
April 30, 2015

Palestinian leaders accuse Jews of spending billions of dollars to Judaize the city of Jerusalem

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Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas is claiming that Israel and world Zionism are acting everyday to Judaize the city of Jerusalem by spending billions of dollars on behalf of the holy city as the Jews are buying more and more land in this controversial city.

The Palestinian leader also said that the Arab world must spend more to protect the city of Jerusalem as a Moslem city that will be the capital of a Palestinian state and Mahmoud Abbas said the Moslem world must do more militarily for Jerusalem.

The recent riots in Jerusalem over access to the Temple Mount by Moslems and Jews seem to have been a preplanned event and comes with calls by the PA to have Palestinians continue clashes on the Temple Mount in order to protect al Aqsa, the Temple Mount, and to prevent the Judaizing of Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Violent clashes between Jews and Palestinians in Jerusalem over the Temple Mount are evidence that Bible prophecy is moving closer to fulfillment.

Recent clashes between Jews and Palestinians in the city of Jerusalem with a focus on the Temple Mount as the center of the conflict have drawn attention of the world to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Jews say these purchases of land in their historic homeland is a part of the endtime return to the land by the Jewish people as foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets.

Ezekiel, Malachi, Jeremiah and Obadiah, all Jewish prophets, wrote thousands of years ago that this scenario I have just reported would be the case before the Messiah returns to the earth. Malachi says that the Palestinians, Biblical Edomites, descendants of Esau, would return to rebuild in Israel, Malachi 1.

Ezekiel revealed that the Edomites, modern day Palestinians, would kill the Jews and take their land, Ezekiel 36. The prophets Jeremiah and Obadiah said the Lord would defeat the Palestinians and they would be as if they had never been, Jeremiah 49:18 and Obadiah 15-18.

The ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict today is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

April 29, 2015

The Knesset, Israel's legislative body, has in recent days focused on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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The annual day of mourning for the destruction of the two Jewish Temples that once stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem focuses all Jews on the Temple Mount, but has also recently been the subject of discussions by Israeli Knesset members as they met to talk about the Temple, it's role in Jewish life and Israel's approach to the Temple Mount.

An expert on the subject, Dr. Mordechai Keidar, discussed the political implications of Israel's stance on the Temple Mount and said the struggle for Jerusalem is not territorial, it is theological and he downplayed the Palestinian claim for the Temple Mount since Jerusalem is not mentioned even once in the Koran.

The Moslem view of Judaism is the root of the PA's refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish nation and they firmly reject all Jewish claim to the Temple Mount while at the same time they reject that the Temple Mount is Judaism's most holy site.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Judaism's claim that the Temple Mount is their most holy site and the rejection of that claim by the PA is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Dr. Mordechai Keidar speaking at the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, made a very profound statement that the struggle for Jerusalem is not territorial, but it is theological. The statement by the Moslem world that Judaism is no longer relevant will not make the controversy surrounding the Temple Mount go away.

However, when you turn to God's prophetic Word, we can see what the Lord has planned for this sacred site. The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 132:13-14 that God has chosen Jerusalem and especially the Temple Mount to dwell among His people, the Jewish people forever. The Lord made a covenant with the second Jewish king, King David, that one day He would bring all of the Jewish people to this spot and give them the land forever, II Samuel 7:10. On the Temple Mount one day there will be built a Temple where the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will rule and reign forever, Zechariah 6:13. In fact, Jesus will build that Temple, Zechariah 6:12.

If the discussions in the Israeli Knesset do not include these passages of Scripture, they are wasting their time.

April 28, 2015

There is a Jewish organization that plans to reclaim land in Jordan that God gave to the Jewish people 3,500 years ago

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The Israel Land Fund, a group of dedicated Jews who have been restoring Jewish properties in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria are now looking East into modern day Jordan with plans to reclaim historically Jewish properties in Jordan as well.

Many Jews purchased land in what is now Jordan during the British mandate when such land was seen primarily as part of the greater land of Israel which was confiscated by Jordan's rulers after Jordan declared independence as an Arab-Moslem country in 1946.

The Jewish group now faces great difficulty in purchasing this formerly Jewish land since Jordanian law views the sell of land to Jews or Israelis as a capitol offense and punishable by death.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The plan by a group of Jews to reclaim land in the state of Jordan, land given to the Jews by God 3,500 years ago is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The Israeli Land Fund has been actively reclaiming Jewish land in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. They are purchasing this land for cash money and plan to expand their efforts across the Jordan River so they can reclaim Jewish land that Jordan has confiscated for its own use.

The truth be known, the land in question was given to the Jewish people, two of the twelve tribes of Israel, some 3,500 years ago, Joshua 13:15-28. In fact, the Lord promised the Jewish people ten times what they have today according to the thirty eight passages of Scripture that define the Biblical borders of Israel.

This land will only be given to the Jews in the Kingdom Period, that thousand year time frame after the Tribulation, the seven years of judgment on the earth, and the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Genesis 15 and Deuteronomy 30, the Abrahamic and the Land Covenants. Until that time however, there will be a continuing conflict between the Moslems and the Jews.

The Israel Land Fund may or may not purchase land in Jordan today, but in some near future tomorrow, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

April 27, 2015

Oil drilling companies in Israel believe there could be a major source of oil at the Dead Sea

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An oil drilling consortium which includes companies who found billions of dollars in natural gas off the Israeli coast are making ready to look for what they refer to as black gold in an area along the Dead Sea. Investors hope to find a major source of oil and this is based on seismic surveys in the Dead Sea area which is already a source of potassium and potash which have made the Dead Sea Works one of the world's largest exporters of the materials used for making fertilizer. 

The Dead Sea, known in the Bible as the Salt Sea, is a body of water that has the densest concentration of salt and other materials in the world and is found at the lowest point on the Earth where fish and plant life do not exist in the highly salty water. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The possibility of a major oil source being found at the Dead Sea in Israel could well impact the end times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. 

For years speculators have believed that oil could be found somewhere in Israel. Some of these so-called wildcatters have raised millions of dollars to drill for the oil that could possibly be somewhere in the Jewish state. Now a very legitimate consortium of oil drillers are ready to invest their own money to see if there indeed is a major oil source at the Dead Sea as seismic surveys seem to indicate is the case. 

Whether this consortium finds a major source or not the Dead Sea is already an economic money machine. The Dead Sea Works extracts potassium, potash, and other minerals and chemicals from the Dead Sea that has become a large part of Israel's economy. 

Bible prophecy refers to some type of spoil that will draw Russia and the coalition of nations found in Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11, and Psalm 83 into Israel in an effort to destroy the Jewish state and reap the benefits of some type of a spoil (Ezekiel 38:12-13). In fact, verse 13 refers to gold and silver as the spoil and remember, the oil drilling consortium referred to the oil at the Dead Sea as "black gold". I believe, however, that there could well be real gold in the Dead Sea, a belief also held by many Israeli officials.

The latest natural gas find off the Israeli coast and the potential for oil at the Dead Sea continues to make Israel a prized prey for her enemies to come after. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

April 24, 2015

The UN wants a new global currency to replace the dollar

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The UN has proposed the biggest overhaul of the world's monetary system since WWII by calling for the US dollar to be replaced with a global currency because according to a UN report, the system of currencies and capitol rules which binds the world economy is not working properly.

The UN conference on trade and development said the US dollar was largely responsible for the global financial and economic crisis and that the present system under which the dollar acts as the world's reserve currency should be subject to a wholesale reconsideration.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by the UN to move to a one-world currency, replacing the US dollar, is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

With many superpowers calling for a one-world currency, including Russia and China, there is now another voice saying the US dollar is part of the problem, not the solution to the global economic crisis. In fact, many economists say the dollar must be removed from the world currency if there is to be a resolution to the worldwide crisis. This all coming as the US continues to print more and more dollars which has China alarmed and saying this will only intensify the problem.

The Apostle John, who wrote the prophetic book of Revelation, revealed in chapter 18 that a one-world economic system will be in place during the last half of the seven year Tribulation Period and this economic power will be controlled by the Antichrist, a Satanically empowered world leader.

Revelation 13:16-17 tells us the people who want to buy or sell during that time must have an identification mark given to them by the economic system setup by the Antichrist. This entire worldwide economic system must have a one-world currency in order for it to work as prophecy foretells.

The call by the UN for the US dollar to be replace by a one-world currency is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that could well be fulfilled in the very near future.

April 23, 2015

The Jewish State of Israel is Celebrating It's 67th Anniversary as a Nation Among the Nations of the World

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All across the Jewish state of Israel, Israeli's are celebrating their 67th Independence Day. It started out with a major fireworks demonstration last night and will continue throughout the day with family celebrations.

Prime Minister Netanyahu, at the occasion of Independence Day, said that Israel's enemies must know that the Jewish state is here to stay.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The fact that there is a Jewish state in the Middle East today is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled.

The Lord used two World Wars to set the stage for the fulfillment of the Jews coming back to the land of their forefathers. World War 1 prepared a land for the Jewish people and World War 2 and the Holocaust prepared a people for that land.

God has used and will continue to use human government down through the years even until the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to accomplish His will.

The fact that the Jews would return is written in the Bible by the ancient Jewish prophets many years ago. Deuteronomy 28 foretold the Jews being scattered to the four corners of the earth, which did happen, and for two thousand years they were out of their homeland. Deuteronomy 30 said that God had promised the Jews a piece of real estate that they would have forever.

There are a number of Jewish prophets, who when inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, wrote about the return of the Jewish people to the land of their forefathers. The book of Ezekiel 37:7-11 is the prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones. The Bible says in verse 7 that the Jews would be gathered from the four corners of the earth; in verse 8 they would be restored as a Jewish state; and verses 9-10 talks about ultimately Jewish people turning to the Messiah Jesus Christ.

In fact, in Ezekiel 34, 18 times the Lord says I will find my people wherever that have been scattered. I will bring them back into the land, I will feed them like a good shepherd feeds his flock and the Messiah will come to rule and reign over my people.

In 1948, the fulfillment of Bible prophecy took place when David Ben Gurion announced to the world that there was a Jewish state among the many other states around the world. Today the 67th Birthday of the Jewish State of Israel is absolute tangible evidence of Bible prophecy being fulfilled.

April 22, 2015

A new survey reveals that less than 10 percent of all born again Christians look at the world with a Biblical perspective

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George Barna, a pollster with an independent marketing research company, found in a recent survey that only 4% of the overall population of America and 9% of born-again Christians have a biblical world view, suggesting that many of the nation's moral and spiritual challenges are directly attributable to this fact.

For the purposes of the research, a biblical world view was defined as believing that absolute moral truth exists, that such truth is defined by the Bible, and that the Bible is accurate in all of its teachings.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A biblical world view based upon understanding Bible prophecy is essential for an understanding of the times we live in today.

Let's look at the provision in scripture for a biblical world view. All scripture is God breathed. That means it's inspired and is profitable for doctrine, for correction, and instruction in righteousness, that's II Timothy 3:16. God gave the scriptures to the Jew to preserve and communicate to mankind, Romans 3:1-2. And thus, we have His written Word for us today. Our blessings and understanding comes from God's provision of His heart, His mind, His thoughts in written form, the Bible.

Now, let's look at the priority for studying a biblical world view. The Apostle Paul wrote that we must study the Word of God, a workman that need not be ashamed, relying on God's Word for all of life's questions. We must rightly divide the Word of truth, the Bible, to ascertain its true meaning. These two principles, study and rightly dividing the Word of God, are instruction for the End Times and they come from Paul's exhortation to young Timothy found in II Timothy 2:15.

Finally, let's look at the prophetic scenario of a biblical world view. A study of Bible prophecy reveals the scenario for the Last Days with a seven year period of judgment in our world followed by the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to establish His Kingdom here on earth. However, preceding that seven years of judgment, those who are true born again Christians will be taken out of this world to be with Jesus Christ, that's the Rapture.

Allowing the Bible to form our world view prepares us for these future events and gives us evidence as to how close they may be.

April 21, 2015

Ultra-orthodox Jews are expanding the population of the West Bank by large numbers

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The Jewish settler population in Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, is growing twice as fast as the rest of the population in other areas in Israel and the Ultra-Orthodox community is responsible for the major portion of the annual growth in these disputed territories.

In the areas where the Ultra-Orthodox move in to establish their young families, the annual growth rate is five to six times more than Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv's growth respectively and twice as much as the growth of many other Jewish settlements.

The Ultra-Orthodox rabbis sanctioned living in these settlements assuming that these territories would be annexed to Israel sometime in the near future.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The expanding population of Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Judea and Samaria is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy for these religious Jews and the land of their forefathers.

Since the end of the Six Day War in June of 1967, Jews both religious and secular have been moving into the area of Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, building their homes and raising their families. These disputed territories have increased in population over the years to nearly 500,000 people in two hundred Jewish settlements.

Now, the Israeli government is reporting that the fastest growth of population in any area of Israel is this area referred to as the West Bank, but known Biblically as Judea and Samaria.

As I mentioned, this report is a page out of the prophetic passages in God's Word. The Ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2,500 years ago that in the Last Days God would give the land of the forefathers of the Jewish people to the Jews of today, Ezekiel 36.

Ezekiel the prophet was actually told to preach to the land that would bring forth man and animal and multiply them on the land, Ezekiel 36:11. Ezekiel 36:6-22 reveals what God would do with the land for the Jews and in verse 22 tells us that would be done for His holy namesake.

April 20, 2015

Israeli archaeologists discover a passageway that may have been used by Abraham almost 4000 years ago

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A Jerusalem walkway from the time of the Jewish patriarch Abraham protected by a wall of rock has been discovered near the City of David archaeological site by a team from Haifa University and the Israel Antiquities Authority who stated that this wall is the most massive ever discovered in the City of David. The City of David is the original site of the city of Jerusalem which was at one time a Jebusite stronghold and also the site where the Jewish patriarch Abraham met with the King and High Priest of Jerusalem 4000 years ago - the one known as Melchizidek. 

Ronny Reich, the lead archaeologist on this project, said a fortification of such a massive scale indicates that Jerusalem became a city-state on its own that was able to deploy and gather the resources to build such a massive wall. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recent archaeological discovery of a walkway in Jerusalem that may have been used by the Jewish patriarch Abraham is evidence of a Jewish presence in Jerusalem in the past as well as a prophetic significance in the future - according to Bible prophecy.  

The City of David in Jerusalem is the site of one of the most significant archaeological digs in Israel and it continues to unearth historic evidence of a Jewish presence in Jerusalem dating back almost 4000 years ago. The newest discovery of a walkway that was fortified by a massive wall may indicate how the Jewish patriarch Abraham met with the priest-king of Jerusalem Melchizidek as recorded in Genesis 14:17-24. There is much speculation as to who Melchizidek was but most scholars believe he was a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ. I believe Melchizidek is a prototype of the ministry of Jesus Christ in the last days when He returns to the Earth as the King of Kings and the High Priest as well (Zechariah 6:13). 

This historic reference to Abraham in the City of David also speaks of the Abrahamic Covenant that the Lord made with the Jewish patriarch which states that there will be a Jewish nation in the land that God had given to them in the Middle East and that they will live in that land forever (Genesis 12). 

Archaeology in finally catching up with the Bible which recorded these events and has also given us the future of the Jewish people and this land. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

April 17, 2015

A Palestinian Islamic judge says there is no history of Jews living in Jerusalem over the last 3000 years

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The Palestinian Authority's chief Islamic judge, Sheik Rajab Tamimi, says that there is no evidence to back up the claims that Jews have ever lived in Jerusalem or that the Jewish temple ever existed and the sheik claimed that Israeli archaeologists have admitted that Jerusalem was never inhabited by Jews. The sheik's announcement was made in response to a recent statement by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that Jerusalem is not a Jewish settlement and that Jews have been living in Jerusalem over the last 3000 years. 

Tamimi accused Israel of distorting the facts and forging history with the aim of erasing the Arab and Islamic character of Jerusalem and launching an ethnic cleansing campaign to squeeze Arabs out of the city. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

For an Islamic cleric to deny the presence of Jewish people in Jerusalem dating back some 3ooo years ago is to negate the history of the Jewish Bible and Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled. 

It seems difficult for me to believe that someone can make the statement that there has never been a Jewish presence in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount - yet that is the statement of the chief Palestinian Islamic judge which seems to be coming from complete ignorance. In fact, there are a number of accounts of God's Word, the Bible, that challenges the declaration made by Sheik Rajab Tamimi. 

The first such account is found in II Samuel 5 which records the capture of Jerusalem by King David, the second Jewish king. II Samuel 24:18 - 25 reports that King David also paid cash money to Ornan the Jebusite for his threshing floor on Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount, where the King wanted to offer sacrifice. 

King Solomon built the first Jewish temple on Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount, some 3000 years ago (II Chronicles 3). Jews returning from the Babylonian Captivity rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem 2500 years ago (Ezra 1, 6). In fact, a Jewish man named Jesus Christ preached on the Temple Mount just outside the temple during his ministry in Jerusalem (Matthew 24:1-2). 

Jewish history on the Temple Mount is certain and Bible prophecy about Jews and the city of Jerusalem are absolute - they will be fulfilled.

April 16, 2015

As Israel marks the slaughter of six million Jews, the prime minister warns Israelis that they must stop another Holocaust from happening

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Holocaust Remembrance Day is a solemn day in Israel and in fact across the whole Jewish world as all Jews mark the slaughter of six million people who were guilty of one thing, they were Jewish.

Under the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler, Jews in Europe were put in concentration camps and then many of them were exterminated in crematoriums and large furnaces so that the world could be rid of this plight to society.

Memories of the Holocaust haunt the present-day leadership of Israel which motivated the prime minister to tell all Israelis that their nation must stop the development of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction by Iran or the alternative could lead to another horrific Holocaust.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Holocaust Remembrance Day is a constant reminder of a terrible past for the Jewish people and it must be a warning of a horrific future Holocaust worse than the first according to Bible prophecy.

As Jews in Israel and around the world literally stand in silence for two minutes to honor the victims of the Holocaust on Holocaust Remembrance Day, the warning goes forth of another Holocaust that may not be too far into the future.

At ceremonies in Jerusalem at Yad Veshem, the Holocaust remembrance museum, Israeli PM Netanyahu honored the victims of the Holocaust under Hitler during WWII, but he also warned that Iran and its radical leadership today could launch another Holocaust as they have threatened to do.

Netanyahu reminded Israelis that there could never be another Holocaust and he told his nation that they must lead the way in stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon of mass destruction that could be used to destroy the Jewish state of Israel.

The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah foretold of a time in the future, the time of Jacob's trouble, Zechariah 30:7 when two out of every three Jews will be slaughtered, Zechariah 13:8. This future Holocaust will be so bad that God will dispatch Michael the Archangel to protect the Jewish people from total annihilation, Daniel 12:1.

Marking the slaughter of six million Jews is a reminder of the past, but it must be a warning for the future.

April 15, 2015

Israeli's prime minister tells United States and European leaders that the Jewish state has sovereignty over Jerusalem

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On a trip to Europe, the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu made clear to the United States and European leaders that Israel will not accept any limitations on its sovereignty in Jerusalem, a controversial discussion that has been the focus of both US and EU leaders in the lead up to these important meetings. The prime minister also stressed that normal life in the settlements will need to be assured as both EU leaders as well as the Obama Administration have been pushing Israel to freeze all expansion and construction in the settlements in Judea and Samaria.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by the Israeli prime minister to United States and European leaders that the Jewish state has sovereignty over Jerusalem is evidence of the controversy surrounding the holy city as foretold in Bible prophecy. 

The subject of the right for Jews to buy land or build on land located in the eastern section of Jerusalem has been the top of the agenda for a number of world leaders including US President Obama and several European leaders. One leader after another have told Israeli government officials that the Jews do not have the right to move in to what is claimed to be occupied land. Now Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has responded with what is a sovereign state's right to do and what is confirmed by the Bible. 

From the pages of history in God's word as well as the prophetic passages in the Bible the Jews have the absolute right to claim Jerusalem as its sovereign political capital and its spiritual center as well (II Samuel 5 and 6). II Samuel 7 gives to the Jewish people God's promise that King David's people, the Jewish people, will be forever in the city of Jerusalem and that one of his descendants will rule and reign from Jerusalem forever. - that's the Davidic Covenant and that ruler will be Jesus Christ. The Jewish prophet Zechariah foretold of the controversy surrounding the city of Jerusalem that leads up to the return of the Messiah back to the holy city (Zechariah 12:2). 

Prime Minister Netanyahu's statement to United States and European leaders about Jerusalem is indeed backed up by Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

April 14, 2015

The Iraqi government wants to turn the Biblical site of Babylon into a major tourist attraction

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With the rapidly improving security conditions in Iraq, the surrounding Babel province has persuaded the US State Department and the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage to embark on a preservation project with plans to make the ancient city of Babylon a major tourist attraction.

This war torn nation sees an opportunity to restore this Biblical city to a stage that could attract visitors from all over the world to the site of such great historic figures as Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander the Great.

The US and Iraq will work together on this project that they believe can become at least what it was before Saddam Hussein if they are not able to bring it to where it was when the ancient city of Babylon ruled the world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the US and Iraq work together to restore the ancient Biblical city of Babylon as a tourist attraction for war torn Iraq, the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

For many years, I have reported the restoration of the Biblical site of Babylon under the leadership of the late Saddam Hussein. There are reports that Saddam spent 500 million dollars to restore Babylon not necessarily as a tourist site, but because Saddam believed he was a reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar who ruled the world from Babylon 2,500 years ago.

This Babylon project is in reality setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. A number of ancient Jewish prophets wrote centuries ago that Babylon would once again come to power before it was totally and completely destroyed, which has never happened.

Revelation 18 calls for the literal city of Babylon to be the economic center of the world and to be ruled over by the Antichrist for the last three and a half years of the seven year Tribulation Period. Isaiah in his prophecy, chapters 13-14, Jeremiah in chapters 50-51 and John the Apostle, in Revelation 16:17-20 all call for the total and complete destruction of Babylon.

The move to make Babylon a tourist attraction is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

April 13, 2015

A new Jewish interfaith group says the Jewish temple can be built on Jerusalem's Temple Mount without the destruction of the Islamic Dome of the Rock

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Recently, a new Jewish interfaith group launched a project to diffuse religious strife by showing that the end of times vision of the Jewish people, a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, could be fulfilled without destroying the Islamic Dome of the Rock. Yoav Frankel, director of the initiative, believes that the Jewish temple can be built alongside the Dome of the Rock and this would transform the Temple Mount from a place of contention to a place of worship shared by Jews, Moslems, and Christians.

Islamic cleric Sheik Abdulla Darwish says that as long as there is one Moslem alive, there will be no Jewish temple and the Jewish activist Baruch Ben-Yosef, made it clear that the Temple must be built where the Dome of the Rock now stands.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The continuing debate between Moslems and Jews about what has the right to occupy the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock or a Jewish Temple, is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

3000 years ago the Jewish King Solomon built the first Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. A second Jewish temple was also erected there after the Babylonian captivity and Jews returned to Jerusalem some 2500 years ago.

The destruction of the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish temple by the Romans in 70AD left the Temple Mount empty of a Jewish worship center. The Moslems, in 691AD, built the Dome of the Rock on the site where the two Jewish temples had once stood. For the last 2000 years, Jews have prayed daily for the temple to be rebuilt on the exact spot where the first two temples stood and where the Islamic building now stands. A growing number of religious Jews are preparing to erect the third temple on the Temple Mount and they believe that the Dome of the Rock must come down.

Many ancient Jewish prophets wrote of the temple being rebuilt in the last days - Daniel, (Daniel 9:27) Ezekiel, (Ezekiel 40-46) Zechariah, (Zechariah 1:16,6:12-13) and even the Apostle John (Revelation 11:1-2).

Any suggestion of building the Jewish temple alongside the Islamic Dome of the Rock contradicts prophecy.

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

April 10, 2015

A group of extremist Christians say that God hates Jews

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Members of the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas, known for its anti-Semitic rhetoric, protested in front of several Jewish institutions in New York City recently and they were carrying signs that read, "God Hates Jews" as they confronted the leaders of these major Jewish organizations. The Anti-Defamation League's director of civil rights, Deborah Lauter, said that the Westboro Baptist Church is definately, unequivocally anti-Semitic. 

A number of Jewish leaders and members of the community in New York City confronted the extremist demonstrators and said though they value the freedom of speech, they must stand up against bigotry and anti-Semitism. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Anti-Semitism from whatever source is blasphemy against God and will set the stage for the end times scenario found in Bible prophecy for the Jewish people in the last days. 

I reported that extremist Christians say that God hates Jews but I must hasten to say that I would find it hard to believe that any true born again Bible believing Christian would ever be able to utter those words of God hating the Jews. One who believes in God's word as found in Deuteronomy 7:6-8 would be compelled to believe what the Lord said about the Jews - that they are His chosen people (verse 6) and that He chose them because He loved them (verse 8). I must believe that these so-called extremist Christians are indeed extremist but not Christians according to the Biblical defination of "Christian". 

This report is evidence of how it will be during the seven years of judgment for the Jewish people referred to as the Tribulation. During the Time of Jacob's Trouble, as this time is talked about in Jeremiah 30:7, Jews will be persecuted and killed. Angelic forces from the heavenlies will try to kill all of the Jews on the Earth (Revelation 12:13-17). The Islamic world will move to annihilate the Jews in the Middle East (Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11, Psalm 83, and Joel 2). The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah says that during this time of judgment soon coming, two out of every three Jews will be killed (Zechariah 13:8). 

God loves the Jews and He will send Jesus Christ the Messiah to save them both physically and spiritually. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

April 09, 2015

Sixty percent of Israelis believe President Obama cannot be trusted

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A recent poll in Israel revealed that Israelis believe the US administration under Barack Obama is not objective in the Middle East dispute, but he is pro-Palestinian and when asked if Obama can be trusted, sixty percent said the US president cannot be trusted to take Israeli interest into account when making decisions pertaining to the Middle East.

These poll results also come from the continuing pressure being applied by the Obama administration to freeze all building in the Jewish settlements including the city of Jerusalem, a non starter for the majority of Israelis.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The deterioration in the relationship between the US and Israel is a precursor to an End Times prophecy that will be fulfilled in maybe the very near future.

The recent poll taken among Israelis that indicated the lack of trust the body politic of Israel has for US President Obama in his Middle East policy decisions is a revealing insight into how the world scene is being prepared for End Time prophecy. Israel's best friend has always been the US over the years and now that relationship is coming apart. The US has always been the protector of the Jewish state when Israel would come under fire or be threatened by one of its many enemies.

Bible prophecy does reveal that the world will move against the Jewish state and the Time of Jacob's Trouble will intensify to the time that the Jewish state will come to the point of total destruction, Daniel 11:40-45, Ezekiel38, Psalm 83 and Joel 2:3. The Lord will dispatch the Archangel Michael to come to earth to protect the Jewish people from complete annihilation, Daniel 12:1-2. I believe America has been blessed because of her relationship with Israel, but at the rapture of the Church, Revelation 4:1, the backbone of this nation of America, the born-again Christians, will depart and the US-Israel relationship will totally disappear.

Today, we are seeing this scenario coming better into focus and with the Israeli lack of trust for the Obama administration increasing, it is indeed a precursor to Bible prophecy being fulfilled.

April 08, 2015

China's military, the world's largest, prepares for long range war

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China's military held war games recently aimed at deploying forces at long distances, and exercise that sent some 50,000 armored troops, the People's Liberation Army, the world's largest standing military force to distant locations to see if this military force can perform at the level needed to keep China secure.

The People's Liberation Army, 2.5 million soldiers, has undergone a rapid upgrade in recent years in both equipment and doctrine and with annual double digit increases in military spending to provide cutting edge fighter jets, nuclear submarines, and hundreds of ballistic missiles.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

China's ever expanding economy and military buildup is a precursor to the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

During these times of global economic crisis the nation of China has not only held its own economically but it has even grown faster than any superpower nation of the world. At the same time of economic prosperity, the Chinese military has been on a program to upgrade all of its forces and equipment to a cutting edge state of the art level needed for the security of the world's largest nation. With the world's largest military force, 2.5 million troops, the Chinese military may well be the top fighting force in the world today.

This report is an indication of the fact that China is ready to fulfill the 6th vial judgment found in Revelation 16:12. That judgment will be the kings of the east which will include China, the kings of the east making their way to Jerusalem to join the other armies of the world (Zechariah 14:2) under the leadership of Antichrist, Satan, and the False Prophet as they will try to destroy Israel and stop the Messiah Jesus Christ from coming back to Earth. China's military will lend its activities to all the world's military conflicts as foretold in Revelation with a proliferation of wars and rumors of wars that Jesus said would proceed His coming (Matthew 24:6-7).

China's latest military exercises are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

April 07, 2015

An expert says oil supplies are running out very fast

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According to a leading energy economist, the world is heading for a catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple a global economic recovery because most of the major oil fields in the world have passed their peak production.

Dr. Fatih Birol, the chief economist at the International Energy Agency in Paris, says most governments are oblivious to the fact that the oil on which modern civilization depends is running out faster than previously predicted and that global production is likely to peak in ten years, at least a decade before most governments had predicted.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With the oil supplies of this world running out faster than what was previously thought, the stage is being set for the Middle East to move ahead quicker with its last days plan for this world which is found in Bible prophecy.

The discovery of oil in the early 1900's in the Middle East has played a key role in the policies and politics of both the Arab and Moslem world. The major suppliers of oil to the world, both the West and the far East, are the Middle Eastern states that have become rich and powerful because of this ever increasing need for oil products. With the report that these oil supplies are now running out, there is a very interesting development taking place in the Middle East.

Iraq which has a vast amount of oil under their surface has only extracted two percent of their total oil resource. As the other oil producing nations run out of oil, Iraq will become the greatest source for oil and thus they could well become the richest nation in the world, which fits a prophetic scenario for the end times. Iraq, Biblical Babylon, will be the headquarters for a one-world economic power that will be led by the Antichrist, Revelation 18.

This passage in Revelation reveals the economic power base will come into existence three and a half years before the return of Jesus Christ. The Messiah will return to destroy Babylon, modern day Iraq, as foretold in Bible prophecy, Isaiah 13-14, Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 16.

This report of oil running out faster than previously thought does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

April 06, 2015

Jewish rabbis gathered in the Jewish settlements to reject President Obama's plan for Israel

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Religious leaders in Israel gathered in Judea and Samaria, often referred to as the West Bank, to reject the demand by the Obama Administration to stop all building in Jewish settlements and, in fact, the demand to evacuate these Jewish communities and they urged Israeli Defense Force soldiers to refuse to follow evacuation orders given by the Israeli government. The rabbis called on the Israeli government to call off any removal of Jewish families and their homes from the area of Judea and Samaria because it is a violation of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible and that each soldier must accept the words of God rather than the anti-Semitic order to uproot Jews from the land of Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The demand by the Obama Administration to stop building in Judea and Samaria and to evacuate this God-given land, will lead to a second Jewish state in Israel according to Bible prophecy.

The Obama Administration seems to believe that the Jewish settlements are an impediment to a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President Obama and his foreign affairs team have made it clear that their must be no building in the Jewish settlements and that they want these settlements evacuated.

The end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy reveals that the Jews would return to the land of their forefathers in fulfillment of the promise that God made to the Jewish people referring to this land (Ezekiel 36:8-12 and 37:7-10). However, these same passages of prophecy speak of a second Jewish state in this land in the last days (Ezekiel 37:15-23). One of these Jewish states will be called Israel - the other will be called Judah. The state called Israel is in place right now and the continuing efforts to force Jews off of this God-given land in Judea and Samaria, will eventually force the Jews to form a second Jewish state which, in fact, is now under discussion and in the planning stages.

Rest assured, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

April 03, 2015

Jews around the world celebrate the release from the Egyptian bondage at Passover

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Thirty-five hundred years ago, a Jewish prophet named Moses led the Jewish people out of the Egyptian bondage and into freedom at a time in history when the God of the Jewish people spared the firstborn of each family who marked their doorposts with the blood of a lamb so that the Death Angel would pass over their home.

Now, for these many centuries, the Jews mark this special holy day with a Passover Seder meal and the rehearsal of the exodus story as recorded in the Bible, God's Word.

People all over the world, even presidents and other world leaders, recognize the reality of the One true God as the Jewish people mark this first of the seven Jewish feasts, the Passover.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As Jews around the world celebrate Passover, it is a reminder of past history but also of the prophetic significance this Jewish holy day reveals to all who are students of Bible prophecy.

Thirty-five hundred years ago the Jewish people were released from 400 years of Egyptian bondage by the sacrifice of the lamb and then painting the doorposts of their homes with the lamb's blood so that the Death Angel would pass over their home. God's command to observe the Passover throughout all of their generations forever is still being followed today.

As you think of the first Passover there in Egypt, one must be reminded that the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, died on Passover 2000 years ago. Interestingly, Jesus was buried on the next Jewish feast day, Unleavened Bread, He resurrected on the Jewish feast of First Fruits, and as He had promised, the Holy Spirit came upon man on Pentecost, the fourth of the Jewish feast days.

This is evidence of the prophetic significance of these Jewish feasts, but also demands that Jesus Christ fulfill the three remaining feasts as He did the first four. Jesus will come back to earth on the Feast of Trumpets, enter the Temple on the Day of Atonement, and begin His 1000 year Kingdom on the Feast of Tabernacles.

Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, has been and will be the fulfillment of all Jewish feasts. The observance of the Jewish Passover is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

April 02, 2015

There is a Jewish organization that plans to reclaim land in Jordan that God gave to the Jewish people 3,500 years ago

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The Israel Land Fund, a group of dedicated Jews who have been restoring Jewish properties in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria are now looking East into modern day Jordan with plans to reclaim historically Jewish properties in Jordan as well.

Many Jews purchased land in what is now Jordan during the British mandate when such land was seen primarily as part of the greater land of Israel which was confiscated by Jordan's rulers after Jordan declared independence as an Arab-Moslem country in 1946.

The Jewish group now faces great difficulty in purchasing this formerly Jewish land since Jordanian law views the sell of land to Jews or Israelis as a capitol offense and punishable by death.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The plan by a group of Jews to reclaim land in the state of Jordan, land given to the Jews by God 3,500 years ago is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The Israeli Land Fund has been actively reclaiming Jewish land in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. They are purchasing this land for cash money and plan to expand their efforts across the Jordan River so they can reclaim Jewish land that Jordan has confiscated for its own use.

The truth be known, the land in question was given to the Jewish people, two of the twelve tribes of Israel, some 3,500 years ago, Joshua 13:15-28. In fact, the Lord promised the Jewish people ten times what they have today according to the thirty eight passages of Scripture that define the Biblical borders of Israel.

This land will only be given to the Jews in the Kingdom Period, that thousand year time frame after the Tribulation, the seven years of judgment on the earth, and the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Genesis 15 and Deuteronomy 30, the Abrahamic and the Land Covenants. Until that time however, there will be a continuing conflict between the Moslems and the Jews.

The Israel Land Fund may or may not purchase land in Jordan today, but in some near future tomorrow, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

April 01, 2015

The Palestinian Authority wants to give control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to the global Islamic community

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The Minister of Jerusalem Affairs in the Palestinian Authority(PA) says the PA favors transferring control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to the Organization of Islamic Conference made up of the 57 member states of this global Islamic organization.

The PA would accept the management of the Temple Mount by the Saudi based Organization of Islamic Conference whose 57 member states includes Iran and other Islamic members who have called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth. The Israeli government officially has the sovereign control of the old city of Jerusalem which includes the Temple Mount, but Israel has given custodial responsibilities to the PA of this site, the most sacred site in all of Judaism.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The question of control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be the major controversy in the Last Days according to Bible prophecy.

For the PA and the Organization of Islamic Conference to even consider taking control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the al Aqsa Mosque as they refer to this site, is beyond imagination in our world today. The Temple Mount is the most sacred piece of real estate in the world to the Jewish people and for the Global Islamic Community to claim sovereign control of this holy site in the heart of the capital city of Israel is considered by the Jewish state to be outrageous.

The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah wrote 2,500 years ago that what we see happening today would be the case when Jesus Christ returns to the earth to build His Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Zechariah 12:2 says that Jerusalem will be the center of controversy at this time. Zechariah 1:14-16 reveals that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will be agressively possessive of Jerusalem, He will be angered by the arrogant security of those who think they control the Temple Mount and Jesus will come and build His Temple on this holy site and rule and reign from that Temple forever.

Any claim by the global Islamic community will be set aside. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.