
July 31, 2014

The Neo-Nazi Movement in Europe is growing and they could become terrorist organizations

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German police have moved against Neo-Nazi groups in not only Germany but across Europe as well to stop them from becoming terrorist organizations. Dr. Rob Congdon has a report on this very frightening development.

Dr. Rob Congdon:  They have spearheaded a group that has raided premises in Germany, Switzerland and Netherlands, so yes it's certainly beyond just Germany. There has been concern growing and more and more awareness of these Neo-Nazi groups that may become true terrorists to Europe. It's much more far reaching than the size of the groups that exist today because we have to remember Europe still has a large population of their young people who are unemployed, who are restless, who are getting disillusioned that the EU is going to solve their problems. Those are the very types of people that this far right group appeals to.

So, while today's steps certainly will counter and minimize the effect of these Neo-Nazi groups, the potential is there for them to mobilize larger groups and you're right that's going to directly effect not only the German government but the Jewish people in Europe will start facing the things or fearing the things that happened so long ago, every time that word Nazi comes up it brings back terrible memories. It is a danger, the government has reacted, we just have to see now if they can keep this under control.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Neo-Nazi groups in Europe are growing and at the point of becoming terrorist organizations which is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Seventy years ago, the Nazi's under the leadership of Adolf Hitler tried to eliminate all Jews from Europe and in fact around the world with the Holocaust. This dastardly activity is resurfacing and could lead to a second Holocaust. That is the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah wrote 2500 years ago that there would be a second Holocaust with two out of every three Jews being killed, that would be twice the number of Jews killed during the WWII Holocaust, Zechariah 13:8. The second Holocaust will take place during the seven year Tribulation Period, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, Jeremiah 30:7.

With Neo-Nazis in Europe growing and moving to the point where they will become terrorists, the scenario is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 30, 2014

The Jewish people were created in the land of Israel and a recent archaeological discovery proves that fact

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A recent archaeological discovery in Shiloh, Israel which is in the center part of the state of Israel in the area of Judea and Samaria reveals that Biblical history has been confirmed. A former mayor of Shiloh, Winkie Medad speaks of the significance of this archaeological find.

Winkie Medad: Well, in the political sense we're facing a major onslaught by either politicians, Atheists, or Agnostics who seek to negate anything that the Bible says. Therefore, to confirm in general, the Biblical narrative that when the Bible says someone was here, or an attack was made, or a defense was made, or priests serviced and worshiped at the Temple, or a king ruled, these are elements that are not from the ancient past in a mythological sense, but they actually happened.

For us it is very important because we believe and I think many good thinking people know that the Jewish people were created in the land of Israel, their culture, their religion, their history, and their future is bound up with this land. If we can confirm as much as possible the Biblical narrative it means that people who want to take away our national ethos are simply wrong. The element of uncovering one's past is always connected with realizing one's future. We know that the Arabs are very anxious about this because they have created a parallel universe in an attempt to create or invent for themselves an identity which has nothing to do with the reality.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Jewish people created in the land of Israel speaks to the history but also the future of the Jewish state according to Bible prophecy.

The Israeli community of Shiloh located in Judea and Samaria dates back 3500 years to the time of the Tabernacle which was in Shiloh and housed the Ark of the Covenant, Joshua 18 and I Samuel 4. Shiloh is today a Jewish settlement which is indeed evidence of the fulfillment of Ezekiel 36 which is the promise of God to give the Jewish people their land in the last days.

This archaeological find of the location of the Tabernacle 3500 years ago gives confirmation to Biblical history, but it also sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 29, 2014

As we look at geopolitical events unfolding in our world today there is evidence that this world is ready for something spectacular to happen

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In our wold today, we see events happening that seem to be somewhat of a stage setter for something catastrophic or spectacular to happen, something that could happen which would INDEED change the entire earth's future.

In the Middle East, Egypt is involved in one crisis after another. The civil war in Syria brings more death to Syrians on a daily basis and the Jewish state of Israel is under a political attack especially from the Palestinians.

If you take a look to the far East, the prospects that China and India with a total of one-third of the earth's population and both of these nations increasing daily in population, wealth, and military preparedness, they both are becoming somewhat of a superpower in our world today.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Geopolitical activities and current events in our world today are setting the stage for what some call a catastrophic event to happen but is in reality only a part of the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

If you are a watcher of geopolitical activities and current events and at the same time familiar with Bible prophecy, you will be able to recognize that our world is on the fast track to the scenario that is found in the pages of Bible prophecy. As a student of Bible prophecy and what I call a news junkie, I do recognize that this world is very close to the last days scenario that is found in the pages of Bible prophecy. The far East is quickly putting in place their economic and military preparedness in order to become nations that would be included in the superpowers of this world.

This was actually foretold by John the Revelator when he wrote about the impact of the Kings of the East in Revelation 16:12. Europe and the EU with all of their economic struggles are working to put in place an economic structure that is described in Bible prophecy, Daniel 7:23-24 and Revelation 18.

In the Middle East with the radicalism prevalent in both Syria and Egypt to the North and to the South of the Jewish state of Israel, one can understand better the pre-written history written by Daniel the prophet in Daniel 11:40-43 and see how this world will INDEED see catastrophic, spectacular events in the near future.

July 28, 2014

The Israeli government will one day build a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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Recently, the President of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas said that the Israeli government is getting ready to build a Temple on the Temple Mount. I ask our broadcast partner in Jerusalem, Rabbi Yoel Keren would the Israeli government really build a Temple on the Temple Mount today.

Rabbi Yoel Keren: One day they will. So, the answer is yes and no. On the one hand, yes it is very foolish, very insightful the things that he is saying. He is hanging on to what little bit of power and money he has by a thread and he is trying to bolster himself. This is a typical tactic we know that they use whenever they feel they are in trouble, they feel it helps rally people to their side to scream out about the Al Aqsa Mosque and things like that. So, on one hand, yes that is true, on the other hand as you know I have traditionally said I wish there was a Jewish government that wanted to build the Temple, unfortunately there is not. Just today or yesterday a statement was made by the Housing and Infrastructure Minister Yuri Ariel.

He said we've done a lot of building, we've build a lot of buildings, we've built a lot of small temples, which is a term in Hebrew that is used as the nickname for synagogue. It is like we have created these small temples for ourselves even though they are not temples, and there is only one Temple. He says we've created a lot of small temples, but that is not what we want. We do not want buildings that look like temples. We do not want buildings that we nickname temples. We want to build the Temple on the Temple Mount. This is a cabinet member, the minister of housing, building, and infrastructure. In all the conversations that we have had about this over the years and you have asked me, is the Israeli government ready to build the Temple, is there an Israeli government that would be in favor of building the Temple on the Temple Mount, and I have always told you unfortunately no. Now, you ask me this question and I have to say maybe.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Jewish activists preparing to rebuild a Temple in Jerusalem is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Though the Israeli government is not ready to build a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, there are those that have made preparations to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. God's Word does say that this will happen, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Rev 11:1-2.

The accusations by the Palestinian leader that the Israeli government is preparing to build a Temple on the Temple Mount are actually false. However, there are Jews that are preparing to build that Temple and all the preparations are finished indicating that Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

July 25, 2014

The Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas says the man responsible for killing more Jews than any other Arab in recent history is his hero

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The leader of the PA, a leader among the Palestinian people today, Mahmoud Abbas says that the murderer of the Jewish people, the infamous Haj Amman El Husein who was the collaborator with Hitler and the Nazis, the Mufti of Jerusalem back in the 1940s, is his hero.

Haj Amman El Husein met with Hitler and agreed that Hitler would murder the Jews in Europe and the mufti would organize the mass murder of Jews in the Middle East.

Haj Amman El Husein who had the title of the Mufti of Jerusalem was the uncle of Yasser Arafat who kept alive his uncle's desire to kill all the Jews in the Middle East, a legacy that has now been passed down to the leaders of the Palestinian people of today.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Palestinian leadership today looks back to the Mufti of Jerusalem, a mass murderer of Jews, as the Palestinian leader to emulate today which is actually a page out of Bible prophecy.

In the 1930's and the 1940's an Arab leader rose to power and was responsible for the murder of thousands of Jews living in the land of Israel and in fact throughout the entire Middle East. That man, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amman El Husein was the strongest Arab leader in those days and he joined with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to plan the final solution for the Jews in Europe and the Middle East. Haj Amman El Husein was the uncle of Yasser Arafat and was responsible for training his nephew to hate the Jews and then to kill as many of the Jews as he could. Now, the second man for Arafat for those many years is Mahmoud Abbas, he is the leader of the Palestinian government and he says the Mufti of Jerusalem his hero, a man that every Palestinian should emulate.

The ancient Jewish prophets prewrote history on this subject and this threat to the Jewish people. Ezekiel 35:5 reveals that the Palestinians will rise up and kill the Jews today. These murderous efforts to eliminate the Jews from the Middle East is foretold in Zechariah 13:8 where it says that two out of every three Jews will be killed during the time of Jacob's Trouble, Jeremiah 37 and that happens during the terrible time of the Tribulation Period.

Only the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ will stop the Palestinians from killing all of the Jews in the Middle East, Obadiah 18.

July 24, 2014

The World Health Organization says that 50% of all abortions in this world are dangerous

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A recent report by the World Health Organization says that abortions worldwide are putting women's health at risk with one half of all abortions unsafe, even dangerous, and abortion is one of the main reasons for maternal death worldwide.

This data reveals that women who wish to terminate unwanted pregnancies will seek abortion at any cost and thus these women will continue to die in significant numbers. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The number of maternal deaths related to unsafe abortion is on the increase, a disturbing statistic for the World Health Organization but it's blasphemy according to the Bible and abortion is a precursor to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

WHO, World Health Organization, in a recent report, revealed the increase in maternal deaths, a result of unsafe abortions.  They say now 50% of all worldwide abortions are unsafe and a major cause for these maternal deaths.  This number goes as high as 95% in Latin American countries and 97% in Africa.  However, what about the death rate among the children that are aborted.  That would be at 100% of all abortions of unwanted pregnancies end in death to the babies - and that's the real sin. 

Abortion is very dangerous for all unborn children, and I say children because life does not begin at birth.  In fact, it does not begin at conception.  Life begins in the mind of God in eternity past.  In Jeremiah 1:5, the Lord told Jeremiah that he had been chosen to be the prophet to the nations of the world not at birth, not even at conception, but Jeremiah was chosen before he was formed in his mother's womb in eternity past.  All of life began in the mind of God before the creation of the world. 

Abortion is murder according to Exodus 21:22-23.  If someone takes another life, Genesis 9:6, then they must give their life in return.  That's capital punishment which is called for in the Bible.  Abortion is most dangerous for the unborn with a 100% mortality rate and murders through abortions will increase in the last days (Revelation 22:15).

July 23, 2014

A Muslim cleric has called for the destruction of the US and the EU and a Muslim kingdom to be setup in Jerusalem

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The Friday sermon by a radical Muslim cleric in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount has the world paying attention. The cleric stated that Islam will destroy the US and the EU and setup an Islamic kingdom in Jerusalem. David Dolan, longtime journalist in Jerusalem reports to us about this provocative statement

David Dolan: Definitely provocative Jimmy but it's something we have been hearing not necessarily from the site of the ancient Jewish Temple itself but certainly from many mosques around the region. We have had such calls made before, I don't know that it ever included a call for the destruction of the US though. It's considered of course officially one of 13 holy sites, Mecca of course being number 1 in Arabia, Medina where Mohammed was buried number 2, and then Jerusalem is ranked 3.

They believe that their triumph what the Koran says, the triumph of Islam over the infidels over Judaism and Christianity and other faiths, the fact that Mohammed is the final prophet as they see it, etc. as written out in the Koran and that was all proof to be the case by their conquest of Jerusalem soon after Mohammed's death. That site's very important. This is just another step towards that worldwide move to bring in a caliphate and to unite all of the Arab-Muslim countries under one banner, provocative and it's something Israel has to keep a close eye on and so does the rest of the world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call for an Islamic kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Islamic eschatology does call for a worldwide kingdom that will be based in Jerusalem. The Mahdi, Arabic for messiah, will rule this Islamic caliphate, a worldwide Islamic kingdom from Jerusalem. The Biblical Kingdom will be setup in Jerusalem according to Zechariah 1:16 when Jesus Christ comes back. He will come to Jerusalem, build His Temple, and then He will rule and reign from that Temple, Zechariah 6:13. He will do that in fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant, a promise to King David that there will be a Kingdom forever on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, II Samuel 7.

The Islamic call for a kingdom in Jerusalem is simply setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 22, 2014

An Egyptian Muslim cleric says people have a thirst for the blood of the Jewish people

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Seen recently on Hamas Al Aqsa television in a sermon by the Egyptian Muslim cleric Salah Sultan, the Islamist said that as he traveled across the world he met people who thirsted for the blood of Jews and they are eager for the promised war against the sons of Zion, the Jewish people.

Sultan also said under the previous Egyptian regime over 30,000 Zionists entered Egypt every month and they defiled the land of the Islamist Egyptians.

In the past, Sultan had accused the Jews of making Passover matzahs from the blood of Christian children and has called for the murder of every Zionist who enters Egypt.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A radical Egyptian Muslim cleric calling for the murder of every Jew that enters Egypt so they can quench their thirst for Jewish blood is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

The radical Islamist Muslim cleric Salah Sultan has crossed a line in his call for the murdering of Jews so that people can quench their thirst for Jewish blood. This seems to be the epitome of hatred for the Jewish people by an element of radical Islam. The fact that Hamas television would air such a horrific statement by anyone is beyond the pale as well. However, when you are a student of Bible prophecy you recognize what is for sure setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Down through history, there has been a conflict between the Jews and the Egyptians. Four thousand years ago, the family of Jacob which became the nation of Israel, was under Egyptian bondage for 400 years, a fulfillment of the prophecy in Genesis 15. In recent history, the Jewish state has been involved in at least three wars with Egypt in 1948, 1967, and 1973. As it relates to the future, Egypt will join a coalition of nations that will move to destroy the Jewish state, Daniel 11:40-43 where Egypt is referred to as the King of the North. Other Jewish prophets foretell of a future Israeli-Egyptian conflict as well like Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

A radical Egyptian Muslim cleric saying that people have a thirst for Jewish blood is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 21, 2014

A Jewish rabbi in Jerusalem is calling for Jews to stop praying at the Western Wall

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Rabbi Yehuda Glick, of an organization called "The Movement for the Establishment of the Temple", says that the Jewish people have become psychologically connected, over the centuries, to the Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem because the rebuilding of the temple seems like an impossible task. Rabbi Glick says that about 25 years ago Jews started to ascend to the Temple Mount even though it was a very small group but now hundreds are now on a regular basis going up on to the Temple Mount to offer their prayers.

The rabbi is now calling for Jews to unite and make every effort to go on to this sacred location for every Jew, the Temple Mount, and become focused on the rebuilding of the next temple in Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by a rabbi in Jerusalem to ascend to the Temple Mount in preparation for the next Jewish temple on this sacred site, is the next step to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Rabbi Yehuda Glick for a number of years directed the efforts of the Temple Institute to prepare for the building of the next Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Temple Institute has all the implements needed to operate the temple including the knowledge of the location of the Ark of the Covenant. All 28,000 priests, to be used in the next temple, have been trained and even their priestly garments are either made or being made right now.

However, Rabbi Glick now believes it is time to prepare the Jewish people to become accustomed to ascending the Temple Mount, not only for learning and prayer, but to be involved in the Temple practices as well. That's why he says no more prayers at the Western Wall but instead, let's go up on to the Temple Mount.

God's prophetic Word does say that in the last days the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will return to build the temple on the Temple Mount (Zechariah 1:16, 6:12). That temple built by the Messiah will be His kingdom temple where He reigns for 1000 years. However, before the Messiah's temple is built on the Temple Mount there will be a Tribulation temple (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1).

Jews ascending onto the Temple Mount today are actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 18, 2014

The Palestinian leadership reaffirms that they have not abandoned their armed struggle against Israel

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In an announcement from the leadership of the Palestinian people and even the Palestinian government they reaffirmed their program of armed struggle in resistance against what they call the Israeli occupation of their land and their Palestinian state.

The Palestinian leadership has committed to the creation of a Palestinian state and both factions of the Palestinian people, Hamas and Fatah, believe an armed struggled will be needed to remove the Israeli occupiers from their land in order to be able to create a Palestinian state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the Palestinian terror groups reaffirm their commitment to an armed struggle to remove Israeli occupiers from their land the stage is being set for the end of times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the focus of world leaders for many years as efforts have been made to bring resolution to this conflict. The Palestinians had an opportunity for their own state when the UN put forth the Partition Plan in 1948 and the Palestinians rejected the plan. Now the leadership of the Palestinian people are calling for a two state solution with a Palestinian state and a Jewish state side by side. The struggle between these two peoples has seen many killed on both sides over the years with failure at the peace table in order to be able to come to an agreement.

This conflict did not start in recent history but instead it was 4000 years ago when it started in the womb of their mother. That battle between Jacob and Esau, the Jewish people and the Palestinian people, started as they struggled before birth in their mother Rebecca, Genesis 25:22. God told their mother that these two boys would become two nations, Genesis 25:23 which reveals that these two people would be the Jewish people and the Palestinian people of today. Malachi 1 states that the Palestinians will have their borders and God will call these borders the borders of wickedness. Ezekiel 35 states that the Palestinians will kill the Jews and take their land. Obadiah reveals the end of the Palestinian people when Jesus Christ comes back to earth.

Even though the Palestinians are waging an armed struggle against the Jewish people today, I remind you that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 17, 2014

The Arab League warns Israel: Don't touch the Muslim Temple Mount

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The Arab League made up of twenty-two Arab member states has issued a warning to Israel to stay away from al -Aqsa Mosque which is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This location is a very sacred spot for the Jewish people and the location of the first and second Jewish Temples over a one thousand year period of time.

Surprisingly, the Arab League's statement termed, "the Mosque on the Temple Mount" - the holiest of the Arab and Islamic holy sites which is contrary to Islamic law that sets Mecca as Islam's holiest site. The Arab League statement said al-Aqsa Mosque is a red line that must not be crossed and any attack would endanger the safety and the stability of the entire Middle Eastern region.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Arab League's warning to Israel not to touch the Muslim Temple Mount is contradictory to history and Bible prophecy as well.

The Arab League, an organization of 22 Arab states, is very strong in the Middle East and when they issue a warning, it should get everybody's attention. The Muslim world does have custodial responsibility over the Temple Mount but not to the extent that it can be referred to as the Muslim Temple Mount. History contradicts these Muslim claims.

The Bible states that King David captured the Jebusite stronghold of Jerusalem in 1048 BC. This is the time when David made Jerusalem the political capital of the Jewish people, II Samuel 5. Several years later, King David made Jerusalem the spiritual capital of the Jewish people when he brought the Ark of the Covenant into the city. In 1012 BC, Solomon, David's son, built a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount referred to as Mt. Moriah in II Chronicles 3:1. Mt. Moriah is that sacred spot where Abraham offered his son Isaac as a sacrifice unto the Lord, Genesis 22 in 1872 BC. This history lesson proves that the Temple Mount belongs to the Jews and has belonged to them for almost 4000 years. In addition to that, Bible prophecy says the Temple Mount will be where the Lord will dwell among the Jewish people, His people forever, Psalm 132:13-14.

History has been recorded and Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 16, 2014

The US Congress is funding a hate mechanism called the Palestinian Authority

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PMW Director Itamar Marcus in Washington, D.C. there to tell the US Congress they are funding hate and terrorism among the Palestinian people. Here is what Itamar had to tell me about that visit to Washington, D.C.

Itamar Marcus: We met with members of Congress and we were showing them what was happening with American funding of the Palestinian Authority. The US has good intentions. They are hoping to build infrastructures of the PA because they are hoping that it will then be able to create a peaceful state, but what we were documenting, and we were showing them that they are also paying for TV programs where you have little children on TV saying that Christians and Jews are inferior and despised and it calls for the Muslim world to literally counter the Jewish and Christian world to defeat the Jewish and Christian world and I am talking about children's programs.

The minister of prisoners of the PA visits every week with some of the families of prisoners who have killed dozens of Israelis and he honors those prisoners, he calls them heroes and who is paying his salary, the PA, who is paying them money for that, the US. The US with all of its good intentions is actively funding a hate mechanism called the PA, a terror promoting and glorifying mechanism called the PA and Congress is now being made aware of this and the question is what to do about it so it can really have an impact and change the PA.

Jimmy: Itamar Marcus, head of Palestinian Media Watch, they monitor the Palestinian electronic and print media and because of that responsibility it gave capability to address some members of the US Congress with the concerns that Israel has as the US Congress continues to fund the PA.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the US Congress continues to fund the PA, they are actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The radical Palestinian groups to day are  killing Jews and endeavoring to take their land. That scenario was foretold in Bible prophecy 2500 years ago. You could go to a number of passages in Scripture: Malachi 1, the little book of Obadiah, Jeremiah 49 and find out about this scenario, but speaking to the issue most distinctly is Ezekiel 35 which reveals that the Lord will judge the Palestinian people for killing Jews, verse 5 and in verse 10 for taking their land.

This is the present day scene in Israel and as the US Congress continues to fund hate and terrorism being perpetrated upon the Jewish people by the PA, the stage is being set for end time prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 15, 2014

The end times philosophy of Replacement Theology is dangerous

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In Jerusalem, a group of Orthodox Jewish scholars have gathered together and their conclusion as they look at the philosophy of Replacement Theology is that it is dangerous and it is anti-Semitic as well. I asked Christian Theologian Dr. John Whitcomb is Replacement Theology dangerous?

Dr. John Whitcomb: It is very, very dangerous, in fact you read in Psalm 83 someday all Israel's enemies surrounding them will say come let us wipe them out as a nation, let the name of Israel be remembered no more, let us possess for ourselves the pastures of God. Well friends, God knew about this thousands of years ago obviously what His plan was for Israel, but read in Ezekiel 37, He's going to bring those dry dead bones as I could never have believed as a soldier in WWII as I saw the results of the Holocaust and concentration camps, six million Jews dead in Europe. I never believed in 1945 I would live to see six million Jews back in their promised land. What a miracle! Not a supernatural miracle, but a providential miracle of God to prepare for the real miracle which is the conversion of the nation.

Jimmy: These Orthodox Jews say that the very existence of a Jewish state is actual evidence which disproves Replacement Theology.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Israel as a nation today disproves the anti-Semitic Replacement Theology that is a part of some church doctrine in our world today and is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Replacement Theology is incorrect from a logical prospective, a Biblical prospective, and a prophetic prospective as well. Logically, the fact that there is a Jewish state in the Middle East today 65 years of age is indicative of the fact that God does have a plan for the Jewish people which would disprove Replacement Theology.

Biblically, Replacement Theology is disproved when you think about the covenants God gave the Jewish people. Prophetically, Ezekiel 37 says the Jews will be gathered from all over the world, come back into the land of their forefathers, and be a state once again. Ezekiel 38 talks about an Alignment of Nations that will try to destroy the Jewish people and Ezekiel 40-46 talks about a temple that will be on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. All of these are indicative of the fact that God does have a plan for the Jewish people.

Replacement Theology is an anti-Semitic, dangerous theology which is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 14, 2014

There is a new Iranian president, but let me remind you Iran's true leadership has an apocalyptic policy by which the government operates

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Iran has elected a new president, Hasan Rowhani, who some say is somewhat of a moderate, however the true power in the government of Iran lies in the Supreme Council made up of the ayatollahs and Ayatollah Khomenei is the leader of the Iranian state, and I must tell you that the Supreme Council has an apocalyptic policy by which they govern the country of Iran. More on that background from Ken Timmerman our broadcast partner in Washington, D.C.

Shiite eschatology as practiced by the Iranian regime, which by the way is not the same as all Shiites, believes that they can trigger the return of Imam Mahdi, this mystical twelfth Imam who has been hiding at the bottom of a well since AD 941 and when he returns he will lead a victorious Muslim army to Jerusalem and conquer the world for Islam. Now, they believe through their actions they can hasten the return of the Imam Mahdi. Ahmadinejad has said that, so has Hamenei and so has many of the top clerics in the country. They way they do that Jimmy is by triggering mass destruction around the world, now that can be with a nuclear weapon, violence in various countries, revolutions or what have you. They believe their actions can actually bring this about.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Shiite Muslims have an eschatology based on what the Iranian leadership, the Supreme Council, have as their policy for leading the government of the nation of Iran. It is called an apocalyptic policy. What that calls for is a scenario that will bring forth the Mahdi, Arabic for messiah, and he will come about as the twelfth Imam out of the country and when he comes to power he will go to Jerusalem to setup a worldwide caliphate, Arabic for dominion or kingdom.

That is in contradiction to Biblical eschatology which says that Jesus Christ will come back and setup His Kingdom in the city of Jerusalem.

Iran's eschatology though wrong, is actually setting the stage for Biblical eschatology to be fulfilled. That stage is set, the actors in place, the curtain about to go up on the last drama.

July 11, 2014

An Israeli official says he does not believe there will be a Palestinian State

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There is a cabinet member of the Israeli government, Minister Bennett, who says there is no Israeli occupation of a Palestinian State because there never was a Palestinian State. These comments made by the Israeli government minister may actually be giving us indication that the Netanyahu government is moving away from a second state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I ask our broadcast partner Winkie Medad who has a political background and a journalistic background if indeed he thought PM Netanyahu was moving away from a Palestinian State.

Winkie Medad: I think Mister Netanyahu ever since 2009 in  that famous Bar-llan University speech said that the resolution of the conflict would and should be based on two states, a Jewish  State and an Arab State West of the Jordan River. He did make some conditions that Israel would stand very firm on, demilitarized and no refugees inside of Israel just to give two examples, but ever since then to that extent of negotiations have not succeeded in drawing the PA representatives to the table. They do not recognize the Jewish national ethos. We do not have a right to have our own sovereign country. This is a ridiculous situation that people would believe that Israel and the Arabs at the present moment would be able to negotiate peace.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Israeli peace process may or may not bring about a Palestinian State, but Bible prophecy does speak of a second Jewish state and the stage is set for that prophecy to be fulfilled.

Only time will tell if there will be a Palestinian State. The Palestinians are working around the clock endeavoring to bring about a state for their people in a land where there has never been a Palestinian State.

Bible prophecy does tell us that there will be a second state in what is the modern day Jewish State of Israel. Ezekiel 37:15-23 informs us that in the future there will be a second Jewish State. One state will be called Israel, the other, Judah.

This ongoing battle for the Palestinians to establish a Palestinian State, a second state in the region, is only in reality setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 10, 2014

The Palestinians held a gathering recently in Ramallah for the coming Mahdi, the Muslim messiah, as he will come to establish a caliphate, a worldwide kingdom, in Jerusalem

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Recently in Ramallah, just North of the city of Jerusalem in Israel, the Palestinians held a gathering as they await the coming of the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah. They want a caliphate, a worldwide kingdom, to be setup in Jerusalem. Itamar Marcus, head of Palestinian Media Watch, gives us a report on this gathering.

The important thing to know is that, that belief which is expressed at that rally in Ramallah North of Jerusalem that the Islamic world will subjugate the entire rest of the world under Islam seems to be very mainstream in the Palestinian world. We hear it regularly from the Hamas today, we've heard it in the past on television, we haven't heard it that much recently or at all recently, but I think that is because they know Palestinian Media Watch is listening to them and they've toned down some messages, but we've heard it.

We just know that people are expressing what they believe, what they've been taught. This group in Ramallah wants to have a Muslim caliphate, in other words all of the Muslim world united under one religious leader so they can then go out and conquer the Christian world, the Jewish world. It is probably the greatest challenge that the world, Christianity, Judaism, the Western world will face in the coming years in this Islamic ideology that was expressed in Ramallah. The biggest mistake the West can make is to minimize the threat, to minimize the danger and if we do, we might have a worse outcome.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The coming of the Muslim messiah is close according to Islamic leaders. That is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Islam has an eschatology. They believe there will be a kingdom, a worldwide caliphate, that will be headquartered in the city of Jerusalem, that is part of Islamic eschatology. However, God has promised the Jewish people this Kingdom to be headquartered in the city of Jerusalem, Daniel 7:13-14.

Jesus Christ will rule from that Kingdom headquartered on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Zechariah 6:13. And He will rule for 1,000 years before we enter into eternity future, Revelation 20:4-6.

Preparations for a false kingdom that will be under the leadership of the Islamic world is simply setting the stage for the true Kingdom under Jesus Christ.

July 09, 2014

Al Qaeda is calling for Jihad, a holy war

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Dr. Al Zawari who is the head of Al Qaeda is calling for a Middle Eastern Jihad, a holy war, and he wants the Islamic world to join him in this battle. Ken Timmerman covers geo-politcal activities for us and he is in Washington, DC with this report.

Ken Timmerman: It is actually a bit funny because Zawari is trying to divert attention from the failure of Al Qaeda in Syria to overthrow Assad and at the same time in this statement he is throwing stones at the Iranians who in the past have been his biggest supporters. Zawari was the man who along with Imad for the Iranians who solidified the Al Qaeda-Iran connection back in the 1990's.

He has historically been the leader in Al Qaeda who has promoted a Sunni-Shia healing process, a unity between Sunnis and Shias and now in fact he is breaking off from that, he is accusing the Iranians of trouble making in Syria and he has essentially joined Yousef Kawadowi, the Palestinian preacher on Al Jazeera who called for a Jihad against Iran and Syria just last week. So, calling for holy war against Israel is just his way of patching up this increasing Sunni-Shia divide trying to divert attention from that and focus it on the Muslims traditional whipping boy.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call for holy war in the Middle East by Al Qaeda is a precursor to the end time prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

There will be a Jihad in the future, a holy war across the entire Middle East and it will focus on the Jewish state of Israel. Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11, and Psalm 83 are the prophecies pertaining to this holy war. This will be an alignment of Islamic states to attack the Jewish state of Israel and only God will be able to save the Jewish people, Ezekiel 38:18-39:6.

As we look at the Middle East according to the report from Ken Timmerman on our broadcast today, we can understand where we are in God's time. All the actors are in place and any student of Bible prophecy can recognize that the curtain is about to go up for that final drama.

In the Middle East with this call for Jihad, a holy war, the stage is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 08, 2014

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is holding weekly Bible studies

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In his speech at the UN General Assembly, Israeli PM Netanyahu quoted many prophetic passages in his address to the UN delegates. Many media people made comment on the usage of Scripture by a world leader at the UN. Prophecy Today broadcast partner David Dolan also was amazed with the PM's usage of prophetic passages of Scripture.

David Dolan: Well Jimmy first of all I thought how remarkable it is that you can have a world leader, a leader of a country on earth who can quote from ancient prophecies about his specific people group being scattered from the land and then returning to the land from all over the earth as he quoted from the various prophets and as he said as the Scriptures say, never to be uprooted from it again.

He was just accurately quoting the Bible. By the way, every week he has a Bible study with his son and they go through the Scriptures. They study them every Saturday, every Sabbath day. He knows the Bible very, very well. I have heard him quote it before and he knows it accurately. He knows the Scriptures.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

PM Netanyahu's knowledge of the Scriptures gives the Israeli leader an understanding of the end of times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

Everybody was amazed by the usage of prophetic passages in the speech at the UN by PM Netanyahu of Israel. PM Netanyahu actually sets a great example for all of us to study Bible prophecy as well. When you begin your study of Bible prophecy, you will see that there are four major trends that can be found in the prophetic passages. Number one, the Jews will return to the land of their forefathers. That has been the case over 150 years.

It also talks about nations which will align themselves against the Jewish state of Israel, and as we look at current events unfolding in the Middle East, we know that is the case also. World leaders will work for peace, a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and in fact peace across the entire Middle East. The last trend is that the Jews will prepare to build a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

As I have talked about these four major trends, the Jews back in the land, Middle Eastern nations aligning themselves against the Jewish state of Israel, world leaders working to bring about peace in the Middle East, and the Jews preparing to build a Temple on the Temple Mount, we see as we look at current events that the stage is being set for each of these trends to be fulfilled.

July 07, 2014

Japanese astronomers say they have discovered the oldest galaxy in our universe

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A team of Japanese astronomers using telescopes on Hawaii say they have seen the oldest galaxy yet discovered which the team says is almost 13 billion light years away from earth and thus the galaxy is at the edge of our universe.

A light year is the distance that light travels in a year at 186,000 miles per second which is about six trillion miles that light would travel each year.

The Japanese astronomers say this latest discovery has enabled them to look back in time and using powerful telescopes will help them to peer deeper and deeper into the dawn of the universe.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recent discovery of a galaxy almost 13 billion light years from earth is being used as an attack on Bible prophecy and actually the authority of the Bible itself.

The Japanese astronomers that claim they have discovered the oldest galaxy in our universe believe that this discovery has given them the deepest look into the dawn of history thus far by the scientific world. This galaxy is reported to be almost 13 billion light years away from earth at the edge of our universe. Remember, a light year is how far light can travel at 186,000 miles per second in one year and that is around 6 trillion miles which would then be multiplied by 13 billion, an astronomical number.

The use of the term, "Oldest galaxy" by the Japanese astronomers is an attack on the record of Creation found in Genesis 1:6 where it says that the Lord used the term, "and the stars also" to define the creation of stars and all of the galaxies that are in our universe and He did that in one instant. The Apostle Peter warns us that in the last days, the scientific world will attack the concept of biblical Creation because they are "willfully ignorant" of the truth, II Peter 3:5. Peter revealed the denial of the return of Jesus Christ would be present in these days as well because of the ignorant scientists and astronomers, II Peter 3:3-4.

II Peter 3:9 however, says the Lord is not slack concerning His promise to return to earth. He will come back.

July 04, 2014

As we celebrate the birthday of the United States, the question of America's place in Bible prophecy can be answered

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Independence Day celebrations mark the birth of the United States of America, an experiment that has been very successful in many different ways. Many Christians say that the reason for America's prosperity is due to their support for world evangelism. The United States has been the launch pad for worldwide missions, spreading the gospel to a needy world.

The other reason given for America's success is that we have protected the Jewish state of Israel for the many years of its existence, keeping the Jewish people from total elimination by its enemies. These two reasons, at the least, have played a role in bringing the United States to where it is today; but where is the United States in Bible prophecy?

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The question of America's place in Bible prophecy does have an answer.
"Where is America in Bible prophecy?" That is the most asked question in any "Prophecy Question and Answer" time. I am always asked this question when I open up to inquiring people.
Once in a "Prophecy Question and Answer" time someone told me that they knew, so I asked "Where?"

They said, "Jerusalem."
I asked them to explain, and they spelled out the word Jerusalem.
"J - e - r - U - S - A - l - e - m", to which everybody laughed.

As I thought about the answer though, I believe that it is correct, the only place in Bible prophecy that I see the possibility of the mention of the United States or an illusion to the United States is in Zechariah 14:2.

Zechariah revealed that at the time of the end all of the armies of the world would gather at Jerusalem, under the leadership of Satan, Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet - there to confront Jesus Christ on His return to the Mount of Olives from where He departed some 2,000 years ago. If America survives the 7 year Tribulation Period, their army would join the other armies of the world at Jerusalem.

America today is great because the backbone of this nation is made up of true, Bible believing, born-again Christians. When the Christians leave this world at the Rapture of the Church, which could happen at any moment, the most powerful nation in the world will most likely fall from it's power base.

America's spiritual decline, in the present, will result in a power decline in the future. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 03, 2014

As world leaders work for peace in the Middle East the current peace agreements are unraveling

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World leaders in America, Europe, Russia, and the Middle East are working to bring about a peace in the Middle East even as three peace agreements between Israel and their neighbors are actually unraveling and may not be in effect for very long.

The Camp David Accords, a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, is almost a thing of the past with the present situation in Egypt as is the case with the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan with most Jordanians wanting to dissolve that treaty.

The Oslo Accords, a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, has never been normalized and is not a working agreement because the radical Islamists among the Palestinians have no regard for the treaty and in fact are calling for an armed struggle to eliminate the Jewish state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With three different peace agreements between Israel and her neighbors in place the Middle East peace process is in bad shape but it will be rescued according to Bible prophecy.

In 1979, Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David Accords, the first peace treaty that Israel ever signed with an enemy state. The Palestinians and the Israelis also came to an agreement on peace in 1993 with the Oslo Accords. In October of 1994, the late King Hussein of Jordan and the late Yitzhak Rabin prime minister of Israel, both signed a peace treaty between the two nations. What is common with all of these peace agreements is that they never have been normalized. Even the peace envoy for the Quartet, which is the US, EU, UN, and Russia, Tony Blair has not been successful in bringing about peace. However, I must remind you that Bible prophecy does call for a world leader to come on the scene who will be successful in putting a peace treaty in place that he will make work.

Daniel 9:27 says that the Antichrist will confirm a treaty between Israel and her neighbors. I did not say he will sign a treaty, but instead confirm, strengthen, make stronger, make the treaty work. In order for this to happen, there must be a peace treaty or three peace treaties on the table not working. The Antichrist will confirm them.

There are three peace treaties on the table not working, waiting for the Antichrist, a world leader, to appear.

July 02, 2014

A leading rabbinical thinker says Europe is no longer a Christian continent

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Rabbi David Rosen, a leading Jewish thinker, says that the continent of Europe has diversified religiously and is no longer a Christian continent since there are now 13 million Muslims and over one million Jews among the 370 million who tell pollsters that they are Christians, but I must tell you that church attendance is almost nil.

EU institutions avoid God, however in some European member states as well as those nations wanting to join the EU, Christian origins are still politically important.

Some EU leaders voiced concern about the growth of Islam on the European continent and fear the increase of Muslims with the possible entrance of Albania, Kosovo, and Turkey into the membership of the EU.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The subject of religion and its connection to the continent of Europe has a significance in the end times events that are found in Bible prophecy.

A leading rabbinical thinker, David Rosen, says that the continent of Europe has diversified religiously in recent years and is no longer a Christian continent. For hundreds of years, Christianity was headquartered on the European continent and it was the center of missionary activity around the world. With the emergence of the common market in Europe and the ratification of the EU, religion has played  less of a role in this part of the world, however the Catholic church has for years worked to make sure that religion played a major role in the EU. Many EU leaders have voiced concerns about the growth of the Muslim population in Europe at this time in history.

This unfolding story echoes what the Bible lays out for the last days scenario on the continent of Europe. Daniel 7:7-24 speaks of the revived Roman Empire that has a major religious element in its makeup. Revelation 13 and 17 both reveal the key role that religion plays in the end times. In fact, in the first 3 1/2 years of the 7 year Tribulation there will be a world religion that will be headquartered in Rome, Italy.

Religion does play a major role in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

July 01, 2014

Three Israeli teenagers, those kidnapped some two weeks ago, have been found dead

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Israeli Defense Force soldiers found the bodies of three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped two weeks ago. They were found very near to where they were kidnapped in Hebron and the dead bodies were found under a pile of rocks.

PM Netanyahu said Hamas is responsible and Hamas will pay.  An intensive manhunt is underway for the two suspects of Hamas who did the kidnapping and the killing.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Radical Palestinians killing three young Israelis is a page from Bible prophecy. The conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis is a 4000 year old conflict. In the womb of their mother Rebecca, Genesis 25, Jacob and Esau were struggling. God told Rebecca that these twin brothers would become nations in the future, each of them. Jacob and his twelve sons became the Jewish state of Israel today. Esau and his descendants, the Edomites can be traced through history and that study will reveal that the Edomites, Esau's descendants are the Palestinian people of today.

Ezekiel 35 is a prophecy that is focused on the Palestinians. Ezekiel 35:5 says that the Palestinians will kill the Jews and verse 10 says that then the Palestinians will take the land that God has given the Jewish people. As I have already mentioned, the Edomites, the descendants of Esau are the Palestinian people today and there are additional prophetic passages of scripture that deal with these Palestinian people in the last days. For example, Malachi 1 talks about the Palestinians, the Edomites, descendants of Esau coming back restoring themselves into a land that God has given the Jewish people and the Edomites say they will rebuild.

The Lord says they will rebuild, their borders will be the borders of wickedness and God will have indignation against them forever. The little book of Obadiah found in the prophetic passages of God's Word lays out an end times scenario for the Palestinian people, they will take charge of the city of Jerusalem, in particular the Temple Mount and at that time in history Jesus Christ will come back, He will then allow the Jewish people to defeat the Palestinians and the Palestinians will be as if they had never been.

The kidnapping and the murders of three Israeli teenagers is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.