
June 29, 2012

A UN resolution approved over 60 years ago could have resolved the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but the Palestinians rejected it

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In February of 1947, Great Britain, which had control of the area of the Middle East that includes modern day Jordan and Israel and the areas claimed today by the Palestinians, decided to turn the issue over to the UN which then decided to establish two states at that time, one for the Palestinians and one for the Jews.

The Palestinian rejection of the UN resolution was not only political, but they launched a large scale terrorist campaign against the Jewish people followed by an invasion of Israel by five Arab armies to destroy Israel when it declared its independence in May of 1948.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The rejection of a UN resolution to establish the states of Palestine and Israel in the Middle East in 1947 set the stage for the present day conflict as well as the end of times scenario for these two peoples that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The UN Resolution 181 passed on November 29, 1947 by a large majority of the member states of the General Assembly set in place the establishment of two new states in the Middle East, Israel and Palestine. By direct order of the Palestinian leaders, the elderly, women and children of the Palestinian people fled the area as the militant Palestinians moved to annihilate the Jews so there would be only one new state, Palestine.

This report of the beginnings of the present day Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also the evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. The descendants of Esau, the Palestinians of today, vowed that they would return and rebuild in what they claimed to be their land which is modern day Israel, Malachi 1:4. The ancient prophet Ezekiel wrote in Ezekiel 35 that these Palestinians would kill the Jews, verse 5, and take their land, verse 10. Obadiah, another Jewish prophet, reveals that the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will only come about when the Messiah, Jesus Christ, returns to earth, Obadiah 15-18.

Palestinian rejection of the UN partition plan did indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

June 28, 2012

A rabbi in Israel claims to be a descendant of King David and he wants to set up the Kingdom of Israel right now

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Rabbi Yosef Dayan claims that he can prove he is from the lineage of King David, Israel's second king, and the rabbi wants to restore Israel from a state back to a kingdom, which he says the Lord has commanded in the Bible.  This rabbi is joined by a number of Jewish scholars who say that God's Word does command the establishment of a kingdom in the land that God has given the Jewish people and Rabbi Dayan could be a candidate for the future king of Israel.

According to this group of Jewish scholars, God has commanded the Jewish people when they return to the land of their forefathers, to set up the kingdom, wipe out the seed of Amalek, and then build their temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

There are a number of Jewish scholars in Israel that believe the Lord wants them to set up the Kingdom of Israel today which is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

For over two decades, there have been serious Jewish scholars that have been preparing to build a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  Now, many of those same Jewish scholars, believe their priority is to first establish the Kingdom of Israel, wipe out the seed of Amalek, and then build the temple.  Among this group of scholars, is a rabbi who says that he can prove his claim to being in the lineage of King David and thus is a candidate to become the King of Israel.

This group of Jewish scholars are working hard to teach the Jewish people what God's Word does command them to do and then move ahead with this project.  Interesting to me is the fact that God's Word does call for a kingdom in the land of Israel, that's II Samuel 7 which is the Davidic Covenant.  Obadiah, an ancient Jewish prophet, wrote 2800 years ago that the descendants of Amalek would be destroyed and they would be as if they had never been (Jeremiah 49:18).  The Jewish prophet Ezekiel gave a description of the temple that will be standing during the kingdom on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that's Ezekiel 40-46, 202 verses of detailed information about that temple of the future.

These Jewish scholars are indeed involved in preparing for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

June 27, 2012

Russian President Vladimir Putin considers himself a key player in the Middle East

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During his recent visit to Israel, the Russian President Vladimir Putin made certain that he remained a key player in the region as he met not only with the Israeli PM Netanyahu but also meeting in Bethlehem with the president of the PA and then he crossed the Jordan River to meet with King Abdullah of Jordan.

The Russian president wants the world to know that he and his nation Russia are very much involved in the region and his backing of the Syrian regime in the past along with an open relationship with a number of other Middle Eastern countries gives at least the appearance that Putin is a key player in the region.

Talks between the Israeli PM and President Putin focused on the Iranian nuclear program reminding the Russian president that his nation's involvement in the Iranian nuclear program helped to make Iran Israel's number one threat.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to the Middle East is a reminder of the prophetic scenario that has Russia and its leader as major components in the end of times scenario unfolding in the region as foretold in Bible prophecy.

Vladimir Putin in his second term as president of Russia has been working at making sure the world recognizes him as a key player in the geopolitical activities unfolding in our world today. On his recent trip to the Middle East, Vladimir Putin made contact with Middle Eastern leaders in Israel and Jordan, plus he met with the Palestinian leadership as well. Russia's influence in the Middle East has faded over the years and Putin wants to rekindle his impact on Middle Eastern problems and offer the solutions to these conflicts in the region.

This scenario fits like hand in glove with the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel prewrote history in Ezekiel 38 when in verse 2, the prophet said that Gog in the land of Magog will lead a coalition of nations against the Jewish state in an effort to destroy the nation of Israel. Gog is the personality, Magog is the place or the nation that will be involved. Magog is modern day Russia according to biblical, historic geography. We do not know who Gog, the personality who leads the coalition, is to be.

Whether Vladimir Putin will be Gog, only time will tell when Bible prophecy is fulfilled.

June 26, 2012

The results of the recent presidential elections in Egypt will affect Israel, the Middle East, and in fact the entire world

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The candidate for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, was named the winner of the presidential election and for the first time in history, an Islamist is now the leader of this the largest Arab country in the world.

Morsi tried to relieve all Egyptians of the fact that his Islamic beliefs will not be imposed on everyone in Egypt which many pundits and consultants doubt will be the case over the long haul even though Morsi may keep his word at least in the short term.

Muslim Brotherhood beliefs call for shariah to be implemented as the law of the land and for all Muslims to destroy Israel when they march to Jerusalem to make it the capital of the caliphate, a worldwide Islamic kingdom.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A member of the Muslim Brotherhood being elected as president of Egypt sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is to put in place a worldwide caliphate, a global kingdom under shariah, the law of the Koran. The duly elected president of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, has stated in the past and endorsed radical Islamic clerics who have called for Jerusalem to be the capital of the United States of the Arab Nations. Though Morsi has tried to be president of all of the Egyptians, his Islamic roots compel him to follow the directive of the Koran and be at the task of making Egypt an Islamic republic.

That being the case, Morsi is destined to move Egypt towards the scenario for the last days that can be found in Bible prophecy. That scenario was written down in the Scriptures by the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel. In Daniel 11:40-43, the prophet foretold of a time when the nation of Egypt would be one of the first nations to attack Israel. The king of the South in Daniel 11:40 is defined as the geographical location of modern day Egypt. An alignment of nations will form a coalition made up of Islamic nations who will move to destroy the Jewish state of Israel, Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83.

The nation of Egypt led by a radical Islamist does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

June 25, 2012

A radical Muslim preacher in Egypt says there will be a global caliphate, a Muslim kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem

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Egypt's Islamists aim to install a global Islamic caliphate, a Muslim kingdom, that will rule the entire world from the Middle East and it will be known as the United States of the Arabs according to Safwat Higazi who recently addressed thousands of Muslim worshipers in Cairo's largest soccer stadium.

This radical Islamic cleric told the enthusiastic crowd made up of mostly members of the Muslim Brotherhood that they can now see how their dream of a worldwide Muslim kingdom will be set in place in the very near future.

Higazi told the Muslim worshipers that the capital of this caliphate, this kingdom, will not be Cairo and it will not be Mecca or Medina but the capital of the United States of the Arabs will be the city of Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call for a global caliphate, a Muslim kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital city, is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.

The Muslim Brotherhood has come to power politically in Egypt and now the religious element, the Islamists in Egypt are calling for a global caliphate, a worldwide Muslim kingdom to also come to power. In a recent gathering of hundreds and thousands of Muslim worshipers held in Cairo's largest soccer stadium, the Islamic cleric Safwat Higazi called for the capital city of this caliphate to be Jerusalem, not Mecca or Medina the two most sacred cities in the Islamic faith. If that end times scenario sounds familiar, it is because the Bible does lay out in its prophetic passages that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to the earth and setup His Kingdom, a kingdom that God, His Father gives Him, Daniel 7:13-14.

The Lord's Kingdom on earth will last for 1,000 years, Revelation 20:4-6 and then into eternity future, Zechariah 6:13. The Lord's Kingdom will be headquartered in Jerusalem, II Samuel 7:10-15 and Zechariah 1:16.

In the last days, the Muslims will come to Jerusalem and to try and setup a kingdom, but they will be destroyed and the Lord's Kingdom will rule and reign from Jerusalem.

June 22, 2012

An Israeli political leader calls for an end to Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount

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Aryeh Eldad, a member of the Israeli Knesset, has called for the end of Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount which Eldad says dates back 1300 years ago to the time when a Muslim named Omar built the Dome of the Rock over the location of the first and second temples on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

As more and more religious Jews visit the Temple Mount there is a growing demand for the removal of all restrictions imposed by the Muslims and the Jewish people want a freedom to worship on this very sacred location.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by an Israeli official for an end to the Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.

Recent incidents on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem have brought about calls by the religious Jewish community for an end to the Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount. Orthodox Jews are forbidden to carry their Bibles onto the Temple Mount and they are restricted from offering any prayers on this holy site. In 691 AD, a Muslim named Omar built what is known as the Dome of the Rock over the location of the two previous Jewish temples. Now, a member of the Israeli Knesset has called for an end to the Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount. Aryeh Eldad, a member of the Israeli Knesset, does not want Muslims removed from the Temple Mount but instead wants total access and freedom of worship on the Temple Mount for the Jewish people.

Bible prophecy reveals what will happen in the future, the Jews will build a temple on the Temple Mount, Daniel 9:7, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1-2. By the way, that temple will be the Tribulation Temple which will be destroyed at the time of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ who will build His eternal temple on the Temple Mount where He will rule and reign forever, Zechariah 6:12-13. The prophet Zechariah also foretold of a time when Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in particular will be at the center of controversy, Zechariah 12:2-3.

A Jewish official calling for the end of the Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

June 21, 2012

The US government has seized the bones of a dinosaur worth one million dollars

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The courts in NY state issued a warrant forcing an auction house to return the fossil bones of what they call a 70 million year old dinosaur unearthed in the nation of Mongolia where it was discovered in the last decade.

The bones of the dinosaur were sold at auction in NY for one million dollars, but the court said that the sale was illegal because the fossil was illegally imported into the US.

The transaction for the sale of this dinosaur fossil has also been termed a fraud since there are those who say that the bones are not 70 million years old as claimed, thus the value of the bones are way over priced.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The sale of a 70 million year old dinosaur fossil for one million dollars is not only a fraud in the world of collectors, but totally contradicts the Bible account of Creation as well as the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

A recent news report of the sale of a 70 million year old dinosaur fossil for one million dollars motivated the US government to stop the sale and actually confiscate the bones to return them to their rightful owner in Mongolia. When I read the story, I was taken back by the fact that someone was naive enough to pay one million dollars for a bunch of bones not nearly as old as claimed but also not as rare either since there are vast numbers of these bones across the world and even some dinosaurs still alive in our world today. The alligators found in the Everglades in Florida are the living species of dinosaurs that can be found in America. For sure, these bones are not 70 million years old having been created around 6000 years ago, Exodus 20:11 and Genesis 1:24-25.

This report is evidence of how God's Word is absolute in its record of Creation as found in Genesis 1. As one adds up the number of years between Creation and the Flood, Genesis 5 and the years total between the Flood and Abraham, you get approximately a 2000 year period of time. We know that Abraham lived about 4000 years ago, thus a 6000 year period of time from Creation until today. The connection between the Creation account recorded in Genesis 1 and Bible prophecy for the end of times is found in many biblical accounts of both Creation and Bible prophecy. Let me give you one example. Zechariah 12:1 speaks of Creation and the rest of Zechariah 12 lays out a prophetic scenario for the end times.

The Biblical account of Creation, absolute truth is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

June 20, 2012

Japanese astronomers say they have discovered the oldest galaxy in our universe

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A team of Japanese astronomers using telescopes on Hawaii say they have seen the oldest galaxy yet discovered which the team says is almost 13 billion light years away from earth and thus the galaxy is at the edge of our universe.

A light year is the distance that light travels in a year at 186,000 miles per second which is about six trillion miles that light would travel each year.

The Japanese astronomers say this latest discovery has enabled them to look back in time and using powerful telescopes will help them to peer deeper and deeper into the dawn of the universe.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recent discovery of a galaxy almost 13 billion light years from earth is being used as an attack on Bible prophecy and actually the authority of the Bible itself.

The Japanese astronomers that claim they have discovered the oldest galaxy in our universe believe that this discovery has given them the deepest look into the dawn of history thus far by the scientific world. This galaxy is reported to be almost 13 billion light years away from earth at the edge of our universe. Remember, a light year is how far light can travel at 186,000 miles per second in one year and that is around 6 trillion miles which would then be multiplied by 13 billion, an astronomical number.

The use of the term, "Oldest galaxy" by the Japanese astronomers is an attack on the record of Creation found in Genesis 1:6 where it says that the Lord used the term, "and the stars also" to define the creation of stars and all of the galaxies that are in our universe and He did that in one instant. The Apostle Peter warns us that in the last days, the scientific world will attack the concept of biblical Creation because they are "willfully ignorant" of the truth, II Peter 3:5. Peter revealed the denial of the return of Jesus Christ would be present in these days as well because of the ignorant scientists and astronomers, II Peter 3:3-4.

II Peter 3:9 however, says the Lord is not slack concerning His promise to return to earth. He will come back.

June 19, 2012

A US Congressman warns the world of a second Holocaust, the slaughter of Jewish people

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Congressman Allen West, a Republican from the state of Florida, has warned that the state of Israel could become the site of a second Jewish Holocaust if the United States does not take further actions to protect the Jewish state against Iran.  West, who is a veteran of the Iraq War, also warned that the current political turmoil in the Middle East could lead to a number of Arab and or Islamic states engaging Israel in a full blown Middle Eastern war.

Congressman West said that creation of a Hamas led Palestinian state based on pre-1967 borders is the most egregious foreign policy decision that's ever been made and could lead to the beginning of the end for the Jewish state of Israel. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A warning from a United States Congressman that Israel could face the beginning of the end for the Jewish state and a second Holocaust is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

United States Congressman Allen West, from the state of Florida, has issued a warning to the world that Israel could be in danger of a second Holocaust.  This warning from West is based on the foreign policy decision of the present United States Administration and what seems to be a lack of support for Israel in its position in the Middle East.  Iran has made numerous threats to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.  Israel retreating to the pre-1967 borders would only enhance the Palestinian terror organization Hamas in their plan to use armed resistance to eliminate a Jewish state from the Middle East. 

I mentioned that this report is like a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times which is evident to a student of Bible prophecy.  Ezekiel 38:5 says that Iran will be a member of a coalition of nations who want to rid the world of a Jewish state.  Ezekiel 35. Malachi 1, and the little prophetic book of Obadiah also foretold of the Palestinian people i.e. Hamas in the last days moving to eliminate Israel from the Middle East.

As it relates to the second Holocaust, the Bible does describe a time in the future when the Jewish people will face a second Holocaust.  This end time scenario is found in Zechariah 13:8 where the ancient Jewish prophet pre-wrote history and revealed that 2 out of every 3 Jews will be killed during the Time of Jacob's Trouble in the future.

Congressman West has indeed warned of a future for the Jewish people that will happen.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

June 18, 2012

The perception in the Middle East is that the American superpower status is in decline

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The perception in the Middle East and the Arab World is that the United States of America, supposed leader of the free world and international superstar, is becoming weaker according to Avi Gil who is a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, who also said that America no longer leads as it once did but now follows or leads from behind.  The United States has called for Israel to withdraw from land that is Biblically, historically, and strategically essential for the very existence of the Jewish state among the Arab-Islamic nations in the Middle East which would put the Jewish state in harm's way. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With America's superpower status in decline and the rising power of the radical Arab Islamic world, we can now see better the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. 

The America that we knew 10 to 15 years ago is no longer at the peak of the pedestal as a world superpower and even the Arab Moslem world recognizes this as the case for America politically and economically.  Much of the way that Israel is perceived is directly dependent upon its relationship with America.  This report begs the question, where is the United States in Bible prophecy?  Is it a superpower in the last days or not there at all? 

The United States is not mentioned by name anywhere in Bible prophecy but it seems to refer to the United States and in fact all nations in Zechariah 14:2 when the ancient Jewish prophet wrote that at the end of the seven year Tribulation period, all nations will gather in Jerusalem.  But before that, the superpower will be the Antichrist, the world dictator who will control a one world economic, political, and governmental system from Babylon in modern-day Iraq.  This is foretold in Revelation 18.  Under the leadership of Satan, Antichrist, and the False Prophet, this massive body of people will confront Jesus Christ as He returns to the Mount of Olives and then after the Battle of Armageddon, goes into the Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to set up His kingdom (Zechariah 6:12-13). 

Perception has become fact as America continues to decline in leadership and character in our world today.  The prophecies of God's Word will indeed be fulfilled. 

June 15, 2012

A radical Muslim preacher in Egypt says there will be a global caliphate, a Muslim kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem

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Egypt's Islamists aim to install a global Islamic caliphate, a Muslim kingdom, that will rule the entire world from the Middle East and it will be known as the United States of the Arabs according to Safwat Higazi who recently addressed thousands of Muslim worshipers in Cairo's largest soccer stadium.

This radical Islamic cleric told the enthusiastic crowd made up of mostly members of the Muslim Brotherhood that they can now see how their dream of a worldwide Muslim kingdom will be set in place in the very near future.

Higazi told the Muslim worshipers that the capital of this caliphate, this kingdom, will not be Cairo and it will not be Mecca or Medina but the capital of the United States of the Arabs will be the city of Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call for a global caliphate, a Muslim kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital city, is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.

The Muslim Brotherhood has come to power politically in Egypt and now the religious element, the Islamists in Egypt are calling for a global caliphate, a worldwide Muslim kingdom to also come to power. In a recent gathering of hundreds and thousands of Muslim worshipers held in Cairo's largest soccer stadium, the Islamic cleric Safwat Higazi called for the capital city of this caliphate to be Jerusalem, not Mecca or Medina the two most sacred cities in the Islamic faith. If that end times scenario sounds familiar, it is because the Bible does lay out in its prophetic passages that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to the earth and setup His Kingdom, a kingdom that God, His Father gives Him, Daniel 7:13-14.

The Lord's Kingdom on earth will last for 1,000 years, Revelation 20:4-6 and then into eternity future, Zechariah 6:13. The Lord's Kingdom will be headquartered in Jerusalem, II Samuel 7:10-15 and Zechariah 1:16.

In the last days, the Muslims will come to Jerusalem and to try and setup a kingdom, but they will be destroyed and the Lord's Kingdom will rule and reign from Jerusalem.

June 14, 2012

The Middle East nation of Iran has stepped up its crackdown on Christians

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The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has stepped up its campaign on Christians in its nation and Iranian Christians are in a dire situation concerned that this militant Muslim army will close down their churches and even imprison or kill the Christians living in this Islamic republic.

In Iran, the death penalty is imposed on those who convert from Islam to Christianity and those who embrace Christianity are targeted for persecution and even death.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The crackdown on Christians in Iran, and in fact across the entire Middle East, is only the tip of the iceberg as it relates to believers in Christ being persecuted in the last days according to Bible prophecy.

There have been a number of reports coming out of the Middle East that there has been an increase in the attacks on churches and Christians in this region of the world. A high ranking Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia recently issued a fatwah calling for Muslims to attack all churches, kill Christians and in fact rid the Middle East of Christianity. Now, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the militia of the supreme council of Iran, has increased their persecution of Iranian Christians and the closing down of churches in Iran.

The biblical book of Revelation written by the Apostle John records prophecies of the martyrdom of believers in Christ during the seven years of great judgment on the earth called the Tribulation. When Satan and his evil angels are thrown out of Heaven, Revelation 12, the Devil will try to eliminate all of those who stand for Jesus Christ. At the end of the Tribulation, to enter the Kingdom and rule and reign with Jesus Christ, Revelation 20:4. In addition, Jews who believe in Jesus Christ will be the focus of Satanic persecution as well during that period of time referred to as the Time of Jacob's Trouble, Revelation 12:13-17.

Iranian persecution of Christians is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

June 13, 2012

The zoning board in the city of Jerusalem has granted access to religious Jews to a spring mentioned in the Garden of Eden

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An ancient spring that was mentioned in the Bible as the spring or river Gihon, recorded in the passage in the Holy Scriptures of the account of Creation, is now a place of opportunity for religious men to take a ritual bath in this sacred body of water.

The Gihon Spring in Silwan in the Eastern section of the city of Jerusalem is the site for Jewish men to perform their traditional ritual in the immersion pit, the activity religious Jews are required to do before entering the Temple Mount.

This spring in Jerusalem is considered to be the spot where Adam went after his sin in the Garden of Eden.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Religious Jewish men can now use the one spring in the Garden of Eden to take a ritual bath before entering the Temple Mount, evidence we are living in the end times according to Bible prophecy.

The city of Jerusalem zoning board recently approved the construction of a special project at the Gihon Spring in the City of David which is the original site of the city of Jerusalem. Religious men will use the immersion pit being constructed at the Gihon Spring to take their ritual bath required before they can enter the Temple Mount. However, there is a problem with this decision by the zoning board. The construction project is located in Silwan, a Palestinian neighborhood in the area.

This controversy today is part of the scenario that was foretold by the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah in Zechariah 12:2. As to the statements that the site on the Gihon is where Adam went after his sin in the Garden of Eden, this statement is confirmed in Scripture only as it refers to the Gihon River being in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 2:10. The Gihon was the one river in the garden which was located in Jerusalem according to I Kings 1:33, 45. The Gihon River was the one river in the garden that became four rivers somewhere outside of the Garden of Eden.

Ezekiel 36:35 says that the Jews will be given back their Garden of Eden in the last days.

June 12, 2012

A leading American journalist says that Israel was established to prevent a second Holocaust not to invite one

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Syndicated columnist and political commentator Charles Krauthammer appearing on a Fox News program said a possible Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities is inevitable, adding that the US Secretary of Defense has stated that an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran is likely to occur in the coming months.

Krauthammer said Panetta's statement means the Israeli's think that the moment, the time frame in which Israel can no longer attack Iran successfully is fast approaching. Krauthammer says Israel must attack because they can not live under the threat of annihilation. Israel was founded to prevent a second Holocaust, not to invite another one.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities by the IDF would only delay a second Holocaust, not completely stop one, that is according to Bible prophecy.

America's syndicated columnist and political pundit Charles Krauthammer says that Israel was established to prevent another Holocaust like the one that took place during WWII, not to invite another one. Krauthammer states the obvious when he also said that the Jewish people in Israel cannot live under the constant threat of annihilation as has been the case over the last several years. The leadership of Iran, both President Ahmadinejad and the leader of the Supreme Council, Ayatollah Ali Khomeini continue to spout radical rhetoric calling for Israel to be wiped off the earth and her name be forgotten forever.

The Iranians deny that the first Holocaust happened and are calling for a second one in order to annihilate the Jews and eliminate the state of Israel. Bible prophecy does foretell that Iran will be a major player in the alignment of nations who endeavor to try to destroy Israel, Ezekiel 38:5. Israel will try and defend themselves from such a Holocaust, but will only delay it as the Lord intervenes to stop Iran and the alignment of nations, Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. However, before the Time of Jacob's Trouble is come to an end, two out of every three Jews will be killed, Zechariah 13:8.

This time will be the worst Holocaust ever in history.

June 11, 2012

Iran's supreme Islamic leader says Moslems must kill Jews and annihilate Israel and they can do that in just nine minutes

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Two websites in Iran are calling for Moslems to kill Jews and annihilate Israel and that they will do this in less than nine minutes, a plan that has legal and religious justification for the attack on the Jewish state which also includes Jewish people worldwide.

In fact, Iran already has a strategy in place for an offensive attack that would target key Israeli sites using land-to-land missiles or their nuclear weapon of mass destruction mounted as a warhead on their long range Shahab 3 missile that can hit any target in Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by the supreme Islamic leader of Iran for Moslems to rise up and kill Jews and annihilate the Jewish state of Israel and be able to do that, as they say, in nine minutes is a page right out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

Several years ago, Iranian President Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth and he has continued this radical rhetoric up until today. It is amazing to me as I watch world leaders not doing anything serious to stop this call for the planned destruction of an entire nation, the Jewish people. I mentioned that this scenario actually is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2500 years ago that Iran, mentioned as Persia in Ezekiel 38:5, would rise up to try to slaughter the Jewish people in the last days.

In the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, Ezekiel 34 and 37, the Jews have returned to the land of their forefathers and now consider the Iranians as the number one threat to their existence. Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 all mention an alignment of nations that will join Iran in an effort to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. In fact, Psalm 83:4 says this coalition of nations will rise up to cut Israel off from being a nation in this world and work so that the name of the Jewish state, Israel will be forgotten forever. Ezekiel 38:18-39:6 reveals that the Lord will intercede from Heaven and actually destroy Iran and all the nations in their coalition.

Politically, Iran wants to wipe Israel off the earth. Prophetically, Iran will be the nation destroyed by the Lord.

June 08, 2012

Iran's president believes that the Mahdi, the Moslem Messiah, is coming very soon

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Iranian President Ahmadinejad is a Shiite Moslem that believes that the Mahdi, the Moslem Messiah, is coming into this world very soon and that Messiah will be the twelfth Imam who comes as the final Imam and the savior of the world.  Ahmadinejad believes that he is the forerunner of the Mahdi, the twelfth Imam, and the Moslem Messiah will come to this earth following a catastrophic event, and event like a nuclear attack on the Jewish state of Israel.   

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Islamic eschatology states that the Mahdi, the Moslem Messiah, is coming and it could be very soon which has an interesting correlation with the soon coming of the true Messiah as foretold in Bible prophecy.

The Islamic faith has an eschatology, that's the study of the end times, and this eschatology has the Moslem Messiah, the Mahdi, appearing on the world scene to be the final savior of mankind.  The Shiite Moslems believe that the twelfth Imam gone from this world for hundreds of years will reappear and come out of Iran.  The Iranian President Ahmadinejad believes that he is the forerunner of the Mahdi and if he can cause a catastrophic event to happen, like a nuclear attack on Israel, that the Mahdi will appear and in fact will appear in the very near future.

About 85% of the entire Shiite Moslem world agrees with Ahmadinejad and they believe the Moslem Messiah will come to this world to set the world in order for the caliphate.  Now the caliphate is a worldwide Islamic kingdom which will also be put in place by the Mahdi.

The ancient Jewish prophets, the true spokesmen for the true God of the Bible wrote how this would all play out.  Zechariah wrote of the return of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:4).  John wrote in Revelation 19 that this Messiah would return after the seven year Tribulation period where judgment will have been unleashed on the earth and earthdwellers.  When Jesus returns He will build a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 1:16, Zechariah 6:12-13).

Moslem eschatology has the Mahdi, the Moslem Messiah, coming back in the near future.  But the truth be known, the true Messiah Jesus Christ will come in the near future.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

June 07, 2012

The reunification of the city of Jerusalem during the Six Day War in 1967 marked the beginning of the end for the Jewish people

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On June 7, 1967, the time of Israel's Six Day War, the Israeli Paratroopers led by General Uzzi Marcus rushed the Lion Gate of the old city of Jerusalem, entered the city, and moved quickly onto the Temple Mount for the first time in almost 2000 years.

At that time, they reunited their capital city with the most sacred piece of real estate in all of Judaism, the Temple Mount. Since 1967, the Muslims have controlled this site that is holy for not only the Muslims, but the Jews and Christians as well and has made Jerusalem's Temple Mount the most controversial site in the world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

When the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was taken by the IDF during the Six Day War in 1967, history was made and it marked the beginning of the end for God's plan for the Jewish people, that is according to Bible prophecy.

After a 2000 year absence from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Six Day War in Israel prepared the way for the Jewish people to reclaim this most sacred piece of real estate in Judaism. IDF paratroopers broke through the Lion Gate into the old city of Jerusalem and then onto the Temple Mount and with great emotion they took the holy site which had such great historic significance for the Jewish people.

King David claimed the city of Jerusalem as the political and spiritual capital of the Jewish people as recorded in II Samuel 5-6 some 3000 years ago. Jesus spoke of Jerusalem being trodden down under the control of non-Jews for a 2000 year period, Luke 21:24. Zechariah, the ancient Jewish prophet, said that Jerusalem would be the center of controversy in the last days. God promised Israel's second king, King David, that one of his descendants would build a temple on the Temple Mount and rule and reign on that sacred spot forever, II Samuel 7 and Zechariah 6:12-13.

When the IDF captured the Temple Mount in 1967, it did indeed mark the beginning for the Jewish people on the Temple Mount.

June 06, 2012

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood says the creation of the Jewish state of Israel was the worst catastrophe to ever hit this world

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Mohammed Badie who is the Muslim Brotherhood's general guide, the head of this Islamic terror group, has stated the worst catastrophe to ever befall the peoples of this world was the creation of the modern day state of Israel.

The Muslim Brotherhood leader has called on Arab forces to confront Israel and reminded his followers of the movement's sacrifices in efforts to destroy the Jewish state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood for the Arab forces to be ready to sacrifice even life itself in order to destroy the Jewish state of Israel is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.

Mohammed Badie is the head of the Muslim Brotherhood and he believes that the Jews have no right to have a state in the land of their forefathers, the modern day state of Israel. This cry is echoing across the Arab world with an ever increasing intensity in the demand to destroy Israel. It is no surprise to students of Bible prophecy that there is a call for the Jewish state to be destroyed and this demand is actually evidence that Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

Contrary to Mohammed Badie's statement that the modern day creation of Israel is the world's greatest catastrophe, the Bible says that it would happen because the Lord swore by His own name that indeed it would happen, Ezekiel 36:22. The prophecy of the valley of dry bones that watched as these bones came together and with skin covering these newly connected bones, two-thirds of Ezekiel's prophecy in Ezekiel 37 was fulfilled in our day, Ezekiel 37:1-10. Verse 11 of that same passage indicates that these dry bones are the whole house of Israel which has resulted in the modern day Jewish nation.

Ezekiel 38 foretells of a coalition of Arab and Islamic nations that will try to destroy Israel and chapter 39 reveals this alignment of nations will be destroyed instead and the Jewish state will live on forever.

June 05, 2012

Egypt's highest ranking Moslem cleric wants all Jews removed from Jerusalem

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Ahmed a- Taib, the highest ranking cleric in Egypt and one of the most important clerics in the entire Sunni Arab world, has called on all Moslems who value their religion, to join him in his effort to stop the Judaization of Jerusalem. A- Taib has set up a special committee to prevent the progress of the Zionist plan to Judaize Jeruslaem and the Islamic cleric has called on all Moslem leaders to commit to using whatever sources that they have at their disposal to defend al Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by an Egyptian Moslem cleric to liberate the city of Jerusalem is a call to arms in the Islamic world but it is also a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

The highest ranking Moslem cleric in Egypt and perhaps the entire Sunni Arab world has set in motion a plan to remove all Jews from the city of Jerusalem. Underneath the banner of a campaign to stop the Judaization of Jerusalem, Ahmed a- Taib has called on all Moslems everywhere to join his efforts to remove Jews from Jerusalem and to use every source at their disposal to achieve their goal. A meeting between A- Taib and the leaders of the Islamic terror group Hamas brought a strategy together for achieving their goal of a Jew free Jerusalem. This report is tangible evidence of how the prophetic scenario found in Bible prophecy is quickly approaching the fulfillment on each of the prophecies related to the city of Jerusalem.

Zechariah 12:2 says that in the last days Jerusalem will be the center of controversy. The Davidic Covenant found in II Samuel 7 reveals that the Lord will place the Jews in Jerusalem forever and there He will protect them from all of their enemies. Jesus Christ said that He would return to Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:4) and there build a temple where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 6:12-13). Jerusalem is the place where the Lord said that He would dwell among His people, the Jewish people, forever (Psalm 132:13-14).

No Moslem cleric or anyone else for that matter can stop Bible prophecy from being fulfilled.

June 04, 2012

A recent survey reveals that 70% of Israeli Jews believe they are God's chosen people

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The latest survey of the beliefs and values among Israeli Jews, the first comprehensive study in more than a decade, reveals that 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God exists and some 70% of these Jews surveyed believed the Jews are the chosen people, a statement that can be found in the Bible.  The authors of this study believe the demographic changes in Israel caused by the higher birthrates among the orthodox and the ultra-orthodox Jews has resulted in the uptick of Jewish attachment to Biblical truth with a majority of all Israeli Jews believing in the coming Jewish Messiah.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recent survey made among Israeli Jews reveals that Jews believe they are God's chosen people, a fact that the Bible stated more than 4000 years ago but a fact that means God does have a plan for the Jewish people in the future - that is according to Bible prophecy.

Over the last decade, Jews living in Israel have become much more religious, an interesting fact in light of God's plan for the Jewish people in the future.  A recent survey indicates that 70% of all Israeli Jews believe in God and 55% of those surveyed say they believe in the coming of their Messiah.  Fully 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God does indeed exist, the highest figure in more than two decades, a trend that will take place as the world moves into the prophetic events found in Bible prophecy.

The ancient Jewish prophecy Ezekiel prewrote history as he spoke of the regathering of the Jewish people from the four corners of the earth, the restoration of a Jewish state and a Jewish community in Israel that though in unbelief, there will be an increase in a desire to see their Messiah and to become the people of God, the chosen people (Ezekiel 37:7-11 and Ezekiel 34:11-30).  God does have a plan for the Jewish people and this plan is focused on the land of Israel, a land promised to the Jewish people by God Himself (Ezekiel 36, Deuteronomy 30).  The future for the Jews not only in Israel but around the entire world is in the hands of God and its found in the pages of His Word the Bible. 

With this increase of the knowledge of God's plan for the Jewish people, this plan will indeed come to pass.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.  

June 01, 2012

A Palestinian official says that the Bible is totally irrelevant in determining a Jewish persons right to live in his ancient homeland, Israel

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Dr. Hussein Ibish, a senior fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, said in Washington recently, that the Bible is an ancient holy book that is totally irrelevant to the Palestinian Authority's aim to take over all of Judea and Samaria from the Jews to establish their state called Palestine.

The Palestinian Authority has claimed that Jews have stolen the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and Rachel's Tomb near Bethlehem and many other Jewish holy sites which have a Biblical history dating back over 4000 years.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Palestinian official who claims that the Bible has no authority in the decision process to determine who lives in Judea and Samaria or any other part of Israel is absolutely wrong that is according to Bible prophecy.

Dr. Hussein Ibish, senior fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, makes a claim that contradicts the Bible when he said recently that the decision makers working to determine who has a right to live in the Biblical lands of Judea and Samaria should not use the Bible in this process. Ibish says the Bible is an ancient Jewish holy book that is irrelevant to the discussions on the ownership of these ancient Biblical lands even though the Bible has an undeniable record of 4000 years of Jewish history in the land that God gave to the Jewish people.

In Leviticus 25:23, Moses wrote, directed by God, that the land in question was actually His land, God's land, never to be sold or given away, and it says that God gave to the Jews the responsibility as caretakers of His land. Though the Jews did not control this land for almost 2000 years, God had Ezekiel, the ancient Jewish prophet, to write that He, God, would give the land to the Jews when they returned to the land of their forefathers in the end of times (Ezekiel 34:14, 36:10-11). In fact, the Lord said that He did not make this promise and fulfill it because of the Jews, but because He, the Lord did this for His holy namesake (Ezekiel 36:22).

The Palestinians can continue to claim their ownership of a land promised to the Jewish people and even use an armed struggle in order to take the land from the Jews but in the end, the Jewish people will get this land. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.