
May 31, 2013

The Palestinian government says that Jewish people have no right to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, where they now go to pray 3 times every day

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There is a document on the official mouthpiece for the Palestinian Authority, a website that claims the Jewish people have no right to go to the Western Wall in Jerusalem and pray, which they do three times daily, because the report says the Western Wall belongs to Muslims and the Jews have no connection with the Western Wall.

This study by the Palestinian Authority has been denounced by Israel and the United States because it says the Western Wall has always belonged to the Muslims and the Jews have been allowed to pray there because of Muslim tolerance.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The claim by the Palestinian Authority that Jewish people have no right to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem is a contradiction to historic fact and the prophetic scenario that focuses on the Temple Mount for the end times.

The report published by an official of the Palestinian Authority stating that Jews have no connection to the Western Wall in Jerusalem since there is no stone in the Western Wall that dates back to the time of King Solomon is partially correct and partially wrong. The correct part is that indeed there are no stones in the Western Wall dating back to King Solomon some 3000 years ago - the reason being that the Western Wall was only built some 2000 years ago by Herod the Great. The incorrect statement is that there is no historic Jewish connection to the Western Wall.

Herod used over 10,000 Jewish laborers to build that wall and it was the western retaining wall used to keep the Temple Mount in tact. King Solomon did build the first temple on the Temple Mount and Herod the Great spent 46 years refurbishing the second temple on that same spot - both of these were Jewish temples. That disproves the Palestinian Authority claim of no Jewish connection to the Western Wall.

In fact, the Bible states that one day the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to earth and build a temple for the Jewish people on the Temple Mount (Zechariah 1:16,6:12). However, before Messiah builds His temple in Jerusalem, there will be a Jewish temple erected on the Temple Mount (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1).

Palestinian claims are wrong. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 30, 2013

Palestinian TV presents a baby eating Zionist lizard as the enemy of the Palestinian people

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The official television outlet for the PA in Ramallah, Israel has broadcasted a painting which shows a lizard man impaling Palestinian children on his bayonet and eating them one by one as he is depicted as a Jewish lizard wearing a kippah with the star of David.

The painting also reveals dead children piled up to be eaten and two baby lizard men also shown eating Palestinian children, a scene that the Palestinian artist claims is dealing with the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian people.

The PA, supposed peace partners with Israel, says that the painting is about the Gaza massacre and the Zionist enemies' cruelty and savagery.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Palestinian television depicting a baby eating, Zionist lizard impaling Palestinian children on a bayonet is not only inciting hatred against the Jews, but also setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

On a recent Palestinian television program, the host of the program interviewed a Palestinian artist whose painting depicts a lizard man impaling Palestinian children on a bayonet and then eating these children one by one. The artist explained that his work was to make known to the wold the cruelty and savagery of the Jewish state of Israel against the Palestinians in what he referred to as the Gaza massacre.

Palestinian Media Watch who monitors the Palestinian media, said this was an effort to demonize the Jews through the arts and the Palestinian media. Several of the ancient Jewish prophets spoke of the end of times conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians. Malachi, in reference to the Edomites, the Palestinian people of today, these descendants of Esau would come to power in the last days and rebuild their base even with borders, borders that the Lord said are borders of wickedness, Malachi 1:4. Obadiah foretold of the arrogance of the Palestinians as they would be intoxicated with power over the Jewish people today, Obadiah 15-18. This passage in Obadiah also reveals the demise of the Palestinian people at the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

This despicable painting of a baby-eating, Zionist lizard is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 29, 2013

The US government has seized the bones of a dinosaur worth one million dollars

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The courts in NY state issued a warrant forcing an auction house to return the fossil bones of what they call a 70 million year old dinosaur unearthed in the nation of Mongolia where it was discovered in the last decade.

The bones of the dinosaur were sold at auction in NY for one million dollars, but the court said that the sale was illegal because the fossil was illegally imported into the US.

The transaction for the sale of this dinosaur fossil has also been termed a fraud since there are those who say that the bones are not 70 million years old as claimed, thus the value of the bones is way over priced.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The sale of a 70 million year old dinosaur fossil for one million dollars is not only a fraud in the world of collectors, but totally contradicts the Bible account of Creation as well as the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

A recent news report of the sale of a 70 million year old dinosaur fossil for one million dollars motivated the US government to stop the sale and actually confiscate the bones to return them to their rightful owner in Mongolia. When I read the story, I was taken back by the fact that someone was naive enough to pay one million dollars for a bunch of bones not nearly as old as claimed but also not as rare either since there are vast numbers of these bones across the world and even some dinosaurs still alive in our world today. The alligators found in the Everglades in Florida are the living species of dinosaurs that can be found in America. For sure, these bones are not 70 million years old having been created around 6000 years ago, Exodus 20:11 and Genesis 1:24 - 25.

This report is evidence of how God's Word is absolute in its record of Creation as found in Genesis 1. As one adds up the number of years between Creation and the Flood, Genesis 5 and the years total between the Flood and Abraham, you get approximately a 2000 year period of time. We know that Abraham lived about 4000 years ago, thus a 6000 year period of time from Creation until today. The connection between the Creation account recorded in Genesis 1 and Bible prophecy for the end of times is found in many biblical accounts of both Creation and Bible prophecy. Let me give you one example. Zechariah 12:1 speaks of Creation and the rest of Zechariah 12 lays out a prophetic scenario for the end times.

The Biblical account of Creation, absolute truth is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 28, 2013

An Israeli political leader calls for an end to Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount

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Aryeh Eldad, a member of the Israeli Knesset, has called for the end of Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount which Eldad says dates back 1300 years ago to the time when a Muslim named Omar built the Dome of the Rock over the location of the first and second temples on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

As more and more religious Jews visit the Temple Mount there is a growing demand for the removal of all restrictions imposed by the Muslims and the Jewish people want a freedom to worship on this very sacred location.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by an Israeli official for an end to the Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.

Recent incidents on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem have brought about calls by the religious Jewish community for an end to the Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount. Orthodox Jews are forbidden to carry their Bibles onto the Temple Mount and they are restricted from offering any prayers on this holy site. In 691 AD, a Muslim named Omar built what is known as the Dome of the Rock over the location of the two previous Jewish temples. Now, a member of the Israeli Knesset has called for an end to the Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount. Aryeh Eldad, a member of the Israeli Knesset, does not want Muslims removed from the Temple Mount but instead wants total access and freedom of worship on the Temple Mount for the Jewish people.

Bible prophecy reveals what will happen in the future, the Jews will build a temple on the Temple Mount, Daniel 9:7, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1-2. By the way, that temple will be the Tribulation Temple which will be destroyed at the time of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ who will build His eternal temple on the Temple Mount where He will rule and reign forever, Zechariah 6:12-13. The prophet Zechariah also foretold of a time when Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in particular will be at the center of controversy, Zechariah 12:2-3.

A Jewish official calling for the end of the Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 27, 2013

The zoning board in the city of Jerusalem has granted access to religious Jews to a spring mentioned in the Garden of Eden

An ancient spring that was mentioned in the Bible as the spring or river Gihon, recorded in the passage in the Holy Scriptures of the account of Creation, is now a place of opportunity for religious men to take a ritual bath in this sacred body of water.

The Gihon Spring in Silwan in the Eastern section of the city of Jerusalem is the site for Jewish men to perform their traditional ritual in the immersion pit, the activity religious Jews are required to do before entering the Temple Mount.

This spring in Jerusalem is considered to be the spot where Adam went after his sin in the Garden of Eden.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Religious Jewish men can now use the one spring in the Garden of Eden to take a ritual bath before entering the Temple Mount, evidence we are living in the end times according to Bible prophecy.

The city of Jerusalem zoning board recently approved the construction of a special project at the Gihon Spring in the City of David which is the original site of the city of Jerusalem. Religious men will use the immersion pit being constructed at the Gihon Spring to take their ritual bath required before they can enter the Temple Mount. However, there is a problem with this decision by the zoning board. The construction project is located in Silwan, a Palestinian neighborhood in the area.

This controversy today is part of the scenario that was foretold by the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah in Zechariah 12:2. As to the statements that the site on the Gihon is where Adam went after his sin in the Garden of Eden, this statement is confirmed in Scripture only as it refers to the Gihon River being in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 2:10. The Gihon was the one river in the garden which was located in Jerusalem according to I Kings 1:33, 45. The Gihon River was the one river in the garden that became four rivers somewhere outside of the Garden of Eden.

Ezekiel 36:35 says that the Jews will be given back their Garden of Eden in the last days.

May 24, 2013

The highest ranking Moslem cleric in Saudi Arabia is calling for all churches to be destroyed

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The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheik Abdul Abdullah, says that it is necessary to destroy all churches in the Middle East, and he based his declaration on the Islamic holy book, the Hadith, which quotes Mohammad as saying on his death bed, that only Islam can be practiced in the Middle East.  The Mufti asserted that all law in the Middle East must conform to Sharia, the law of the Koran as revealed by Allah, the Islamic god. 

This declaration by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia comes on the heels of a Wall Street Journal article written by the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations which stated that Arab discrimination against Christian minorities is a prevalent phenomenon throughout the Arab world. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A declaration by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia that Christian churches in the Middle East must be destroyed is a page out of Bible prophecy. 

Over the last several years there have been many reports of Christian churches being destroyed and church attenders being killed by radical Islamists.  This phenomenon has been on the increase in recent days and the declaration from the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia that all Christian churches in the Middle East must be destroyed, will only add to the urgency of this destruction by Moslem radicals. 

Across the Arab world, more and more Christians and their churches and leaders, are the focus of a fast growing element in our world today who say only the Islamic religion is the one that all of human kind must be a part of in this time in history.  This scenario unfolding today was actually written about in a yesterday over 2000 years ago.  John, the human writer of the book of Revelation, wrote of the slaughter of believers in Jesus Christ in a number of locations in the book of Revelation.  Revelation 6:9-11 foretells of a time when those who stand for the Word of God, the Bible, and who have a testimony that Jesus Christ is their Savior, these believers will be killed.  Revelation 20:4 says that they will be beheaded for their faith.  These Biblical prophecies are referring to the time of Tribulation, that seven year period of judgment on the earth following the Rapture and before the Second Coming of Christ. 

The Grand Mufti's call for all Christian churches in the Middle East to be destroyed is indeed a lead up to Bible prophecy being fulfilled.

May 22, 2013

An Islamic cleric in Israel says that he would rather die than to see the rebuilding of a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem

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Sheik Raad Salah, the leader of the Islamic movement in Israel and speaking to Muslim students at Haifa University, told them that he would rather die than to give up the Islamic holy site where the Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, and suggested the students should be ready to do the same.

Sheik Salah also repeated his claim that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was intending on completing his plan to gain control of the Temple Mount and to rebuild the Jewish temple on the site that Muslims believe is holy - the third holiest site after Mecca and Medina.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Muslims that would give their lives to protect and possess the Temple Mount in Jerusalem area actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is becoming more and more a center of controversy. The Temple Mount is the third holiest piece of real estate for Muslims. To the Jews, it the most holy site in all of the world and the site of the first and second Jewish temples . Muslims who are ready to die to protect and possess this site would fit a scenario that will be played out in the last days according to Bible prophecy.

Zechariah said that the Temple Mount would be the center of controversy in the end times (Zechariah 12:2). Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Joel said that the Muslim world would come to Jerusalem to take it from the Jewish people (Isaiah 51:3, Ezekiel 36:35, and Joel 2:3). Ezekiel also wrote of a temple on the Temple Mount for the Messiah to rule and reign from that location (Ezekiel 40 - 46). Ezekiel's temple is the temple for the kingdom period in the future.

The next temple to be erected on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be the one standing during the seven year Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1). However, this next temple will not be built until after the Rapture when Christians depart from Earth for the heavens. Until that time, no one can build the temple even Prime Minister Netanyahu.

May 21, 2013

Iranian President Ahmadinejad says that Israel is a creation of Western nations so that they could control the Middle East

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The Iranian government sponsored what they called an intifada conference in Tehran, a conference attended by all of the enemies of the Jewish state of Israel, groups who opposed the very existence of Israel including: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and many other Islamic terror organizations.

Speaking at the conference, the Iranian president accused the Western nations, including the US and the member states of the EU of creating the Jewish state so that it could exert control over the Middle East and he called the establishment of Israel the worst historical crime ever.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by the Iranian President Ahmadinejad that the Jewish state of Israel was created by the nations of the West contradicts not only historical fact, but prophetic truth as well, that is according to Bible prophecy.

At a gathering of the enemies of the Jewish state of Israel held in Tehran, Iran the Intifada Conference, Iran's President Ahmadinejad continued his radical rhetoric against Israel by accusing the western nations like the US and the member states of the EU of creating Israel so they could control the Middle East. Ahmadinejad's statements referring to the creation of the Jewish state contradict history and God's plan for Israel as foretold in Bible prophecy.

The book of Genesis records the creation of the Jewish state through the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Genesis 15, 26:2-3, and 35:12. The Jewish people as a nation have a 4000 year old history and an eternal existence as a nation, Isaiah 66:22. If Ahmadinejad was speaking of the modern day state of Israel, he is wrong again. The present Jewish state is a result of the fulfillment of God's prophetic promises being fulfilled. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2500 years ago that the Lord would regather His scattered people and restore them as a nation, Ezekiel 37:7-11. In fact, Ezekiel wrote that the Lord would make the modern day state of Israel greater than the one of their forefathers, Ezekiel 36:10-11.

Ahmadinejad's words are incorrect. The prophetic Word of God is absolute. Bible prophecy is and will be fulfilled.

May 20, 2013

A leading American journalist says that Israel was established to prevent a second Holocaust not to invite one

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Syndicated columnist and political commentator Charles Krauthammer appearing on a Fox News program said a possible Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities is inevitable, adding that the US Secretary of Defense has stated that an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran is likely to occur in the coming months.

Krauthammer said Panetta's statement means the Israeli's think that the moment, the time frame in which Israel can no longer attack Iran successfully is fast approaching. Krauthammer says Israel must attack because they can not live under the threat of annihilation. Israel was founded to prevent a second Holocaust, not to invite another one.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities by the IDF would only delay a second Holocaust, not completely stop one, that is according to Bible prophecy.

America's syndicated columnist and political pundit Charles Krauthammer says that Israel was established to prevent another Holocaust like the one that took place during WWII, not to invite another one. Krauthammer states the obvious when he also said that the Jewish people in Israel cannot live under the constant threat of annihilation as has been the case over the last several years. The leadership of Iran, both President Ahmadinejad and the leader of the Supreme Council, Ayatollah Ali Khomeini continue to spout radical rhetoric calling for Israel to be wiped off the earth and her name be forgotten forever.

The Iranians deny that the first Holocaust happened and are calling for a second one in order to annihilate the Jews and eliminate the state of Israel. Bible prophecy does foretell that Iran will be a major player in the alignment of nations who endeavor to try to destroy Israel, Ezekiel 38:5. Israel will try and defend themselves from such a Holocaust, but will only delay it as the Lord intervenes to stop Iran and the alignment of nations, Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. However, before the Time of Jacob's Trouble is come to an end, two out of every three Jews will be killed, Zechariah 13:8.

This time will be the worst Holocaust ever in history.

May 17, 2013

Egypt's highest ranking Muslim cleric wants all Jews removed from Jerusalem

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Ahmed a- Taib, the highest ranking cleric in Egypt and one of the most important clerics in the entire Sunni Arab world, has called on all Muslims who value their religion, to join him in his effort to stop the Judaization of Jerusalem. A- Taib has set up a special committee to prevent the progress of the Zionist plan to Judaize Jeruslaem and the Islamic cleric has called on all Muslim leaders to commit to using whatever sources that they have at their disposal to defend al Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by an Egyptian Muslim cleric to liberate the city of Jerusalem is a call to arms in the Islamic world but it is also a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

The highest ranking Muslim cleric in Egypt and perhaps the entire Sunni Arab world has set in motion a plan to remove all Jews from the city of Jerusalem. Underneath the banner of a campaign to stop the Judaization of Jerusalem, Ahmed a- Taib has called on all Muslims everywhere to join his efforts to remove Jews from Jerusalem and to use every source at their disposal to achieve their goal. A meeting between A- Taib and the leaders of the Islamic terror group Hamas brought a strategy together for achieving their goal of a Jew free Jerusalem. This report is tangible evidence of how the prophetic scenario found in Bible prophecy is quickly approaching the fulfillment on each of the prophecies related to the city of Jerusalem.

Zechariah 12:2 says that in the last days Jerusalem will be the center of controversy. The Davidic Covenant found in II Samuel 7 reveals that the Lord will place the Jews in Jerusalem forever and there He will protect them from all of their enemies. Jesus Christ said that He would return to Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:4) and there build a temple where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 6:12-13). Jerusalem is the place where the Lord said that He would dwell among His people, the Jewish people, forever (Psalm 132:13-14).

No Muslim cleric or anyone else for that matter can stop Bible prophecy from being fulfilled.

May 16, 2013

The Palestinians are calling for unity in order to be able to destroy the state of Israel

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A minister of the Palestinian Authority, the ruling body for the Palestinian people, says that the two factions of the Palestinian people, Fatah and Hamas, must unite in order to achieve the destruction of the state of Israel.  This report from an official Palestinian Authority newspaper revealed a number of Palestinian Authority ministers who agreed with the call for Palestinian unity in their struggle against Israel.

Both Fatah and Hamas, the two factions of the Palestinian body politic, have been involved in the armed struggle to remove the Jewish state from the land that Palestinians claim as their state and now the radical rhetoric is calling for Palestinian unity in order to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by the official of the Palestinian Authority for the Palestinian people to unite in order to destroy the Jewish state of Israel is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

In a large Palestinian rally attended by female Palestinian prisoners recently released from Israeli jails, an official of the Palestinian Authority called for the reunification of the Palestinian people.  The Palestinian Authority minister said that the Palestinians must unite in order to achieve their goal of the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state on all the land that today belongs to the Jewish people.

This Palestinian plan fits exactly with the prophetic passages found in the Bible that reveals what will happen in the last days between Israel and the Palestinians.  Malachi wrote that the Edomites, the Palestinian people of today, would return to Israel and set up borders - borders which the Lord said will be borders of wickedness (Malachi 1).  Ezekiel foretold of a time when the Palestinians would kill the Jewish people and then take their land (Ezekiel 35).  The little prophetic book of Obadiah says that the Palestinians will become intoxicated with power as they take the steps to rid the land now known as Israel of the Jewish people, but these Palestinians themselves will be destroyed (Obadiah 15-18).

Calls for the Palestinians to unite in order to be able to destroy Israel will only set the stage for the opposite to happen.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 15, 2013

Jews in Jerusalem and around the world spend all night studying the Bible

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Jewish men and women in Jerusalem and around the world spent all night studying the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, in honor of the day that traditionally the Lord gave the Torah, the Law, to Moses at Mt. Sinai in the wilderness of Egypt.

The practice of Jewish people learning all night long is a custom rather than a commandment and they say it is the express of one's desire to draw closer to God as they celebrate the Jewish feast day of Shavuot, the Feast of Pentecost.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Feast of Pentecost, Shavuot in Hebrew, is one of the seven Jewish feast days, each of which have a prophetic significance as it relates to the end times that is according to Bible prophecy.

As Jewish people around the world study the first five books of the Bible all night long, they honor the giving of the Law, the Torah, to Moses at Mt. Sinai 3500 years ago. Thousands of Jews from around the world also made their way to Jerusalem and the Western Wall there at the Temple Mount where they prayed and studied the Torah following a Biblical command to go to Jerusalem on the Feast of Pentecost.

This report is drawing attention to the Jewish people observing one of the seven Jewish feast days that God gave them in the Torah. Each of these Jewish feast days has not only a historic significance but also a prophetic significance. Jesus Christ fulfilled the first three Jewish feast days. He was crucified on Passover, buried on Unleavened Bread and resurrected on First Fruits 2000 years ago.

However, in the future, Jesus Christ will also fulfill the last three Jewish feast days. On Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah, Jesus Christ will come back to the earth, Matthew 24:31. He will enter the Temple and go into the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, Hebrews 9:25-26 and then Jesus Christ begins His Kingdom on the Feast of Tabernacles according to Matthew 17:1-6.

The Jewish feast day of Pentecost is indeed a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 14, 2013

Iran's president believes that the Mahdi, the Muslim Messiah, is coming very soon

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Iranian President Ahmadinejad is a Shiite Muslim that believes that the Mahdi, the Muslim Messiah, is coming into this world very soon and that Messiah will be the twelfth Imam who comes as the final Imam and the savior of the world.  Ahmadinejad believes that he is the forerunner of the Mahdi, the twelfth Imam, and the Moslem Messiah will come to this earth following a catastrophic event, and event like a nuclear attack on the Jewish state of Israel.   

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Islamic eschatology states that the Mahdi, the Muslim Messiah, is coming and it could be very soon which has an interesting correlation with the soon coming of the true Messiah as foretold in Bible prophecy.

The Islamic faith has an eschatology, that's the study of the end times, and this eschatology has the Muslim Messiah, the Mahdi, appearing on the world scene to be the final savior of mankind.  The Shiite Muslims believe that the twelfth Imam gone from this world for hundreds of years will reappear and come out of Iran.  The Iranian President Ahmadinejad believes that he is the forerunner of the Mahdi and if he can cause a catastrophic event to happen, like a nuclear attack on Israel, that the Mahdi will appear and in fact will appear in the very near future.

About 85% of the entire Shiite Muslim world agrees with Ahmadinejad and they believe the Muslim Messiah will come to this world to set the world in order for the caliphate.  Now the caliphate is a worldwide Islamic kingdom which will also be put in place by the Mahdi.

The ancient Jewish prophets, the true spokesmen for the true God of the Bible wrote how this would all play out.  Zechariah wrote of the return of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:4).  John wrote in Revelation 19 that this Messiah would return after the seven year Tribulation period where judgment will have been unleashed on the earth and earth dwellers.  When Jesus returns He will build a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 1:16, Zechariah 6:12-13).

Muslim eschatology has the Mahdi, the Muslim Messiah, coming back in the near future.  But the truth be known, the true Messiah Jesus Christ will come in the near future.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 13, 2013

European leaders have declared war on Jewish settlers and they want Jerusalem to be divided

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European leaders are calling for the Jewish settlers living in Judea and Samaria to be blacklisted and they say they will ban these settlers from entering the EU while at the same time, these European leaders are encouraging the radical PLO to become more active in the Eastern section of Jerusalem.

The division of Jerusalem is on the agenda of these EU leaders because they say there will be no peace in the Middle East unless there is a portion of Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state while the Israelis say that Jerusalem will never be divided.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As EU leaders declare war on the Jewish settlers and call for the division of the city of Jerusalem, a student of Bible prophecy can see better in focus the end of time scenario that the Lord gave to the ancient Jewish prophets more than 2000 years ago.

The EU leaders that have the task of helping direct the foreign policy for the Europeans are making moves to stop all funding for the construction of any new building projects in the area referred to as the  West Bank by some but is in reality the ancient biblical lands known as Judea and Samaria. The Jewish settlers claim that their presence in Judea and Samaria actually helps the peace process. This discussion will continue.

When one looks at the Bible for an answer to this very sticky issue, they will find that the Lord did promise this piece of real estate where the Jewish settlers have built their homes and raised their families, that this land called Judea and Samaria does belong to them, Ezekiel 34:11-30. Deuteronomy 30 is the Land Covenant which promises the Jews much more than Judea and Samaria ultimately in the future. As it relates to the Palestinian claims to this land, the prophet Malachi wrote that the Palestinians, the descendants of Esau, the Edomites, would return to this land and setup borders, which the Lord said would be the "borders of wickedness", Malachi 1.

The debate will continue related to the Jewish settlements, but rest assured, Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

May 10, 2013

A radical Muslim preacher in Egypt says there will be a global caliphate, a Muslim kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem

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Egypt's Islamists aim to install a global Islamic caliphate, a Muslim kingdom, that will rule the entire world from the Middle East and it will be known as the United States of the Arabs according to Safwat Higazi who recently addressed thousands of Muslim worshipers in Cairo's largest soccer stadium.

This radical Islamic cleric told the enthusiastic crowd made up of mostly members of the Muslim Brotherhood that they can now see how their dream of a worldwide Muslim kingdom will be set in place in the very near future.

Higazi told the Muslim worshipers that the capital of this caliphate, this kingdom, will not be Cairo and it will not be Mecca or Medina but the capital of the United States of the Arabs will be the city of Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call for a global caliphate, a Muslim kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital city, is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.

The Muslim Brotherhood has come to power politically in Egypt and now the religious element, the Islamists in Egypt are calling for a global caliphate, a worldwide Muslim kingdom to also come to power. In a recent gathering of hundreds and thousands of Muslim worshipers held in Cairo's largest soccer stadium, the Islamic cleric Safwat Higazi called for the capital city of this caliphate to be Jerusalem, not Mecca or Medina the two most sacred cities in the Islamic faith. If that end times scenario sounds familiar, it is because the Bible does lay out in its prophetic passages that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to the earth and setup His Kingdom, a kingdom that God, His Father gives Him, Daniel 7:13-14.

The Lord's Kingdom on earth will last for 1,000 years, Revelation 20:4-6 and then into eternity future, Zechariah 6:13. The Lord's Kingdom will be headquartered in Jerusalem, II Samuel 7:10-15 and Zechariah 1:16.

In the last days, the Muslims will come to Jerusalem and to try and setup a kingdom, but they will be destroyed and the Lord's Kingdom will rule and reign from Jerusalem.

May 09, 2013

In a recent poll, most Americans say Islam is a problem in our world today, but most Americans say ignore the problem

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A Rasmussen poll reveals that Americans believe Islam is in a global conflict with the West but most think that the US should ignore the Islamic world even in light of the decade long war on Islamic terrorism that the US has been waging.

Americans are split on whether Muslims see the US as an enemy as revealed by the national telephone survey taken by the Rasmussen Polling Organization.

Sixty-three percent of those polled see a conflict between their civilization and Islam, but the majority nevertheless want to take an isolationist view of Islam and believe the US should just leave the Muslim world alone.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The majority of Americans see Islam as a problem in our world, but they want to stick their heads in the sand and leave the Islamic problem alone which is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

It is a dangerous situation to recognize a major problem and then ignore it altogether, that is actually what the majority of Americans are doing as they know that Islam is a problem in our world today and they choose to ignore the problem. A recent Rasmussen poll of Americans reveals that 63% of the people in the US believe that Islam is a problem in our world and that Islam is in a major conflict with the nations in the West and yet Americans want to simply ignore the problem.

Bible prophecy tells us that we cannot ignore this problem. The prophet Daniel wrote of Syria and Egypt being joined by a coalition of nations to move forward to destroy the Jewish state of Israel, Daniel 11:40-43. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel gave additional names that will join this coalition, nations like: Russia, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya, Ezekiel 38. Saudi Arabia and Lebanon are also added to this list by the Psalmist in Psalm 83. The lowest common denominator with all of these nations with the exception of Russia, is that they are Islamic nations.
Islamic nations and their religion will indeed play a major role in the last days.

May 08, 2013

Jerusalem Day in Israel is a time for the Jews to celebrate the reunification of this holy city

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Each year, the Israelis set aside a day to celebrate the reunification of the city of Jerusalem which actually took place during the Six Day War in 1967 when the Jewish state was under attack from all directions.

Many claim it was the hand of God that gave Israel the victory in a short-lived war, the Six Day War, and allow the IDF to recapture the Temple Mount and reunite the city of Jerusalem after almost 2000 years.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Israeli celebration of the reunification of the city of Jerusalem each year on Jerusalem Day is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and will be fulfilled in the future.

Israeli officials and many world leaders say it was miraculous how the Jewish people were able to reunite their capital city of Jerusalem during the Six Day War in 1967. The IDF led by General Uzi Narkiss entered the old city of Jerusalem via the Lion Gate and went onto the Temple Mount for the first time in 2000 years. It was at that moment, the Jews realized they had reunified their holy city and tears of joy were shed even by rough, tough Israeli paratroopers.

God promised the Jewish people He would give them Jerusalem, the place where He will dwell among His chosen people, the Jewish people forever, Psalm 132:13-14. That is a prophecy that has been partially fulfilled, the Jews have Jerusalem but the Messiah is yet to come to dwell among His people. Before Jesus Christ returns to the earth, the city of Jerusalem will be a center of controversy, Zechariah 12:2 and a burden to those who want this holy city for their own, Zechariah 12:3.

At the end of the seven years of judgment called the Tribulation Period, Jesus will build His Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Zechariah 1:16 and 6:12 and He will rule and reign from this holy city for 1000 years, Zechariah 6:13 and II Samuel 7. Jerusalem will be the headquarters for the Lord's Kingdom here on the earth forever, II Samuel 7:10-16.

The celebration of Jerusalem Day every year is indeed tangible evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and will be fulfilled.

May 07, 2013

The Middle East nation of Iran has stepped up its crackdown on Christians

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The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has stepped up its campaign on Christians in its nation and Iranian Christians are in a dire situation concerned that this militant Muslim army will close down their churches and even imprison or kill the Christians living in this Islamic republic.

In Iran, the death penalty is imposed on those who convert from Islam to Christianity and those who embrace Christianity are targeted for persecution and even death.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The crackdown on Christians in Iran, and in fact across the entire Middle East, is only the tip of the iceberg as it relates to believers in Christ being persecuted in the last days according to Bible prophecy.

There have been a number of reports coming out of the Middle East that there has been an increase in the attacks on churches and Christians in this region of the world. A high ranking Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia recently issued a fatwah calling for Muslims to attack all churches, kill Christians and in fact rid the Middle East of Christianity. Now, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the militia of the supreme council of Iran, has increased their persecution of Iranian Christians and the closing down of churches in Iran.

The biblical book of Revelation written by the Apostle John records prophecies of the martyrdom of believers in Christ during the seven years of great judgment on the earth called the Tribulation. When Satan and his evil angels are thrown out of Heaven, Revelation 12, the Devil will try to eliminate all of those who stand for Jesus Christ. At the end of the Tribulation, to enter the Kingdom and rule and reign with Jesus Christ, Revelation 20:4. In addition, Jews who believe in Jesus Christ will be the focus of Satanic persecution as well during that period of time referred to as the Time of Jacob's Trouble, Revelation 12:13-17.

Iranian persecution of Christians is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 06, 2013

Iranian President Ahmadinejad says Israel has no roots in the Middle East

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The very controversial Iranian President Ahmadinejad said recently that the Jewish state of Israel has no roots in the history of the Middle East and at the same time, he said that Iran has been around for thousands of years but Israel has existed for only 60 or 70 years.

The Iranian president said his nation does not take seriously the threats of the Zionists and that his country has all the defensive means at their disposal to defend themselves from an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear program.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The radical statement by Iranian president Ahmadinejad that Israel has no roots in the Middle East contradicts biblical history and the biblical scenario for the end of times.

In a recent interview, Iranian President Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying that Iran has been in the Middle East for thousands of years which is true according to ancient and biblical history. Ahmadinejad was historically incorrect however when he said the Jewish state of Israel and the Jewish people have no historical roots in the Middle East. The ancient historic records do prove that today's Iran, biblical Persia, does date back thousands of years to the time of the Persian empire 2500 years ago. However, these same records are proof that the Jewish people were a part of that world as well.

The ancient Persian leader Cyrus is the world leader that allowed the Jews, 50000 of them, to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their Temple, Ezra 1. In fact, Isaiah one of the ancient Jewish prophets, foretold that a Persian leader named Cyrus would come to power and allow the Jewish people to return to their homeland so they would be able to rebuild their Temple, Isaiah 44:28, 45:1. The Jewish people date back to the time of Abraham, the father of the Jewish people and the establishment of Jews in the land known as Israel today, Genesis 15. Prophetically, Ezekiel 38:5 does mention Persia, modern day Iran, as one of the nations that will rise up in the last days to try to destroy the Jewish nation of Israel and that scenario is about to be played out today.

You can forget what Ahmadinejad says but do remember Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 03, 2013

A leading rabbi in Jerusalem believes the Temple will be rebuilt in his lifetime

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In a documentary produced by my son, Jim Jr., a leading rabbi in Jerusalem says that he believes the next Jewish temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount in his lifetime and he says everything is ready to build that temple today. Rabbi Nachman Kahane, the rabbi who has guided many Jewish students of the Scriptures on the subject of the temple has been the main source of serious study and preparations to build the Jewish temple basically because that is what the Bible calls for from the religious Jews.

In Rabbi Kahane's Yeshiva, which is a place of learning for Jewish young men, the rabbi trained all the leaders of this effort to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and it was his students that started the Temple Institute which has accumulated all the implements for the next temple and trained the men to operate that temple.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

All the preparations have been made to rebuild the next Jewish temple in Jerusalem which is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times. Twenty years ago I sat with Rabbi Nachman Kahane as he was beginning his quest to rebuild the Jewish temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. Now twenty years later the rabbi believes that the temple will indeed be rebuilt in his lifetime. That is a quote from the rabbi on a documentary released on the subject that shows the rabbi plus many others who also agree that the temple could be standing in Jerusalem in the very near future.

Rabbi Yehuda Glick, the former head of the Temple Institute, says even the priestly garments are ready and the temple will stand in full operation very soon. Rabbi Chaim Richman, who is the leading authority on the red heifer, says the temple will be built at the spot of the original site of the Garden of Eden which he says is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yoel Keren says that there will be a Jewish temple in Jerusalem that follows the details in Ezekiel 40-46 but first the Jewish people will build a less extravagant temple as they did when the Second Temple was rebuilt 2500 years ago. The priests have been trained, the implements made to operate the temple, even the Menorah, the seven branched candelabra, and there are ten stringed harps for the Levites to play as called for by King David in I Chronicles 23:5.

With all preparations made for the next temple, Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

May 02, 2013

The US and Russia may be plunging into a new Cold War

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A report from a Russian expert reveals that the US and Russia are plunging into a Cold War as Washington's policies towards Moscow are the blame for the growing tensions between these two global superpowers, but Russian President Vladimir Putin's pent up anti-American sentiment may be coming to the surface as well as these tensions increase.

The so-called reset between the two nations is dead as the Obama administration has never truly cooperated with Moscow, but instead they keep pushing the same policies imposed on the Russians for the last twenty years.

This US policy of advancing NATO towards Russia's borders, building missile defense systems on Russia's borders, and interfering in Russia's internal politics have brought about these tensions that have plunged the two nations into another Cold War.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the US and Russia move into another Cold War, the end of times scenario found in God's prophetic Word also comes much better into focus.

The battle between the US and Russia over adoption of Russian babies by American families is only the tip of the iceberg and evidence that these two superpowers are not getting along, this surfaced recently in the media. The supposed reset of relationship between the US and Russia did not work for whatever reason and now every issue gets bigger and bigger. The tensions between these two have intensified also because of the concerns that Russia is trying to regain its superpower status by making decisions that fly in the face of what is best for America. This said, any student of Bible prophecy has known for years that Russia plays a significant role in the last days.

Ezekiel 38:2 is where you find the name Magog which will be the nation mentioned as the leader of an alignment of nations that will move to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. Magog dates back 4500 years ago to right after the Flood when God gave Noah and his sons the responsibility of re-peopling the earth, Genesis 9:1. In Genesis 10:1-2, Japheth has a son named Magog who raised his family, taught them a new language, and moved to a geographical location just North of the Caspian and Black Sea, a place called Russia today, Genesis 10:3-5. Ezekiel 38:12 foretells that Russia will be the leader of many nations who will attack Israel to annihilate the Jewish state.

Russia is indeed that nation and Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

May 01, 2013

Iran says they are ready to go to war with Israel

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Iranian President Ahmadinejad, the Iranian military chief, and even the leadership of the Supreme Council of Iran, the Ayatollahs, the Islamic leaders, say that they are prepared for an attack from Israel, the United States, or any other nation that may decide to move against the Islamic Republic. The Iranian threat to the Middle East, Europe, and even to the United States, is the development of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction in Iran that could be used to destroy the Jewish state as has been called for by the Iranian president. 

Israel recognizes Iran as their number one threat and have put in place a strategic plan to make certain that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon of mass destruction that could be fired on the Jewish state and that plan may well be a preemptive strike against Iran. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The saber rattling by Iran against Israel and the fact that there is evidence Israel is preparing for a preemptive strike against Iran is a precursor to the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days. 

There has been much discussion among Israeli officials in recent days that seems to indicate the Israeli government may well be ready to order a preemptive strike against Iran in order to dismantle Iran's development of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction. Iran has responded to these discussions with a declaration of readiness to go to war with Israel. The Israeli government says they will not allow the Iranians to launch a long range missile with a nuclear warhead towards the Jewish state of Israel. Almost every Israeli leader believes that Iran is indeed Israel's number one threat and that they must be dealt with. 

What is so interesting to me as a student of Bible prophecy is that this scenario was foretold 2500 years ago by the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel. Ezekiel 38:5 mentions the nation Persia as one of the nations that will align themselves against the Jewish state. Until 1936 the nation of Iran was called Persia - today it's Iran. In the Scriptures we find out that the Lord will intercede in the affairs of man and destroy Iran and the other nations aligned against the Jewish state when they make their attack against Israel (Ezekiel 38:18 - 39:6). 

Israel is as expected preparing to take care of their number one threat Iran. However, the Lord will be the one to defend the Jewish state that is according to Bible prophecy - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.