is called a political arm of the Nazi scene and is behind the Nazi brown shirt faction now secretly at work to eliminate Jews.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The return of the brown shirts in Germany brings back memories of the horrific times of the Holocaust but it also reminds us of the worst holocaust yet to come according to Bible prophecy.

During WWII in Germany, Adolf Hitler used an army of his Nazi regime, the brown shirt police, to stalk the streets gathering up Jews to be transported to the Nazi death camps. Now, there are reports that the resurgence of the brown shirts in Germany may mean this extremist right wing group well be secretly at work. In fact, some German officials believe that the reunification of East and West Germany may have brought about the brown army faction which has been responsible for the death of a number of Jews recently in Germany.

This report is evidence that the hate for Jews in this world has not gone away, but may well be on the rise again. Bible prophecy does tell of a time in the future when two out of every three Jews on the earth will be killed simply because they are Jewish, Zechariah 13:8. This future Holocaust will be the worst ever because Hitler's Holocaust only killed one third of the Jews at that time. Satanic forces will endeavor to kill all Jews during the coming time of Jacob's Trouble, Revelation 12:7-17.

The plan of Satan is to kill all Jews, thus keeping God from fulfilling His promises to the Jewish people to make them a nation and give them a land forever.

January 30, 2012

A recent survey reveals that 70% of Israeli Jews believe they are God's chosen people

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The latest survey of the beliefs and values among Israeli Jews, the first comprehensive study in more than a decade, reveals that 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God exists and some 70% of these Jews surveyed believed the Jews are the chosen people, a statement that can be found in the Bible.  The authors of this study believe the demographic changes in Israel caused by the higher birthrates among the orthodox and the ultra-orthodox Jews has resulted in the uptick of Jewish attachment to Biblical truth with a majority of all Israeli Jews believing in the coming Jewish Messiah.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recent survey made among Israeli Jews reveals that Jews believe they are God's chosen people, a fact that the Bible stated more than 4000 years ago but a fact that means God does have a plan for the Jewish people in the future - that is according to Bible prophecy.

Over the last decade, Jews living in Israel have become much more religious, an interesting fact in light of God's plan for the Jewish people in the future.  A recent survey indicates that 70% of all Israeli Jews believe in God and 55% of those surveyed say they believe in the coming of their Messiah.  Fully 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God does indeed exist, the highest figure in more than two decades, a trend that will take place as the world moves into the prophetic events found in Bible prophecy.

The ancient Jewish prophecy Ezekiel prewrote history as he spoke of the regathering of the Jewish people from the four corners of the earth, the restoration of a Jewish state and a Jewish community in Israel that though in unbelief, there will be an increase in a desire to see their Messiah and to become the people of God, the chosen people (Ezekiel 37:7-11 and Ezekiel 34:11-30).  God does have a plan for the Jewish people and this plan is focused on the land of Israel, a land promised to the Jewish people by God Himself (Ezekiel 36, Deuteronomy 30).  The future for the Jews not only in Israel but around the entire world is in the hands of God and its found in the pages of His Word the Bible. 

With this increase of the knowledge of God's plan for the Jewish people, this plan will indeed come to pass.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.  

January 27, 2012

The United Nations calls on the world on Holocaust Remembrance Day to remember the horrific death of 6 million Jews

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The United Nations in a resolution passed in 2005 called for world leaders to lead their nations in remembering the horrific slaughter of 6 million Jews throughout Europe by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime during World War II and to do this, January 27 of every year, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  The Jews in Israel have an annual day each Spring when the whole nation will stop and stand at attention during the 2 minute nationwide sounding of a siren, a time when the whole Jewish nation honors their loved ones who died at the hands of a wicked leader. 

The theme of the Jewish survivors of the World War II Holocaust and all Israeli Jews comes from a nation who does honor their dead but at the same time they say never again will a dastardly slaughter of Jews take place. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

International Holocaust Remembrance Day looks back at a horrific time in history but at the same time looks forward to a worse time yet to come for the Jewish people that is according to Bible prophecy.

The United Nations resolution in 2005 calling for an International Holocaust Remembrance Day was passed so that the world would stop and remember the slaughter of 6 million people who were killed because the were guilty of one thing - they were Jewish.  The Jewish people today wonder why the world can stand by and watch as nations and radical Islamic terror organizations call for the elimination of the Jewish state of Israel and in fact all Jewish people. 

Holocaust deniers can be found all around the world spouting out their lies and hatred.  In fact, it is in this type of a world that history will repeat itself and this time will be worse than during World War II under Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime.  The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah prewrote history 2500 years ago of a time when 2 out of every 3 Jews will be killed (Zechariah 13:8).  During the Holocaust of World War II one third of 18 million Jews alive at that time were killed and that's the number 6 million Jews.  Satanic forces according to Revelation 12:7-17 will be used to kill these Jews so that God is unable to keep His promises to His chosen people. 

God however does not fail.  He will protect His people from total annihilation.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. 

January 26, 2012

Millions of Africans are fighting for survival from hunger

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The lack of rain, entrenched poverty, and lack of investments by other nations has pushed 12 million Africans into a fight for survival in the Triangle of Hunger where the borders of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia come together causing thousands of families to walk for days in search for food. Thirsty livestock are dying by the thousands and food prices, which are at an all time record high across the world, have resulted in food prices rising beyond what families can afford in the African triangle.

Africans from Somalia, desperate for food, are overrunning the world's largest refugee camp located in Kenya as 10,000 new refugees per week flee violence and hunger in their country resulting in a human tragedy of unimaginable proportions.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With millions of Africans fighting for their very survival from violence and hunger, the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The United Nations has recently released a report that food prices across the world have risen to an all time record high which is part of the problem for the massive hunger that has hit the triangle in Africa where Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia all come together. The reports of millions of Africans fighting for their own survival from hunger are almost unbelievable but may not even tell the whole story.

This area of Africa has long been a major drought area causing both livestock and vegetation to be limited in its production of food stuffs in order to be able to feed people. There are official government reports that the situation is not getting better but instead getting worse and headed for a major human tragedy.

This present scenario is actually a precursor to what Bible prophecy calls for in the end of times. Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse - Matthew 24, told His disciples that hunger and its increase around the world was one of the signs of His Second Coming to Earth. Remember His Second Coming follows 7 years of Tribulation which is horrific judgment on the Earth, which by the way, follows the Rapture of the Church.

The book of Revelation reveals that hunger and famine will increase during this Tribulation period with farmland being burned up, the waters of the Earth being contaminated, and war running rampant across the Earth (Revelation 6:5-6, 8:3-9, 16:19).

What we see happening in the Triangle of Africa today is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled in a future tomorrow that may well be very soon.

January 25, 2012

As world leaders declare concern about Iran's nuclear program, Russia and China support Iran's development of a weapon of mass destruction

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There has been much talk recently about a possible preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear program by the Israeli Defense Forces and world leaders are voicing their concerns about a nuclear powered Iran with a weapon of mass destruction that is a threat to the entire world and now China and Russia come out with support for Iran's development of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction. China and Russia are warning Western countries that additional pressure on Iran will not solve the nuclear standoff and they encourage more dialogue with the Iranians instead of tougher sanctions.

Both China and Russia have raised objections to a preemptive strike by Israel on Iran's nuclear program warning that such an attack would bring about a major war in the Middle East.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the Russians and the Chinese warn world leaders against any attack on Iran's nuclear program, the end of time scenario for these three nations comes better into focus as foretold in Bible prophecy.

The Iranian nuclear program that has been in question for a number of years has now become the debate of world leaders as to how they might deal with this growing problem. The European Union and the United States have endeavored to deal with the problem by implementing tough sanctions on Iran. A recent report by the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency, the IAEA, concluded that Iran's nuclear program was for more than domestic use and it has a military element as well. With Israel talking more and more about a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear program before the Iranians have a nuclear weapon of mass destruction, both Russia and China are now warning the world to back off of Iran.

The end of times scenario that's found in Bible prophecy discusses all the major players mentioned in this report; Iran, Russia, and China. Iran, referred to as Persia in Ezekiel 38:5, will be a major player in an alignment of nations who will attack the Jewish state of Israel in the last days. That coalition of nations will be led by Russia who is the Magog in Ezekiel 38:2. These nations will attack Israel at the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation period, a time of great conflict on this earth in the future (Ezekiel 38:8,11). China, a part of the kings of the east mentioned in Revelation 16:12, will lead all of the nations of the world against Israel in the last of that 7 year period.

China, Russia, and Iran are in place for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 24, 2012

War torn Iraq is at risk and could return to the days of Saddam Hussein

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There are reports that Iraqi authorities are suppressing freedom, abusing anti government protesters, and using secret prisons where PM Maliki's security forces are cracking down on protesters, harassing opponents, and torturing detainees.

Reports from the region say that Iraq is quickly slipping back into Authoritarianism with the last US troops leaving Iraq nearly nine years after the invasion that ousted the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With US troops out of Iraq, leaders of this war torn nation are reverting back to the Saddam Hussein era and Authoritarianism, a precursor of things to come according to Bible prophecy.

The end of 2011 saw the withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq about nine years after the American military took down the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Prime Minister Maliki in Iraq and his coalition government are faced with the task of rebuilding this war torn nation and the prospects for a stable government do not look promising. Reports from the region say that Iraqi leaders are having to deal with the uptick in radical opposition to Maliki's government which is causing the implementation of Authoritarianism.

This scenario used by Saddam Hussein and now the Maliki government will be the mode of operation for the final leader of Iraq according to Bible prophecy. Modern day Iraq is Biblical Babylon and the actual city of Babylon is 58 miles out of downtown Baghdad. John the Revelator in Revelation 18 reveals the fact that Babylon will be the economic, political, and governmental capital of the world in the last 3 1/2 years of the seven year Tribulation Period. The leader of this powerful base in the Middle East will be the Antichrist, the most fierce dictator of all history. Under his leadership, all of the world will take a mark, an identification mark on the forehead or back of the hand, so they will be able to buy or sell food, clothing, and housing, Revelation 13:16-17.

Indeed in the future for Iraq, Biblical Babylon, there will be a strong Authoritarian leader in charge. The Antichrist will rule Babylon.

January 23, 2012

Palestinians are demanding that Youtube take down a video that reveals the truth about the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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An independent producer in Israel has a short documentary that can be seen on Youtube which reveals the real truth about the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the relationship of the Jews and the Palestinians to this very sacred piece of real estate which has become the center of controversy in our world today. This video presentation documents the fact that the Temple Mount is the focus of Jewish worship while Mecca in Saudi Arabia is the focus of Moslem worship and in fact when Jews pray they look towards the Temple Mount while Moslems face Mecca in their prayers with their backs toward the Temple Mount.

Even a distinguished Palestinian professor states in one of his books that the Jews have a connection to the Temple Mount and he quotes the Koran that states that the Jews will indeed return to their God given land and to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A Jewish produced documentary on Youtube has raised the protest of Palestinians but at the same time sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. An independent producer has produced a documentary that can be seen on Youtube which documents the history of the Temple Mount and its importance to both Jews and Palestinian Arabs. This video points out that the Koran, the Moslem holy book, never even mentions the city of Jerusalem much less the Temple Mount. The documentary reveals that the Temple Mount is sacred to the Jewish people while it is a place of recreation for Moslems where they picnic, play soccer, and even use it as a base for violent riots.

In the Jewish Bible, Jerusalem is mentioned over 600 times and the Holy Mountain of God, the Biblical term for the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the site of two previous Jewish temples and the location for the Messiah's Temple in the future (II Samuel 7 and Zechariah 1:16). Zechariah 12:2 states that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount will be the center of controversy in the end of times and the debate between the Jews and the Palestinians is effectively fulfilling that prophecy. The Messiah Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem one day and build His temple on the Temple Mount where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 6:12-13).

The controversy surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will continue until Jesus returns. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 20, 2012

The World Health Organization says that 50% of all abortions in this world are dangerous

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A recent report by the World Health Organization says that abortions worldwide are putting women's health at risk with one half of all abortions unsafe, even dangerous, and abortion is one of the main reasons for maternal death worldwide.  This data reveals that women who wish to terminate unwanted pregnancies will seek abortion at any cost and thus these women will continue to die in significant numbers. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The number of maternal deaths related to unsafe abortion is on the increase, a disturbing statistic for the World Health Organization but it's blasphemy according to the Bible and abortion is a precursor to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

WHO, World Health Organization, in a recent report, revealed the increase in maternal deaths, a result of unsafe abortions.  They say now 50% of all worldwide abortions are unsafe and a major cause for these maternal deaths.  This number goes as high as 95% in Latin American countries and 97% in Africa.  However, what about the death rate among the children that are aborted.  That would be at 100% of all abortions of unwanted pregnancies end in death to the babies - and that's the real sin.

Abortion is very dangerous for all unborn children, and I say children because life does not begin at birth.  In fact, it does not begin at conception.  Life begins in the mind of God in eternity past.  In Jeremiah 1:5, the Lord told Jeremiah that he had been chosen to be the prophet to the nations of the world not at birth, not even at conception, but Jeremiah was chosen before he was formed in his mother's womb in eternity past.  All of life began in the mind of God before the creation of the world.

Abortion is murder according to Exodus 21:22-23.  If someone takes another life, Genesis 9:6, then they must give their life in return.  That's capital punishment which is called for in the Bible.  Abortion is most dangerous for the unborn with a 100% mortality rate and murders through abortions will increase in the last days (Revelation 22:15).

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.  

January 19, 2012

Iran says they are ready to go to war with Israel

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Iranian President Ahmadinejad, the Iranian military chief, and even the leadership of the Supreme Council of Iran, the Ayatollahs, the Islamic leaders, say that they are prepared for an attack from Israel, the United States, or any other nation that may decide to move against the Islamic Republic. The Iranian threat to the Middle East, Europe, and even to the United States, is the development of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction in Iran that could be used to destroy the Jewish state as has been called for by the Iranian president.

Israel recognizes Iran as their number one threat and have put in place a strategic plan to make certain that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon of mass destruction that could be fired on the Jewish state and that plan may well be a preemptive strike against Iran.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The saber rattling by Iran against Israel and the fact that there is evidence Israel is preparing for a preemptive strike against Iran is a precursor to the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

There has been much discussion among Israeli officials in recent days that seems to indicate the Israeli government may well be ready to order a preemptive strike against Iran in order to dismantle Iran's development of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction. Iran has responded to these discussions with a declaration of readiness to go to war with Israel. The Israeli government says they will not allow the Iranians to launch a long range missile with a nuclear warhead towards the Jewish state of Israel. Almost every Israeli leader believes that Iran is indeed Israel's number one threat and that they must be dealt with.

What is so interesting to me as a student of Bible prophecy is that this scenario was foretold 2500 years ago by the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel. Ezekiel 38:5 mentions the nation Persia as one of the nations that will align themselves against the Jewish state. Until 1936 the nation of Iran was called Persia - today it's Iran. In the Scriptures we find out that the Lord will intercede in the affairs of man and destroy Iran and the other nations aligned against the Jewish state when they make their attack against Israel (Ezekiel 38:18 - 39:6).

Israel is as expected preparing to take care of their number one threat Iran. However, the Lord will be the one to defend the Jewish state that is according to Bible prophecy - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

January 18, 2012

European leaders have declared war on Jewish settlers and they want Jerusalem to be divided

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European leaders are calling for the Jewish settlers living in Judea and Samaria to be blacklisted and they say they will ban these settlers from entering the EU while at the same time, these European leaders are encouraging the radical PLO to become more active in the Eastern section of Jerusalem.

The division of Jerusalem is on the agenda of these EU leaders because they say there will be no peace in the Middle East unless there is a portion of Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state while the Israelis say that Jerusalem will never be divided.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As EU leaders declare war on the Jewish settlers and call for the division of the city of Jerusalem, a student of Bible prophecy can see better in focus the end of time scenario that the Lord gave to the ancient Jewish prophets more than 2000 years ago.

The EU leaders that have the task of helping direct the foreign policy for the Europeans are making moves to stop all funding for the construction of any new building projects in the area referred to as the West Bank by some but is in reality the ancient biblical lands known as Judea and Samaria. The Jewish settlers claim that their presence in Judea and Samaria actually helps the peace process. This discussion will continue.

When one looks at the Bible for an answer to this very sticky issue, they will find that the Lord did promise this piece of real estate where the Jewish settlers have built their homes and raised their families, that this land called Judea and Samaria does belong to them, Ezekiel 34:11-30. Deuteronomy 30 is the Land Covenant which promises the Jews much more than Judea and Samaria ultimately in the future. As it relates to the Palestinian claims to this land, the prophet Malachi wrote that the Palestinians, the descendants of Esau, the Edomites, would return to this land and setup borders, which the Lord said would be the "borders of wickedness", Malachi 1.

The debate will continue related to the Jewish settlements, but rest assured, Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

January 17, 2012

The Israeli government is considering a bill that if made law would give Israel sovereignty over the Biblical heartland of the Jewish people

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The Israeli Knesset is considering a law that would make Israel sovereign over Judea and Samaria which has been the Jewish heartland since Biblical times, a piece of real estate that Israel liberated from Jordanian occupation during the Six Day War in 1967. The Jewish state has formally declared sovereignty over the eastern section of the city of Jerusalem which includes the Old City and the Temple Mount and the Golan Heights but Judea and Samaria continue to be administered by Israeli military governors.

Israeli officials believe that declaring sovereignty over the Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria actually creates a historic opportunity for Israel to make right a protracted wrong.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Even though the Israeli government might declare sovereignty over the Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria in this day, the Lord gave the Jews that piece of real estate many centuries ago and had promised them this land forever according to Bible prophecy.

In the 1967 Six Day War the Israeli Defense Force liberated the piece of real estate referred to as the West Bank from the Jordanians and this land, known in Biblical terms as Judea and Samaria, became a part of the Jewish state. However, the area of Judea and Samaria did not come under the sovereignty of the state of Israel but has been administered over these many many years by military governors. Now the Israeli government wants to implement sovereignty over the Biblical heartland of the Jewish people. In essence, that has already happened because God made a promise to the Jewish people and told them they would have this land forever.

Ezekiel 36 speaks much about the land of the Jewish people. In fact 35 times the prophet refers to the land, a land that will belong to the Jews for one reason: He promised this land to them and Ezekiel 36:22 says that the Lord must keep that promise for His holy namesake. The Land Covenant, a promise between the Lord and the Jews found in Deuteronomy 30, this Land Covenant must be fulfilled or God is not God. Ezekiel 35 reveals the prophecy of the Palestinian people, descendants of Esau, these Palestinians who will come and kill the Jews and take their land, that's the land of Judea and Samaria.

The Israeli government's sovereignty over Judea and Samaria is an absolute not because of human government, but because of Bible prophecy - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

January 16, 2012

The United States warns Iran not to meddle in Iraq

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The United States Secretary of Defense, Panetta, has warned Iran that it should not interfere with the rebuilding of war torn Iraq in light of the withdrawal of US troops and he said that the United States will maintain a significant military presence in the Middle East.

The Secretary of Defense said that the United States mission in Iraq has always been to develop an Iraq that could govern and secure itself and the United States will maintain a long term relationship with Iraq. No one, most particularly, Iran, should miscalculate US intentions to the continuing commitment to Iraq's going forward into the future.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective

The withdrawal of US soldiers from Iraq may send mixed signals, however, it sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

After many years of debate over the United States military being in Iraq and the deaths of thousands US soldiers, the United States decided to pull all of the US personnel out of Iraq. The stated mission for a US presence in Iraq has always been to help rebuild this war torn nation. Even as the United States troops pulled out, the Iraqi government is very unstable with an ever increasing tension between the three parties of the Iraqi body politic; the Kurds in the North, the Shiites in the South, and the Sunnis, the former ruling party.

This situation in Iraq, however, is in reality setting the stage for the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. Though Iran has a key role prophetically, that role does not necessarily include Iraq, according to Ezekiel 38:5. Iran will be off the scene by the time Iraq, Biblical Babylon, comes to power. Revelation 18 is the prophetic passage that speaks of the Iraqi factor in Bible prophecy and it reveals that it will be the economic center of the world.

Babylon will rule in the affairs of all of humankind on earth. From Babylon, the Antichrist will cause all who want to buy or sell any and all necessities of life to take an identification mark in order to do so, Revelation 13:16-17.

Iran aside, Iraq does play a role in the future.

January 13, 2012

The Doomsday Clock ticks one minute closer to Armageddon

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The nuclear watchdogs at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists reset the hands of the symbolic Doomsday Clock 5 minutes to midnight and they did this in response to what they see as a major danger in this world with the proliferation of nuclear activity around the world.  The bulletin's scientific board includes Professor Stephen Hawking and 18 other Nobel Laureates who watch what they consider global threats and they have changed the time on this Doomsday Clock 18 times over the years.

Setting the clock to 5 minutes to Armageddon was to alert the world of the potential for nuclear destruction in the near future.  

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As a group of scientists set the Doomsday Clock to 5 minutes before Armageddon, they do so to warn our world of a coming catastrophic event that is at least 7 years into the future - that is according to Bible prophecy.

Renowned scientists, including Stephen Hawking and 18 other Nobel Laureates, have warned the world of a nuclear danger that is very close in their opinion.  To emphasize their concern they set the famous Doomsday Clock at 5 minutes before Armageddon as they see it.  Their concerns come from the proliferation of nuclear development of weapons of mass destruction in many nations of our world with many other countries looking into the prospects for nuclear armament.  North Korea and Iran are both developing nuclear weapons of mass destruction and this action has the world on edge.  The only problem with this promotion of resetting the Doomsday Clock to 5 minutes before Armageddon is that Bible prophecy reveals that Armageddon is at least 7 years into the future.

The next event on God's calendar of prophetic events is the Rapture when all Christians are taken into heaven (Revelation 4:1).  Revelation 4:2 - 19:10 gives us detailed information of the 7 year period of time known as the Tribulation, a terrible time of judgment on the earth.  Revelation 19:11 foretells the return of the Messiah Jesus Christ to the earth and it is at that time that the Battle of Armageddon takes place - found in the rest of Revelation 19. 

Even though scientists are wrong with the setting of the Doomsday Clock at 5 minutes before Armageddon, this time of judgment is indeed in our future.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. 

January 12, 2012

Israeli Defense Force soldiers enter the Temple Mount

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For the first time in over 10 years Israeli Defense Force soldiers, in uniform, entered the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and toured the Al Aqsa Mosque, an activity that Israeli police had not permitted to happen because they said it would be dangerous if uniformed soldiers were allowed to enter the compound.  The chairman of the Temple Mount heritage foundation, Yehuda Glick, met with Israeli officials to work out the details for this Temple Mount visit by the Israeli Defense Force soldiers and he praised the police and the soldiers and he said that he hopes this is only the beginning of a time when all IDF soldiers will tour the Temple Mount as a part of their military duties. 

Glick said that IDF paratroopers have a special relationship with the Temple Mount because they reunited the city of Jerusalem by taking the Temple Mount militarily at the end of the Six Day War in 1967 and they believe that they should be allowed on this holy site at any time. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Israeli Defense Force soldiers entering the Temple Mount brings back memories of the past but it also looks forward to a future time when all Jews will have complete access to this very sacred piece of real estate.  That's a scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. 

For a decade the IDF soldiers in uniform have not been allowed onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  On June 7, 1967, IDF paratroopers stormed the Temple Mount and reunited the city of Jerusalem for the first time in almost 2000 years.  This visit by the uniformed IDF soldiers marks a major change in policy and may well set the stage for more access to this the most holy site in all of Judaism for all Jews. 

The end of times scenario for the Temple Mount calls for a Jewish temple to be built on the Temple Mount and preparations for that temple have been completed.  This next temple will be desecrated and Jews will be forced once again off of the Temple Mount.  Jesus spoke about that in Matthew 24:15.  At some point in the future Messiah Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem and build His temple on this sacred piece of real estate (Zechariah 1:16, 6:12).  The Messiah will reign from this spot over the entire world according to Zechariah 6:13. 

Israeli Defense Force soldiers entering the Temple Mount today is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in a future tomorrow.  

January 11, 2012

The Vatican has called for a central world bank

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The Vatican recently called for a global public authority and a central world bank to rule over the financial institutions that have been at the center of the global economic crisis because they have become outdated and ineffective in dealing with this financial crisis.  There are those who say that this proposal by the Vatican is music to the ears of the demonstrators around the world who are calling for economic equality for all.

The 18 page Vatican document says that if a central financial authority is not set up, the crisis at a social, political, and economic level could create a climate of growing hostility and even violence which will ultimately destroy the foundations of our world. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recent call by the Vatican for a central world bank and a global economic authority fits the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

In our world today there is a global economic crisis that does not seem to be going away.  Both the European Union and the United States face major financial problems that no one can find a solution for at the present time.  There have been calls by members of the G-20, the 20 leading economies of this world, for a worldwide financial structure to resolve this global economic crisis.

Now the Vatican has released a plan that they believe will bring about the end of this financial crisis.  In fact the Vatican plan says if there is not a resolution to the financial crisis violence will break out across the world.  The Vatican plan with a central authority and a world bank is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

The book of Revelation reveals that there will be a central authority to rule over a global economic structure and it will be headquartered in Babylon which is modern-day Iraq (Revelation 18).  This economic system will cause all in the world to take an identification mark on their forehead or the back of their hand in order to be able to buy or sell any necessity of life (Revelation 13:16-17).  The fulfillment of these prophecies will take place after the Rapture of the Church.

However, our present world crisis is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

January 10, 2012

The little town of Bethlehem will host a church conference with plans to demonize the Jewish state of Israel

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The Bethlehem Bible College located in the little town of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, will host a church conference this year as dozens of US theologians, activists, and ministers will participate in a conference meant to demonize the Jewish state of Israel and show support for the Palestinian uprising against Israel.

Those sponsoring the church conference in Bethlehem and the speakers for the conference agree with a theology called Replacement Theology which replaces God's plan for the Jewish people with the church, which is basically a death sentence for the Jewish people.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A church conference to be held in the little town of Bethlehem with plans to demonize the Jewish state of Israel is a precursor to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

For generations, the theology known as Replacement Theology has guided church leaders around the world in a direction that calls for the church to replace the Jews in God's plan for the last days. Replacement Theology says that the Jews, because of their disobedience to God and their rejection of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, have been replaced by the church for the future. Replacement Theology says that all the promises God made to the Jewish people over 4000 years have been negated and thus God is finished with the Jews. This theology contradicts the Bible and basically calls God a liar.

God gave the Jewish people four covenants that He must fulfill or He is not the supreme being and ruler of this universe. Genesis 15 is the Abrahamic Covenant where God promised Abraham that the Jewish people would be a nation, His people forever. The Lord gave Moses the Land Covenant, Deuteronomy 30, promising the Jewish people a major piece of real estate in the Middle East forever. King David received the Davidic Covenant as recorded in II Samuel 7 which promises David a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem where the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ will rule and reign forever. The New Covenant, Jeremiah 31:31, was given to the Jewish people who will serve the Lord Jesus Christ forever.

The Jewish people are a forever people of God that will inhabit their land in the Middle East forever.

January 09, 2012

The Arab Spring which has changed the face of the Arab world may be good - but it may also be bad

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With Arabs going to the streets throughout the entire Middle East in the Arab Spring movement, the face of the Arab leadership is changing dramatically and there are those who believe this is a good thing especially for the Arabs who have been demonstrating in the streets.  These populous uprisings as the media refers to this revolution, the Arab Spring, has been responsible for removing Hosni Mubarak from 32 years of leadership over Egypt and recently brought about the death of the Libyan dictator Col. Khaddafi after 42 years as a treacherous leader in the Middle East.

The Arab Spring has changed the face of the Arab world.  However, some analysts say that this change could be bad for the future of the Middle East. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Arab Spring has changed the face of the Middle East and its leadership but it is also setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Arabs going to the streets of their nations to bring down their national leaders has been effective in a number of Arab states.  Demonstrators in the streets of Cairo brought down the 32 year reign of Hosni Mubarak.  The opposition to the radical leader of Libya, Col. Khaddafi, ended in the death in the streets of Libya to this treacherous dictator.  There is an orchestrated effort to also bring down the Syrian leader President Bashar Assad.  This revolution that has been moving across the Middle East in the Arab countries is resulting in a new leadership in many Arab states.  Only time will tell if the radical Islamist element will come to fill these power vacuums that have been created because of the Arab Spring.

However, Bible prophecy does give us insight into the future for at least 3 of these Arab nations: Syria, Egypt, and Libya.  The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote many years ago that these 3 nations would be the first 3 to make a move to destroy the Jewish state of Israel (Daniel 11:40-43).  The king of the north and the king of the south in verse 40 are identified as Syria and Egypt early on in chapter 11 (Daniel 11:5-20).  Libya is mentioned in Daniel 11:43.

The results of the Arab Spring in Syria, Egypt, and Libya are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. 

January 06, 2012

Hamas leaders say the victories by Islamist political parties in the Middle East foreshadow a promising future for the Palestinian people

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Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, on a recent trip to Turkey, told journalists that the recent victories by the Islamist political parties in democratic elections in countries such as Egypt and Tunisia, foreshadow a promising future for the Palestinian people and their struggle with the Jewish state of Israel.

Haniyeh is the leader of Hamas, the Islamic terror organization in the Gaza Strip and he leads the armed struggle to overthrow the Jewish state of Israel and to take its land for the state of Palestine. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The declaration by the Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip of a promising future for the Palestinians, a result of the Arab Spring, is actually setting the stage for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Ismail Haniyeh, the Prime Minister of Hamas, in the Gaza Strip, told journalists on a recent trip to Turkey, that the Arab Spring revolution has set in place a promising future for the Palestinians in their armed struggle to take the land from the Jewish occupiers, a land that Haniyeh says will one day be the state of Palestine.  Hamas has not been involved in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and will not recognize Israel's right to be a state in the Middle East.  Haniyeh has called for the Arab and Moslem world to rise up and join the fight with the Palestinians to take the land from the Jews.  Haniyeh believes that the removal of moderate Arab leaders, a result of the Arab Spring, will work to the advantage of the Palestinians in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This report reflects a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy which foretells of the struggle between the Palestinians and the Israelis.  Biblical history reveals that these two peoples, the Palestinians and the Jews, came from the descendants of twin brothers Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25:18-23).  Jacob's descendants became the Jewish people and Esau's descendants the Palestinian people of today.  The prophet Ezekiel reveals that the people of Mt. Seir, that would be the Edomites (Genesis 36:8) the Palestinians of today, these people will kill the Jews and take their land (Ezekiel 35:5,10.)

Prime Minister Haniyeh's declaration of a promising future for the Palestinian people is incorrect.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.  

January 05, 2012

A conversation using the Hebrew language in 1891 set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled

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In a Paris cafe in 1881, a group met to have a conversation, a conversation using the Hebrew language and it may have been the first modern conversation in Hebrew in some 2000 years.

Eliezer Ben Yehuda was one of the group speaking in Hebrew and Ben Yehuda would use this conversation to launch an effort to revive the Hebrew language as a spoken language a language that would become the mother tongue of the Israeli people today.

Ben Yehuda would during his lifetime establish an institution which would create new Hebrew words for today's society and give the Jewish people the language of their forefathers that is a spoken language once again in our world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The revival of the Hebrew language, the mother tongue of Israelis today, is evidence that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.

Eliezer Ben Yehuda, a European Jew in the late 1800's who immigrated to Israel to raise his family would become the man credited with reviving the ancient Hebrew language. For almost 2000 years, Hebrew was not a spoken language with the exception of a few phrases used in religious activities. Ben Yehuda, starting with a conversation with friends in Paris, France developed a modern day usage of the language of the Jewish people for the first 2000 years of their existence.

Modern day Hebrew is made up of Biblical Hebrew which is 80% of modern day Hebrew and 20% of new Hebrew words that have been created over the last 130 years. Ben Yehuda put together the first Hebrew dictionary for modern Hebrew and developed the way to teach the language which is called "Ulpan". This account of how Hebrew was revived for usage today is an evidence of how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled today.

Jeremiah, an ancient Jewish prophet wrote 2500 years ago that when the Jews would return to the land of their forefathers, Jeremiah 31:8-17, the Lord would give them back the language of their forefathers, the language they would use to bless the Lord, Jeremiah 31:23. Another Jewish prophet, Zephaniah, also predicted that the pure language of Hebrew would be revived in the last days, Zephaniah 3:9.

Israelis speaking Hebrew today proves that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

January 04, 2012

Iranian President Ahmadinejad says that Israel is a creation of Western nations so that they could control the Middle East

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The Iranian government sponsored what they called an intifada conference in Tehran, a conference attended by all of the enemies of the Jewish state of Israel, groups who opposed the very existence of Israel including: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and many other Islamic terror organizations.

Speaking at the conference, the Iranian president accused the Western nations, including the US and the member states of the EU of creating the Jewish state so that it could exert control over the Middle East and he called the establishment of Israel the worst historical crime ever.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by the Iranian President Ahmadinejad that the Jewish state of Israel was created by the nations of the West contradicts not only historical fact, but prophetic truth as well, that is according to Bible prophecy.

At a gathering of the enemies of the Jewish state of Israel held in Tehran, Iran the Intifada Conference, Iran's President Ahmadinejad continued his radical rhetoric against Israel by accusing the western nations like the US and the member states of the EU of creating Israel so they could control the Middle East. Ahmadinejad's statements referring to the creation of the Jewish state contradict history and God's plan for Israel as foretold in Bible prophecy.

The book of Genesis records the creation of the Jewish state through the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Genesis 15, 26:2-3, and 35:12. The Jewish people as a nation have a 4000 year old history and an eternal existence as a nation, Isaiah 66:22. If Ahmadinejad was speaking of the modern day state of Israel, he is wrong again. The present Jewish state is a result of the fulfillment of God's prophetic promises being fulfilled. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2500 years ago that the Lord would regather His scattered people and restore them as a nation, Ezekiel 37:7-11. In fact, Ezekiel wrote that the Lord would make the modern day state of Israel greater than the one of their forefathers, Ezekiel 36:10-11.

Ahmadinejad's words are incorrect. The prophetic Word of God is absolute. Bible prophecy is and will be fulfilled.

January 03, 2012

A Palestinian leader calls for the Arab world to rise up and stop Israel from Judaizing the city of Jerusalem

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The PM of Hamas, an Islamic terror organization located in the Gaza Strip, has made an urgent call for the international Arab and Moslem world to stop what he called Israel's Judaization of Jerusalem and all the attacks by the Jewish state on the Moslem community in Israel.

Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas PM, during a recent visit to Cairo, Egypt slammed Israel for the ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem and a campaign against Moslem symbols.

The Hamas PM says Jerusalem is the future capital of a Palestinian state and the Moslem world must do whatever is necessary to stop the Judaization of Jerusalem by the Israelis.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call for the Arab and Moslem world to stop the Judaization of Jerusalem is a declaration of war according to Bible prophecy.

A center focus of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the final status of the city of Jerusalem. The Israelis say Jerusalem is their undivided, eternal capital and there can be no compromise on the issue. Meanwhile, the Palestinians claim that Jerusalem will be the capital of the Palestinian state that will come about either through diplomatic maneuvers or as a result of an armed struggle. A recent call by the Hamas PM Haniyeh for the Arab and Moslem world to rise up and use all means available to stop the Israelis from Judaizing Jerusalem is in essence a declaration of war.

According to the ancient Jewish prophets, the city of Jerusalem will in fact belong to the Jewish people and it will belong to them forever. Zechariah wrote 2500 years ago that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will return to Jerusalem, Zechariah 1:16, and build His Temple, Zechariah 6:12, where He will rule and reign forever, Zechariah 6:13. The Jewish King David was given a promise, II Samuel 7, the Davidic Covenant, a promise that there would be a Jewish temple in Jerusalem for one of his sons to rule from in the Jewish Kingdom forever. In fact, God said that He had selected Jerusalem as the location where He would dwell among His people, the Jewish people, forever.

The Judaization of Jerusalem is an absolute.