
January 30, 2018

President Trump says no Palestinian participation in the peace process means no US funding for the Palestinians

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JD: The President of the United States said, hey look I took the most thorny issue off the table, Jerusalem and now I’m going to take all the money to the Palestinians off the table because they disrespected my Vice President which means they disrespect America. Unless they come back to the negotiating table and get the peace process back in action we’re going to have nothing to do with the Palestinians.

WM: I mean Jimmy the guy is 82 years old. I think over a dozen years in office, no democracy in the Palestinian Authority, still begging for money all around. He’s trying to set Europe against the United States. Mr. Trump is making it very clear to him he’s been giving him chance over the past year. He’s had him over at the White House it’s not as if there’s no connections.

Arabs who represent the Palestinian Authority seem to think they could fly off to Brussels or some other place and be protected by some of the more liberal states than Europe who are floundering Jimmy over the past few years with increasing Islamic immigration, home grown terrorism.  If they think the United States in my opinion anyway is going to respect them for dealing with the Palestinian Authority the way the continue to deal I think they’re in for a big surprise.

JD: And the real peace as both Winkie and I know having read the word of God is only going to come with the Prince of peace as it says in Isaiah comes to set up his kingdom we’re waiting for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. But until then this activity, right Winkie?  

WM: Absolutely, it’s been shown over the past century that this is the direction in which it’s happening. History is marching towards what we know has been prophesied in the Bible.

JD: Winkie Medad with the details on the Palestinian participation in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

US Presidents have failed in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Now President Trump has taken the main issue off the table that’s the issue of the city of Jerusalem. That decision by President Trump caused the Palestinians to want America out of the peace process and the European Union to lead the negotiations.

King Abdullah in Jordan says that the United States must be involved. President Trump says that the Palestinians must come to the table or all American funding will stop. This debate will continue until the antichrist appears to bring about a peace how be it a short lived sudo peace to the table, that’s Daniel 9:27. The stage is set for that prophecy to be fulfilled.