
November 30, 2015

The Middle East nation of Iran has stepped up its crackdown on Christians

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The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has stepped up its campaign on Christians in its nation and Iranian Christians are in a dire situation concerned that this militant Muslim army will close down their churches and even imprison or kill the Christians living in this Islamic republic.

In Iran, the death penalty is imposed on those who convert from Islam to Christianity and those who embrace Christianity are targeted for persecution and even death.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The crackdown on Christians in Iran, and in fact across the entire Middle East, is only the tip of the iceberg as it relates to believers in Christ being persecuted in the last days according to Bible prophecy.

There have been a number of reports coming out of the Middle East that there has been an increase in the attacks on churches and Christians in this region of the world. A high ranking Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia recently issued a fatwah calling for Muslims to attack all churches, kill Christians and in fact rid the Middle East of Christianity. Now, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the militia of the supreme council of Iran, has increased their persecution of Iranian Christians and the closing down of churches in Iran.

The biblical book of Revelation written by the Apostle John records prophecies of the martyrdom of believers in Christ during the seven years of great judgment on the earth called the Tribulation. When Satan and his evil angels are thrown out of Heaven, Revelation 12, the Devil will try to eliminate all of those who stand for Jesus Christ. At the end of the Tribulation, to enter the Kingdom and rule and reign with Jesus Christ, Revelation 20:4. In addition, Jews who believe in Jesus Christ will be the focus of Satanic persecution as well during that period of time referred to as the Time of Jacob's Trouble, Revelation 12:13-17.

Iranian persecution of Christians is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 27, 2015

The zoning board in the city of Jerusalem has granted access to religious Jews to a spring mentioned in the Garden of Eden

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An ancient spring that was mentioned in the Bible as the spring or river Gihon, recorded in the passage in the Holy Scriptures of the account of Creation, is now a place of opportunity for religious men to take a ritual bath in this sacred body of water.

The Gihon Spring in Silwan in the Eastern section of the city of Jerusalem is the site for Jewish men to perform their traditional ritual in the immersion pit, the activity religious Jews are required to do before entering the Temple Mount.

This spring in Jerusalem is considered to be the spot where Adam went after his sin in the Garden of Eden.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Religious Jewish men can now use the one spring in the Garden of Eden to take a ritual bath before entering the Temple Mount, evidence we are living in the end times according to Bible prophecy.

The city of Jerusalem zoning board recently approved the construction of a special project at the Gihon Spring in the City of David which is the original site of the city of Jerusalem. Religious men will use the immersion pit being constructed at the Gihon Spring to take their ritual bath required before they can enter the Temple Mount. However, there is a problem with this decision by the zoning board. The construction project is located in Silwan, a Palestinian neighborhood in the area.

This controversy today is part of the scenario that was foretold by the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah in Zechariah 12:2. As to the statements that the site on the Gihon is where Adam went after his sin in the Garden of Eden, this statement is confirmed in Scripture only as it refers to the Gihon River being in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 2:10. The Gihon was the one river in the garden which was located in Jerusalem according to I Kings 1:33, 45. The Gihon River was the one river in the garden that became four rivers somewhere outside of the Garden of Eden.

Ezekiel 36:35 says that the Jews will be given back their Garden of Eden in the last days.

November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Day is evidence that the US government and the Bible can work in harmony

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The United States of America stops today to give thanks for all the blessings and freedoms that we have and this day is a special day set aside by the US government to do exactly what the Bible calls for us all to do, give thanks in all things.

Families will gather for the traditional Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and dressing, the young men and even some of us old guys will break out in the annual game of touch football and the ladies, well they'll be there to cheer us on, and in fact heal up any of the bruises sustained in the afternoon free-for-all. Those of us with loved ones on a far away battlefield will thank God for their protection and ask God for their safe return to the family circle for next Thanksgiving: and all of this on a day of thanksgiving required by the Bible and set aside by decree of our own government.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Today is a day set aside for all of us to be thankful, but as we move closer to the time of the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, our world will become more and more unthankful, that is according to Bible prophecy. The principle of thanksgiving: there are over 100 locations in the Bible where the scriptures speak of thanks and thanksgiving. We are told to give thanks in all things for it is the will of God in Christ Jesus, I Thessalonians 5:18.

The product of thanksgiving: interestingly when we stop to give thanks, the end result is to our own personal benefit. Paul, an apostle, in a letter that he wrote to the Philippians, states that giving thanks brings us true joy. Paul also wrote the people in Colosse that giving thanks helps us to abound in the faith, a faith that is needed for all of life Colossians 2:7.

The prophecy of unthankfulness: as we approach the time of the Second Coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Paul reminded us that he wrote a letter to Timothy to tell him that people would be unthankful at that time, II Timothy 3:2.

Unthankfulness is one of the major signs of the last days and as those days approach we need to be looking up in anticipation of His coming, but also in thanksgiving as well. Remember on this day of thanksgiving, unthankfulness is an indicator, a trend, a sign of the judgment that is coming, that is according to Bible prophecy.

November 25, 2015

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood says the creation of the Jewish state of Israel was the worst catastrophe to ever hit this world

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Mohammed Badie who is the Muslim Brotherhood's general guide, the head of this Islamic terror group, has stated the worst catastrophe to ever befall the peoples of this world was the creation of the modern day state of Israel.

The Muslim Brotherhood leader has called on Arab forces to confront Israel and reminded his followers of the movement's sacrifices in efforts to destroy the Jewish state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood for the Arab forces to be ready to sacrifice even life itself in order to destroy the Jewish state of Israel is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.

Mohammed Badie is the head of the Muslim Brotherhood and he believes that the Jews have no right to have a state in the land of their forefathers, the modern day state of Israel. This cry is echoing across the Arab world with an ever increasing intensity in the demand to destroy Israel. It is no surprise to students of Bible prophecy that there is a call for the Jewish state to be destroyed and this demand is actually evidence that Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

Contrary to Mohammed Badie's statement that the modern day creation of Israel is the world's greatest catastrophe, the Bible says that it would happen because the Lord swore by His own name that indeed it would happen, Ezekiel 36:22. The prophecy of the valley of dry bones that watched as these bones came together and with skin covering these newly connected bones, two-thirds of Ezekiel's prophecy in Ezekiel 37 was fulfilled in our day, Ezekiel 37:1-10. Verse 11 of that same passage indicates that these dry bones are the whole house of Israel which has resulted in the modern day Jewish nation.

Ezekiel 38 foretells of a coalition of Arab and Islamic nations that will try to destroy Israel and chapter 39 reveals this alignment of nations will be destroyed instead and the Jewish state will live on forever.

November 24, 2015

Israeli PM Netanyahu spends time studying the Bible with a group of biblical scholars

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Even as the Israeli government is considering a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear program and facing pressure from the UN, the EU and the US to dismantle their Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, PM Netanyahu sat in the covered courtyard of his home in Jerusalem spending time studying the Bible.

Joining the Israeli PM were sixteen rabbis, academics, Bible scholars, archaeologists, and linguists in a discussion of the book of Ruth, a passage of scripture focused on a Gentile woman in the lineage of Israel's King David.

It was reported by one Israeli journalist as both reassuring and at the same time, slightly humorous that the PM would set aside two hours of Bible study at a time when Israel faces many problems including a nuclear-powered Iran.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

What some might consider a waste of time for the Israeli PM to set aside two hours for Bible study with rabbis and biblical scholars is actually a perfect example of what this world needs to do as we try to understand how current events seemingly described in the pages of Bible prophecy are about to come to pass.

It has been a tradition of Israeli PMs since the very first one, David Ben Gurion, to set aside time to study the Bible with rabbis and biblical scholars. In that tradition, PM Benjamin Netanyahu has started Bible studies even in light of the major geopolitical events that the PM must face each and every day. A study of Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 would help the PM to recognize the alignment of nations focused on the demise of the Jewish state.

Daniel 7 is a passage that explains the Gentile world powers that will be a major problem for any Israeli PM. Revelation 18 describes for any student of the Bible, the rise of Babylon, modern day Iraq, as a major player in the last days. Daniel 9:27 in the Old Testament and Matthew 24:15 along with II Thessalonians 2:4 in the New Testament, describes a temple in Jerusalem at the time of the end.

PM Netanyahu studying the Bible will only enhance his knowledge of the last days.

November 23, 2015

In a recent poll, most Americans say Islam is a problem in our world today, but most Americans say ignore the problem

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A Rasmussen poll reveals that Americans believe Islam is in a global conflict with the West but most think that the US should ignore the Islamic world even in light of the decade long war on Islamic terrorism that the US has been waging.

Americans are split on whether Muslims see the US as an enemy as revealed by the national telephone survey taken by the Rasmussen Polling Organization.

Sixty-three percent of those polled see a conflict between their civilization and Islam, but the majority nevertheless want to take an isolationist view of Islam and believe the US should just leave the Muslim world alone.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The majority of Americans see Islam as a problem in our world, but they want to stick their heads in the sand and leave the Islamic problem alone which is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

It is a dangerous situation to recognize a major problem and then ignore it altogether, that is actually what the majority of Americans are doing as they know that Islam is a problem in our world today and they choose to ignore the problem. A recent Rasmussen poll of Americans reveals that 63% of the people in the US believe that Islam is a problem in our world and that Islam is in a major conflict with the nations in the West and yet Americans want to simply ignore the problem.

Bible prophecy tells us that we cannot ignore this problem. The prophet Daniel wrote of Syria and Egypt being joined by a coalition of nations to move forward to destroy the Jewish state of Israel, Daniel 11:40-43. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel gave additional names that will join this coalition, nations like: Russia, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya, Ezekiel 38. Saudi Arabia and Lebanon are also added to this list by the Psalmist in Psalm 83. The lowest common denominator with all of these nations with the exception of Russia, is that they are Islamic nations.

Islamic nations and their religion will indeed play a major role in the last days.

November 20, 2015

The former PM of Spain has quoted Russian President Vladimir Putin as saying Israel will take care of Iran

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Speaking at a recent gathering of politicos at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, the former PM of Spain Jose Aznar said that Russian President Vladimir Putin told him not to worry about Iran because as Putin said, "Israel will take care of Iran".

Putin made these statements after Aznar entreated the Russian president not to sell the S300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran which would allow Iran to set in place a defensive system that could deter an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear weapons program.

The former Spanish PM also held a meeting with the Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who told Aznar that Israel was a historic cancer condemned to disappear and that it was inevitable that there would be an open confrontation between the Jewish state and Iran.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that it is inevitable, there will be a confrontation between Iran and Israel is biblically correct, but the endgame is different than the Iranian leader's claim of victory for his nation, that is according to Bible prophecy.

Two world leaders have voiced different opinions as how a confrontation between Israel and Iran militarily would come out. The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei believes in such a conflict, Iran would make Israel disappear and he was working to that end. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that Israel would take care of the Iranian nuclear problem which Putin says justifies the sell of any nuclear technology or military hardware to Iran.

The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote of this Iranian-Israeli conflict 2500 years ago in Ezekiel 38:5 when he mentioned Iran of today referred to in that passage as Persia in biblical times. Iran will be a member of the coalition of nations who align themselves against Israel to destroy the Jewish state, Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11, and Psalm 83. However, the endgame will be different than expected by Israel's enemies.

Ezekiel 38:18-39:6 says that the Lord will intervene and wipe out not only Iran but all of Israel's enemies.

November 19, 2015

A number of European Union foreign ministers want to create a super president for the European Union

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A select group of European Union foreign ministers are working on a plan to create a super president for the European Union that would include merging the roles of the presidents of the European Union Council and the European Commission which would be a more legitimate democracy in the European Union because this super president would be elected by the members of the European Parliament.

This proposed new super president of the European Union would be the overall powerful leader of Europe with responsibility over Europe's economic matters, all foreign policy, and any European military operation.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call for a super president of the European Union is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.

The results of a meeting with a select group of European foreign ministers is the need for a super president to lead the United Nations of Europe into the future.  This super president of the European Union would play the major role in economic policy for the 27 member states of the European Union and this leader would have responsibility for the direction of the European Union foreign policy as well.  With plans in the EU for a military force in the near future would give leadership to this super president for military affairs as well in the European Union which would then become a major force in geopolitical events in our world today.

This report is almost like reading the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.  The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote 2500 years ago of the revival of the old Roman Empire (Daniel 7:7, 23-24).  Daniel 7:8 reveals that a little horn which comes out of the ten horns of Daniel 7:7 will take control of the ten horns.  Now this is a prophetic scenario of the Revived Roman Empire and its leader the Antichrist who will be indeed a super leader who comes to power.

The European Union is today at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire and there are a number of potential candidates to become the proposed super president.  The political activities of the European Union and its potential super president are evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 18, 2015

The Palestinians are calling for unity in order to be able to destroy the state of Israel

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A minister of the Palestinian Authority, the ruling body for the Palestinian people, says that the two factions of the Palestinian people, Fatah and Hamas, must unite in order to achieve the destruction of the state of Israel.  This report from an official Palestinian Authority newspaper revealed a number of Palestinian Authority ministers who agreed with the call for Palestinian unity in their struggle against Israel.

Both Fatah and Hamas, the two factions of the Palestinian body politic, have been involved in the armed struggle to remove the Jewish state from the land that Palestinians claim as their state and now the radical rhetoric is calling for Palestinian unity in order to destroy the Jewish state of Israel.  

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by the official of the Palestinian Authority for the Palestinian people to unite in order to destroy the Jewish state of Israel is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

In a large Palestinian rally attended by female Palestinian prisoners recently released from Israeli jails, an official of the Palestinian Authority called for the reunification of the Palestinian people.  The Palestinian Authority minister said that the Palestinians must unite in order to achieve their goal of the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state on all the land that today belongs to the Jewish people.

This Palestinian plan fits exactly with the prophetic passages found in the Bible that reveals what will happen in the last days between Israel and the Palestinians.  Malachi wrote that the Edomites, the Palestinian people of today, would return to Israel and set up borders - borders which the Lord said will be borders of wickedness (Malachi 1).  Ezekiel foretold of a time when the Palestinians would kill the Jewish people and then take their land (Ezekiel 35).  The little prophetic book of Obadiah says that the Palestinians will become intoxicated with power as they take the steps to rid the land now known as Israel of the Jewish people, but these Palestinians themselves will be destroyed (Obadiah 15-18).

Calls for the Palestinians to unite in order to be able to destroy Israel will only set the stage for the opposite to happen.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 17, 2015

An Israeli rabbi has called for the restoration of animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the leader of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, has called for the restoration of animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount even though the temple has not been rebuilt yet and the rabbi said the face is that the Temple Mount is in Arab hands must end so that the Jews may go onto the Temple Mount and offer these animal sacrifices.

In Biblical times, when the temple was on the Temple Mount and especially during the high holy days, Jews from around the world would come to Jerusalem to offer animal sacrifices and today everything is  ready to resume these sacrifices.  The priests are trained and ready, their garments are made, and the implements for the sacrificial system are ready to be used to follow God's command.  The Israeli government and the Muslim world are the only hindrances to restoring these animal sacrifices. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An Israeli rabbi calling for the restoration of animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a precursor for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

When the Jewish temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70AD there ceased to be a place for animal sacrifices for the Jewish people so that they could follow the Biblical mandate to offer sacrifices.  Today all preparations have been made to both build the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and then to restore the sacrificial system.  In fact, the Bible does mandate a return to animal sacrifices when the Messiah, Jesus Christ, returns to the earth, Zechariah 14:4, to build His temple in Jerusalem, Zechariah 1:16, 6:12.  Ezekiel 45 foretells of the sacrificial system being restored in the Kingdom period.  These kingdom sacrifices will be done in remembrance of the ultimate sacrifice by Jesus Christ and in addition, the Jews will offer sacrifices at that time for the purpose of restoring fellowship with the Messiah.  However, prior to the kingdom temple, there will be another temple in Jerusalem during the seven year Tribulation with a return to sacrifices, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1-2.

A rabbi calling for the return of the sacrificial system today is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 16, 2015

The growing antisemitic trends around the world and especially in Europe have Jews in fear for their lives

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An ever increasing number of attacks on Jews around the world, including the attack on a Jewish school in southern France, has put fear in the hearts of Jewish people living in what would be considered a civilized world, a fear for their lives and the lives of their families as antisemitism continues to grow globally.

A recent survey of people in ten European nations reveals that 30% of Europeans have antisemitic beliefs and still believe that Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus Christ, the main motivation for antisemitism.  An additional factor in the increase of European antisemitism is the ever growing population of Muslims around the world but especially all across the European continent, a factor that results from the Islamic beliefs that Jews should be removed from the earth. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Growing antisemitism around the world and especially in Europe is evidence that the scenario found in Bible prophecy is moving ever so close to the fulfillment of these prophecies for the end times. 

A number of violent attacks on Jews around the world and the attack by a radical Muslim on a Jewish school in France is tangible evidence that the rise in antisemitism in our world is becoming a major threat to the Jewish people today.  A recent survey among ten European nations indicated that the belief that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ is a major factor in this rise in antisemitism.  It is also true that the ever increasing Muslim population in Europe is a factor in antisemitism among the European peoples. 

Couple this survey information with the Arab and Muslim world's use of radical rhetoric towards Israel and the Jewish people and the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.  Several ancient Jewish prophets revealed a time when the world would hate the Jews and want to rid the world of these people.  Zechariah wrote 2500 years ago that at that time 2 out of every 3 Jews would be hated and then killed.  Evil angels, led by the devil himself, will try and kill every Jew on the earth (Revelation 12:7-17).  Jeremiah called this terrible time in the future the "time of Jacob's trouble" (Jeremiah 30:7).  Daniel wrote in 12:1, that the Lord would dispatch Michael the archangel to protect the Jews from complete annihilation.

Antisemitism today will lead to Bible prophecy being fulfilled in a future tomorrow.

November 13, 2015

The highest ranking Moslem cleric in Saudi Arabia is calling for all churches to be destroyed

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The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheik Abdul Abdullah, says that it is necessary to destroy all churches in the Middle East, and he based his declaration on the Islamic holy book, the Hadith, which quotes Mohammad as saying on his death bed, that only Islam can be practiced in the Middle East.  The Mufti asserted that all law in the Middle East must conform to Sharia, the law of the Koran as revealed by Allah, the Islamic god. 

This declaration by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia comes on the heels of a Wall Street Journal article written by the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations which stated that Arab discrimination against Christian minorities is a prevalent phenomenon throughout the Arab world. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A declaration by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia that Christian churches in the Middle East must be destroyed is a page out of Bible prophecy. 

Over the last several years there have been many reports of Christian churches being destroyed and church attenders being killed by radical Islamists.  This phenomenon has been on the increase in recent days and the declaration from the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia that all Christian churches in the Middle East must be destroyed, will only add to the urgency of this destruction by Moslem radicals. 

Across the Arab world, more and more Christians and their churches and leaders, are the focus of a fast growing element in our world today who say only the Islamic religion is the one that all of human kind must be a part of in this time in history.  This scenario unfolding today was actually written about in a yesterday over 2000 years ago.  John, the human writer of the book of Revelation, wrote of the slaughter of believers in Jesus Christ in a number of locations in the book of Revelation.  Revelation 6:9-11 foretells of a time when those who stand for the Word of God, the Bible, and who have a testimony that Jesus Christ is their Savior, these believers will be killed.  Revelation 20:4 says that they will be beheaded for their faith.  These Biblical prophecies are referring to the time of Tribulation, that seven year period of judgment on the earth following the Rapture and before the Second Coming of Christ. 

The Grand Mufti's call for all Christian churches in the Middle East to be destroyed is indeed a lead up to Bible prophecy being fulfilled.

November 12, 2015

Israeli officials are concerned that the Dead Sea could completely die

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Because of the lack of water flowing into the Dead Sea, the misuse of development by businesses in this delicate area, and the improper management of the valuable natural resource, there is a threat that the Dead Sea could slip into a dangerous situation that would hinder the preservation of this most valuable piece of real estate in Israel.

One possible solution is the proposed Red-Dead Project that would pipe water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, a project that is now being studied by the World Bank for its feasibility.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Red-Dead Project, one way to preserve Israel's greatest natural resource, the Dead Sea, is a good idea but not God's plan for this unique place that is according to Bible prophecy.

For a number of years now the water in the Dead Sea has been evaporating and has the water level at a very dangerous point. Industrial development in the area and the threat from tourism has only complicated the problem. There have been many studies to try and find a solution for this problem - the most interesting being the Red-Dead Project. This plan, now being considered by the World Bank as to its feasibility, was first introduce by Israeli President Shimon Peres. The Red-Dead Project would channel water from the Red Sea on Israel's southern border, down to the Dead Sea. If this actually worked, it would revitalize the Dead Sea and increase revenues from the Dead Sea industries and the tourism that would come about as a result of this project.

Bible prophecy has an interesting prospective on this major ecological problem. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2500 years ago that the Dead Sea will be revitalized and would no longer be the saltiest sea on the earth which is today 7 times saltier than any ocean. Ezekiel 47 speaks of a time in the future during the kingdom period when water will flow from the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to the Dead Sea and it will become a freshwater lake.

I say that this happens during the 1000 year kingdom on earth which will be headquartered in Jerusalem when a Jewish temple is built and in operation (Zechariah 6:12; Zechariah 14).
Salvation for the Dead Sea is on the way. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 11, 2015

A rabbi in Israel claims to be a descendant of King David and he wants to set up the Kingdom of Israel right now

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Rabbi Yosef Dayan claims that he can prove he is from the lineage of King David, Israel's second king, and the rabbi wants to restore Israel from a state back to a kingdom, which he says the Lord has commanded in the Bible.  This rabbi is joined by a number of Jewish scholars who say that God's Word does command the establishment of a kingdom in the land that God has given the Jewish people and Rabbi Dayan could be a candidate for the future king of Israel.

According to this group of Jewish scholars, God has commanded the Jewish people when they return to the land of their forefathers, to set up the kingdom, wipe out the seed of Amalek, and then build their temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

There are a number of Jewish scholars in Israel that believe the Lord wants them to set up the Kingdom of Israel today which is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

For over two decades, there have been serious Jewish scholars that have been preparing to build a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  Now, many of those same Jewish scholars, believe their priority is to first establish the Kingdom of Israel, wipe out the seed of Amalek, and then build the temple.  Among this group of scholars, is a rabbi who says that he can prove his claim to being in the lineage of King David and thus is a candidate to become the King of Israel.

This group of Jewish scholars are working hard to teach the Jewish people what God's Word does command them to do and then move ahead with this project.  Interesting to me is the fact that God's Word does call for a kingdom in the land of Israel, that's II Samuel 7 which is the Davidic Covenant.  Obadiah, an ancient Jewish prophet, wrote 2800 years ago that the descendants of Amalek would be destroyed and they would be as if they had never been (Jeremiah 49:18).  The Jewish prophet Ezekiel gave a description of the temple that will be standing during the kingdom on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that's Ezekiel 40-46, 202 verses of detailed information about that temple of the future.

These Jewish scholars are indeed involved in preparing for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

November 10, 2015

The perception in the Middle East is that the American superpower status is in decline

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The perception in the Middle East and the Arab World is that the United States of America, supposed leader of the free world and international superstar, is becoming weaker according to Avi Gil who is a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, who also said that America no longer leads as it once did but now follows or leads from behind.

The United States has called for Israel to withdraw from land that is Biblically, historically, and strategically essential for the very existence of the Jewish state among the Arab-Islamic nations in the Middle East which would put the Jewish state in harm's way. 
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With America's superpower status in decline and the rising power of the radical Arab Islamic world, we can now see better the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The America that we knew 10 to 15 years ago is no longer at the peak of the pedestal as a world superpower and even the Arab Muslim world recognizes this as the case for America politically and economically.  Much of the way that Israel is perceived is directly dependent upon its relationship with America.  This report begs the question, where is the United States in Bible prophecy?  Is it a superpower in the last days or not there at all?

The United States is not mentioned by name anywhere in Bible prophecy but it seems to refer to the United States and in fact all nations in Zechariah 14:2 when the ancient Jewish prophet wrote that at the end of the seven year Tribulation period, all nations will gather in Jerusalem.  But before that, the superpower will be the Antichrist, the world dictator who will control a one world economic, political, and governmental system from Babylon in modern-day Iraq.

This is foretold in Revelation 18.  Under the leadership of Satan, Antichrist, and the False Prophet, this massive body of people will confront Jesus Christ as He returns to the Mount of Olives and then after the Battle of Armageddon, goes into the Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to set up His kingdom (Zechariah 6:12-13).

Perception has become fact as America continues to decline in leadership and character in our world today.  The prophecies of God's Word will indeed be fulfilled.

November 09, 2015

Iran's supreme Islamic leader says Moslems must kill Jews and annihilate Israel and they can do that in just nine minutes

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Two websites in Iran are calling for Moslems to kill Jews and annihilate Israel and that they will do this in less than nine minutes, a plan that has legal and religious justification for the attack on the Jewish state which also includes Jewish people worldwide.

In fact, Iran already has a strategy in place for an offensive attack that would target key Israeli sites using land-to-land missiles or their nuclear weapon of mass destruction mounted as a warhead on their long range Shahab 3 missile that can hit any target in Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by the supreme Islamic leader of Iran for Moslems to rise up and kill Jews and annihilate the Jewish state of Israel and be able to do that, as they say, in nine minutes is a page right out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

Several years ago, Iranian President Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth and he has continued this radical rhetoric up until today. It is amazing to me as I watch world leaders not doing anything serious to stop this call for the planned destruction of an entire nation, the Jewish people. I mentioned that this scenario actually is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2500 years ago that Iran, mentioned as Persia in Ezekiel 38:5, would rise up to try to slaughter the Jewish people in the last days.

In the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, Ezekiel 34 and 37, the Jews have returned to the land of their forefathers and now consider the Iranians as the number one threat to their existence. Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 all mention an alignment of nations that will join Iran in an effort to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. In fact, Psalm 83:4 says this coalition of nations will rise up to cut Israel off from being a nation in this world and work so that the name of the Jewish state, Israel will be forgotten forever. Ezekiel 38:18-39:6 reveals that the Lord will intercede from Heaven and actually destroy Iran and all the nations in their coalition.

Politically, Iran wants to wipe Israel off the earth. Prophetically, Iran will be the nation destroyed by the Lord.

November 06, 2015

Mainline churches in Amercia have started a heavenly intifada against the Jewish people

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The United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church, and other mainline protestant denominations in the United States have launched what could be called a heavenly intifada, a popular uprising against the Jewish people and the Jewish state of Israel.  This heavenly intifada has taken the form of boycotting companies that do business or have major operations with Israel by divesting in these companies, withdrawing financial support from anybody doing business with Israel.

In addition to divesting their financial support these mainline church groups have also branded Judaism as a bloodthirsty primitive religion and that Jews are no longer the chosen people but instead, the Devil's people.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Mainline protestant churches in America have launched a heavenly intifada, and uprising against the Jewish people and the Jewish state of Israel which is a precursor of things to come that is according to Bible prophecy.

Mainline protestant churches in America and actually around the world have determined Israeli security policies are sin against God.  This is part of what has been termed a heavenly intifada launched on the Jews and the Jewish state of Israel by the liberal religious communities in our world who believe that God is finished with the Jewish people today.  The Jews are no longer the chosen people of God but instead the Devil's people and they are planting the seeds of violence.  These mainline religious organizations boycott no other country but loudly proclaim a radical anti-Israel policy.  This scenario as reported here is one that can be found in the pages of Bible prophecy.

Revelation 17 is the prophecy of a one world church which will come to power at the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation period, a terrible time of trouble in the future.  The mother son cult religious practices will come to power headquartered in Rome, Italy and control the world with this religion that was started 4500 years ago in Babylon (Genesis 11:4).  This false religion led by the False Prophet will cause the world to worship the Beast who is the Antichrist (Revelation 13:11-15).

A heavenly intifada led by the mainline churches in America and around the world is indeed setting the stage for a worldwide false religion which actually wants to destroy the Jewish people.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 05, 2015

A leading rabbi in Jerusalem believes the Temple will be rebuilt in his lifetime

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In a documentary produced by my son, Jim Jr., a leading rabbi in Jerusalem says that he believes the next Jewish temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount in his lifetime and he says everything is ready to build that temple today. Rabbi Nachman Kahane, the rabbi who has guided many Jewish students of the Scriptures on the subject of the temple has been the main source of serious study and preparations to build the Jewish temple basically because that is what the Bible calls for from the religious Jews. 

In Rabbi Kahane's Yeshiva, which is a place of learning for Jewish young men, the rabbi trained all the leaders of this effort to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and it was his students that started the Temple Institute which has accumulated all the implements for the next temple and trained the men to operate that temple. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

All the preparations have been made to rebuild the next Jewish temple in Jerusalem which is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times. Twenty years ago I sat with Rabbi Nachman Kahane as he was beginning his quest to rebuild the Jewish temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. Now twenty years later the rabbi believes that the temple will indeed be rebuilt in his lifetime. That is a quote from the rabbi on a documentary released on the subject that shows the rabbi plus many others who also agree that the temple could be standing in Jerusalem in the very near future. 

Rabbi Yehuda Glick, the former head of the Temple Institute, says even the priestly garments are ready and the temple will stand in full operation very soon. Rabbi Chaim Richman, who is the leading authority on the red heifer, says the temple will be built at the spot of the original site of the Garden of Eden which he says is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yoel Keren says that there will be a Jewish temple in Jerusalem that follows the details in Ezekiel 40-46 but first the Jewish people will build a less extravagant temple as they did when the Second Temple was rebuilt 2500 years ago. The priests have been trained, the implements made to operate the temple, even the Menorah, the seven branched candelabra, and there are ten stringed harps for the Levites to play as called for by King David in I Chronicles 23:5. 

With all preparations made for the next temple, Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

November 04, 2015

Tens of thousands of Jews gather in the world's oldest Jewish community to celebrate

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The religious Jews around the world have a weekly reading in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, which is read and discussed in the synagogues as these Jews read through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in one year. Thousands of Jews gathered in the city of Hevron to read the portion of the Torah, Genesis 23, which is the record of the Jewish patriarch Abraham purchasing the Machpelah Cave as the burial site for his wife Sarah.

Hevron, the burial site for the Jewish patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has about 850 Jews living there today and the Jewish community there say they will not leave the land that God has given to them.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Tens of thousands of Jews gathered in Hevron, the oldest Jewish community in history, looks to the past as they read from the Bible, but their presence in Hevron today speaks of a scenario found in Bible prophecy for tomorrow.

Religious Jews read a portion of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, on a weekly basis and they say it is a blessing to be able to read the Bible from the actual location mentioned in their weekly reading. That was the case as tens of thousands of religious Jews gathered in Hevron to read Genesis 23 which is the record of the ancient Jewish patriarch Abraham purchasing the burial site for his wife Sarah there in Hevron at the Machpelah Cave. The small Jewish community today living in Hevron, about 850 Jews, is determined that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will not affect their continued presence in Hevron, the oldest Jewish community in the world dating back to Abraham some 4000 years ago.

Not only did Abraham pay cash money for Hevron but the ancient Jewish prophets tell us that in the last days Jews will come back into the land of their forefathers to live there forever (Ezekiel 34 and 36). Ezekiel and other Jewish prophets reveal the battle that will take place between the Jews in Hevron and in fact throughout all of Israel and their Arab enemies that will try to eliminate the Jews from their promised land (Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11:40-45, and Joel 2).

Tens of thousands of Jews in Hevron to read the Bible is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 03, 2015

A recent survey reveals that 70% of Israeli believe they are God's chosen people

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The latest survey of the beliefs and values among Israeli Jews, the first comprehensive study in more than a decade, reveals that 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God exists and some 70% of these Jews surveyed believed the Jews are the chosen people, a statement that can be found in the Bible.  The authors of this study believe the demographic changes in Israel caused by the higher birthrates among the orthodox and the ultra-orthodox Jews has resulted in the uptick of Jewish attachment to Biblical truth with a majority of all Israeli Jews believing in the coming Jewish Messiah.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recent survey made among Israeli Jews reveals that Jews believe they are God's chosen people, a fact that the Bible stated more than 4000 years ago but a fact that means God does have a plan for the Jewish people in the future - that is according to Bible prophecy.

Over the last decade, Jews living in Israel have become much more religious, an interesting fact in light of God's plan for the Jewish people in the future.  A recent survey indicates that 70% of all Israeli Jews believe in God and 55% of those surveyed say they believe in the coming of their Messiah.  Fully 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God does indeed exist, the highest figure in more than two decades, a trend that will take place as the world moves into the prophetic events found in Bible prophecy.

The ancient Jewish prophecy Ezekiel prewrote history as he spoke of the regathering of the Jewish people from the four corners of the earth, the restoration of a Jewish state and a Jewish community in Israel that though in unbelief, there will be an increase in a desire to see their Messiah and to become the people of God, the chosen people (Ezekiel 37:7-11 and Ezekiel 34:11-30).  God does have a plan for the Jewish people and this plan is focused on the land of Israel, a land promised to the Jewish people by God Himself (Ezekiel 36, Deuteronomy 30).  The future for the Jews not only in Israel but around the entire world is in the hands of God and its found in the pages of His Word the Bible.

With this increase of the knowledge of God's plan for the Jewish people, this plan will indeed come to pass.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

November 02, 2015

The World Health Organization says that 50% of all abortions in this world are dangerous

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A recent report by the World Health Organization says that abortions worldwide are putting women's health at risk with one half of all abortions unsafe, even dangerous, and abortion is one of the main reasons for maternal death worldwide.  This data reveals that women who wish to terminate unwanted pregnancies will seek abortion at any cost and thus these women will continue to die in significant numbers.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The number of maternal deaths related to unsafe abortion is on the increase, a disturbing statistic for the World Health Organization but it's blasphemy according to the Bible and abortion is a precursor to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

WHO, World Health Organization, in a recent report, revealed the increase in maternal deaths, a result of unsafe abortions.  They say now 50% of all worldwide abortions are unsafe and a major cause for these maternal deaths.  This number goes as high as 95% in Latin American countries and 97% in Africa.  However, what about the death rate among the children that are aborted.  That would be at 100% of all abortions of unwanted pregnancies end in death to the babies - and that's the real sin.

Abortion is very dangerous for all unborn children, and I say children because life does not begin at birth.  In fact, it does not begin at conception.  Life begins in the mind of God in eternity past.  In Jeremiah 1:5, the Lord told Jeremiah that he had been chosen to be the prophet to the nations of the world not at birth, not even at conception, but Jeremiah was chosen before he was formed in his mother's womb in eternity past.  All of life began in the mind of God before the creation of the world.

Abortion is murder according to Exodus 21:22-23.  If someone takes another life, Genesis 9:6, then they must give their life in return.  That's capital punishment which is called for in the Bible.  Abortion is most dangerous for the unborn with a 100% mortality rate and murders through abortions will increase in the last days (Revelation 22:15).

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.