
July 29, 2016

A Palestinian official says that the Bible is totally irrelevant in determining a Jewish persons right to live in his ancient homeland, Israel

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Dr. Hussein Ibish, a senior fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, said in Washington recently, that the Bible is an ancient holy book that is totally irrelevant to the Palestinian Authority's aim to take over all of Judea and Samaria from the Jews to establish their state called Palestine. 

The Palestinian Authority has claimed that Jews have stolen the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and Rachel's Tomb near Bethlehem and many other Jewish holy sites which have a Biblical history dating back over 4000 years. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Palestinian official who claims that the Bible has no authority in the decision process to determine who lives in Judea and Samaria or any other part of Israel is absolutely wrong that is according to Bible prophecy.

Dr. Hussein Ibish, senior fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, makes a claim that contradicts the Bible when he said recently that the decision makers working to determine who has a right to live in the Biblical lands of Judea and Samaria should not use the Bible in this process. Ibish says the Bible is an ancient Jewish holy book that is irrelevant to the discussions on the ownership of these ancient Biblical lands even though the Bible has an undeniable record of 4000 years of Jewish history in the land that God gave to the Jewish people. 

In Leviticus 25:23, Moses wrote, directed by God, that the land in question was actually His land, God's land, never to be sold or given away, and it says that God gave to the Jews the responsibility as caretakers of His land. Though the Jews did not control this land for almost 2000 years, God had Ezekiel, the ancient Jewish prophet, to write that He, God, would give the land to the Jews when they returned to the land of their forefathers in the end of times (Ezekiel 34:14, 36:10-11). In fact, the Lord said that He did not make this promise and fulfill it because of the Jews, but because He, the Lord did this for His holy namesake (Ezekiel 36:22). 

The Palestinians can continue to claim their ownership of a land promised to the Jewish people and even use an armed struggle in order to take the land from the Jews but in the end, the Jewish people will get this land. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 28, 2016

Churches around the world are turning against the Jewish state of Israel

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The World Council of Churches, and ecumenical church body based in Geneva, Switzerland and boasting 590 million worshipers, recently held a conference in Greece declaring that the Jewish state is a sin, and occupying power, and it accused Israelis of dehumanizing the Palestinians and they called for resistance to Israel and the Jewish people as a Christian duty. 

The attendees at the international conference of the World Council of Churches even legitimized terrorism as a means of resistance to the evil Jewish occupation calling it a Christian right and duty to eliminate the Jewish state. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The declaration by 590 million churchgoers that terrorism should be used in their efforts to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel is a precursor to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The World Council of Churches, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, held an international conference recently where the attendees, representing around 590 million worshipers, said that the use of terrorism is a legitimate means to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel from the Middle East. This declaration speaks of the theology of these thousands of churches around the world and it has been described as "Replacement Theology". Replacement Theology basically states that God has replaced his program for the Jewish people with the church. They believe that because the Jews rejected Jesus at His First Coming, God has stopped His plans for the Jews and has given all of these promises to the Church. Replacement Theology is not only non-Biblical, but it is a dangerous doctrine that will lead to disaster. 

July 27, 2016

There are calls in Israel for a civil war between mainline Israelis and the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria

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A well known and very prominent member of Israeli society has called for a civil war between the leftists in Israel and the Jewish settlers of Judea and Samaria which is echoing the desires of many left wing politicos who have said in the past that they will fight the violence of extremist settlers and use every kind of self defense necessary even exchange of open fire. This alarming call for civil war in Israel comes at a time when the Jewish settlements of Judea and Samaria are the main sticking point in the the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations that are not coming together. 

Israel's left wing of the body politic believes that civil wars are globally accepted, they happen everywhere, and that they are good for a nation as the war straightens out the power imbalance between the sides. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The potential for a civil war among the Jews in Israel is not only a viable political possibility but a prophetic certainty as well - that is according to Bible prophecy. 

The left wing of the body politic of Israel has become very outspoken in the call for a civil war focused on the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria. This issue of the Jewish settlements has been the major obstacle to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict according to the United States, the United Nations, and the European Union. 

The Palestinian Authority said that if the Israelis would withdraw almost 500,000 Jews from the territories of Judea and Samaria, there could be peace between the two parties. The Jewish settlers have long contended that they are not the obstacle to peace but instead, their presence in the territories is an assurance of a lasting peace. 

Bible prophecy seems to agree in that it states a Jewish presence in all of Israel will be the Lord's plan for true peace in the future when the Messiah rules and reigns in Jerusalem from a piece of real estate, the Temple Mount, which is actually part of Judea and Samaria (Zechariah 6:12-13). This potential for civil war is actually a part of a prophetic scenario for the last days as well when the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:15-23, the prophecy of the two Jewish states in Israel will be fulfilled. 

The thought of Jews fighting Jews in their God given land is an issue that no one really wants to think about - but the Bible says, it will happen. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 26, 2016

The age of America will soon come to an end

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The International Monetary Fund, the IMF, recently dropped a bombshell and most of the world is yet to notice that for the first time, this international organization has set a date when the age of America will end and the United States economy will be overtaken by that of China. According to the latest IMF official forecast, China's economy will surpass that of America in real terms, in 2016 which will bring an end to America's leadership in this world. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

America's leadership role in our world today is coming to an end and it could be sooner rather than later, according to Bible prophecy. 

For the last several years America has been on a downward spiral economically and it does not seem like any of our political leaders know how to stop the economic disaster that is on the horizon for the United States. A recent report by the International Monetary Fund reveals that by 2016, China will surpass the United States economically and become the world's superpower. 

In light of the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the end of times, the IMF report is right on target. America has been great because it has been the launchpad for world evangelization with the manpower, materials, and money needed to reach the world with the gospel message that Jesus Christ is the Savior. The United States has also played the major role in protecting the Jewish people but that key role for America is about to come to and end one way or another. 

The IMF forecast is one very viable possibility but I believe the Rapture of the Church, true born again Christians, leaving this world for the heavens will render America inoperative. America has kept the Middle Eastern Islamic nations from attacking and destroying Israel as foretold in Bible prophecy in Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38. 

The rise of the European Union which I do believe is at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire and the appearance of the world dictator out of the Revived Roman Empire, the Antichrist, as foretold in Daniel 7:7-24 has been held back by a strong United States. 

With America on the sidelines, end time Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 25, 2016

Palestinians are demanding that Youtube take down a video that reveals the truth about the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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An independent producer in Israel has a short documentary that can be seen on Youtube which reveals the real truth about the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the relationship of the Jews and the Palestinians to this very sacred piece of real estate which has become the center of controversy in our world today. This video presentation documents the fact that the Temple Mount is the focus of Jewish worship while Mecca in Saudi Arabia is the focus of Moslem worship and in fact when Jews pray they look towards the Temple Mount while Moslems face Mecca in their prayers with their backs toward the Temple Mount. 

Even a distinguished Palestinian professor states in one of his books that the Jews have a connection to the Temple Mount and he quotes the Koran that states that the Jews will indeed return to their God given land and to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A Jewish produced documentary on Youtube has raised the protest of Palestinians but at the same time sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. An independent producer has produced a documentary that can be seen on Youtube which documents the history of the Temple Mount and its importance to both Jews and Palestinian Arabs. This video points out that the Koran, the Moslem holy book, never even mentions the city of Jerusalem much less the Temple Mount. The documentary reveals that the Temple Mount is sacred to the Jewish people while it is a place of recreation for Moslems where they picnic, play soccer, and even use it as a base for violent riots. 

In the Jewish Bible, Jerusalem is mentioned over 600 times and the Holy Mountain of God, the Biblical term for the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the site of two previous Jewish temples and the location for the Messiah's Temple in the future (II Samuel 7 and Zechariah 1:16). Zechariah 12:2 states that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount will be the center of controversy in the end of times and the debate between the Jews and the Palestinians is effectively fulfilling that prophecy. The Messiah Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem one day and build His temple on the Temple Mount where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 6:12-13). 

The controversy surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will continue until Jesus returns. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 22, 2016

Jordan's King Abdullah says resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not possible, which could put Israel in a dangerous situation

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King Abdullah, Jordan's king and chief political leader, says that the peace process is dead and the prospects for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not going to happen in the near future which could mean Israel will be surrounded by hostile Arab governments. Abdullah said that the Israelis and the Palestinians missed an opportunity during the Arab Spring, to come to an agreement because that window will close and bring about new changes in the Middle East. 

The Jordanian king believes that the new Arab leaders who will come to power in the Middle East will seek to exploit popular resentments in the Arab street against Israel which could place the Jewish state in a dangerous position. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Jordan's King Abdullah is telling the world that Middle East peace will not come about in the near future which is in line with the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the last days. 

The Arab nation of Jordan is one of two Arab states that has signed a peace treaty with the Jewish state of Israel - the other being Egypt. Jordan's King Abdullah understands the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since almost 70% of Jordan's population is Palestinian. Therefore, when the king warns the world that peace in the Middle East is not possible in the near future, he knows of what he speaks. 

The peace process is dead at this time and with both the Israelis and the Palestinians not wanting to make concessions there seems to be no time in the near future for an agreement between the two peoples. Couple that with the Arab Spring and the battle for power in the Arab world and the prophetic scenario that is found in the Bible seems to be coming into better focus. 

The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel prewrote history when he wrote the prophecy about a world leader coming to power and bringing peace to the Middle East (Daniel 9:27). This passage speaks of the Antichrist, that world leader who will bring about peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, a peace that will be short lived and actually a pseudo - a false peace. It is during the time of that short period of peace that the Arab world will attack Israel (Ezekiel 38:8,11). 

King Abdullah's warning of no Middle East peace in the future is right on target because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 21, 2016

The confusion in the financial markets is making way for a one world currency

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Financial experts say the confusion in both money markets and the worldwide monetary system and the volatility of all the markets has caused the economic community to call for a new global financial architecture and monetary system and the viable possibility for a single world currency. Many world leaders have already embraced such a system with others looking favorably to the soon coming of this one world currency, the problem now is what would that currency be and what if any would be the possibility for a present currency to be used. 

The one thing for sure in most economic circles is that the United States dollar is at the point of being replaced by a more stable currency in our world and that to happen very soon. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The coming one world currency is about to appear on the stage of this world just as foretold in the pages of Bible prophecy. 

Economist after economist keep telling world leaders that a one world currency is a part of the fix for the global economic crisis. The financial experts in our world today keep saying that the United States dollar is no longer strong enough to sustain its position as the present world currency. The forecast for a brighter economic situation in America and around the world is not really in play today. G-20, the organization of the top 20 economic powers among all the nations, continues to call, not only for a new single currency, but also a global economic structure that can resolve this financial crisis. 

There is an end of times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy that will be the solution to the economic crisis now in place. Revelation 18 describes a one world economic headquarters to be found in the Middle East in fact in the city of Babylon where all financial woes will be resolved. Revelation 13:16-17 lays out a method to be followed in all financial dealings where each person will receive an identification mark in order to be able to buy or sell using a one world currency. This global economic structure actually comes on the scene after the Rapture of the Church. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 20, 2016

The terrorist organization Hamas is training children to become terrorists in summer camps

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There are reports coming out of the Gaza Strip that Hamas, the Islamic terrorist organization, looks at record turnout for the summer camp training program, a program which combines Islamic indoctrination, paramilitary training, and social activities. Children are an important target demographic for Hamas from which its future army of terrorists will be recruited using summer camps as the means for indoctrinating Gaza's youth with Hamas jihadist ideology. 

Hamas terrorists give children paramilitary training by hanging banners on walls calling for jihad, death for the sake of Allah, and the capture of the city of Jerusalem. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Training children in summer camps to grow up to be terrorists is a scenario that fits the prophetic passages of Bible prophecy for the end of times. 

The Islamic terror organization Hamas, for many years, has held summer camps for children and have used the camps to indoctrinate these young people with an Islamic ideology that calls for the killing of Jews and the demise of the Jewish state of Israel. There is great evidence that young terrorists committing terrorism today were trained in the summer camps how to use military weapons to kill Jews. Hamas has made it clear that these summer camps are for preparing the next generation for their armed struggle against the Jewish state of Israel. 

A number of ancient Jewish prophets wrote of this end times scenario which is actually being played out today. Malachi revealed that the Palestinians, descendants of Biblical Esau, would return to rebuild their nation (Malachi 1). Ezekiel wrote of the judgment to come on the Palestinians as they rise up to kill Jews and take the land that God has given them (Ezekiel 35). Jeremiah the prophet wrote wrote in Jeremiah 49:18 that the Palestinian people, the Edomites of Biblical times, will be destroyed and be as if they never have been. Obadiah foretold of the end of this Palestinian violence when Jesus Christ returns to the earth (Obadiah 15-18). 

Hamas summer camps are indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 19, 2016

An Israeli lawmaker says there is a Palestinian state in Jordan and there is no need for one in Israel

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Israeli Knesset member Ari Eldad says documents have been delivered to ten Jordanian embassies around the world stating that there is already a Palestinian state in the Middle Eastern country of Jordan and there is no need for an additional one in the heart of the land of Israel. Eldad says that Jordan knows very well that 80% of Jordanian citizens are Palestinian Arabs and if they decide to go to the Arab street and stage a revolution, the Kingdom of Jordan will change into the homeland of the Palestinian people. 

Jordanian King Abdullah, as did his father before him, King Hussein, both have appeased the Palestinians in their country and have watched very closely the efforts to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The declaration by an Israeli lawmaker that the Middle East nation of Jordan is the Palestinian state is correct that is according to Bible history and Bible prophecy.

Israeli Knesset member Ari Eldad distributed petitions to ten Jordanian embassies around the world including embassies in Washington DC and Moscow, Russia stating that Jordan is the Palestinian state in the Middle East. Eldad stated that over 80% of Jordan's population today is Palestinian thus the Israeli lawmaker sees no need for another Palestinian state especially in the heart of the Jewish state of Israel. Knesset member Eldad is right on his history, even he is using demographics for the modern-day state of Jordan to prove his point. 

In Genesis 36 God sent the descendants of Esau, the Palestinian people of today, into Mount Seir which is today the lower third of modern-day Jordan referred to in Bible times as Edom. Bible prophecy reveals that these people, the Edomites or the Palestinian people of today, will return to rebuild (Malachi 1). Additional prophetic passages like Ezekiel 35 and Jeremiah 49 foretell of an ongoing conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Edomites and the Jews. This conflict will be resolved when Jesus Christ returns to the earth and that is all detailed in the prophetic book of Obadiah 15-18. Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

July 18, 2016

Iraq is becoming the new destination for adventurist tourists

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Iraq's rich history, its unique culture, amazing archaeology, and the intrigue of Saddam Hussein, has made Iraq the ideal location for a vacation destination for a growing number of daring tourists. Official figures on the exact number of visitors is lacking but the evidence is that interest in Iraq's historical and Biblical sites is continually increasing and discussions on the internet seem to confirm this report.

Biblical sites like Nineveh, Ur of the Chaldees, Babylon, and as some suggest, even the Garden of Eden can be visited in this war torn nation that believes an increase in tourism will help their recovery.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The possibility that the war torn nation of Iraq could be the tourism center of the Middle East does not fit with the prophetic scenario for this region in the last days according to Bible prophecy.

There indeed is great interest by adventurist tourists to visit the Biblical sites found in modern-day Iraq, sites like Ur of the Chaldees, Nineveh, Babylon, and as some suggest, even the site of the Garden of Eden. The Iraqi tourism board is working on a plan to attract tourists from around the world to their nation that is rebuilding and hoping that the financial gain from tourism will enhance the rebuilding efforts. My point is, however, that a major tourism campaign does not fit with the end times prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. Bible prophecy, written over the last 2500 years by ancient Jewish prophets, reveals to all students of the prophetic Word of God that Iraq will be a major center - not a tourism center - but an economic, political, governmental power base in the last 3 1/2 years of the 7 year period of intense judgment on the Earth and Earth dwellers.

Revelation 18 foretells that Babylon, today's Iraq, will be this world headquarters for the world dictator, the Antichrist, who will control the global economic system to be implemented. A global economic crisis will be the precursor to this scenario (Revelation 13:16-17). Isaiah 13 - 14, Jeremiah 50 - 51, along with Revelation 16 reveals the total destruction of Babylon, modern-day Iraq, at the end of the 7 year judgment just before Jesus Christ returns to Earth.

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 15, 2016

Jordan's ambassador to the United States says that Jerusalem is a ticking time bomb

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The Jordanian Ambassador to the United States says that Jerusalem is a ticking time bomb where an attack by Jewish extremists on Moslem holy sites could erase any chances for peace between Israel and the Palestinians also undermining stability in the entire Moslem world. The ambassador said his country was worried that an incident on the Temple Mount could unleash emotions of an extreme nature and the consequences would be very severe.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by the Jordanian ambassador to the United States that Jerusalem is a ticking time bomb is actually a page out of Bible prophecy.

From 1948 through 1967 and the Six Day War, the Jordanian government had control of the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Islamic mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In fact, the Jordanians controlled the entire Temple Mount and allowed no Jews to enter the complex. The late King Hussein released control of the Temple Mount compound to the Palestinian Authority who have had custodial responsibilities of this holy site for the last 16 years. The Palestinian-Islamic Trust controls who can or cannot enter the compound. The Temple Mount or the Al-Aqsa, as the Moslems refer to this site, is   the Islamic world's third holiest site. To the Jews and the Christians, it is their holiest site in the universe.

The statement by the Jordanian envoy is, in truth, reality. The Temple Mount, is indeed, a ticking time bomb. As I stated, this statement is a page out of Bible prophecy found in the prophetic book of Zechariah. The ancient Jewish prophet revealed 2500 years before the fact that Jerusalem and in particular the Temple Mount would be the center of controversy in the last days (Zechariah 12:2-3, 1:14-16). The prophetic phrase, "a cup of trembling" found in Zechariah 12:2 means that those who control this holy site will be intoxicated with power and will do so until the Messiah Jesus Christ returns to build His temple on this holy site.

Jerusalem as a ticking time bomb does set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 14, 2016

The social network Facebook is being used to call for the total destruction of the Jewish state of Israel

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After a massive internet campaign used to pressure the popular social networking site Facebook into removing the Moslem page calling for the third uprising against Israel, another page has surfaced entitled "Subscribe Now to the Palestinian Intifada" - a Palestinian uprising against Israel. On the page, "Make the Prophet Number One on Facebook", there are numbers of links to sites of other Facebook pages promoting a massive attempt to carry out the destruction of the state of Israel. 

Facebook is also being used to summon millions of Moslems to march into Israel with additional pages calling for one billion Moslems to destroy Israel and exterminate the Jewish people. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The social network Facebook has been used to call for one billion Moslems to march into Israel and destroy the Jewish state, a page which is actually right out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

It has become common knowledge that the social network Facebook has been used very effectively in the organization of the street demonstrations throughout the Arab world. Now this same communications vehicle is being used to call for one billion Moslems to march into Israel to destroy the state and exterminate the Jews. There are Facebook fan pages that are promoting the popularity of Allah the Islamic god and to make him number one on Facebook. Though the media has been very vocal in praising the use of Facebook in the popular uprisings in the Arab world, they have been very silent on condemning the use of Facebook calling for the extermination of the Jewish people. 

This misuse of Facebook by radical Moslems is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy. The Psalmist in Psalm 83:4 wrote that the enemies of Israel will indeed call for their total destruction and that the memory of the Jewish people might be blotted out. Zechariah 13:8, Revelation 12:13-17, and other prophetic passages foretell of a time during the Tribulation, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, that there will be many Jews killed, up to two out of every three Jews on the Earth. The Lord will intercede to protect the Jewish people from total extermination however, until this heavenly intervention, the Jews will suffer persecution and death as called for on Facebook. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 13, 2016

A Jewish rabbi has called for the Jewish settlers to take up arms against Jewish soldiers

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Rabbi Dov Wolpo, Chairman of the organization SOS Israel has called for Jewish settlers to react in kind when under attack by the Israeli Defense Forces saying when Jewish soldiers come to destroy their homes and shoot rubber bullets, the settlers need to return fire with rubber bullets against the Israeli soldiers.

The rabbi said he believes Israel is headed towards a civil war, especially in light of the new Israeli government policy of using weapons and munitions that kill in the conflict of Jews against Jews.

Wolpo is the rabbi who a year ago called for a second Jewish state because the government of the one Jewish state today, Israel seems to ignore the rights of the religious Jews living in a land that they say God has given them.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by a rabbi to have Jews take up arms against other Jews and at the same time say that Israel is on the verge of a civil war, Jew against Jew, is a page out of Bible prophecy.

You might consider this story as the evidence that Israeli Jews are divided today. They may well go into a civil war, Jew against Jew, in a very near future tomorrow. The call by Rabbi Dov Wolpo for the Jewish settlers to take up arms against Jewish soldiers seems to be a very radical statement however when you understand Rabbi Wolpo's position, that God gave the Jewish people this land in question that they are fighting for, you realize that the rabbi is on more solid ground for his call to arms for the Jewish settlers.

God's Word does back the rabbi in Ezekiel 34 where God tells the prophet 18 times that He the Lord will find the Jewish people wherever they have been scattered over the last two thousand years and bring them back into their promised land.

Ezekiel 37:15-23 reveals a prophetic scenario that does actually call for a second Jewish state which will be titled, "Judah". Rabbi Wolpo has already called for the Jewish people to be in place in Israel and ready to establish a second Jewish state that is, as I mentioned, called for in Bible prophecy. There will be a second Jewish state in Israel soon after the Rapture, before Jesus Christ comes back to the earth.

Rabbi Wolpo's actions are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 12, 2016

The leader of the nation of Islam says Jews are a cover for Satan

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Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the nation of Islam says that the Jews who dominate the US government and the banking system are always working to push America into war and he says that he is trying to pull the cover off of Satan, referring to the Jews as the cover for Satan.

Farrakhan told his followers that American Zionists are trying to push the US and Israel into a war with Iran and that he must pull the cover off of Satan so that Satan will never deceive the people of this world again.

Abe Foxman who is the National Director for the Anti Defamation League said Farrakhan is the bigot in chief of the nation of Islam, an Anti-Semite who is the pied piper of hatred towards the Jewish people.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the nation of Islam, has the characters of the last days correct but not the facts, according to Bible prophecy.

In a speech to his followers, members of the nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the nation, spewed out his radical rhetoric against the Jewish people and referred to them as the "cover for Satan". He said that the Jews in America who Farrakhan said controls the US government and the banking system in America, that US Jews were trying to push America and Israel into a war with Iran. Farrakhan earlier also made the statement that the revolution in the Middle East among the Arab states will spread to the US. Again, I say Farrakhan has the right characters for the end of times, but the details are wrong.

The ancient Jewish prophets prewrote history, better known as prophecy, and they have the characters and the details of the future all correct. Satan will indeed be the one behind the scene orchestrating the events of the last days, Daniel 10 and Revelation 12. The Jews will be the prime focus of persecution during the days of judgment, the seven year Tribulation Period, Revelation 4-19. Islam will play a key role in how this persecution unfolds, Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11. There will also be a war between the Jewish state of Israel and Iran as foretold in Ezekiel 38:5 where Iran is mentioned by the name Persia.

Farrakhan does have the characters right for the end of times drama, but he must learn from the Bible all of the details.

July 11, 2016

Russia's military is launching its biggest rearmament since Soviet times

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Russia's government will spend 650 billion dollars to rearm its military in the biggest makeover for the Russians since the times of the Soviet Union, a project that they say is needed because for two decades they have had no modernization in order to really protect their country.

Russia is the world's 5th largest military spender. They need, according to analysts, a strong conventional force to reduce its reliance on its aging Soviet missile nuclear deterrent. Russia's military leaders say this rearmament project will finally give them a modern top level arm of forces that are capable of protecting their homeland. The "Big Bear" is sharpening its teeth.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

For decades, during the Cold War, Russia was a major world military power and now as Russia's military rearms itself, it moves now onto the world stage in order to fulfill Bible prophecy for the last days.

The recent nonproliferation treaty signed by the US and Russia brought attention to the fact that Russia has fallen behind in military hardware to a place where Russia's leaders say they are not now prepared to defend their country. The recent announcement that Russia is planning to spend 650 billion dollars to rearm their military forces is evidence that the Russian leaders recognize their need to make preparations to defend the homeland but also to become once again a major world military power. This is a prerequisite to the prophetic scenario that can be found in the prophetic passages of God's Word.

Bible prophecy for the last days mentions a nation that will play the key role in forming a coalition of nations that will align themselves against the Jewish state of Israel. This scenario is laid out in the prophecies of Ezekiel written 2500 years ago. Ezekiel 38:2 mentions Gog in the land of Magog. Gog is the person, Magog, the place. Magog was a grandson of Noah, Genesis 10:2, who took his family and started a nation, Genesis 10:5, in what is today known as Russia. Ezekiel 38 reveals that Russia will lead a coalition of nations who will try and destroy the Jewish state of Israel in the first six months of the seven year Tribulation Period.

A rearmed Russian military does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

July 08, 2016

An Islamic cleric in Israel says that he would rather die than to see the rebuilding of a Jewish temple in Israel

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Sheik Raad Salah, the leader of the Islamic movement in Israel and speaking to Moslem students at Haifa University, told them that he would rather die than to give up the Islamic holy site where the Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, and suggested the students should be ready to do the same. Sheik Salah also repeated his claim that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was intending on completing his plan to gain control of the Temple Mount and to rebuild the Jewish temple on the site that Moslems believe is holy - the third holiest site after Mecca and Medina.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Moslems that would give their lives to protect and possess the Temple Mount in Jerusalem area actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is becoming more and more a center of controversy. The Temple Mount is the third holiest piece of real estate for Moslems. To the Jews, it the most holy site in all of the world and the site of the first and second Jewish temples. Moslems who are ready to die to protect and possess this site would fit a scenario that will be played out in the last days according to Bible prophecy.

Zechariah said that the Temple Mount would be the center of controversy in the end times (Zechariah 12:2). Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Joel said that the Moslem world would come to Jerusalem to take it from the Jewish people (Isaiah 51:3, Ezekiel 36:35, and Joel 2:3). Ezekiel also wrote of a temple on the Temple Mount for the Messiah to rule and reign from that location (Ezekiel 40 - 46). Ezekiel's temple is the temple for the kingdom period in the future. The next temple to be erected on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be the one standing during the seven year Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1). However, this next temple will not be built until after the Rapture when Christians depart from Earth for the heavens. Until that time, no one can build the temple even Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 07, 2016

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, has called on Moslems to remove the United States from the Islamic world

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The leader of Iran's supreme council, made up of all Islamic religious high ranking clerics, has called for the Moslem world to remove the United States from the Islamic world, actually meaning the removal of all American forces in the Middle East region. Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, the leader of Iran's supreme council, told a gathering of Shiite and Sunni scholars in Tehran, there for an international conference on Islam, that the main problem in the Moslem world was the presence of US forces and he urged Moslems worldwide to preserve the peoples movement in Egypt saying that it was the duty of both the people and dignitaries of Arab nations and the entire Islamic community. 

Ali Khomeini said that the enemies who say that the Middle East revolution is un-Islamic must be confronted. These popular movements, he said, are Islamic and must be consolidated. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The call by Iran's supreme leader for the Moslem world to rid the Middle East of US forces and consolidate this Islamic movement is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days. 

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, has called for all Moslems both Shiite and Sunni to consolidate their efforts to change the landscape of the Middle East by removing all Arab and Islamic leaders who have a relationship with the United States or Israel. Ali Khomeini says that the street demonstrations in the Arab world are motivated by the Islamic faith of the protesters. The supreme leader of Iran calls on the Moslem world to remove US forces from any Moslem or Islamic nation and to do so right now. This political scenario being played out in the Middle East is, in reality, setting the stage for the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the end of times.

The ancient Jewish prophets all spoke of these events and the nations in the Middle East that are now experiencing this phenomenon as the main players for the last days. Daniel, in Daniel 11, mentioned Egypt as one of the two nations that will make the first attempt to destroy the Jewish state of Israel (Daniel 11:42-43). Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 38:5, mentioned Persia - that would be modern day Iran as one of the leaders of the alignment of nations to attack Israel. Joel in chapter 2 of his prophecy called for a mighty militia from the Moslem world to go to Jerusalem and remove the Jewish state from the Middle East. 

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, is calling for what Bible prophecy says will indeed happen - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

July 06, 2016

A high ranking Islamic terrorist claims that China and India will replace the United States as the superpowers in this world

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According to Mahmoud al-Zahar, the chief of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the empire of the United States is in decline and will fall because of the country's immorality, promotion of sexuality, and political injustice. Al-Zahar also predicted that China and India will become the new world superpowers because of the large populations of both China and India and these two economies expanding faster than any other nations of the world. Al-Zahar said that he welcomed the revolution of Egypt which brought down the US-backed Mubarak and said that this revolution will sweep the Middle East bringing down other Arab leaders who support the United States and its ally Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Islamic terror leader who predicted the fall of the United States and the rise of China and India as superpowers is in lockstep with Bible prophecy for the last days.

The chief of Hamas in the Gaza Strip made a very profound statement recently when he predicted the fall of the United States and the rise of China and India as superpowers in our world. Mahmoud al-Zahar most likely does not realize how right on that he is, but the Bible does reveal in the pages of prophecy that the kings of the east, that would be China and India, the kings of the east mentioned in the book of Revelation 16:12 that these kings of the east will gather at Jerusalem just before Jesus Christ returns to the earth, as will all nations at that time in history (Zechariah 14:2).

As it relates to America's fall because of immorality and the promotion of sexuality, so stated by this Islamic leader, that is very Biblical as well. In fact, the United States is not mentioned in Bible prophecy giving us some evidence that America must be off the scene before the end of times scenario found in Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. Remember, at the Rapture of the Church, all Christians leave this earth and go to heaven which will take the backbone of this nation of America away leaving the United States as a powerless country.

The Hamas leader that said the United States will fall may not know that he actually was quoting Bible prophecy - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

July 05, 2016

The Islamic organization of al Qaeda says that all Middle Eastern Christians are legitimate targets

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Christians across the Middle East have been put on notice by the Islamic state of Iraq, better known as the Iraqi branch of the international branch of the international Islamic terror organization al Qaeda, that all Christians in the Middle East are now legitimate targets. The ministry of war of the Islamic state of Iraq declares that all centers, organizations, and bodies of Christian leaders and followers have become targets wherever their hands can reach them. 

The terrorist leaders said that the doors of destruction are open and that Christian blood will flow like a river in the Middle East. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The threat by Islamic terrorists to kill Christians in the Middle East is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

Recently in Baghdad, Iraq a group of Islamic militants entered a church and killed over 60 church goers after they held them hostage for a number of hours. Soon after this horrific attack the Islamic Republic of Iraq, a branch of al Qaeda, declared that all Christians in the Middle East are legitimate targets and their blood will flow like a river. This declaration by Islamic militants on the Middle Eastern Christian community is that page of Bible prophecy that can be found in a number of prophetic passages. 

Though true born again Christians will depart the world at the Rapture of the Church there will be many others that will become believers, followers of Jesus Christ in the seven year Tribulation period (Revelation 7:9, I Thessalonians 4:13-18). During the Tribulation period these new believers in Jesus Christ will be martyred because of their faith (Revelation 6:9-11). John the Revelator wrote of the Tribulation saints that will be killed, many of them beheaded, for their witness for Jesus and for the Word of God (Revelation 20:4-6). 

Threats from the Islamic militants to kill Christians in the Middle East is indeed a page from Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

July 04, 2016

As we celebrate the birthday of the United States, the question of America's place in Bible prophecy can be answered

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Independence Day celebrations mark the birth of the United States of America, an experiment that has been very successful in many different ways. Many Christians say that the reason for America's prosperity is due to their support for world evangelism. The United States has been the launch pad for worldwide missions, spreading the gospel to a needy world. 
The other reason given for America's success is that we have protected the Jewish state of Israel for the many years of its existence, keeping the Jewish people from total elimination by its enemies. These two reasons, at the least, have played a role in bringing the United States to where it is today; but where is the United States in Bible prophecy?

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The question of America's place in Bible prophecy does have an answer.
"Where is America in Bible prophecy?" That is the most asked question in any "Prophecy Question and Answer" time. I am always asked this question when I open up to inquiring people.
Once in a "Prophecy Question and Answer" time someone told me that they knew, so I asked "Where?"
They said, "Jerusalem."
I asked them to explain, and they spelled out the word Jerusalem.
"J - e - r - U - S - A - l - e - m", to which everybody laughed.
As I thought about the answer though, I believe that it is correct, the only place in Bible prophecy that I see the possibility of the mention of the United States or an illusion to the United States is in Zechariah 14:2.
Zechariah revealed that at the time of the end all of the armies of the world would gather at Jerusalem, under the leadership of Satan, Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet - there to confront Jesus Christ on His return to the Mount of Olives from where He departed some 2,000 years ago. If America survives the 7 year Tribulation Period, their army would join the other armies of the world at Jerusalem.
America today is great because the backbone of this nation is made up of true, Bible believing, born-again Christians. When the Christians leave this world at the Rapture of the Church, which could happen at any moment, the most powerful nation in the world will most likely fall from it's power base.
America's spiritual decline, in the present, will result in a power decline in the future. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

July 01, 2016

Two global strategists, both advisors to President Obama, call for the United States to break ties with Israel

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George Friedman, the publisher of Stratfor, a newsletter on strategic global planning, in his most recent book, "The Next Decade" has called for the Obama administration to have the United States to break ties with its main Middle East ally Israel, and increase its cooperation with the Islamic world especially Iran and Pakistan. Friedman's comments are in concert with a former consultant to President Obama, Tony Cordsman, who argues that the United States strategic alliance with Israel was harming Washington's interests in the Middle East.

Friedman said that Washington has been in a confrontation with the Islamic world, which consists of 1 billion people, and a decline in US support for Israel was vital for what he termed the survival of the United States empire.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Strategic global planners calling for the United States to break ties with Israel will not save the United States empire as they believe but will do the opposite according to Bible prophecy.

George Friedman and Tony Cordsman, both not household names, but major players in United States strategic planning have called for the Obama administration to reorder its foreign policy in the Middle East and begin by breaking ties with Israel, America's long time strategic partner in that region. In essence, both men believe that the United States confrontation with the Moslem world, because of America's war with Al Qaeda, has brought harm to the American empire's ability to survive over the next decade. Friedman, in his recent book "The Next Decade" says that the United States must develop a greater partnership with Iran and Pakistan instead of the Jewish state of Israel.

The ancient Jewish prophets wrote 2500 years ago that God would destroy those Middle East nations that try and eliminate Israel from the face of the earth - that is found in Ezekiel 38 and 39 where both Iran and Pakistan are mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 as Persia. God told Abraham 4000 years ago in Genesis 12:1-3 that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed - that principle is still applicable today. Since the United States is not found in Bible prophecy, one can conclude that America will not be a major factor before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.

If America takes the advice of strategic global planners over the Bible they can be assured that God will deal with them. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.