
March 17, 2021

The Saudi Arabians reject any Islamic claim to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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JD: Saudi Arabia is saying that they are actually rejecting the claim to the Temple Mount. Can you give us more detail about this story?

WM: Up until 1924 they were the ruling family in what we now known as Saudi Arabia and were the custodians of Mecca and Madina the first two holy sites for the Islamic religion. Israel signed the Peace Treaty in 1994 granted special relationship to the Temple Mount without really defining it, the religious Islamic trust on the Temple Mount which is known as the Waqf. 

JD: The argument is all about the Saudi's wanting to make certain the Islamic world in their daily prayers focus on Mecca. Is that pretty much on target?

WM: Very much so Jimmy. In addition there has always been a centuries old argument about where that furthest mosque in the Quran happens to be. Where the Muhammad went to it doesn't say. So there are many Islamic scholars who claim that its not in Jerusalem at all.

JD: As I hear you telling us what is going on I think that its very interesting that the Saudi's reject any Islamic claim to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and I think I read something that said they were encouraging the Jews to go ahead and build a Temple up there. 

WM: Well I'm not quite sure Jimmy whether that is an official Saudi Arabian policy or it maybe some individuals are trying to move that in what we call social media platforming. Or maybe Saudi's are sending them out as a chess to try the water and see what's going on. It's a very interesting development on the Temple Mount.

JD: Winkie Medad explaining that Saudi Arabia rejects any Islamic connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The fact that Saudi Arabia rejects any Islamic connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem opens the way for the Jews to move forward in building their Temple on the Temple Mount. That is exactly what the ancient Jewish prophets reveal. Zechariah 6:12, Ezekiel 40-46, and II Samuel 7:10-18. With all preparations in place the Jews could start construction of their next Temple in the next few days.