
July 06, 2021

The Palestinians and the Jordanians are fighting God for control of the Jewish State

Listen to Today's Program Play

JD: Israeli President Rivlin had a meeting with Mahmoud Abbas the President of the Palestinian Authority. He made a very interesting statement, Rivlin saying to Abbas Israel will exist forever.

DD: It's something that pretty much again all Israeli leaders have said. One of the oldest nations on earth after all. We're not talking about something that was just created out of thin air in 1948. It was the Jewish people scattered from their ancient homeland going back to that homeland and re-establishing a state. Abbas and the others that are fighting against that are in essence fighting against God ultimately because of course the Bible says that this would predict it foretold that the Jews would return and rebuild their cities including in Judea and Samaria by the way, that's in Ezekiel 36. So whether the Palestinians can accept that or not its happened and it will continue to happen. And by the way Jimmy Abbas flew to Jordan this week also to meet in an unannounced meeting with King Abdullah to discuss the peace process. 

JD: And that was a key conversation between those two was it not? Jordan's King Abdullah very much concerned with what happens with the Palestinians there in Israel isn't he?

DD: Well and Jimmy the Jordanians have always, the Hashemite government, King Hussein the late father of King Abdullah have always been moderating forces on the Palestinians and on other Arabs in the region. They've always had a pro-West view. The Israeli's are glad Jordan is there. In fact Naftali Bennett the Prime Minister has just announced that Israel will be selling Jordan 50 million cubic meters of water over the next year and they desperately need water. It's such a dry situation so that will help to strengthen ties between Jordan and Israel which as we talked about over the past few months have been strained at times.

JD: David Dolan reporting that the Palestinians and the Jordanians are fighting a battle with God for the Jewish state of Israel. 

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

God's words says that the Jewish state of Israel is an eternal state, that's Jeremiah 31. In fact that promise of an eternal nation of Israel will not cease unless the sun, the moon, and the stars can depart from the heavenlies, that's Jeremiah chapters 31:35-36. Add to Jeremiah's promise the Davidic Covenant, II Samuel 7:23-24 and God's promise of a nation of Jewish people forever is an absolute.