
August 31, 2016

A rabbi in Israel claims to be a descendant of King David and he wants to set up the Kingdom of Israel right now

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Rabbi Yosef Dayan claims that he can prove he is from the lineage of King David, Israel's second king, and the rabbi wants to restore Israel from a state back to a kingdom, which he says the Lord has commanded in the Bible.  This rabbi is joined by a number of Jewish scholars who say that God's Word does command the establishment of a kingdom in the land that God has given the Jewish people and Rabbi Dayan could be a candidate for the future king of Israel.

According to this group of Jewish scholars, God has commanded the Jewish people when they return to the land of their forefathers, to set up the kingdom, wipe out the seed of Amalek, and then build their temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

There are a number of Jewish scholars in Israel that believe the Lord wants them to set up the Kingdom of Israel today which is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

For over two decades, there have been serious Jewish scholars that have been preparing to build a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  Now, many of those same Jewish scholars, believe their priority is to first establish the Kingdom of Israel, wipe out the seed of Amalek, and then build the temple.  Among this group of scholars, is a rabbi who says that he can prove his claim to being in the lineage of King David and thus is a candidate to become the King of Israel.

This group of Jewish scholars are working hard to teach the Jewish people what God's Word does command them to do and then move ahead with this project.  Interesting to me is the fact that God's Word does call for a kingdom in the land of Israel, that's II Samuel 7 which is the Davidic Covenant.  Obadiah, an ancient Jewish prophet, wrote 2800 years ago that the descendants of Amalek would be destroyed and they would be as if they had never been (Jeremiah 49:18).  The Jewish prophet Ezekiel gave a description of the temple that will be standing during the kingdom on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that's Ezekiel 40-46, 202 verses of detailed information about that temple of the future.

These Jewish scholars are indeed involved in preparing for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 30, 2016

The perception in the Middle East is that the American superpower status is in decline

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The perception in the Middle East and the Arab World is that the United States of America, supposed leader of the free world and international superstar, is becoming weaker according to Avi Gil who is a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, who also said that America no longer leads as it once did but now follows or leads from behind.

The United States has called for Israel to withdraw from land that is Biblically, historically, and strategically essential for the very existence of the Jewish state among the Arab-Islamic nations in the Middle East which would put the Jewish state in harm's way. 
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With America's superpower status in decline and the rising power of the radical Arab Islamic world, we can now see better the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

The America that we knew 10 to 15 years ago is no longer at the peak of the pedestal as a world superpower and even the Arab Muslim world recognizes this as the case for America politically and economically.  Much of the way that Israel is perceived is directly dependent upon its relationship with America.  This report begs the question, where is the United States in Bible prophecy?  Is it a superpower in the last days or not there at all?

The United States is not mentioned by name anywhere in Bible prophecy but it seems to refer to the United States and in fact all nations in Zechariah 14:2 when the ancient Jewish prophet wrote that at the end of the seven year Tribulation period, all nations will gather in Jerusalem.  But before that, the superpower will be the Antichrist, the world dictator who will control a one world economic, political, and governmental system from Babylon in modern-day Iraq.

This is foretold in Revelation 18.  Under the leadership of Satan, Antichrist, and the False Prophet, this massive body of people will confront Jesus Christ as He returns to the Mount of Olives and then after the Battle of Armageddon, goes into the Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to set up His kingdom (Zechariah 6:12-13).

Perception has become fact as America continues to decline in leadership and character in our world today.  The prophecies of God's Word will indeed be fulfilled.

August 29, 2016

Iran's supreme Islamic leader says Moslems must kill Jews and annihilate Israel and they can do that in just nine minutes

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Two websites in Iran are calling for Moslems to kill Jews and annihilate Israel and that they will do this in less than nine minutes, a plan that has legal and religious justification for the attack on the Jewish state which also includes Jewish people worldwide.

In fact, Iran already has a strategy in place for an offensive attack that would target key Israeli sites using land-to-land missiles or their nuclear weapon of mass destruction mounted as a warhead on their long range Shahab 3 missile that can hit any target in Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call by the supreme Islamic leader of Iran for Moslems to rise up and kill Jews and annihilate the Jewish state of Israel and be able to do that, as they say, in nine minutes is a page right out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

Several years ago, Iranian President Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth and he has continued this radical rhetoric up until today. It is amazing to me as I watch world leaders not doing anything serious to stop this call for the planned destruction of an entire nation, the Jewish people. I mentioned that this scenario actually is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2500 years ago that Iran, mentioned as Persia in Ezekiel 38:5, would rise up to try to slaughter the Jewish people in the last days.

In the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, Ezekiel 34 and 37, the Jews have returned to the land of their forefathers and now consider the Iranians as the number one threat to their existence. Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 all mention an alignment of nations that will join Iran in an effort to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. In fact, Psalm 83:4 says this coalition of nations will rise up to cut Israel off from being a nation in this world and work so that the name of the Jewish state, Israel will be forgotten forever. Ezekiel 38:18-39:6 reveals that the Lord will intercede from Heaven and actually destroy Iran and all the nations in their coalition.

Politically, Iran wants to wipe Israel off the earth. Prophetically, Iran will be the nation destroyed by the Lord.

August 26, 2016

Mainline churches in Amercia have started a heavenly intifada against the Jewish people

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The United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church, and other mainline protestant denominations in the United States have launched what could be called a heavenly intifada, a popular uprising against the Jewish people and the Jewish state of Israel.  This heavenly intifada has taken the form of boycotting companies that do business or have major operations with Israel by divesting in these companies, withdrawing financial support from anybody doing business with Israel.

In addition to divesting their financial support these mainline church groups have also branded Judaism as a bloodthirsty primitive religion and that Jews are no longer the chosen people but instead, the Devil's people.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Mainline protestant churches in America have launched a heavenly intifada, and uprising against the Jewish people and the Jewish state of Israel which is a precursor of things to come that is according to Bible prophecy.

Mainline protestant churches in America and actually around the world have determined Israeli security policies are sin against God.  This is part of what has been termed a heavenly intifada launched on the Jews and the Jewish state of Israel by the liberal religious communities in our world who believe that God is finished with the Jewish people today.  The Jews are no longer the chosen people of God but instead the Devil's people and they are planting the seeds of violence.  These mainline religious organizations boycott no other country but loudly proclaim a radical anti-Israel policy.  This scenario as reported here is one that can be found in the pages of Bible prophecy.

Revelation 17 is the prophecy of a one world church which will come to power at the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation period, a terrible time of trouble in the future.  The mother son cult religious practices will come to power headquartered in Rome, Italy and control the world with this religion that was started 4500 years ago in Babylon (Genesis 11:4).  This false religion led by the False Prophet will cause the world to worship the Beast who is the Antichrist (Revelation 13:11-15).

A heavenly intifada led by the mainline churches in America and around the world is indeed setting the stage for a worldwide false religion which actually wants to destroy the Jewish people.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 25, 2016

A leading rabbi in Jerusalem believes the Temple will be rebuilt in his lifetime

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In a documentary produced by my son, Jim Jr., a leading rabbi in Jerusalem says that he believes the next Jewish temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount in his lifetime and he says everything is ready to build that temple today. Rabbi Nachman Kahane, the rabbi who has guided many Jewish students of the Scriptures on the subject of the temple has been the main source of serious study and preparations to build the Jewish temple basically because that is what the Bible calls for from the religious Jews. 

In Rabbi Kahane's Yeshiva, which is a place of learning for Jewish young men, the rabbi trained all the leaders of this effort to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and it was his students that started the Temple Institute which has accumulated all the implements for the next temple and trained the men to operate that temple. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

All the preparations have been made to rebuild the next Jewish temple in Jerusalem which is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times. Twenty years ago I sat with Rabbi Nachman Kahane as he was beginning his quest to rebuild the Jewish temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. Now twenty years later the rabbi believes that the temple will indeed be rebuilt in his lifetime. That is a quote from the rabbi on a documentary released on the subject that shows the rabbi plus many others who also agree that the temple could be standing in Jerusalem in the very near future. 

Rabbi Yehuda Glick, the former head of the Temple Institute, says even the priestly garments are ready and the temple will stand in full operation very soon. Rabbi Chaim Richman, who is the leading authority on the red heifer, says the temple will be built at the spot of the original site of the Garden of Eden which he says is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yoel Keren says that there will be a Jewish temple in Jerusalem that follows the details in Ezekiel 40-46 but first the Jewish people will build a less extravagant temple as they did when the Second Temple was rebuilt 2500 years ago. The priests have been trained, the implements made to operate the temple, even the Menorah, the seven branched candelabra, and there are ten stringed harps for the Levites to play as called for by King David in I Chronicles 23:5. 

With all preparations made for the next temple, Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

August 24, 2016

A recent survey reveals that 70% of Israeli believe they are God's chosen people

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The latest survey of the beliefs and values among Israeli Jews, the first comprehensive study in more than a decade, reveals that 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God exists and some 70% of these Jews surveyed believed the Jews are the chosen people, a statement that can be found in the Bible.  The authors of this study believe the demographic changes in Israel caused by the higher birthrates among the orthodox and the ultra-orthodox Jews has resulted in the uptick of Jewish attachment to Biblical truth with a majority of all Israeli Jews believing in the coming Jewish Messiah.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recent survey made among Israeli Jews reveals that Jews believe they are God's chosen people, a fact that the Bible stated more than 4000 years ago but a fact that means God does have a plan for the Jewish people in the future - that is according to Bible prophecy.

Over the last decade, Jews living in Israel have become much more religious, an interesting fact in light of God's plan for the Jewish people in the future.  A recent survey indicates that 70% of all Israeli Jews believe in God and 55% of those surveyed say they believe in the coming of their Messiah.  Fully 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God does indeed exist, the highest figure in more than two decades, a trend that will take place as the world moves into the prophetic events found in Bible prophecy.

The ancient Jewish prophecy Ezekiel prewrote history as he spoke of the regathering of the Jewish people from the four corners of the earth, the restoration of a Jewish state and a Jewish community in Israel that though in unbelief, there will be an increase in a desire to see their Messiah and to become the people of God, the chosen people (Ezekiel 37:7-11 and Ezekiel 34:11-30).  God does have a plan for the Jewish people and this plan is focused on the land of Israel, a land promised to the Jewish people by God Himself (Ezekiel 36, Deuteronomy 30).  The future for the Jews not only in Israel but around the entire world is in the hands of God and its found in the pages of His Word the Bible.

With this increase of the knowledge of God's plan for the Jewish people, this plan will indeed come to pass.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 23, 2016

The World Health Organization says that 50% of all abortions in this world are dangerous

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A recent report by the World Health Organization says that abortions worldwide are putting women's health at risk with one half of all abortions unsafe, even dangerous, and abortion is one of the main reasons for maternal death worldwide.  This data reveals that women who wish to terminate unwanted pregnancies will seek abortion at any cost and thus these women will continue to die in significant numbers.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The number of maternal deaths related to unsafe abortion is on the increase, a disturbing statistic for the World Health Organization but it's blasphemy according to the Bible and abortion is a precursor to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

WHO, World Health Organization, in a recent report, revealed the increase in maternal deaths, a result of unsafe abortions.  They say now 50% of all worldwide abortions are unsafe and a major cause for these maternal deaths.  This number goes as high as 95% in Latin American countries and 97% in Africa.  However, what about the death rate among the children that are aborted.  That would be at 100% of all abortions of unwanted pregnancies end in death to the babies - and that's the real sin.

Abortion is very dangerous for all unborn children, and I say children because life does not begin at birth.  In fact, it does not begin at conception.  Life begins in the mind of God in eternity past.  In Jeremiah 1:5, the Lord told Jeremiah that he had been chosen to be the prophet to the nations of the world not at birth, not even at conception, but Jeremiah was chosen before he was formed in his mother's womb in eternity past.  All of life began in the mind of God before the creation of the world.

Abortion is murder according to Exodus 21:22-23.  If someone takes another life, Genesis 9:6, then they must give their life in return.  That's capital punishment which is called for in the Bible.  Abortion is most dangerous for the unborn with a 100% mortality rate and murders through abortions will increase in the last days (Revelation 22:15).

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 22, 2016

European leaders have declared war on Jewish settlers and they want Jerusalem to be divided

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European leaders are calling for the Jewish settlers living in Judea and Samaria to be blacklisted and they say they will ban these settlers from entering the EU while at the same time, these European leaders are encouraging the radical PLO to become more active in the Eastern section of Jerusalem.

The division of Jerusalem is on the agenda of these EU leaders because they say there will be no peace in the Middle East unless there is a portion of Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state while the Israelis say that Jerusalem will never be divided.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As EU leaders declare war on the Jewish settlers and call for the division of the city of Jerusalem, a student of Bible prophecy can see better in focus the end of time scenario that the Lord gave to the ancient Jewish prophets more than 2000 years ago.

The EU leaders that have the task of helping direct the foreign policy for the Europeans are making moves to stop all funding for the construction of any new building projects in the area referred to as the West Bank by some but is in reality the ancient biblical lands known as Judea and Samaria. The Jewish settlers claim that their presence in Judea and Samaria actually helps the peace process. This discussion will continue.

When one looks at the Bible for an answer to this very sticky issue, they will find that the Lord did promise this piece of real estate where the Jewish settlers have built their homes and raised their families, that this land called Judea and Samaria does belong to them, Ezekiel 34:11-30. Deuteronomy 30 is the Land Covenant which promises the Jews much more than Judea and Samaria ultimately in the future. As it relates to the Palestinian claims to this land, the prophet Malachi wrote that the Palestinians, the descendants of Esau, the Edomites, would return to this land and setup borders, which the Lord said would be the "borders of wickedness", Malachi 1.

The debate will continue related to the Jewish settlements, but rest assured, Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

August 19, 2016

The Doomsday Clock ticks one minute closer to Armageddon

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The nuclear watchdogs at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists reset the hands of the symbolic Doomsday Clock 5 minutes to midnight and they did this in response to what they see as a major danger in this world with the proliferation of nuclear activity around the world.  The bulletin's scientific board includes Professor Stephen Hawking and 18 other Nobel Laureates who watch what they consider global threats and they have changed the time on this Doomsday Clock 18 times over the years.

Setting the clock to 5 minutes to Armageddon was to alert the world of the potential for nuclear destruction in the near future.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As a group of scientists set the Doomsday Clock to 5 minutes before Armageddon, they do so to warn our world of a coming catastrophic event that is at least 7 years into the future - that is according to Bible prophecy.

Renowned scientists, including Stephen Hawking and 18 other Nobel Laureates, have warned the world of a nuclear danger that is very close in their opinion.  To emphasize their concern they set the famous Doomsday Clock at 5 minutes before Armageddon as they see it.  Their concerns come from the proliferation of nuclear development of weapons of mass destruction in many nations of our world with many other countries looking into the prospects for nuclear armament.  North Korea and Iran are both developing nuclear weapons of mass destruction and this action has the world on edge.  The only problem with this promotion of resetting the Doomsday Clock to 5 minutes before Armageddon is that Bible prophecy reveals that Armageddon is at least 7 years into the future.

The next event on God's calendar of prophetic events is the Rapture when all Christians are taken into heaven (Revelation 4:1).  Revelation 4:2 - 19:10 gives us detailed information of the 7 year period of time known as the Tribulation, a terrible time of judgment on the earth.  Revelation 19:11 foretells the return of the Messiah Jesus Christ to the earth and it is at that time that the Battle of Armageddon takes place - found in the rest of Revelation 19.

Even though scientists are wrong with the setting of the Doomsday Clock at 5 minutes before Armageddon, this time of judgment is indeed in our future.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 18, 2016

The Vatican has called for a central world bank

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The Vatican recently called for a global public authority and a central world bank to rule over the financial institutions that have been at the center of the global economic crisis because they have become outdated and ineffective in dealing with this financial crisis.  There are those who say that this proposal by the Vatican is music to the ears of the demonstrators around the world who are calling for economic equality for all.

The 18 page Vatican document says that if a central financial authority is not set up, the crisis at a social, political, and economic level could create a climate of growing hostility and even violence which will ultimately destroy the foundations of our world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The recent call by the Vatican for a central world bank and a global economic authority fits the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the last days.

In our world today there is a global economic crisis that does not seem to be going away.  Both the European Union and the United States face major financial problems that no one can find a solution for at the present time.  There have been calls by members of the G-20, the 20 leading economies of this world, for a worldwide financial structure to resolve this global economic crisis.

Now the Vatican has released a plan that they believe will bring about the end of this financial crisis.  In fact the Vatican plan says if there is not a resolution to the financial crisis violence will break out across the world.  The Vatican plan with a central authority and a world bank is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

The book of Revelation reveals that there will be a central authority to rule over a global economic structure and it will be headquartered in Babylon which is modern-day Iraq (Revelation 18).  This economic system will cause all in the world to take an identification mark on their forehead or the back of their hand in order to be able to buy or sell any necessity of life (Revelation 13:16-17).  The fulfillment of these prophecies will take place after the Rapture of the Church.

However, our present world crisis is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 17, 2016

Israel now has tangible evidence to refute those who say there never was Jewish worship on the Temple Mount

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Israeli archaeologists have uncovered the first artifact to confirm the written testimony of the Jewish temple worship and sacrifice that took place in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount some 2000 years ago and they believe that this is the first time physical evidence has been found to refute those who reject any Jewish presence on the Temple Mount throughout history.

This discovery is tangible evidence that there was a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem 2000 years ago where Jewish worshipers went to worship the God of Israel.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

An archaeological discovery on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem refutes Moslem claims that there never was a Jewish temple but at the same time, it sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

For a number of years, the Mufti of Jerusalem, a high ranking Moslem cleric, has stated that there never was a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  With the custodial control of the Temple Mount underneath the Islamic Trust the Moslems have dictated when Jews were allowed to even enter the Temple Mount compound.  Islamic propaganda is continually used to say to the world that the Jews have no right to the Temple Mount even though this sacred piece of real estate is the holiest site in all of Judaism.

With this latest discovery of Israeli archaeologists a first century second temple seal, there is now solid evidence of Jewish worship at the Jewish temple in Jerusalem.  This button sized seal with an inscription in Aramaic was found with oil lamps, earthenware, and containers filled with oils and perfumes all of which are artifacts that date back to the period of the Hasmoneans and the time of the second Jewish temple in Jerusalem.

This archaeological discovery refutes the claims by the Muslims that there never was a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount but it also speaks to the future and another Jewish temple, in fact, two different temples in the future.  Zechariah 6:12 says that the Messiah Jesus Christ will build His temple there on the Temple Mount and rule from this temple in the kingdom to come (Zechariah 6:13).  II Samuel 7 is a promise to King David that this coming temple will be there in Jerusalem forever.  However, before the kingdom temple, Bible prophecy reveals another temple, the Tribulation temple, which will be there on the Temple Mount to be desecrated (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1).

This latest archaeological discovery on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is evidence of the past and also speaks to the future.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 16, 2016

The Vatican demands control of a large section of the Old City of Jerusalem

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As the ongoing peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians continues to falter, the Vatican has demanded control over the religious sites in the Old City of Jerusalem and the surrounding area warning the peace negotiators that they must tackle the issue of the status of these holy sites. The Vatican warned that there will be no peace if the question of the holy sites is not resolved and the sacred and unique character of these areas must be safeguarded and it can only be done with an internationally guaranteed agreement.

The Vatican wants Israel to relinquish sovereignty over the Temple Mount, Judaism's most sacred site, and internationalize the city of Jerusalem, a plan that the Israelis reject outright.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The demand coming from the Vatican in Rome for the city of Jerusalem to be made an international zone is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.

Recent calls from the Vatican in Rome for control of the holy sites in Jerusalem has caused concern for the political leaders of Israel. In fact, the Israeli government and the Vatican are deadlocked in discussions over the status of the religious sites in Jerusalem. In question would be the Holy Sepulchre, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Upper Room which the Vatican demands to have under their sovereign control. The Vatican wants all of the Old City of Jerusalem to be made into an international zone, including the Temple Mount. The Jews claim the Temple Mount as their most sacred piece of real estate and they vow to never allow the sovereignty to be relinquished to the control of any other that the Jewish State of Israel.

This report is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times. Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet, reveals in Daniel chapters 9 and 11 how the Revived Roman Empire will come together out of a one world religious power base in Rome, Italy. This end times political power led by the one world dictator, the Antichrist, will take control of the Temple Mount and allow a temple to be built there. Jews are ready to rebuild that temple in Jerusalem right now.

The Vatican's demand to control holy sites in Jerusalem is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 15, 2016

As world leaders work for peace in the Middle East the current peace agreements are unraveling

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World leaders in America, Europe, Russia, and the Middle East are working to bring about a peace in the Middle East even as three peace agreements between Israel and their neighbors are actually unraveling and may not be in effect for very long.

The Camp David Accords, a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, is almost a thing of the past with the present situation in Egypt as is the case with the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan with most Jordanians wanting to dissolve that treaty.

The Oslo Accords, a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, has never been normalized and is not a working agreement because the radical Islamists among the Palestinians have no regard for the treaty and in fact are calling for an armed struggle to eliminate the Jewish state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With three different peace agreements between Israel and her neighbors in place the Middle East peace process is in bad shape but it will be rescued according to Bible prophecy.

In 1979, Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David Accords, the first peace treaty that Israel ever signed with an enemy state. The Palestinians and the Israelis also came to an agreement on peace in 1993 with the Oslo Accords. In October of 1994, the late King Hussein of Jordan and the late Yitzhak Rabin prime minister of Israel, both signed a peace treaty between the two nations. What is common with all of these peace agreements is that they never have been normalized. Even the peace envoy for the Quartet, which is the US, EU, UN, and Russia, Tony Blair has not been successful in bringing about peace. However, I must remind you that Bible prophecy does call for a world leader to come on the scene who will be successful in putting a peace treaty in place that he will make work.

Daniel 9:27 says that the Antichrist will confirm a treaty between Israel and her neighbors. I did not say he will sign a treaty, but instead confirm, strengthen, make stronger, make the treaty work. In order for this to happen, there must be a peace treaty or three peace treaties on the table not working. The Antichrist will confirm them.

There are three peace treaties on the table not working, waiting for the Antichrist, a world leader, to appear.

August 12, 2016

Jews around the world are praying for a Temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem within the next year

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Today is Tish B' Av, the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av, the date in history when both the first and second temples were destroyed. Rabbi Yoel Keren in Jerusalem tells us that the Jews mourn over these destructions but also are praying for a Temple to be rebuilt by next year at this time.

Rabbi Yoel Keren: Well that is really the question now. The question is why are we doing this? Has the mourning and the sitting on the floor and the reading Lamentations, has it become a goal in and of itself or are we doing it for a reason, are we doing it to motivate ourselves to get back and find the will of God and seek His will, and seek to be with Him and to do what He wants of us or has we just become used to the mourning and that in itself is the goal? That is the question.

That is what we are trying to get people to realize. The Temple Institute just put out a new video that is a feed of all the people sitting on the floor in the synagogue on the ninth of Av, they are all mourning and the rabbi is up there, he is crying and the children are in a room to the side and one boy stands up and points at a picture of the Temple and starts to talk to the other children and the kids all have these toy tool belts,  they all strap on these tool belts and they all walk out and pull their fathers up off the floor and say come let's go build it! That is the question the Jewish people are beginning to ask themselves. God willing they will come to the right conclusion soon.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

As the Jews pray for the next Temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem, they have already prepared everything for construction to begin on that Temple.

For over 25 years, men who claim to be Jewish priests who will be able to operate the Temple have been studying to do the duties of the next Temple. They have prepared all the implements, they have a red heifer, they know exactly where the Ark of the Covenant is, they are ready to rebuild the Temple as Bible prophecy calls for them to do in Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1,2. These passages of Scripture tell us that there will indeed be a Temple on the Temple Mount in the Tribulation Period, that seven years of judgment yet to come which begins right after the Rapture of the Church.

With everything ready to build the next Temple on the Temple mount in Jerusalem, indeed Bible prophecy is ready to be fulfilled.

August 11, 2016

A supercomputer has predicted and will in the future be able to predict upcoming world conflicts and revolutions

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According to the research at the University of Illinois feeding a supercomputer with millions of news stories, scientists believe they can predict major world events including regional conflicts and even revolutions like the recent revolutions in Libya and Egypt.

Scientists say they liken this forecasting of conflicts to weather forecasting and the system appears to generate better intelligence than the US government is working with today.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A supercomputer that can predict world conflict before the fact may or may not be totally accurate, but there is a way to know the future, that is by reading the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

As scientists feed hundreds of millions of news articles into a supercomputer, they are working on developing a way to foretell the future in the area of world conflict and revolutions. This new research seems to have predicted the uprising in the Arab world, the so-called Arab spring with pretty good accuracy; however, pretty good is not perfect as is the written Word of God and its presentation of the end time scenario for the events of the future.

Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet, in Daniel 11 predicted the rise of Ahazerias, the king of the book of Esther, 57 years before he appeared, Daniel 11:2. He also revealed information about Alexander the Great 200 years before he came to power and 360 years before the fact, Daniel prewrote history about Antiochus Epiphanes who would desecrate the Temple which did happen December 25, 168 BC. Daniel's prophecy, which is prewritten history about the Antichrist found in Daniel 7:8, 9:27, and 11:36-45 will also be fulfilled based on past prophecies being fulfilled. Daniel also wrote of world conflict 2500 years ago which would include Syria, Egypt, and Libya the major Arab nations now on the radar screen, Daniel 11:40-44. 

We must not put our trust in a supercomputer that actually can fail, but instead put our trust in Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled. 

August 10, 2016

A Jewish rabbi in Jerusalem is calling for Jews to stop praying at the Western Wall

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Rabbi Yehuda Glick, of an organization called "The Movement for the Establishment of the Temple", says that the Jewish people have become psychologically connected, over the centuries, to the Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem because the rebuilding of the temple seems like an impossible task. Rabbi Glick says that about 25 years ago Jews started to ascend to the Temple Mount even though it was a very small group but now hundreds are now on a regular basis going up on to the Temple Mount to offer their prayers.  

The rabbi is now calling for Jews to unite and make every effort to go on to this sacred location for every Jew, the Temple Mount, and become focused on the rebuilding of the next temple in Jerusalem.  

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News 

The call by a rabbi in Jerusalem to ascend to the Temple Mount in preparation for the next Jewish temple on this sacred site, is the next step to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.  

Rabbi Yehuda Glick for a number of years directed the efforts of the Temple Institute to prepare for the building of the next Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Temple Institute has all the implements needed to operate the temple including the knowledge of the location of the Ark of the Covenant. All 28,000 priests, to be used in the next temple, have been trained and even their priestly garments are either made or being made right now.  

However, Rabbi Glick now believes it is time to prepare the Jewish people to become accustomed to ascending the Temple Mount, not only for learning and prayer, but to be involved in the Temple practices as well. That's why he says no more prayers at the Western Wall but instead, let's go up on to the Temple Mount.  

God's prophetic Word does say that in the last days the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will return to build the temple on the Temple Mount (Zechariah 1:16, 6:12). That temple built by the Messiah will be His kingdom temple where He reigns for 1000 years. However, before the Messiah's temple is built on the Temple Mount there will be a Tribulation temple (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1).  

Jews ascending onto the Temple Mount today are actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

August 09, 2016

Palestinian officials deny the Koran in order to declare there was never a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem

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For years, the PA leaders have denied Jewish history both in ancient Judea and Samaria and in Jerusalem in particular with historical revisionism centering on the denial that a Jewish Temple ever existed in Jerusalem as they consistently refer to the Temple as the alleged temple.

This Palestinian claim that the temple never existed contradicts the Koran where it mentions in Cirra 17:2-7 the destruction of both the first and second Jewish temples in Jerusalem. The Palestinians accuse Israel of forging a false Jewish history in order to Judaize the Temple Mount so they can destroy al Aqsa Mosque and build a Jewish temple on this holy site.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Palestinian claim that there never was a Jewish temple in Jerusalem is a contradiction of history and archaeological record and it does set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

For years, the propaganda of the Palestinian leadership in Israel has been focused on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the declaration that there has never been a Jewish temple on this holy site sacred to the Jewish people. Palestinian claims of the Jews forging Jewish history for the Temple Mount are in the face of impeccable Jewish and Christian sources, plus these claims go against the archaeological record documented for this area.

In fact, these claims by the Palestinians of no temple in Jerusalem contradict the statements of Jesus Christ who not only taught on the Temple Mount at the temple, but predicted in Matthew 24:2 that the temple would be destroyed as it was in 70AD by the Roman army. These Palestinian statements about the Temple Mount not being Jewish denies their own holy book, the Koran, but also confirms the prophetic scenario for the last days that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Zechariah, the ancient Jewish prophet, revealed the future when he wrote that Jerusalem will be the center of controversy in the end times, Zechariah 12:2. He also wrote of another Jewish temple that will be built there on the temple Mount in Jerusalem by the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Zechariah 6:12.

Palestinian claims aside, Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

August 08, 2016

The social network Facebook is being used to deny the Holocaust ever happened

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The social network Facebook with half a billion members is a microcosm of almost everything society has to offer, both the good and the bad, and Facebook fan pages espousing Holocaust denial abound on the social network appearing in many languages including English, Arabic, German and others.

Both victims and witnesses to the truth of the horrors and hate of the Holocaust are accusing Facebook of encouraging Antisemitism since it is exposing impressionable minds to the big lie propaganda.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Even though the social network Facebook is allowing Holocaust deniers a platform to spread their propaganda that there was no Holocaust, Bible prophecy reveals the reality of another Holocaust yet to come far worse than the last one.

Holocaust deniers have been around for a long time, but now the social network Facebook has made it easier for these revisionists of history to push their propaganda across the world at lightning speed. The ancient Jewish prophets Daniel and Ezekiel have prophecies of a coalition of nations that will come together to eliminate the Jewish people, Daniel 11:40-45 and Ezekiel 38.

The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 83:4 that these people want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and remember her name no more. Zechariah 13:8 foretells of a time in the future when two out of every three Jews will be killed, that will happen during the time of Jacob's Trouble, a time foretold by the prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 30:7. The Apostle John wrote in Revelation 12:7-17 of a time yet future when evil angels will come upon the earth to kill all the Jews in an effort to keep God from keeping all of His unconditional promises to His chosen people.

Facebook, whether willingly or not, is being used by Holocaust deniers to set the stage for the worst Holocaust ever.

August 05, 2016

The Israeli government is considering a bill that if made law would give Israel sovereignty over the Biblical heartland of the Jewish people

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The Israeli Knesset is considering a law that would make Israel sovereign over Judea and Samaria which has been the Jewish heartland since Biblical times, a piece of real estate that Israel liberated from Jordanian occupation during the Six Day War in 1967. The Jewish state has formally declared sovereignty over the eastern section of the city of Jerusalem which includes the Old City and the Temple Mount and the Golan Heights but Judea and Samaria continue to be administered by Israeli military governors. 

Israeli officials believe that declaring sovereignty over the Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria actually creates a historic opportunity for Israel to make right a protracted wrong. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Even though the Israeli government might declare sovereignty over the Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria in this day, the Lord gave the Jews that piece of real estate many centuries ago and had promised them this land forever according to Bible prophecy.

In the 1967 Six Day War the Israeli Defense Force liberated the piece of real estate referred to as the West Bank from the Jordanians and this land, known in Biblical terms as Judea and Samaria, became a part of the Jewish state. However, the area of Judea and Samaria did not come under the sovereignty of the state of Israel but has been administered over these many many years by military governors. Now the Israeli government wants to implement sovereignty over the Biblical heartland of the Jewish people. In essence, that has already happened because God made a promise to the Jewish people and told them they would have this land forever. 

Ezekiel 36 speaks much about the land of the Jewish people. In fact 35 times the prophet refers to the land, a land that will belong to the Jews for one reason: He promised this land to them and Ezekiel 36:22 says that the Lord must keep that promise for His holy namesake. The Land Covenant, a promise between the Lord and the Jews found in Deuteronomy 30, this Land Covenant must be fulfilled or God is not God. Ezekiel 35 reveals the prophecy of the Palestinian people, descendants of Esau, these Palestinians who will come and kill the Jews and take their land, that's the land of Judea and Samaria. 

The Israeli government's sovereignty over Judea and Samaria is an absolute not because of human government, but because of Bible prophecy - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

August 04, 2016

After decades of decline, the number of Jews in the world has increased

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According to the Berman Institute and the Jewish Data Bank, there had been a steady decline for several decades in the worlds Jewish population but the trend has been reversed and an increase has been recorded recently even though it is very so slight in numbers.

The number of Jews outside Israel continued its decline but their number increased inside Israel bringing the total Jewish population in Israel to around 5.7 million, the largest number of Jews in any one location anyplace on earth. Out of a world population numbering around 6.9 billion people there are only about 13 and a half million Jews in our world today which is slightly less that .2% of the world's total population

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

With less than .2% of the world's total population being Jewish, the world's focus is on these unique people who will be the major players in the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.

Out of a world population that numbers 6.9 billion people, the Jewish people and their very small nation in the Middle East has attracted the attention of the world. It seems that daily some world leader is talking about the Jewish state of Israel and what is happening there as it relates to the existence of this young nation among the nations of the world. The Jewish people came into existence 4000 years ago when Abraham became the Father of the Jews and passed that heritage along to his son and grandson Isaac and Jacob.

Though there have been countless attempts to destroy the Jewish people down through the centuries God has protected a people that He calls His chosen people, that is according to Deuteronomy 7:6-8. In fact, God divided humankind on this earth and he set the bounds for them based upon the Jewish people in this world - that's recorded in Deuteronomy 32:8.

Every student of Bible prophecy is aware that God's plan for the end times will happen in order to fulfill the Lord's promises to the Jewish people. Those promises found in the Abrahamic Covenant, (Genesis 15) the Land Covenant, (Deuteronomy 30) the Davidic Covenant, (II Samuel 7) and the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31).

Though the Jewish people are small in numbers in our world today, they will be the major players for the last days. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 03, 2016

A conversation using the Hebrew language in 1891 set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled

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In a Paris cafe in 1881, a group met to have a conversation, a conversation using the Hebrew language and it may have been the first modern conversation in Hebrew in some 2000 years.

Eliezer Ben Yehuda was one of the group speaking in Hebrew and Ben Yehuda would use this conversation to launch an effort to revive the Hebrew language as a spoken language a language that would become the mother tongue of the Israeli people today.

Ben Yehuda would during his lifetime establish an institution which would create new Hebrew words for today's society and give the Jewish people the language of their forefathers that is a spoken language once again in our world.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The revival of the Hebrew language, the mother tongue of Israelis today, is evidence that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.

Eliezer Ben Yehuda, a European Jew in the late 1800's who immigrated to Israel to raise his family would become the man credited with reviving the ancient Hebrew language. For almost 2000 years, Hebrew was not a spoken language with the exception of a few phrases used in religious activities. Ben Yehuda, starting with a conversation with friends in Paris, France developed a modern day usage of the language of the Jewish people for the first 2000 years of their existence.

Modern day Hebrew is made up of Biblical Hebrew which is 80% of modern day Hebrew and 20% of new Hebrew words that have been created over the last 130 years. Ben Yehuda put together the first Hebrew dictionary for modern Hebrew and developed the way to teach the language which is called "Ulpan". This account of how Hebrew was revived for usage today is an evidence of how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled today.

Jeremiah, an ancient Jewish prophet wrote 2500 years ago that when the Jews would return to the land of their forefathers, Jeremiah 31:8-17, the Lord would give them back the language of their forefathers, the language they would use to bless the Lord, Jeremiah 31:23. Another Jewish prophet, Zephaniah, also predicted that the pure language of Hebrew would be revived in the last days, Zephaniah 3:9.

Israelis speaking Hebrew today proves that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

August 02, 2016

There has been new life discovered in the Dead Sea

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It almost seems like a contradiction of terms to read the headline for this story that life, in fact, new life has been discovered in the Dead Sea by a team of Israeli and German scientists and this report comes at a time when the Dead Sea is dangerously low due to evaporation of the salty Dead Sea water.

Deep beneath the sea bed of a body of water long believed incapable of sustaining life, Israeli scientists have found deep fresh water springs and German scientists have discovered microorganisms growing on the sea floor.

While researchers have known for decades that the Dead Sea is a misnomer, the rich variety of life evidenced in the underwater springs and the microorganisms at the bottom of the Dead Sea may lead to new life for this body of water.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Freshwater springs at the bottom of the Dead Sea and newly discovered microorganisms in this body of water set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

For a number of years, I have been reporting on the death of the Dead Sea as this famous body of water has been going down in level almost 3 feet per year. There have been major discoveries that may also be used to save the Dead Sea from death. These underwater springs and even the microorganisms discovered by the marine scientists could well be a lifeline needed for this project.

What is so interesting to a student of Bible prophecy is that two ancient Jewish prophets foretold of freshwater flowing into the Dead Sea and making this body of water, which is ten times saltier than any ocean on earth, a freshwater lake.

Zechariah wrote of what happens after Jesus Christ returns to the earth, how living waters flow from Jerusalem to the former sea in the text which is the Dead Sea, Zechariah 14:8. Ezekiel, in the 47th chapter of his prophecy, wrote of water flowing from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, actually from the Temple itself, down the Kidron Valley, all the way to the Dead Sea, Ezekiel 47:1-8. Verse 8 reveals that the saltwater in the Dead Sea will be healed and the fishermen will dry their fishing nets at Ngedi.

The Dead Sea will indeed be healed.

August 01, 2016

Jordan's King Abdullah says that the Palestinians have the promise of a better future than do the Jewish people of the state of Israel

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In a recent gathering of authors and academics at the royal palace in Jordan, King Abdullah told his guests that Israel's position in the Middle East had deteriorated in the wake of the wave of Arab uprisings, a statement that is in opposition of the Israeli officials who believe that the Arab Spring would serve Israel's interests. Abdullah said that Israel's position is more problematic that it has been in the past and the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians must be resolved or Israel will continue to face major problems. 

King Abdullah rejected any proposal that Jordan was the Palestinian state, he said it was a fantasy plan and the king believes that the Palestinians now have a more secure future than does Israel. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Jordan's King Abdullah believes that the Palestinians have a better future that the Jews which is totally in contradiction to Bible prophecy.

In recent statements to a gathering at the royal palace in Amman, Jordan, King Abdullah told his guests that the fate of the Jewish state of Israel had so deteriorated it seemed to him that the Palestinian people have a promise of a much better future than the Jews. The Jordanian king also termed the idea of Jordan as a Palestinian state as pure fantasy and rejected it outright. Jordan is an Arab state with 70% of its population being Palestinian which has caused problems for the Hashemite Kingdom. In fact there are more and more Israeli political and military leaders calling for Jordan to be the state for the Palestinian people. The Bible is the source of history and prophecy that actually deals with this issue. 

Genesis 25 records the two sons of Isaac and Rebekah who God said would become two states in the last days (Genesis 25:23). Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the book of Jeremiah all reveal the prewritten history that does call for the Edomites, the Palestinians today, to come to prominence in the end of days. The Palestinians, who are Biblical Edomites, these Palestinians say that they will return, rebuild, and regain power. However, the little book of Obadiah says that they will be as if they have never been a people. 

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.