
May 30, 2014

A leading rabbi in Jerusalem believes the Temple will be rebuilt in his lifetime

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In a documentary produced by my son, Jim Jr., a leading rabbi in Jerusalem says that he believes the next Jewish temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount in his lifetime and he says everything is ready to build that temple today. Rabbi Nachman Kahane, the rabbi who has guided many Jewish students of the Scriptures on the subject of the temple has been the main source of serious study and preparations to build the Jewish temple basically because that is what the Bible calls for from the religious Jews. 

In Rabbi Kahane's Yeshiva, which is a place of learning for Jewish young men, the rabbi trained all the leaders of this effort to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and it was his students that started the Temple Institute which has accumulated all the implements for the next temple and trained the men to operate that temple. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

All the preparations have been made to rebuild the next Jewish temple in Jerusalem which is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times. Twenty years ago I sat with Rabbi Nachman Kahane as he was beginning his quest to rebuild the Jewish temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. Now twenty years later the rabbi believes that the temple will indeed be rebuilt in his lifetime. That is a quote from the rabbi on a documentary released on the subject that shows the rabbi plus many others who also agree that the temple could be standing in Jerusalem in the very near future. 

Rabbi Yehuda Glick, the former head of the Temple Institute, says even the priestly garments are ready and the temple will stand in full operation very soon. Rabbi Chaim Richman, who is the leading authority on the red heifer, says the temple will be built at the spot of the original site of the Garden of Eden which he says is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yoel Keren says that there will be a Jewish temple in Jerusalem that follows the details in Ezekiel 40-46 but first the Jewish people will build a less extravagant temple as they did when the Second Temple was rebuilt 2500 years ago. The priests have been trained, the implements made to operate the temple, even the Menorah, the seven branched candelabra, and there are ten stringed harps for the Levites to play as called for by King David in I Chronicles 23:5. 

With all preparations made for the next temple, Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

May 29, 2014

The US government says that Jewish settlements are illegitimate

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The US government says that Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria which they refer to as the West Bank are living in settlements that are illegitimate and the settlements must be dismantled and the settlers removed. I asked my broadcast partner longtime journalist in Jerusalem David Dolan, "Is this a major break between the US administration and the Israeli government?"

David Dolan: Well, there is but again there has been. It's a similar situation. Really, no American administration from the time when Lyndon Johnson was president, when Israel captured Judea and Samaria in 1967, no US government has ever recognized Israeli activities there certainly community building, road building, that sort of thing, calling these occupied territories. That is the US official position and it has been. On the other hand, President George W. Bush gave Ariel Sharon a letter promising that the US administration would agree to Israel holding on to major settlement blocks, areas where there is heavy concentrations of Jewish communities.

These the US recognized would remain under Israeli control and in exchange, Israel would give the Palestinians equal amounts of territory somewhere else probably adjacent to Gaza, maybe adjacent to other portions of the West Bank. That was the understanding, that was what the Israelis were promised, so if the Obama administration is going back on that then it's a revoking of an earlier commitment made by the US government to the Israelis. Again, we'll see how concrete that action, those words are translated into by the government here.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the US government takes on the promises of God to the Jewish people, the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Over the years, the US governments have had conflict with Israel over the issue of Jews living in what the US terms the West Bank and the Jews refer to as Judea and Samaria. Those Jewish settlers say that God gave this piece of real estate, Judea and Samaria to them, Ezekiel 34. They also say that the land is theirs forever, Ezekiel 36. The book of Ezekiel 35 says that the Palestinians also want that land and they will kill the Jews, verse 5 and take the land, verses 10-13.

US denial that the land does belong to the Jews is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 28, 2014

Jerusalem Day in Israel is a time for the Jews to celebrate the reunification of this holy city

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Each year, the Israelis set aside a day to celebrate the reunification of the city of Jerusalem which actually took place during the Six Day War in 1967 when the Jewish state was under attack from all directions.

Many claim it was the hand of God that gave Israel the victory in a short-lived war, the Six Day War, and allow the IDF to recapture the Temple Mount and reunite the city of Jerusalem after almost 2000 years.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Israeli celebration of the reunification of the city of Jerusalem each year on Jerusalem Day is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and will be fulfilled in the future.

Israeli officials and many world leaders say it was miraculous how the Jewish people were able to reunite their capital city of Jerusalem during the Six Day War in 1967. The IDF led by General Uzi Narkiss entered the old city of Jerusalem via the Lion Gate and went onto the Temple Mount for the first time in 2000 years. It was at that moment, the Jews realized they had reunified their holy city and tears of joy were shed even by rough, tough Israeli paratroopers.

God promised the Jewish people He would give them Jerusalem, the place where He will dwell among His chosen people, the Jewish people forever, Psalm 132:13-14. That is a prophecy that has been partially fulfilled, the Jews have Jerusalem but the Messiah is yet to come to dwell among His people. Before Jesus Christ returns to the earth, the city of Jerusalem will be a center of controversy, Zechariah 12:2 and a burden to those who want this holy city for their own, Zechariah 12:3.

At the end of the seven years of judgment called the Tribulation Period, Jesus will build His Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Zechariah 1:16 and 6:12 and He will rule and reign from this holy city for 1000 years, Zechariah 6:13 and II Samuel 7. Jerusalem will be the headquarters for the Lord's Kingdom here on the earth forever, II Samuel 7:10-16.

The celebration of Jerusalem Day every year is indeed tangible evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and will be fulfilled.

May 27, 2014

Pope Francis makes an historic visit to the Middle East

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Jimmy: As promised we're going to have a Middle East news update, David Dolan is the man that is involved in helping us understand what is going on in that part of the world. The appearance of Pope Francis in the Middle East was quite unique. He came first into Jordan and then came over into Israel, that was a very interesting way of entering the lands of the Bible for the Pope.

Dave Dolan: Well actually Jimmy, during the first modern papal visit that was about 25 years ago, the then pope came in also through Jordan, but did not go into Israel at all, he actually just stayed on the Jordanian side of Jerusalem and did not even cross over into Israel proper. Well, that changed with the last papal visit and this papal visit is the same. Pope Francis met with Shimon Peres, the Israeli President, PM Binyamin Netanyahu, he visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial, the Western Wall of the Temple Mount which is falsely called the Judaism's holiest site, it is the mount itself that is the holiest site, even though there is a Muslim mosque up there.

His declared main aim of coming to the holy land was to promote Christian unity as he put it and as a highlight of that, a meeting with the Greek Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem. Of course, the Greek Orthodox Church a part of the overall orthodox churches in the world. The Coptic church in Egypt, they are not in unity with the Roman Catholic Church and many have tried to bring that about, and it seems like Francis is once again hoping to do that in using this visit in Jerusalem as a stepping stone towards that.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A religious leader traveling from Rome to Jerusalem is the prophetic scenario that is found in God's Word for the End Times.

When you talk about Pope Francis visiting the Middle East, coming through Jordan and spending several days in Israel, you have to realize that scenario, a religious leader coming from Rome to the Middle East is a part of an End Times scenario that is talked about in Bible prophecy. Revelation 17 talks about the false church, the ecclesiastical Babylon that will be headquartered in Rome, Italy.

In the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation Period that would be the case there in Rome with the headquarters for the false church also you'll find the revived Roman Empire all headed up and directed by the Antichrist. At the end of those 3 1/2 years, the Antichrist will call for his political leaders to destroy that false church and then he comes to Jerusalem, II Thessalonians 2:4 and walks into a temple that will be standing there on the Temple Mount.

By the way all the preparations have been made for that temple to be erected on the Temple Mount.

May 26, 2014

A number of European Union foreign ministers want to create a super president for the European Union

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A select group of European Union foreign ministers are working on a plan to create a super president for the European Union that would include merging the roles of the presidents of the European Union Council and the European Commission which would be a more legitimate democracy in the European Union because this super president would be elected by the members of the European Parliament.

This proposed new super president of the European Union would be the overall powerful leader of Europe with responsibility over Europe's economic matters, all foreign policy, and any European military operation. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call for a super president of the European Union is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.

The results of a meeting with a select group of European foreign ministers is the need for a super president to lead the United Nations of Europe into the future.  This super president of the European Union would play the major role in economic policy for the 27 member states of the European Union and this leader would have responsibility for the direction of the European Union foreign policy as well.  With plans in the EU for a military force in the near future would give leadership to this super president for military affairs as well in the European Union which would then become a major force in geopolitical events in our world today.

This report is almost like reading the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.  The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote 2500 years ago of the revival of the old Roman Empire (Daniel 7:7, 23-24).  Daniel 7:8 reveals that a little horn which comes out of the ten horns of Daniel 7:7 will take control of the ten horns.  Now this is a prophetic scenario of the Revived Roman Empire and its leader the Antichrist who will be indeed a super leader who comes to power.

The European Union is today at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire and there are a number of potential candidates to become the proposed super president.  The political activities of the European Union and its potential super president are evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 23, 2014

Pope Francis is the most controversial pope in modern history

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Since Pope Francis has come to power at the Vatican as leader of the Catholic Church, he has been very controversial. Prophecy Today broadcast partner Mike Gendron has more on this story.

Mike Gendron: He continues his role as probably the most controversial pope in modern history. He has made numerous statements that not only suppress the truth of God's Word, but also oppose many doctrines of the Catholic Church. If you remember Jimmy, the day he was elected pope he said he would pray to Mary for the protection of Rome and then later he contradicted himself by saying, "He who doesn't pray to the Lord prays to the Devil". While he was returning from Brazil he made a very startling statement.

He said, "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has goodwill, who am I to judge?" And yet, Catholics look to this man to be the judge of sin, the judge of what is right and wrong, the judge as far as true doctrine goes and so here he's pretty much giving homosexuals a license to continue in their sin rather than calling them to repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ so they can be saved from the power of sin, he pretty much gives a stamp of approval that he's not going to judge that even though the Word of God has judged this sin throughout from Genesis all the way through the New Testament.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The absence of a Biblical stand on homosexuality coming from the Vatican and Pope Francis is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

There are many who believe that the church in Rome today is at least the forerunner for the false church of Revelation 17. I personally cannot exegete Revelation 17 and come to that same conclusion, however Pope Francis has from the start of his papacy been very, very controversial and now with his non-Biblical statement about homosexuality, it seems that the Roman church is moving closer to the church that is described in Revelation 17, a one world false religiosity. This false church will be led by the Antichrist, the Beast referred to eight times in Revelation 17 who is actually the representative of the Devil. Now, the Devil you must remember is the father of all evil.

As we observe this very controversial pope, Pope Francis, it seems that with his statements and his actions he is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 22, 2014

The perception in the Middle East is that the American superpower status is in decline

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The perception in the Middle East and the Arab World is that the United States of America, supposed leader of the free world and international superstar, is becoming weaker according to Avi Gil who is a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, who also said that America no longer leads as it once did but now follows or leads from behind.

The United States has called for Israel to withdraw from land that is Biblically, historically, and strategically essential for the very existence of the Jewish state among the Arab-Islamic nations in the Middle East which would put the Jewish state in harm's way. 
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With America's superpower status in decline and the rising power of the radical Arab Islamic world, we can now see better the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The America that we knew 10 to 15 years ago is no longer at the peak of the pedestal as a world superpower and even the Arab Muslim world recognizes this as the case for America politically and economically.  Much of the way that Israel is perceived is directly dependent upon its relationship with America.  This report begs the question, where is the United States in Bible prophecy?  Is it a superpower in the last days or not there at all?

The United States is not mentioned by name anywhere in Bible prophecy but it seems to refer to the United States and in fact all nations in Zechariah 14:2 when the ancient Jewish prophet wrote that at the end of the seven year Tribulation period, all nations will gather in Jerusalem.  But before that, the superpower will be the Antichrist, the world dictator who will control a one world economic, political, and governmental system from Babylon in modern-day Iraq.

This is foretold in Revelation 18.  Under the leadership of Satan, Antichrist, and the False Prophet, this massive body of people will confront Jesus Christ as He returns to the Mount of Olives and then after the Battle of Armageddon, goes into the Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to set up His kingdom (Zechariah 6:12-13).

Perception has become fact as America continues to decline in leadership and character in our world today.  The prophecies of God's Word will indeed be fulfilled.

May 21, 2014

The rabbi of the Western Wall in Jerusalem refutes the PA president and says that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people

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The rabbi of the Western Wall at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz issued an unprecedented attack against the Palestinian Authority(PA) President Mahmoud Abbas following the statements by Abbas that Jerusalem will forever be Arabic, Islamic, and Christian.

Abbas made his comments at the 43rd anniversary of an Australian activist who attempted to set fire to al-Aqsa Mosque in an attack that only destroyed a pulpit that was installed by the famous Islamic leader Saladin.

The rabbi said that ancient coins, a wall built by Nehemiah, the prayers and hymns of people across the world, and the ancient Jewish prophets confirm the Jewishness of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount and its future.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A denial of the Jewishness of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount by a Palestinian leader which has been refuted by the rabbi of the Western Wall is a precursor to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas has rejected the Jewishness of the city of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount and has denied the presence of a Jewish Temple in the holy city throughout history. Abbas is in the face of all of history, even Islamic history that states the reality of a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem for hundreds of years. The rabbi responsible for the care and worship at the Western Wall Plaza area which includes the Temple Mount has rebuked the PA leader and said that evil spirits cannot appropriate for themselves and their faith, i.e. the Muslims and the Islamic faith, this sacred piece of real estate.

The Muslims claim that the Temple Mount, al-Aqsa as they refer to the site, will be the headquarters of their worldwide kingdom, a caliphate. The rabbi quoted from Isaiah 2:2-3 that the mountain of the Lord, the Temple Mount, shall be established as the location for the Messiah to rule and reign from in the last days. Micah 4:2, a similar prophecy, states that the word of the Lord will go forth from this Temple Mount to teach the world of peace. Zechariah 6:12-13 confirms a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and that the Messiah, Jesus Christ will not only build that Temple but rule and reign from that Temple forever.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas is incorrect. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 20, 2014

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is as radical as the former president Ahmadinejad

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With the installation of the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, world leaders have been surprised to find out that he is as radical as former Iranian President Ahmadinejad only with a more pleasant approach. My broadcast partner Ken Timmerman says that people must understand that is the case.

Ken Timmerman: Well that's right and I think it's important that people understand that. He's being painted by some people in Washington, the Obama White House in particular, as some great new moderate, but as I have looked at his record and you and I have talked about this a little bit Jimmy on air, Hassan Rouhani is a member of the ruling clerical elite in the Islamic Republic of Iran. His views are not all that different from those of the supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini who also believes that Israel is a gaping wound in the fabric of the Muslim world. I'm just glad I suppose in a way to hear him actually say these things openly and publicly so hopefully folks will open their ears and they will hear.

How does Washington respond? Will the Obama Administration do as they have suggested they will do, open a new initiative, have a new opening towards Teheran with the new president under the guise that he's some great new moderate smiling mullah or will they look at his record, look at his past statements, look at the people that he's putting in power and recognize that he's simply the puppet of Ayatollah Khomeini who hasn't changed one iota in his determination to destroy Israel and to destroy America?

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

It doesn't really matter who the president of Iran is today because Iran will be a major player in the last days that is according to Bible prophecy.

When Hassan Rouhani was elected, world leaders thought that he was going to be a moderate Iranian president, however even before his installation, Rouhani was spouting radical rhetoric against the Jewish state of Israel calling Israel a wound on the Muslim world that must be removed. That's exactly what Bible prophecy calls for.

The Psalmist in Psalm 83:4 said that Israel would be wiped off the face of the earth and her name forgotten forever. Ezekiel 38:5 mentions Persia, modern day Iran will lead the way to eliminate the Jewish state in the Middle East.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is leading the way to set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 19, 2014

The president of the PA denies that there was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and denies Christian theology

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PA President Mahmoud Abbas in a recent speech denied that there was ever a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem which is part of a campaign to eradicate Jewish history at the Temple Mount as well as the rest of the land of Israel.

By Abbas' denial of the Jewish Temple at the same time he has undermined the teaching of the New Testament and the life of Jesus Christ because if there was no Temple in Jerusalem, the biblical account of Jesus chasing the money changers out of the Temple would mean that there would be no truth to biblical history and Christian theology.

Abbas has also stated that there will be no peace, security, or stability unless the Jewish occupiers, the settlements, and the settlers are evacuated from the Palestinian holy city of Jerusalem and its sacred site.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

By denying that there was ever a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem the PA President Mahmoud Abbas not only denies Jewish history, Christian theology, but the truth of Bible prophecy as well.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas has been a person that stands in the face of history by first denying that the Holocaust ever took place. In recent years, Mahmoud Abbas has been leading the charge against biblical history in his denial of there ever being a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This denial contradicts both secular history and biblical history as well.

The Old Testament records the fact of the first Temple in Jerusalem being built by King Solomon, II Chronicles 3. Abbas contradicts the biblical account of the second Temple in Jerusalem built by Zerubbabel who led 50000 Jews back to Jerusalem from the Babylonian captivity in order to build the second Temple, Ezra 1-6. The Gospel of John tells us that Herod the Great took a number of years to refurbish the second Temple that stood in Jerusalem in the times of Jesus Christ, that's John 2:20.

In fact, the account of Jesus throwing the money changers out of the Temple found in John 2:13-16 took place at the beginning of the ministry of Jesus and a repeat of that same activity by Jesus at the end of His ministry, Matthew 21:12-13, proves that there was a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount and Jews were present there for over 1000 years. Zechariah 6:12-13 says that Jesus Christ, a Jew, will return to the earth and build another Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

PA President Abbas is wrong. Bible prophecy has been and will be fulfilled.

May 16, 2014

An Israeli preemptive strike on Iran could happen at any moment

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The world seems to be accepting the Iranian president as a moderate, a leader who wants to live at peace with its neighbors, the Israelis however disagree, they believe that President Rouhani is a bad man with an evil agenda as it relates to a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction.

Dave Dolan: This man wrote a book in which he said we must launch a charm offensive, we must look more peaceable and look more respectable and speak more softly and at the same time according to the book we can continue with our nuclear program and get what we want in which case he was endorsing the nuclear program. Netanyahu is saying look, he's following his own clearly spelled out game plan here.

They are just likely to launch a military operation frankly certainly if they feel very, very isolated and I think that's what Mr. Netanyahu has been saying. I think it could be very close Jimmy and I've heard that from others too and that's not only because of this diplomatic process and what Israel sees as a very flawed agreement but also because we have this report from Washington a couple weeks ago they can assembly a bomb within about a month to six weeks once they decide to do it. That's all the time it would take Iran is what this nuclear institute said. They said this independently, they are former inspectors, so yes, I think something could be imminent over in that area.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The tensions in the Middle East between Israel and Iran is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Even under the new moderate Iranian leadership, this Islamic republic continues to prepare a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction. Though world leaders believe that they can control Iran and the development of this nuclear WMD, Bible prophecy denies that is the case. 

In Ezekiel 38:5 Iran will help form the coalition that will attack the Jewish state of Israel to try to destroy them, but instead of Israel being wiped off the face of the earth, Iran will be wiped out, Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. That passage of Scripture deals with how the God of Heaven will protect the Jewish people, His chosen people from total annihilation by an alignment of nations including the Islamic republic of Iran.

As Iran prepares to destroy Israel, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

May 15, 2014

Pope Francis says that the world should not judge gay people

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Pope Francis when asked about the gay lobby in the Vatican responded with the statement that we should not judge gay people but instead integrate them into society. Our broadcast partner Mike Gendron in Dallas, TX reports what the official stand on sodomy is in the Catholic church.

Mike Gendron: The cataclysm of the Catholic church does not condemn homosexuality outright, it merely teaches that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. So that's one of the problems. This homosexual problem within Rome will continue until the issue of celibacy is looked at. The Roman Catholic church needs recognize that as long as it forbids its clergy people to marry that they are going to have to have some form of sexual expression and oftentimes this results in homosexuality.

There's an ongoing problem and I think what's happening here in the Vatican is really the tip of the iceberg because in 2002 there is a book that really exposed much of the scandal and perversions that are taking place in Catholic seminaries. The book is entitled "Goodbye Good Men" by author Michael Rose, and he said in his book according to former seminarians and recently ordained priests that this gay subculture is so prominent at certain seminaries that these institutions have earned nicknames. It has been said that over half of the Roman Catholic priests are now homosexuals and seminaries are but a proven ground for them to come out and put on a collar and hide their sinful condition.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Sodomy, homosexuality in the Catholic church is a sign that Jesus is about to return to the earth, that is according to Bible prophecy.

Jesus warned in Luke 17:28 that He would return to the earth when our society was like the days of Lot 4000 years ago. In that day, sodomy, homosexuality was prevalent in Sodom and Gomorrah. Men were having sexual relationships with other men. Our society today is once again immersed in sodomy approved by many people even the leaders of our nation. who commit sodomy and even those who approve of it. The Apostle Paul wrote that God rejects this lifestyle of sodomy, homosexuality and will judge those who commit sodomy and even those who approve of it, Romans 1:24-32.

Open homosexuality in the Catholic church is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 14, 2014

A terrorist group has warned Israel: Harm al-Aqsa Mosque and we will open the 'Gates of Hell'

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The popular resistance, one of a number of Palestinian terror groups in the Middle East has threatened Israel that if there is any harm to al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem they will open the 'Gates of Hell' against  the Zionist enemy.

The terrorist group said that the Islamic nations have started waking up and are ready to meet their religious commitments towards Palestine and al-Aqsa. The former Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Sabri, says even the Western Wall is not Jewish but belongs to the Muslims and any attack by the Jews on the al-Aqsa Mosque will endanger the safety and stability of the entire Middle Eastern region.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A threat by a Palestinian terror group that if the Jews harm the al-Aqsa Mosque, they will open the 'Gates of Hell' against them is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.

For over 1300 years the Temple Mount in Jerusalem has been a focus of the Islamic world. Though it is the third holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem is an honored site that the Muslims want as the location for their worldwide kingdom, a caliphate. However, the Palestinian terror group is warning they will open the 'Gates of Hell' against anyone who harms al-Aqsa. Muslims could put millions of martyrs on the Temple Mount to fight off any Jewish effort to remove al-Aqsa so they can construct a Jewish Temple on the site.

This scenario is foretold in Bible prophecy and will be played out in the future. Zechariah 12:2 reveals that the Temple Mount will be at the center of controversy in the last days. Malachi 1 reports that descendants of Esau, the Palestinian people of today, will try and rebuild their national power base in Jerusalem. Ezekiel 35:5, 10 speak of a time when the Palestinians will kill the Jews and take the land, i.e. the Temple Mount, that God has given to the Jewish people. Obadiah 18 foretells of the Jews defeating the Palestinians when the Messiah, Jesus Christ returns to Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ will build a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount, Zechariah 1:16 and no Palestinian terror group will open the 'Gates of Hell'.

May 13, 2014

There is a growing number of prophecy teachers that do not believe that the Bible is the final authority for future events

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Recently at Pike's Peak in Colorado there was a prophecy conference that used a new approach to teaching Bible prophecy. Our broadcast partner David James explains the term which refers to the new approach, the term "Post-modern prophetic paradigm".

David James: When we talk about post modernism in general we're talking about moving into a realm of philosophy and thought where there are no absolutes, that there are many sources of relative truth, that you can look to multiple places to try to get your ideas, truth can be found in any number of places and also isn't just simply something that's objective, that would be post modern.

Then, they are combining these ideas into trying to develop a prophetic view of the future eschatology, end times. There's a convergence of a lot of different strands. A paradigm is simply a model. There's an emerging model of the future eschatology trying to combine ideas from the Bible, from ancient civilizations, from bio technology, just a number of different strands they're trying to put together to layout a potential future scenario.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

False teachers departing from God's Word to teach Bible prophecy is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The new approach to teaching Bible prophecy, a post-modern prophetic paradigm goes outside the boundaries of the Word of God, Genesis 1:1-Revelation 22:21, and they go outside of these boundaries in an effort to bring information to the table in their teachings of Bible prophecy. This allows for another spirit, the spirit of Satan to influence their thinking. The Apostle Peter wrote 2000 years ago that we have a more sure Word of prophecy, the Bible, II Peter 1:19. In II Peter 2:1 the Apostle says that in the last days there will be false teachers.

Those teaching Bible prophecy with a new paradigm are actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 12, 2014

Pope Francis has used his leadership role to change the Roman Catholic church

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In his leadership role as Pope of the billion plus Catholic worshipers, Pope Francis now leads this 2,000-year-old church into the future differently than any previous Pope due to the fact that he is a Jesuit. The world continues to watch Pope Francis implement his style of leadership with a mission to expand the outreach of Catholicism and to enlarge the total number of the Catholic worshipers to the worldwide church.

Since the Jesuits are the militant arm of the Catholic church with a desire to see the world convert, only time will tell how successful Pope Francis will be with his mission as leader of the church.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The leadership of Pope Francis will set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Pope Francis, the first Jesuit to ever lead the Catholic church as Pope, brings to his leadership role a desire to convert all the world to Catholicism. The Jesuits, founded in 1540 AD were brought together as a counter reformation movement. They want to turn back the reformation of Luther and Knox and bring all non-Catholics back into the fold. They have an eschatology that believes that all the world will one day be of the Catholic church and then Jesus Christ will come back to rule this worldwide kingdom that they have set up.

True biblical eschatology, which is a study of the end times, states that the false church that will be headquartered in Rome, Italy the seven mountain city will indeed come to power in the first half of the coming Tribulation Period, Revelation 17. This ecclesiastical Babylon will be led by the Antichrist who is referred to as the Beast some eight times in Revelation 17. Revelation 17:16 reveals that the world leaders, the revived Roman Empire, will rise up and destroy the false church and give their power worldwide dominion to the Antichrist, Revelation 17:17 which indicates that the Lord Himself will put into the hearts and minds of these world leaders to accomplish His will. This will then open the opportunity for the Antichrist to rule a worldwide economic Babylon yet in the future.

May 09, 2014

The mass majority of Israeli Jews want a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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A recent survey in Israel reveals the desire of the Jewish people both the religious and secular Jews who want a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Our broadcast partner, Yoel Keren in Jerusalem has this report for us.

Yoel Keren: Just this last week, major newspapers in Israel, I couldn't believe it, I picked up the paper and I see a large picture of the Temple Mount and it was a new set of surveys of how many people want a Temple on the Temple Mount, how many people believe it's important for Jews to be visiting the Temple Mount. Unbelievably, the percentage of secular, non religious Jews that want Jews on the Temple Mount, that want a Temple is a greater percentage than the Ultra-Orthodox who want the Temple and want Jews on the Temple Mount.

That may be hard to understand, but for an Israeli, he understands the way the Ultra-Orthodox mind thinks and how he believes everything must stay exactly as it is and never change, the Temple is a very frightening thing for him and he doesn't want to think about it. He wants to believe that when the Messiah comes He'll bring the Temple with Him from Heaven or something like that. It may very well be that just as the state of Israel was initially built up by the secular, the Temple may well come about through the same means.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

According to a recent survey taken among both religious and secular Jews in Israel, it was revealed that the mass majority want a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem  which is an end time scenario found in Bible prophecy.

According to Bible prophecy, there will be a Temple in Jerusalem, Zechariah 6:12 which says that the Messiah will build a Temple on the Temple Mount, that will be during the Kingdom Period, that thousand year period of time when the Messiah, Jesus Christ comes to rule on  the earth. However, other Jewish prophets foretell of a Temple before that Kingdom and that is talking about a Temple that will stand there during the Tribulation Period, Daniel 9:27 also Matthew 24:15 where Jesus said when you see the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, flee for the wilderness. The Apostle Paul wrote also in II Thessalonians 2:4 there will be a Temple where the Antichrist will enter and John the Revelator says that it will happen in the Tribulation Period, Revelation 11:1-2.

This recent survey says that Jews want a Temple in Jerusalem and indeed this is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 08, 2014

The Neo-Nazi Movement in Europe is growing and they could become terrorist organizations

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German police have moved against Neo-Nazi groups in not only Germany but across Europe as well to stop them from becoming terrorist organizations. Dr. Rob Congdon has a report on this very frightening development.

Dr. Rob Congdon:  They have spearheaded a group that has raided premises in Germany, Switzerland and Netherlands, so yes it's certainly beyond just Germany. There has been concern growing and more and more awareness of these Neo-Nazi groups that may become true terrorists to Europe. It's much more far reaching than the size of the groups that exist today because we have to remember Europe still has a large population of their young people who are unemployed, who are restless, who are getting disillusioned that the EU is going to solve their problems. Those are the very types of people that this far right group appeals to.

So, while today's steps certainly will counter and minimize the effect of these Neo-Nazi groups, the potential is there for them to mobilize larger groups and you're right that's going to directly effect not only the German government but the Jewish people in Europe will start facing the things or fearing the things that happened so long ago, every time that word Nazi comes up it brings back terrible memories. It is a danger, the government has reacted, we just have to see now if they can keep this under control.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Neo-Nazi groups in Europe are growing and at the point of becoming terrorist organizations which is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Seventy years ago, the Nazi's under the leadership of Adolf Hitler tried to eliminate all Jews from Europe and in fact around the world with the Holocaust. This dastardly activity is resurfacing and could lead to a second Holocaust. That is the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah wrote 2500 years ago that there would be a second Holocaust with two out of every three Jews being killed, that would be twice the number of Jews killed during the WWII Holocaust, Zechariah 13:8. The second Holocaust will take place during the seven year Tribulation Period, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, Jeremiah 30:7.

With Neo-Nazis in Europe growing and moving to the point where they will become terrorists, the scenario is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 07, 2014

The Jewish people were created in the land of Israel and a recent archaeological discovery proves that fact

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A recent archaeological discovery in Shiloh, Israel which is in the center part of the state of Israel in the area of Judea and Samaria reveals that Biblical history has been confirmed. A former mayor of Shiloh, Winkie Medad speaks of the significance of this archaeological find.

Winkie Medad: Well, in the political sense we're facing a major onslaught by either politicians, Atheists, or Agnostics who seek to negate anything that the Bible says. Therefore, to confirm in general, the Biblical narrative that when the Bible says someone was here, or an attack was made, or a defense was made, or priests serviced and worshiped at the Temple, or a king ruled, these are elements that are not from the ancient past in a mythological sense, but they actually happened.

For us it is very important because we believe and I think many good thinking people know that the Jewish people were created in the land of Israel, their culture, their religion, their history, and their future is bound up with this land. If we can confirm as much as possible the Biblical narrative it means that people who want to take away our national ethos are simply wrong. The element of uncovering one's past is always connected with realizing one's future. We know that the Arabs are very anxious about this because they have created a parallel universe in an attempt to create or invent for themselves an identity which has nothing to do with the reality.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Jewish people created in the land of Israel speaks to the history but also the future of the Jewish state according to Bible prophecy.

The Israeli community of Shiloh located in Judea and Samaria dates back 3500 years to the time of the Tabernacle which was in Shiloh and housed the Ark of the Covenant, Joshua 18 and I Samuel 4. Shiloh is today a Jewish settlement which is indeed evidence of the fulfillment of Ezekiel 36 which is the promise of God to give the Jewish people their land in the last days.

This archaeological find of the location of the Tabernacle 3500 years ago gives confirmation to Biblical history, but it also sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

May 06, 2014

On this Independence Day for the Jewish state of Israel they celebrate their 66th birthday which gives us evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled

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With a large fireworks display and messages from both the Prime Minister and the President, the Israelis will today, Independence Day in Israel, go to the national parks, go to the museums and have a day of celebration for this 66th birthday of the Jewish state referred to as a miracle.

Never in the history of this world has a people dispersed to the four corners of the earth been able to return and establish themselves once again in a state among the many nations of this world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Jewish people in the homeland of their forefathers as a nation among the nations of the world is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy has been and will be fulfilled in the future.

Jewish people over the last 100 years have made their way back into the homeland of their forefathers. These Jews from nations of the world have gathered together because they believe God has given them a piece of real estate and He has promised them they would be a nation forever, thus they have established the Jewish state of Israel.

There are those who doubt this is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy but when one looks at Ezekiel 37:7-11 it indicates that this apocalyptic passage of Scripture is talking about bones coming together, the flesh on the bones and the breathe of life being breathed into them. Ezekiel 37:11 says that the bones are the whole house of Israel and indeed the bones coming together would refer to the regathering of the Jewish people with the flesh on the bones the restoration of the Jewish state and in fact Ezekiel 34 says 18 times that the Lord says I will, I will find my people wherever they have been scattered, I will gather them into the land of their forefathers, I will feed them like a good shepherd feeds his flock in the land.

The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel also reminded us that in chapter 36 God promised to give the Jewish people the land of their forefathers and in fact He said it would be better than it was in the days of their forefathers. Now, He said that he would do this, give this land, bring the Jewish people from all over the world into the land He had promised them not because of Israel and Judah, but because when He could swear by nothing greater, He swore by His name that He would do exactly what we are witnessing with the 66th birthday of the Jewish people in the land that God promised to give the Jewish people. Those are the promises of God. These prophecies being fulfilled today are evidence to the entire world that indeed God's Word is absolute when it comes to Bible prophecy or prewritten history, that which will happen in the future.

As we watch the Jewish people celebrate their 66th birthday as a nation among the nations of the world, it is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

May 05, 2014

As we look at geopolitical events unfolding in our world today there is evidence that this world is ready for something spectacular to happen

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In our wold today, we see events happening that seem to be somewhat of a stage setter for something catastrophic or spectacular to happen, something that could happen which would indeed change the entire earth's future.

In the Middle East, Egypt is involved in one crisis after another. The civil war in Syria brings more death to Syrians on a daily basis and the Jewish state of Israel is under a political attack especially from the Palestinians.

If you take a look to the far East, the prospects that China and India with a total of one-third of the earth's population and both of these nations increasing daily in population, wealth, and military preparedness, they both are becoming somewhat of a superpower in our world today.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Geopolitical activities and current events in our world today are setting the stage for what some call a catastrophic event to happen but is in reality only a part of the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

If you are a watcher of geopolitical activities and current events and at the same time familiar with Bible prophecy, you will be able to recognize that our world is on the fast track to the scenario that is found in the pages of Bible prophecy. As a student of Bible prophecy and what I call a news junkie, I do recognize that this world is very close to the last days scenario that is found in the pages of Bible prophecy. The far East is quickly putting in place their economic and military preparedness in order to become nations that would be included in the superpowers of this world.

This was actually foretold by John the Revelator when he wrote about the impact of the Kings of the East in Revelation 16:12. Europe and the EU with all of their economic struggles are working to put in place an economic structure that is described in Bible prophecy, Daniel 7:23-24 and Revelation 18.

In the Middle East with the radicalism prevalent in both Syria and Egypt to the North and to the South of the Jewish state of Israel, one can understand better the pre-written history written by Daniel the prophet in Daniel 11:40-43 and see how this world will indeed see catastrophic, spectacular events in the near future.

May 02, 2014

The Israeli government will one day build a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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Recently, the President of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas said that the Israeli government is getting ready to build a Temple on the Temple Mount. I ask our broadcast partner in Jerusalem, Rabbi Yoel Keren would the Israeli government really build a Temple on the Temple Mount today.

Rabbi Yoel Keren: One day they will. So, the answer is yes and no. On the one hand, yes it is very foolish, very insightful the things that he is saying. He is hanging on to what little bit of power and money he has by a thread and he is trying to bolster himself. This is a typical tactic we know that they use whenever they feel they are in trouble, they feel it helps rally people to their side to scream out about the Al Aqsa Mosque and things like that. So, on one hand, yes that is true, on the other hand as you know I have traditionally said I wish there was a Jewish government that wanted to build the Temple, unfortunately there is not. Just today or yesterday a statement was made by the Housing and Infrastructure Minister Yuri Ariel.

He said we've done a lot of building, we've build a lot of buildings, we've built a lot of small temples, which is a term in Hebrew that is used as the nickname for synagogue. It is like we have created these small temples for ourselves even though they are not temples, and there is only one Temple. He says we've created a lot of small temples, but that is not what we want. We do not want buildings that look like temples. We do not want buildings that we nickname temples. We want to build the Temple on the Temple Mount. This is a cabinet member, the minister of housing, building, and infrastructure. In all the conversations that we have had about this over the years and you have asked me, is the Israeli government ready to build the Temple, is there an Israeli government that would be in favor of building the Temple on the Temple Mount, and I have always told you unfortunately no. Now, you ask me this question and I have to say maybe.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Jewish activists preparing to rebuild a Temple in Jerusalem is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Though the Israeli government is not ready to build a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, there are those that have made preparations to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. God's Word does say that this will happen, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Rev 11:1-2.

The accusations by the Palestinian leader that the Israeli government is preparing to build a Temple on the Temple Mount are actually false. However, there are Jews that are preparing to build that Temple and all the preparations are finished indicating that Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

May 01, 2014

The Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas says the man responsible for killing more Jews than any other Arab in recent history is his hero

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The leader of the PA, a leader among the Palestinian people today, Mahmoud Abbas says that the murderer of the Jewish people, the infamous Haj Amman El Husein who was the collaborator with Hitler and the Nazis, the Mufti of Jerusalem back in the 1940s, is his hero.

Haj Amman El Husein met with Hitler and agreed that Hitler would murder the Jews in Europe and the mufti would organize the mass murder of Jews in the Middle East.

Haj Amman El Husein who had the title of the Mufti of Jerusalem was the uncle of Yasser Arafat who kept alive his uncle's desire to kill all the Jews in the Middle East, a legacy that has now been passed down to the leaders of the Palestinian people of today.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Palestinian leadership today looks back to the Mufti of Jerusalem, a mass murderer of Jews, as the Palestinian leader to emulate today which is actually a page out of Bible prophecy.

In the 1930's and the 1940's an Arab leader rose to power and was responsible for the murder of thousands of Jews living in the land of Israel and in fact throughout the entire Middle East. That man, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amman El Husein was the strongest Arab leader in those days and he joined with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to plan the final solution for the Jews in Europe and the Middle East. Haj Amman El Husein was the uncle of Yasser Arafat and was responsible for training his nephew to hate the Jews and then to kill as many of the Jews as he could. Now, the second man for Arafat for those many years is Mahmoud Abbas, he is the leader of the Palestinian government and he says the Mufti of Jerusalem his hero, a man that every Palestinian should emulate.

The ancient Jewish prophets prewrote history on this subject and this threat to the Jewish people. Ezekiel 35:5 reveals that the Palestinians will rise up and kill the Jews today. These murderous efforts to eliminate the Jews from the Middle East is foretold in Zechariah 13:8 where it says that two out of every three Jews will be killed during the time of Jacob's Trouble, Jeremiah 37 and that happens during the terrible time of the Tribulation Period.

Only the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ will stop the Palestinians from killing all of the Jews in the Middle East, Obadiah 18.