
March 30, 2018

As the Supreme Court considers a California case on abortion we must remember that the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision was based on fake news

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JD: David lets think back a bit and talk about the 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Roe vs Wade and what this has meant over these last 45 years in terms of babies who have actually lost their lives.

DJ: There are millions and millions of untold millions of babies who have lost their lives and we as a free society value life and yet when it comes to those who don’t have a voice that would be the unborn we for some reason as a society seem to be willing to take those lives indiscriminately.

JD: A little over a year ago we had a discussion about the Jane Roe of Roe vs Wade and it was that week that Norma McCorvey died and many probably did not realize some of the surprising facts about this lady and the case itself.

DJ: Of course that was the precedent decision by the Supreme Court. And the fact is in Norma McCorvey actually never had an abortion. What happened was there were a couple of lawyers who were looking to challenge the state of Texas on this matter of abortion. So, they took this 21 year old mother of one and who was also pregnant with a second child and basically they simply used her to set their agenda and to reinforce what they were trying to do to get laws changed. Norma McCorvey never had an abortion she had two children they were given up for adoption. For the last two decades of her life she actually had joined the pro-life battle and spoke out strongly even against the very decision by the Supreme Court that she was involved with.

JD: David James revealing the truth behind the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The issue of abortion has a Biblical significance. The question of when life begins may not be what you think. Some would say it begins at birth others say life begins at conception, both are absolutely wrong according to the Bible. Jeremiah 1:5 God says he chose the prophet Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nations not at his birth nor at his conception but in the mind of God in eternity past that’s the same time that life began for you and me. Remember the Bible says to kill someone is blasphemy against God, Genesis 9:6.

March 29, 2018

The demonization of Vladimir Putin may have been the factor that gave Putin another six years as president of Russia

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JD: The Russian elections I do believe probably lifted up the popularity of Vladimir Putin because they tried to demonize him. What’s you take on that?

JR: Our insight actually from last weeks broadcast was exactly what came to pass. We see that Putin has been re-elected you know overwhelmingly. In 2012 he was elected sixty-three percent of the vote, 2018 was seventy-six percent of the vote so a huge increase. But it appears as we spoke about the spy-poisoning incident or whatever that that was a setup for the west to react strong handedly and it played into a greater turn out and even more popular.

The news media in Russia very clearly demonizes the west and makes the connection objections of the west work towards the interest of the Russian state. Vladimir Putin being in power now for eighteen years as President or Prime Minister has been elected for the next six years. So, we do see as you’ve said that Russia with the alignment of the Middle Eastern nations in particularly Turkey and Iran are helping to set up what we see as a scenario for an emanate invasion of Israel is Ezekiel 38 war. It appears as well even stronger these most recent years because Turkey at one time was not so clear in their alignment but now they’ve become quite vocal in taking lots of action in terms of having dictator principals. So, we do see these things lining up and it appears to be a continuation of the objectives of Russia into these next years. 

JD: John Rood on the details behind the re-election of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Like it or not Vladimir Putin will be President of Russia for six more years. This scenario and the fact that the Russian leader is developing a coalition of nations in the Middle East all with a desire to destroy the Jewish state of Israel is exactly what Bible prophecy calls for that’s found in Ezekiel 38:2-6. This passage mentions Russia, Turkey and Iran the players who are key to the Gog-Magog battle. If indeed the European Union demonization of Putin was a key factor in his re-election it also puts in place the two superpowers for the end times the Revived Roman Empire and the Russian coalition.